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svn commit: rev 54741 - in webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch: . resources src src/com src/com/sosnoski src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench

Author: hemapani
Date: Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
New Revision: 54741

   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/init.xml   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/init_no_entities.xml   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/much_ado.xml   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/periodic.xml   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/soap1.xml   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/soap2.xml   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/xml.xml   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
   webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/   (contents, props changed)
check in the xmlbeanh source code in behalf of Ajith

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/init.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/init.xml	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE spec [
+<!ENTITY base	"${basedir}">
+<!ENTITY build	"${build}">
+<!-- ===================================================================
+Ant build file for XML document representation benchmark program. This
+version has been modified for use as a primer file for the tests. Entities
+have been added in order to ensure that all relevant portions of the code
+being tested are used by the primer file.
+This is a build file for use with the Ant build tool.  See
+ for more info.  This build.xml
+file has been tested with ant version 1.2.
+=================================================================== -->
+<project name="XMLBench" default="main" basedir="..">
+  <!-- The directories -->
+  <property name="root" value="&base;" />
+  <property name="lib" value="&base;/lib" />
+  <property name="build" value="&base;/build" />
+  <property name="src" value="&build;/src" />
+  <property name="dest" value="&build;/classes" />
+  <property name="docs" value="&build;/docs" />
+  <!-- Other definitions -->
+  <property name="project" value="XML Document Representation Benchmark" />
+  <property name="projname" value="xmlbench" />
+  <property name="jarname" value="xmlbm" />
+  <property name="fullname" value="fullbench" />
+  <property name="packages" value="com.sosnoski.xmlbench" />
+  <!-- Common classpath -->
+  <path id="project-classpath">
+    <pathelement location="${dest}" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/jaxp.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/xerces.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/crimson.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/jdom.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/dom4j.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/EXML.jar" />
+	<gratuitous>This is just some added text</gratuitous>
+	<gratuitous><gratuitous>Nested added text</gratuitous></gratuitous>
+	<gratuitous xmlns="">
+		Another added text within a namespace
+		<grat:gratuitous xmlns:grat="">
+			Nested added text with namespaces
+		</grat:gratuitous>
+	</gratuitous>
+  </path>
+  <!-- Delete existing class files -->
+  <target name="clean">
+    <delete>
+      <fileset dir="${dest}" includes="**/*.class" />
+    </delete>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Compile the benchmark program -->
+  <target name="compile">
+    <mkdir dir="${dest}"/>
+    <javac srcdir="${src}"
+		   destdir="${dest}"
+		   optimize="on"
+		   deprecation="on">
+      <classpath refid="project-classpath" />
+    </javac>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Build the javadocs -->
+  <target name="javadoc">
+    <mkdir dir="${docs}"/>
+    <javadoc packagenames="${packages}"
+             sourcepath="${src}"
+             destdir="${docs}"
+             author="true"
+             version="true"
+             noindex="true"
+			 nohelp="true"
+			 notree="true"
+             windowtitle="${project}"
+             doctitle="${project}"
+             bottom="&lt;table width='80%%'&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td width='50%%'&gt;&lt;p align='center'&gt;&lt;a href='' target='_top'&gt;&lt;font size='3'&gt;&lt;b&gt;Company Web Site&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td width='50%%'&gt;&lt;p align='center'&gt;&lt;a href='' target='_top'&gt;&lt;font size='3'&gt;&lt;b&gt;XML Benchmark Home&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;"
+    >
+      <classpath refid="project-classpath" />
+	</javadoc>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Build the jar files for distribution -->
+  <target name="package" depends="compile,javadoc">
+    <delete file="${lib}/${jarname}.jar" quiet="true" />
+    <delete file="${root}/${projname}.jar" quiet="true" />
+	<delete file="${root}/${fullname}.jar" quiet="true" />
+	<jar jarfile="${lib}/${jarname}.jar"
+	     basedir="${dest}" />
+    <jar jarfile="${root}/${projname}.jar">
+      <fileset dir="&build;" />
+	  <fileset dir="${lib}"
+	           includes="${jarname}.jar" />
+	</jar>
+    <jar jarfile="${root}/${fullname}.jar"
+	     basedir="${root}"
+	     excludes="**/*.txt,**/${projname}.jar,**/${fullname}.jar" />
+  </target>
+  <!-- Run the example program with a sample input file.  Note, when this
+       target is executed, ant may prefix the output with "[java]".  Run
+       the program with "java" directly to avoid this. -->
+  <target name="run">
+    <java classname="com.sosnoski.xmlbench.XMLBench" fork="yes">
+      <arg value="test.xml" />
+      <arg value="10" />
+      <classpath refid="project-classpath" />
+    </java>
+  </target>
+  <target name="main" depends="clean,compile,javadoc,package" />

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/init_no_entities.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/init_no_entities.xml	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- ===================================================================
+Ant build file for XML document representation benchmark program. This
+version has been modified for use as a primer file for the tests. Entities
+have been added in order to ensure that all relevant portions of the code
+being tested are used by the primer file.
+This is a build file for use with the Ant build tool.  See
+ for more info.  This build.xml
+file has been tested with ant version 1.2.
+=================================================================== -->
+<project name="XMLBench" default="main" basedir="..">
+  <!-- The directories -->
+  <property name="root" value="${basedir}" />
+  <property name="lib" value="${basedir}/lib" />
+  <property name="build" value="${basedir}/build" />
+  <property name="src" value="${build}/src" />
+  <property name="dest" value="${build}/classes" />
+  <property name="docs" value="${build}/docs" />
+  <!-- Other definitions -->
+  <property name="project" value="XML Document Representation Benchmark" />
+  <property name="projname" value="xmlbench" />
+  <property name="jarname" value="xmlbm" />
+  <property name="fullname" value="fullbench" />
+  <property name="packages" value="com.sosnoski.xmlbench" />
+  <!-- Common classpath -->
+  <path id="project-classpath">
+    <pathelement location="${dest}" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/jaxp.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/xerces.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/crimson.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/jdom.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/dom4j.jar" />
+    <pathelement location="${lib}/EXML.jar" />
+	<gratuitous>This is just some added text</gratuitous>
+	<gratuitous><gratuitous>Nested added text</gratuitous></gratuitous>
+	<gratuitous xmlns="">
+		Another added text within a namespace
+		<grat:gratuitous xmlns:grat="">
+			Nested added text with namespaces
+		</grat:gratuitous>
+	</gratuitous>
+  </path>
+  <!-- Delete existing class files -->
+  <target name="clean">
+    <delete>
+      <fileset dir="${dest}" includes="**/*.class" />
+    </delete>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Compile the benchmark program -->
+  <target name="compile">
+    <mkdir dir="${dest}"/>
+    <javac srcdir="${src}"
+		   destdir="${dest}"
+		   optimize="on"
+		   deprecation="on">
+      <classpath refid="project-classpath" />
+    </javac>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Build the javadocs -->
+  <target name="javadoc">
+    <mkdir dir="${docs}"/>
+    <javadoc packagenames="${packages}"
+             sourcepath="${src}"
+             destdir="${docs}"
+             author="true"
+             version="true"
+             noindex="true"
+			 nohelp="true"
+			 notree="true"
+             windowtitle="${project}"
+             doctitle="${project}"
+             bottom="&lt;table width='80%%'&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td width='50%%'&gt;&lt;p align='center'&gt;&lt;a href='' target='_top'&gt;&lt;font size='3'&gt;&lt;b&gt;Company Web Site&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td width='50%%'&gt;&lt;p align='center'&gt;&lt;a href='' target='_top'&gt;&lt;font size='3'&gt;&lt;b&gt;XML Benchmark Home&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;"
+    >
+      <classpath refid="project-classpath" />
+	</javadoc>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Build the jar files for distribution -->
+  <target name="package" depends="compile,javadoc">
+    <delete file="${lib}/${jarname}.jar" quiet="true" />
+    <delete file="${root}/${projname}.jar" quiet="true" />
+	<delete file="${root}/${fullname}.jar" quiet="true" />
+	<jar jarfile="${lib}/${jarname}.jar"
+	     basedir="${dest}" />
+    <jar jarfile="${root}/${projname}.jar">
+      <fileset dir="${build}" />
+	  <fileset dir="${lib}"
+	           includes="${jarname}.jar" />
+	</jar>
+    <jar jarfile="${root}/${fullname}.jar"
+	     basedir="${root}"
+	     excludes="**/*.txt,**/${projname}.jar,**/${fullname}.jar" />
+  </target>
+  <!-- Run the example program with a sample input file.  Note, when this
+       target is executed, ant may prefix the output with "[java]".  Run
+       the program with "java" directly to avoid this. -->
+  <target name="run">
+    <java classname="com.sosnoski.xmlbench.XMLBench" fork="yes">
+      <arg value="test.xml" />
+      <arg value="10" />
+      <classpath refid="project-classpath" />
+    </java>
+  </target>
+  <target name="main" depends="clean,compile,javadoc,package" />

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/much_ado.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/much_ado.xml	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,6850 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<TITLE>Much Ado about Nothing</TITLE>
+<P>Text placed in the public domain by Moby Lexical Tools, 1992.</P>
+<P>SGML markup by Jon Bosak, 1992-1994.</P>
+<P>XML version by Jon Bosak, 1996-1998.</P>
+<P>This work may be freely copied and distributed worldwide.</P>
+<TITLE>Dramatis Personae</TITLE>
+<PERSONA>DON PEDRO, prince of Arragon.</PERSONA>
+<PERSONA>DON JOHN, his bastard brother.</PERSONA>
+<PERSONA>CLAUDIO, a young lord of Florence.</PERSONA>
+<PERSONA>BENEDICK, a young lord of Padua.</PERSONA>
+<PERSONA>LEONATO, governor of Messina.</PERSONA>
+<PERSONA>BALTHASAR, attendant on Don Pedro.</PERSONA>
+<GRPDESCR>followers of Don John.</GRPDESCR>
+<PERSONA>VERGES, a headborough.</PERSONA>
+<PERSONA>HERO, daughter to Leonato.</PERSONA>
+<PERSONA>BEATRICE, niece to Leonato.</PERSONA>
+<GRPDESCR>gentlewomen attending on Hero.</GRPDESCR>
+<PERSONA>Messengers, Watch, Attendants, &amp;c. </PERSONA>
+<LINE>I learn in this letter that Don Peter of Arragon</LINE>
+<LINE>comes this night to Messina.</LINE>
+<LINE>He is very near by this: he was not three leagues off</LINE>
+<LINE>when I left him.</LINE>
+<LINE>How many gentlemen have you lost in this action?</LINE>
+<LINE>But few of any sort, and none of name.</LINE>
+<LINE>A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings</LINE>
+<LINE>home full numbers. I find here that Don Peter hath</LINE>
+<LINE>bestowed much honour on a young Florentine called Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>Much deserved on his part and equally remembered by</LINE>
+<LINE>Don Pedro: he hath borne himself beyond the</LINE>
+<LINE>promise of his age, doing, in the figure of a lamb,</LINE>
+<LINE>the feats of a lion: he hath indeed better</LINE>
+<LINE>bettered expectation than you must expect of me to</LINE>
+<LINE>tell you how.</LINE>
+<LINE>He hath an uncle here in Messina will be very much</LINE>
+<LINE>glad of it.</LINE>
+<LINE>I have already delivered him letters, and there</LINE>
+<LINE>appears much joy in him; even so much that joy could</LINE>
+<LINE>not show itself modest enough without a badge of</LINE>
+<LINE>Did he break out into tears?</LINE>
+<LINE>In great measure.</LINE>
+<LINE>A kind overflow of kindness: there are no faces</LINE>
+<LINE>truer than those that are so washed. How much</LINE>
+<LINE>better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping!</LINE>
+<LINE>I pray you, is Signior Mountanto returned from the</LINE>
+<LINE>wars or no?</LINE>
+<LINE>I know none of that name, lady: there was none such</LINE>
+<LINE>in the army of any sort.</LINE>
+<LINE>What is he that you ask for, niece?</LINE>
+<LINE>My cousin means Signior Benedick of Padua.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, he's returned; and as pleasant as ever he was.</LINE>
+<LINE>He set up his bills here in Messina and challenged</LINE>
+<LINE>Cupid at the flight; and my uncle's fool, reading</LINE>
+<LINE>the challenge, subscribed for Cupid, and challenged</LINE>
+<LINE>him at the bird-bolt. I pray you, how many hath he</LINE>
+<LINE>killed and eaten in these wars? But how many hath</LINE>
+<LINE>he killed? for indeed I promised to eat all of his killing.</LINE>
+<LINE>Faith, niece, you tax Signior Benedick too much;</LINE>
+<LINE>but he'll be meet with you, I doubt it not.</LINE>
+<LINE>He hath done good service, lady, in these wars.</LINE>
+<LINE>You had musty victual, and he hath holp to eat it:</LINE>
+<LINE>he is a very valiant trencherman; he hath an</LINE>
+<LINE>excellent stomach.</LINE>
+<LINE>And a good soldier too, lady.</LINE>
+<LINE>And a good soldier to a lady: but what is he to a lord?</LINE>
+<LINE>A lord to a lord, a man to a man; stuffed with all</LINE>
+<LINE>honourable virtues.</LINE>
+<LINE>It is so, indeed; he is no less than a stuffed man:</LINE>
+<LINE>but for the stuffing,--well, we are all mortal.</LINE>
+<LINE>You must not, sir, mistake my niece. There is a</LINE>
+<LINE>kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her:</LINE>
+<LINE>they never meet but there's a skirmish of wit</LINE>
+<LINE>between them.</LINE>
+<LINE>Alas! he gets nothing by that. In our last</LINE>
+<LINE>conflict four of his five wits went halting off, and</LINE>
+<LINE>now is the whole man governed with one: so that if</LINE>
+<LINE>he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him</LINE>
+<LINE>bear it for a difference between himself and his</LINE>
+<LINE>horse; for it is all the wealth that he hath left,</LINE>
+<LINE>to be known a reasonable creature. Who is his</LINE>
+<LINE>companion now? He hath every month a new sworn brother.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is't possible?</LINE>
+<LINE>Very easily possible: he wears his faith but as</LINE>
+<LINE>the fashion of his hat; it ever changes with the</LINE>
+<LINE>next block.</LINE>
+<LINE>I see, lady, the gentleman is not in your books.</LINE>
+<LINE>No; an he were, I would burn my study. But, I pray</LINE>
+<LINE>you, who is his companion? Is there no young</LINE>
+<LINE>squarer now that will make a voyage with him to the devil?</LINE>
+<LINE>He is most in the company of the right noble Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>O Lord, he will hang upon him like a disease: he</LINE>
+<LINE>is sooner caught than the pestilence, and the taker</LINE>
+<LINE>runs presently mad. God help the noble Claudio! if</LINE>
+<LINE>he have caught the Benedick, it will cost him a</LINE>
+<LINE>thousand pound ere a' be cured.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will hold friends with you, lady.</LINE>
+<LINE>Do, good friend.</LINE>
+<LINE>You will never run mad, niece.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, not till a hot January.</LINE>
+<LINE>Don Pedro is approached.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good Signior Leonato, you are come to meet your</LINE>
+<LINE>trouble: the fashion of the world is to avoid</LINE>
+<LINE>cost, and you encounter it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Never came trouble to my house in the likeness of</LINE>
+<LINE>your grace: for trouble being gone, comfort should</LINE>
+<LINE>remain; but when you depart from me, sorrow abides</LINE>
+<LINE>and happiness takes his leave.</LINE>
+<LINE>You embrace your charge too willingly. I think this</LINE>
+<LINE>is your daughter.</LINE>
+<LINE>Her mother hath many times told me so.</LINE>
+<LINE>Were you in doubt, sir, that you asked her?</LINE>
+<LINE>Signior Benedick, no; for then were you a child.</LINE>
+<LINE>You have it full, Benedick: we may guess by this</LINE>
+<LINE>what you are, being a man. Truly, the lady fathers</LINE>
+<LINE>herself. Be happy, lady; for you are like an</LINE>
+<LINE>honourable father.</LINE>
+<LINE>If Signior Leonato be her father, she would not</LINE>
+<LINE>have his head on her shoulders for all Messina, as</LINE>
+<LINE>like him as she is.</LINE>
+<LINE>I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior</LINE>
+<LINE>Benedick: nobody marks you.</LINE>
+<LINE>What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living?</LINE>
+<LINE>Is it possible disdain should die while she hath</LINE>
+<LINE>such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick?</LINE>
+<LINE>Courtesy itself must convert to disdain, if you come</LINE>
+<LINE>in her presence.</LINE>
+<LINE>Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I</LINE>
+<LINE>am loved of all ladies, only you excepted: and I</LINE>
+<LINE>would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard</LINE>
+<LINE>heart; for, truly, I love none.</LINE>
+<LINE>A dear happiness to women: they would else have</LINE>
+<LINE>been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I thank God</LINE>
+<LINE>and my cold blood, I am of your humour for that: I</LINE>
+<LINE>had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man</LINE>
+<LINE>swear he loves me.</LINE>
+<LINE>God keep your ladyship still in that mind! so some</LINE>
+<LINE>gentleman or other shall 'scape a predestinate</LINE>
+<LINE>scratched face.</LINE>
+<LINE>Scratching could not make it worse, an 'twere such</LINE>
+<LINE>a face as yours were.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, you are a rare parrot-teacher.</LINE>
+<LINE>A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours.</LINE>
+<LINE>I would my horse had the speed of your tongue, and</LINE>
+<LINE>so good a continuer. But keep your way, i' God's</LINE>
+<LINE>name; I have done.</LINE>
+<LINE>You always end with a jade's trick: I know you of old.</LINE>
+<LINE>That is the sum of all, Leonato. Signior Claudio</LINE>
+<LINE>and Signior Benedick, my dear friend Leonato hath</LINE>
+<LINE>invited you all. I tell him we shall stay here at</LINE>
+<LINE>the least a month; and he heartily prays some</LINE>
+<LINE>occasion may detain us longer. I dare swear he is no</LINE>
+<LINE>hypocrite, but prays from his heart.</LINE>
+<LINE>If you swear, my lord, you shall not be forsworn.</LINE>
+<LINE>Let me bid you welcome, my lord: being reconciled to</LINE>
+<LINE>the prince your brother, I owe you all duty.</LINE>
+<LINE>I thank you: I am not of many words, but I thank</LINE>
+<LINE>Please it your grace lead on?</LINE>
+<LINE>Your hand, Leonato; we will go together.</LINE>
+<LINE>Benedick, didst thou note the daughter of Signior Leonato?</LINE>
+<LINE>I noted her not; but I looked on her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is she not a modest young lady?</LINE>
+<LINE>Do you question me, as an honest man should do, for</LINE>
+<LINE>my simple true judgment; or would you have me speak</LINE>
+<LINE>after my custom, as being a professed tyrant to their sex?</LINE>
+<LINE>No; I pray thee speak in sober judgment.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, i' faith, methinks she's too low for a high</LINE>
+<LINE>praise, too brown for a fair praise and too little</LINE>
+<LINE>for a great praise: only this commendation I can</LINE>
+<LINE>afford her, that were she other than she is, she</LINE>
+<LINE>were unhandsome; and being no other but as she is, I</LINE>
+<LINE>do not like her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou thinkest I am in sport: I pray thee tell me</LINE>
+<LINE>truly how thou likest her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Would you buy her, that you inquire after her?</LINE>
+<LINE>Can the world buy such a jewel?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, and a case to put it into. But speak you this</LINE>
+<LINE>with a sad brow? or do you play the flouting Jack,</LINE>
+<LINE>to tell us Cupid is a good hare-finder and Vulcan a</LINE>
+<LINE>rare carpenter? Come, in what key shall a man take</LINE>
+<LINE>you, to go in the song?</LINE>
+<LINE>In mine eye she is the sweetest lady that ever I</LINE>
+<LINE>looked on.</LINE>
+<LINE>I can see yet without spectacles and I see no such</LINE>
+<LINE>matter: there's her cousin, an she were not</LINE>
+<LINE>possessed with a fury, exceeds her as much in beauty</LINE>
+<LINE>as the first of May doth the last of December. But I</LINE>
+<LINE>hope you have no intent to turn husband, have you?</LINE>
+<LINE>I would scarce trust myself, though I had sworn the</LINE>
+<LINE>contrary, if Hero would be my wife.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is't come to this? In faith, hath not the world</LINE>
+<LINE>one man but he will wear his cap with suspicion?</LINE>
+<LINE>Shall I never see a bachelor of three-score again?</LINE>
+<LINE>Go to, i' faith; an thou wilt needs thrust thy neck</LINE>
+<LINE>into a yoke, wear the print of it and sigh away</LINE>
+<LINE>Sundays. Look Don Pedro is returned to seek you.</LINE>
+<LINE>What secret hath held you here, that you followed</LINE>
+<LINE>not to Leonato's?</LINE>
+<LINE>I would your grace would constrain me to tell.</LINE>
+<LINE>I charge thee on thy allegiance.</LINE>
+<LINE>You hear, Count Claudio: I can be secret as a dumb</LINE>
+<LINE>man; I would have you think so; but, on my</LINE>
+<LINE>allegiance, mark you this, on my allegiance. He is</LINE>
+<LINE>in love. With who? now that is your grace's part.</LINE>
+<LINE>Mark how short his answer is;--With Hero, Leonato's</LINE>
+<LINE>short daughter.</LINE>
+<LINE>If this were so, so were it uttered.</LINE>
+<LINE>Like the old tale, my lord: 'it is not so, nor</LINE>
+<LINE>'twas not so, but, indeed, God forbid it should be</LINE>
+<LINE>If my passion change not shortly, God forbid it</LINE>
+<LINE>should be otherwise.</LINE>
+<LINE>Amen, if you love her; for the lady is very well worthy.</LINE>
+<LINE>You speak this to fetch me in, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my troth, I speak my thought.</LINE>
+<LINE>And, in faith, my lord, I spoke mine.</LINE>
+<LINE>And, by my two faiths and troths, my lord, I spoke mine.</LINE>
+<LINE>That I love her, I feel.</LINE>
+<LINE>That she is worthy, I know.</LINE>
+<LINE>That I neither feel how she should be loved nor</LINE>
+<LINE>know how she should be worthy, is the opinion that</LINE>
+<LINE>fire cannot melt out of me: I will die in it at the stake.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou wast ever an obstinate heretic in the despite</LINE>
+<LINE>of beauty.</LINE>
+<LINE>And never could maintain his part but in the force</LINE>
+<LINE>of his will.</LINE>
+<LINE>That a woman conceived me, I thank her; that she</LINE>
+<LINE>brought me up, I likewise give her most humble</LINE>
+<LINE>thanks: but that I will have a recheat winded in my</LINE>
+<LINE>forehead, or hang my bugle in an invisible baldrick,</LINE>
+<LINE>all women shall pardon me. Because I will not do</LINE>
+<LINE>them the wrong to mistrust any, I will do myself the</LINE>
+<LINE>right to trust none; and the fine is, for the which</LINE>
+<LINE>I may go the finer, I will live a bachelor.</LINE>
+<LINE>I shall see thee, ere I die, look pale with love.</LINE>
+<LINE>With anger, with sickness, or with hunger, my lord,</LINE>
+<LINE>not with love: prove that ever I lose more blood</LINE>
+<LINE>with love than I will get again with drinking, pick</LINE>
+<LINE>out mine eyes with a ballad-maker's pen and hang me</LINE>
+<LINE>up at the door of a brothel-house for the sign of</LINE>
+<LINE>blind Cupid.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, if ever thou dost fall from this faith, thou</LINE>
+<LINE>wilt prove a notable argument.</LINE>
+<LINE>If I do, hang me in a bottle like a cat and shoot</LINE>
+<LINE>at me; and he that hits me, let him be clapped on</LINE>
+<LINE>the shoulder, and called Adam.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, as time shall try: 'In time the savage bull</LINE>
+<LINE>doth bear the yoke.'</LINE>
+<LINE>The savage bull may; but if ever the sensible</LINE>
+<LINE>Benedick bear it, pluck off the bull's horns and set</LINE>
+<LINE>them in my forehead: and let me be vilely painted,</LINE>
+<LINE>and in such great letters as they write 'Here is</LINE>
+<LINE>good horse to hire,' let them signify under my sign</LINE>
+<LINE>'Here you may see Benedick the married man.'</LINE>
+<LINE>If this should ever happen, thou wouldst be horn-mad.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, if Cupid have not spent all his quiver in</LINE>
+<LINE>Venice, thou wilt quake for this shortly.</LINE>
+<LINE>I look for an earthquake too, then.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, you temporize with the hours. In the</LINE>
+<LINE>meantime, good Signior Benedick, repair to</LINE>
+<LINE>Leonato's: commend me to him and tell him I will</LINE>
+<LINE>not fail him at supper; for indeed he hath made</LINE>
+<LINE>great preparation.</LINE>
+<LINE>I have almost matter enough in me for such an</LINE>
+<LINE>embassage; and so I commit you--</LINE>
+<LINE>To the tuition of God: From my house, if I had it,--</LINE>
+<LINE>The sixth of July: Your loving friend, Benedick.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, mock not, mock not. The body of your</LINE>
+<LINE>discourse is sometime guarded with fragments, and</LINE>
+<LINE>the guards are but slightly basted on neither: ere</LINE>
+<LINE>you flout old ends any further, examine your</LINE>
+<LINE>conscience: and so I leave you.</LINE>
+<LINE>My liege, your highness now may do me good.</LINE>
+<LINE>My love is thine to teach: teach it but how,</LINE>
+<LINE>And thou shalt see how apt it is to learn</LINE>
+<LINE>Any hard lesson that may do thee good.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hath Leonato any son, my lord?</LINE>
+<LINE>No child but Hero; she's his only heir.</LINE>
+<LINE>Dost thou affect her, Claudio?</LINE>
+<LINE>O, my lord,</LINE>
+<LINE>When you went onward on this ended action,</LINE>
+<LINE>I look'd upon her with a soldier's eye,</LINE>
+<LINE>That liked, but had a rougher task in hand</LINE>
+<LINE>Than to drive liking to the name of love:</LINE>
+<LINE>But now I am return'd and that war-thoughts</LINE>
+<LINE>Have left their places vacant, in their rooms</LINE>
+<LINE>Come thronging soft and delicate desires,</LINE>
+<LINE>All prompting me how fair young Hero is,</LINE>
+<LINE>Saying, I liked her ere I went to wars.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou wilt be like a lover presently</LINE>
+<LINE>And tire the hearer with a book of words.</LINE>
+<LINE>If thou dost love fair Hero, cherish it,</LINE>
+<LINE>And I will break with her and with her father,</LINE>
+<LINE>And thou shalt have her. Was't not to this end</LINE>
+<LINE>That thou began'st to twist so fine a story?</LINE>
+<LINE>How sweetly you do minister to love,</LINE>
+<LINE>That know love's grief by his complexion!</LINE>
+<LINE>But lest my liking might too sudden seem,</LINE>
+<LINE>I would have salved it with a longer treatise.</LINE>
+<LINE>What need the bridge much broader than the flood?</LINE>
+<LINE>The fairest grant is the necessity.</LINE>
+<LINE>Look, what will serve is fit: 'tis once, thou lovest,</LINE>
+<LINE>And I will fit thee with the remedy.</LINE>
+<LINE>I know we shall have revelling to-night:</LINE>
+<LINE>I will assume thy part in some disguise</LINE>
+<LINE>And tell fair Hero I am Claudio,</LINE>
+<LINE>And in her bosom I'll unclasp my heart</LINE>
+<LINE>And take her hearing prisoner with the force</LINE>
+<LINE>And strong encounter of my amorous tale:</LINE>
+<LINE>Then after to her father will I break;</LINE>
+<LINE>And the conclusion is, she shall be thine.</LINE>
+<LINE>In practise let us put it presently.</LINE>
+<SCENE><TITLE>SCENE II.  A room in LEONATO's house.</TITLE>
+<LINE>How now, brother! Where is my cousin, your son?</LINE>
+<LINE>hath he provided this music?</LINE>
+<LINE>He is very busy about it. But, brother, I can tell</LINE>
+<LINE>you strange news that you yet dreamt not of.</LINE>
+<LINE>Are they good?</LINE>
+<LINE>As the event stamps them: but they have a good</LINE>
+<LINE>cover; they show well outward. The prince and Count</LINE>
+<LINE>Claudio, walking in a thick-pleached alley in mine</LINE>
+<LINE>orchard, were thus much overheard by a man of mine:</LINE>
+<LINE>the prince discovered to Claudio that he loved my</LINE>
+<LINE>niece your daughter and meant to acknowledge it</LINE>
+<LINE>this night in a dance: and if he found her</LINE>
+<LINE>accordant, he meant to take the present time by the</LINE>
+<LINE>top and instantly break with you of it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hath the fellow any wit that told you this?</LINE>
+<LINE>A good sharp fellow: I will send for him; and</LINE>
+<LINE>question him yourself.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, no; we will hold it as a dream till it appear</LINE>
+<LINE>itself: but I will acquaint my daughter withal,</LINE>
+<LINE>that she may be the better prepared for an answer,</LINE>
+<LINE>if peradventure this be true. Go you and tell her of it.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Enter Attendants</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Cousins, you know what you have to do. O, I cry you</LINE>
+<LINE>mercy, friend; go you with me, and I will use your</LINE>
+<LINE>skill. Good cousin, have a care this busy time.</LINE>
+<LINE>What the good-year, my lord! why are you thus out</LINE>
+<LINE>of measure sad?</LINE>
+<LINE>There is no measure in the occasion that breeds;</LINE>
+<LINE>therefore the sadness is without limit.</LINE>
+<LINE>You should hear reason.</LINE>
+<LINE>And when I have heard it, what blessing brings it?</LINE>
+<LINE>If not a present remedy, at least a patient</LINE>
+<LINE>I wonder that thou, being, as thou sayest thou art,</LINE>
+<LINE>born under Saturn, goest about to apply a moral</LINE>
+<LINE>medicine to a mortifying mischief. I cannot hide</LINE>
+<LINE>what I am: I must be sad when I have cause and smile</LINE>
+<LINE>at no man's jests, eat when I have stomach and wait</LINE>
+<LINE>for no man's leisure, sleep when I am drowsy and</LINE>
+<LINE>tend on no man's business, laugh when I am merry and</LINE>
+<LINE>claw no man in his humour.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, but you must not make the full show of this</LINE>
+<LINE>till you may do it without controlment. You have of</LINE>
+<LINE>late stood out against your brother, and he hath</LINE>
+<LINE>ta'en you newly into his grace; where it is</LINE>
+<LINE>impossible you should take true root but by the</LINE>
+<LINE>fair weather that you make yourself: it is needful</LINE>
+<LINE>that you frame the season for your own harvest.</LINE>
+<LINE>I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in</LINE>
+<LINE>his grace, and it better fits my blood to be</LINE>
+<LINE>disdained of all than to fashion a carriage to rob</LINE>
+<LINE>love from any: in this, though I cannot be said to</LINE>
+<LINE>be a flattering honest man, it must not be denied</LINE>
+<LINE>but I am a plain-dealing villain. I am trusted with</LINE>
+<LINE>a muzzle and enfranchised with a clog; therefore I</LINE>
+<LINE>have decreed not to sing in my cage. If I had my</LINE>
+<LINE>mouth, I would bite; if I had my liberty, I would do</LINE>
+<LINE>my liking: in the meantime let me be that I am and</LINE>
+<LINE>seek not to alter me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Can you make no use of your discontent?</LINE>
+<LINE>I make all use of it, for I use it only.</LINE>
+<LINE>Who comes here?</LINE>
+<LINE>What news, Borachio?</LINE>
+<LINE>I came yonder from a great supper: the prince your</LINE>
+<LINE>brother is royally entertained by Leonato: and I</LINE>
+<LINE>can give you intelligence of an intended marriage.</LINE>
+<LINE>Will it serve for any model to build mischief on?</LINE>
+<LINE>What is he for a fool that betroths himself to</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, it is your brother's right hand.</LINE>
+<LINE>Who? the most exquisite Claudio?</LINE>
+<LINE>Even he.</LINE>
+<LINE>A proper squire! And who, and who? which way looks</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, on Hero, the daughter and heir of Leonato.</LINE>
+<LINE>A very forward March-chick! How came you to this?</LINE>
+<LINE>Being entertained for a perfumer, as I was smoking a</LINE>
+<LINE>musty room, comes me the prince and Claudio, hand</LINE>
+<LINE>in hand in sad conference: I whipt me behind the</LINE>
+<LINE>arras; and there heard it agreed upon that the</LINE>
+<LINE>prince should woo Hero for himself, and having</LINE>
+<LINE>obtained her, give her to Count Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, come, let us thither: this may prove food to</LINE>
+<LINE>my displeasure. That young start-up hath all the</LINE>
+<LINE>glory of my overthrow: if I can cross him any way, I</LINE>
+<LINE>bless myself every way. You are both sure, and will assist me?</LINE>
+<LINE>To the death, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>Let us to the great supper: their cheer is the</LINE>
+<LINE>greater that I am subdued. Would the cook were of</LINE>
+<LINE>my mind! Shall we go prove what's to be done?</LINE>
+<LINE>We'll wait upon your lordship.</LINE>
+<LINE>Was not Count John here at supper?</LINE>
+<LINE>I saw him not.</LINE>
+<LINE>How tartly that gentleman looks! I never can see</LINE>
+<LINE>him but I am heart-burned an hour after.</LINE>
+<LINE>He is of a very melancholy disposition.</LINE>
+<LINE>He were an excellent man that were made just in the</LINE>
+<LINE>midway between him and Benedick: the one is too</LINE>
+<LINE>like an image and says nothing, and the other too</LINE>
+<LINE>like my lady's eldest son, evermore tattling.</LINE>
+<LINE>Then half Signior Benedick's tongue in Count John's</LINE>
+<LINE>mouth, and half Count John's melancholy in Signior</LINE>
+<LINE>Benedick's face,--</LINE>
+<LINE>With a good leg and a good foot, uncle, and money</LINE>
+<LINE>enough in his purse, such a man would win any woman</LINE>
+<LINE>in the world, if a' could get her good-will.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my troth, niece, thou wilt never get thee a</LINE>
+<LINE>husband, if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue.</LINE>
+<LINE>In faith, she's too curst.</LINE>
+<LINE>Too curst is more than curst: I shall lessen God's</LINE>
+<LINE>sending that way; for it is said, 'God sends a curst</LINE>
+<LINE>cow short horns;' but to a cow too curst he sends none.</LINE>
+<LINE>So, by being too curst, God will send you no horns.</LINE>
+<LINE>Just, if he send me no husband; for the which</LINE>
+<LINE>blessing I am at him upon my knees every morning and</LINE>
+<LINE>evening. Lord, I could not endure a husband with a</LINE>
+<LINE>beard on his face: I had rather lie in the woollen.</LINE>
+<LINE>You may light on a husband that hath no beard.</LINE>
+<LINE>What should I do with him? dress him in my apparel</LINE>
+<LINE>and make him my waiting-gentlewoman? He that hath a</LINE>
+<LINE>beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no</LINE>
+<LINE>beard is less than a man: and he that is more than</LINE>
+<LINE>a youth is not for me, and he that is less than a</LINE>
+<LINE>man, I am not for him: therefore, I will even take</LINE>
+<LINE>sixpence in earnest of the bear-ward, and lead his</LINE>
+<LINE>apes into hell.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, then, go you into hell?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, but to the gate; and there will the devil meet</LINE>
+<LINE>me, like an old cuckold, with horns on his head, and</LINE>
+<LINE>say 'Get you to heaven, Beatrice, get you to</LINE>
+<LINE>heaven; here's no place for you maids:' so deliver</LINE>
+<LINE>I up my apes, and away to Saint Peter for the</LINE>
+<LINE>heavens; he shows me where the bachelors sit, and</LINE>
+<LINE>there live we as merry as the day is long.</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>To HERO</STAGEDIR>  Well, niece, I trust you will be ruled</LINE>
+<LINE>by your father.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yes, faith; it is my cousin's duty to make curtsy</LINE>
+<LINE>and say 'Father, as it please you.' But yet for all</LINE>
+<LINE>that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else</LINE>
+<LINE>make another curtsy and say 'Father, as it please</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband.</LINE>
+<LINE>Not till God make men of some other metal than</LINE>
+<LINE>earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be</LINE>
+<LINE>overmastered with a pierce of valiant dust? to make</LINE>
+<LINE>an account of her life to a clod of wayward marl?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, uncle, I'll none: Adam's sons are my brethren;</LINE>
+<LINE>and, truly, I hold it a sin to match in my kindred.</LINE>
+<LINE>Daughter, remember what I told you: if the prince</LINE>
+<LINE>do solicit you in that kind, you know your answer.</LINE>
