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[09/32] hive git commit: HIVE-17528 : Add more q-tests for Hive-on-Spark with Parquet vectorized reader (Ferdinand Xu, reviewed by Vihang Karajgaonkar)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/spark/parquet_vectorization_15.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/spark/parquet_vectorization_15.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8ac3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/spark/parquet_vectorization_15.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+SELECT   cfloat,
+         cboolean1,
+         cdouble,
+         cstring1,
+         ctinyint,
+         cint,
+         ctimestamp1,
+         STDDEV_SAMP(cfloat),
+         (-26.28 - cint),
+         MIN(cdouble),
+         (cdouble * 79.553),
+         (33 % cfloat),
+         STDDEV_SAMP(ctinyint),
+         VAR_POP(ctinyint),
+         (-23 % cdouble),
+         (-(ctinyint)),
+         VAR_SAMP(cint),
+         (cint - cfloat),
+         (-23 % ctinyint),
+         (-((-26.28 - cint))),
+         STDDEV_POP(cint)
+FROM     alltypesparquet
+WHERE    (((cstring2 LIKE '%ss%')
+           OR (cstring1 LIKE '10%'))
+          OR ((cint >= -75)
+              AND ((ctinyint = csmallint)
+                   AND (cdouble >= -3728))))
+GROUP BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+ORDER BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+SELECT   cfloat,
+         cboolean1,
+         cdouble,
+         cstring1,
+         ctinyint,
+         cint,
+         ctimestamp1,
+         STDDEV_SAMP(cfloat),
+         (-26.28 - cint),
+         MIN(cdouble),
+         (cdouble * 79.553),
+         (33 % cfloat),
+         STDDEV_SAMP(ctinyint),
+         VAR_POP(ctinyint),
+         (-23 % cdouble),
+         (-(ctinyint)),
+         VAR_SAMP(cint),
+         (cint - cfloat),
+         (-23 % ctinyint),
+         (-((-26.28 - cint))),
+         STDDEV_POP(cint)
+FROM     alltypesparquet
+WHERE    (((cstring2 LIKE '%ss%')
+           OR (cstring1 LIKE '10%'))
+          OR ((cint >= -75)
+              AND ((ctinyint = csmallint)
+                   AND (cdouble >= -3728))))
+GROUP BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+ORDER BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (GROUP, 2)
+        Reducer 3 <- Reducer 2 (SORT, 1)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: alltypesparquet
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 147456 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      vectorizationSchemaColumns: [0:ctinyint:tinyint, 1:csmallint:smallint, 2:cint:int, 3:cbigint:bigint, 4:cfloat:float, 5:cdouble:double, 6:cstring1:string, 7:cstring2:string, 8:ctimestamp1:timestamp, 9:ctimestamp2:timestamp, 10:cboolean1:boolean, 11:cboolean2:boolean, 12:ROW__ID:struct<transactionid:bigint,bucketid:int,rowid:bigint>]
+                  Filter Operator
+                    Filter Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorFilterOperator
+                        native: true
+                        predicateExpression: FilterExprOrExpr(children: FilterStringColLikeStringScalar(col 7:string, pattern %ss%), FilterStringColLikeStringScalar(col 6:string, pattern 10%), FilterExprAndExpr(children: FilterLongColGreaterEqualLongScalar(col 2:int, val -75), FilterLongColEqualLongColumn(col 0:smallint, col 1:smallint)(children: col 0:tinyint), FilterDoubleColGreaterEqualDoubleScalar(col 5:double, val -3728.0)))
+                    predicate: (((cint >= -75) and (UDFToShort(ctinyint) = csmallint) and (cdouble >= -3728.0)) or (cstring1 like '10%') or (cstring2 like '%ss%')) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 147456 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ctinyint (type: tinyint), cint (type: int), cfloat (type: float), cdouble (type: double), cstring1 (type: string), ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp), cboolean1 (type: boolean)
+                      outputColumnNames: ctinyint, cint, cfloat, cdouble, cstring1, ctimestamp1, cboolean1
+                      Select Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorSelectOperator
+                          native: true
+                          projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10]
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 147456 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Group By Operator
+                        aggregations: stddev_samp(cfloat), min(cdouble), stddev_samp(ctinyint), var_pop(ctinyint), var_samp(cint), stddev_pop(cint)
+                        Group By Vectorization:
+                            aggregators: VectorUDAFVarDouble(col 4:float) -> struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double> aggregation: stddev_samp, VectorUDAFMinDouble(col 5:double) -> double, VectorUDAFVarLong(col 0:tinyint) -> struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double> aggregation: stddev_samp, VectorUDAFVarLong(col 0:tinyint) -> struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double> aggregation: var_pop, VectorUDAFVarLong(col 2:int) -> struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double> aggregation: var_samp, VectorUDAFVarLong(col 2:int) -> struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double> aggregation: stddev_pop
