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Posted to by OpenWhisk Team Slack <> on 2020/08/27 12:26:21 UTC

[slack-digest] [2020-08-26] #general

2020-08-26 01:46:39 UTC - Matt Welke: Following the Kubernetes install instructions on GitHub, for GKE, and having some trouble deploying an action after setting up the `wsk` CLI to test it. I get the error:

```error: Unable to create action 'hello': Put <https://REDACTED:443/api/v1/namespaces/_/actions/hello?overwrite=false>: dial tcp REDACTED:443: connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Run 'wsk --help' for usage.```
I think this might be because I didn't set up my Ingress properly. I do see the following:
```kubectl get ingress -n openwhisk
NAME            HOSTS                     ADDRESS   PORTS     AGE
owdev-ingress   REDACTED                            80, 443   37m```
Notice how there's no ADDRESS.

I followed the instructions to set up the Ingress at <> since I chose to use GKE. GCP's docs state I can use a regional static IP or global static IP, and since I don't plan to use a global HTTPS load balancer, I chose regional IP. I then set an A record from `openwhisk.&lt;a_domain_i_own&gt;` to that IP, and replaced &lt;domain&gt; in the GitHub instructions with `openwhisk.&lt;a_domain_i_own&gt;`. The examples in the GCP docs for static IPs appear specific to deploying a deployment, not setting up OpenWhisk, so I ignored those and went back to the OpenWhisk instructions at that point, and ran the helm command to deploy it.

I noticed that when replacing &lt;domain&gt;, &lt;tlscrt&gt;, and &lt;tlskey&gt; in mycluster.yaml, there doesn't seem to be a spot to enter in my static IP in. Is there something missing in the docs to show how to associate the Ingress with the external static IP GCP assigns you? Or, am I missing something else here? Firewall rules, the wrong type of Ingress, the wrong type of static IP, etc?
2020-08-26 04:24:43 UTC - Dominic Kim: FYI, I deployed openwhisk with docker-compose and faced this error.
[2020-08-26T03:56:25.880Z] [ERROR] [#tid_3cwdqDGtK7fb2Vs3JfLnY2dDVbyxNgp2] [] [BasicAuthenticationDirective] authentication error: org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.QueryException: Unexpected http response code: 404 Not Found (details: {"error":"not_found","reason":"Database does not exist."}
[2020-08-26T03:56:25.885Z] [ERROR] Error during processing of request: 'Unexpected http response code: 404 Not Found (details: {"error":"not_found","reason":"Database does not exist."}
)'. Completing with 500 Internal Server Error response. To change default exception handling behavior, provide a custom ExceptionHandler.
org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.QueryException: Unexpected http response code: 404 Not Found (details: {"error":"not_found","reason":"Database does not exist."}
        at org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.CouchDbRestStore.$anonfun$query$5(CouchDbRestStore.scala:313)
        at org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.CouchDbRestStore$$Lambda$2295/000000000001BE10.apply(Unknown Source)
        at scala.util.Success.$anonfun$map$1(Try.scala:255)
        at scala.concurrent.Future.$anonfun$map$1(Future.scala:292)
        at scala.concurrent.Future$$Lambda$370/00000000C01650D0.apply(Unknown Source)
        at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.liftedTree1$1(Promise.scala:33)
        at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.$anonfun$transform$1(Promise.scala:33)
        at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$$Lambda$286/000000007170BF90.apply(Unknown Source)
        at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$AbstractBatch.processBatch(BatchingExecutor.scala:55)
        at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$BlockableBatch.$anonfun$run$1(BatchingExecutor.scala:92)
        at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$BlockableBatch$$Lambda$377/00000000CC02AB10.apply$mcV$sp(Unknown Source)
        at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$
        at scala.concurrent.BlockContext$.withBlockContext(BlockContext.scala:85)
        at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
        at java.base/```
I am looking into it.
2020-08-26 04:59:10 UTC - Shubham Gupta: Which command produced this error ? Are you getting this error while executing 'make quick-start' ?
2020-08-26 05:00:10 UTC - Dominic Kim: It was becuase of the configuratiaon issue, I could fix it now.
2020-08-26 05:00:21 UTC - Dominic Kim: And when I hit `wsk list` , it came out.
2020-08-26 05:11:52 UTC - Dominic Kim: hm..
2020-08-26 05:12:08 UTC - Dominic Kim: I could setup openwhisk with docker-compose and invoke an action.
2020-08-26 05:12:14 UTC - Dominic Kim: ```$ wsk action invoke hello -i -r
    "payload": "Hello, World in Naver!"
2020-08-26 05:12:24 UTC - Shubham Gupta: Cool
2020-08-26 05:12:43 UTC - Dominic Kim: I also noticed that it invokes one action and create an API as well while setting it up.
