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Posted to by Ufuk Yuzereroglu <> on 2002/08/26 22:45:24 UTC

Mason script not running


I have a Redhat 7.3 box running apache with mod_ssl and mod_perl. I configured the server to run on SSL. I have a very simple script as follows for Mason module:

<& /PublicPages/WebComponents/small_dialog, data => $m->scomp('/PublicPages/WebComponents/main_menu'), title => 'Please Select a Feature' &>


I intsalled all the modules necessary including HTML_Mason, Apache::Request, etc. But when I try to go to my site, I get a 500 Internal server error and the error log for apache gives me the messages:

[Mon Aug 26 13:38:10 2002] [error] Can't locate object method "new" via package "Apache::Request" (perhaps you forgot to load "Apache::Request"?) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/ line 827.

But I am pretty sure I installed Apache::Request using

make Makefile.PL && make install

I will appreciate if anyone can help me with this.