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Posted to by Nicolas Socheleau <> on 2005/04/25 17:30:17 UTC

multi-threads and AWTGlyphGeometryCache

The fontCache member of AWTGVTFont is a static non-synchronized HashMap
and access to the AWTGlyphGeometryCache is also non-synchronized.


My test runs 50 threads each using one SVG Transcoder to produce jpeg
out of 20 svg files (for each thread). At some point, the glyph geometry
cache which contains a list of glyph geometry is corrupted. One of the
list becomes circular and some threads enter an infinite loop when
AWTGlyphGeometryCache.get() or AWTGlyphGeometryCache.rehash() is called.


Did anybody experience something similar? Is there something to be done
before using the SVG Transcoder in a multi-threaded environment?