+<LINE>The fault will be in the music, cousin, if you be</LINE>
+<LINE>not wooed in good time: if the prince be too</LINE>
+<LINE>important, tell him there is measure in every thing</LINE>
+<LINE>and so dance out the answer. For, hear me, Hero:</LINE>
+<LINE>wooing, wedding, and repenting, is as a Scotch jig,</LINE>
+<LINE>a measure, and a cinque pace: the first suit is hot</LINE>
+<LINE>and hasty, like a Scotch jig, and full as</LINE>
+<LINE>fantastical; the wedding, mannerly-modest, as a</LINE>
+<LINE>measure, full of state and ancientry; and then comes</LINE>
+<LINE>repentance and, with his bad legs, falls into the</LINE>
+<LINE>cinque pace faster and faster, till he sink into his grave.</LINE>
+<LINE>Cousin, you apprehend passing shrewdly.</LINE>
+<LINE>I have a good eye, uncle; I can see a church by daylight.</LINE>
+<LINE>The revellers are entering, brother: make good room.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>All put on their masks</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Lady, will you walk about with your friend?</LINE>
+<LINE>So you walk softly and look sweetly and say nothing,</LINE>
+<LINE>I am yours for the walk; and especially when I walk away.</LINE>
+<LINE>With me in your company?</LINE>
+<LINE>I may say so, when I please.</LINE>
+<LINE>And when please you to say so?</LINE>
+<LINE>When I like your favour; for God defend the lute</LINE>
+<LINE>should be like the case!</LINE>
+<LINE>My visor is Philemon's roof; within the house is Jove.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then, your visor should be thatched.</LINE>
+<LINE>Speak low, if you speak love.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Drawing her aside</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Well, I would you did like me.</LINE>
+<LINE>So would not I, for your own sake; for I have many</LINE>
+<LINE>Which is one?</LINE>
+<LINE>I say my prayers aloud.</LINE>
+<LINE>I love you the better: the hearers may cry, Amen.</LINE>
+<LINE>God match me with a good dancer!</LINE>
+<LINE>And God keep him out of my sight when the dance is</LINE>
+<LINE>done! Answer, clerk.</LINE>
+<LINE>No more words: the clerk is answered.</LINE>
+<LINE>I know you well enough; you are Signior Antonio.</LINE>
+<LINE>At a word, I am not.</LINE>
+<LINE>I know you by the waggling of your head.</LINE>
+<LINE>To tell you true, I counterfeit him.</LINE>
+<LINE>You could never do him so ill-well, unless you were</LINE>
+<LINE>the very man. Here's his dry hand up and down: you</LINE>
+<LINE>are he, you are he.</LINE>
+<LINE>At a word, I am not.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, come, do you think I do not know you by your</LINE>
+<LINE>excellent wit? can virtue hide itself? Go to,</LINE>
+<LINE>mum, you are he: graces will appear, and there's an</LINE>
+<LINE>Will you not tell me who told you so?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, you shall pardon me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nor will you not tell me who you are?</LINE>
+<LINE>Not now.</LINE>
+<LINE>That I was disdainful, and that I had my good wit</LINE>
+<LINE>out of the 'Hundred Merry Tales:'--well this was</LINE>
+<LINE>Signior Benedick that said so.</LINE>
+<LINE>What's he?</LINE>
+<LINE>I am sure you know him well enough.</LINE>
+<LINE>Not I, believe me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Did he never make you laugh?</LINE>
+<LINE>I pray you, what is he?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, he is the prince's jester: a very dull fool;</LINE>
+<LINE>only his gift is in devising impossible slanders:</LINE>
+<LINE>none but libertines delight in him; and the</LINE>
+<LINE>commendation is not in his wit, but in his villany;</LINE>
+<LINE>for he both pleases men and angers them, and then</LINE>
+<LINE>they laugh at him and beat him. I am sure he is in</LINE>
+<LINE>the fleet: I would he had boarded me.</LINE>
+<LINE>When I know the gentleman, I'll tell him what you say.</LINE>
+<LINE>Do, do: he'll but break a comparison or two on me;</LINE>
+<LINE>which, peradventure not marked or not laughed at,</LINE>
+<LINE>strikes him into melancholy; and then there's a</LINE>
+<LINE>partridge wing saved, for the fool will eat no</LINE>
+<LINE>supper that night.</LINE>
+<LINE>We must follow the leaders.</LINE>
+<LINE>In every good thing.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, if they lead to any ill, I will leave them at</LINE>
+<LINE>the next turning.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Dance. Then exeunt all except DON JOHN, BORACHIO,
+<LINE>Sure my brother is amorous on Hero and hath</LINE>
+<LINE>withdrawn her father to break with him about it.</LINE>
+<LINE>The ladies follow her and but one visor remains.</LINE>
+<LINE>And that is Claudio: I know him by his bearing.</LINE>
+<LINE>Are not you Signior Benedick?</LINE>
+<LINE>You know me well; I am he.</LINE>
+<LINE>Signior, you are very near my brother in his love:</LINE>
+<LINE>he is enamoured on Hero; I pray you, dissuade him</LINE>
+<LINE>from her: she is no equal for his birth: you may</LINE>
+<LINE>do the part of an honest man in it.</LINE>
+<LINE>How know you he loves her?</LINE>
+<LINE>I heard him swear his affection.</LINE>
+<LINE>So did I too; and he swore he would marry her to-night.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, let us to the banquet.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thus answer I in the name of Benedick,</LINE>
+<LINE>But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Tis certain so; the prince wooes for himself.</LINE>
+<LINE>Friendship is constant in all other things</LINE>
+<LINE>Save in the office and affairs of love:</LINE>
+<LINE>Therefore, all hearts in love use their own tongues;</LINE>
+<LINE>Let every eye negotiate for itself</LINE>
+<LINE>And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch</LINE>
+<LINE>Against whose charms faith melteth into blood.</LINE>
+<LINE>This is an accident of hourly proof,</LINE>
+<LINE>Which I mistrusted not. Farewell, therefore, Hero!</LINE>
+<LINE>Count Claudio?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, the same.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, will you go with me?</LINE>
+<LINE>Even to the next willow, about your own business,</LINE>
+<LINE>county. What fashion will you wear the garland of?</LINE>
+<LINE>about your neck, like an usurer's chain? or under</LINE>
+<LINE>your arm, like a lieutenant's scarf? You must wear</LINE>
+<LINE>it one way, for the prince hath got your Hero.</LINE>
+<LINE>I wish him joy of her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, that's spoken like an honest drovier: so they</LINE>
+<LINE>sell bullocks. But did you think the prince would</LINE>
+<LINE>have served you thus?</LINE>
+<LINE>I pray you, leave me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Ho! now you strike like the blind man: 'twas the</LINE>
+<LINE>boy that stole your meat, and you'll beat the post.</LINE>
+<LINE>If it will not be, I'll leave you.</LINE>
+<LINE>Alas, poor hurt fowl! now will he creep into sedges.</LINE>
+<LINE>But that my Lady Beatrice should know me, and not</LINE>
+<LINE>know me! The prince's fool! Ha? It may be I go</LINE>
+<LINE>under that title because I am merry. Yea, but so I</LINE>
+<LINE>am apt to do myself wrong; I am not so reputed: it</LINE>
+<LINE>is the base, though bitter, disposition of Beatrice</LINE>
+<LINE>that puts the world into her person and so gives me</LINE>
+<LINE>out. Well, I'll be revenged as I may.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, signior, where's the count? did you see him?</LINE>
+<LINE>Troth, my lord, I have played the part of Lady Fame.</LINE>
+<LINE>I found him here as melancholy as a lodge in a</LINE>
+<LINE>warren: I told him, and I think I told him true,</LINE>
+<LINE>that your grace had got the good will of this young</LINE>
+<LINE>lady; and I offered him my company to a willow-tree,</LINE>
+<LINE>either to make him a garland, as being forsaken, or</LINE>
+<LINE>to bind him up a rod, as being worthy to be whipped.</LINE>
+<LINE>To be whipped! What's his fault?</LINE>
+<LINE>The flat transgression of a schoolboy, who, being</LINE>
+<LINE>overjoyed with finding a birds' nest, shows it his</LINE>
+<LINE>companion, and he steals it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Wilt thou make a trust a transgression? The</LINE>
+<LINE>transgression is in the stealer.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet it had not been amiss the rod had been made,</LINE>
+<LINE>and the garland too; for the garland he might have</LINE>
+<LINE>worn himself, and the rod he might have bestowed on</LINE>
+<LINE>you, who, as I take it, have stolen his birds' nest.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will but teach them to sing, and restore them to</LINE>
+<LINE>the owner.</LINE>
+<LINE>If their singing answer your saying, by my faith,</LINE>
+<LINE>you say honestly.</LINE>
+<LINE>The Lady Beatrice hath a quarrel to you: the</LINE>
+<LINE>gentleman that danced with her told her she is much</LINE>
+<LINE>wronged by you.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, she misused me past the endurance of a block!</LINE>
+<LINE>an oak but with one green leaf on it would have</LINE>
+<LINE>answered her; my very visor began to assume life and</LINE>
+<LINE>scold with her. She told me, not thinking I had been</LINE>
+<LINE>myself, that I was the prince's jester, that I was</LINE>
+<LINE>duller than a great thaw; huddling jest upon jest</LINE>
+<LINE>with such impossible conveyance upon me that I stood</LINE>
+<LINE>like a man at a mark, with a whole army shooting at</LINE>
+<LINE>me. She speaks poniards, and every word stabs:</LINE>
+<LINE>if her breath were as terrible as her terminations,</LINE>
+<LINE>there were no living near her; she would infect to</LINE>
+<LINE>the north star. I would not marry her, though she</LINE>
+<LINE>were endowed with all that Adam bad left him before</LINE>
+<LINE>he transgressed: she would have made Hercules have</LINE>
+<LINE>turned spit, yea, and have cleft his club to make</LINE>
+<LINE>the fire too. Come, talk not of her: you shall find</LINE>
+<LINE>her the infernal Ate in good apparel. I would to God</LINE>
+<LINE>some scholar would conjure her; for certainly, while</LINE>
+<LINE>she is here, a man may live as quiet in hell as in a</LINE>
+<LINE>sanctuary; and people sin upon purpose, because they</LINE>
+<LINE>would go thither; so, indeed, all disquiet, horror</LINE>
+<LINE>and perturbation follows her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Look, here she comes.</LINE>
+<LINE>Will your grace command me any service to the</LINE>
+<LINE>world's end? I will go on the slightest errand now</LINE>
+<LINE>to the Antipodes that you can devise to send me on;</LINE>
+<LINE>I will fetch you a tooth-picker now from the</LINE>
+<LINE>furthest inch of Asia, bring you the length of</LINE>
+<LINE>Prester John's foot, fetch you a hair off the great</LINE>
+<LINE>Cham's beard, do you any embassage to the Pigmies,</LINE>
+<LINE>rather than hold three words' conference with this</LINE>
+<LINE>harpy. You have no employment for me?</LINE>
+<LINE>None, but to desire your good company.</LINE>
+<LINE>O God, sir, here's a dish I love not: I cannot</LINE>
+<LINE>endure my Lady Tongue.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of</LINE>
+<LINE>Signior Benedick.</LINE>
+<LINE>Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave</LINE>
+<LINE>him use for it, a double heart for his single one:</LINE>
+<LINE>marry, once before he won it of me with false dice,</LINE>
+<LINE>therefore your grace may well say I have lost it.</LINE>
+<LINE>You have put him down, lady, you have put him down.</LINE>
+<LINE>So I would not he should do me, my lord, lest I</LINE>
+<LINE>should prove the mother of fools. I have brought</LINE>
+<LINE>Count Claudio, whom you sent me to seek.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, how now, count! wherefore are you sad?</LINE>
+<LINE>Not sad, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>How then? sick?</LINE>
+<LINE>Neither, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>The count is neither sad, nor sick, nor merry, nor</LINE>
+<LINE>well; but civil count, civil as an orange, and</LINE>
+<LINE>something of that jealous complexion.</LINE>
+<LINE>I' faith, lady, I think your blazon to be true;</LINE>
+<LINE>though, I'll be sworn, if he be so, his conceit is</LINE>
+<LINE>false. Here, Claudio, I have wooed in thy name, and</LINE>
+<LINE>fair Hero is won: I have broke with her father,</LINE>
+<LINE>and his good will obtained: name the day of</LINE>
+<LINE>marriage, and God give thee joy!</LINE>
+<LINE>Count, take of me my daughter, and with her my</LINE>
+<LINE>fortunes: his grace hath made the match, and an</LINE>
+<LINE>grace say Amen to it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Speak, count, 'tis your cue.</LINE>
+<LINE>Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were</LINE>
+<LINE>but little happy, if I could say how much. Lady, as</LINE>
+<LINE>you are mine, I am yours: I give away myself for</LINE>
+<LINE>you and dote upon the exchange.</LINE>
+<LINE>Speak, cousin; or, if you cannot, stop his mouth</LINE>
+<LINE>with a kiss, and let not him speak neither.</LINE>
+<LINE>In faith, lady, you have a merry heart.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, my lord; I thank it, poor fool, it keeps on</LINE>
+<LINE>the windy side of care. My cousin tells him in his</LINE>
+<LINE>ear that he is in her heart.</LINE>
+<LINE>And so she doth, cousin.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good Lord, for alliance! Thus goes every one to the</LINE>
+<LINE>world but I, and I am sunburnt; I may sit in a</LINE>
+<LINE>corner and cry heigh-ho for a husband!</LINE>
+<LINE>Lady Beatrice, I will get you one.</LINE>
+<LINE>I would rather have one of your father's getting.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hath your grace ne'er a brother like you? Your</LINE>
+<LINE>father got excellent husbands, if a maid could come by them.</LINE>
+<LINE>Will you have me, lady?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, my lord, unless I might have another for</LINE>
+<LINE>working-days: your grace is too costly to wear</LINE>
+<LINE>every day. But, I beseech your grace, pardon me: I</LINE>
+<LINE>was born to speak all mirth and no matter.</LINE>
+<LINE>Your silence most offends me, and to be merry best</LINE>
+<LINE>becomes you; for, out of question, you were born in</LINE>
+<LINE>a merry hour.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, sure, my lord, my mother cried; but then there</LINE>
+<LINE>was a star danced, and under that was I born.</LINE>
+<LINE>Cousins, God give you joy!</LINE>
+<LINE>Niece, will you look to those things I told you of?</LINE>
+<LINE>I cry you mercy, uncle. By your grace's pardon.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my troth, a pleasant-spirited lady.</LINE>
+<LINE>There's little of the melancholy element in her, my</LINE>
+<LINE>lord: she is never sad but when she sleeps, and</LINE>
+<LINE>not ever sad then; for I have heard my daughter say,</LINE>
+<LINE>she hath often dreamed of unhappiness and waked</LINE>
+<LINE>herself with laughing.</LINE>
+<LINE>She cannot endure to hear tell of a husband.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, by no means: she mocks all her wooers out of suit.</LINE>
+<LINE>She were an excellent wife for Benedict.</LINE>
+<LINE>O Lord, my lord, if they were but a week married,</LINE>
+<LINE>they would talk themselves mad.</LINE>
+<LINE>County Claudio, when mean you to go to church?</LINE>
+<LINE>To-morrow, my lord: time goes on crutches till love</LINE>
+<LINE>have all his rites.</LINE>
+<LINE>Not till Monday, my dear son, which is hence a just</LINE>
+<LINE>seven-night; and a time too brief, too, to have all</LINE>
+<LINE>things answer my mind.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, you shake the head at so long a breathing:</LINE>
+<LINE>but, I warrant thee, Claudio, the time shall not go</LINE>
+<LINE>dully by us. I will in the interim undertake one of</LINE>
+<LINE>Hercules' labours; which is, to bring Signior</LINE>
+<LINE>Benedick and the Lady Beatrice into a mountain of</LINE>
+<LINE>affection the one with the other. I would fain have</LINE>
+<LINE>it a match, and I doubt not but to fashion it, if</LINE>
+<LINE>you three will but minister such assistance as I</LINE>
+<LINE>shall give you direction.</LINE>
+<LINE>My lord, I am for you, though it cost me ten</LINE>
+<LINE>nights' watchings.</LINE>
+<LINE>And I, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>And you too, gentle Hero?</LINE>
+<LINE>I will do any modest office, my lord, to help my</LINE>
+<LINE>cousin to a good husband.</LINE>
+<LINE>And Benedick is not the unhopefullest husband that</LINE>
+<LINE>I know. Thus far can I praise him; he is of a noble</LINE>
+<LINE>strain, of approved valour and confirmed honesty. I</LINE>
+<LINE>will teach you how to humour your cousin, that she</LINE>
+<LINE>shall fall in love with Benedick; and I, with your</LINE>
+<LINE>two helps, will so practise on Benedick that, in</LINE>
+<LINE>despite of his quick wit and his queasy stomach, he</LINE>
+<LINE>shall fall in love with Beatrice. If we can do this,</LINE>
+<LINE>Cupid is no longer an archer: his glory shall be</LINE>
+<LINE>ours, for we are the only love-gods. Go in with me,</LINE>
+<LINE>and I will tell you my drift.</LINE>
+<LINE>It is so; the Count Claudio shall marry the</LINE>
+<LINE>daughter of Leonato.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, my lord; but I can cross it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Any bar, any cross, any impediment will be</LINE>
+<LINE>medicinable to me: I am sick in displeasure to him,</LINE>
+<LINE>and whatsoever comes athwart his affection ranges</LINE>
+<LINE>evenly with mine. How canst thou cross this marriage?</LINE>
+<LINE>Not honestly, my lord; but so covertly that no</LINE>
+<LINE>dishonesty shall appear in me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Show me briefly how.</LINE>
+<LINE>I think I told your lordship a year since, how much</LINE>
+<LINE>I am in the favour of Margaret, the waiting</LINE>
+<LINE>gentlewoman to Hero.</LINE>
+<LINE>I remember.</LINE>
+<LINE>I can, at any unseasonable instant of the night,</LINE>
+<LINE>appoint her to look out at her lady's chamber window.</LINE>
+<LINE>What life is in that, to be the death of this marriage?</LINE>
+<LINE>The poison of that lies in you to temper. Go you to</LINE>
+<LINE>the prince your brother; spare not to tell him that</LINE>
+<LINE>he hath wronged his honour in marrying the renowned</LINE>
+<LINE>Claudio--whose estimation do you mightily hold</LINE>
+<LINE>up--to a contaminated stale, such a one as Hero.</LINE>
+<LINE>What proof shall I make of that?</LINE>
+<LINE>Proof enough to misuse the prince, to vex Claudio,</LINE>
+<LINE>to undo Hero and kill Leonato. Look you for any</LINE>
+<LINE>other issue?</LINE>
+<LINE>Only to despite them, I will endeavour any thing.</LINE>
+<LINE>Go, then; find me a meet hour to draw Don Pedro and</LINE>
+<LINE>the Count Claudio alone: tell them that you know</LINE>
+<LINE>that Hero loves me; intend a kind of zeal both to the</LINE>
+<LINE>prince and Claudio, as,--in love of your brother's</LINE>
+<LINE>honour, who hath made this match, and his friend's</LINE>
+<LINE>reputation, who is thus like to be cozened with the</LINE>
+<LINE>semblance of a maid,--that you have discovered</LINE>
+<LINE>thus. They will scarcely believe this without trial:</LINE>
+<LINE>offer them instances; which shall bear no less</LINE>
+<LINE>likelihood than to see me at her chamber-window,</LINE>
+<LINE>hear me call Margaret Hero, hear Margaret term me</LINE>
+<LINE>Claudio; and bring them to see this the very night</LINE>
+<LINE>before the intended wedding,--for in the meantime I</LINE>
+<LINE>will so fashion the matter that Hero shall be</LINE>
+<LINE>absent,--and there shall appear such seeming truth</LINE>
+<LINE>of Hero's disloyalty that jealousy shall be called</LINE>
+<LINE>assurance and all the preparation overthrown.</LINE>
+<LINE>Grow this to what adverse issue it can, I will put</LINE>
+<LINE>it in practise. Be cunning in the working this, and</LINE>
+<LINE>thy fee is a thousand ducats.</LINE>
+<LINE>Be you constant in the accusation, and my cunning</LINE>
+<LINE>shall not shame me.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will presently go learn their day of marriage.</LINE>
+<LINE>In my chamber-window lies a book: bring it hither</LINE>
+<LINE>to me in the orchard.</LINE>
+<LINE>I am here already, sir.</LINE>
+<LINE>I know that; but I would have thee hence, and here again.</LINE>
+<LINE>I do much wonder that one man, seeing how much</LINE>
+<LINE>another man is a fool when he dedicates his</LINE>
+<LINE>behaviors to love, will, after he hath laughed at</LINE>
+<LINE>such shallow follies in others, become the argument</LINE>
+<LINE>of his own scorn by failing in love: and such a man</LINE>
+<LINE>is Claudio. I have known when there was no music</LINE>
+<LINE>with him but the drum and the fife; and now had he</LINE>
+<LINE>rather hear the tabour and the pipe: I have known</LINE>
+<LINE>when he would have walked ten mile a-foot to see a</LINE>
+<LINE>good armour; and now will he lie ten nights awake,</LINE>
+<LINE>carving the fashion of a new doublet. He was wont to</LINE>
+<LINE>speak plain and to the purpose, like an honest man</LINE>
+<LINE>and a soldier; and now is he turned orthography; his</LINE>
+<LINE>words are a very fantastical banquet, just so many</LINE>
+<LINE>strange dishes. May I be so converted and see with</LINE>
+<LINE>these eyes? I cannot tell; I think not: I will not</LINE>
+<LINE>be sworn, but love may transform me to an oyster; but</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll take my oath on it, till he have made an oyster</LINE>
+<LINE>of me, he shall never make me such a fool. One woman</LINE>
+<LINE>is fair, yet I am well; another is wise, yet I am</LINE>
+<LINE>well; another virtuous, yet I am well; but till all</LINE>
+<LINE>graces be in one woman, one woman shall not come in</LINE>
+<LINE>my grace. Rich she shall be, that's certain; wise,</LINE>
+<LINE>or I'll none; virtuous, or I'll never cheapen her;</LINE>
+<LINE>fair, or I'll   never look on her; mild, or come not</LINE>
+<LINE>near me; noble, or not I for an angel; of good</LINE>
+<LINE>discourse, an excellent musician, and her hair shall</LINE>
+<LINE>be of what colour it please God. Ha! the prince and</LINE>
+<LINE>Monsieur Love! I will hide me in the arbour.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, shall we hear this music?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, my good lord. How still the evening is,</LINE>
+<LINE>As hush'd on purpose to grace harmony!</LINE>
+<LINE>See you where Benedick hath hid himself?</LINE>
+<LINE>O, very well, my lord: the music ended,</LINE>
+<LINE>We'll fit the kid-fox with a pennyworth.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, Balthasar, we'll hear that song again.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, good my lord, tax not so bad a voice</LINE>
+<LINE>To slander music any more than once.</LINE>
+<LINE>It is the witness still of excellency</LINE>
+<LINE>To put a strange face on his own perfection.</LINE>
+<LINE>I pray thee, sing, and let me woo no more.</LINE>
+<LINE>Because you talk of wooing, I will sing;</LINE>
+<LINE>Since many a wooer doth commence his suit</LINE>
+<LINE>To her he thinks not worthy, yet he wooes,</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet will he swear he loves.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, pray thee, come;</LINE>
+<LINE>Or, if thou wilt hold longer argument,</LINE>
+<LINE>Do it in notes.</LINE>
+<LINE>Note this before my notes;</LINE>
+<LINE>There's not a note of mine that's worth the noting.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, these are very crotchets that he speaks;</LINE>
+<LINE>Note, notes, forsooth, and nothing.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, divine air! now is his soul ravished! Is it</LINE>
+<LINE>not strange that sheeps' guts should hale souls out</LINE>
+<LINE>of men's bodies? Well, a horn for my money, when</LINE>
+<LINE>all's done.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,</LINE>
+<LINE>Men were deceivers ever,</LINE>
+<LINE>One foot in sea and one on shore,</LINE>
+<LINE>To one thing constant never:</LINE>
+<LINE>Then sigh not so, but let them go,</LINE>
+<LINE>And be you blithe and bonny,</LINE>
+<LINE>Converting all your sounds of woe</LINE>
+<LINE>Into Hey nonny, nonny.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sing no more ditties, sing no moe,</LINE>
+<LINE>Of dumps so dull and heavy;</LINE>
+<LINE>The fraud of men was ever so,</LINE>
+<LINE>Since summer first was leafy:</LINE>
+<LINE>Then sigh not so, &amp;c.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my troth, a good song.</LINE>
+<LINE>And an ill singer, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>Ha, no, no, faith; thou singest well enough for a shift.</LINE>
+<LINE>An he had been a dog that should have howled thus,</LINE>
+<LINE>they would have hanged him: and I pray God his bad</LINE>
+<LINE>voice bode no mischief. I had as lief have heard the</LINE>
+<LINE>night-raven, come what plague could have come after</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, marry, dost thou hear, Balthasar? I pray thee,</LINE>
+<LINE>get us some excellent music; for to-morrow night we</LINE>
+<LINE>would have it at the Lady Hero's chamber-window.</LINE>
+<LINE>The best I can, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>Do so: farewell.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come hither, Leonato. What was it you told me of</LINE>
+<LINE>to-day, that your niece Beatrice was in love with</LINE>
+<LINE>Signior Benedick?</LINE>
+<LINE>O, ay: stalk on. stalk on; the fowl sits. I did</LINE>
+<LINE>never think that lady would have loved any man.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, nor I neither; but most wonderful that she</LINE>
+<LINE>should so dote on Signior Benedick, whom she hath in</LINE>
+<LINE>all outward behaviors seemed ever to abhor.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is't possible? Sits the wind in that corner?</LINE>
+<LINE>By my troth, my lord, I cannot tell what to think</LINE>
+<LINE>of it but that she loves him with an enraged</LINE>
+<LINE>affection: it is past the infinite of thought.</LINE>
+<LINE>May be she doth but counterfeit.</LINE>
+<LINE>Faith, like enough.</LINE>
+<LINE>O God, counterfeit! There was never counterfeit of</LINE>
+<LINE>passion came so near the life of passion as she</LINE>
+<LINE>discovers it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, what effects of passion shows she?</LINE>
+<LINE>Bait the hook well; this fish will bite.</LINE>
+<LINE>What effects, my lord? She will sit you, you heard</LINE>
+<LINE>my daughter tell you how.</LINE>
+<LINE>She did, indeed.</LINE>
+<LINE>How, how, pray you? You amaze me: I would have I</LINE>
+<LINE>thought her spirit had been invincible against all</LINE>
+<LINE>assaults of affection.</LINE>
+<LINE>I would have sworn it had, my lord; especially</LINE>
+<LINE>against Benedick.</LINE>
+<LINE>I should think this a gull, but that the</LINE>
+<LINE>white-bearded fellow speaks it: knavery cannot,</LINE>
+<LINE>sure, hide himself in such reverence.</LINE>
+<LINE>He hath ta'en the infection: hold it up.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hath she made her affection known to Benedick?</LINE>
+<LINE>No; and swears she never will: that's her torment.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Tis true, indeed; so your daughter says: 'Shall</LINE>
+<LINE>I,' says she, 'that have so oft encountered him</LINE>
+<LINE>with scorn, write to him that I love him?'</LINE>
+<LINE>This says she now when she is beginning to write to</LINE>
+<LINE>him; for she'll be up twenty times a night, and</LINE>
+<LINE>there will she sit in her smock till she have writ a</LINE>
+<LINE>sheet of paper: my daughter tells us all.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now you talk of a sheet of paper, I remember a</LINE>
+<LINE>pretty jest your daughter told us of.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, when she had writ it and was reading it over, she</LINE>
+<LINE>found Benedick and Beatrice between the sheet?</LINE>
+<LINE>O, she tore the letter into a thousand halfpence;</LINE>
+<LINE>railed at herself, that she should be so immodest</LINE>
+<LINE>to write to one that she knew would flout her; 'I</LINE>
+<LINE>measure him,' says she, 'by my own spirit; for I</LINE>
+<LINE>should flout him, if he writ to me; yea, though I</LINE>
+<LINE>love him, I should.'</LINE>
+<LINE>Then down upon her knees she falls, weeps, sobs,</LINE>
+<LINE>beats her heart, tears her hair, prays, curses; 'O</LINE>
+<LINE>sweet Benedick! God give me patience!'</LINE>
+<LINE>She doth indeed; my daughter says so: and the</LINE>
+<LINE>ecstasy hath so much overborne her that my daughter</LINE>
+<LINE>is sometime afeared she will do a desperate outrage</LINE>
+<LINE>to herself: it is very true.</LINE>
+<LINE>It were good that Benedick knew of it by some</LINE>
+<LINE>other, if she will not discover it.</LINE>
+<LINE>To what end? He would make but a sport of it and</LINE>
+<LINE>torment the poor lady worse.</LINE>
+<LINE>An he should, it were an alms to hang him. She's an</LINE>
+<LINE>excellent sweet lady; and, out of all suspicion,</LINE>
+<LINE>she is virtuous.</LINE>
+<LINE>And she is exceeding wise.</LINE>
+<LINE>In every thing but in loving Benedick.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, my lord, wisdom and blood combating in so tender</LINE>
+<LINE>a body, we have ten proofs to one that blood hath</LINE>
+<LINE>the victory. I am sorry for her, as I have just</LINE>
+<LINE>cause, being her uncle and her guardian.</LINE>
+<LINE>I would she had bestowed this dotage on me: I would</LINE>
+<LINE>have daffed all other respects and made her half</LINE>
+<LINE>myself. I pray you, tell Benedick of it, and hear</LINE>
+<LINE>what a' will say.</LINE>
+<LINE>Were it good, think you?</LINE>
+<LINE>Hero thinks surely she will die; for she says she</LINE>
+<LINE>will die, if he love her not, and she will die, ere</LINE>
+<LINE>she make her love known, and she will die, if he woo</LINE>
+<LINE>her, rather than she will bate one breath of her</LINE>
+<LINE>accustomed crossness.</LINE>
+<LINE>She doth well: if she should make tender of her</LINE>
+<LINE>love, 'tis very possible he'll scorn it; for the</LINE>
+<LINE>man, as you know all, hath a contemptible spirit.</LINE>
+<LINE>He is a very proper man.</LINE>
+<LINE>He hath indeed a good outward happiness.</LINE>
+<LINE>Before God! and, in my mind, very wise.</LINE>
+<LINE>He doth indeed show some sparks that are like wit.</LINE>
+<LINE>And I take him to be valiant.</LINE>
+<LINE>As Hector, I assure you: and in the managing of</LINE>
+<LINE>quarrels you may say he is wise; for either he</LINE>
+<LINE>avoids them with great discretion, or undertakes</LINE>
+<LINE>them with a most Christian-like fear.</LINE>
+<LINE>If he do fear God, a' must necessarily keep peace:</LINE>
+<LINE>if he break the peace, he ought to enter into a</LINE>
+<LINE>quarrel with fear and trembling.</LINE>
+<LINE>And so will he do; for the man doth fear God,</LINE>
+<LINE>howsoever it seems not in him by some large jests</LINE>
+<LINE>he will make. Well I am sorry for your niece. Shall</LINE>
+<LINE>we go seek Benedick, and tell him of her love?</LINE>
+<LINE>Never tell him, my lord: let her wear it out with</LINE>
+<LINE>good counsel.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, that's impossible: she may wear her heart out first.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, we will hear further of it by your daughter:</LINE>
+<LINE>let it cool the while. I love Benedick well; and I</LINE>
+<LINE>could wish he would modestly examine himself, to see</LINE>
+<LINE>how much he is unworthy so good a lady.</LINE>
+<LINE>My lord, will you walk? dinner is ready.</LINE>
+<LINE>If he do not dote on her upon this, I will never</LINE>
+<LINE>trust my expectation.</LINE>
+<LINE>Let there be the same net spread for her; and that</LINE>
+<LINE>must your daughter and her gentlewomen carry. The</LINE>
+<LINE>sport will be, when they hold one an opinion of</LINE>
+<LINE>another's dotage, and no such matter: that's the</LINE>
+<LINE>scene that I would see, which will be merely a</LINE>
+<LINE>dumb-show. Let us send her to call him in to dinner.</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>Coming forward</STAGEDIR>  This can be no trick: the</LINE>
+<LINE>conference was sadly borne. They have the truth of</LINE>
+<LINE>this from Hero. They seem to pity the lady: it</LINE>
+<LINE>seems her affections have their full bent. Love me!</LINE>
+<LINE>why, it must be requited. I hear how I am censured:</LINE>
+<LINE>they say I will bear myself proudly, if I perceive</LINE>
+<LINE>the love come from her; they say too that she will</LINE>
+<LINE>rather die than give any sign of affection. I did</LINE>
+<LINE>never think to marry: I must not seem proud: happy</LINE>
+<LINE>are they that hear their detractions and can put</LINE>
+<LINE>them to mending. They say the lady is fair; 'tis a</LINE>
+<LINE>truth, I can bear them witness; and virtuous; 'tis</LINE>
+<LINE>so, I cannot reprove it; and wise, but for loving</LINE>
+<LINE>me; by my troth, it is no addition to her wit, nor</LINE>
+<LINE>no great argument of her folly, for I will be</LINE>
+<LINE>horribly in love with her. I may chance have some</LINE>
+<LINE>odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me,</LINE>
+<LINE>because I have railed so long against marriage: but</LINE>
+<LINE>doth not the appetite alter? a man loves the meat</LINE>
+<LINE>in his youth that he cannot endure in his age.</LINE>
+<LINE>Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of</LINE>
+<LINE>the brain awe a man from the career of his humour?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, the world must be peopled. When I said I would</LINE>
+<LINE>die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I</LINE>
+<LINE>were married. Here comes Beatrice. By this day!</LINE>
+<LINE>she's a fair lady: I do spy some marks of love in</LINE>
+<LINE>Against my will I am sent to bid you come in to dinner.</LINE>
+<LINE>Fair Beatrice, I thank you for your pains.</LINE>
+<LINE>I took no more pains for those thanks than you take</LINE>
+<LINE>pains to thank me: if it had been painful, I would</LINE>
+<LINE>not have come.</LINE>
+<LINE>You take pleasure then in the message?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, just so much as you may take upon a knife's</LINE>
+<LINE>point and choke a daw withal. You have no stomach,</LINE>
+<LINE>signior: fare you well.</LINE>
+<LINE>Ha! 'Against my will I am sent to bid you come in</LINE>
+<LINE>to dinner;' there's a double meaning in that 'I took</LINE>
+<LINE>no more pains for those thanks than you took pains</LINE>
+<LINE>to thank me.' that's as much as to say, Any pains</LINE>
+<LINE>that I take for you is as easy as thanks. If I do</LINE>
+<LINE>not take pity of her, I am a villain; if I do not</LINE>
+<LINE>love her, I am a Jew. I will go get her picture.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good Margaret, run thee to the parlor;</LINE>
+<LINE>There shalt thou find my cousin Beatrice</LINE>
+<LINE>Proposing with the prince and Claudio:</LINE>
+<LINE>Whisper her ear and tell her, I and Ursula</LINE>
+<LINE>Walk in the orchard and our whole discourse</LINE>
+<LINE>Is all of her; say that thou overheard'st us;</LINE>
+<LINE>And bid her steal into the pleached bower,</LINE>
+<LINE>Where honeysuckles, ripen'd by the sun,</LINE>
+<LINE>Forbid the sun to enter, like favourites,</LINE>
+<LINE>Made proud by princes, that advance their pride</LINE>
+<LINE>Against that power that bred it: there will she hide her,</LINE>
+<LINE>To listen our purpose.  This is thy office;</LINE>
+<LINE>Bear thee well in it and leave us alone.</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll make her come, I warrant you, presently.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, Ursula, when Beatrice doth come,</LINE>
+<LINE>As we do trace this alley up and down,</LINE>
+<LINE>Our talk must only be of Benedick.</LINE>
+<LINE>When I do name him, let it be thy part</LINE>
+<LINE>To praise him more than ever man did merit:</LINE>
+<LINE>My talk to thee must be how Benedick</LINE>
+<LINE>Is sick in love with Beatrice. Of this matter</LINE>
+<LINE>Is little Cupid's crafty arrow made,</LINE>
+<LINE>That only wounds by hearsay.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now begin;</LINE>
+<LINE>For look where Beatrice, like a lapwing, runs</LINE>
+<LINE>Close by the ground, to hear our conference.</LINE>
+<LINE>The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish</LINE>
+<LINE>Cut with her golden oars the silver stream,</LINE>
+<LINE>And greedily devour the treacherous bait:</LINE>
+<LINE>So angle we for Beatrice; who even now</LINE>
+<LINE>Is couched in the woodbine coverture.</LINE>
+<LINE>Fear you not my part of the dialogue.</LINE>
+<LINE>Then go we near her, that her ear lose nothing</LINE>
+<LINE>Of the false sweet bait that we lay for it.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Approaching the bower</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>No, truly, Ursula, she is too disdainful;</LINE>
+<LINE>I know her spirits are as coy and wild</LINE>
+<LINE>As haggerds of the rock.</LINE>
+<LINE>But are you sure</LINE>
+<LINE>That Benedick loves Beatrice so entirely?</LINE>
+<LINE>So says the prince and my new-trothed lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>And did they bid you tell her of it, madam?</LINE>
+<LINE>They did entreat me to acquaint her of it;</LINE>
+<LINE>But I persuaded them, if they loved Benedick,</LINE>
+<LINE>To wish him wrestle with affection,</LINE>
+<LINE>And never to let Beatrice know of it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why did you so? Doth not the gentleman</LINE>
+<LINE>Deserve as full as fortunate a bed</LINE>
+<LINE>As ever Beatrice shall couch upon?</LINE>
+<LINE>O god of love! I know he doth deserve</LINE>