2020-08-26 05:12:55 UTC - Dominic Kim: ```creating the hello.js function ...
invoking the hello-world function ...
adding the function to whisk ...
ok: created action hello
invoking the function ...
invocation result: { "payload": "Hello, World!" }
{ "payload": "Hello, World!" }
creating an API from the hello function ...
ok: updated action hello
invoking:  <>
  "payload": "Hello, World!"
ok: APIs
Action          Verb  API Name  URL
/guest/hello     get    /hello  <>
deleting the API ...
ok: deleted API /hello
deleting the function ...
ok: deleted action hello
To invoke the function again use: make hello-world
To stop OpenWhisk use: make destroy
To use the wsk CLI: export WSK_CONFIG_FILE=/home1/irteamsu/openwhisk-devtools/docker-compose/.wskprops
                    or copy the file to /home1/irteamsu/.wskprops```
2020-08-26 05:13:13 UTC - Dominic Kim: So if you did not face something like this, the setup is not finished well.
2020-08-26 05:13:40 UTC - Dominic Kim: It would be great to share your deployment logs.
2020-08-26 05:26:29 UTC - Shubham Gupta: I have also faced these logs when i was setting up openwhisk-devtools. but now when i need to restart all components i simply use `make stop`  `make destroy`  `make run` . These three steps work for me.
2020-08-26 05:26:54 UTC - Dominic Kim: oh ok so are you able to run actions now?
2020-08-26 05:29:54 UTC - Shubham Gupta: No, When i restarted ow then it works fine for 50-60 actions per minute but after some times (1-2 hr) it starts creating problem like no invokers available.
2020-08-26 05:30:36 UTC - Dominic Kim: And it has never returned back to normal status even without any invocation?
2020-08-26 05:30:51 UTC - Shubham Gupta: nope until i restart ow again
2020-08-26 05:31:00 UTC - Dominic Kim: hm..
2020-08-26 05:31:09 UTC - Shubham Gupta: it does not come back
2020-08-26 05:31:30 UTC - Dominic Kim: Could you share how did you invoke them so that I can reproduce it in my env?
2020-08-26 05:32:06 UTC - Shubham Gupta: and at that time when controller giving No invokers error. if i run `wsk -i api list` or i invoke any action it says `The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance)`
2020-08-26 05:35:49 UTC - Shubham Gupta: I'm invoking these actions using triggers. I created triggers using openwhisk-package-alarm which fire triggers at a specific frequency in my case it is per minute.
2020-08-26 05:36:24 UTC - Dominic Kim: And you link the trigger with 50~60 different actions?
2020-08-26 05:36:31 UTC - Dominic Kim: Or you create 50~60 triggers?
2020-08-26 05:38:08 UTC - Dominic Kim: With the assumption that you did not change any memory configure for actions, it would use 256MB and you can invoke at most 16 parallel activations with 4096 MB `userMemory`.
2020-08-26 05:38:40 UTC - Dominic Kim: Once any activations are over, the next activations will occupy containers.
2020-08-26 05:39:17 UTC - Shubham Gupta: I am using 40GB userMemory
2020-08-26 05:39:20 UTC - Dominic Kim: So some actions' waitTime might be increased based on the duration of actions.
2020-08-26 05:39:27 UTC - Dominic Kim: oh ok
2020-08-26 05:39:39 UTC - Dominic Kim: 40GB with 1 invoker?
2020-08-26 05:40:20 UTC - Shubham Gupta: 6 triggers
2020-08-26 05:40:27 UTC - Shubham Gupta: the action which i bind with trigger is invoking these actions using invoke action api with blocking true and result true flag
2020-08-26 05:41:13 UTC - Dominic Kim: So you bind 6 actions with 6 triggers and each action invoke another 10 actions each?
2020-08-26 05:41:38 UTC - Shubham Gupta: yes
2020-08-26 05:41:53 UTC - Dominic Kim: I am suspicious if it worked and suddenly stopped working, there might be some logs in the invoker.
2020-08-26 05:42:17 UTC - Dominic Kim: Before/after it became unhealthy.
2020-08-26 05:43:53 UTC - Dominic Kim: And how much time your actions run for?
2020-08-26 05:45:09 UTC - Shubham Gupta: the action which is invoking other actions is taking around 3min and actions which are executing from another action are taking some seconds.
2020-08-26 05:48:06 UTC - Dominic Kim: hm.. I think I need more details to reproduce it.
2020-08-26 05:48:38 UTC - Dominic Kim: I feel the dummy actions would not reproduce the issue.
2020-08-26 05:49:30 UTC - Dominic Kim: Could you check once if there is no other error logs in invoker or controller side?
2020-08-26 05:49:40 UTC - Dominic Kim: I initially thought you could not invoke any action at all.
2020-08-26 05:49:56 UTC - Dominic Kim: But if it was working but suddenly the thing is changed, I think there must be some clues.
2020-08-26 06:08:39 UTC - Dominic Kim: No any errors in invoker side?
2020-08-26 06:29:14 UTC - Shubham Gupta: No. Can you help me to increase invokers ? I think if i have more than one invoker then it should work fine because if one invoker becomes unresponsive then the other one will start processing the actions.
