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[04/35] ambari git commit: AMBARI-21330.Remove slider view from Ambari-3.0.0(Venkata Sairam)
diff --git a/contrib/views/slider/src/main/resources/ui/vendor/scripts/production/ember.js b/contrib/views/slider/src/main/resources/ui/vendor/scripts/production/ember.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 043755d..0000000
--- a/contrib/views/slider/src/main/resources/ui/vendor/scripts/production/ember.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41620 +0,0 @@
- * @overview  Ember - JavaScript Application Framework
- * @copyright Copyright 2011-2014 Tilde Inc. and contributors
- *            Portions Copyright 2006-2011 Strobe Inc.
- *            Portions Copyright 2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * @license   Licensed under MIT license
- *            See
- * @version   1.5.1+pre.ff8c6bbb
- */
-(function() {
-var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;
-(function() {
-  var registry = {}, seen = {};
-  define = function(name, deps, callback) {
-    registry[name] = { deps: deps, callback: callback };
-  };
-  requirejs = require = requireModule = function(name) {
-  requirejs._eak_seen = registry;
-    if (seen[name]) { return seen[name]; }
-    seen[name] = {};
-    if (!registry[name]) {
-      throw new Error("Could not find module " + name);
-    }
-    var mod = registry[name],
-        deps = mod.deps,
-        callback = mod.callback,
-        reified = [],
-        exports;
-    for (var i=0, l=deps.length; i<l; i++) {
-      if (deps[i] === 'exports') {
-        reified.push(exports = {});
-      } else {
-        reified.push(requireModule(resolve(deps[i])));
-      }
-    }
-    var value = callback.apply(this, reified);
-    return seen[name] = exports || value;
-    function resolve(child) {
-      if (child.charAt(0) !== '.') { return child; }
-      var parts = child.split("/");
-      var parentBase = name.split("/").slice(0, -1);
-      for (var i=0, l=parts.length; i<l; i++) {
-        var part = parts[i];
-        if (part === '..') { parentBase.pop(); }
-        else if (part === '.') { continue; }
-        else { parentBase.push(part); }
-      }
-      return parentBase.join("/");
-    }
-  };
-(function() {
-/*globals Em:true ENV EmberENV MetamorphENV:true */
-@module ember
-@submodule ember-metal
-  All Ember methods and functions are defined inside of this namespace. You
-  generally should not add new properties to this namespace as it may be
-  overwritten by future versions of Ember.
-  You can also use the shorthand `Em` instead of `Ember`.
-  Ember-Runtime is a framework that provides core functions for Ember including
-  cross-platform functions, support for property observing and objects. Its
-  focus is on small size and performance. You can use this in place of or
-  along-side other cross-platform libraries such as jQuery.
-  The core Runtime framework is based on the jQuery API with a number of
-  performance optimizations.
-  @class Ember
-  @static
-  @version 1.5.1+pre.ff8c6bbb
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember) {
-  // Create core object. Make it act like an instance of Ember.Namespace so that
-  // objects assigned to it are given a sane string representation.
-  Ember = {};
-// Default imports, exports and lookup to the global object;
-var imports = Ember.imports = Ember.imports || this;
-var exports = Ember.exports = Ember.exports || this;
-var lookup  = Ember.lookup  = Ember.lookup  || this;
-// aliases needed to keep minifiers from removing the global context
-exports.Em = exports.Ember = Em = Ember;
-// Make sure these are set whether Ember was already defined or not
-Ember.isNamespace = true;
-Ember.toString = function() { return "Ember"; };
-  @property VERSION
-  @type String
-  @default '1.5.1+pre.ff8c6bbb'
-  @static
-Ember.VERSION = '1.5.1+pre.ff8c6bbb';
-  Standard environmental variables. You can define these in a global `EmberENV`
-  variable before loading Ember to control various configuration settings.
-  For backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Ember the global `ENV`
-  variable will be used if `EmberENV` is not defined.
-  @property ENV
-  @type Hash
-// This needs to be kept in sync with the logic in
-// `packages/ember-debug/lib/main.js`.
-if (Ember.ENV) {
-  // do nothing if Ember.ENV is already setup
-} else if ('undefined' !== typeof EmberENV) {
-  Ember.ENV = EmberENV;
-} else if('undefined' !== typeof ENV) {
-  Ember.ENV = ENV;
-} else {
-  Ember.ENV = {};
-Ember.config = Ember.config || {};
-// We disable the RANGE API by default for performance reasons
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.ENV.DISABLE_RANGE_API) {
-  Ember.ENV.DISABLE_RANGE_API = true;
-if ("undefined" === typeof MetamorphENV) {
-  exports.MetamorphENV = {};
-  Hash of enabled Canary features. Add to before creating your application.
-  You can also define `ENV.FEATURES` if you need to enable features flagged at runtime.
-  @property FEATURES
-  @type Hash
-Ember.FEATURES = Ember.ENV.FEATURES || {};
-  Test that a feature is enabled. Parsed by Ember's build tools to leave
-  experimental features out of beta/stable builds.
-  You can define the following configuration options:
-  * `ENV.ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES` - force all features to be enabled.
-  * `ENV.ENABLE_OPTIONAL_FEATURES` - enable any features that have not been explicitly
-    enabled/disabled.
-  @method isEnabled
-  @param {string} feature
-Ember.FEATURES.isEnabled = function(feature) {
-  var featureValue = Ember.FEATURES[feature];
-    return true;
-  } else if (featureValue === true || featureValue === false || featureValue === undefined) {
-    return featureValue;
-    return true;
-  } else {
-    return false;
-  }
-// ..........................................................
-  Determines whether Ember should enhances some built-in object prototypes to
-  provide a more friendly API. If enabled, a few methods will be added to
-  `Function`, `String`, and `Array`. `Object.prototype` will not be enhanced,
-  which is the one that causes most trouble for people.
-  In general we recommend leaving this option set to true since it rarely
-  conflicts with other code. If you need to turn it off however, you can
-  define an `ENV.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` config to disable it.
-  @type Boolean
-  @default true
-if (typeof Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === 'undefined') {
-  Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES = true;
-  Determines whether Ember logs a full stack trace during deprecation warnings
-  @type Boolean
-  @default true
-  Determines whether Ember should add ECMAScript 5 shims to older browsers.
-  @property SHIM_ES5
-  @type Boolean
-  @default Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES
-Ember.SHIM_ES5 = (Ember.ENV.SHIM_ES5 === false) ? false : Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES;
-  Determines whether Ember logs info about version of used libraries
-  @property LOG_VERSION
-  @type Boolean
-  @default true
-Ember.LOG_VERSION = (Ember.ENV.LOG_VERSION === false) ? false : true;
-  Empty function. Useful for some operations. Always returns `this`.
-  @method K
-  @private
-  @return {Object}
-Ember.K = function() { return this; };
-// Stub out the methods defined by the ember-debug package in case it's not loaded
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.assert) { Ember.assert = Ember.K; }
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.warn) { Ember.warn = Ember.K; }
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.debug) { Ember.debug = Ember.K; }
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.runInDebug) { Ember.runInDebug = Ember.K; }
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.deprecate) { Ember.deprecate = Ember.K; }
-if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.deprecateFunc) {
-  Ember.deprecateFunc = function(_, func) { return func; };
-  Previously we used `Ember.$.uuid`, however `$.uuid` has been removed from
-  jQuery master. We'll just bootstrap our own uuid now.
-  @property uuid
-  @type Number
-  @private
-Ember.uuid = 0;
-  Merge the contents of two objects together into the first object.
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.merge({first: 'Tom'}, {last: 'Dale'}); // {first: 'Tom', last: 'Dale'}
-  var a = {first: 'Yehuda'}, b = {last: 'Katz'};
-  Ember.merge(a, b); // a == {first: 'Yehuda', last: 'Katz'}, b == {last: 'Katz'}
-  ```
-  @method merge
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} original The object to merge into
-  @param {Object} updates The object to copy properties from
-  @return {Object}
-Ember.merge = function(original, updates) {
-  for (var prop in updates) {
-    if (!updates.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
-    original[prop] = updates[prop];
-  }
-  return original;
-  Returns true if the passed value is null or undefined. This avoids errors
-  from JSLint complaining about use of ==, which can be technically
-  confusing.
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.isNone();              // true
-  Ember.isNone(null);          // true
-  Ember.isNone(undefined);     // true
-  Ember.isNone('');            // false
-  Ember.isNone([]);            // false
-  Ember.isNone(function() {});  // false
-  ```
-  @method isNone
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj Value to test
-  @return {Boolean}
-Ember.isNone = function(obj) {
-  return obj === null || obj === undefined;
-Ember.none = Ember.deprecateFunc("Ember.none is deprecated. Please use Ember.isNone instead.", Ember.isNone);
-  Verifies that a value is `null` or an empty string, empty array,
-  or empty function.
-  Constrains the rules on `Ember.isNone` by returning false for empty
-  string and empty arrays.
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.isEmpty();                // true
-  Ember.isEmpty(null);            // true
-  Ember.isEmpty(undefined);       // true
-  Ember.isEmpty('');              // true
-  Ember.isEmpty([]);              // true
-  Ember.isEmpty('Adam Hawkins');  // false
-  Ember.isEmpty([0,1,2]);         // false
-  ```
-  @method isEmpty
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj Value to test
-  @return {Boolean}
-Ember.isEmpty = function(obj) {
-  return Ember.isNone(obj) || (obj.length === 0 && typeof obj !== 'function') || (typeof obj === 'object' && Ember.get(obj, 'length') === 0);
-Ember.empty = Ember.deprecateFunc("Ember.empty is deprecated. Please use Ember.isEmpty instead.", Ember.isEmpty);
-  /**
-    A value is blank if it is empty or a whitespace string.
