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Posted to by Michael Wechner <> on 2006/08/28 16:56:32 UTC

Merge result-sets from two or more different indices


I have two (e.g. A and B) or more indices and would like to search these 
at the "same" time and then merge the result sets into
one list, e.g. A-1, B-1, A-2, B-2, ... or using the scoring/relevance of 
each result-set and compare them.

Does that actually make sense or is there any other way to do this (I 
mean beside merging the indices)?

The reason I have this problem is because I have trouble indexing 
multiple internet sites and multiple filesystems at the same
time into one index and also accessing results from this one index by 
prodividing check/select boxes. So I thought I index
each of these "areas" on it's own and build a search interface which is 
accessing these different indexes.



Michael Wechner
Wyona      -   Open Source Content Management   -    Apache Lenya                          
+41 44 272 91 61