+                            className: VectorGroupByOperator
+                            groupByMode: HASH
+                            keyExpressions: col 4:float, col 10:boolean, col 5:double, col 6:string, col 0:tinyint, col 2:int, col 8:timestamp
+                            native: false
+                            vectorProcessingMode: HASH
+                            projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+                        keys: cfloat (type: float), cboolean1 (type: boolean), cdouble (type: double), cstring1 (type: string), ctinyint (type: tinyint), cint (type: int), ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp)
+                        mode: hash
+                        outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 147456 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Reduce Output Operator
+                          key expressions: _col0 (type: float), _col1 (type: boolean), _col2 (type: double), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: tinyint), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: timestamp)
+                          sort order: +++++++
+                          Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: float), _col1 (type: boolean), _col2 (type: double), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: tinyint), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: timestamp)
+                          Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                              className: VectorReduceSinkMultiKeyOperator
+                              keyColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+                              native: true
+                              nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine spark IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                              valueColumnNums: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 147456 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          value expressions: _col7 (type: struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double>), _col8 (type: double), _col9 (type: struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double>), _col10 (type: struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double>), _col11 (type: struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double>), _col12 (type: struct<count:bigint,sum:double,variance:double>)
+            Execution mode: vectorized
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: []
+                featureSupportInUse: []
+                inputFileFormats:
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 12
+                    includeColumns: [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10]
+                    dataColumns: ctinyint:tinyint, csmallint:smallint, cint:int, cbigint:bigint, cfloat:float, cdouble:double, cstring1:string, cstring2:string, ctimestamp1:timestamp, ctimestamp2:timestamp, cboolean1:boolean, cboolean2:boolean
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: []
+        Reducer 2 
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: false
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.execution.engine spark IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                enableConditionsNotMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: stddev_samp(VALUE._col0), min(VALUE._col1), stddev_samp(VALUE._col2), var_pop(VALUE._col3), var_samp(VALUE._col4), stddev_pop(VALUE._col5)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: float), KEY._col1 (type: boolean), KEY._col2 (type: double), KEY._col3 (type: string), KEY._col4 (type: tinyint), KEY._col5 (type: int), KEY._col6 (type: timestamp)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12
+                Statistics: Num rows: 6144 Data size: 73728 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Select Operator
+                  expressions: _col0 (type: float), _col1 (type: boolean), _col2 (type: double), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: tinyint), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: timestamp), _col7 (type: double), (-26.28 - CAST( _col5 AS decimal(10,0))) (type: decimal(13,2)), _col8 (type: double), (_col2 * 79.553) (type: double), (33.0 % _col0) (type: float), _col9 (type: double), _col10 (type: double), (-23.0 % _col2) (type: double), (- _col4) (type: tinyint), _col11 (type: double), (UDFToFloat(_col5) - _col0) (type: float), (-23 % UDFToInteger(_col4)) (type: int), (- (-26.28 - CAST( _col5 AS decimal(10,0)))) (type: decimal(13,2)), _col12 (type: double)
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14, _col15, _col16, _col17, _col18, _col19, _col20
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 6144 Data size: 73728 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: float), _col1 (type: boolean), _col2 (type: double), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: tinyint), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: timestamp)
+                    sort order: +++++++