-    ```javascript
-    Ember.isBlank();                // true
-    Ember.isBlank(null);            // true
-    Ember.isBlank(undefined);       // true
-    Ember.isBlank('');              // true
-    Ember.isBlank([]);              // true
-    Ember.isBlank('\n\t');          // true
-    Ember.isBlank('  ');            // true
-    Ember.isBlank({});              // false
-    Ember.isBlank('\n\t Hello');    // false
-    Ember.isBlank('Hello world');   // false
-    Ember.isBlank([1,2,3]);         // false
-    ```
-    @method isBlank
-    @for Ember
-    @param {Object} obj Value to test
-    @return {Boolean}
-  */
-  Ember.isBlank = function(obj) {
-    return Ember.isEmpty(obj) || (typeof obj === 'string' && obj.match(/\S/) === null);
-  };
-(function() {
-/*globals Node */
-@module ember-metal
-  Platform specific methods and feature detectors needed by the framework.
-  @class platform
-  @namespace Ember
-  @static
-var platform = Ember.platform = {};
-  Identical to `Object.create()`. Implements if not available natively.
-  @method create
-  @for Ember
-Ember.create = Object.create;
-// IE8 has Object.create but it couldn't treat property descriptors.
-if (Ember.create) {
-  if (Ember.create({a: 1}, {a: {value: 2}}).a !== 2) {
-    Ember.create = null;
-  }
-// STUB_OBJECT_CREATE allows us to override other libraries that stub
-// Object.create different than we would prefer
-if (!Ember.create || Ember.ENV.STUB_OBJECT_CREATE) {
-  var K = function() {};
-  Ember.create = function(obj, props) {
-    K.prototype = obj;
-    obj = new K();
-    if (props) {
-      K.prototype = obj;
-      for (var prop in props) {
-        K.prototype[prop] = props[prop].value;
-      }
-      obj = new K();
-    }
-    K.prototype = null;
-    return obj;
-  };
-  Ember.create.isSimulated = true;
-var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
-var canRedefineProperties, canDefinePropertyOnDOM;
-// Catch IE8 where Object.defineProperty exists but only works on DOM elements
-if (defineProperty) {
-  try {
-    defineProperty({}, 'a',{get:function() {}});
-  } catch (e) {
-    defineProperty = null;
-  }
-if (defineProperty) {
-  // Detects a bug in Android <3.2 where you cannot redefine a property using
-  // Object.defineProperty once accessors have already been set.
-  canRedefineProperties = (function() {
-    var obj = {};
-    defineProperty(obj, 'a', {
-      configurable: true,
-      enumerable: true,
-      get: function() { },
-      set: function() { }
-    });
-    defineProperty(obj, 'a', {
-      configurable: true,
-      enumerable: true,
-      writable: true,
-      value: true
-    });
-    return obj.a === true;
-  })();
-  // This is for Safari 5.0, which supports Object.defineProperty, but not
-  // on DOM nodes.
-  canDefinePropertyOnDOM = (function() {
-    try {
-      defineProperty(document.createElement('div'), 'definePropertyOnDOM', {});
-      return true;
-    } catch(e) { }
-    return false;
-  })();
-  if (!canRedefineProperties) {
-    defineProperty = null;
-  } else if (!canDefinePropertyOnDOM) {
-    defineProperty = function(obj, keyName, desc) {
-      var isNode;
-      if (typeof Node === "object") {
-        isNode = obj instanceof Node;
-      } else {
-        isNode = typeof obj === "object" && typeof obj.nodeType === "number" && typeof obj.nodeName === "string";
-      }
-      if (isNode) {
-        // TODO: Should we have a warning here?
-        return (obj[keyName] = desc.value);
-      } else {
-        return Object.defineProperty(obj, keyName, desc);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-@class platform
-@namespace Ember
-  Identical to `Object.defineProperty()`. Implements as much functionality
-  as possible if not available natively.
-  @method defineProperty
-  @param {Object} obj The object to modify
-  @param {String} keyName property name to modify
-  @param {Object} desc descriptor hash
-  @return {void}
-platform.defineProperty = defineProperty;
-  Set to true if the platform supports native getters and setters.
-  @property hasPropertyAccessors
-  @final
-platform.hasPropertyAccessors = true;
-if (!platform.defineProperty) {
-  platform.hasPropertyAccessors = false;
-  platform.defineProperty = function(obj, keyName, desc) {
-    if (!desc.get) { obj[keyName] = desc.value; }
-  };
-  platform.defineProperty.isSimulated = true;
-if (Ember.ENV.MANDATORY_SETTER && !platform.hasPropertyAccessors) {
-  Ember.ENV.MANDATORY_SETTER = false;
-(function() {
-/*jshint newcap:false*/
-@module ember-metal
-// NOTE: There is a bug in jshint that doesn't recognize `Object()` without `new`
-// as being ok unless both `newcap:false` and not `use strict`.
-// Testing this is not ideal, but we want to use native functions
-// if available, but not to use versions created by libraries like Prototype
-var isNativeFunc = function(func) {
-  // This should probably work in all browsers likely to have ES5 array methods
-  return func &&'[native code]') > -1;
-// From:
-var arrayMap = isNativeFunc( ? : function(fun /*, thisp */) {
-  //"use strict";
-  if (this === void 0 || this === null) {
-    throw new TypeError();
-  }
-  var t = Object(this);
-  var len = t.length >>> 0;
-  if (typeof fun !== "function") {
-    throw new TypeError();
-  }
-  var res = new Array(len);
-  var thisp = arguments[1];
-  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    if (i in t) {
-      res[i] =, t[i], i, t);
-    }
-  }
-  return res;
-// From:
-var arrayForEach = isNativeFunc(Array.prototype.forEach) ? Array.prototype.forEach : function(fun /*, thisp */) {
-  //"use strict";
-  if (this === void 0 || this === null) {
-    throw new TypeError();
-  }
-  var t = Object(this);
-  var len = t.length >>> 0;
-  if (typeof fun !== "function") {
-    throw new TypeError();
-  }
-  var thisp = arguments[1];
-  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    if (i in t) {
-, t[i], i, t);
-    }
-  }
-var arrayIndexOf = isNativeFunc(Array.prototype.indexOf) ? Array.prototype.indexOf : function (obj, fromIndex) {
-  if (fromIndex === null || fromIndex === undefined) { fromIndex = 0; }
-  else if (fromIndex < 0) { fromIndex = Math.max(0, this.length + fromIndex); }
-  for (var i = fromIndex, j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
-    if (this[i] === obj) { return i; }
-  }
-  return -1;
-var arrayFilter = isNativeFunc(Array.prototype.filter) ? Array.prototype.filter : function (fn, context) {
-  var i,
-  value,
-  result = [],
-  length = this.length;
-  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-    if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-      value = this[i];
-      if (, value, i, this)) {
-        result.push(value);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-  Array polyfills to support ES5 features in older browsers.
-  @namespace Ember
-  @property ArrayPolyfills
-Ember.ArrayPolyfills = {
-  map: arrayMap,
-  forEach: arrayForEach,
-  filter: arrayFilter,
-  indexOf: arrayIndexOf
-if (Ember.SHIM_ES5) {
-  if (! {
- = arrayMap;
-  }
-  if (!Array.prototype.forEach) {
-    Array.prototype.forEach = arrayForEach;
-  }
-  if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
-    Array.prototype.filter = arrayFilter;
-  }
-  if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
-    Array.prototype.indexOf = arrayIndexOf;
-  }
-(function() {
-var errorProps = ['description', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'message', 'name', 'number', 'stack'];
-  A subclass of the JavaScript Error object for use in Ember.
-  @class Error
-  @namespace Ember
-  @extends Error
-  @constructor
-Ember.Error = function() {
-  var tmp = Error.apply(this, arguments);
-  // Adds a `stack` property to the given error object that will yield the
-  // stack trace at the time captureStackTrace was called.
-  // When collecting the stack trace all frames above the topmost call
-  // to this function, including that call, will be left out of the
-  // stack trace.
-  // This is useful because we can hide Ember implementation details
-  // that are not very helpful for the user.
-  if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
-    Error.captureStackTrace(this, Ember.Error);
-  }
-  // Unfortunately errors are not enumerable in Chrome (at least), so `for prop in tmp` doesn't work.
-  for (var idx = 0; idx < errorProps.length; idx++) {
-    this[errorProps[idx]] = tmp[errorProps[idx]];
-  }
-Ember.Error.prototype = Ember.create(Error.prototype);
-// ..........................................................
-  A function may be assigned to `Ember.onerror` to be called when Ember
-  internals encounter an error. This is useful for specialized error handling
-  and reporting code.
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.onerror = function(error) {
-    Em.$.ajax('/report-error', 'POST', {
-      stack: error.stack,
-      otherInformation: 'whatever app state you want to provide'
-    });
-  };
-  ```
-  @event onerror
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Exception} error the error object
-Ember.onerror = null;
-(function() {
-@module ember-metal
-  Prefix used for guids through out Ember.
-  @private
-Ember.GUID_PREFIX = 'ember';
-var o_defineProperty = Ember.platform.defineProperty,
-    o_create = Ember.create,
-    // Used for guid generation...
-    GUID_KEY = '__ember'+ (+ new Date()),
-    numberCache  = [],
-    stringCache  = {},
-    uuid = 0;
-  A unique key used to assign guids and other private metadata to objects.
-  If you inspect an object in your browser debugger you will often see these.
-  They can be safely ignored.
-  On browsers that support it, these properties are added with enumeration
-  disabled so they won't show up when you iterate over your properties.
-  @private
-  @property GUID_KEY
-  @for Ember
-  @type String
-  @final
-var GUID_DESC = {
-  writable:    false,
-  configurable: false,
-  enumerable:  false,
-  value: null
-  Generates a new guid, optionally saving the guid to the object that you
-  pass in. You will rarely need to use this method. Instead you should
-  call `Ember.guidFor(obj)`, which return an existing guid if available.
-  @private
-  @method generateGuid
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} [obj] Object the guid will be used for. If passed in, the guid will
-    be saved on the object and reused whenever you pass the same object
-    again.
-    If no object is passed, just generate a new guid.
-  @param {String} [prefix] Prefix to place in front of the guid. Useful when you want to
-    separate the guid into separate namespaces.