+<LINE>As much as may be yielded to a man:</LINE>
+<LINE>But Nature never framed a woman's heart</LINE>
+<LINE>Of prouder stuff than that of Beatrice;</LINE>
+<LINE>Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes,</LINE>
+<LINE>Misprising what they look on, and her wit</LINE>
+<LINE>Values itself so highly that to her</LINE>
+<LINE>All matter else seems weak: she cannot love,</LINE>
+<LINE>Nor take no shape nor project of affection,</LINE>
+<LINE>She is so self-endeared.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sure, I think so;</LINE>
+<LINE>And therefore certainly it were not good</LINE>
+<LINE>She knew his love, lest she make sport at it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, you speak truth. I never yet saw man,</LINE>
+<LINE>How wise, how noble, young, how rarely featured,</LINE>
+<LINE>But she would spell him backward: if fair-faced,</LINE>
+<LINE>She would swear the gentleman should be her sister;</LINE>
+<LINE>If black, why, Nature, drawing of an antique,</LINE>
+<LINE>Made a foul blot; if tall, a lance ill-headed;</LINE>
+<LINE>If low, an agate very vilely cut;</LINE>
+<LINE>If speaking, why, a vane blown with all winds;</LINE>
+<LINE>If silent, why, a block moved with none.</LINE>
+<LINE>So turns she every man the wrong side out</LINE>
+<LINE>And never gives to truth and virtue that</LINE>
+<LINE>Which simpleness and merit purchaseth.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sure, sure, such carping is not commendable.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, not to be so odd and from all fashions</LINE>
+<LINE>As Beatrice is, cannot be commendable:</LINE>
+<LINE>But who dare tell her so? If I should speak,</LINE>
+<LINE>She would mock me into air; O, she would laugh me</LINE>
+<LINE>Out of myself, press me to death with wit.</LINE>
+<LINE>Therefore let Benedick, like cover'd fire,</LINE>
+<LINE>Consume away in sighs, waste inwardly:</LINE>
+<LINE>It were a better death than die with mocks,</LINE>
+<LINE>Which is as bad as die with tickling.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet tell her of it: hear what she will say.</LINE>
+<LINE>No; rather I will go to Benedick</LINE>
+<LINE>And counsel him to fight against his passion.</LINE>
+<LINE>And, truly, I'll devise some honest slanders</LINE>
+<LINE>To stain my cousin with: one doth not know</LINE>
+<LINE>How much an ill word may empoison liking.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, do not do your cousin such a wrong.</LINE>
+<LINE>She cannot be so much without true judgment--</LINE>
+<LINE>Having so swift and excellent a wit</LINE>
+<LINE>As she is prized to have--as to refuse</LINE>
+<LINE>So rare a gentleman as Signior Benedick.</LINE>
+<LINE>He is the only man of Italy.</LINE>
+<LINE>Always excepted my dear Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>I pray you, be not angry with me, madam,</LINE>
+<LINE>Speaking my fancy: Signior Benedick,</LINE>
+<LINE>For shape, for bearing, argument and valour,</LINE>
+<LINE>Goes foremost in report through Italy.</LINE>
+<LINE>Indeed, he hath an excellent good name.</LINE>
+<LINE>His excellence did earn it, ere he had it.</LINE>
+<LINE>When are you married, madam?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, every day, to-morrow. Come, go in:</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll show thee some attires, and have thy counsel</LINE>
+<LINE>Which is the best to furnish me to-morrow.</LINE>
+<LINE>She's limed, I warrant you: we have caught her, madam.</LINE>
+<LINE>If it proves so, then loving goes by haps:</LINE>
+<LINE>Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.</LINE>
+<LINE>What fire is in mine ears? Can this be true?</LINE>
+<LINE>Stand I condemn'd for pride and scorn so much?</LINE>
+<LINE>Contempt, farewell! and maiden pride, adieu!</LINE>
+<LINE>No glory lives behind the back of such.</LINE>
+<LINE>And, Benedick, love on; I will requite thee,</LINE>
+<LINE>Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand:</LINE>
+<LINE>If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee</LINE>
+<LINE>To bind our loves up in a holy band;</LINE>
+<LINE>For others say thou dost deserve, and I</LINE>
+<LINE>Believe it better than reportingly.</LINE>
+<LINE>I do but stay till your marriage be consummate, and</LINE>
+<LINE>then go I toward Arragon.</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll bring you thither, my lord, if you'll</LINE>
+<LINE>vouchsafe me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, that would be as great a soil in the new gloss</LINE>
+<LINE>of your marriage as to show a child his new coat</LINE>
+<LINE>and forbid him to wear it. I will only be bold</LINE>
+<LINE>with Benedick for his company; for, from the crown</LINE>
+<LINE>of his head to the sole of his foot, he is all</LINE>
+<LINE>mirth: he hath twice or thrice cut Cupid's</LINE>
+<LINE>bow-string and the little hangman dare not shoot at</LINE>
+<LINE>him; he hath a heart as sound as a bell and his</LINE>
+<LINE>tongue is the clapper, for what his heart thinks his</LINE>
+<LINE>tongue speaks.</LINE>
+<LINE>Gallants, I am not as I have been.</LINE>
+<LINE>So say I methinks you are sadder.</LINE>
+<LINE>I hope he be in love.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hang him, truant! there's no true drop of blood in</LINE>
+<LINE>him, to be truly touched with love: if he be sad,</LINE>
+<LINE>he wants money.</LINE>
+<LINE>I have the toothache.</LINE>
+<LINE>Draw it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hang it!</LINE>
+<LINE>You must hang it first, and draw it afterwards.</LINE>
+<LINE>What! sigh for the toothache?</LINE>
+<LINE>Where is but a humour or a worm.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, every one can master a grief but he that has</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet say I, he is in love.</LINE>
+<LINE>There is no appearance of fancy in him, unless it be</LINE>
+<LINE>a fancy that he hath to strange disguises; as, to be</LINE>
+<LINE>a Dutchman today, a Frenchman to-morrow, or in the</LINE>
+<LINE>shape of two countries at once, as, a German from</LINE>
+<LINE>the waist downward, all slops, and a Spaniard from</LINE>
+<LINE>the hip upward, no doublet. Unless he have a fancy</LINE>
+<LINE>to this foolery, as it appears he hath, he is no</LINE>
+<LINE>fool for fancy, as you would have it appear he is.</LINE>
+<LINE>If he be not in love with some woman, there is no</LINE>
+<LINE>believing old signs: a' brushes his hat o'</LINE>
+<LINE>mornings; what should that bode?</LINE>
+<LINE>Hath any man seen him at the barber's?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, but the barber's man hath been seen with him,</LINE>
+<LINE>and the old ornament of his cheek hath already</LINE>
+<LINE>stuffed tennis-balls.</LINE>
+<LINE>Indeed, he looks younger than he did, by the loss of a beard.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, a' rubs himself with civet: can you smell him</LINE>
+<LINE>out by that?</LINE>
+<LINE>That's as much as to say, the sweet youth's in love.</LINE>
+<LINE>The greatest note of it is his melancholy.</LINE>
+<LINE>And when was he wont to wash his face?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, or to paint himself? for the which, I hear</LINE>
+<LINE>what they say of him.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, but his jesting spirit; which is now crept into</LINE>
+<LINE>a lute-string and now governed by stops.</LINE>
+<LINE>Indeed, that tells a heavy tale for him: conclude,</LINE>
+<LINE>conclude he is in love.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, but I know who loves him.</LINE>
+<LINE>That would I know too: I warrant, one that knows him not.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yes, and his ill conditions; and, in despite of</LINE>
+<LINE>all, dies for him.</LINE>
+<LINE>She shall be buried with her face upwards.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet is this no charm for the toothache. Old</LINE>
+<LINE>signior, walk aside with me: I have studied eight</LINE>
+<LINE>or nine wise words to speak to you, which these</LINE>
+<LINE>hobby-horses must not hear.</LINE>
+<LINE>For my life, to break with him about Beatrice.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Tis even so. Hero and Margaret have by this</LINE>
+<LINE>played their parts with Beatrice; and then the two</LINE>
+<LINE>bears will not bite one another when they meet.</LINE>
+<LINE>My lord and brother, God save you!</LINE>
+<LINE>Good den, brother.</LINE>
+<LINE>If your leisure served, I would speak with you.</LINE>
+<LINE>In private?</LINE>
+<LINE>If it please you: yet Count Claudio may hear; for</LINE>
+<LINE>what I would speak of concerns him.</LINE>
+<LINE>What's the matter?</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>To CLAUDIO</STAGEDIR>  Means your lordship to be married</LINE>
+<LINE>You know he does.</LINE>
+<LINE>I know not that, when he knows what I know.</LINE>
+<LINE>If there be any impediment, I pray you discover it.</LINE>
+<LINE>You may think I love you not: let that appear</LINE>
+<LINE>hereafter, and aim better at me by that I now will</LINE>
+<LINE>manifest. For my brother, I think he holds you</LINE>
+<LINE>well, and in dearness of heart hath holp to effect</LINE>
+<LINE>your ensuing marriage;--surely suit ill spent and</LINE>
+<LINE>labour ill bestowed.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, what's the matter?</LINE>
+<LINE>I came hither to tell you; and, circumstances</LINE>
+<LINE>shortened, for she has been too long a talking of,</LINE>
+<LINE>the lady is disloyal.</LINE>
+<LINE>Who, Hero?</LINE>
+<LINE>Even she; Leonato's Hero, your Hero, every man's Hero:</LINE>
+<LINE>The word is too good to paint out her wickedness; I</LINE>
+<LINE>could say she were worse: think you of a worse</LINE>
+<LINE>title, and I will fit her to it. Wonder not till</LINE>
+<LINE>further warrant: go but with me to-night, you shall</LINE>
+<LINE>see her chamber-window entered, even the night</LINE>
+<LINE>before her wedding-day: if you love her then,</LINE>
+<LINE>to-morrow wed her; but it would better fit your honour</LINE>
+<LINE>to change your mind.</LINE>
+<LINE>May this be so?</LINE>
+<LINE>I will not think it.</LINE>
+<LINE>If you dare not trust that you see, confess not</LINE>
+<LINE>that you know: if you will follow me, I will show</LINE>
+<LINE>you enough; and when you have seen more and heard</LINE>
+<LINE>more, proceed accordingly.</LINE>
+<LINE>If I see any thing to-night why I should not marry</LINE>
+<LINE>her to-morrow in the congregation, where I should</LINE>
+<LINE>wed, there will I shame her.</LINE>
+<LINE>And, as I wooed for thee to obtain her, I will join</LINE>
+<LINE>with thee to disgrace her.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will disparage her no farther till you are my</LINE>
+<LINE>witnesses: bear it coldly but till midnight, and</LINE>
+<LINE>let the issue show itself.</LINE>
+<LINE>O day untowardly turned!</LINE>
+<LINE>O mischief strangely thwarting!</LINE>
+<LINE>O plague right well prevented! so will you say when</LINE>
+<LINE>you have seen the sequel.</LINE>
+<LINE>Are you good men and true?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, or else it were pity but they should suffer</LINE>
+<LINE>salvation, body and soul.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, that were a punishment too good for them, if</LINE>
+<LINE>they should have any allegiance in them, being</LINE>
+<LINE>chosen for the prince's watch.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, give them their charge, neighbour Dogberry.</LINE>
+<LINE>First, who think you the most desertless man to be</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>First Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>Hugh Otecake, sir, or George Seacole; for they can</LINE>
+<LINE>write and read.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come hither, neighbour Seacole. God hath blessed</LINE>
+<LINE>you with a good name: to be a well-favoured man is</LINE>
+<LINE>the gift of fortune; but to write and read comes by nature.</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>Second Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>Both which, master constable,--</LINE>
+<LINE>You have: I knew it would be your answer. Well,</LINE>
+<LINE>for your favour, sir, why, give God thanks, and make</LINE>
+<LINE>no boast of it; and for your writing and reading,</LINE>
+<LINE>let that appear when there is no need of such</LINE>
+<LINE>vanity. You are thought here to be the most</LINE>
+<LINE>senseless and fit man for the constable of the</LINE>
+<LINE>watch; therefore bear you the lantern. This is your</LINE>
+<LINE>charge: you shall comprehend all vagrom men; you are</LINE>
+<LINE>to bid any man stand, in the prince's name.</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>Second Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>How if a' will not stand?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then, take no note of him, but let him go; and</LINE>
+<LINE>presently call the rest of the watch together and</LINE>
+<LINE>thank God you are rid of a knave.</LINE>
+<LINE>If he will not stand when he is bidden, he is none</LINE>
+<LINE>of the prince's subjects.</LINE>
+<LINE>True, and they are to meddle with none but the</LINE>
+<LINE>prince's subjects. You shall also make no noise in</LINE>
+<LINE>the streets; for, for the watch to babble and to</LINE>
+<LINE>talk is most tolerable and not to be endured.</LINE>
+<LINE>We will rather sleep than talk: we know what</LINE>
+<LINE>belongs to a watch.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, you speak like an ancient and most quiet</LINE>
+<LINE>watchman; for I cannot see how sleeping should</LINE>
+<LINE>offend: only, have a care that your bills be not</LINE>
+<LINE>stolen. Well, you are to call at all the</LINE>
+<LINE>ale-houses, and bid those that are drunk get them to bed.</LINE>
+<LINE>How if they will not?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then, let them alone till they are sober: if</LINE>
+<LINE>they make you not then the better answer, you may</LINE>
+<LINE>say they are not the men you took them for.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, sir.</LINE>
+<LINE>If you meet a thief, you may suspect him, by virtue</LINE>
+<LINE>of your office, to be no true man; and, for such</LINE>
+<LINE>kind of men, the less you meddle or make with them,</LINE>
+<LINE>why the more is for your honesty.</LINE>
+<LINE>If we know him to be a thief, shall we not lay</LINE>
+<LINE>hands on him?</LINE>
+<LINE>Truly, by your office, you may; but I think they</LINE>
+<LINE>that touch pitch will be defiled: the most peaceable</LINE>
+<LINE>way for you, if you do take a thief, is to let him</LINE>
+<LINE>show himself what he is and steal out of your company.</LINE>
+<LINE>You have been always called a merciful man, partner.</LINE>
+<LINE>Truly, I would not hang a dog by my will, much more</LINE>
+<LINE>a man who hath any honesty in him.</LINE>
+<LINE>If you hear a child cry in the night, you must call</LINE>
+<LINE>to the nurse and bid her still it.</LINE>
+<LINE>How if the nurse be asleep and will not hear us?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then, depart in peace, and let the child wake</LINE>
+<LINE>her with crying; for the ewe that will not hear her</LINE>
+<LINE>lamb when it baes will never answer a calf when he bleats.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Tis very true.</LINE>
+<LINE>This is the end of the charge:--you, constable, are</LINE>
+<LINE>to present the prince's own person: if you meet the</LINE>
+<LINE>prince in the night, you may stay him.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, by'r our lady, that I think a' cannot.</LINE>
+<LINE>Five shillings to one on't, with any man that knows</LINE>
+<LINE>the statutes, he may stay him: marry, not without</LINE>
+<LINE>the prince be willing; for, indeed, the watch ought</LINE>
+<LINE>to offend no man; and it is an offence to stay a</LINE>
+<LINE>man against his will.</LINE>
+<LINE>By'r lady, I think it be so.</LINE>
+<LINE>Ha, ha, ha! Well, masters, good night: an there be</LINE>
+<LINE>any matter of weight chances, call up me: keep your</LINE>
+<LINE>fellows' counsels and your own; and good night.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, neighbour.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, masters, we hear our charge: let us go sit here</LINE>
+<LINE>upon the church-bench till two, and then all to bed.</LINE>
+<LINE>One word more, honest neighbours. I pray you watch</LINE>
+<LINE>about Signior Leonato's door; for the wedding being</LINE>
+<LINE>there to-morrow, there is a great coil to-night.</LINE>
+<LINE>Adieu: be vigitant, I beseech you.</LINE>
+<LINE>What Conrade!</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>Aside</STAGEDIR>  Peace! stir not.</LINE>
+<LINE>Conrade, I say!</LINE>
+<LINE>Here, man; I am at thy elbow.</LINE>
+<LINE>Mass, and my elbow itched; I thought there would a</LINE>
+<LINE>scab follow.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will owe thee an answer for that: and now forward</LINE>
+<LINE>with thy tale.</LINE>
+<LINE>Stand thee close, then, under this pent-house, for</LINE>
+<LINE>it drizzles rain; and I will, like a true drunkard,</LINE>
+<LINE>utter all to thee.</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>Aside</STAGEDIR>  Some treason, masters: yet stand close.</LINE>
+<LINE>Therefore know I have earned of Don John a thousand ducats.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is it possible that any villany should be so dear?</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou shouldst rather ask if it were possible any</LINE>
+<LINE>villany should be so rich; for when rich villains</LINE>
+<LINE>have need of poor ones, poor ones may make what</LINE>
+<LINE>price they will.</LINE>
+<LINE>I wonder at it.</LINE>
+<LINE>That shows thou art unconfirmed. Thou knowest that</LINE>
+<LINE>the fashion of a doublet, or a hat, or a cloak, is</LINE>
+<LINE>nothing to a man.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yes, it is apparel.</LINE>
+<LINE>I mean, the fashion.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yes, the fashion is the fashion.</LINE>
+<LINE>Tush! I may as well say the fool's the fool. But</LINE>
+<LINE>seest thou not what a deformed thief this fashion</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>Aside</STAGEDIR>  I know that Deformed; a' has been a vile</LINE>
+<LINE>thief this seven year; a' goes up and down like a</LINE>
+<LINE>gentleman: I remember his name.</LINE>
+<LINE>Didst thou not hear somebody?</LINE>
+<LINE>No; 'twas the vane on the house.</LINE>
+<LINE>Seest thou not, I say, what a deformed thief this</LINE>
+<LINE>fashion is? how giddily a' turns about all the hot</LINE>
+<LINE>bloods between fourteen and five-and-thirty?</LINE>
+<LINE>sometimes fashioning them like Pharaoh's soldiers</LINE>
+<LINE>in the reeky painting, sometime like god Bel's</LINE>
+<LINE>priests in the old church-window, sometime like the</LINE>
+<LINE>shaven Hercules in the smirched worm-eaten tapestry,</LINE>
+<LINE>where his codpiece seems as massy as his club?</LINE>
+<LINE>All this I see; and I see that the fashion wears</LINE>
+<LINE>out more apparel than the man. But art not thou</LINE>
+<LINE>thyself giddy with the fashion too, that thou hast</LINE>
+<LINE>shifted out of thy tale into telling me of the fashion?</LINE>
+<LINE>Not so, neither: but know that I have to-night</LINE>
+<LINE>wooed Margaret, the Lady Hero's gentlewoman, by the</LINE>
+<LINE>name of Hero: she leans me out at her mistress'</LINE>
+<LINE>chamber-window, bids me a thousand times good</LINE>
+<LINE>night,--I tell this tale vilely:--I should first</LINE>
+<LINE>tell thee how the prince, Claudio and my master,</LINE>
+<LINE>planted and placed and possessed by my master Don</LINE>
+<LINE>John, saw afar off in the orchard this amiable encounter.</LINE>
+<LINE>And thought they Margaret was Hero?</LINE>
+<LINE>Two of them did, the prince and Claudio; but the</LINE>
+<LINE>devil my master knew she was Margaret; and partly</LINE>
+<LINE>by his oaths, which first possessed them, partly by</LINE>
+<LINE>the dark night, which did deceive them, but chiefly</LINE>
+<LINE>by my villany, which did confirm any slander that</LINE>
+<LINE>Don John had made, away went Claudio enraged; swore</LINE>
+<LINE>he would meet her, as he was appointed, next morning</LINE>
+<LINE>at the temple, and there, before the whole</LINE>
+<LINE>congregation, shame her with what he saw o'er night</LINE>
+<LINE>and send her home again without a husband.</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>First Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>We charge you, in the prince's name, stand!</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>Second Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>Call up the right master constable. We have here</LINE>
+<LINE>recovered the most dangerous piece of lechery that</LINE>
+<LINE>ever was known in the commonwealth.</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>First Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>And one Deformed is one of them: I know him; a'</LINE>
+<LINE>wears a lock.</LINE>
+<LINE>Masters, masters,--</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>Second Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>You'll be made bring Deformed forth, I warrant you.</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>First Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>Never speak: we charge you let us obey you to go with us.</LINE>
+<LINE>We are like to prove a goodly commodity, being taken</LINE>
+<LINE>up of these men's bills.</LINE>
+<LINE>A commodity in question, I warrant you. Come, we'll obey you.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good Ursula, wake my cousin Beatrice, and desire</LINE>
+<LINE>her to rise.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will, lady.</LINE>
+<LINE>And bid her come hither.</LINE>
+<LINE>Troth, I think your other rabato were better.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, pray thee, good Meg, I'll wear this.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my troth, 's not so good; and I warrant your</LINE>
+<LINE>cousin will say so.</LINE>
+<LINE>My cousin's a fool, and thou art another: I'll wear</LINE>
+<LINE>none but this.</LINE>
+<LINE>I like the new tire within excellently, if the hair</LINE>
+<LINE>were a thought browner; and your gown's a most rare</LINE>
+<LINE>fashion, i' faith. I saw the Duchess of Milan's</LINE>
+<LINE>gown that they praise so.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, that exceeds, they say.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my troth, 's but a night-gown in respect of</LINE>
+<LINE>yours: cloth o' gold, and cuts, and laced with</LINE>
+<LINE>silver, set with pearls, down sleeves, side sleeves,</LINE>
+<LINE>and skirts, round underborne with a bluish tinsel:</LINE>
+<LINE>but for a fine, quaint, graceful and excellent</LINE>
+<LINE>fashion, yours is worth ten on 't.</LINE>
+<LINE>God give me joy to wear it! for my heart is</LINE>
+<LINE>exceeding heavy.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Twill be heavier soon by the weight of a man.</LINE>
+<LINE>Fie upon thee! art not ashamed?</LINE>
+<LINE>Of what, lady? of speaking honourably? Is not</LINE>
+<LINE>marriage honourable in a beggar? Is not your lord</LINE>
+<LINE>honourable without marriage? I think you would have</LINE>
+<LINE>me say, 'saving your reverence, a husband:' and bad</LINE>
+<LINE>thinking do not wrest true speaking, I'll offend</LINE>
+<LINE>nobody: is there any harm in 'the heavier for a</LINE>
+<LINE>husband'? None, I think, and it be the right husband</LINE>
+<LINE>and the right wife; otherwise 'tis light, and not</LINE>
+<LINE>heavy: ask my Lady Beatrice else; here she comes.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good morrow, coz.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good morrow, sweet Hero.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why how now? do you speak in the sick tune?</LINE>
+<LINE>I am out of all other tune, methinks.</LINE>
+<LINE>Clap's into 'Light o' love;' that goes without a</LINE>
+<LINE>burden: do you sing it, and I'll dance it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Ye light o' love, with your heels! then, if your</LINE>
+<LINE>husband have stables enough, you'll see he shall</LINE>
+<LINE>lack no barns.</LINE>
+<LINE>O illegitimate construction! I scorn that with my heels.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Tis almost five o'clock, cousin; tis time you were</LINE>
+<LINE>ready. By my troth, I am exceeding ill: heigh-ho!</LINE>
+<LINE>For a hawk, a horse, or a husband?</LINE>
+<LINE>For the letter that begins them all, H.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, and you be not turned Turk, there's no more</LINE>
+<LINE>sailing by the star.</LINE>
+<LINE>What means the fool, trow?</LINE>
+<LINE>Nothing I; but God send every one their heart's desire!</LINE>
+<LINE>These gloves the count sent me; they are an</LINE>
+<LINE>excellent perfume.</LINE>
+<LINE>I am stuffed, cousin; I cannot smell.</LINE>
+<LINE>A maid, and stuffed! there's goodly catching of cold.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, God help me! God help me! how long have you</LINE>
+<LINE>professed apprehension?</LINE>
+<LINE>Even since you left it. Doth not my wit become me rarely?</LINE>
+<LINE>It is not seen enough, you should wear it in your</LINE>
+<LINE>cap. By my troth, I am sick.</LINE>
+<LINE>Get you some of this distilled Carduus Benedictus,</LINE>
+<LINE>and lay it to your heart: it is the only thing for a qualm.</LINE>
+<LINE>There thou prickest her with a thistle.</LINE>
+<LINE>Benedictus! why Benedictus? you have some moral in</LINE>
+<LINE>this Benedictus.</LINE>
+<LINE>Moral! no, by my troth, I have no moral meaning; I</LINE>
+<LINE>meant, plain holy-thistle. You may think perchance</LINE>
+<LINE>that I think you are in love: nay, by'r lady, I am</LINE>
+<LINE>not such a fool to think what I list, nor I list</LINE>
+<LINE>not to think what I can, nor indeed I cannot think,</LINE>
+<LINE>if I would think my heart out of thinking, that you</LINE>
+<LINE>are in love or that you will be in love or that you</LINE>
+<LINE>can be in love. Yet Benedick was such another, and</LINE>
+<LINE>now is he become a man: he swore he would never</LINE>
+<LINE>marry, and yet now, in despite of his heart, he eats</LINE>
+<LINE>his meat without grudging: and how you may be</LINE>
+<LINE>converted I know not, but methinks you look with</LINE>
+<LINE>your eyes as other women do.</LINE>
+<LINE>What pace is this that thy tongue keeps?</LINE>
+<LINE>Not a false gallop.</LINE>
+<LINE>Madam, withdraw: the prince, the count, Signior</LINE>
+<LINE>Benedick, Don John, and all the gallants of the</LINE>
+<LINE>town, are come to fetch you to church.</LINE>
+<LINE>Help to dress me, good coz, good Meg, good Ursula.</LINE>
+<SCENE><TITLE>SCENE V.  Another room in LEONATO'S house.</TITLE>
+<LINE>What would you with me, honest neighbour?</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, sir, I would have some confidence with you</LINE>
+<LINE>that decerns you nearly.</LINE>
+<LINE>Brief, I pray you; for you see it is a busy time with me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, this it is, sir.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yes, in truth it is, sir.</LINE>
+<LINE>What is it, my good friends?</LINE>
+<LINE>Goodman Verges, sir, speaks a little off the</LINE>
+<LINE>matter: an old man, sir, and his wits are not so</LINE>
+<LINE>blunt as, God help, I would desire they were; but,</LINE>
+<LINE>in faith, honest as the skin between his brows.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yes, I thank God I am as honest as any man living</LINE>
+<LINE>that is an old man and no honester than I.</LINE>
+<LINE>Comparisons are odorous: palabras, neighbour Verges.</LINE>
+<LINE>Neighbours, you are tedious.</LINE>
+<LINE>It pleases your worship to say so, but we are the</LINE>
+<LINE>poor duke's officers; but truly, for mine own part,</LINE>
+<LINE>if I were as tedious as a king, I could find it in</LINE>
+<LINE>my heart to bestow it all of your worship.</LINE>
+<LINE>All thy tediousness on me, ah?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, an 'twere a thousand pound more than 'tis; for</LINE>
+<LINE>I hear as good exclamation on your worship as of any</LINE>
+<LINE>man in the city; and though I be but a poor man, I</LINE>
+<LINE>am glad to hear it.</LINE>
+<LINE>And so am I.</LINE>
+<LINE>I would fain know what you have to say.</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, sir, our watch to-night, excepting your</LINE>
+<LINE>worship's presence, ha' ta'en a couple of as arrant</LINE>
+<LINE>knaves as any in Messina.</LINE>
+<LINE>A good old man, sir; he will be talking: as they</LINE>
+<LINE>say, when the age is in, the wit is out: God help</LINE>
+<LINE>us! it is a world to see. Well said, i' faith,</LINE>
+<LINE>neighbour Verges: well, God's a good man; an two men</LINE>
+<LINE>ride of a horse, one must ride behind. An honest</LINE>
+<LINE>soul, i' faith, sir; by my troth he is, as ever</LINE>
+<LINE>broke bread; but God is to be worshipped; all men</LINE>
+<LINE>are not alike; alas, good neighbour!</LINE>
+<LINE>Indeed, neighbour, he comes too short of you.</LINE>
+<LINE>Gifts that God gives.</LINE>
+<LINE>I must leave you.</LINE>
+<LINE>One word, sir: our watch, sir, have indeed</LINE>
+<LINE>comprehended two aspicious persons, and we would</LINE>
+<LINE>have them this morning examined before your worship.</LINE>
+<LINE>Take their examination yourself and bring it me: I</LINE>
+<LINE>am now in great haste, as it may appear unto you.</LINE>
+<LINE>It shall be suffigance.</LINE>
+<LINE>Drink some wine ere you go: fare you well.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Enter a Messenger</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>My lord, they stay for you to give your daughter to</LINE>
+<LINE>her husband.</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll wait upon them: I am ready.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Exeunt LEONATO and Messenger</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Go, good partner, go, get you to Francis Seacole;</LINE>
+<LINE>bid him bring his pen and inkhorn to the gaol: we</LINE>
+<LINE>are now to examination these men.</LINE>
+<LINE>And we must do it wisely.</LINE>
+<LINE>We will spare for no wit, I warrant you; here's</LINE>
+<LINE>that shall drive some of them to a non-come: only</LINE>
+<LINE>get the learned writer to set down our</LINE>
+<LINE>excommunication and meet me at the gaol.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, Friar Francis, be brief; only to the plain</LINE>
+<LINE>form of marriage, and you shall recount their</LINE>
+<LINE>particular duties afterwards.</LINE>
+<LINE>You come hither, my lord, to marry this lady.</LINE>
+<LINE>To be married to her: friar, you come to marry her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Lady, you come hither to be married to this count.</LINE>
+<LINE>I do.</LINE>
+<LINE>If either of you know any inward impediment why you</LINE>
+<LINE>should not be conjoined, charge you, on your souls,</LINE>
+<LINE>to utter it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Know you any, Hero?</LINE>
+<LINE>None, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>Know you any, count?</LINE>
+<LINE>I dare make his answer, none.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, what men dare do! what men may do! what men daily</LINE>
+<LINE>do, not knowing what they do!</LINE>
+<LINE>How now! interjections? Why, then, some be of</LINE>
+<LINE>laughing, as, ah, ha, he!</LINE>
+<LINE>Stand thee by, friar. Father, by your leave:</LINE>
+<LINE>Will you with free and unconstrained soul</LINE>
+<LINE>Give me this maid, your daughter?</LINE>
+<LINE>As freely, son, as God did give her me.</LINE>
+<LINE>And what have I to give you back, whose worth</LINE>
+<LINE>May counterpoise this rich and precious gift?</LINE>
+<LINE>Nothing, unless you render her again.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sweet prince, you learn me noble thankfulness.</LINE>
+<LINE>There, Leonato, take her back again:</LINE>
+<LINE>Give not this rotten orange to your friend;</LINE>
+<LINE>She's but the sign and semblance of her honour.</LINE>
+<LINE>Behold how like a maid she blushes here!</LINE>
+<LINE>O, what authority and show of truth</LINE>
+<LINE>Can cunning sin cover itself withal!</LINE>
+<LINE>Comes not that blood as modest evidence</LINE>
+<LINE>To witness simple virtue? Would you not swear,</LINE>
+<LINE>All you that see her, that she were a maid,</LINE>
+<LINE>By these exterior shows? But she is none:</LINE>
+<LINE>She knows the heat of a luxurious bed;</LINE>
+<LINE>Her blush is guiltiness, not modesty.</LINE>
+<LINE>What do you mean, my lord?</LINE>
+<LINE>Not to be married,</LINE>
+<LINE>Not to knit my soul to an approved wanton.</LINE>
+<LINE>Dear my lord, if you, in your own proof,</LINE>
+<LINE>Have vanquish'd the resistance of her youth,</LINE>
+<LINE>And made defeat of her virginity,--</LINE>
+<LINE>I know what you would say: if I have known her,</LINE>
+<LINE>You will say she did embrace me as a husband,</LINE>
+<LINE>And so extenuate the 'forehand sin:</LINE>
+<LINE>No, Leonato,</LINE>
+<LINE>I never tempted her with word too large;</LINE>
+<LINE>But, as a brother to his sister, show'd</LINE>
+<LINE>Bashful sincerity and comely love.</LINE>
+<LINE>And seem'd I ever otherwise to you?</LINE>
+<LINE>Out on thee! Seeming! I will write against it:</LINE>
+<LINE>You seem to me as Dian in her orb,</LINE>
+<LINE>As chaste as is the bud ere it be blown;</LINE>
+<LINE>But you are more intemperate in your blood</LINE>
+<LINE>Than Venus, or those pamper'd animals</LINE>
+<LINE>That rage in savage sensuality.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is my lord well, that he doth speak so wide?</LINE>
+<LINE>Sweet prince, why speak not you?</LINE>
+<LINE>What should I speak?</LINE>
+<LINE>I stand dishonour'd, that have gone about</LINE>
+<LINE>To link my dear friend to a common stale.</LINE>
+<LINE>Are these things spoken, or do I but dream?</LINE>
+<LINE>Sir, they are spoken, and these things are true.</LINE>
+<LINE>This looks not like a nuptial.</LINE>
+<LINE>True! O God!</LINE>
+<LINE>Leonato, stand I here?</LINE>
+<LINE>Is this the prince? is this the prince's brother?</LINE>
+<LINE>Is this face Hero's? are our eyes our own?</LINE>
+<LINE>All this is so: but what of this, my lord?</LINE>
+<LINE>Let me but move one question to your daughter;</LINE>
+<LINE>And, by that fatherly and kindly power</LINE>
+<LINE>That you have in her, bid her answer truly.</LINE>
+<LINE>I charge thee do so, as thou art my child.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, God defend me! how am I beset!</LINE>
+<LINE>What kind of catechising call you this?</LINE>
+<LINE>To make you answer truly to your name.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is it not Hero? Who can blot that name</LINE>
+<LINE>With any just reproach?</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, that can Hero;</LINE>
+<LINE>Hero itself can blot out Hero's virtue.</LINE>
+<LINE>What man was he talk'd with you yesternight</LINE>
+<LINE>Out at your window betwixt twelve and one?</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, if you are a maid, answer to this.</LINE>
+<LINE>I talk'd with no man at that hour, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then are you no maiden. Leonato,</LINE>
+<LINE>I am sorry you must hear: upon mine honour,</LINE>
+<LINE>Myself, my brother and this grieved count</LINE>
+<LINE>Did see her, hear her, at that hour last night</LINE>
+<LINE>Talk with a ruffian at her chamber-window</LINE>
+<LINE>Who hath indeed, most like a liberal villain,</LINE>
+<LINE>Confess'd the vile encounters they have had</LINE>
+<LINE>A thousand times in secret.</LINE>
+<LINE>Fie, fie! they are not to be named, my lord,</LINE>
+<LINE>Not to be spoke of;</LINE>
+<LINE>There is not chastity enough in language</LINE>
+<LINE>Without offence to utter them. Thus, pretty lady,</LINE>
+<LINE>I am sorry for thy much misgovernment.</LINE>
+<LINE>O Hero, what a Hero hadst thou been,</LINE>
+<LINE>If half thy outward graces had been placed</LINE>
+<LINE>About thy thoughts and counsels of thy heart!</LINE>
+<LINE>But fare thee well, most foul, most fair! farewell,</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou pure impiety and impious purity!</LINE>
+<LINE>For thee I'll lock up all the gates of love,</LINE>
+<LINE>And on my eyelids shall conjecture hang,</LINE>
+<LINE>To turn all beauty into thoughts of harm,</LINE>
+<LINE>And never shall it more be gracious.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hath no man's dagger here a point for me?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, how now, cousin! wherefore sink you down?</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, let us go. These things, come thus to light,</LINE>
+<LINE>Smother her spirits up.</LINE>
+<LINE>How doth the lady?</LINE>
+<LINE>Dead, I think. Help, uncle!</LINE>
+<LINE>Hero! why, Hero! Uncle! Signior Benedick! Friar!</LINE>
+<LINE>O Fate! take not away thy heavy hand.</LINE>
+<LINE>Death is the fairest cover for her shame</LINE>
+<LINE>That may be wish'd for.</LINE>
+<LINE>How now, cousin Hero!</LINE>
+<LINE>Have comfort, lady.</LINE>
+<LINE>Dost thou look up?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, wherefore should she not?</LINE>
+<LINE>Wherefore! Why, doth not every earthly thing</LINE>
+<LINE>Cry shame upon her? Could she here deny</LINE>
+<LINE>The story that is printed in her blood?</LINE>
+<LINE>Do not live, Hero; do not ope thine eyes:</LINE>
+<LINE>For, did I think thou wouldst not quickly die,</LINE>
+<LINE>Thought I thy spirits were stronger than thy shames,</LINE>
+<LINE>Myself would, on the rearward of reproaches,</LINE>
+<LINE>Strike at thy life. Grieved I, I had but one?</LINE>
+<LINE>Chid I for that at frugal nature's frame?</LINE>
+<LINE>O, one too much by thee! Why had I one?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why ever wast thou lovely in my eyes?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why had I not with charitable hand</LINE>