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 6144 Data size: 73728 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col7 (type: double), _col8 (type: decimal(13,2)), _col9 (type: double), _col10 (type: double), _col11 (type: float), _col12 (type: double), _col13 (type: double), _col14 (type: double), _col15 (type: tinyint), _col16 (type: double), _col17 (type: float), _col18 (type: int), _col19 (type: decimal(13,2)), _col20 (type: double)
+        Reducer 3 
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: false
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.execution.engine spark IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                enableConditionsNotMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS false
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: float), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: boolean), KEY.reducesinkkey2 (type: double), KEY.reducesinkkey3 (type: string), KEY.reducesinkkey4 (type: tinyint), KEY.reducesinkkey5 (type: int), KEY.reducesinkkey6 (type: timestamp), VALUE._col0 (type: double), VALUE._col1 (type: decimal(13,2)), VALUE._col2 (type: double), VALUE._col3 (type: double), VALUE._col4 (type: float), VALUE._col5 (type: double), VALUE._col6 (type: double), VALUE._col7 (type: double), VALUE._col8 (type: tinyint), VALUE._col9 (type: double), VALUE._col10 (type: float), VALUE._col11 (type: int), VALUE._col12 (type: decimal(13,2)), VALUE._col13 (type: double)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14, _col15, _col16, _col17, _col18, _col19, _col20
+                Statistics: Num rows: 6144 Data size: 73728 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                File Output Operator
+                  compressed: false
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 6144 Data size: 73728 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  table:
+                      input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
+                      output format:
+                      serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: -1
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
+PREHOOK: query: SELECT   cfloat,
+         cboolean1,
+         cdouble,
+         cstring1,
+         ctinyint,
+         cint,
+         ctimestamp1,
+         STDDEV_SAMP(cfloat),
+         (-26.28 - cint),
+         MIN(cdouble),
+         (cdouble * 79.553),
+         (33 % cfloat),
+         STDDEV_SAMP(ctinyint),
+         VAR_POP(ctinyint),
+         (-23 % cdouble),
+         (-(ctinyint)),
+         VAR_SAMP(cint),
+         (cint - cfloat),
+         (-23 % ctinyint),
+         (-((-26.28 - cint))),
+         STDDEV_POP(cint)
+FROM     alltypesparquet
+WHERE    (((cstring2 LIKE '%ss%')
+           OR (cstring1 LIKE '10%'))
+          OR ((cint >= -75)
+              AND ((ctinyint = csmallint)
+                   AND (cdouble >= -3728))))
+GROUP BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+ORDER BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesparquet
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: SELECT   cfloat,
+         cboolean1,
+         cdouble,
+         cstring1,
+         ctinyint,
+         cint,
+         ctimestamp1,
+         STDDEV_SAMP(cfloat),
+         (-26.28 - cint),
+         MIN(cdouble),
+         (cdouble * 79.553),
+         (33 % cfloat),
+         STDDEV_SAMP(ctinyint),
+         VAR_POP(ctinyint),
+         (-23 % cdouble),
+         (-(ctinyint)),
+         VAR_SAMP(cint),
+         (cint - cfloat),
+         (-23 % ctinyint),
+         (-((-26.28 - cint))),
+         STDDEV_POP(cint)
+FROM     alltypesparquet
+WHERE    (((cstring2 LIKE '%ss%')
+           OR (cstring1 LIKE '10%'))
+          OR ((cint >= -75)
+              AND ((ctinyint = csmallint)
+                   AND (cdouble >= -3728))))
+GROUP BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+ORDER BY cfloat, cboolean1, cdouble, cstring1, ctinyint, cint, ctimestamp1
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesparquet
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+-48.0	NULL	-7196.0	NULL	-48	NULL	1969-12-31 16:00:06.337	NULL	NULL	-7196.0	-572463.388	33.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	48	NULL	NULL	-23	NULL	NULL
+-51.0	NULL	-200.0	NULL	-51	NULL	1969-12-31 15:59:55.423	NULL	NULL	-200.0	-15910.599999999999	33.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	51	NULL	NULL	-23	NULL	NULL
+-51.0	false	NULL	10	-51	1058319346	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	-1058319372.28	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	1.05831942E9	-23	1058319372.28	0.0
+-51.0	false	NULL	10TYIE5S35U6dj3N	-51	-469581869	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	469581842.72	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	-4.69581792E8	-23	-469581842.72	0.0
+-51.0	false	NULL	1Lh6Uoq3WhNtOqQHu7WN7U	-51	-352637533	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	352637506.72	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	-3.52637472E8	-23	-352637506.72	0.0
+-51.0	true	NULL	04Y1mA17	-51	-114647521	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	114647494.72	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	-1.14647472E8	-23	-114647494.72	0.0