-  @return {String} the guid
-Ember.generateGuid = function generateGuid(obj, prefix) {
-  if (!prefix) prefix = Ember.GUID_PREFIX;
-  var ret = (prefix + (uuid++));
-  if (obj) {
-    if (obj[GUID_KEY] === null) {
-      obj[GUID_KEY] = ret;
-    } else {
-      GUID_DESC.value = ret;
-      o_defineProperty(obj, GUID_KEY, GUID_DESC);
-    }
-  }
-  return ret;
-  Returns a unique id for the object. If the object does not yet have a guid,
-  one will be assigned to it. You can call this on any object,
-  `Ember.Object`-based or not, but be aware that it will add a `_guid`
-  property.
-  You can also use this method on DOM Element objects.
-  @private
-  @method guidFor
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj any object, string, number, Element, or primitive
-  @return {String} the unique guid for this instance.
-Ember.guidFor = function guidFor(obj) {
-  // special cases where we don't want to add a key to object
-  if (obj === undefined) return "(undefined)";
-  if (obj === null) return "(null)";
-  var ret;
-  var type = typeof obj;
-  // Don't allow prototype changes to String etc. to change the guidFor
-  switch(type) {
-    case 'number':
-      ret = numberCache[obj];
-      if (!ret) ret = numberCache[obj] = 'nu'+obj;
-      return ret;
-    case 'string':
-      ret = stringCache[obj];
-      if (!ret) ret = stringCache[obj] = 'st'+(uuid++);
-      return ret;
-    case 'boolean':
-      return obj ? '(true)' : '(false)';
-    default:
-      if (obj[GUID_KEY]) return obj[GUID_KEY];
-      if (obj === Object) return '(Object)';
-      if (obj === Array)  return '(Array)';
-      ret = 'ember' + (uuid++);
-      if (obj[GUID_KEY] === null) {
-        obj[GUID_KEY] = ret;
-      } else {
-        GUID_DESC.value = ret;
-        o_defineProperty(obj, GUID_KEY, GUID_DESC);
-      }
-      return ret;
-  }
-// ..........................................................
-// META
-var META_DESC = Ember.META_DESC = {
-  writable:    true,
-  configurable: false,
-  enumerable:  false,
-  value: null
-var META_KEY = Ember.GUID_KEY+'_meta';
-  The key used to store meta information on object for property observing.
-  @property META_KEY
-  @for Ember
-  @private
-  @final
-  @type String
-var isDefinePropertySimulated = Ember.platform.defineProperty.isSimulated;
-function Meta(obj) {
-  this.descs = {};
-  this.watching = {};
-  this.cache = {};
-  this.cacheMeta = {};
-  this.source = obj;
-Meta.prototype = {
-  descs: null,
-  deps: null,
-  watching: null,
-  listeners: null,
-  cache: null,
-  cacheMeta: null,
-  source: null,
-  mixins: null,
-  bindings: null,
-  chains: null,
-  chainWatchers: null,
-  values: null,
-  proto: null
-if (isDefinePropertySimulated) {
-  // on platforms that don't support enumerable false
-  // make meta fail jQuery.isPlainObject() to hide from
-  // jQuery.extend() by having a property that fails
-  // hasOwnProperty check.
-  Meta.prototype.__preventPlainObject__ = true;
-  // Without non-enumerable properties, meta objects will be output in JSON
-  // unless explicitly suppressed
-  Meta.prototype.toJSON = function () { };
-// Placeholder for non-writable metas.
-var EMPTY_META = new Meta(null);
-if (MANDATORY_SETTER) { EMPTY_META.values = {}; }
-  Retrieves the meta hash for an object. If `writable` is true ensures the
-  hash is writable for this object as well.
-  The meta object contains information about computed property descriptors as
-  well as any watched properties and other information. You generally will
-  not access this information directly but instead work with higher level
-  methods that manipulate this hash indirectly.
-  @method meta
-  @for Ember
-  @private
-  @param {Object} obj The object to retrieve meta for
-  @param {Boolean} [writable=true] Pass `false` if you do not intend to modify
-    the meta hash, allowing the method to avoid making an unnecessary copy.
-  @return {Object} the meta hash for an object
-Ember.meta = function meta(obj, writable) {
-  var ret = obj[META_KEY];
-  if (writable===false) return ret || EMPTY_META;
-  if (!ret) {
-    if (!isDefinePropertySimulated) o_defineProperty(obj, META_KEY, META_DESC);
-    ret = new Meta(obj);
-    if (MANDATORY_SETTER) { ret.values = {}; }
-    obj[META_KEY] = ret;
-    // make sure we don't accidentally try to create constructor like desc
-    ret.descs.constructor = null;
-  } else if (ret.source !== obj) {
-    if (!isDefinePropertySimulated) o_defineProperty(obj, META_KEY, META_DESC);
-    ret = o_create(ret);
-    ret.descs     = o_create(ret.descs);
-    ret.watching  = o_create(ret.watching);
-    ret.cache     = {};
-    ret.cacheMeta = {};
-    ret.source    = obj;
-    if (MANDATORY_SETTER) { ret.values = o_create(ret.values); }
-    obj[META_KEY] = ret;
-  }
-  return ret;
-Ember.getMeta = function getMeta(obj, property) {
-  var meta = Ember.meta(obj, false);
-  return meta[property];
-Ember.setMeta = function setMeta(obj, property, value) {
-  var meta = Ember.meta(obj, true);
-  meta[property] = value;
-  return value;
-  @deprecated
-  @private
-  In order to store defaults for a class, a prototype may need to create
-  a default meta object, which will be inherited by any objects instantiated
-  from the class's constructor.
-  However, the properties of that meta object are only shallow-cloned,
-  so if a property is a hash (like the event system's `listeners` hash),
-  it will by default be shared across all instances of that class.
-  This method allows extensions to deeply clone a series of nested hashes or
-  other complex objects. For instance, the event system might pass
-  `['listeners', 'foo:change', 'ember157']` to `prepareMetaPath`, which will
-  walk down the keys provided.
-  For each key, if the key does not exist, it is created. If it already
-  exists and it was inherited from its constructor, the constructor's
-  key is cloned.
-  You can also pass false for `writable`, which will simply return
-  undefined if `prepareMetaPath` discovers any part of the path that
-  shared or undefined.
-  @method metaPath
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object whose meta we are examining
-  @param {Array} path An array of keys to walk down
-  @param {Boolean} writable whether or not to create a new meta
-    (or meta property) if one does not already exist or if it's
-    shared with its constructor
-Ember.metaPath = function metaPath(obj, path, writable) {
-    var meta = Ember.meta(obj, writable), keyName, value;
-  for (var i=0, l=path.length; i<l; i++) {
-    keyName = path[i];
-    value = meta[keyName];
-    if (!value) {
-      if (!writable) { return undefined; }
-      value = meta[keyName] = { __ember_source__: obj };
-    } else if (value.__ember_source__ !== obj) {
-      if (!writable) { return undefined; }
-      value = meta[keyName] = o_create(value);
-      value.__ember_source__ = obj;
-    }
-    meta = value;
-  }
-  return value;
-  Wraps the passed function so that `this._super` will point to the superFunc
-  when the function is invoked. This is the primitive we use to implement
-  calls to super.
-  @private
-  @method wrap
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Function} func The function to call
-  @param {Function} superFunc The super function.
-  @return {Function} wrapped function.
-Ember.wrap = function(func, superFunc) {
-  function superWrapper() {
-    var ret, sup = this.__nextSuper;
-    this.__nextSuper = superFunc;
-    ret = func.apply(this, arguments);
-    this.__nextSuper = sup;
-    return ret;
-  }
-  superWrapper.wrappedFunction = func;
-  superWrapper.__ember_observes__ = func.__ember_observes__;
-  superWrapper.__ember_observesBefore__ = func.__ember_observesBefore__;
-  superWrapper.__ember_listens__ = func.__ember_listens__;
-  return superWrapper;
-  Returns true if the passed object is an array or Array-like.
-  Ember Array Protocol:
-    - the object has an objectAt property
-    - the object is a native Array
-    - the object is an Object, and has a length property
-  Unlike `Ember.typeOf` this method returns true even if the passed object is
-  not formally array but appears to be array-like (i.e. implements `Ember.Array`)
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.isArray();                                            // false
-  Ember.isArray([]);                                          // true
-  Ember.isArray( Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: [] }) );  // true
-  ```
-  @method isArray
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object to test
-  @return {Boolean} true if the passed object is an array or Array-like
-Ember.isArray = function(obj) {
-  if (!obj || obj.setInterval) { return false; }
-  if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(obj)) { return true; }
-  if (Ember.Array && Ember.Array.detect(obj)) { return true; }
-  if ((obj.length !== undefined) && 'object'===typeof obj) { return true; }
-  return false;
-  Forces the passed object to be part of an array. If the object is already
-  an array or array-like, returns the object. Otherwise adds the object to
-  an array. If obj is `null` or `undefined`, returns an empty array.
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.makeArray();                           // []
-  Ember.makeArray(null);                       // []
-  Ember.makeArray(undefined);                  // []
-  Ember.makeArray('lindsay');                  // ['lindsay']
-  Ember.makeArray([1,2,42]);                   // [1,2,42]
-  var controller = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: [] });
-  Ember.makeArray(controller) === controller;  // true
-  ```
-  @method makeArray
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj the object
-  @return {Array}
-Ember.makeArray = function(obj) {
-  if (obj === null || obj === undefined) { return []; }
-  return Ember.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj];
-function canInvoke(obj, methodName) {
-  return !!(obj && typeof obj[methodName] === 'function');
-  Checks to see if the `methodName` exists on the `obj`.
-  ```javascript
-  var foo = {bar: Ember.K, baz: null};
-  Ember.canInvoke(foo, 'bar'); // true
-  Ember.canInvoke(foo, 'baz'); // false
-  Ember.canInvoke(foo, 'bat'); // false
-  ```
-  @method canInvoke
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object to check for the method
-  @param {String} methodName The method name to check for
-  @return {Boolean}
-Ember.canInvoke = canInvoke;
-  Checks to see if the `methodName` exists on the `obj`,
-  and if it does, invokes it with the arguments passed.