+<LINE>Took up a beggar's issue at my gates,</LINE>
+<LINE>Who smirch'd thus and mired with infamy,</LINE>
+<LINE>I might have said 'No part of it is mine;</LINE>
+<LINE>This shame derives itself from unknown loins'?</LINE>
+<LINE>But mine and mine I loved and mine I praised</LINE>
+<LINE>And mine that I was proud on, mine so much</LINE>
+<LINE>That I myself was to myself not mine,</LINE>
+<LINE>Valuing of her,--why, she, O, she is fallen</LINE>
+<LINE>Into a pit of ink, that the wide sea</LINE>
+<LINE>Hath drops too few to wash her clean again</LINE>
+<LINE>And salt too little which may season give</LINE>
+<LINE>To her foul-tainted flesh!</LINE>
+<LINE>Sir, sir, be patient.</LINE>
+<LINE>For my part, I am so attired in wonder,</LINE>
+<LINE>I know not what to say.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, on my soul, my cousin is belied!</LINE>
+<LINE>Lady, were you her bedfellow last night?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, truly not; although, until last night,</LINE>
+<LINE>I have this twelvemonth been her bedfellow.</LINE>
+<LINE>Confirm'd, confirm'd! O, that is stronger made</LINE>
+<LINE>Which was before barr'd up with ribs of iron!</LINE>
+<LINE>Would the two princes lie, and Claudio lie,</LINE>
+<LINE>Who loved her so, that, speaking of her foulness,</LINE>
+<LINE>Wash'd it with tears? Hence from her! let her die.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hear me a little; for I have only been</LINE>
+<LINE>Silent so long and given way unto</LINE>
+<LINE>This course of fortune</LINE>
+<LINE>By noting of the lady. I have mark'd</LINE>
+<LINE>A thousand blushing apparitions</LINE>
+<LINE>To start into her face, a thousand innocent shames</LINE>
+<LINE>In angel whiteness beat away those blushes;</LINE>
+<LINE>And in her eye there hath appear'd a fire,</LINE>
+<LINE>To burn the errors that these princes hold</LINE>
+<LINE>Against her maiden truth. Call me a fool;</LINE>
+<LINE>Trust not my reading nor my observations,</LINE>
+<LINE>Which with experimental seal doth warrant</LINE>
+<LINE>The tenor of my book; trust not my age,</LINE>
+<LINE>My reverence, calling, nor divinity,</LINE>
+<LINE>If this sweet lady lie not guiltless here</LINE>
+<LINE>Under some biting error.</LINE>
+<LINE>Friar, it cannot be.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou seest that all the grace that she hath left</LINE>
+<LINE>Is that she will not add to her damnation</LINE>
+<LINE>A sin of perjury; she not denies it:</LINE>
+<LINE>Why seek'st thou then to cover with excuse</LINE>
+<LINE>That which appears in proper nakedness?</LINE>
+<LINE>Lady, what man is he you are accused of?</LINE>
+<LINE>They know that do accuse me; I know none:</LINE>
+<LINE>If I know more of any man alive</LINE>
+<LINE>Than that which maiden modesty doth warrant,</LINE>
+<LINE>Let all my sins lack mercy! O my father,</LINE>
+<LINE>Prove you that any man with me conversed</LINE>
+<LINE>At hours unmeet, or that I yesternight</LINE>
+<LINE>Maintain'd the change of words with any creature,</LINE>
+<LINE>Refuse me, hate me, torture me to death!</LINE>
+<LINE>There is some strange misprision in the princes.</LINE>
+<LINE>Two of them have the very bent of honour;</LINE>
+<LINE>And if their wisdoms be misled in this,</LINE>
+<LINE>The practise of it lives in John the bastard,</LINE>
+<LINE>Whose spirits toil in frame of villanies.</LINE>
+<LINE>I know not. If they speak but truth of her,</LINE>
+<LINE>These hands shall tear her; if they wrong her honour,</LINE>
+<LINE>The proudest of them shall well hear of it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Time hath not yet so dried this blood of mine,</LINE>
+<LINE>Nor age so eat up my invention,</LINE>
+<LINE>Nor fortune made such havoc of my means,</LINE>
+<LINE>Nor my bad life reft me so much of friends,</LINE>
+<LINE>But they shall find, awaked in such a kind,</LINE>
+<LINE>Both strength of limb and policy of mind,</LINE>
+<LINE>Ability in means and choice of friends,</LINE>
+<LINE>To quit me of them throughly.</LINE>
+<LINE>Pause awhile,</LINE>
+<LINE>And let my counsel sway you in this case.</LINE>
+<LINE>Your daughter here the princes left for dead:</LINE>
+<LINE>Let her awhile be secretly kept in,</LINE>
+<LINE>And publish it that she is dead indeed;</LINE>
+<LINE>Maintain a mourning ostentation</LINE>
+<LINE>And on your family's old monument</LINE>
+<LINE>Hang mournful epitaphs and do all rites</LINE>
+<LINE>That appertain unto a burial.</LINE>
+<LINE>What shall become of this? what will this do?</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, this well carried shall on her behalf</LINE>
+<LINE>Change slander to remorse; that is some good:</LINE>
+<LINE>But not for that dream I on this strange course,</LINE>
+<LINE>But on this travail look for greater birth.</LINE>
+<LINE>She dying, as it must so be maintain'd,</LINE>
+<LINE>Upon the instant that she was accused,</LINE>
+<LINE>Shall be lamented, pitied and excused</LINE>
+<LINE>Of every hearer: for it so falls out</LINE>
+<LINE>That what we have we prize not to the worth</LINE>
+<LINE>Whiles we enjoy it, but being lack'd and lost,</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then we rack the value, then we find</LINE>
+<LINE>The virtue that possession would not show us</LINE>
+<LINE>Whiles it was ours. So will it fare with Claudio:</LINE>
+<LINE>When he shall hear she died upon his words,</LINE>
+<LINE>The idea of her life shall sweetly creep</LINE>
+<LINE>Into his study of imagination,</LINE>
+<LINE>And every lovely organ of her life</LINE>
+<LINE>Shall come apparell'd in more precious habit,</LINE>
+<LINE>More moving-delicate and full of life,</LINE>
+<LINE>Into the eye and prospect of his soul,</LINE>
+<LINE>Than when she lived indeed; then shall he mourn,</LINE>
+<LINE>If ever love had interest in his liver,</LINE>
+<LINE>And wish he had not so accused her,</LINE>
+<LINE>No, though he thought his accusation true.</LINE>
+<LINE>Let this be so, and doubt not but success</LINE>
+<LINE>Will fashion the event in better shape</LINE>
+<LINE>Than I can lay it down in likelihood.</LINE>
+<LINE>But if all aim but this be levell'd false,</LINE>
+<LINE>The supposition of the lady's death</LINE>
+<LINE>Will quench the wonder of her infamy:</LINE>
+<LINE>And if it sort not well, you may conceal her,</LINE>
+<LINE>As best befits her wounded reputation,</LINE>
+<LINE>In some reclusive and religious life,</LINE>
+<LINE>Out of all eyes, tongues, minds and injuries.</LINE>
+<LINE>Signior Leonato, let the friar advise you:</LINE>
+<LINE>And though you know my inwardness and love</LINE>
+<LINE>Is very much unto the prince and Claudio,</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet, by mine honour, I will deal in this</LINE>
+<LINE>As secretly and justly as your soul</LINE>
+<LINE>Should with your body.</LINE>
+<LINE>Being that I flow in grief,</LINE>
+<LINE>The smallest twine may lead me.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Tis well consented: presently away;</LINE>
+<LINE>For to strange sores strangely they strain the cure.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, lady, die to live: this wedding-day</LINE>
+<LINE>Perhaps is but prolong'd: have patience and endure.</LINE>
+<LINE>Lady Beatrice, have you wept all this while?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, and I will weep a while longer.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will not desire that.</LINE>
+<LINE>You have no reason; I do it freely.</LINE>
+<LINE>Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged.</LINE>
+<LINE>Ah, how much might the man deserve of me that would right her!</LINE>
+<LINE>Is there any way to show such friendship?</LINE>
+<LINE>A very even way, but no such friend.</LINE>
+<LINE>May a man do it?</LINE>
+<LINE>It is a man's office, but not yours.</LINE>
+<LINE>I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is</LINE>
+<LINE>not that strange?</LINE>
+<LINE>As strange as the thing I know not. It were as</LINE>
+<LINE>possible for me to say I loved nothing so well as</LINE>
+<LINE>you: but believe me not; and yet I lie not; I</LINE>
+<LINE>confess nothing, nor I deny nothing. I am sorry for my cousin.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my sword, Beatrice, thou lovest me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Do not swear, and eat it.</LINE>
+<LINE>I will swear by it that you love me; and I will make</LINE>
+<LINE>him eat it that says I love not you.</LINE>
+<LINE>Will you not eat your word?</LINE>
+<LINE>With no sauce that can be devised to it. I protest</LINE>
+<LINE>I love thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then, God forgive me!</LINE>
+<LINE>What offence, sweet Beatrice?</LINE>
+<LINE>You have stayed me in a happy hour: I was about to</LINE>
+<LINE>protest I loved you.</LINE>
+<LINE>And do it with all thy heart.</LINE>
+<LINE>I love you with so much of my heart that none is</LINE>
+<LINE>left to protest.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, bid me do any thing for thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>Kill Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>Ha! not for the wide world.</LINE>
+<LINE>You kill me to deny it. Farewell.</LINE>
+<LINE>Tarry, sweet Beatrice.</LINE>
+<LINE>I am gone, though I am here: there is no love in</LINE>
+<LINE>you: nay, I pray you, let me go.</LINE>
+<LINE>In faith, I will go.</LINE>
+<LINE>We'll be friends first.</LINE>
+<LINE>You dare easier be friends with me than fight with mine enemy.</LINE>
+<LINE>Is Claudio thine enemy?</LINE>
+<LINE>Is he not approved in the height a villain, that</LINE>
+<LINE>hath slandered, scorned, dishonoured my kinswoman? O</LINE>
+<LINE>that I were a man! What, bear her in hand until they</LINE>
+<LINE>come to take hands; and then, with public</LINE>
+<LINE>accusation, uncovered slander, unmitigated rancour,</LINE>
+<LINE>--O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart</LINE>
+<LINE>in the market-place.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hear me, Beatrice,--</LINE>
+<LINE>Talk with a man out at a window! A proper saying!</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, but, Beatrice,--</LINE>
+<LINE>Sweet Hero! She is wronged, she is slandered, she is undone.</LINE>
+<LINE>Princes and counties! Surely, a princely testimony,</LINE>
+<LINE>a goodly count, Count Comfect; a sweet gallant,</LINE>
+<LINE>surely! O that I were a man for his sake! or that I</LINE>
+<LINE>had any friend would be a man for my sake! But</LINE>
+<LINE>manhood is melted into courtesies, valour into</LINE>
+<LINE>compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and</LINE>
+<LINE>trim ones too: he is now as valiant as Hercules</LINE>
+<LINE>that only tells a lie and swears it. I cannot be a</LINE>
+<LINE>man with wishing, therefore I will die a woman with grieving.</LINE>
+<LINE>Tarry, good Beatrice. By this hand, I love thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>Use it for my love some other way than swearing by it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Think you in your soul the Count Claudio hath wronged Hero?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, as sure as I have a thought or a soul.</LINE>
+<LINE>Enough, I am engaged; I will challenge him. I will</LINE>
+<LINE>kiss your hand, and so I leave you. By this hand,</LINE>
+<LINE>Claudio shall render me a dear account. As you</LINE>
+<LINE>hear of me, so think of me. Go, comfort your</LINE>
+<LINE>cousin: I must say she is dead: and so, farewell.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Enter DOGBERRY, VERGES, and Sexton, in gowns; and
+the Watch, with CONRADE and BORACHIO</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Is our whole dissembly appeared?</LINE>
+<LINE>O, a stool and a cushion for the sexton.</LINE>
+<LINE>Which be the malefactors?</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, that am I and my partner.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, that's certain; we have the exhibition to examine.</LINE>
+<LINE>But which are the offenders that are to be</LINE>
+<LINE>examined? let them come before master constable.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, marry, let them come before me. What is your</LINE>
+<LINE>name, friend?</LINE>
+<LINE>Pray, write down, Borachio. Yours, sirrah?</LINE>
+<LINE>I am a gentleman, sir, and my name is Conrade.</LINE>
+<LINE>Write down, master gentleman Conrade. Masters, do</LINE>
+<LINE>you serve God?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, sir, we hope.</LINE>
+<LINE>Write down, that they hope they serve God: and</LINE>
+<LINE>write God first; for God defend but God should go</LINE>
+<LINE>before such villains! Masters, it is proved already</LINE>
+<LINE>that you are little better than false knaves; and it</LINE>
+<LINE>will go near to be thought so shortly. How answer</LINE>
+<LINE>you for yourselves?</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, sir, we say we are none.</LINE>
+<LINE>A marvellous witty fellow, I assure you: but I</LINE>
+<LINE>will go about with him. Come you hither, sirrah; a</LINE>
+<LINE>word in your ear: sir, I say to you, it is thought</LINE>
+<LINE>you are false knaves.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sir, I say to you we are none.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, stand aside. 'Fore God, they are both in a</LINE>
+<LINE>tale. Have you writ down, that they are none?</LINE>
+<LINE>Master constable, you go not the way to examine:</LINE>
+<LINE>you must call forth the watch that are their accusers.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, marry, that's the eftest way. Let the watch</LINE>
+<LINE>come forth. Masters, I charge you, in the prince's</LINE>
+<LINE>name, accuse these men.</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>First Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>This man said, sir, that Don John, the prince's</LINE>
+<LINE>brother, was a villain.</LINE>
+<LINE>Write down Prince John a villain. Why, this is flat</LINE>
+<LINE>perjury, to call a prince's brother villain.</LINE>
+<LINE>Master constable,--</LINE>
+<LINE>Pray thee, fellow, peace: I do not like thy look,</LINE>
+<LINE>I promise thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>What heard you him say else?</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>Second Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>Marry, that he had received a thousand ducats of</LINE>
+<LINE>Don John for accusing the Lady Hero wrongfully.</LINE>
+<LINE>Flat burglary as ever was committed.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, by mass, that it is.</LINE>
+<LINE>What else, fellow?</LINE>
+<SPEAKER>First Watchman</SPEAKER>
+<LINE>And that Count Claudio did mean, upon his words, to</LINE>
+<LINE>disgrace Hero before the whole assembly. and not marry her.</LINE>
+<LINE>O villain! thou wilt be condemned into everlasting</LINE>
+<LINE>redemption for this.</LINE>
+<LINE>What else?</LINE>
+<LINE>This is all.</LINE>
+<LINE>And this is more, masters, than you can deny.</LINE>
+<LINE>Prince John is this morning secretly stolen away;</LINE>
+<LINE>Hero was in this manner accused, in this very manner</LINE>
+<LINE>refused, and upon the grief of this suddenly died.</LINE>
+<LINE>Master constable, let these men be bound, and</LINE>
+<LINE>brought to Leonato's: I will go before and show</LINE>
+<LINE>him their examination.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, let them be opinioned.</LINE>
+<LINE>Let them be in the hands--</LINE>
+<LINE>Off, coxcomb!</LINE>
+<LINE>God's my life, where's the sexton? let him write</LINE>
+<LINE>down the prince's officer coxcomb. Come, bind them.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou naughty varlet!</LINE>
+<LINE>Away! you are an ass, you are an ass.</LINE>
+<LINE>Dost thou not suspect my place? dost thou not</LINE>
+<LINE>suspect my years? O that he were here to write me</LINE>
+<LINE>down an ass! But, masters, remember that I am an</LINE>
+<LINE>ass; though it be not written down, yet forget not</LINE>
+<LINE>that I am an ass. No, thou villain, thou art full of</LINE>
+<LINE>piety, as shall be proved upon thee by good witness.</LINE>
+<LINE>I am a wise fellow, and, which is more, an officer,</LINE>
+<LINE>and, which is more, a householder, and, which is</LINE>
+<LINE>more, as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in</LINE>
+<LINE>Messina, and one that knows the law, go to; and a</LINE>
+<LINE>rich fellow enough, go to; and a fellow that hath</LINE>
+<LINE>had losses, and one that hath two gowns and every</LINE>
+<LINE>thing handsome about him. Bring him away. O that</LINE>
+<LINE>I had been writ down an ass!</LINE>
+<LINE>If you go on thus, you will kill yourself:</LINE>
+<LINE>And 'tis not wisdom thus to second grief</LINE>
+<LINE>Against yourself.</LINE>
+<LINE>I pray thee, cease thy counsel,</LINE>
+<LINE>Which falls into mine ears as profitless</LINE>
+<LINE>As water in a sieve: give not me counsel;</LINE>
+<LINE>Nor let no comforter delight mine ear</LINE>
+<LINE>But such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine.</LINE>
+<LINE>Bring me a father that so loved his child,</LINE>
+<LINE>Whose joy of her is overwhelm'd like mine,</LINE>
+<LINE>And bid him speak of patience;</LINE>
+<LINE>Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine</LINE>
+<LINE>And let it answer every strain for strain,</LINE>
+<LINE>As thus for thus and such a grief for such,</LINE>
+<LINE>In every lineament, branch, shape, and form:</LINE>
+<LINE>If such a one will smile and stroke his beard,</LINE>
+<LINE>Bid sorrow wag, cry 'hem!' when he should groan,</LINE>
+<LINE>Patch grief with proverbs, make misfortune drunk</LINE>
+<LINE>With candle-wasters; bring him yet to me,</LINE>
+<LINE>And I of him will gather patience.</LINE>
+<LINE>But there is no such man: for, brother, men</LINE>
+<LINE>Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief</LINE>
+<LINE>Which they themselves not feel; but, tasting it,</LINE>
+<LINE>Their counsel turns to passion, which before</LINE>
+<LINE>Would give preceptial medicine to rage,</LINE>
+<LINE>Fetter strong madness in a silken thread,</LINE>
+<LINE>Charm ache with air and agony with words:</LINE>
+<LINE>No, no; 'tis all men's office to speak patience</LINE>
+<LINE>To those that wring under the load of sorrow,</LINE>
+<LINE>But no man's virtue nor sufficiency</LINE>
+<LINE>To be so moral when he shall endure</LINE>
+<LINE>The like himself. Therefore give me no counsel:</LINE>
+<LINE>My griefs cry louder than advertisement.</LINE>
+<LINE>Therein do men from children nothing differ.</LINE>
+<LINE>I pray thee, peace. I will be flesh and blood;</LINE>
+<LINE>For there was never yet philosopher</LINE>
+<LINE>That could endure the toothache patiently,</LINE>
+<LINE>However they have writ the style of gods</LINE>
+<LINE>And made a push at chance and sufferance.</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself;</LINE>
+<LINE>Make those that do offend you suffer too.</LINE>
+<LINE>There thou speak'st reason: nay, I will do so.</LINE>
+<LINE>My soul doth tell me Hero is belied;</LINE>
+<LINE>And that shall Claudio know; so shall the prince</LINE>
+<LINE>And all of them that thus dishonour her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Here comes the prince and Claudio hastily.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good den, good den.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good day to both of you.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hear you. my lords,--</LINE>
+<LINE>We have some haste, Leonato.</LINE>
+<LINE>Some haste, my lord! well, fare you well, my lord:</LINE>
+<LINE>Are you so hasty now? well, all is one.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, do not quarrel with us, good old man.</LINE>
+<LINE>If he could right himself with quarreling,</LINE>
+<LINE>Some of us would lie low.</LINE>
+<LINE>Who wrongs him?</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, thou dost wrong me; thou dissembler, thou:--</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, never lay thy hand upon thy sword;</LINE>
+<LINE>I fear thee not.</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, beshrew my hand,</LINE>
+<LINE>If it should give your age such cause of fear:</LINE>
+<LINE>In faith, my hand meant nothing to my sword.</LINE>
+<LINE>Tush, tush, man; never fleer and jest at me:</LINE>
+<LINE>I speak not like a dotard nor a fool,</LINE>
+<LINE>As under privilege of age to brag</LINE>
+<LINE>What I have done being young, or what would do</LINE>
+<LINE>Were I not old. Know, Claudio, to thy head,</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou hast so wrong'd mine innocent child and me</LINE>
+<LINE>That I am forced to lay my reverence by</LINE>
+<LINE>And, with grey hairs and bruise of many days,</LINE>
+<LINE>Do challenge thee to trial of a man.</LINE>
+<LINE>I say thou hast belied mine innocent child;</LINE>
+<LINE>Thy slander hath gone through and through her heart,</LINE>
+<LINE>And she lies buried with her ancestors;</LINE>
+<LINE>O, in a tomb where never scandal slept,</LINE>
+<LINE>Save this of hers, framed by thy villany!</LINE>
+<LINE>My villany?</LINE>
+<LINE>Thine, Claudio; thine, I say.</LINE>
+<LINE>You say not right, old man.</LINE>
+<LINE>My lord, my lord,</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll prove it on his body, if he dare,</LINE>
+<LINE>Despite his nice fence and his active practise,</LINE>
+<LINE>His May of youth and bloom of lustihood.</LINE>
+<LINE>Away! I will not have to do with you.</LINE>
+<LINE>Canst thou so daff me? Thou hast kill'd my child:</LINE>
+<LINE>If thou kill'st me, boy, thou shalt kill a man.</LINE>
+<LINE>He shall kill two of us, and men indeed:</LINE>
+<LINE>But that's no matter; let him kill one first;</LINE>
+<LINE>Win me and wear me; let him answer me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, follow me, boy; come, sir boy, come, follow me:</LINE>
+<LINE>Sir boy, I'll whip you from your foining fence;</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, as I am a gentleman, I will.</LINE>
+<LINE>Content yourself. God knows I loved my niece;</LINE>
+<LINE>And she is dead, slander'd to death by villains,</LINE>
+<LINE>That dare as well answer a man indeed</LINE>
+<LINE>As I dare take a serpent by the tongue:</LINE>
+<LINE>Boys, apes, braggarts, Jacks, milksops!</LINE>
+<LINE>Brother Antony,--</LINE>
+<LINE>Hold you content. What, man! I know them, yea,</LINE>
+<LINE>And what they weigh, even to the utmost scruple,--</LINE>
+<LINE>Scrambling, out-facing, fashion-monging boys,</LINE>
+<LINE>That lie and cog and flout, deprave and slander,</LINE>
+<LINE>Go anticly, show outward hideousness,</LINE>
+<LINE>And speak off half a dozen dangerous words,</LINE>
+<LINE>How they might hurt their enemies, if they durst;</LINE>
+<LINE>And this is all.</LINE>
+<LINE>But, brother Antony,--</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, 'tis no matter:</LINE>
+<LINE>Do not you meddle; let me deal in this.</LINE>
+<LINE>Gentlemen both, we will not wake your patience.</LINE>
+<LINE>My heart is sorry for your daughter's death:</LINE>
+<LINE>But, on my honour, she was charged with nothing</LINE>
+<LINE>But what was true and very full of proof.</LINE>
+<LINE>My lord, my lord,--</LINE>
+<LINE>I will not hear you.</LINE>
+<LINE>No? Come, brother; away! I will be heard.</LINE>
+<LINE>And shall, or some of us will smart for it.</LINE>
+<LINE>See, see; here comes the man we went to seek.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, signior, what news?</LINE>
+<LINE>Good day, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>Welcome, signior: you are almost come to part</LINE>
+<LINE>almost a fray.</LINE>
+<LINE>We had like to have had our two noses snapped off</LINE>
+<LINE>with two old men without teeth.</LINE>
+<LINE>Leonato and his brother. What thinkest thou? Had</LINE>
+<LINE>we fought, I doubt we should have been too young for them.</LINE>
+<LINE>In a false quarrel there is no true valour. I came</LINE>
+<LINE>to seek you both.</LINE>
+<LINE>We have been up and down to seek thee; for we are</LINE>
+<LINE>high-proof melancholy and would fain have it beaten</LINE>
+<LINE>away. Wilt thou use thy wit?</LINE>
+<LINE>It is in my scabbard: shall I draw it?</LINE>
+<LINE>Dost thou wear thy wit by thy side?</LINE>
+<LINE>Never any did so, though very many have been beside</LINE>
+<LINE>their wit. I will bid thee draw, as we do the</LINE>
+<LINE>minstrels; draw, to pleasure us.</LINE>
+<LINE>As I am an honest man, he looks pale. Art thou</LINE>
+<LINE>sick, or angry?</LINE>
+<LINE>What, courage, man! What though care killed a cat,</LINE>
+<LINE>thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sir, I shall meet your wit in the career, and you</LINE>
+<LINE>charge it against me. I pray you choose another subject.</LINE>
+<LINE>Nay, then, give him another staff: this last was</LINE>
+<LINE>broke cross.</LINE>
+<LINE>By this light, he changes more and more: I think</LINE>
+<LINE>he be angry indeed.</LINE>
+<LINE>If he be, he knows how to turn his girdle.</LINE>
+<LINE>Shall I speak a word in your ear?</LINE>
+<LINE>God bless me from a challenge!</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>Aside to CLAUDIO</STAGEDIR>  You are a villain; I jest not:</LINE>
+<LINE>I will make it good how you dare, with what you</LINE>
+<LINE>dare, and when you dare. Do me right, or I will</LINE>
+<LINE>protest your cowardice. You have killed a sweet</LINE>
+<LINE>lady, and her death shall fall heavy on you. Let me</LINE>
+<LINE>hear from you.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, I will meet you, so I may have good cheer.</LINE>
+<LINE>What, a feast, a feast?</LINE>
+<LINE>I' faith, I thank him; he hath bid me to a calf's</LINE>
+<LINE>head and a capon; the which if I do not carve most</LINE>
+<LINE>curiously, say my knife's naught. Shall I not find</LINE>
+<LINE>a woodcock too?</LINE>
+<LINE>Sir, your wit ambles well; it goes easily.</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll tell thee how Beatrice praised thy wit the</LINE>
+<LINE>other day. I said, thou hadst a fine wit: 'True,'</LINE>
+<LINE>said she, 'a fine little one.' 'No,' said I, 'a</LINE>
+<LINE>great wit:' 'Right,' says she, 'a great gross one.'</LINE>
+<LINE>'Nay,' said I, 'a good wit:' 'Just,' said she, 'it</LINE>
+<LINE>hurts nobody.' 'Nay,' said I, 'the gentleman</LINE>
+<LINE>is wise:' 'Certain,' said she, 'a wise gentleman.'</LINE>
+<LINE>'Nay,' said I, 'he hath the tongues:' 'That I</LINE>
+<LINE>believe,' said she, 'for he swore a thing to me on</LINE>
+<LINE>Monday night, which he forswore on Tuesday morning;</LINE>
+<LINE>there's a double tongue; there's two tongues.' Thus</LINE>
+<LINE>did she, an hour together, transshape thy particular</LINE>
+<LINE>virtues: yet at last she concluded with a sigh, thou</LINE>
+<LINE>wast the properest man in Italy.</LINE>
+<LINE>For the which she wept heartily and said she cared</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, that she did: but yet, for all that, an if she</LINE>
+<LINE>did not hate him deadly, she would love him dearly:</LINE>
+<LINE>the old man's daughter told us all.</LINE>
+<LINE>All, all; and, moreover, God saw him when he was</LINE>
+<LINE>hid in the garden.</LINE>
+<LINE>But when shall we set the savage bull's horns on</LINE>
+<LINE>the sensible Benedick's head?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, and text underneath, 'Here dwells Benedick the</LINE>
+<LINE>married man'?</LINE>
+<LINE>Fare you well, boy: you know my mind. I will leave</LINE>
+<LINE>you now to your gossip-like humour: you break jests</LINE>
+<LINE>as braggarts do their blades, which God be thanked,</LINE>
+<LINE>hurt not. My lord, for your many courtesies I thank</LINE>
+<LINE>you: I must discontinue your company: your brother</LINE>
+<LINE>the bastard is fled from Messina: you have among</LINE>
+<LINE>you killed a sweet and innocent lady. For my Lord</LINE>
+<LINE>Lackbeard there, he and I shall meet: and, till</LINE>
+<LINE>then, peace be with him.</LINE>
+<LINE>He is in earnest.</LINE>
+<LINE>In most profound earnest; and, I'll warrant you, for</LINE>
+<LINE>the love of Beatrice.</LINE>
+<LINE>And hath challenged thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>Most sincerely.</LINE>
+<LINE>What a pretty thing man is when he goes in his</LINE>
+<LINE>doublet and hose and leaves off his wit!</LINE>
+<LINE>He is then a giant to an ape; but then is an ape a</LINE>
+<LINE>doctor to such a man.</LINE>
+<LINE>But, soft you, let me be: pluck up, my heart, and</LINE>
+<LINE>be sad. Did he not say, my brother was fled?</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Enter DOGBERRY, VERGES, and the Watch, with CONRADE
+<LINE>Come you, sir: if justice cannot tame you, she</LINE>
+<LINE>shall ne'er weigh more reasons in her balance: nay,</LINE>
+<LINE>an you be a cursing hypocrite once, you must be looked to.</LINE>
+<LINE>How now? two of my brother's men bound! Borachio</LINE>
+<LINE>Hearken after their offence, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE>Officers, what offence have these men done?</LINE>
+<LINE>Marry, sir, they have committed false report;</LINE>
+<LINE>moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily,</LINE>
+<LINE>they are slanders; sixth and lastly, they have</LINE>
+<LINE>belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust</LINE>
+<LINE>things; and, to conclude, they are lying knaves.</LINE>
+<LINE>First, I ask thee what they have done; thirdly, I</LINE>
+<LINE>ask thee what's their offence; sixth and lastly, why</LINE>
+<LINE>they are committed; and, to conclude, what you lay</LINE>
+<LINE>to their charge.</LINE>
+<LINE>Rightly reasoned, and in his own division: and, by</LINE>
+<LINE>my troth, there's one meaning well suited.</LINE>
+<LINE>Who have you offended, masters, that you are thus</LINE>
+<LINE>bound to your answer? this learned constable is</LINE>
+<LINE>too cunning to be understood: what's your offence?</LINE>
+<LINE>Sweet prince, let me go no farther to mine answer:</LINE>
+<LINE>do you hear me, and let this count kill me. I have</LINE>
+<LINE>deceived even your very eyes: what your wisdoms</LINE>
+<LINE>could not discover, these shallow fools have brought</LINE>
+<LINE>to light: who in the night overheard me confessing</LINE>
+<LINE>to this man how Don John your brother incensed me</LINE>
+<LINE>to slander the Lady Hero, how you were brought into</LINE>
+<LINE>the orchard and saw me court Margaret in Hero's</LINE>
+<LINE>garments, how you disgraced her, when you should</LINE>
+<LINE>marry her: my villany they have upon record; which</LINE>
+<LINE>I had rather seal with my death than repeat over</LINE>
+<LINE>to my shame. The lady is dead upon mine and my</LINE>
+<LINE>master's false accusation; and, briefly, I desire</LINE>
+<LINE>nothing but the reward of a villain.</LINE>
+<LINE>Runs not this speech like iron through your blood?</LINE>
+<LINE>I have drunk poison whiles he utter'd it.</LINE>
+<LINE>But did my brother set thee on to this?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, and paid me richly for the practise of it.</LINE>
+<LINE>He is composed and framed of treachery:</LINE>
+<LINE>And fled he is upon this villany.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sweet Hero! now thy image doth appear</LINE>
+<LINE>In the rare semblance that I loved it first.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, bring away the plaintiffs: by this time our</LINE>
+<LINE>sexton hath reformed Signior Leonato of the matter:</LINE>
+<LINE>and, masters, do not forget to specify, when time</LINE>
+<LINE>and place shall serve, that I am an ass.</LINE>
+<LINE>Here, here comes master Signior Leonato, and the</LINE>
+<LINE>Sexton too.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Re-enter LEONATO and ANTONIO, with the Sexton</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Which is the villain? let me see his eyes,</LINE>
+<LINE>That, when I note another man like him,</LINE>
+<LINE>I may avoid him: which of these is he?</LINE>
+<LINE>If you would know your wronger, look on me.</LINE>
+<LINE>Art thou the slave that with thy breath hast kill'd</LINE>
+<LINE>Mine innocent child?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, even I alone.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, not so, villain; thou beliest thyself:</LINE>
+<LINE>Here stand a pair of honourable men;</LINE>
+<LINE>A third is fled, that had a hand in it.</LINE>
+<LINE>I thank you, princes, for my daughter's death:</LINE>
+<LINE>Record it with your high and worthy deeds:</LINE>
+<LINE>'Twas bravely done, if you bethink you of it.</LINE>
+<LINE>I know not how to pray your patience;</LINE>
+<LINE>Yet I must speak. Choose your revenge yourself;</LINE>
+<LINE>Impose me to what penance your invention</LINE>
+<LINE>Can lay upon my sin: yet sinn'd I not</LINE>
+<LINE>But in mistaking.</LINE>
+<LINE>By my soul, nor I:</LINE>
+<LINE>And yet, to satisfy this good old man,</LINE>
+<LINE>I would bend under any heavy weight</LINE>
+<LINE>That he'll enjoin me to.</LINE>
+<LINE>I cannot bid you bid my daughter live;</LINE>
+<LINE>That were impossible: but, I pray you both,</LINE>
+<LINE>Possess the people in Messina here</LINE>
+<LINE>How innocent she died; and if your love</LINE>
+<LINE>Can labour ought in sad invention,</LINE>
+<LINE>Hang her an epitaph upon her tomb</LINE>
+<LINE>And sing it to her bones, sing it to-night:</LINE>
+<LINE>To-morrow morning come you to my house,</LINE>
+<LINE>And since you could not be my son-in-law,</LINE>
+<LINE>Be yet my nephew: my brother hath a daughter,</LINE>
+<LINE>Almost the copy of my child that's dead,</LINE>
+<LINE>And she alone is heir to both of us:</LINE>
+<LINE>Give her the right you should have given her cousin,</LINE>
+<LINE>And so dies my revenge.</LINE>
+<LINE>O noble sir,</LINE>
+<LINE>Your over-kindness doth wring tears from me!</LINE>
+<LINE>I do embrace your offer; and dispose</LINE>
+<LINE>For henceforth of poor Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>To-morrow then I will expect your coming;</LINE>
+<LINE>To-night I take my leave. This naughty man</LINE>
+<LINE>Shall face to face be brought to Margaret,</LINE>
+<LINE>Who I believe was pack'd in all this wrong,</LINE>
+<LINE>Hired to it by your brother.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, by my soul, she was not,</LINE>
+<LINE>Nor knew not what she did when she spoke to me,</LINE>
+<LINE>But always hath been just and virtuous</LINE>
+<LINE>In any thing that I do know by her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Moreover, sir, which indeed is not under white and</LINE>
+<LINE>black, this plaintiff here, the offender, did call</LINE>
+<LINE>me ass: I beseech you, let it be remembered in his</LINE>
+<LINE>punishment. And also, the watch heard them talk of</LINE>
+<LINE>one Deformed: they say be wears a key in his ear and</LINE>
+<LINE>a lock hanging by it, and borrows money in God's</LINE>
+<LINE>name, the which he hath used so long and never paid</LINE>
+<LINE>that now men grow hard-hearted and will lend nothing</LINE>
+<LINE>for God's sake: pray you, examine him upon that point.</LINE>
+<LINE>I thank thee for thy care and honest pains.</LINE>
+<LINE>Your worship speaks like a most thankful and</LINE>
+<LINE>reverend youth; and I praise God for you.</LINE>
+<LINE>There's for thy pains.</LINE>
+<LINE>God save the foundation!</LINE>
+<LINE>Go, I discharge thee of thy prisoner, and I thank thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>I leave an arrant knave with your worship; which I</LINE>
+<LINE>beseech your worship to correct yourself, for the</LINE>
+<LINE>example of others. God keep your worship! I wish</LINE>
+<LINE>your worship well; God restore you to health! I</LINE>
+<LINE>humbly give you leave to depart; and if a merry</LINE>
+<LINE>meeting may be wished, God prohibit it! Come, neighbour.</LINE>
+<LINE>Until to-morrow morning, lords, farewell.</LINE>
+<LINE>Farewell, my lords: we look for you to-morrow.</LINE>
+<LINE>We will not fail.</LINE>
+<LINE>To-night I'll mourn with Hero.</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>To the Watch</STAGEDIR>  Bring you these fellows on. We'll</LINE>
+<LINE>talk with Margaret,</LINE>
+<LINE>How her acquaintance grew with this lewd fellow.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Exeunt, severally</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Pray thee, sweet Mistress Margaret, deserve well at</LINE>
+<LINE>my hands by helping me to the speech of Beatrice.</LINE>
+<LINE>Will you then write me a sonnet in praise of my beauty?</LINE>
+<LINE>In so high a style, Margaret, that no man living</LINE>
+<LINE>shall come over it; for, in most comely truth, thou</LINE>
+<LINE>deservest it.</LINE>
+<LINE>To have no man come over me! why, shall I always</LINE>
+<LINE>keep below stairs?</LINE>
+<LINE>Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound's mouth; it catches.</LINE>
+<LINE>And yours as blunt as the fencer's foils, which hit,</LINE>
+<LINE>but hurt not.</LINE>
+<LINE>A most manly wit, Margaret; it will not hurt a</LINE>
+<LINE>woman: and so, I pray thee, call Beatrice: I give</LINE>
+<LINE>thee the bucklers.</LINE>
+<LINE>Give us the swords; we have bucklers of our own.</LINE>
+<LINE>If you use them, Margaret, you must put in the</LINE>
+<LINE>pikes with a vice; and they are dangerous weapons for maids.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, I will call Beatrice to you, who I think hath legs.</LINE>
+<LINE>And therefore will come.</LINE>
+<LINE>The god of love,</LINE>
+<LINE>That sits above,</LINE>
+<LINE>And knows me, and knows me,</LINE>
+<LINE>How pitiful I deserve,--</LINE>
+<LINE>I mean in singing; but in loving, Leander the good</LINE>
+<LINE>swimmer, Troilus the first employer of panders, and</LINE>
+<LINE>a whole bookful of these quondam carpet-mangers,</LINE>
+<LINE>whose names yet run smoothly in the even road of a</LINE>
+<LINE>blank verse, why, they were never so truly turned</LINE>
+<LINE>over and over as my poor self in love. Marry, I</LINE>
+<LINE>cannot show it in rhyme; I have tried: I can find</LINE>
+<LINE>out no rhyme to 'lady' but 'baby,' an innocent</LINE>
+<LINE>rhyme; for 'scorn,' 'horn,' a hard rhyme; for,</LINE>
+<LINE>'school,' 'fool,' a babbling rhyme; very ominous</LINE>