+-51.0	true	NULL	10Wu570aLPO0p02P17FeH	-51	405338893	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	-405338919.28	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	4.05338944E8	-23	405338919.28	0.0
+-51.0	true	NULL	3cQp060	-51	-226923315	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	226923288.72	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	-2.26923264E8	-23	-226923288.72	0.0
+-51.0	true	NULL	8EPG0Xi307qd	-51	-328662044	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	328662017.72	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	-3.28661984E8	-23	-328662017.72	0.0
+-51.0	true	NULL	8iHtdkJ6d	-51	1006818344	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	-1006818370.28	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	1.00681843E9	-23	1006818370.28	0.0
+-51.0	true	NULL	QiOcvR0kt6r7f0R7fiPxQTCU	-51	266531954	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	-266531980.28	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	2.66532E8	-23	266531980.28	0.0
+-51.0	true	NULL	Ybpj38RTTYl7CnJXPNx1g4C	-51	-370919370	1969-12-31 16:00:08.451	NULL	370919343.72	NULL	NULL	33.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	51	NULL	-3.70919296E8	-23	-370919343.72	0.0
+-6.0	NULL	-200.0	NULL	-6	NULL	1969-12-31 15:59:56.094	NULL	NULL	-200.0	-15910.599999999999	3.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	6	NULL	NULL	-5	NULL	NULL
+-62.0	NULL	15601.0	NULL	-62	NULL	1969-12-31 15:59:56.527	NULL	NULL	15601.0	1241106.353	33.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	62	NULL	NULL	-23	NULL	NULL
+11.0	false	NULL	10pO8p1LNx4Y	11	271296824	1969-12-31 16:00:02.351	NULL	-271296850.28	NULL	NULL	0.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-11	NULL	2.71296832E8	-1	271296850.28	0.0
+11.0	false	NULL	1H6wGP	11	-560827082	1969-12-31 16:00:02.351	NULL	560827055.72	NULL	NULL	0.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-11	NULL	-5.6082707E8	-1	-560827055.72	0.0
+11.0	false	NULL	2a7V63IL7jK3o	11	-325931647	1969-12-31 16:00:02.351	NULL	325931620.72	NULL	NULL	0.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-11	NULL	-3.25931648E8	-1	-325931620.72	0.0
+11.0	true	NULL	10	11	92365813	1969-12-31 16:00:02.351	NULL	-92365839.28	NULL	NULL	0.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-11	NULL	9.2365808E7	-1	92365839.28	0.0
+21.0	NULL	15601.0	NULL	21	NULL	1969-12-31 15:59:56.527	NULL	NULL	15601.0	1241106.353	12.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	-21	NULL	NULL	-2	NULL	NULL
+32.0	NULL	-200.0	NULL	32	NULL	1969-12-31 16:00:02.445	NULL	NULL	-200.0	-15910.599999999999	1.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	-32	NULL	NULL	-23	NULL	NULL
+36.0	NULL	-200.0	NULL	36	NULL	1969-12-31 16:00:00.554	NULL	NULL	-200.0	-15910.599999999999	33.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	-36	NULL	NULL	-23	NULL	NULL
+5.0	NULL	15601.0	NULL	5	NULL	1969-12-31 15:59:56.527	NULL	NULL	15601.0	1241106.353	3.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	-5	NULL	NULL	-3	NULL	NULL
+58.0	NULL	15601.0	NULL	58	NULL	1969-12-31 15:59:56.527	NULL	NULL	15601.0	1241106.353	33.0	NULL	0.0	-23.0	-58	NULL	NULL	-23	NULL	NULL
+8.0	false	NULL	10V3pN5r5lI2qWl2lG103	8	-362835731	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	362835704.72	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	-3.62835744E8	-7	-362835704.72	0.0
+8.0	false	NULL	10c4qt584m5y6uWT	8	-183000142	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	183000115.72	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	-1.8300016E8	-7	-183000115.72	0.0
+8.0	false	NULL	8GloEukQ0c68JDmnYL53	8	-722873402	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	722873375.72	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	-7.2287341E8	-7	-722873375.72	0.0
+8.0	false	NULL	kA0XH5C5	8	-503903864	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	503903837.72	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	-5.03903872E8	-7	-503903837.72	0.0
+8.0	true	NULL	100VTM7PEW8GH1uE	8	88129338	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	-88129364.28	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	8.8129328E7	-7	88129364.28	0.0
+8.0	true	NULL	1062158y	8	-1005155523	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	1005155496.72	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	-1.00515552E9	-7	-1005155496.72	0.0
+8.0	true	NULL	1063cEnGjSal	8	-624769630	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	624769603.72	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	-6.247696E8	-7	-624769603.72	0.0
+8.0	true	NULL	4kMasVoB7lX1wc5i64bNk	8	683567667	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	-683567693.28	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	6.8356768E8	-7	683567693.28	0.0
+8.0	true	NULL	XH6I7A417	8	436627202	1969-12-31 16:00:15.892	NULL	-436627228.28	NULL	NULL	1.0	NULL	0.0	NULL	-8	NULL	4.366272E8	-7	436627228.28	0.0
+NULL	false	-13008.0	10	NULL	-896629175	NULL	NULL	896629148.72	-13008.0	-1034825.424	NULL	NULL	NULL	-23.0	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	-896629148.72	0.0
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