-  ```javascript
-  var d = new Date('03/15/2013');
-  Ember.tryInvoke(d, 'getTime'); // 1363320000000
-  Ember.tryInvoke(d, 'setFullYear', [2014]); // 1394856000000
-  Ember.tryInvoke(d, 'noSuchMethod', [2014]); // undefined
-  ```
-  @method tryInvoke
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object to check for the method
-  @param {String} methodName The method name to check for
-  @param {Array} [args] The arguments to pass to the method
-  @return {*} the return value of the invoked method or undefined if it cannot be invoked
-Ember.tryInvoke = function(obj, methodName, args) {
-  if (canInvoke(obj, methodName)) {
-    return obj[methodName].apply(obj, args || []);
-  }
-var needsFinallyFix = (function() {
-  var count = 0;
-  try{
-    try { }
-    finally {
-      count++;
-      throw new Error('needsFinallyFixTest');
-    }
-  } catch (e) {}
-  return count !== 1;
-  Provides try { } finally { } functionality, while working
-  around Safari's double finally bug.
-  ```javascript
-  var tryable = function() {
-    someResource.lock();
-    runCallback(); // May throw error.
-  };
-  var finalizer = function() {
-    someResource.unlock();
-  };
-  Ember.tryFinally(tryable, finalizer);
-  ```
-  @method tryFinally
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Function} tryable The function to run the try callback
-  @param {Function} finalizer The function to run the finally callback
-  @param {Object} [binding] The optional calling object. Defaults to 'this'
-  @return {*} The return value is the that of the finalizer,
-  unless that value is undefined, in which case it is the return value
-  of the tryable
-if (needsFinallyFix) {
-  Ember.tryFinally = function(tryable, finalizer, binding) {
-    var result, finalResult, finalError;
-    binding = binding || this;
-    try {
-      result =;
-    } finally {
-      try {
-        finalResult =;
-      } catch (e) {
-        finalError = e;
-      }
-    }
-    if (finalError) { throw finalError; }
-    return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
-  };
-} else {
-  Ember.tryFinally = function(tryable, finalizer, binding) {
-    var result, finalResult;
-    binding = binding || this;
-    try {
-      result =;
-    } finally {
-      finalResult =;
-    }
-    return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
-  };
-  Provides try { } catch finally { } functionality, while working
-  around Safari's double finally bug.
-  ```javascript
-  var tryable = function() {
-    for (i=0, l=listeners.length; i<l; i++) {
-      listener = listeners[i];
-      beforeValues[i] = listener.before(name, time(), payload);
-    }
-    return;
-  };
-  var catchable = function(e) {
-    payload = payload || {};
-    payload.exception = e;
-  };
-  var finalizer = function() {
-    for (i=0, l=listeners.length; i<l; i++) {
-      listener = listeners[i];
-      listener.after(name, time(), payload, beforeValues[i]);
-    }
-  };
-  Ember.tryCatchFinally(tryable, catchable, finalizer);
-  ```
-  @method tryCatchFinally
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Function} tryable The function to run the try callback
-  @param {Function} catchable The function to run the catchable callback
-  @param {Function} finalizer The function to run the finally callback
-  @param {Object} [binding] The optional calling object. Defaults to 'this'
-  @return {*} The return value is the that of the finalizer,
-  unless that value is undefined, in which case it is the return value
-  of the tryable.
-if (needsFinallyFix) {
-  Ember.tryCatchFinally = function(tryable, catchable, finalizer, binding) {
-    var result, finalResult, finalError;
-    binding = binding || this;
-    try {
-      result =;
-    } catch(error) {
-      result =, error);
-    } finally {
-      try {
-        finalResult =;
-      } catch (e) {
-        finalError = e;
-      }
-    }
-    if (finalError) { throw finalError; }
-    return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
-  };
-} else {
-  Ember.tryCatchFinally = function(tryable, catchable, finalizer, binding) {
-    var result, finalResult;
-    binding = binding || this;
-    try {
-      result =;
-    } catch(error) {
-      result =, error);
-    } finally {
-      finalResult =;
-    }
-    return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
-  };
-// ........................................
-var TYPE_MAP = {};
-var t = "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" ");, function(name) {
-  TYPE_MAP[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
-var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-  Returns a consistent type for the passed item.
-  Use this instead of the built-in `typeof` to get the type of an item.
-  It will return the same result across all browsers and includes a bit
-  more detail. Here is what will be returned:
-      | Return Value  | Meaning                                              |
-      |---------------|------------------------------------------------------|
-      | 'string'      | String primitive or String object.                   |
-      | 'number'      | Number primitive or Number object.                   |
-      | 'boolean'     | Boolean primitive or Boolean object.                 |
-      | 'null'        | Null value                                           |
-      | 'undefined'   | Undefined value                                      |
-      | 'function'    | A function                                           |
-      | 'array'       | An instance of Array                                 |
-      | 'regexp'      | An instance of RegExp                                |
-      | 'date'        | An instance of Date                                  |
-      | 'class'       | An Ember class (created using Ember.Object.extend()) |
-      | 'instance'    | An Ember object instance                             |
-      | 'error'       | An instance of the Error object                      |
-      | 'object'      | A JavaScript object not inheriting from Ember.Object |
-  Examples:
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.typeOf();                       // 'undefined'
-  Ember.typeOf(null);                   // 'null'
-  Ember.typeOf(undefined);              // 'undefined'
-  Ember.typeOf('michael');              // 'string'
-  Ember.typeOf(new String('michael'));  // 'string'
-  Ember.typeOf(101);                    // 'number'
-  Ember.typeOf(new Number(101));        // 'number'
-  Ember.typeOf(true);                   // 'boolean'
-  Ember.typeOf(new Boolean(true));      // 'boolean'
-  Ember.typeOf(Ember.makeArray);        // 'function'
-  Ember.typeOf([1,2,90]);               // 'array'
-  Ember.typeOf(/abc/);                  // 'regexp'
-  Ember.typeOf(new Date());             // 'date'
-  Ember.typeOf(Ember.Object.extend());  // 'class'
-  Ember.typeOf(Ember.Object.create());  // 'instance'
-  Ember.typeOf(new Error('teamocil'));  // 'error'
-  // "normal" JavaScript object
-  Ember.typeOf({a: 'b'});              // 'object'
-  ```
-  @method typeOf
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} item the item to check
-  @return {String} the type
-Ember.typeOf = function(item) {
-  var ret;
-  ret = (item === null || item === undefined) ? String(item) : TYPE_MAP[] || 'object';
-  if (ret === 'function') {
-    if (Ember.Object && Ember.Object.detect(item)) ret = 'class';
-  } else if (ret === 'object') {
-    if (item instanceof Error) ret = 'error';
-    else if (Ember.Object && item instanceof Ember.Object) ret = 'instance';
-    else if (item instanceof Date) ret = 'date';
-  }
-  return ret;
-  Convenience method to inspect an object. This method will attempt to
-  convert the object into a useful string description.
-  It is a pretty simple implementation. If you want something more robust,
-  use something like JSDump:
-  @method inspect
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object you want to inspect.
-  @return {String} A description of the object
-Ember.inspect = function(obj) {
-  var type = Ember.typeOf(obj);
-  if (type === 'array') {
-    return '[' + obj + ']';
-  }
-  if (type !== 'object') {
-    return obj + '';
-  }
-  var v, ret = [];
-  for(var key in obj) {
-    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
-      v = obj[key];
-      if (v === 'toString') { continue; } // ignore useless items
-      if (Ember.typeOf(v) === 'function') { v = "function() { ... }"; }
-      ret.push(key + ": " + v);
-    }
-  }
-  return "{" + ret.join(", ") + "}";
-(function() {
-// Ember.tryCatchFinally
-  The purpose of the Ember Instrumentation module is
-  to provide efficient, general-purpose instrumentation
-  for Ember.
-  Subscribe to a listener by using `Ember.subscribe`:
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.subscribe("render", {
-    before: function(name, timestamp, payload) {
-    },
-    after: function(name, timestamp, payload) {
-    }
-  });
-  ```
-  If you return a value from the `before` callback, that same
-  value will be passed as a fourth parameter to the `after`
-  callback.
-  Instrument a block of code by using `Ember.instrument`:
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.instrument("render.handlebars", payload, function() {
-    // rendering logic
-  }, binding);
-  ```
-  Event names passed to `Ember.instrument` are namespaced
-  by periods, from more general to more specific. Subscribers
-  can listen for events by whatever level of granularity they
-  are interested in.
-  In the above example, the event is `render.handlebars`,
-  and the subscriber listened for all events beginning with
-  `render`. It would receive callbacks for events named
-  `render`, `render.handlebars`, `render.container`, or
-  even `render.handlebars.layout`.
-  @class Instrumentation
-  @namespace Ember
-  @static
-Ember.Instrumentation = {};
-var subscribers = [], cache = {};
-var populateListeners = function(name) {
-  var listeners = [], subscriber;
-  for (var i=0, l=subscribers.length; i<l; i++) {
-    subscriber = subscribers[i];
-    if (subscriber.regex.test(name)) {
-      listeners.push(subscriber.object);
-    }
-  }
-  cache[name] = listeners;
-  return listeners;
-var time = (function() {
-  var perf = 'undefined' !== typeof window ? window.performance || {} : {};
-  var fn = || perf.mozNow || perf.webkitNow || perf.msNow || perf.oNow;
-  // fn.bind will be available in all the browsers that support the advanced window.performance... ;-)
-  return fn ? fn.bind(perf) : function() { return +new Date(); };
-  Notifies event's subscribers, calls `before` and `after` hooks.
-  @method instrument
-  @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
-  @param {String} [name] Namespaced event name.
-  @param {Object} payload
-  @param {Function} callback Function that you're instrumenting.
-  @param {Object} binding Context that instrument function is called with.