+<LINE>endings: no, I was not born under a rhyming planet,</LINE>
+<LINE>nor I cannot woo in festival terms.</LINE>
+<LINE>Sweet Beatrice, wouldst thou come when I called thee?</LINE>
+<LINE>Yea, signior, and depart when you bid me.</LINE>
+<LINE>O, stay but till then!</LINE>
+<LINE>'Then' is spoken; fare you well now: and yet, ere</LINE>
+<LINE>I go, let me go with that I came; which is, with</LINE>
+<LINE>knowing what hath passed between you and Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>Only foul words; and thereupon I will kiss thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>Foul words is but foul wind, and foul wind is but</LINE>
+<LINE>foul breath, and foul breath is noisome; therefore I</LINE>
+<LINE>will depart unkissed.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou hast frighted the word out of his right sense,</LINE>
+<LINE>so forcible is thy wit. But I must tell thee</LINE>
+<LINE>plainly, Claudio undergoes my challenge; and either</LINE>
+<LINE>I must shortly hear from him, or I will subscribe</LINE>
+<LINE>him a coward. And, I pray thee now, tell me for</LINE>
+<LINE>which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me?</LINE>
+<LINE>For them all together; which maintained so politic</LINE>
+<LINE>a state of evil that they will not admit any good</LINE>
+<LINE>part to intermingle with them. But for which of my</LINE>
+<LINE>good parts did you first suffer love for me?</LINE>
+<LINE>Suffer love! a good epithet! I do suffer love</LINE>
+<LINE>indeed, for I love thee against my will.</LINE>
+<LINE>In spite of your heart, I think; alas, poor heart!</LINE>
+<LINE>If you spite it for my sake, I will spite it for</LINE>
+<LINE>yours; for I will never love that which my friend hates.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably.</LINE>
+<LINE>It appears not in this confession: there's not one</LINE>
+<LINE>wise man among twenty that will praise himself.</LINE>
+<LINE>An old, an old instance, Beatrice, that lived in</LINE>
+<LINE>the lime of good neighbours. If a man do not erect</LINE>
+<LINE>in this age his own tomb ere he dies, he shall live</LINE>
+<LINE>no longer in monument than the bell rings and the</LINE>
+<LINE>widow weeps.</LINE>
+<LINE>And how long is that, think you?</LINE>
+<LINE>Question: why, an hour in clamour and a quarter in</LINE>
+<LINE>rheum: therefore is it most expedient for the</LINE>
+<LINE>wise, if Don Worm, his conscience, find no</LINE>
+<LINE>impediment to the contrary, to be the trumpet of his</LINE>
+<LINE>own virtues, as I am to myself. So much for</LINE>
+<LINE>praising myself, who, I myself will bear witness, is</LINE>
+<LINE>praiseworthy: and now tell me, how doth your cousin?</LINE>
+<LINE>Very ill.</LINE>
+<LINE>And how do you?</LINE>
+<LINE>Very ill too.</LINE>
+<LINE>Serve God, love me and mend. There will I leave</LINE>
+<LINE>you too, for here comes one in haste.</LINE>
+<LINE>Madam, you must come to your uncle. Yonder's old</LINE>
+<LINE>coil at home: it is proved my Lady Hero hath been</LINE>
+<LINE>falsely accused, the prince and Claudio mightily</LINE>
+<LINE>abused; and Don John is the author of all, who is</LINE>
+<LINE>fed and gone. Will you come presently?</LINE>
+<LINE>Will you go hear this news, signior?</LINE>
+<LINE>I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be</LINE>
+<LINE>buried in thy eyes; and moreover I will go with</LINE>
+<LINE>thee to thy uncle's.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Enter DON PEDRO, CLAUDIO, and three or four
+with tapers</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Is this the monument of Leonato?</LINE>
+<LINE>It is, my lord.</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>Reading out of a scroll</STAGEDIR></LINE>
+<LINE>Done to death by slanderous tongues</LINE>
+<LINE>Was the Hero that here lies:</LINE>
+<LINE>Death, in guerdon of her wrongs,</LINE>
+<LINE>Gives her fame which never dies.</LINE>
+<LINE>So the life that died with shame</LINE>
+<LINE>Lives in death with glorious fame.</LINE>
+<LINE>Hang thou there upon the tomb,</LINE>
+<LINE>Praising her when I am dumb.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, music, sound, and sing your solemn hymn.</LINE>
+<LINE>Pardon, goddess of the night,</LINE>
+<LINE>Those that slew thy virgin knight;</LINE>
+<LINE>For the which, with songs of woe,</LINE>
+<LINE>Round about her tomb they go.</LINE>
+<LINE>Midnight, assist our moan;</LINE>
+<LINE>Help us to sigh and groan,</LINE>
+<LINE>Heavily, heavily:</LINE>
+<LINE>Graves, yawn and yield your dead,</LINE>
+<LINE>Till death be uttered,</LINE>
+<LINE>Heavily, heavily.</LINE>
+<LINE>Now, unto thy bones good night!</LINE>
+<LINE>Yearly will I do this rite.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good morrow, masters; put your torches out:</LINE>
+<LINE>The wolves have prey'd; and look, the gentle day,</LINE>
+<LINE>Before the wheels of Phoebus, round about</LINE>
+<LINE>Dapples the drowsy east with spots of grey.</LINE>
+<LINE>Thanks to you all, and leave us: fare you well.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good morrow, masters: each his several way.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, let us hence, and put on other weeds;</LINE>
+<LINE>And then to Leonato's we will go.</LINE>
+<LINE>And Hymen now with luckier issue speed's</LINE>
+<LINE>Than this for whom we render'd up this woe.</LINE>
+<LINE>Did I not tell you she was innocent?</LINE>
+<LINE>So are the prince and Claudio, who accused her</LINE>
+<LINE>Upon the error that you heard debated:</LINE>
+<LINE>But Margaret was in some fault for this,</LINE>
+<LINE>Although against her will, as it appears</LINE>
+<LINE>In the true course of all the question.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, I am glad that all things sort so well.</LINE>
+<LINE>And so am I, being else by faith enforced</LINE>
+<LINE>To call young Claudio to a reckoning for it.</LINE>
+<LINE>Well, daughter, and you gentle-women all,</LINE>
+<LINE>Withdraw into a chamber by yourselves,</LINE>
+<LINE>And when I send for you, come hither mask'd.</LINE>
+<LINE>The prince and Claudio promised by this hour</LINE>
+<LINE>To visit me. You know your office, brother:</LINE>
+<LINE>You must be father to your brother's daughter</LINE>
+<LINE>And give her to young Claudio.</LINE>
+<LINE>Which I will do with confirm'd countenance.</LINE>
+<LINE>Friar, I must entreat your pains, I think.</LINE>
+<LINE>To do what, signior?</LINE>
+<LINE>To bind me, or undo me; one of them.</LINE>
+<LINE>Signior Leonato, truth it is, good signior,</LINE>
+<LINE>Your niece regards me with an eye of favour.</LINE>
+<LINE>That eye my daughter lent her: 'tis most true.</LINE>
+<LINE>And I do with an eye of love requite her.</LINE>
+<LINE>The sight whereof I think you had from me,</LINE>
+<LINE>From Claudio and the prince: but what's your will?</LINE>
+<LINE>Your answer, sir, is enigmatical:</LINE>
+<LINE>But, for my will, my will is your good will</LINE>
+<LINE>May stand with ours, this day to be conjoin'd</LINE>
+<LINE>In the state of honourable marriage:</LINE>
+<LINE>In which, good friar, I shall desire your help.</LINE>
+<LINE>My heart is with your liking.</LINE>
+<LINE>And my help.</LINE>
+<LINE>Here comes the prince and Claudio.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Enter DON PEDRO and CLAUDIO, and two or
+three others</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Good morrow to this fair assembly.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good morrow, prince; good morrow, Claudio:</LINE>
+<LINE>We here attend you. Are you yet determined</LINE>
+<LINE>To-day to marry with my brother's daughter?</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll hold my mind, were she an Ethiope.</LINE>
+<LINE>Call her forth, brother; here's the friar ready.</LINE>
+<LINE>Good morrow, Benedick. Why, what's the matter,</LINE>
+<LINE>That you have such a February face,</LINE>
+<LINE>So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?</LINE>
+<LINE>I think he thinks upon the savage bull.</LINE>
+<LINE>Tush, fear not, man; we'll tip thy horns with gold</LINE>
+<LINE>And all Europa shall rejoice at thee,</LINE>
+<LINE>As once Europa did at lusty Jove,</LINE>
+<LINE>When he would play the noble beast in love.</LINE>
+<LINE>Bull Jove, sir, had an amiable low;</LINE>
+<LINE>And some such strange bull leap'd your father's cow,</LINE>
+<LINE>And got a calf in that same noble feat</LINE>
+<LINE>Much like to you, for you have just his bleat.</LINE>
+<LINE>For this I owe you: here comes other reckonings.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Re-enter ANTONIO, with the Ladies masked</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>Which is the lady I must seize upon?</LINE>
+<LINE>This same is she, and I do give you her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then she's mine. Sweet, let me see your face.</LINE>
+<LINE>No, that you shall not, till you take her hand</LINE>
+<LINE>Before this friar and swear to marry her.</LINE>
+<LINE>Give me your hand: before this holy friar,</LINE>
+<LINE>I am your husband, if you like of me.</LINE>
+<LINE>And when I lived, I was your other wife:</LINE>
+<LINE>And when you loved, you were my other husband.</LINE>
+<LINE>Another Hero!</LINE>
+<LINE>Nothing certainer:</LINE>
+<LINE>One Hero died defiled, but I do live,</LINE>
+<LINE>And surely as I live, I am a maid.</LINE>
+<LINE>The former Hero! Hero that is dead!</LINE>
+<LINE>She died, my lord, but whiles her slander lived.</LINE>
+<LINE>All this amazement can I qualify:</LINE>
+<LINE>When after that the holy rites are ended,</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll tell you largely of fair Hero's death:</LINE>
+<LINE>Meantime let wonder seem familiar,</LINE>
+<LINE>And to the chapel let us presently.</LINE>
+<LINE>Soft and fair, friar. Which is Beatrice?</LINE>
+<LINE><STAGEDIR>Unmasking</STAGEDIR>  I answer to that name. What is your will?</LINE>
+<LINE>Do not you love me?</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, no; no more than reason.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then your uncle and the prince and Claudio</LINE>
+<LINE>Have been deceived; they swore you did.</LINE>
+<LINE>Do not you love me?</LINE>
+<LINE>Troth, no; no more than reason.</LINE>
+<LINE>Why, then my cousin Margaret and Ursula</LINE>
+<LINE>Are much deceived; for they did swear you did.</LINE>
+<LINE>They swore that you were almost sick for me.</LINE>
+<LINE>They swore that you were well-nigh dead for me.</LINE>
+<LINE>'Tis no such matter. Then you do not love me?</LINE>
+<LINE>No, truly, but in friendly recompense.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, cousin, I am sure you love the gentleman.</LINE>
+<LINE>And I'll be sworn upon't that he loves her;</LINE>
+<LINE>For here's a paper written in his hand,</LINE>
+<LINE>A halting sonnet of his own pure brain,</LINE>
+<LINE>Fashion'd to Beatrice.</LINE>
+<LINE>And here's another</LINE>
+<LINE>Writ in my cousin's hand, stolen from her pocket,</LINE>
+<LINE>Containing her affection unto Benedick.</LINE>
+<LINE>A miracle! here's our own hands against our hearts.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, I will have thee; but, by this light, I take</LINE>
+<LINE>thee for pity.</LINE>
+<LINE>I would not deny you; but, by this good day, I yield</LINE>
+<LINE>upon great persuasion; and partly to save your life,</LINE>
+<LINE>for I was told you were in a consumption.</LINE>
+<LINE>Peace! I will stop your mouth.</LINE>
+<LINE>How dost thou, Benedick, the married man?</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll tell thee what, prince; a college of</LINE>
+<LINE>wit-crackers cannot flout me out of my humour. Dost</LINE>
+<LINE>thou think I  care for a satire or an epigram? No:</LINE>
+<LINE>if a man will be beaten with brains, a' shall wear</LINE>
+<LINE>nothing handsome about him. In brief, since I do</LINE>
+<LINE>purpose to marry, I will think nothing to any</LINE>
+<LINE>purpose that the world can say against it; and</LINE>
+<LINE>therefore never flout at me for what I have said</LINE>
+<LINE>against it; for man is a giddy thing, and this is my</LINE>
+<LINE>conclusion. For thy part, Claudio, I did think to</LINE>
+<LINE>have beaten thee, but in that thou art like to be my</LINE>
+<LINE>kinsman, live unbruised and love my cousin.</LINE>
+<LINE>I had well hoped thou wouldst have denied Beatrice,</LINE>
+<LINE>that I might have cudgelled thee out of thy single</LINE>
+<LINE>life, to make thee a double-dealer; which, out of</LINE>
+<LINE>question, thou wilt be, if my cousin do not look</LINE>
+<LINE>exceedingly narrowly to thee.</LINE>
+<LINE>Come, come, we are friends: let's have a dance ere</LINE>
+<LINE>we are married, that we may lighten our own hearts</LINE>
+<LINE>and our wives' heels.</LINE>
+<LINE>We'll have dancing afterward.</LINE>
+<LINE>First, of my word; therefore play, music. Prince,</LINE>
+<LINE>thou art sad; get thee a wife, get thee a wife:</LINE>
+<LINE>there is no staff more reverend than one tipped with horn.</LINE>
+<STAGEDIR>Enter a Messenger</STAGEDIR>
+<LINE>My lord, your brother John is ta'en in flight,</LINE>
+<LINE>And brought with armed men back to Messina.</LINE>
+<LINE>Think not on him till to-morrow:</LINE>
+<LINE>I'll devise thee brave punishments for him.</LINE>
+<LINE>Strike up, pipers.</LINE>

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/periodic.xml
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+  </ATOM>
+    <NAME>Gold</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      19.3
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      324.43
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      10.2
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      12.36
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.128
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      317
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Boron</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      2.34
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      507.8
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      4.6
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      22.6
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      1.026
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      27
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Barium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      3.59
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      140.2
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      39
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      8.01
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.204
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      18.4
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Beryllium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.85
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      297
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      11.71
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      1.825
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      200
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Bohrium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+    <NAME>Bismuth</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      9.75
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      179
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      21.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      11
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.122
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      7.87
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Berkelium</NAME>
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Bromine</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      3.12
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      14.725
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      23.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      5.286
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.226
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.122
+  </ATOM>
+    <NAME>Carbon</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      2.26
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      715
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      5.3
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.709
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      155
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Calcium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.55
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      154.67
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      29.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      8.53
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.647
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      200
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Cadmium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.65
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      99.87
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      13.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      6.07
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.233
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      96.8
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Cerium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      6.77
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      313.8
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      21
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      9.2
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.19
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      11.4
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Californium</NAME>
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Chlorine</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      3.214
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      10.2
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      18.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      3.21
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.48
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.0089
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Curium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      13.5
+    </DENSITY>
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      18.3
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Cobalt</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.9
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      373.3
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      6.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      16.19
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.421
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      100
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Chromium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.19
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      339.5
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      7.23
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      20
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.449
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      93.7
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Cesium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.87
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      67.74
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      70
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.092
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.24
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      35.9
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Copper</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.96
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      300.5
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      7.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      13.14
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.385
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      401
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Dubnium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Dysprosium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.55
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      230
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      19
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.173
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10.7
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Erbium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      9.07
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      292.88
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      18.4
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      17.15
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.168
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      14.3
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Einsteinium</NAME>
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Europium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      5.24
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      175.73
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      28.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      9.21
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.182
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      13.9
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Fluorine</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.696
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      3.2698
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      17.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.26
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.824
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.0279
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Iron</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.874
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      349.5
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      7.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      13.8
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.449
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      80.2
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Fermium</NAME>
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Francium</NAME>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      64
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.1
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      15
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Gallium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      5.91
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      256.06
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      11.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      5.59
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.371
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      40.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Gadolinium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.9
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      311.71
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      19.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      10.46
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.236
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Germanium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      5.32
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      334.3
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      13.6
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      31.8
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.32
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      59.9
+  </ATOM>
+    <NAME>Hydrogen</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      0.0899
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.4581
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      14.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.0585
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      14.304
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.1815
+  </ATOM>
+    <NAME>Helium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      0.1785
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.084
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      31.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.021
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      5.193
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.152
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Hafnium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      13.31
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      661.07
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      13.6
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      21.76
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.14
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      23
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Mercury</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      13.55
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      59.3
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      14.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.292
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.140
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      8.34
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Holmium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.8
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      251.04
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      18.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      11.06
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.165
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      16.2
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Hassium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Iodine</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      4.93
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      20.9
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      25.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      7.76
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.145
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.449
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Indium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.31
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      226.35
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      15.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      3.26
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.233
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      81.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Iridium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      22.6
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      563.58
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.54
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      26.36
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.13
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      147
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Potassium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      0.86
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      76.9
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      45.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.33
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.757
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      102.5
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Krypton</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      3.75
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      9.029
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      32.2
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      1.638
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.248
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.00949
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Lanthanum</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      6.15
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      399.57
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      22.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      11.3
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.19
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      13.5
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Lithium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      0.53
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      147.1
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      13.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      3
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      3.582
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      84.7
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Lawrencium</NAME>
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Lutetium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      9.84
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      355
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      17.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      18.6
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.15
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      16.4
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Mendelevium</NAME>
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Magnesium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.74
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      127.6
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      14
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      8.95
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      1.02
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      156
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Manganese</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.44
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      219.74
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      7.39
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      14.64
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.48
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      7.82
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Molybdenum</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      10.22
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      590.4
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      9.4
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      36
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.25
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      138
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Meitnerium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Nitrogen</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.251
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.7928
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      17.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.36
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      1.042
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.02598
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Sodium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      0.97
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      98.01
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      23.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.601
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      1.23
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      141
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Niobium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.57
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      690.1
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      10.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      26.9
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.265
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      53.7
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Neodymium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.01
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      283.68
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      20.6
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      10.88
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.19
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      16.5
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Neon</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      0.900
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      1.77
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      16.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.34
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      1.03
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.0493
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Nickel</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.9
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      377.5
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      6.6
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      17.2
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.444
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      90.7
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Nobelium</NAME>
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      10
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Neptunium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      20.2
+    </DENSITY>
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      21.1
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      6.3
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Oxygen</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.429
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      3.4109
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      14
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.222
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.92
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.2674
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Osmium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      22.6
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      627.6
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.43
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      29.29
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.13
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      87.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Phosphorus</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.82
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      12.4
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      17
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      0.63
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.769
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.235
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Protactinium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      15.4
+    </DENSITY>
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      15
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      47
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Lead</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      11.35
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      177.9
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      18.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      4.77
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.129
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      35.3
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Palladium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      12
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      393.3
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      16.74
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.244
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      71.8
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Promethium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.22
+    </DENSITY>
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      22.4
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      17.9
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Polonium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      9.3
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      120
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      22.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      13
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      20
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Praseodymium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      6.77
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      332.63
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      20.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      10.04
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.193
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      12.5
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Platinum</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      21.45
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      510.45
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      9.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      19.66
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.13
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      71.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Plutonium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      19.84
+    </DENSITY>
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      12.32
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.13
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      6.74
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Radium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      5
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      136.82
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      45.2
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      8.37
