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Posted to by 박남규 <> on 2002/07/16 04:56:11 UTC

Add Collection Indexer problem


Since query costs more than 4 seconds , I want to create indexer in some collection. I see this contents in xindice home.

xindiceadmin add_collection_indexer -c /db/data/catalog -n idindex -p '*'
xindiceadmin add_collection_indexer -c /db/data/catalog -n idindex -p '*@*'

But I failed to add indexer by above ways. There was no error and the result of command displayed help of 'xindiceadmin' command. 

So, I did add indexer by using add_indexer like this.

./xindiceadmin add_indexer -c /db/ProgressDoc/CompleteDoc -n completeindex -p *
./xindiceadmin add_indexer -c /db/ProgressDoc/CompleteDoc -n completeindex2 -p *@*

Two indexer were created. But there was no affects about time. Also, XPathQueryService.query() got no data from db(It must get 15 documents at least)

How I creates indexer? 

Regards for answer.

※ PS : 
1. There are 50 documents in CompleteDoc collection. 

2. XQuery is like this :
 /pubdoc[boolean(//refapprove[userid='admin']) or boolean(//@order[../id='admin' and (../@status='complete' or ../@status='pending' and (../@kind='bypass' or ../@kind='post')))])]

3. Document Format is like this : 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pubdoc type="report">
    <processinfo currorder="2" view="y">
            <dockind type="select" order="1">???I</dockind>
            <keepyear type="select" order="1">1?</keepyear>
            <department partcode="001">(?)???</department>
        <approval kind="normal" order="1" status="complete" retrieval="all" seto
                <img src="/servlet/ApprovalSign?userid=admin&amp;type=normal" al
            <commentinfo position="" name="" date="20020625">test</commentinfo>
            <unitmodify setline="y" modunit="y" setcomment="y" edit="n" readonly
        <approval kind="normal" order="2" status="pending" retrieval="all" setor
                <img src="" alt=""/>
            <commentinfo position="" name="" date=""/>
            <unitmodify setline="n" modunit="y" setcomment="y" edit="n" readonly
        <approval kind="normal" order="3" status="pending" retrieval="all" setor
                <img src="" alt=""/>
            <commentinfo position="" name="" date=""/>
            <unitmodify setline="n" modunit="y" setcomment="y" edit="n" readonly
        <approval kind="normal" order="final" status="pending" retrieval="all" s
                <img src="" alt=""/>
            <commentinfo position="" name="" date=""/>
            <unitmodify setline="n" modunit="n" setcomment="y" edit="n" readonly
            <bulletin when="4">