-Ember.Instrumentation.instrument = function(name, payload, callback, binding) {
-  var listeners = cache[name], timeName, ret;
-    timeName = name + ": " + payload.object;
-    console.time(timeName);
-  }
-  if (!listeners) {
-    listeners = populateListeners(name);
-  }
-  if (listeners.length === 0) {
-    ret =;
-    if (Ember.STRUCTURED_PROFILE) { console.timeEnd(timeName); }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  var beforeValues = [], listener, i, l;
-  function tryable() {
-    for (i=0, l=listeners.length; i<l; i++) {
-      listener = listeners[i];
-      beforeValues[i] = listener.before(name, time(), payload);
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  function catchable(e) {
-    payload = payload || {};
-    payload.exception = e;
-  }
-  function finalizer() {
-    for (i=0, l=listeners.length; i<l; i++) {
-      listener = listeners[i];
-      listener.after(name, time(), payload, beforeValues[i]);
-    }
-    if (Ember.STRUCTURED_PROFILE) {
-      console.timeEnd(timeName);
-    }
-  }
-  return Ember.tryCatchFinally(tryable, catchable, finalizer);
-  Subscribes to a particular event or instrumented block of code.
-  @method subscribe
-  @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
-  @param {String} [pattern] Namespaced event name.
-  @param {Object} [object] Before and After hooks.
-  @return {Subscriber}
-Ember.Instrumentation.subscribe = function(pattern, object) {
-  var paths = pattern.split("."), path, regex = [];
-  for (var i=0, l=paths.length; i<l; i++) {
-    path = paths[i];
-    if (path === "*") {
-      regex.push("[^\\.]*");
-    } else {
-      regex.push(path);
-    }
-  }
-  regex = regex.join("\\.");
-  regex = regex + "(\\..*)?";
-  var subscriber = {
-    pattern: pattern,
-    regex: new RegExp("^" + regex + "$"),
-    object: object
-  };
-  subscribers.push(subscriber);
-  cache = {};
-  return subscriber;
-  Unsubscribes from a particular event or instrumented block of code.
-  @method unsubscribe
-  @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
-  @param {Object} [subscriber]
-Ember.Instrumentation.unsubscribe = function(subscriber) {
-  var index;
-  for (var i=0, l=subscribers.length; i<l; i++) {
-    if (subscribers[i] === subscriber) {
-      index = i;
-    }
-  }
-  subscribers.splice(index, 1);
-  cache = {};
-  Resets `Ember.Instrumentation` by flushing list of subscribers.
-  @method reset
-  @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
-Ember.Instrumentation.reset = function() {
-  subscribers = [];
-  cache = {};
-Ember.instrument = Ember.Instrumentation.instrument;
-Ember.subscribe = Ember.Instrumentation.subscribe;
-(function() {
-var map, forEach, indexOf, splice, filter;
-map     =     ||;
-forEach = Array.prototype.forEach || Ember.ArrayPolyfills.forEach;
-indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf || Ember.ArrayPolyfills.indexOf;
-filter = Array.prototype.filter || Ember.ArrayPolyfills.filter;
-splice = Array.prototype.splice;
- * Defines some convenience methods for working with Enumerables.
- * `Ember.EnumerableUtils` uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfills` when necessary.
- *
- * @class EnumerableUtils
- * @namespace Ember
- * @static
- * */
-var utils = Ember.EnumerableUtils = {
-  /**
-   * Calls the map function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
-   * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-map method when necessary.
-   *
-   * @method map
-   * @param {Object} obj The object that should be mapped
-   * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
-   * @param {Object} thisArg Value to use as this when executing *callback*
-   *
-   * @return {Array} An array of mapped values.
-   */
-  map: function(obj, callback, thisArg) {
-    return ?, callback, thisArg) :, callback, thisArg);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calls the forEach function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
-   * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-forEach method when necessary.
-   *
-   * @method forEach
-   * @param {Object} obj The object to call forEach on
-   * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
-   * @param {Object} thisArg Value to use as this when executing *callback*
-   *
-   */
-  forEach: function(obj, callback, thisArg) {
-    return obj.forEach ?, callback, thisArg) :, callback, thisArg);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calls the filter function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
-   * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-filter method when necessary.
-   *
-   * @method filter
-   * @param {Object} obj The object to call filter on
-   * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
-   * @param {Object} thisArg Value to use as this when executing *callback*
-   *
-   * @return {Array} An array containing the filtered values
-   */
-  filter: function(obj, callback, thisArg) {
-    return obj.filter ?, callback, thisArg) :, callback, thisArg);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calls the indexOf function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
-   * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-indexOf method when necessary.
-   *
-   * @method indexOf
-   * @param {Object} obj The object to call indexOn on
-   * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
-   * @param {Object} index The index to start searching from
-   *
-   */
-  indexOf: function(obj, element, index) {
-    return obj.indexOf ?, element, index) :, element, index);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Returns an array of indexes of the first occurrences of the passed elements
-   * on the passed object.
-   *
-   * ```javascript
-   *  var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
-   *  Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexesOf(array, [2, 5]); // [1, 4]
-   *
-   *  var fubar = "Fubarr";
-   *  Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexesOf(fubar, ['b', 'r']); // [2, 4]
-   * ```
-   *
-   * @method indexesOf
-   * @param {Object} obj The object to check for element indexes
-   * @param {Array} elements The elements to search for on *obj*
-   *
-   * @return {Array} An array of indexes.
-   *
-   */
-  indexesOf: function(obj, elements) {
-    return elements === undefined ? [] :, function(item) {
-      return utils.indexOf(obj, item);
-    });
-  },
-  /** 
-   * Adds an object to an array. If the array already includes the object this
-   * method has no effect.
-   *
-   * @method addObject
-   * @param {Array} array The array the passed item should be added to
-   * @param {Object} item The item to add to the passed array
-   *
-   * @return 'undefined'
-   */
-  addObject: function(array, item) {
-    var index = utils.indexOf(array, item);
-    if (index === -1) { array.push(item); }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes an object from an array. If the array does not contain the passed
-   * object this method has no effect.
-   *
-   * @method removeObject
-   * @param {Array} array The array to remove the item from.
-   * @param {Object} item The item to remove from the passed array.
-   *
-   * @return 'undefined'
-   */
-  removeObject: function(array, item) {
-    var index = utils.indexOf(array, item);
-    if (index !== -1) { array.splice(index, 1); }
-  },
-  _replace: function(array, idx, amt, objects) {
-    var args = [].concat(objects), chunk, ret = [],
-        //
-        size = 60000, start = idx, ends = amt, count;
-    while (args.length) {
-      count = ends > size ? size : ends;
-      if (count <= 0) { count = 0; }
-      chunk = args.splice(0, size);
-      chunk = [start, count].concat(chunk);
-      start += size;
-      ends -= count;
-      ret = ret.concat(splice.apply(array, chunk));
-    }
-    return ret;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Replaces objects in an array with the passed objects.
-   *
-   * ```javascript
-   *   var array = [1,2,3];
-   *   Ember.EnumerableUtils.replace(array, 1, 2, [4, 5]); // [1, 4, 5]
-   *
-   *   var array = [1,2,3];
-   *   Ember.EnumerableUtils.replace(array, 1, 1, [4, 5]); // [1, 4, 5, 3]
-   *
-   *   var array = [1,2,3];
-   *   Ember.EnumerableUtils.replace(array, 10, 1, [4, 5]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-   * ```
-   * 
-   * @method replace
-   * @param {Array} array The array the objects should be inserted into.
-   * @param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If *idx* >=
-   * length, then append to the end of the array.
-   * @param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from the array,
-   * starting at *idx*
-   * @param {Array} objects An array of zero or more objects that should be
-   * inserted into the array at *idx*
-   *
-   * @return {Array} The modified array.
-   */
-  replace: function(array, idx, amt, objects) {
-    if (array.replace) {
-      return array.replace(idx, amt, objects);
-    } else {
-      return utils._replace(array, idx, amt, objects);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the intersection of two arrays. This method returns a new array
-   * filled with the records that the two passed arrays share with each other. 
-   * If there is no intersection, an empty array will be returned.
-   *
-   * ```javascript
-   * var array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
-   * var array2 = [1, 3, 5, 6, 7];
-   *
-   * Ember.EnumerableUtils.intersection(array1, array2); // [1, 3, 5]
-   *
-   * var array1 = [1, 2, 3];
-   * var array2 = [4, 5, 6];
-   *
-   * Ember.EnumerableUtils.intersection(array1, array2); // []
-   * ```
-   *
-   * @method intersection
-   * @param {Array} array1 The first array
-   * @param {Array} array2 The second array
-   *
-   * @return {Array} The intersection of the two passed arrays.
-   */
-  intersection: function(array1, array2) {
-    var intersection = [];
-    utils.forEach(array1, function(element) {
-      if (utils.indexOf(array2, element) >= 0) {
-        intersection.push(element);
-      }
-    });
-    return intersection;
-  }
-(function() {
-@module ember-metal
-var META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY, get;
-var IS_GLOBAL_PATH = /^([A-Z$]|([0-9][A-Z$])).*[\.\*]/;
-var HAS_THIS  = /^this[\.\*]/;
-var FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.\*]+)/;
-// ..........................................................
-// If we are on a platform that supports accessors we can use those.
-// Otherwise simulate accessors by looking up the property directly on the
-// object.
-  Gets the value of a property on an object. If the property is computed,
-  the function will be invoked. If the property is not defined but the
-  object implements the `unknownProperty` method then that will be invoked.
-  If you plan to run on IE8 and older browsers then you should use this
-  method anytime you want to retrieve a property on an object that you don't
-  know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
-  are considered private.)
-  On all newer browsers, you only need to use this method to retrieve
-  properties if the property might not be defined on the object and you want
-  to respect the `unknownProperty` handler. Otherwise you can ignore this
-  method.
-  Note that if the object itself is `undefined`, this method will throw
-  an error.
-  @method get
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object to retrieve from.
-  @param {String} keyName The property key to retrieve
-  @return {Object} the property value or `null`.