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.094
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      18.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Rubidium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      1.532
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      69.2
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      55.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.34
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.363
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      58.2
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Rhenium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      21
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      707.1
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.85
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      33.05
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.137
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      47.9
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Rutherfordium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Rhodium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      12.41
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      495.39
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      21.76
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.242
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      150
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Radon</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      9.73
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      16.4
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      50.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.9
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.094
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.00364
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Ruthenium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      12.37
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      567.77
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      25.52
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.238
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      117
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Sulfur</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      2.07
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      10
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      15.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      1.73
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.71
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.269
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Silver</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      10.5
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      250.63
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      10.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      11.3
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.232
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      429
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Scandium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      2.99
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      304.8
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      15
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      16.11
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.568
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      15.8
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Selenium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      4.79
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      26.32
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      16.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      5.54
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.32
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      2.04
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Seaborgium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Silicon</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      2.33
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      359
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      12.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      50.2
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.70
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      148
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Samarium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.52
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      191.63
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      19.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      11.09
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.197
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      13.3
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Strontium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      2.54
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      136.9
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      33.7
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      8.2
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.3
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      35.3
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Tantalum</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      16.65
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      737
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      10.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      36
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.14
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      57.5
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Terbium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      8.23
+    </DENSITY>
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      19.2
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      15.48
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.18
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      11.1
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Technetium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      11.5
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      502
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      23
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.24
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      50.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Tellurium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      6.24
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      50.63
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      20.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      17.49
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.202
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      2.35
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Thorium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      11.72
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      543.92
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      19.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      15.65
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.113
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      54
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Tin</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.31
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      290.37
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      16.3
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      7.2
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.228
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      66.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Titanium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      4.54
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      425.2
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      10.6
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      18.6
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.523
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      21.9
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Thallium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      11.85
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      162.09
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      17.2
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      4.27
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.129
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      46.1
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Thulium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      9.32
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      191
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      18.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      16.8
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.16
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      16.8
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Uranium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      18.95
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      422.58
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      12.5
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      15.48
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.12
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      27.6
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>ununbium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>ununnilium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>unununium</NAME>
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Vanadium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      6.11
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      446.7
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      8.35
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      20.8
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.489
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      30.7
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Tungsten</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      19.3
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      422.58
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      9.53
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      35.4
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.13
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      174
+  </ATOM>
+    <NAME>Xenon</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      5.9
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      12.64
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      42.9
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      2.3
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.158
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      0.00569
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Yttrium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      4.47
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      363.3
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      19.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      17.5
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.3
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      17.2
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Ytterbium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      6.97
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      128
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      24.8
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      7.7
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.155
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      34.9
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Zinc</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      7.13
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      115.3
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      9.2
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      7.38
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.388
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      116
+  </ATOM>
+  <ATOM>
+    <NAME>Zirconium</NAME>
+    <DENSITY UNITS="grams/cubic centimeter"><!-- At 300K -->
+      6.51
+    </DENSITY>
+    <HEAT_OF_VAPORIZATION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      590.5
+    <ATOMIC_VOLUME UNITS="cubic centimeters/mole">
+      14.1
+    <HEAT_OF_FUSION UNITS="kilojoules/mole">
+      21
+    <SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY UNITS="Joules/gram/degree Kelvin">
+      0.278
+    <THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY UNITS="Watts/meter/degree Kelvin">
+    <!-- At 300K -->
+      22.7
+  </ATOM>

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/soap1.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/soap1.xml	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
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+           <Price>34.1</Price>
+       </m:GetLastTradePriceDetailed>
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--- (empty file)
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+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid487'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid487'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>487</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid488'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid488'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>488</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid489'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid489'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>489</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid490'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid490'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>490</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid491'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid491'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>491</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid492'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid492'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>492</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid493'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid493'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>493</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid494'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid494'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>494</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid495'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid495'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>495</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid496'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid496'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>496</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid497'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid497'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>497</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid498'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid498'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>498</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next s:href='#sid499'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+        <ns2:ListEntry xmlns:ns2='urn:develop-com:javaclass:roxtest' s:id='sid499'>
+            <llong>3</llong>
+            <sshort>1</sshort>
+            <iint>499</iint>
+            <ffloat>4.0</ffloat>
+            <cchar>s</cchar>
+            <ddouble>5.0</ddouble>
+            <sstring>Hello </sstring>
+            <next xsi:null='1'/>
+        </ns2:ListEntry>
+    </s:Body>

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/xml.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/resources/xml.xml	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,4207 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
+<!DOCTYPE spec [
+<!ENTITY lt     "&#38;#60;">
+<!ENTITY gt     "&#62;">
+<!ENTITY amp    "&#38;#38;">
+<!ENTITY apos   "&#39;">
+<!ENTITY quot   "&#34;">
+<!ENTITY mdash  "--">
+<!ENTITY nbsp   "&#160;">
+<!ENTITY ldquo  "#x201C;">
+<!ENTITY rdquo  "#x201D;">
+<!-- LAST TOUCHED BY: Tim Bray, 8 February 1997 -->
+<!-- The words 'FINAL EDIT' in comments mark places where changes
+need to be made after approval of the document by the ERB, before
+publication.  -->
+<!ENTITY XML.version "1.0">
+<!ENTITY "10 February 1998">
+<!ENTITY "19980210">
+<!ENTITY "02-Feb-1998">
+<!ENTITY '10'>
+<!ENTITY draft.month 'February'>
+<!ENTITY draft.year '1998'>
+ 'WebSGML Adaptations Annex to ISO 8879'>
+<!ENTITY lt     "<"> 
+<!ENTITY gt     ">"> 
+<!ENTITY xmlpio "'&lt;?xml'">
+<!ENTITY pic    "'?>'">
+<!ENTITY br     "\n">
+<!ENTITY cellback '#c0d9c0'>
+<!ENTITY mdash  "--"> <!-- &#x2014, but nsgmls doesn't grok hex -->
+<!ENTITY com    "--">
+<!ENTITY como   "--">
+<!ENTITY comc   "--">
+<!ENTITY hcro   "&amp;#x">
+<!-- <!ENTITY nbsp "�"> -->
+<!ENTITY nbsp   "&#160;">
+<!ENTITY magicents "<code>amp</code>,
+<!-- audience and distribution status:  for use at publication time -->
+<!ENTITY doc.audience "public review and discussion">
+<!ENTITY doc.distribution "may be distributed freely, as long as
+all text and legal notices remain intact">
+<!-- for Panorama *-->
+<?VERBATIM "eg" ?>
+<title>Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0</title>
+<w3c-doctype>W3C Recommendation</w3c-doctype>
+<loc  href=";">
+<loc  href=";.xml">
+<loc  href=";.html">
+<loc  href=";.pdf">
+<loc  href=";.ps">
+<loc  href="">
+<loc  href="">
+<loc  href=''>
+<loc  href=''>
+<loc  href=''>
+<loc  href=''>
+<loc  href=''>
+<author><name>Tim Bray</name>
+<affiliation>Textuality and Netscape</affiliation>
+<author><name>Jean Paoli</name>
+<email href=""></email></author>
+<author><name>C. M. Sperberg-McQueen</name>
+<affiliation>University of Illinois at Chicago</affiliation>
+<email href=""></email></author>
+<p>The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a subset of
+SGML that is completely described in this document. Its goal is to
+enable generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web
+in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML has been designed for
+ease of implementation and for interoperability with both SGML and
+<p>This document has been reviewed by W3C Members and
+other interested parties and has been endorsed by the
+Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable
+document and may be used as reference material or cited
+as a normative reference from another document. W3C's
+role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention
+to the specification and to promote its widespread
+deployment. This enhances the functionality and
+interoperability of the Web.</p>
+This document specifies a syntax created by subsetting an existing,
+widely used international text processing standard (Standard
+Generalized Markup Language, ISO 8879:1986(E) as amended and
+corrected) for use on the World Wide Web.  It is a product of the W3C
+XML Activity, details of which can be found at <loc
+href=''></loc>.  A list of
+current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found
+at <loc href=''></loc>.
+<p>This specification uses the term URI, which is defined by <bibref
+ref="Berners-Lee"/>, a work in progress expected to update <bibref
+ref="RFC1738"/> and <bibref ref="RFC1808"/>. 
+<p>The list of known errors in this specification is 
+available at 
+<loc href=''></loc>.</p>
+<p>Please report errors in this document to 
+<loc href=''></loc>.
+<p>Chicago, Vancouver, Mountain View, et al.:
+World-Wide Web Consortium, XML Working Group, 1996, 1997.</p>
+<p>Created in electronic form.</p>
+<language id='EN'>English</language>
+<language id='ebnf'>Extended Backus-Naur Form (formal grammar)</language>
+<sitem>1997-12-03 : CMSMcQ : yet further changes</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-12-02 : TB : further changes (see TB to XML WG,
+2 December 1997)</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-12-02 : CMSMcQ : deal with as many corrections and
+comments from the proofreaders as possible:
+entify hard-coded document date in pubdate element,
+change expansion of entity WebSGML,
+update status description as per Dan Connolly (am not sure
+about refernece to Berners-Lee et al.),
+add 'The' to abstract as per WG decision,
+move Relationship to Existing Standards to back matter and
+combine with References,
+re-order back matter so normative appendices come first,
+re-tag back matter so informative appendices are tagged informdiv1,
+remove XXX XXX from list of 'normative' specs in prose,
+move some references from Other References to Normative References,
+add RFC 1738, 1808, and 2141 to Other References (they are not
+normative since we do not require the processor to enforce any 
+rules based on them),
+add reference to 'Fielding draft' (Berners-Lee et al.),
+move notation section to end of body,
+drop URIchar non-terminal and use SkipLit instead,
+lose stray reference to defunct nonterminal 'markupdecls',
+move reference to Aho et al. into appendix (Tim's right),
+add prose note saying that hash marks and fragment identifiers are
+NOT part of the URI formally speaking, and are NOT legal in 
+system identifiers (processor 'may' signal an error).
+Work through:
+Tim Bray reacting to James Clark,
+Tim Bray on his own,
+Eve Maler,
+change binary / text to unparsed / parsed.
+handle James's suggestion about &lt; in attriubte values
+uppercase hex characters,
+namechar list,
+<sitem>1997-12-01 : JB : add some column-width parameters</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-12-01 : CMSMcQ : begin round of changes to incorporate
+recent WG decisions and other corrections:
+binding sources of character encoding info (27 Aug / 3 Sept),
+correct wording of Faust quotation (restore dropped line),
+drop SDD from EncodingDecl,
+change text at version number 1.0,
+drop misleading (wrong!) sentence about ignorables and extenders,
+modify definition of PCData to make bar on msc grammatical,
+change grammar's handling of internal subset (drop non-terminal markupdecls),
+change definition of includeSect to allow conditional sections,
+add integral-declaration constraint on internal subset,
+drop misleading / dangerous sentence about relationship of
+entities with system storage objects,
+change table body tag to htbody as per EM change to DTD,
+add rule about space normalization in public identifiers,
+add description of how to generate our name-space rules from 
+Unicode character database (needs further work!).
+<sitem>1997-10-08 : TB : Removed %-constructs again, new rules
+for PE appearance.</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-10-01 : TB : Case-sensitive markup; cleaned up
+element-type defs, lotsa little edits for style</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-09-25 : TB : Change to elm's new DTD, with
+substantial detail cleanup as a side-effect</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-07-24 : CMSMcQ : correct error (lost *) in definition 
+of ignoreSectContents (thanks to Makoto Murata)</sitem>
+<sitem>Allow all empty elements to have end-tags, consistent with
+SGML TC (as per JJC).</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-07-23 : CMSMcQ : pre-emptive strike on pending corrections:
+introduce the term 'empty-element tag', note that all empty elements
+may use it, and elements declared EMPTY must use it.
+Add WFC requiring encoding decl to come first in an entity.
+Redefine notations to point to PIs as well as binary entities.
+Change autodetection table by removing bytes 3 and 4 from 
+examples with Byte Order Mark.
+Add content model as a term and clarify that it applies to both
+mixed and element content.
+<sitem>1997-06-30 : CMSMcQ : change date, some cosmetic changes,
+changes to productions for choice, seq, Mixed, NotationType,
+Enumeration.  Follow James Clark's suggestion and prohibit 
+conditional sections in internal subset.  TO DO:  simplify
+production for ignored sections as a result, since we don't 
+need to worry about parsers which don't expand PErefs finding
+a conditional section.</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-06-29 : TB : various edits</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-06-29 : CMSMcQ : further changes:
+Suppress old FINAL EDIT comments and some dead material.
+Revise occurrences of % in grammar to exploit Henry Thompson's pun,
+especially markupdecl and attdef.
+Remove RMD requirement relating to element content (?).
+<sitem>1997-06-28 : CMSMcQ : Various changes for 1 July draft:
+Add text for draconian error handling (introduce
+the term Fatal Error).
+RE deleta est (changing wording from 
+original announcement to restrict the requirement to validating
+Tag definition of validating processor and link to it.
+Add colon as name character.
+Change def of %operator.
+Change standard definitions of lt, gt, amp.
+Strip leading zeros from #x00nn forms.</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-04-02 : CMSMcQ : final corrections of editorial errors
+found in last night's proofreading.  Reverse course once more on
+well-formed:   Webster's Second hyphenates it, and that's enough
+for me.</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-04-01 : CMSMcQ : corrections from JJC, EM, HT, and self</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-03-31 : Tim Bray : many changes</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-03-29 : CMSMcQ : some Henry Thompson (on entity handling),
+some Charles Goldfarb, some ERB decisions (PE handling in miscellaneous
+declarations.  Changed Ident element to accept def attribute.
+Allow normalization of Unicode characters.  move def of systemliteral
+into section on literals.</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-03-28 : CMSMcQ : make as many corrections as possible, from
+Terry Allen, Norbert Mikula, James Clark, Jon Bosak, Henry Thompson,
+Paul Grosso, and self.  Among other things:  give in on "well formed"
+(Terry is right), tentatively rename QuotedCData as AttValue
+and Literal as EntityValue to be more informative, since attribute
+values are the <emph>only</emph> place QuotedCData was used, and
+vice versa for entity text and Literal. (I'd call it Entity Text, 
+but 8879 uses that name for both internal and external entities.)</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-03-26 : CMSMcQ : resynch the two forks of this draft, reapply
+my changes dated 03-20 and 03-21.  Normalize old 'may not' to 'must not'
+except in the one case where it meant 'may or may not'.</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-03-21 : TB : massive changes on plane flight from Chicago
+to Vancouver</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-03-21 : CMSMcQ : correct as many reported errors as possible.
+<sitem>1997-03-20 : CMSMcQ : correct typos listed in CMSMcQ hand copy of spec.</sitem>
+<sitem>1997-03-20 : CMSMcQ : cosmetic changes preparatory to revision for
+WWW conference April 1997:  restore some of the internal entity 
+references (e.g. to docdate, etc.), change character xA0 to &amp;nbsp;
+and define nbsp as &amp;#160;, and refill a lot of paragraphs for
+<sitem>1996-11-12 : CMSMcQ : revise using Tim's edits:
+Add list type of NUMBERED and change most lists either to
+Suppress QuotedNames, Names (not used).
+Correct trivial-grammar doc type decl.
+Rename 'marked section' as 'CDATA section' passim.
+Also edits from James Clark:
+Define the set of characters from which [^abc] subtracts.
+Charref should use just [0-9] not Digit.
+Location info needs cleaner treatment:  remove?  (ERB
+One example of a PI has wrong pic.
+Clarify discussion of encoding names.
+Encoding failure should lead to unspecified results; don't
+prescribe error recovery.
+Don't require exposure of entity boundaries.
+Ignore white space in element content.
+Reserve entity names of the form u-NNNN.
+Clarify relative URLs.
+And some of my own:
+Correct productions for content model:  model cannot
+consist of a name, so "elements ::= cp" is no good.
+<sitem>1996-11-11 : CMSMcQ : revise for style.
+Add new rhs to entity declaration, for parameter entities.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-11-10 : CMSMcQ : revise for style.
+Fix / complete section on names, characters.
+Add sections on parameter entities, conditional sections.
+Still to do:  Add compatibility note on deterministic content models.
+Finish stylistic revision.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-31 : TB : Add Entity Handling section</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-30 : TB : Clean up term &amp; termdef.  Slip in
+ERB decision re EMPTY.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-28 : TB : Change DTD.  Implement some of Michael's
+suggestions.  Change comments back to //.  Introduce language for
+XML namespace reservation.  Add section on white-space handling.
+Lots more cleanup.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-24 : CMSMcQ : quick tweaks, implement some ERB
+decisions.  Characters are not integers.  Comments are /* */ not //.
+Add bibliographic refs to 10646, HyTime, Unicode.
+Rename old Cdata as MsData since it's <emph>only</emph> seen
+in marked sections.  Call them attribute-value pairs not
+name-value pairs, except once.  Internal subset is optional, needs
+'?'.  Implied attributes should be signaled to the app, not
+have values supplied by processor.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-16 : TB : track down &amp; excise all DSD references;
+introduce some EBNF for entity declarations.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-?? : TB : consistency check, fix up scraps so
+they all parse, get formatter working, correct a few productions.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-10/11 : CMSMcQ : various maintenance, stylistic, and
+organizational changes:
+Replace a few literals with xmlpio and
+pic entities, to make them consistent and ensure we can change pic
+reliably when the ERB votes.
+Drop paragraph on recognizers from notation section.
+Add match, exact match to terminology.
+Move old 2.2 XML Processors and Apps into intro.
+Mention comments, PIs, and marked sections in discussion of
+delimiter escaping.
+Streamline discussion of doctype decl syntax.
+Drop old section of 'PI syntax' for doctype decl, and add
+section on partial-DTD summary PIs to end of Logical Structures
+Revise DSD syntax section to use Tim's subset-in-a-PI
+<sitem>1996-10-10 : TB : eliminate name recognizers (and more?)</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-09 : CMSMcQ : revise for style, consistency through 2.3
+<sitem>1996-10-09 : CMSMcQ : re-unite everything for convenience,
+at least temporarily, and revise quickly</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-08 : TB : first major homogenization pass</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-10-08 : TB : turn "current" attribute on div type into 
+<sitem>1996-10-02 : TB : remould into skeleton + entities</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-09-30 : CMSMcQ : add a few more sections prior to exchange
+                            with Tim.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-09-20 : CMSMcQ : finish transcribing notes.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-09-19 : CMSMcQ : begin transcribing notes for draft.</sitem>
+<sitem>1996-09-13 : CMSMcQ : made outline from notes of 09-06,
+do some housekeeping</sitem>
+<div1 id='sec-intro'>
+<p>Extensible Markup Language, abbreviated XML, describes a class of
+data objects called <termref def="dt-xml-doc">XML documents</termref> and
+partially describes the behavior of 
+computer programs which process them. XML is an application profile or
+restricted form of SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup 
+Language <bibref ref='ISO8879'/>.
+By construction, XML documents 
+are conforming SGML documents.
+<p>XML documents are made up of storage units called <termref
+def="dt-entity">entities</termref>, which contain either parsed
+or unparsed data.
+Parsed data is made up of <termref def="dt-character">characters</termref>,
+of which form <termref def="dt-chardata">character data</termref>, 
+and some of which form <termref def="dt-markup">markup</termref>.
+Markup encodes a description of the document's storage layout and
+logical structure. XML provides a mechanism to impose constraints on
+the storage layout and logical structure.</p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-xml-proc" term="XML Processor">A software module
+called an <term>XML processor</term> is used to read XML documents
+and provide access to their content and structure.</termdef> <termdef
+id="dt-app" term="Application">It is assumed that an XML processor is
+doing its work on behalf of another module, called the
+<term>application</term>.</termdef> This specification describes the
+required behavior of an XML processor in terms of how it must read XML
+data and the information it must provide to the application.</p>
+<div2 id='sec-origin-goals'>
+<head>Origin and Goals</head>
+<p>XML was developed by an XML Working Group (originally known as the
+SGML Editorial Review Board) formed under the auspices of the World
+Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1996.
+It was chaired by Jon Bosak of Sun
+Microsystems with the active participation of an XML Special
+Interest Group (previously known as the SGML Working Group) also
+organized by the W3C. The membership of the XML Working Group is given
+in an appendix. Dan Connolly served as the WG's contact with the W3C.
+<p>The design goals for XML are:<olist>
+<item><p>XML shall be straightforwardly usable over the
+<item><p>XML shall support a wide variety of applications.</p></item>
+<item><p>XML shall be compatible with SGML.</p></item>
+<item><p>It shall be easy to write programs which process XML
+<item><p>The number of optional features in XML is to be kept to the
+absolute minimum, ideally zero.</p></item>
+<item><p>XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably
+<item><p>The XML design should be prepared quickly.</p></item>
+<item><p>The design of XML shall be formal and concise.</p></item>
+<item><p>XML documents shall be easy to create.</p></item>
+<item><p>Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.</p></item></olist>
+<p>This specification, 
+together with associated standards
+(Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646 for characters,
+Internet RFC 1766 for language identification tags, 
+ISO 639 for language name codes, and 
+ISO 3166 for country name codes),
+provides all the information necessary to understand 
+XML Version &XML.version;
+and construct computer programs to process it.</p>
+<p>This version of the XML specification
+<!-- is for &doc.audience;.-->
+<div2 id='sec-terminology'>
+<p>The terminology used to describe XML documents is defined in the body of
+this specification.
+The terms defined in the following list are used in building those
+definitions and in describing the actions of an XML processor:
+<def><p><termdef id="dt-may" term="May">Conforming documents and XML
+processors are permitted to but need not behave as
+<def><p>Conforming documents and XML processors 
+are required to behave as described; otherwise they are in error.
+<!-- do NOT change this! this is what defines a violation of
+a 'must' clause as 'an error'. -MSM -->
+<def><p><termdef id='dt-error' term='Error'
+>A violation of the rules of this
+specification; results are
+undefined.  Conforming software may detect and report an error and may
+recover from it.</termdef></p></def>
+<label>fatal error</label>
+<def><p><termdef id="dt-fatal" term="Fatal Error">An error
+which a conforming <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML processor</termref>
+must detect and report to the application.
+After encountering a fatal error, the
+processor may continue
+processing the data to search for further errors and may report such
+errors to the application.  In order to support correction of errors,
+the processor may make unprocessed data from the document (with
+intermingled character data and markup) available to the application.
+Once a fatal error is detected, however, the processor must not
+continue normal processing (i.e., it must not
+continue to pass character data and information about the document's
+logical structure to the application in the normal way).
+<label>at user option</label>
+<def><p>Conforming software may or must (depending on the modal verb in the
+sentence) behave as described; if it does, it must
+provide users a means to enable or disable the behavior
+<label>validity constraint</label>
+<def><p>A rule which applies to all 
+<termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> XML documents.
+Violations of validity constraints are errors; they must, at user option, 
+be reported by 
+<termref def="dt-validating">validating XML processors</termref>.</p></def>
+<label>well-formedness constraint</label>
+<def><p>A rule which applies to all <termref
+def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref> XML documents.
+Violations of well-formedness constraints are 
+<termref def="dt-fatal">fatal errors</termref>.</p></def>
+<def><p><termdef id="dt-match" term="match">(Of strings or names:) 
+Two strings or names being compared must be identical.
+Characters with multiple possible representations in ISO/IEC 10646 (e.g.
+characters with 
+both precomposed and base+diacritic forms) match only if they have the
+same representation in both strings.
+At user option, processors may normalize such characters to
+some canonical form.
+No case folding is performed. 
+(Of strings and rules in the grammar:)  
+A string matches a grammatical production if it belongs to the
+language generated by that production.
+(Of content and content models:)
+An element matches its declaration when it conforms
+in the fashion described in the constraint
+<specref ref='elementvalid'/>.
+<label>for compatibility</label>
+<def><p><termdef id="dt-compat" term="For Compatibility">A feature of
+XML included solely to ensure that XML remains compatible with SGML.