2020-08-26 06:29:49 UTC - Shubham Gupta: it would be great if you could help me to increase invokers.
2020-08-26 06:33:39 UTC - Dominic Kim: hm.. I am looking through the makefile, but it seems it's not designed for multiple invokers.
2020-08-26 06:33:49 UTC - Dominic Kim: How about deploying it with ansible?
2020-08-26 06:34:05 UTC - Dominic Kim: Since it's for quick-start, I suppose there would be some limitation.
2020-08-26 06:37:22 UTC - Shubham Gupta: I want multiple invokers with devtools.
2020-08-26 06:38:09 UTC - Shubham Gupta: i have come far away with this devtools and cannot start again with other deployments
2020-08-26 06:39:17 UTC - Dominic Kim: But as you can see here: <>
Invoker name is hardcoded and it assumes only one invoker running.
2020-08-26 06:41:47 UTC - Shubham Gupta: hmm
2020-08-26 06:59:02 UTC - Dominic Kim: Please try adding these in your `docker-compose.yml` file after the `invoke:`  section.
```  invoker1:
    image: ${DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX:-openwhisk}/invoker:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG:-latest}
    command: /bin/sh -c "exec / --id 1 &gt;&gt; /logs/invoker-local_logs.log 2&gt;&amp;1"
    privileged: true
    pid: "host"
    userns_mode: "host"
      - db:db.docker
      - kafka:kafka.docker
      - zookeeper:zookeeper.docker
      - db
      - kafka
      - ./docker-whisk-controller.env # env vars shared
      - ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env     # generated during make setup
      COMPONENT_NAME: invoker
      SERVICE_NAME: invoker1
      PORT: 8095

      KAFKA_HOSTS: kafka.docker:9092
      ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS: zookeeper.docker:2181

      CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_provider: CouchDB
      CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_protocol: http
      CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_port: 5984
      CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_host: db.docker
      CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_username: whisk_admin
      CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_password: some_passw0rd


      CONFIG_whisk_containerFactory_containerArgs_network: openwhisk_default

      - ~/tmp/openwhisk/invoker1/logs:/logs
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /var/lib/docker/containers:/containers
      - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup
      - "8095:8095"
      - "9334:9222"```
2020-08-26 06:59:23 UTC - Dominic Kim: I could run two invokers up.
```$ curl localhost:8888/invokers
2020-08-26 06:59:54 UTC - Dominic Kim: But anyway there can be more limitations in the quick-start setup. so I recommend using the ansible deployment.
2020-08-26 07:07:07 UTC - Shubham Gupta: thanks @Dominic Kim
+1 : Dominic Kim
2020-08-26 07:07:43 UTC - Shubham Gupta: i will try again after adding these in docker-compose.yml
2020-08-26 17:14:59 UTC - Brendan Doyle: I'm having trouble being able to restart builds in travis. I thought I would be able to once I became a committer / contributor, but still don't seem to be able to. Does anyone know what I need to do to gain that access?
2020-08-26 18:05:27 UTC - Shubham Gupta: thank you very much @Dominic Kim.
Now i have two invokers running.
tada : Dominic Kim
2020-08-26 18:14:38 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: do you see these circles at the end of each build?
2020-08-26 18:14:56 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: if not, suggest logout/login back into travis
2020-08-26 18:15:20 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: restarted 3 of the 4 stages for you
left one in case you want to check
2020-08-26 18:17:00 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: :tada:
2020-08-26 18:22:01 UTC - Brendan Doyle: yea still don't get the restart icons
2020-08-26 18:41:24 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Dave confirmed it’s only available to project committers
2020-08-26 18:41:28 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: i restarted the jobs for you
2020-08-26 18:41:39 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: you can close/reopen a pr to kick travis
2020-08-26 18:45:36 UTC - Brendan Doyle: ah didn't know that thanks that's very helpful
2020-08-26 19:10:45 UTC - Matt Welke: A question that someone might be able to help me with quickly... Are the cloud-specific k8s tutorials written in a way that expects the reader to have a deep knowledge of Ingress and Services, and do they leave the Service part out, assuming the reader knows how to get traffic into the cluster?
2020-08-26 22:53:12 UTC - Lixiang Ao: has anyone seen a build failure like this:
```Installing collected packages: MarkupSafe, jinja2, PyYAML, pycparser, cffi, pynacl, bcrypt, paramiko, ansible
ERROR: After October 2020 you may experience errors when installing or updating packages. This is because pip will change the way that
it resolves dependency conflicts.

We recommend you use --use-feature=2020-resolver to test your packages with the new resolver before it becomes the default.

paramiko 2.7.1 requires cryptography&gt;=2.5, but you'll have cryptography 2.1.4 which is incompatible.```
2020-08-26 22:54:48 UTC - Lixiang Ao: Task is :tools:ow-utils:distDocker
2020-08-26 23:04:21 UTC - Lixiang Ao: already solved by <>…nvm
+1 : Rodric Rabbah