-get = function get(obj, keyName) {
-  // Helpers that operate with 'this' within an #each
-  if (keyName === '') {
-    return obj;
-  }
-  if (!keyName && 'string'===typeof obj) {
-    keyName = obj;
-    obj = null;
-  }
-  if (obj === null || keyName.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
-    return getPath(obj, keyName);
-  }
-  var meta = obj[META_KEY], desc = meta && meta.descs[keyName], ret;
-  if (desc) {
-    return desc.get(obj, keyName);
-  } else {
-    if (MANDATORY_SETTER && meta && meta.watching[keyName] > 0) {
-      ret = meta.values[keyName];
-    } else {
-      ret = obj[keyName];
-    }
-    if (ret === undefined &&
-        'object' === typeof obj && !(keyName in obj) && 'function' === typeof obj.unknownProperty) {
-      return obj.unknownProperty(keyName);
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-// Currently used only by Ember Data tests
-if (Ember.config.overrideAccessors) {
-  Ember.get = get;
-  Ember.config.overrideAccessors();
-  get = Ember.get;
-  Normalizes a target/path pair to reflect that actual target/path that should
-  be observed, etc. This takes into account passing in global property
-  paths (i.e. a path beginning with a captial letter not defined on the
-  target) and * separators.
-  @private
-  @method normalizeTuple
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} target The current target. May be `null`.
-  @param {String} path A path on the target or a global property path.
-  @return {Array} a temporary array with the normalized target/path pair.
-var normalizeTuple = Ember.normalizeTuple = function(target, path) {
-  var hasThis  = HAS_THIS.test(path),
-      isGlobal = !hasThis && IS_GLOBAL_PATH.test(path),
-      key;
-  if (!target || isGlobal) target = Ember.lookup;
-  if (hasThis) path = path.slice(5);
-  if (target === Ember.lookup) {
-    key = path.match(FIRST_KEY)[0];
-    target = get(target, key);
-    path   = path.slice(key.length+1);
-  }
-  // must return some kind of path to be valid else other things will break.
-  if (!path || path.length===0) throw new Ember.Error('Path cannot be empty');
-  return [ target, path ];
-var getPath = Ember._getPath = function(root, path) {
-  var hasThis, parts, tuple, idx, len;
-  // If there is no root and path is a key name, return that
-  // property from the global object.
-  // E.g. get('Ember') -> Ember
-  if (root === null && path.indexOf('.') === -1) { return get(Ember.lookup, path); }
-  // detect complicated paths and normalize them
-  hasThis  = HAS_THIS.test(path);
-  if (!root || hasThis) {
-    tuple = normalizeTuple(root, path);
-    root = tuple[0];
-    path = tuple[1];
-    tuple.length = 0;
-  }
-  parts = path.split(".");
-  len = parts.length;
-  for (idx = 0; root != null && idx < len; idx++) {
-    root = get(root, parts[idx], true);
-    if (root && root.isDestroyed) { return undefined; }
-  }
-  return root;
-Ember.getWithDefault = function(root, key, defaultValue) {
-  var value = get(root, key);
-  if (value === undefined) { return defaultValue; }
-  return value;
-Ember.get = get;
-(function() {
-@module ember-metal
-var o_create = Ember.create,
-    metaFor = Ember.meta,
-    META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY,
-    a_slice = [].slice,
-    /* listener flags */
-    ONCE = 1, SUSPENDED = 2;
-  The event system uses a series of nested hashes to store listeners on an
-  object. When a listener is registered, or when an event arrives, these
-  hashes are consulted to determine which target and action pair to invoke.
-  The hashes are stored in the object's meta hash, and look like this:
-      // Object's meta hash
-      {
-        listeners: {       // variable name: `listenerSet`
-          "foo:changed": [ // variable name: `actions`
-            target, method, flags
-          ]
-        }
-      }
-function indexOf(array, target, method) {
-  var index = -1;
-  // hashes are added to the end of the event array
-  // so it makes sense to start searching at the end
-  // of the array and search in reverse
-  for (var i = array.length - 3 ; i >=0; i -= 3) {
-    if (target === array[i] && method === array[i + 1]) {
-         index = i; break;
-    }
-  }
-  return index;
-function actionsFor(obj, eventName) {
-  var meta = metaFor(obj, true),
-      actions;
-  if (!meta.listeners) { meta.listeners = {}; }
-  if (!meta.hasOwnProperty('listeners')) {
-    // setup inherited copy of the listeners object
-    meta.listeners = o_create(meta.listeners);
-  }
-  actions = meta.listeners[eventName];
-  // if there are actions, but the eventName doesn't exist in our listeners, then copy them from the prototype
-  if (actions && !meta.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
-    actions = meta.listeners[eventName] = meta.listeners[eventName].slice();
-  } else if (!actions) {
-    actions = meta.listeners[eventName] = [];
-  }
-  return actions;
-function actionsUnion(obj, eventName, otherActions) {
-  var meta = obj[META_KEY],
-      actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
-  if (!actions) { return; }
-  for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) {
-    var target = actions[i],
-        method = actions[i+1],
-        flags = actions[i+2],
-        actionIndex = indexOf(otherActions, target, method);
-    if (actionIndex === -1) {
-      otherActions.push(target, method, flags);
-    }
-  }
-function actionsDiff(obj, eventName, otherActions) {
-  var meta = obj[META_KEY],
-      actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName],
-      diffActions = [];
-  if (!actions) { return; }
-  for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) {
-    var target = actions[i],
-        method = actions[i+1],
-        flags = actions[i+2],
-        actionIndex = indexOf(otherActions, target, method);
-    if (actionIndex !== -1) { continue; }
-    otherActions.push(target, method, flags);
-    diffActions.push(target, method, flags);
-  }
-  return diffActions;
-  Add an event listener
-  @method addListener
-  @for Ember
-  @param obj
-  @param {String} eventName
-  @param {Object|Function} targetOrMethod A target object or a function
-  @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
-  @param {Boolean} once A flag whether a function should only be called once
-function addListener(obj, eventName, target, method, once) {
-  if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
-    method = target;
-    target = null;
-  }
-  var actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName),
-      actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method),
-      flags = 0;
-  if (once) flags |= ONCE;
-  if (actionIndex !== -1) { return; }
-  actions.push(target, method, flags);
-  if ('function' === typeof obj.didAddListener) {
-    obj.didAddListener(eventName, target, method);
-  }
-  Remove an event listener
-  Arguments should match those passed to `Ember.addListener`.
-  @method removeListener
-  @for Ember
-  @param obj
-  @param {String} eventName
-  @param {Object|Function} targetOrMethod A target object or a function
-  @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
-function removeListener(obj, eventName, target, method) {
-  if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
-    method = target;
-    target = null;
-  }
-  function _removeListener(target, method) {
-    var actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName),
-        actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method);
-    // action doesn't exist, give up silently
-    if (actionIndex === -1) { return; }
-    actions.splice(actionIndex, 3);
-    if ('function' === typeof obj.didRemoveListener) {
-      obj.didRemoveListener(eventName, target, method);
-    }
-  }
-  if (method) {
-    _removeListener(target, method);
-  } else {
-    var meta = obj[META_KEY],
-        actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
-    if (!actions) { return; }
-    for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) {
-      _removeListener(actions[i], actions[i+1]);
-    }
-  }
-  Suspend listener during callback.
-  This should only be used by the target of the event listener
-  when it is taking an action that would cause the event, e.g.
-  an object might suspend its property change listener while it is
-  setting that property.
-  @method suspendListener
-  @for Ember
-  @private
-  @param obj
-  @param {String} eventName
-  @param {Object|Function} targetOrMethod A target object or a function
-  @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
-  @param {Function} callback
-function suspendListener(obj, eventName, target, method, callback) {
-  if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
-    method = target;
-    target = null;
-  }
-  var actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName),
-      actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method);
-  if (actionIndex !== -1) {
-    actions[actionIndex+2] |= SUSPENDED; // mark the action as suspended
-  }
-  function tryable()   { return; }
-  function finalizer() { if (actionIndex !== -1) { actions[actionIndex+2] &= ~SUSPENDED; } }
-  return Ember.tryFinally(tryable, finalizer);
-  Suspends multiple listeners during a callback.
-  @method suspendListeners
-  @for Ember
-  @private
-  @param obj
-  @param {Array} eventName Array of event names
-  @param {Object|Function} targetOrMethod A target object or a function
-  @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
-  @param {Function} callback
-function suspendListeners(obj, eventNames, target, method, callback) {
-  if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
-    method = target;
-    target = null;
-  }
-  var suspendedActions = [],
-      actionsList = [],
-      eventName, actions, i, l;
-  for (i=0, l=eventNames.length; i<l; i++) {
-    eventName = eventNames[i];
-    actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName);
-    var actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method);
-    if (actionIndex !== -1) {
-      actions[actionIndex+2] |= SUSPENDED;
-      suspendedActions.push(actionIndex);
-      actionsList.push(actions);
-    }
-  }
-  function tryable() { return; }
-  function finalizer() {
-    for (var i = 0, l = suspendedActions.length; i < l; i++) {
-      var actionIndex = suspendedActions[i];
-      actionsList[i][actionIndex+2] &= ~SUSPENDED;
-    }
-  }
-  return Ember.tryFinally(tryable, finalizer);
-  Return a list of currently watched events
-  @private
-  @method watchedEvents
-  @for Ember
-  @param obj
-function watchedEvents(obj) {
-  var listeners = obj[META_KEY].listeners, ret = [];
-  if (listeners) {
-    for(var eventName in listeners) {
-      if (listeners[eventName]) { ret.push(eventName); }
-    }
-  }
-  return ret;
-  Send an event. The execution of suspended listeners
-  is skipped, and once listeners are removed. A listener without
-  a target is executed on the passed object. If an array of actions
-  is not passed, the actions stored on the passed object are invoked.
-  @method sendEvent
-  @for Ember
-  @param obj
-  @param {String} eventName
-  @param {Array} params Optional parameters for each listener.
-  @param {Array} actions Optional array of actions (listeners).