+<label>for interoperability</label>
+<def><p><termdef id="dt-interop" term="For interoperability">A
+non-binding recommendation included to increase the chances that XML
+documents can be processed by the existing installed base of SGML
+processors which predate the
+<!-- &Docs; -->
+<div1 id='sec-documents'>
+<p><termdef id="dt-xml-doc" term="XML Document">
+A data object is an
+<term>XML document</term> if it is
+<termref def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref>, as
+defined in this specification.
+A well-formed XML document may in addition be
+<termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> if it meets certain further 
+<p>Each XML document has both a logical and a physical structure.
+Physically, the document is composed of units called <termref
+def="dt-entity">entities</termref>.  An entity may <termref
+def="dt-entref">refer</termref> to other entities to cause their
+inclusion in the document. A document begins in a "root"  or <termref
+def="dt-docent">document entity</termref>.
+Logically, the document is composed of declarations, elements, 
+character references, and
+instructions, all of which are indicated in the document by explicit
+The logical and physical structures must nest properly, as described  
+in <specref ref='wf-entities'/>.
+<div2 id='sec-well-formed'>
+<head>Well-Formed XML Documents</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-wellformed" term="Well-Formed">
+A textual object is 
+a well-formed XML document if:</termdef>
+<item><p>Taken as a whole, it
+matches the production labeled <nt def='NT-document'>document</nt>.</p></item>
+meets all the well-formedness constraints given in this specification.</p>
+<item><p>Each of the <termref def='dt-parsedent'>parsed entities</termref> 
+which is referenced directly or indirectly within the document is
+<titleref href='wf-entities'>well-formed</titleref>.</p></item>
+<scrap lang='ebnf' id='document'>
+<prod id='NT-document'><lhs>document</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-prolog'>prolog</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-element'>element</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Misc'>Misc</nt>*</rhs></prod>
+<p>Matching the <nt def="NT-document">document</nt> production 
+implies that:
+<item><p>It contains one or more
+<termref def="dt-element">elements</termref>.</p>
+<!--* N.B. some readers (notably JC) find the following
+paragraph awkward and redundant.  I agree it's logically redundant:
+it *says* it is summarizing the logical implications of
+matching the grammar, and that means by definition it's
+logically redundant.  I don't think it's rhetorically
+redundant or unnecessary, though, so I'm keeping it.  It
+could however use some recasting when the editors are feeling
+stronger. -MSM *-->
+<item><p><termdef id="dt-root" term="Root Element">There is  exactly
+one element, called the <term>root</term>, or document element,  no
+part of which appears in the <termref
+def="dt-content">content</termref> of any other element.</termdef>
+For all other elements, if the start-tag is in the content of another
+element, the end-tag is in the content of the same element.  More
+simply stated, the elements, delimited by start- and end-tags, nest
+properly within each other.
+<p><termdef id="dt-parentchild" term="Parent/Child">As a consequence 
+of this,
+for each non-root element
+<code>C</code> in the document, there is one other element <code>P</code>
+in the document such that 
+<code>C</code> is in the content of <code>P</code>, but is not in
+the content of any other element that is in the content of
+<code>P</code> is referred to as the
+<term>parent</term> of <code>C</code>, and <code>C</code> as a
+<term>child</term> of <code>P</code>.</termdef></p></div2>
+<div2 id="charsets">
+<p><termdef id="dt-text" term="Text">A parsed entity contains
+<term>text</term>, a sequence of 
+<termref def="dt-character">characters</termref>, 
+which may represent markup or character data.</termdef> 
+<termdef id="dt-character" term="Character">A <term>character</term> 
+is an atomic unit of text as specified by
+ISO/IEC 10646 <bibref ref="ISO10646"/>.
+Legal characters are tab, carriage return, line feed, and the legal
+graphic characters of Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646.
+The use of "compatibility characters", as defined in section 6.8
+of <bibref ref='Unicode'/>, is discouraged.
+<scrap lang="ebnf" id="char32">
+<head>Character Range</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="4" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="11">
+<prod id="NT-Char"><lhs>Char</lhs> 
+<rhs>#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] 
+| [#x10000-#x10FFFF]</rhs> 
+<com>any Unicode character, excluding the
+surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF.</com> </prod>
+<p>The mechanism for encoding character code points into bit patterns may
+vary from entity to entity. All XML processors must accept the UTF-8
+and UTF-16 encodings of 10646; the mechanisms for signaling which of
+the two is in use, or for bringing other encodings into play, are
+discussed later, in <specref ref='charencoding'/>.
+<p>Regardless of the specific encoding used, any character in the ISO/IEC
+10646 character set may be referred to by the decimal or hexadecimal
+equivalent of its 
+UCS-4 code value.
+<div2 id='sec-common-syn'>
+<head>Common Syntactic Constructs</head>
+<p>This section defines some symbols used widely in the grammar.</p>
+<p><nt def="NT-S">S</nt> (white space) consists of one or more space (#x20)
+characters, carriage returns, line feeds, or tabs.
+<scrap lang="ebnf" id='white'>
+<head>White Space</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="4" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="11">
+<prod id='NT-S'><lhs>S</lhs>
+<rhs>(#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+</rhs>
+<p>Characters are classified for convenience as letters, digits, or other
+characters.  Letters consist of an alphabetic or syllabic 
+base character possibly
+followed by one or more combining characters, or of an ideographic
+Full definitions of the specific characters in each class
+are given in <specref ref='CharClasses'/>.</p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-name" term="Name">A <term>Name</term> is a token
+beginning with a letter or one of a few punctuation characters, and continuing
+with letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, colons, or full stops, together
+known as name characters.</termdef>
+Names beginning with the string "<code>xml</code>", or any string
+which would match <code>(('X'|'x') ('M'|'m') ('L'|'l'))</code>, are
+reserved for standardization in this or future versions of this
+<p>The colon character within XML names is reserved for experimentation with
+name spaces.  
+Its meaning is expected to be
+standardized at some future point, at which point those documents 
+using the colon for experimental purposes may need to be updated.
+(There is no guarantee that any name-space mechanism
+adopted for XML will in fact use the colon as a name-space delimiter.)
+In practice, this means that authors should not use the colon in XML
+names except as part of name-space experiments, but that XML processors
+should accept the colon as a name character.</p>
+<nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> (name token) is any mixture of
+name characters.
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Names and Tokens</head>
+<prod id='NT-NameChar'><lhs>NameChar</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def="NT-Letter">Letter</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-Digit'>Digit</nt> 
+| '.' | '-' | '_' | ':'
+| <nt def='NT-CombiningChar'>CombiningChar</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-Extender'>Extender</nt></rhs>
+<prod id='NT-Name'><lhs>Name</lhs>
+<rhs>(<nt def='NT-Letter'>Letter</nt> | '_' | ':')
+(<nt def='NT-NameChar'>NameChar</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-Names'><lhs>Names</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+(<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-Nmtoken'><lhs>Nmtoken</lhs>
+<rhs>(<nt def='NT-NameChar'>NameChar</nt>)+</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-Nmtokens'><lhs>Nmtokens</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
+<p>Literal data is any quoted string not containing
+the quotation mark used as a delimiter for that string.
+Literals are used
+for specifying the content of internal entities
+(<nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>),
+the values of attributes (<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt>), 
+and external identifiers 
+(<nt def="NT-SystemLiteral">SystemLiteral</nt>).  
+Note that a <nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt>
+can be parsed without scanning for markup.
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<prod id='NT-EntityValue'><lhs>EntityValue</lhs>
+| <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)*
+| <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)* 
+<prod id='NT-AttValue'><lhs>AttValue</lhs>
+| <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)* 
+| <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)* 
+<prod id="NT-SystemLiteral"><lhs>SystemLiteral</lhs>
+<rhs>('"' [^"]* '"') |&nbsp;("'" [^']* "'")
+<prod id="NT-PubidLiteral"><lhs>PubidLiteral</lhs>
+<rhs>'"' <nt def='NT-PubidChar'>PubidChar</nt>* 
+| "'" (<nt def='NT-PubidChar'>PubidChar</nt> - "'")* "'"</rhs>
+<prod id="NT-PubidChar"><lhs>PubidChar</lhs>
+<rhs>#x20 | #xD | #xA 
+<div2 id='syntax'>
+<head>Character Data and Markup</head>
+<p><termref def='dt-text'>Text</termref> consists of intermingled 
+<termref def="dt-chardata">character
+data</termref> and markup.
+<termdef id="dt-markup" term="Markup"><term>Markup</term> takes the form of
+<termref def="dt-stag">start-tags</termref>,
+<termref def="dt-etag">end-tags</termref>,
+<termref def="dt-empty">empty-element tags</termref>,
+<termref def="dt-entref">entity references</termref>,
+<termref def="dt-charref">character references</termref>,
+<termref def="dt-comment">comments</termref>,
+<termref def="dt-cdsection">CDATA section</termref> delimiters,
+<termref def="dt-doctype">document type declarations</termref>, and
+<termref def="dt-pi">processing instructions</termref>.
+<p><termdef id="dt-chardata" term="Character Data">All text that is not markup
+constitutes the <term>character data</term> of
+the document.</termdef></p>
+<p>The ampersand character (&amp;) and the left angle bracket (&lt;)
+may appear in their literal form <emph>only</emph> when used as markup
+delimiters, or within a <termref def="dt-comment">comment</termref>, a
+<termref def="dt-pi">processing instruction</termref>, 
+or a <termref def="dt-cdsection">CDATA section</termref>.  
+They are also legal within the <termref def='dt-litentval'>literal entity
+value</termref> of an internal entity declaration; see
+<specref ref='wf-entities'/>.
+<!-- FINAL EDIT:  restore internal entity decl or leave it out. -->
+If they are needed elsewhere,
+they must be <termref def="dt-escape">escaped</termref>
+using either <termref def='dt-charref'>numeric character references</termref>
+or the strings
+"<code>&amp;amp;</code>" and "<code>&amp;lt;</code>" respectively. 
+The right angle
+bracket (>) may be represented using the string
+"<code>&amp;gt;</code>", and must, <termref def='dt-compat'>for
+be escaped using
+"<code>&amp;gt;</code>" or a character reference 
+when it appears in the string
+in content, 
+when that string is not marking the end of 
+a <termref def="dt-cdsection">CDATA section</termref>. 
+In the content of elements, character data 
+is any string of characters which does
+not contain the start-delimiter of any markup.  
+In a CDATA section, character data
+is any string of characters not including the CDATA-section-close
+delimiter, "<code>]]&gt;</code>".</p>
+To allow attribute values to contain both single and double quotes, the
+apostrophe or single-quote character (') may be represented as
+"<code>&amp;apos;</code>", and the double-quote character (") as
+<scrap lang="ebnf">
+<head>Character Data</head>
+<prod id='NT-CharData'>
+<rhs>[^&lt;&amp;]* - ([^&lt;&amp;]* ']]&gt;' [^&lt;&amp;]*)</rhs>
+<div2 id='sec-comments'>
+<p><termdef id="dt-comment" term="Comment"><term>Comments</term> may 
+appear anywhere in a document outside other 
+<termref def='dt-markup'>markup</termref>; in addition,
+they may appear within the document type declaration
+at places allowed by the grammar.
+They are not part of the document's <termref def="dt-chardata">character
+data</termref>; an XML
+processor may, but need not, make it possible for an application to
+retrieve the text of comments.
+<termref def="dt-compat">For compatibility</termref>, the string
+"<code>--</code>" (double-hyphen) must not occur within
+<scrap lang="ebnf">
+<prod id='NT-Comment'><lhs>Comment</lhs>
+((<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt> - '-') 
+| ('-' (<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt> - '-')))* 
+<p>An example of a comment:
+<eg>&lt;!&como; declarations for &lt;head> &amp; &lt;body> &comc;&gt;</eg>
+<div2 id='sec-pi'>
+<head>Processing Instructions</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-pi" term="Processing instruction"><term>Processing
+instructions</term> (PIs) allow documents to contain instructions
+for applications.
+<scrap lang="ebnf">
+<head>Processing Instructions</head>
+<prod id='NT-PI'><lhs>PI</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;?' <nt def='NT-PITarget'>PITarget</nt> 
+(<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+(<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* - 
+(<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* &pic; <nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>*)))?
+<prod id='NT-PITarget'><lhs>PITarget</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> - 
+(('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l'))</rhs>
+PIs are not part of the document's <termref def="dt-chardata">character
+data</termref>, but must be passed through to the application. The
+PI begins with a target (<nt def='NT-PITarget'>PITarget</nt>) used
+to identify the application to which the instruction is directed.  
+The target names "<code>XML</code>", "<code>xml</code>", and so on are
+reserved for standardization in this or future versions of this
+XML <termref def='dt-notation'>Notation</termref> mechanism
+may be used for
+formal declaration of PI targets.
+<div2 id='sec-cdata-sect'>
+<head>CDATA Sections</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-cdsection" term="CDATA Section"><term>CDATA sections</term>
+may occur 
+anywhere character data may occur; they are
+used to escape blocks of text containing characters which would
+otherwise be recognized as markup.  CDATA sections begin with the
+string "<code>&lt;![CDATA[</code>" and end with the string
+<scrap lang="ebnf">
+<head>CDATA Sections</head>
+<prod id='NT-CDSect'><lhs>CDSect</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-CDStart'>CDStart</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-CData'>CData</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-CDEnd'>CDEnd</nt></rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-CDStart'><lhs>CDStart</lhs>
+<prod id='NT-CData'><lhs>CData</lhs>
+<rhs>(<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* - 
+(<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* ']]&gt;' <nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>*))
+<prod id='NT-CDEnd'><lhs>CDEnd</lhs>
+Within a CDATA section, only the <nt def='NT-CDEnd'>CDEnd</nt> string is
+recognized as markup, so that left angle brackets and ampersands may occur in
+their literal form; they need not (and cannot) be escaped using
+"<code>&amp;lt;</code>" and "<code>&amp;amp;</code>".  CDATA sections
+cannot nest.</termdef>
+<p>An example of a CDATA section, in which "<code>&lt;greeting></code>" and 
+are recognized as <termref def='dt-chardata'>character data</termref>, not
+<termref def='dt-markup'>markup</termref>:
+<eg>&lt;![CDATA[&lt;greeting>Hello, world!&lt;/greeting>]]&gt;</eg>
+<div2 id='sec-prolog-dtd'>
+<head>Prolog and Document Type Declaration</head>
+<p><termdef id='dt-xmldecl' term='XML Declaration'>XML documents 
+may, and should, 
+begin with an <term>XML declaration</term> which specifies
+the version of
+XML being used.</termdef>
+For example, the following is a complete XML document, <termref
+def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref> but not
+<termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref>:
+<eg><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
+and so is this:
+<eg><![CDATA[<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
+<p>The version number "<code>1.0</code>" should be used to indicate
+conformance to this version of this specification; it is an error
+for a document to use the value "<code>1.0</code>" 
+if it does not conform to this version of this specification.
+It is the intent
+of the XML working group to give later versions of this specification
+numbers other than "<code>1.0</code>", but this intent does not
+indicate a
+commitment to produce any future versions of XML, nor if any are produced, to
+use any particular numbering scheme.
+Since future versions are not ruled out, this construct is provided 
+as a means to allow the possibility of automatic version recognition, should
+it become necessary.
+Processors may signal an error if they receive documents labeled with 
+versions they do not support. 
+<p>The function of the markup in an XML document is to describe its
+storage and logical structure and to associate attribute-value pairs
+with its logical structures.  XML provides a mechanism, the <termref
+def="dt-doctype">document type declaration</termref>, to define
+constraints on the logical structure and to support the use of
+predefined storage units.
+<termdef id="dt-valid" term="Validity">An XML document is 
+<term>valid</term> if it has an associated document type
+declaration and if the document
+complies with the constraints expressed in it.</termdef></p>
+<p>The document type declaration must appear before
+the first <termref def="dt-element">element</termref> in the document.
+<scrap lang="ebnf" id='xmldoc'>
+<prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="9">
+<prod id='NT-prolog'><lhs>prolog</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-XMLDecl'>XMLDecl</nt>? 
+<nt def='NT-Misc'>Misc</nt>* 
+(<nt def='NT-doctypedecl'>doctypedecl</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Misc'>Misc</nt>*)?</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-XMLDecl'><lhs>XMLDecl</lhs>
+<nt def='NT-VersionInfo'>VersionInfo</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-EncodingDecl'>EncodingDecl</nt>? 
+<nt def='NT-SDDecl'>SDDecl</nt>? 
+<nt def="NT-S">S</nt>? 
+<prod id='NT-VersionInfo'><lhs>VersionInfo</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def="NT-S">S</nt> 'version' <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
+(' <nt def="NT-VersionNum">VersionNum</nt> ' 
+| " <nt def="NT-VersionNum">VersionNum</nt> ")</rhs>
+<prod id='NT-Eq'><lhs>Eq</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '=' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?</rhs></prod>
+<prod id="NT-VersionNum">
+<rhs>([a-zA-Z0-9_.:] | '-')+</rhs>
+<prod id='NT-Misc'><lhs>Misc</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Comment'>Comment</nt> | <nt def='NT-PI'>PI</nt> | 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt></rhs></prod>
+<p><termdef id="dt-doctype" term="Document Type Declaration">The XML
+<term>document type declaration</term> 
+contains or points to 
+<termref def='dt-markupdecl'>markup declarations</termref> 
+that provide a grammar for a
+class of documents.  
+This grammar is known as a document type definition,
+or <term>DTD</term>.  
+The document type declaration can point to an external subset (a
+special kind of 
+<termref def='dt-extent'>external entity</termref>) containing markup
+declarations, or can 
+contain the markup declarations directly in an internal subset, or can do
+The DTD for a document consists of both subsets taken
+<p><termdef id="dt-markupdecl" term="markup declaration">
+A <term>markup declaration</term> is 
+an <termref def="dt-eldecl">element type declaration</termref>, 
+an <termref def="dt-attdecl">attribute-list declaration</termref>, 
+an <termref def="dt-entdecl">entity declaration</termref>, or
+a <termref def="dt-notdecl">notation declaration</termref>.
+These declarations may be contained in whole or in part
+within <termref def='dt-PE'>parameter entities</termref>,
+as described in the well-formedness and validity constraints below.
+For fuller information, see
+<specref ref="sec-physical-struct"/>.</p>
+<scrap lang="ebnf" id='dtd'>
+<head>Document Type Definition</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="9">
+<prod id='NT-doctypedecl'><lhs>doctypedecl</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;!DOCTYPE' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt>)? 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ('[' 
+(<nt def='NT-markupdecl'>markupdecl</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>)*
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?)? '>'</rhs>
+<vc def="vc-roottype"/>
+<prod id='NT-markupdecl'><lhs>markupdecl</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-elementdecl'>elementdecl</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-EntityDecl'>EntityDecl</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-NotationDecl'>NotationDecl</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-PI'>PI</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-Comment'>Comment</nt>
+<vc def='vc-PEinMarkupDecl'/>
+<wfc def="wfc-PEinInternalSubset"/>
+<p>The markup declarations may be made up in whole or in part of
+the <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> of 
+<termref def='dt-PE'>parameter entities</termref>.
+The productions later in this specification for
+individual nonterminals (<nt def='NT-elementdecl'>elementdecl</nt>,
+<nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt>, and so on) describe 
+the declarations <emph>after</emph> all the parameter entities have been 
+<termref def='dt-include'>included</termref>.</p>
+<vcnote id="vc-roottype">
+<head>Root Element Type</head>
+The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in the document type declaration must
+match the element type of the <termref def='dt-root'>root element</termref>.
+<vcnote id='vc-PEinMarkupDecl'>
+<head>Proper Declaration/PE Nesting</head>
+<termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> must be properly nested
+with markup declarations. 
+That is to say, if either the first character
+or the last character of a markup
+declaration (<nt def='NT-markupdecl'>markupdecl</nt> above)
+is contained in the replacement text for a 
+<termref def='dt-PERef'>parameter-entity reference</termref>,
+both must be contained in the same replacement text.</p>
+<wfcnote id="wfc-PEinInternalSubset">
+<head>PEs in Internal Subset</head>
+<p>In the internal DTD subset, 
+<termref def='dt-PERef'>parameter-entity references</termref>
+can occur only where markup declarations can occur, not
+within markup declarations.  (This does not apply to
+references that occur in
+external parameter entities or to the external subset.)
+Like the internal subset, the external subset and 
+any external parameter entities referred to in the DTD 
+must consist of a series of complete markup declarations of the types 
+allowed by the non-terminal symbol
+<nt def="NT-markupdecl">markupdecl</nt>, interspersed with white space
+or <termref def="dt-PERef">parameter-entity references</termref>.
+However, portions of the contents
+of the 
+external subset or of external parameter entities may conditionally be ignored
+by using 
+the <termref def="dt-cond-section">conditional section</termref>
+construct; this is not allowed in the internal subset.
+<scrap id="ext-Subset">
+<head>External Subset</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="9">
+<prod id='NT-extSubset'><lhs>extSubset</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-TextDecl'>TextDecl</nt>?
+<nt def='NT-extSubsetDecl'>extSubsetDecl</nt></rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-extSubsetDecl'><lhs>extSubsetDecl</lhs>
+<nt def='NT-markupdecl'>markupdecl</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-conditionalSect'>conditionalSect</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>
+<p>The external subset and external parameter entities also differ 
+from the internal subset in that in them,
+<termref def="dt-PERef">parameter-entity references</termref>
+are permitted <emph>within</emph> markup declarations,
+not only <emph>between</emph> markup declarations.</p>
+<p>An example of an XML document with a document type declaration:
+<eg><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE greeting SYSTEM "hello.dtd">
+<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
+The <termref def="dt-sysid">system identifier</termref> 
+"<code>hello.dtd</code>" gives the URI of a DTD for the document.</p>
+<p>The declarations can also be given locally, as in this 
+<eg><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE greeting [
+  <!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>
+<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
+If both the external and internal subsets are used, the 
+internal subset is considered to occur before the external subset.
+<!-- 'is considered to'? boo. whazzat mean? -->
+This has the effect that entity and attribute-list declarations in the
+internal subset take precedence over those in the external subset.
+<div2 id='sec-rmd'>
+<head>Standalone Document Declaration</head>
+<p>Markup declarations can affect the content of the document,
+as passed from an <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML processor</termref> 
+to an application; examples are attribute defaults and entity
+The standalone document declaration,
+which may appear as a component of the XML declaration, signals
+whether or not there are such declarations which appear external to 
+the <termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>.
+<scrap lang="ebnf" id='fulldtd'>
+<head>Standalone Document Declaration</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="4" pcw4="19.5" pcw5="9">
+<prod id='NT-SDDecl'><lhs>SDDecl</lhs>
+<nt def="NT-S">S</nt> 
+'standalone' <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
+(("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
+<vc def='vc-check-rmd'/></prod>
+In a standalone document declaration, the value "<code>yes</code>" indicates
+that there 
+are no markup declarations external to the <termref def='dt-docent'>document
+entity</termref> (either in the DTD external subset, or in an
+external parameter entity referenced from the internal subset)
+which affect the information passed from the XML processor to
+the application.  
+The value "<code>no</code>" indicates that there are or may be such
+external markup declarations.
+Note that the standalone document declaration only 
+denotes the presence of external <emph>declarations</emph>; the presence, in a
+document, of 
+references to external <emph>entities</emph>, when those entities are
+internally declared, 
+does not change its standalone status.</p>
+<p>If there are no external markup declarations, the standalone document
+declaration has no meaning. 
+If there are external markup declarations but there is no standalone
+document declaration, the value "<code>no</code>" is assumed.</p>
+<p>Any XML document for which <code>standalone="no"</code> holds can 
+be converted algorithmically to a standalone document, 
+which may be desirable for some network delivery applications.</p>
+<vcnote id='vc-check-rmd'>
+<head>Standalone Document Declaration</head>
+<p>The standalone document declaration must have
+the value "<code>no</code>" if any external markup declarations
+contain declarations of:</p><ulist>
+<item><p>attributes with <termref def="dt-default">default</termref> values, if
+elements to which
+these attributes apply appear in the document without
+specifications of values for these attributes, or</p></item>
+<item><p>entities (other than &magicents;), 
+if <termref def="dt-entref">references</termref> to those
+entities appear in the document, or</p>
+<item><p>attributes with values subject to
+<titleref href='AVNormalize'>normalization</titleref>, where the
+attribute appears in the document with a value which will
+change as a result of normalization, or</p>
+<p>element types with <termref def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref>, 
+if white space occurs
+directly within any instance of those types.
+<p>An example XML declaration with a standalone document declaration:<eg
+>&lt;?xml version="&XML.version;" standalone='yes'?></eg></p>
+<div2 id='sec-white-space'>
+<head>White Space Handling</head>
+<p>In editing XML documents, it is often convenient to use "white space"
+(spaces, tabs, and blank lines, denoted by the nonterminal 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> in this specification) to
+set apart the markup for greater readability.  Such white space is typically
+not intended for inclusion in the delivered version of the document.
+On the other hand, "significant" white space that should be preserved in the
+delivered version is common, for example in poetry and
+source code.</p>
+<p>An <termref def='dt-xml-proc'>XML processor</termref> 
+must always pass all characters in a document that are not
+markup through to the application.   A <termref def='dt-validating'>
+validating XML processor</termref> must also inform the application
+which  of these characters constitute white space appearing
+in <termref def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref>.
+<p>A special <termref def='dt-attr'>attribute</termref> 
+named <kw>xml:space</kw> may be attached to an element
+to signal an intention that in that element,
+white space should be preserved by applications.
+In valid documents, this attribute, like any other, must be 
+<termref def="dt-attdecl">declared</termref> if it is used.
+When declared, it must be given as an 
+<termref def='dt-enumerated'>enumerated type</termref> whose only
+possible values are "<code>default</code>" and "<code>preserve</code>".
+For example:<eg><![CDATA[    <!ATTLIST poem   xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve'>]]></eg></p>
+<p>The value "<code>default</code>" signals that applications'
+default white-space processing modes are acceptable for this element; the
+value "<code>preserve</code>" indicates the intent that applications preserve
+all the white space.
+This declared intent is considered to apply to all elements within the content
+of the element where it is specified, unless overriden with another instance
+of the <kw>xml:space</kw> attribute.
+<p>The <termref def='dt-root'>root element</termref> of any document
+is considered to have signaled no intentions as regards application space
+handling, unless it provides a value for 
+this attribute or the attribute is declared with a default value.
+<div2 id='sec-line-ends'>
+<head>End-of-Line Handling</head>
+<p>XML <termref def='dt-parsedent'>parsed entities</termref> are often stored in
+computer files which, for editing convenience, are organized into lines.
+These lines are typically separated by some combination of the characters
+carriage-return (#xD) and line-feed (#xA).</p>
+<p>To simplify the tasks of <termref def='dt-app'>applications</termref>,
+wherever an external parsed entity or the literal entity value
+of an internal parsed entity contains either the literal 
+two-character sequence "#xD#xA" or a standalone literal
+#xD, an <termref def='dt-xml-proc'>XML processor</termref> must 
+pass to the application the single character #xA.
+(This behavior can 
+conveniently be produced by normalizing all 
+line breaks to #xA on input, before parsing.)
+<div2 id='sec-lang-tag'>
+<head>Language Identification</head>
+<p>In document processing, it is often useful to
+identify the natural or formal language 
+in which the content is 
+A special <termref def="dt-attr">attribute</termref> named
+<kw>xml:lang</kw> may be inserted in
+documents to specify the 
+language used in the contents and attribute values 
+of any element in an XML document.
+In valid documents, this attribute, like any other, must be 
+<termref def="dt-attdecl">declared</termref> if it is used.
+The values of the attribute are language identifiers as defined
+by <bibref ref="RFC1766"/>, "Tags for the Identification of Languages":
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Language Identification</head>
+<prod id='NT-LanguageID'><lhs>LanguageID</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Langcode'>Langcode</nt> 
+('-' <nt def='NT-Subcode'>Subcode</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-Langcode'><lhs>Langcode</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-ISO639Code'>ISO639Code</nt> | 
+<nt def='NT-IanaCode'>IanaCode</nt> | 
+<nt def='NT-UserCode'>UserCode</nt></rhs>
+<prod id='NT-ISO639Code'><lhs>ISO639Code</lhs>
+<rhs>([a-z] | [A-Z]) ([a-z] | [A-Z])</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-IanaCode'><lhs>IanaCode</lhs>
+<rhs>('i' | 'I') '-' ([a-z] | [A-Z])+</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-UserCode'><lhs>UserCode</lhs>
+<rhs>('x' | 'X') '-' ([a-z] | [A-Z])+</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-Subcode'><lhs>Subcode</lhs>
+<rhs>([a-z] | [A-Z])+</rhs></prod>
+The <nt def='NT-Langcode'>Langcode</nt> may be any of the following:
+<item><p>a two-letter language code as defined by 
+<bibref ref="ISO639"/>, "Codes
+for the representation of names of languages"</p></item>
+<item><p>a language identifier registered with the Internet
+Assigned Numbers Authority <bibref ref='IANA'/>; these begin with the 
+prefix "<code>i-</code>" (or "<code>I-</code>")</p></item>
+<item><p>a language identifier assigned by the user, or agreed on
+between parties in private use; these must begin with the
+prefix "<code>x-</code>" or "<code>X-</code>" in order to ensure that they do not conflict 
+with names later standardized or registered with IANA</p></item>
+<p>There may be any number of <nt def='NT-Subcode'>Subcode</nt> segments; if
+the first 
+subcode segment exists and the Subcode consists of two 
+letters, then it must be a country code from 
+<bibref ref="ISO3166"/>, "Codes 
+for the representation of names of countries."
+If the first 
+subcode consists of more than two letters, it must be
+a subcode for the language in question registered with IANA,
+unless the <nt def='NT-Langcode'>Langcode</nt> begins with the prefix 
+"<code>x-</code>" or
+"<code>X-</code>". </p>
+<p>It is customary to give the language code in lower case, and
+the country code (if any) in upper case.
+Note that these values, unlike other names in XML documents,
+are case insensitive.</p>
+<p>For example:
+<eg><![CDATA[<p xml:lang="en">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
+<p xml:lang="en-GB">What colour is it?</p>
+<p xml:lang="en-US">What color is it?</p>
+<sp who="Faust" desc='leise' xml:lang="de">
+  <l>Habe nun, ach! Philosophie,</l>
+  <l>Juristerei, und Medizin</l>
+  <l>und leider auch Theologie</l>
+  <l>durchaus studiert mit hei�em Bem�h'n.</l>
+  </sp>]]></eg></p>
+<!--<p>The xml:lang value is considered to apply both to the contents of an
+element and 
+(unless otherwise via attribute default values) to the
+values of all of its attributes with free-text (CDATA) values.  -->
+<p>The intent declared with <kw>xml:lang</kw> is considered to apply to
+all attributes and content of the element where it is specified,
+unless overridden with an instance of <kw>xml:lang</kw>
+on another element within that content.</p>
+If no
+value is specified for xml:lang on an element, and no default value is
+defined for it in the DTD, then the xml:lang attribute of any element
+takes the same value it has in the parent element, if any.  The two
+technical terms in the following example both have the same effective
+value for xml:lang:
+  <p xml:lang="en">Here the keywords are
+  <term xml:lang="en">shift</term> and
+  <term>reduce</term>. ...</p>
+The application, not the XML processor, is responsible for this '
+inheritance' of attribute values.
+<p>A simple declaration for <kw>xml:lang</kw> might take
+the form
+<eg>xml:lang  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED</eg>
+but specific default values may also be given, if appropriate.  In a
+collection of French poems for English students, with glosses and
+notes in English, the xml:lang attribute might be declared this way:
+<eg><![CDATA[    <!ATTLIST poem   xml:lang NMTOKEN 'fr'>
+    <!ATTLIST gloss  xml:lang NMTOKEN 'en'>
+    <!ATTLIST note   xml:lang NMTOKEN 'en'>]]></eg>
+<!-- &Elements; -->
+<div1 id='sec-logical-struct'>
+<head>Logical Structures</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-element" term="Element">Each <termref
+def="dt-xml-doc">XML document</termref> contains one or more
+<term>elements</term>, the boundaries of which are 
+either delimited by <termref def="dt-stag">start-tags</termref> 
+and <termref def="dt-etag">end-tags</termref>, or, for <termref
+def="dt-empty">empty</termref> elements, by an <termref
+def="dt-eetag">empty-element tag</termref>. Each element has a type,
+identified by name, sometimes called its "generic
+identifier" (GI), and may have a set of
+attribute specifications.</termdef>  Each attribute specification 
+has a <termref
+def="dt-attrname">name</termref> and a <termref
+<scrap lang='ebnf'><head>Element</head>
+<prod id='NT-element'><lhs>element</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-EmptyElemTag'>EmptyElemTag</nt></rhs>
+<rhs>| <nt def='NT-STag'>STag</nt> <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-ETag'>ETag</nt></rhs>
+<wfc def='GIMatch'/>
+<vc def='elementvalid'/>
+<p>This specification does not constrain the semantics, use, or (beyond
+syntax) names of the element types and attributes, except that names
+beginning with a match to <code>(('X'|'x')('M'|'m')('L'|'l'))</code>
+are reserved for standardization in this or future versions of this
+<wfcnote id='GIMatch'>
+<head>Element Type Match</head>
+The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in an element's end-tag must match 
+the element type in
+the start-tag.