-  @return true
-function sendEvent(obj, eventName, params, actions) {
-  // first give object a chance to handle it
-  if (obj !== Ember && 'function' === typeof obj.sendEvent) {
-    obj.sendEvent(eventName, params);
-  }
-  if (!actions) {
-    var meta = obj[META_KEY];
-    actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
-  }
-  if (!actions) { return; }
-  for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) { // looping in reverse for once listeners
-    var target = actions[i], method = actions[i+1], flags = actions[i+2];
-    if (!method) { continue; }
-    if (flags & SUSPENDED) { continue; }
-    if (flags & ONCE) { removeListener(obj, eventName, target, method); }
-    if (!target) { target = obj; }
-    if ('string' === typeof method) { method = target[method]; }
-    if (params) {
-      method.apply(target, params);
-    } else {
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-  @private
-  @method hasListeners
-  @for Ember
-  @param obj
-  @param {String} eventName
-function hasListeners(obj, eventName) {
-  var meta = obj[META_KEY],
-      actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
-  return !!(actions && actions.length);
-  @private
-  @method listenersFor
-  @for Ember
-  @param obj
-  @param {String} eventName
-function listenersFor(obj, eventName) {
-  var ret = [];
-  var meta = obj[META_KEY],
-      actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
-  if (!actions) { return ret; }
-  for (var i = 0, l = actions.length; i < l; i += 3) {
-    var target = actions[i],
-        method = actions[i+1];
-    ret.push([target, method]);
-  }
-  return ret;
-  Define a property as a function that should be executed when
-  a specified event or events are triggered.
-  ``` javascript
-  var Job = Ember.Object.extend({
-    logCompleted: Ember.on('completed', function(){
-      console.log('Job completed!');
-    })
-  });
-  var job = Job.create();
-  Ember.sendEvent(job, 'completed'); // Logs "Job completed!"
- ```
-  @method on
-  @for Ember
-  @param {String} eventNames*
-  @param {Function} func
-  @return func
-Ember.on = function(){
-  var func =, -1)[0],
-      events =, 0, -1);
-  func.__ember_listens__ = events;
-  return func;
-Ember.addListener = addListener;
-Ember.removeListener = removeListener;
-Ember._suspendListener = suspendListener;
-Ember._suspendListeners = suspendListeners;
-Ember.sendEvent = sendEvent;
-Ember.hasListeners = hasListeners;
-Ember.watchedEvents = watchedEvents;
-Ember.listenersFor = listenersFor;
-Ember.listenersDiff = actionsDiff;
-Ember.listenersUnion = actionsUnion;
-(function() {
-var guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
-    sendEvent = Ember.sendEvent;
-  this.observerSet = {
-    [senderGuid]: { // variable name: `keySet`
-      [keyName]: listIndex
-    }
-  },
-  this.observers = [
-    {
-      sender: obj,
-      keyName: keyName,
-      eventName: eventName,
-      listeners: [
-        [target, method, flags]
-      ]
-    },
-    ...
-  ]
-var ObserverSet = Ember._ObserverSet = function() {
-  this.clear();
-ObserverSet.prototype.add = function(sender, keyName, eventName) {
-  var observerSet = this.observerSet,
-      observers = this.observers,
-      senderGuid = guidFor(sender),
-      keySet = observerSet[senderGuid],
-      index;
-  if (!keySet) {
-    observerSet[senderGuid] = keySet = {};
-  }
-  index = keySet[keyName];
-  if (index === undefined) {
-    index = observers.push({
-      sender: sender,
-      keyName: keyName,
-      eventName: eventName,
-      listeners: []
-    }) - 1;
-    keySet[keyName] = index;
-  }
-  return observers[index].listeners;
-ObserverSet.prototype.flush = function() {
-  var observers = this.observers, i, len, observer, sender;
-  this.clear();
-  for (i=0, len=observers.length; i < len; ++i) {
-    observer = observers[i];
-    sender = observer.sender;
-    if (sender.isDestroying || sender.isDestroyed) { continue; }
-    sendEvent(sender, observer.eventName, [sender, observer.keyName], observer.listeners);
-  }
-ObserverSet.prototype.clear = function() {
-  this.observerSet = {};
-  this.observers = [];
-(function() {
-var META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY,
-    guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
-    tryFinally = Ember.tryFinally,
-    sendEvent = Ember.sendEvent,
-    listenersUnion = Ember.listenersUnion,
-    listenersDiff = Ember.listenersDiff,
-    ObserverSet = Ember._ObserverSet,
-    beforeObserverSet = new ObserverSet(),
-    observerSet = new ObserverSet(),
-    deferred = 0;
-// ..........................................................
-  This function is called just before an object property is about to change.
-  It will notify any before observers and prepare caches among other things.
-  Normally you will not need to call this method directly but if for some
-  reason you can't directly watch a property you can invoke this method
-  manually along with `Ember.propertyDidChange()` which you should call just
-  after the property value changes.
-  @method propertyWillChange
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object with the property that will change
-  @param {String} keyName The property key (or path) that will change.
-  @return {void}
-function propertyWillChange(obj, keyName) {
-  var m = obj[META_KEY],
-      watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length',
-      proto = m && m.proto,
-      desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
-  if (!watching) { return; }
-  if (proto === obj) { return; }
-  if (desc && desc.willChange) { desc.willChange(obj, keyName); }
-  dependentKeysWillChange(obj, keyName, m);
-  chainsWillChange(obj, keyName, m);
-  notifyBeforeObservers(obj, keyName);
-Ember.propertyWillChange = propertyWillChange;
-  This function is called just after an object property has changed.
-  It will notify any observers and clear caches among other things.
-  Normally you will not need to call this method directly but if for some
-  reason you can't directly watch a property you can invoke this method
-  manually along with `Ember.propertyWillChange()` which you should call just
-  before the property value changes.
-  @method propertyDidChange
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object with the property that will change
-  @param {String} keyName The property key (or path) that will change.
-  @return {void}
-function propertyDidChange(obj, keyName) {
-  var m = obj[META_KEY],
-      watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length',
-      proto = m && m.proto,
-      desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
-  if (proto === obj) { return; }
-  // shouldn't this mean that we're watching this key?
-  if (desc && desc.didChange) { desc.didChange(obj, keyName); }
-  if (!watching && keyName !== 'length') { return; }
-  dependentKeysDidChange(obj, keyName, m);
-  chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, false);
-  notifyObservers(obj, keyName);
-Ember.propertyDidChange = propertyDidChange;
-// called whenever a property is about to change to clear the cache of any dependent keys (and notify those properties of changes, etc...)
-function dependentKeysWillChange(obj, depKey, meta) {
-  if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
-  var seen = WILL_SEEN, top = !seen;
-  if (top) { seen = WILL_SEEN = {}; }
-  iterDeps(propertyWillChange, obj, depKey, seen, meta);
-  if (top) { WILL_SEEN = null; }
-// called whenever a property has just changed to update dependent keys
-function dependentKeysDidChange(obj, depKey, meta) {
-  if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
-  var seen = DID_SEEN, top = !seen;
-  if (top) { seen = DID_SEEN = {}; }
-  iterDeps(propertyDidChange, obj, depKey, seen, meta);
-  if (top) { DID_SEEN = null; }
-function iterDeps(method, obj, depKey, seen, meta) {
-  var guid = guidFor(obj);
-  if (!seen[guid]) seen[guid] = {};
-  if (seen[guid][depKey]) return;
-  seen[guid][depKey] = true;
-  var deps = meta.deps;
-  deps = deps && deps[depKey];
-  if (deps) {
-    for(var key in deps) {
-      var desc = meta.descs[key];
-      if (desc && desc._suspended === obj) continue;
-      method(obj, key);
-    }
-  }
-function chainsWillChange(obj, keyName, m) {
-  if (!(m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
-        m.chainWatchers[keyName])) {
-    return;
-  }
-  var nodes = m.chainWatchers[keyName],
-      events = [],
-      i, l;
-  for(i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
-    nodes[i].willChange(events);
-  }
-  for (i = 0, l = events.length; i < l; i += 2) {
-    propertyWillChange(events[i], events[i+1]);
-  }
-function chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, suppressEvents) {
-  if (!(m && m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
-        m.chainWatchers[keyName])) {
-    return;
-  }
-  var nodes = m.chainWatchers[keyName],
-      events = suppressEvents ? null : [],
-      i, l;
-  for(i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
-    nodes[i].didChange(events);
-  }
-  if (suppressEvents) {
-    return;
-  }
-  for (i = 0, l = events.length; i < l; i += 2) {
-    propertyDidChange(events[i], events[i+1]);
-  }
-Ember.overrideChains = function(obj, keyName, m) {
-  chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, true);
-  @method beginPropertyChanges
-  @chainable
-  @private
-function beginPropertyChanges() {
-  deferred++;
-Ember.beginPropertyChanges = beginPropertyChanges;
-  @method endPropertyChanges
-  @private
-function endPropertyChanges() {
-  deferred--;
-  if (deferred<=0) {
-    beforeObserverSet.clear();
-    observerSet.flush();
-  }
-Ember.endPropertyChanges = endPropertyChanges;
-  Make a series of property changes together in an
-  exception-safe way.
-  ```javascript
-  Ember.changeProperties(function() {
-    obj1.set('foo', mayBlowUpWhenSet);
-    obj2.set('bar', baz);
-  });
-  ```
-  @method changeProperties
-  @param {Function} callback
-  @param [binding]
-Ember.changeProperties = function(cb, binding) {
-  beginPropertyChanges();
-  tryFinally(cb, endPropertyChanges, binding);
-function notifyBeforeObservers(obj, keyName) {
-  if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
-  var eventName = keyName + ':before', listeners, diff;
-  if (deferred) {
-    listeners = beforeObserverSet.add(obj, keyName, eventName);
-    diff = listenersDiff(obj, eventName, listeners);
-    sendEvent(obj, eventName, [obj, keyName], diff);
-  } else {
-    sendEvent(obj, eventName, [obj, keyName]);
-  }
-function notifyObservers(obj, keyName) {
-  if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
-  var eventName = keyName + ':change', listeners;
-  if (deferred) {
-    listeners = observerSet.add(obj, keyName, eventName);
-    listenersUnion(obj, eventName, listeners);
-  } else {
-    sendEvent(obj, eventName, [obj, keyName]);
-  }
-(function() {
-// _getPath
-// propertyWillChange, propertyDidChange
-var META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY,
-    IS_GLOBAL = /^([A-Z$]|([0-9][A-Z$]))/,
-    getPath = Ember._getPath;
-  Sets the value of a property on an object, respecting computed properties
-  and notifying observers and other listeners of the change. If the
-  property is not defined but the object implements the `setUnknownProperty`
-  method then that will be invoked as well.
-  @method set
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object to modify.
-  @param {String} keyName The property key to set
-  @param {Object} value The value to set
-  @return {Object} the passed value.
-var set = function set(obj, keyName, value, tolerant) {
-  if (typeof obj === 'string') {
-        value = keyName;
-    keyName = obj;
-    obj = null;
-  }
-  if (!obj || keyName.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
-    return setPath(obj, keyName, value, tolerant);
-  }
-  var meta = obj[META_KEY], desc = meta && meta.descs[keyName],
-      isUnknown, currentValue;
-  if (desc) {
-    desc.set(obj, keyName, value);
-  } else {
-    isUnknown = 'object' === typeof obj && !(keyName in obj);
-    // setUnknownProperty is called if `obj` is an object,
-    // the property does not already exist, and the
-    // `setUnknownProperty` method exists on the object
-    if (isUnknown && 'function' === typeof obj.setUnknownProperty) {
-      obj.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
-    } else if (meta && meta.watching[keyName] > 0) {
-      if (MANDATORY_SETTER) {
-        currentValue = meta.values[keyName];
-      } else {
-        currentValue = obj[keyName];
-      }
-      // only trigger a change if the value has changed
-      if (value !== currentValue) {
-        Ember.propertyWillChange(obj, keyName);
-        if (MANDATORY_SETTER) {
-          if ((currentValue === undefined && !(keyName in obj)) || !obj.propertyIsEnumerable(keyName)) {
-            Ember.defineProperty(obj, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
-          } else {
-            meta.values[keyName] = value;
-          }
-        } else {
-          obj[keyName] = value;
-        }
-        Ember.propertyDidChange(obj, keyName);
-      }
-    } else {
-      obj[keyName] = value;
-    }
-  }
-  return value;
-// Currently used only by Ember Data tests
-if (Ember.config.overrideAccessors) {
-  Ember.set = set;
-  Ember.config.overrideAccessors();
-  set = Ember.set;
-function setPath(root, path, value, tolerant) {
-  var keyName;
-  // get the last part of the path
-  keyName = path.slice(path.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
-  // get the first part of the part
-  path    = (path === keyName) ? keyName : path.slice(0, path.length-(keyName.length+1));
-  // unless the path is this, look up the first part to
-  // get the root
-  if (path !== 'this') {
-    root = getPath(root, path);
-  }
-  if (!keyName || keyName.length === 0) {
-    throw new Ember.Error('Property set failed: You passed an empty path');
-  }
-  if (!root) {
-    if (tolerant) { return; }
-    else { throw new Ember.Error('Property set failed: object in path "'+path+'" could not be found or was destroyed.'); }
-  }
-  return set(root, keyName, value);
-Ember.set = set;
-  Error-tolerant form of `Ember.set`. Will not blow up if any part of the
-  chain is `undefined`, `null`, or destroyed.
-  This is primarily used when syncing bindings, which may try to update after
-  an object has been destroyed.
-  @method trySet
-  @for Ember
-  @param {Object} obj The object to modify.
-  @param {String} path The property path to set
-  @param {Object} value The value to set
-Ember.trySet = function(root, path, value) {
-  return set(root, path, value, true);
-(function() {
-@module ember-metal
-  JavaScript (before ES6) does not have a Map implementation. Objects,
-  which are often used as dictionaries, may only have Strings as keys.
-  Because Ember has a way to get a unique identifier for every object
-  via `Ember.guidFor`, we can implement a performant Map with arbitrary
-  keys. Because it is commonly used in low-level bookkeeping, Map is
-  implemented as a pure JavaScript object for performance.
-  This implementation follows the current iteration of the ES6 proposal for
-  maps (,
-  with two exceptions. First, because we need our implementation to be pleasant
-  on older browsers, we do not use the `delete` name (using `remove` instead).
-  Second, as we do not have the luxury of in-VM iteration, we implement a
-  forEach method for iteration.
-  Map is mocked out to look like an Ember object, so you can do
-  `Ember.Map.create()` for symmetry with other Ember classes.
-var set = Ember.set,
-    guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
-    indexOf = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.indexOf;
-var copy = function(obj) {
-  var output = {};
-  for (var prop in obj) {
-    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { output[prop] = obj[prop]; }
-  }
-  return output;
-var copyMap = function(original, newObject) {
-  var keys = original.keys.copy(),
-      values = copy(original.values);
-  newObject.keys = keys;
-  newObject.values = values;
-  newObject.length = original.length;
-  return newObject;
-  This class is used internally by Ember and Ember Data.
-  Please do not use it at this time. We plan to clean it up
-  and add many tests soon.
-  @class OrderedSet
-  @namespace Ember
-  @constructor
-  @private
-var OrderedSet = Ember.OrderedSet = function() {
-  this.clear();
-  @method create
-  @static
-  @return {Ember.OrderedSet}
-OrderedSet.create = function() {
-  return new OrderedSet();
-OrderedSet.prototype = {
-  /**
-    @method clear
-  */
-  clear: function() {
-    this.presenceSet = {};
-    this.list = [];
-  },
-  /**
-    @method add
-    @param obj
-  */
-  add: function(obj) {
-    var guid = guidFor(obj),
-        presenceSet = this.presenceSet,
-        list = this.list;
-    if (guid in presenceSet) { return; }
-    presenceSet[guid] = true;
-    list.push(obj);
-  },
-  /**
-    @method remove
-    @param obj
-  */
-  remove: function(obj) {
-    var guid = guidFor(obj),
-        presenceSet = this.presenceSet,
-        list = this.list;
-    delete presenceSet[guid];
-    var index =, obj);
-    if (index > -1) {
-      list.splice(index, 1);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-    @method isEmpty
-    @return {Boolean}
-  */
-  isEmpty: function() {
-    return this.list.length === 0;
-  },
-  /**
-    @method has
-    @param obj
-    @return {Boolean}
-  */
-  has: function(obj) {
-    var guid = guidFor(obj),
-        presenceSet = this.presenceSet;
-    return guid in presenceSet;
-  },
-  /**
-    @method forEach
-    @param {Function} fn
-    @param self
-  */
-  forEach: function(fn, self) {
-    // allow mutation during iteration
-    var list = this.toArray();
-    for (var i = 0, j = list.length; i < j; i++) {
-, list[i]);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-    @method toArray
-    @return {Array}
-  */
-  toArray: function() {
-    return this.list.slice();
-  },
-  /**
-    @method copy
-    @return {Ember.OrderedSet}
-  */
-  copy: function() {
-    var set = new OrderedSet();
-    set.presenceSet = copy(this.presenceSet);
-    set.list = this.toArray();
-    return set;
-  }
-  A Map stores values indexed by keys. Unlike JavaScript's
-  default Objects, the keys of a Map can be any JavaScript
-  object.
-  Internally, a Map has two data structures:
-  1. `keys`: an OrderedSet of all of the existing keys
-  2. `values`: a JavaScript Object indexed by the `Ember.guidFor(key)`
-  When a key/value pair is added for the first time, we
-  add the key to the `keys` OrderedSet, and create or
-  replace an entry in `values`. When an entry is deleted,
-  we delete its entry in `keys` and `values`.
-  @class Map
-  @namespace Ember
-  @private
-  @constructor
-var Map = Ember.Map = function() {
-  this.keys = Ember.OrderedSet.create();
-  this.values = {};
-  @method create
-  @static
-Map.create = function() {
-  return new Map();
-Map.prototype = {
-  /**
-    This property will change as the number of objects in the map changes.
-    @property length
-    @type number
-    @default 0
-  */
-  length: 0,
-  /**
-    Retrieve the value associated with a given key.
-    @method get
-    @param {*} key
-    @return {*} the value associated with the key, or `undefined`
-  */
-  get: function(key) {
-    var values = this.values,
-        guid = guidFor(key);
-    return values[guid];
-  },
-  /**
-    Adds a value to the map. If a value for the given key has already been
-    provided, the new value will replace the old value.
-    @method set
-    @param {*} key
-    @param {*} value
-  */
-  set: function(key, value) {
-    var keys = this.keys,
-        values = this.values,
-        guid = guidFor(key);
-    keys.add(key);
-    values[guid] = value;
-    set(this, 'length', keys.list.length);
-  },
-  /**
-    Removes a value from the map for an associated key.
-    @method remove
-    @param {*} key
-    @return {Boolean} true if an item was removed, false otherwise
-  */
-  remove: function(key) {
-    // don't use ES6 "delete" because it will be annoying
-    // to use in browsers that are not ES6 friendly;
-    var keys = this.keys,
-        values = this.values,
-        guid = guidFor(key);
-    if (values.hasOwnProperty(guid)) {
-      keys.remove(key);
-      delete values[guid];
-      set(this, 'length', keys.list.length);
-      return true;
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-    Check whether a key is present.
-    @method has
-    @param {*} key
-    @return {Boolean} true if the item was present, false otherwise
-  */
-  has: function(key) {
-    var values = this.values,
-        guid = guidFor(key);
-    return values.hasOwnProperty(guid);
-  },
-  /**
-    Iterate over all the keys and values. Calls the function once
-    for each key, passing in the key and value, in that order.
-    The keys are guaranteed to be iterated over in insertion order.
-    @method forEach
-    @param {Function} callback
-    @param {*} self if passed, the `this` value inside the
-      callback. By default, `this` is the map.
-  */
-  forEach: function(callback, self) {
-    var keys = this.keys,
-        values = this.values;
-    keys.forEach(function(key) {
-      var guid = guidFor(key);
-, key, values[guid]);
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-    @method copy
-    @return {Ember.Map}
-  */
-  copy: function() {
-    return copyMap(this, new Map());
-  }
-  @class MapWithDefault
-  @namespace Ember
-  @extends Ember.Map
-  @private
-  @constructor
-  @param [options]
-    @param {*} [options.defaultValue]
-var MapWithDefault = Ember.MapWithDefault = function(options) {
-  this.defaultValue = options.defaultValue;
-  @method create
-  @static
-  @param [optio