+<vcnote id='elementvalid'>
+<head>Element Valid</head>
+<p>An element is
+valid if
+there is a declaration matching 
+<nt def='NT-elementdecl'>elementdecl</nt> where the
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> matches the element type, and
+one of the following holds:</p>
+<item><p>The declaration matches <kw>EMPTY</kw> and the element has no 
+<termref def='dt-content'>content</termref>.</p></item>
+<item><p>The declaration matches <nt def='NT-children'>children</nt> and
+the sequence of 
+<termref def="dt-parentchild">child elements</termref>
+belongs to the language generated by the regular expression in
+the content model, with optional white space (characters 
+matching the nonterminal <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>) between each pair
+of child elements.</p></item>
+<item><p>The declaration matches <nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> and 
+the content consists of <termref def='dt-chardata'>character 
+data</termref> and <termref def='dt-parentchild'>child elements</termref>
+whose types match names in the content model.</p></item>
+<item><p>The declaration matches <kw>ANY</kw>, and the types
+of any <termref def='dt-parentchild'>child elements</termref> have
+been declared.</p></item>
+<div2 id='sec-starttags'>
+<head>Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element Tags</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-stag" term="Start-Tag">The beginning of every
+non-empty XML element is marked by a <term>start-tag</term>.
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
+<prod id='NT-STag'><lhs>STag</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+(<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Attribute'>Attribute</nt>)* 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs>
+<wfc def="uniqattspec"/>
+<prod id='NT-Attribute'><lhs>Attribute</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt></rhs>
+<vc def='ValueType'/>
+<wfc def='NoExternalRefs'/>
+<wfc def='CleanAttrVals'/></prod>
+The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in
+the start- and end-tags gives the 
+element's <term>type</term>.</termdef>
+<termdef id="dt-attr" term="Attribute">
+The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>-<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt> pairs are
+referred to as 
+the <term>attribute specifications</term> of the element</termdef>,
+<termdef id="dt-attrname" term="Attribute Name">with the 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in each pair
+referred to as the <term>attribute name</term></termdef> and
+<termdef id="dt-attrval" term="Attribute Value">the content of the
+<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt> (the text between the
+<code>'</code> or <code>"</code> delimiters)
+as the <term>attribute value</term>.</termdef>
+<wfcnote id='uniqattspec'>
+<head>Unique Att Spec</head>
+No attribute name may appear more than once in the same start-tag
+or empty-element tag.
+<vcnote id='ValueType'>
+<head>Attribute Value Type</head>
+The attribute must have been declared; the value must be of the type 
+declared for it.
+(For attribute types, see <specref ref='attdecls'/>.)
+<wfcnote id='NoExternalRefs'>
+<head>No External Entity References</head>
+Attribute values cannot contain direct or indirect entity references 
+to external entities.
+<wfcnote id='CleanAttrVals'>
+<head>No <code>&lt;</code> in Attribute Values</head>
+<p>The <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> of any entity
+referred to directly or indirectly in an attribute
+value (other than "<code>&amp;lt;</code>") must not contain
+a <code>&lt;</code>.
+<p>An example of a start-tag:
+<eg>&lt;termdef id="dt-dog" term="dog"></eg></p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-etag" term="End Tag">The end of every element 
+that begins with a start-tag must
+be marked by an <term>end-tag</term>
+containing a name that echoes the element's type as given in the
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
+<prod id='NT-ETag'><lhs>ETag</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;/' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs></prod>
+<p>An example of an end-tag:<eg>&lt;/termdef></eg></p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-content" term="Content">The 
+<termref def='dt-text'>text</termref> between the start-tag and
+end-tag is called the element's
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Content of Elements</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
+<prod id='NT-content'><lhs>content</lhs>
+<rhs>(<nt def='NT-element'>element</nt> | <nt def='NT-CharData'>CharData</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt> | <nt def='NT-CDSect'>CDSect</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-PI'>PI</nt> | <nt def='NT-Comment'>Comment</nt>)*</rhs>
+<p><termdef id="dt-empty" term="Empty">If an element is <term>empty</term>,
+it must be represented either by a start-tag immediately followed
+by an end-tag or by an empty-element tag.</termdef>
+<termdef id="dt-eetag" term="empty-element tag">An 
+<term>empty-element tag</term> takes a special form:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Tags for Empty Elements</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
+<prod id='NT-EmptyElemTag'><lhs>EmptyElemTag</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Attribute'>Attribute</nt>)* <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
+<wfc def="uniqattspec"/>
+<p>Empty-element tags may be used for any element which has no
+content, whether or not it is declared using the keyword
+<termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability</termref>, the empty-element
+tag must be used, and can only be used, for elements which are
+<termref def='dt-eldecl'>declared</termref> <kw>EMPTY</kw>.</p>
+<p>Examples of empty elements:
+<eg>&lt;IMG align="left"
+ src="" />
+<div2 id='elemdecls'>
+<head>Element Type Declarations</head>
+<p>The <termref def="dt-element">element</termref> structure of an
+<termref def="dt-xml-doc">XML document</termref> may, for 
+<termref def="dt-valid">validation</termref> purposes, 
+be constrained
+using element type and attribute-list declarations.
+An element type declaration constrains the element's
+<termref def="dt-content">content</termref>.
+<p>Element type declarations often constrain which element types can
+appear as <termref def="dt-parentchild">children</termref> of the element.
+At user option, an XML processor may issue a warning
+when a declaration mentions an element type for which no declaration
+is provided, but this is not an error.</p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-eldecl" term="Element Type declaration">An <term>element
+type declaration</term> takes the form:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Element Type Declaration</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="5.5" pcw4="18" pcw5="9">
+<prod id='NT-elementdecl'><lhs>elementdecl</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;!ELEMENT' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-contentspec'>contentspec</nt>
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs>
+<vc def='EDUnique'/></prod>
+<prod id='NT-contentspec'><lhs>contentspec</lhs>
+| 'ANY' 
+| <nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-children'>children</nt>
+where the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> gives the element type 
+being declared.</termdef>
+<vcnote id='EDUnique'>
+<head>Unique Element Type Declaration</head>
+No element type may be declared more than once.
+<p>Examples of element type declarations:
+<eg>&lt;!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
+&lt;!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|emph)* >
+&lt;!ELEMENT %name.para; %content.para; >
+&lt;!ELEMENT container ANY></eg></p>
+<div3 id='sec-element-content'>
+<head>Element Content</head>
+<p><termdef id='dt-elemcontent' term='Element content'>An element <termref
+def="dt-stag">type</termref> has
+<term>element content</term> when elements of that
+type must contain only <termref def='dt-parentchild'>child</termref> 
+elements (no character data), optionally separated by 
+white space (characters matching the nonterminal 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>).
+In this case, the
+constraint includes a content model, a simple grammar governing
+the allowed types of the child
+elements and the order in which they are allowed to appear.  
+The grammar is built on
+content particles (<nt def='NT-cp'>cp</nt>s), which consist of names, 
+choice lists of content particles, or
+sequence lists of content particles:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Element-content Models</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="5.5" pcw4="16" pcw5="11">
+<prod id='NT-children'><lhs>children</lhs>
+<rhs>(<nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>) 
+('?' | '*' | '+')?</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-cp'><lhs>cp</lhs>
+<rhs>(<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>) 
+('?' | '*' | '+')?</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-choice'><lhs>choice</lhs>
+<rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? cp 
+( <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '|' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? <nt def='NT-cp'>cp</nt> )*
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'</rhs>
+<vc def='vc-PEinGroup'/></prod>
+<prod id='NT-seq'><lhs>seq</lhs>
+<rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? cp 
+( <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ',' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? <nt def='NT-cp'>cp</nt> )*
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'</rhs>
+<vc def='vc-PEinGroup'/></prod>
+where each <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> is the type of an element which may
+appear as a <termref def="dt-parentchild">child</termref>.  
+Any content
+particle in a choice list may appear in the <termref
+def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref> at the location where
+the choice list appears in the grammar;
+content particles occurring in a sequence list must each
+appear in the <termref def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref> in the
+order given in the list.  
+The optional character following a name or list governs
+whether the element or the content particles in the list may occur one
+or more (<code>+</code>), zero or more (<code>*</code>), or zero or 
+one times (<code>?</code>).  
+The absence of such an operator means that the element or content particle
+must appear exactly once.
+This syntax
+and meaning are identical to those used in the productions in this
+The content of an element matches a content model if and only if it is
+possible to trace out a path through the content model, obeying the
+sequence, choice, and repetition operators and matching each element in
+the content against an element type in the content model.  <termref
+def='dt-compat'>For compatibility</termref>, it is an error
+if an element in the document can
+match more than one occurrence of an element type in the content model.
+For more information, see <specref ref="determinism"/>.
+<!-- appendix <specref ref="determinism"/>. -->
+<!-- appendix on deterministic content models. -->
+<vcnote id='vc-PEinGroup'>
+<head>Proper Group/PE Nesting</head>
+<termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> must be properly nested
+with parenthetized groups.
+That is to say, if either of the opening or closing parentheses
+in a <nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt>, <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>, or
+<nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> construct 
+is contained in the replacement text for a 
+<termref def='dt-PERef'>parameter entity</termref>,
+both must be contained in the same replacement text.</p>
+<p><termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability</termref>, 
+if a parameter-entity reference appears in a 
+<nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt>, <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>, or
+<nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> construct, its replacement text
+should not be empty, and 
+neither the first nor last non-blank
+character of the replacement text should be a connector 
+(<code>|</code> or <code>,</code>).
+<p>Examples of element-content models:
+<eg>&lt;!ELEMENT spec (front, body, back?)>
+&lt;!ELEMENT div1 (head, (p | list | note)*, div2*)>
+&lt;!ELEMENT dictionary-body (%div.mix; | %dict.mix;)*></eg></p>
+<div3 id='sec-mixed-content'>
+<head>Mixed Content</head>
+<p><termdef id='dt-mixed' term='Mixed Content'>An element 
+<termref def='dt-stag'>type</termref> has 
+<term>mixed content</term> when elements of that type may contain
+character data, optionally interspersed with
+<termref def="dt-parentchild">child</termref> elements.</termdef>
+In this case, the types of the child elements
+may be constrained, but not their order or their number of occurrences:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Mixed-content Declaration</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="5.5" pcw4="16" pcw5="11">
+<prod id='NT-Mixed'><lhs>Mixed</lhs>
+<rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
+(<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>)* 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
+')*' </rhs>
+<rhs>| '(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '#PCDATA' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'
+</rhs><vc def='vc-PEinGroup'/>
+<vc def='vc-MixedChildrenUnique'/>
+where the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>s give the types of elements
+that may appear as children.
+<vcnote id='vc-MixedChildrenUnique'>
+<head>No Duplicate Types</head>
+<p>The same name must not appear more than once in a single mixed-content
+<p>Examples of mixed content declarations:
+<eg>&lt;!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|a|ul|b|i|em)*>
+&lt;!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA | %font; | %phrase; | %special; | %form;)* >
+&lt;!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA)></eg></p>
+<div2 id='attdecls'>
+<head>Attribute-List Declarations</head>
+<p><termref def="dt-attr">Attributes</termref> are used to associate
+name-value pairs with <termref def="dt-element">elements</termref>.
+Attribute specifications may appear only within <termref
+and <termref def="dt-eetag">empty-element tags</termref>; 
+thus, the productions used to
+recognize them appear in <specref ref='sec-starttags'/>.  
+declarations may be used:
+<item><p>To define the set of attributes pertaining to a given
+element type.</p></item>
+<item><p>To establish type constraints for these
+<item><p>To provide <termref def="dt-default">default values</termref>
+for attributes.</p></item>
+<p><termdef id="dt-attdecl" term="Attribute-List Declaration">
+<term>Attribute-list declarations</term> specify the name, data type, and default
+value (if any) of each attribute associated with a given element type:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Attribute-list Declaration</head>
+<prod id='NT-AttlistDecl'><lhs>AttlistDecl</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;!ATTLIST' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-AttDef'>AttDef</nt>*
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '&gt;'</rhs>
+<prod id='NT-AttDef'><lhs>AttDef</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-AttType'>AttType</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-DefaultDecl'>DefaultDecl</nt></rhs>
+The <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> in the
+<nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt> rule is the type of an element.  At
+user option, an XML processor may issue a warning if attributes are
+declared for an element type not itself declared, but this is not an
+error.  The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in the 
+<nt def='NT-AttDef'>AttDef</nt> rule is
+the name of the attribute.</termdef></p>
+When more than one <nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt> is provided for a
+given element type, the contents of all those provided are merged.  When
+more than one definition is provided for the same attribute of a
+given element type, the first declaration is binding and later
+declarations are ignored.  
+<termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability,</termref> writers of DTDs
+may choose to provide at most one attribute-list declaration
+for a given element type, at most one attribute definition
+for a given attribute name, and at least one attribute definition
+in each attribute-list declaration.
+For interoperability, an XML processor may at user option
+issue a warning when more than one attribute-list declaration is
+provided for a given element type, or more than one attribute definition
+is provided 
+for a given attribute, but this is not an error.
+<div3 id='sec-attribute-types'>
+<head>Attribute Types</head>
+<p>XML attribute types are of three kinds:  a string type, a
+set of tokenized types, and enumerated types.  The string type may take
+any literal string as a value; the tokenized types have varying lexical
+and semantic constraints, as noted:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Attribute Types</head>
+<prodgroup pcw4="14" pcw5="11.5">
+<prod id='NT-AttType'><lhs>AttType</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-StringType'>StringType</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-TokenizedType'>TokenizedType</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-EnumeratedType'>EnumeratedType</nt>
+<prod id='NT-StringType'><lhs>StringType</lhs>
+<prod id='NT-TokenizedType'><lhs>TokenizedType</lhs>
+<vc def='id'/>
+<vc def='one-id-per-el'/>
+<vc def='id-default'/>
+<rhs>| 'IDREF'</rhs>
+<vc def='idref'/>
+<rhs>| 'IDREFS'</rhs>
+<vc def='idref'/>
+<rhs>| 'ENTITY'</rhs>
+<vc def='entname'/>
+<rhs>| 'ENTITIES'</rhs>
+<vc def='entname'/>
+<rhs>| 'NMTOKEN'</rhs>
+<vc def='nmtok'/>
+<rhs>| 'NMTOKENS'</rhs>
+<vc def='nmtok'/></prod>
+<vcnote id='id' >
+Values of type <kw>ID</kw> must match the 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> production.  
+A name must not appear more than once in
+an XML document as a value of this type; i.e., ID values must uniquely
+identify the elements which bear them.   
+<vcnote id='one-id-per-el'>
+<head>One ID per Element Type</head>
+<p>No element type may have more than one ID attribute specified.</p>
+<vcnote id='id-default'>
+<head>ID Attribute Default</head>
+<p>An ID attribute must have a declared default of <kw>#IMPLIED</kw> or
+<vcnote id='idref'>
+Values of type <kw>IDREF</kw> must match
+the <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> production, and
+values of type <kw>IDREFS</kw> must match
+<nt def="NT-Names">Names</nt>; 
+each <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> must match the value of an ID attribute on 
+some element in the XML document; i.e. <kw>IDREF</kw> values must 
+match the value of some ID attribute. 
+<vcnote id='entname'>
+<head>Entity Name</head>
+Values of type <kw>ENTITY</kw> 
+must match the <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> production,
+values of type <kw>ENTITIES</kw> must match
+<nt def="NT-Names">Names</nt>;
+each <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> must 
+match the
+name of an <termref def="dt-unparsed">unparsed entity</termref> declared in the
+<termref def="dt-doctype">DTD</termref>.
+<vcnote id='nmtok'>
+<head>Name Token</head>
+Values of type <kw>NMTOKEN</kw> must match the
+<nt def="NT-Nmtoken">Nmtoken</nt> production;
+values of type <kw>NMTOKENS</kw> must 
+match <termref def="NT-Nmtokens">Nmtokens</termref>.
+<!-- why?
+<p>The XML processor must normalize attribute values before
+passing them to the application, as described in 
+<specref ref="AVNormalize"/>.</p>-->
+<p><termdef id='dt-enumerated' term='Enumerated Attribute
+Values'><term>Enumerated attributes</term> can take one 
+of a list of values provided in the declaration</termdef>. There are two
+kinds of enumerated types:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Enumerated Attribute Types</head>
+<prod id='NT-EnumeratedType'><lhs>EnumeratedType</lhs> 
+<rhs><nt def='NT-NotationType'>NotationType</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-Enumeration'>Enumeration</nt>
+<prod id='NT-NotationType'><lhs>NotationType</lhs> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?  
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+(<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '|' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?  
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>)*
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'
+<vc def='notatn' /></prod>
+<prod id='NT-Enumeration'><lhs>Enumeration</lhs> 
+<rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?
+<nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> 
+(<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '|' 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?  
+<nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt>)* 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
+<vc def='enum'/></prod>
+A <kw>NOTATION</kw> attribute identifies a 
+<termref def='dt-notation'>notation</termref>, declared in the 
+DTD with associated system and/or public identifiers, to
+be used in interpreting the element to which the attribute
+is attached.
+<vcnote id='notatn'>
+<head>Notation Attributes</head>
+Values of this type must match
+one of the <titleref href='Notations'>notation</titleref> names included in
+the declaration; all notation names in the declaration must
+be declared.
+<vcnote id='enum'>
+Values of this type
+must match one of the <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> tokens in the
+<p><termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability,</termref> the same
+<nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> should not occur more than once in the
+enumerated attribute types of a single element type.
+<div3 id='sec-attr-defaults'>
+<head>Attribute Defaults</head>
+<p>An <termref def="dt-attdecl">attribute declaration</termref> provides
+information on whether
+the attribute's presence is required, and if not, how an XML processor should
+react if a declared attribute is absent in a document.
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Attribute Defaults</head>
+<prodgroup pcw4="14" pcw5="11.5">
+<prod id='NT-DefaultDecl'><lhs>DefaultDecl</lhs>
+|&nbsp;'#IMPLIED' </rhs>
+<rhs>| (('#FIXED' S)? <nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt>)</rhs>
+<vc def='RequiredAttr'/>
+<vc def='defattrvalid'/>
+<wfc def="CleanAttrVals"/>
+<vc def='FixedAttr'/>
+<p>In an attribute declaration, <kw>#REQUIRED</kw> means that the
+attribute must always be provided, <kw>#IMPLIED</kw> that no default 
+value is provided.
+<!-- not any more!!
+<kw>#IMPLIED</kw> means that if the attribute is omitted
+from an element of this type,
+the XML processor must inform the application
+that no value was specified; no constraint is placed on the behavior
+of the application. -->
+<termdef id="dt-default" term="Attribute Default">If the 
+is neither <kw>#REQUIRED</kw> nor <kw>#IMPLIED</kw>, then the
+<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt> value contains the declared
+<term>default</term> value; the <kw>#FIXED</kw> keyword states that
+the attribute must always have the default value.
+If a default value
+is declared, when an XML processor encounters an omitted attribute, it
+is to behave as though the attribute were present with 
+the declared default value.</termdef></p>
+<vcnote id='RequiredAttr'>
+<head>Required Attribute</head>
+<p>If the default declaration is the keyword <kw>#REQUIRED</kw>, then
+the attribute must be specified for
+all elements of the type in the attribute-list declaration.
+<vcnote id='defattrvalid'>
+<head>Attribute Default Legal</head>
+The declared
+default value must meet the lexical constraints of the declared attribute type.
+<vcnote id='FixedAttr'>
+<head>Fixed Attribute Default</head>
+<p>If an attribute has a default value declared with the 
+<kw>#FIXED</kw> keyword, instances of that attribute must
+match the default value.
+<p>Examples of attribute-list declarations:
+<eg>&lt;!ATTLIST termdef
+          id      ID      #REQUIRED
+          name    CDATA   #IMPLIED>
+&lt;!ATTLIST list
+          type    (bullets|ordered|glossary)  "ordered">
+&lt;!ATTLIST form
+          method  CDATA   #FIXED "POST"></eg></p>
+<div3 id='AVNormalize'>
+<head>Attribute-Value Normalization</head>
+<p>Before the value of an attribute is passed to the application
+or checked for validity, the
+XML processor must normalize it as follows:
+<item><p>a character reference is processed by appending the referenced    
+character to the attribute value</p></item>
+<item><p>an entity reference is processed by recursively processing the
+replacement text of the entity</p></item>
+<item><p>a whitespace character (#x20, #xD, #xA, #x9) is processed by
+appending #x20 to the normalized value, except that only a single #x20
+is appended for a "#xD#xA" sequence that is part of an external
+parsed entity or the literal entity value of an internal parsed
+<item><p>other characters are processed by appending them to the normalized
+<p>If the declared value is not CDATA, then the XML processor must
+further process the normalized attribute value by discarding any
+leading and trailing space (#x20) characters, and by replacing
+sequences of space (#x20) characters by a single space (#x20)
+All attributes for which no declaration has been read should be treated
+by a non-validating parser as if declared
+<div2 id='sec-condition-sect'>
+<head>Conditional Sections</head>
+<p><termdef id='dt-cond-section' term='conditional section'>
+<term>Conditional sections</term> are portions of the
+<termref def='dt-doctype'>document type declaration external subset</termref>
+which are 
+included in, or excluded from, the logical structure of the DTD based on
+the keyword which governs them.</termdef>
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Conditional Section</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="9" pcw4="14.5">
+<prod id='NT-conditionalSect'><lhs>conditionalSect</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-includeSect'>includeSect</nt>
+| <nt def='NT-ignoreSect'>ignoreSect</nt>
+<prod id='NT-includeSect'><lhs>includeSect</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;![' S? 'INCLUDE' S? '[' 
+<nt def="NT-extSubsetDecl">extSubsetDecl</nt>
+<prod id='NT-ignoreSect'><lhs>ignoreSect</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;![' S? 'IGNORE' S? '[' 
+<nt def="NT-ignoreSectContents">ignoreSectContents</nt>*
+<prod id='NT-ignoreSectContents'><lhs>ignoreSectContents</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Ignore'>Ignore</nt>
+('&lt;![' <nt def='NT-ignoreSectContents'>ignoreSectContents</nt> ']]&gt;' 
+<nt def='NT-Ignore'>Ignore</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-Ignore'><lhs>Ignore</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* - 
+(<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* ('&lt;![' | ']]&gt;') 
+<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>*)
+<p>Like the internal and external DTD subsets, a conditional section
+may contain one or more complete declarations,
+comments, processing instructions, 
+or nested conditional sections, intermingled with white space.
+<p>If the keyword of the
+conditional section is <kw>INCLUDE</kw>, then the contents of the conditional
+section are part of the DTD.
+If the keyword of the conditional
+section is <kw>IGNORE</kw>, then the contents of the conditional section are
+not logically part of the DTD.
+Note that for reliable parsing, the contents of even ignored
+conditional sections must be read in order to
+detect nested conditional sections and ensure that the end of the
+outermost (ignored) conditional section is properly detected.
+If a conditional section with a
+keyword of <kw>INCLUDE</kw> occurs within a larger conditional
+section with a keyword of <kw>IGNORE</kw>, both the outer and the
+inner conditional sections are ignored.</p>
+<p>If the keyword of the conditional section is a 
+parameter-entity reference, the parameter entity must be replaced by its
+content before the processor decides whether to
+include or ignore the conditional section.</p>
+<p>An example:
+<eg>&lt;!ENTITY % draft 'INCLUDE' >
+&lt;!ENTITY % final 'IGNORE' >
+&lt;!ELEMENT book (comments*, title, body, supplements?)>
+&lt;!ELEMENT book (title, body, supplements?)>
+<div2 id='sec-pass-to-app'>
+<head>XML Processor Treatment of Logical Structure</head>
+<p>When an XML processor encounters a start-tag, it must make
+at least the following information available to the application:
+<p>the element type's generic identifier</p>
+<p>the names of attributes known to apply to this element type
+(validating processors must make available names of all attributes
+declared for the element type; non-validating processors must
+make available at least the names of the attributes for which
+values are specified.
+<!-- &Entities; -->
+<div1 id='sec-physical-struct'>
+<head>Physical Structures</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-entity" term="Entity">An XML document may consist
+of one or many storage units.   These are called
+<term>entities</term>; they all have <term>content</term> and are all
+(except for the document entity, see below, and 
+the <termref def='dt-doctype'>external DTD subset</termref>) 
+identified by <term>name</term>.
+Each XML document has one entity
+called the <termref def="dt-docent">document entity</termref>, which serves
+as the starting point for the <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML
+processor</termref> and may contain the whole document.</p>
+<p>Entities may be either parsed or unparsed.
+<termdef id="dt-parsedent" term="Text Entity">A <term>parsed entity's</term>
+contents are referred to as its 
+<termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref>;
+this <termref def="dt-text">text</termref> is considered an
+integral part of the document.</termdef></p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-unparsed" term="Unparsed Entity">An 
+<term>unparsed entity</term> 
+is a resource whose contents may or may not be
+<termref def='dt-text'>text</termref>, and if text, may not be XML.
+Each unparsed entity
+has an associated <termref
+def="dt-notation">notation</termref>, identified by name.
+Beyond a requirement
+that an XML processor make the identifiers for the entity and 
+notation available to the application,
+XML places no constraints on the contents of unparsed entities.</termdef> 
+Parsed entities are invoked by name using entity references;
+unparsed entities by name, given in the value of <kw>ENTITY</kw>
+or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>
+<p><termdef id='gen-entity' term='general entity'
+><term>General entities</term>
+are entities for use within the document content.
+In this specification, general entities are sometimes referred 
+to with the unqualified term <emph>entity</emph> when this leads
+to no ambiguity.</termdef> 
+<termdef id='dt-PE' term='Parameter entity'>Parameter entities 
+are parsed entities for use within the DTD.</termdef>
+These two types of entities use different forms of reference and
+are recognized in different contexts.
+Furthermore, they occupy different namespaces; a parameter entity and
+a general entity with the same name are two distinct entities.
+<div2 id='sec-references'>
+<head>Character and Entity References</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-charref" term="Character Reference">
+A <term>character reference</term> refers to a specific character in the
+ISO/IEC 10646 character set, for example one not directly accessible from
+available input devices.
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Character Reference</head>
+<prod id='NT-CharRef'><lhs>CharRef</lhs>
+<rhs>'&amp;#' [0-9]+ ';' </rhs>
+<rhs>| '&hcro;' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'</rhs>
+<wfc def="wf-Legalchar"/>
+<wfcnote id="wf-Legalchar">
+<head>Legal Character</head>
+<p>Characters referred to using character references must
+match the production for
+<termref def="NT-Char">Char</termref>.</p>
+If the character reference begins with "<code>&amp;#x</code>", the digits and
+letters up to the terminating <code>;</code> provide a hexadecimal
+representation of the character's code point in ISO/IEC 10646.
+If it begins just with "<code>&amp;#</code>", the digits up to the terminating
+<code>;</code> provide a decimal representation of the character's 
+code point.
+<p><termdef id="dt-entref" term="Entity Reference">An <term>entity
+reference</term> refers to the content of a named entity.</termdef>
+<termdef id='dt-GERef' term='General Entity Reference'>References to 
+parsed general entities
+use ampersand (<code>&amp;</code>) and semicolon (<code>;</code>) as
+<termdef id='dt-PERef' term='Parameter-entity reference'>
+<term>Parameter-entity references</term> use percent-sign (<code>%</code>) and
+(<code>;</code>) as delimiters.</termdef>
+<scrap lang="ebnf">
+<head>Entity Reference</head>
+<prod id='NT-Reference'><lhs>Reference</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-EntityRef'>EntityRef</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-CharRef'>CharRef</nt></rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-EntityRef'><lhs>EntityRef</lhs>
+<rhs>'&amp;' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> ';'</rhs>
+<wfc def='wf-entdeclared'/>
+<vc def='vc-entdeclared'/>
+<wfc def='textent'/>
+<wfc def='norecursion'/>
+<prod id='NT-PEReference'><lhs>PEReference</lhs>
+<rhs>'%' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> ';'</rhs>
+<vc def='vc-entdeclared'/>
+<wfc def='norecursion'/>
+<wfc def='indtd'/>
+<wfcnote id='wf-entdeclared'>
+<head>Entity Declared</head>
+<p>In a document without any DTD, a document with only an internal
+DTD subset which contains no parameter entity references, or a document with
+the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> given in the entity reference must 
+<termref def="dt-match">match</termref> that in an 
+<titleref href='sec-entity-decl'>entity declaration</titleref>, except that
+well-formed documents need not declare 
+any of the following entities: &magicents;.  
+The declaration of a parameter entity must precede any reference to it.
+Similarly, the declaration of a general entity must precede any
+reference to it which appears in a default value in an attribute-list
+<p>Note that if entities are declared in the external subset or in 
+external parameter entities, a non-validating processor is 
+<titleref href='include-if-valid'>not obligated to</titleref> read
+and process their declarations; for such documents, the rule that
+an entity must be declared is a well-formedness constraint only
+if <titleref href='sec-rmd'>standalone='yes'</titleref>.</p>
+<vcnote id="vc-entdeclared">
+<head>Entity Declared</head>
+<p>In a document with an external subset or external parameter
+entities with "<code>standalone='no'</code>",
+the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> given in the entity reference must <termref
+def="dt-match">match</termref> that in an 
+<titleref href='sec-entity-decl'>entity declaration</titleref>.
+For interoperability, valid documents should declare the entities 
+&magicents;, in the form
+specified in <specref ref="sec-predefined-ent"/>.
+The declaration of a parameter entity must precede any reference to it.
+Similarly, the declaration of a general entity must precede any
+reference to it which appears in a default value in an attribute-list
+<!-- FINAL EDIT:  is this duplication too clumsy? -->
+<wfcnote id='textent'>
+<head>Parsed Entity</head>
+An entity reference must not contain the name of an <termref
+def="dt-unparsed">unparsed entity</termref>. Unparsed entities may be referred
+to only in <termref def="dt-attrval">attribute values</termref> declared to
+be of type <kw>ENTITY</kw> or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>.
+<wfcnote id='norecursion'>
+<head>No Recursion</head>
+A parsed entity must not contain a recursive reference to itself,
+either directly or indirectly.
+<wfcnote id='indtd'>
+<head>In DTD</head>
+Parameter-entity references may only appear in the 
+<termref def='dt-doctype'>DTD</termref>.
+<p>Examples of character and entity references:
+<eg>Type &lt;key>less-than&lt;/key> (&hcro;3C;) to save options.
+This document was prepared on &amp;docdate; and
+is classified &amp;security-level;.</eg></p>
+<p>Example of a parameter-entity reference:
+<eg><![CDATA[<!-- declare the parameter entity "ISOLat2"... -->
+         SYSTEM "" >
+<!-- ... now reference it. -->
+<div2 id='sec-entity-decl'>
+<head>Entity Declarations</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-entdecl" term="entity declaration">
+Entities are declared thus:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Entity Declaration</head>
+<prodgroup pcw2="5" pcw4="18.5">
+<prod id='NT-EntityDecl'><lhs>EntityDecl</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def="NT-GEDecl">GEDecl</nt><!--</rhs><com>General entities</com>
+<rhs>--> | <nt def="NT-PEDecl">PEDecl</nt></rhs>
+<!--<com>Parameter entities</com>-->
+<prod id='NT-GEDecl'><lhs>GEDecl</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;!ENTITY' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-EntityDef'>EntityDef</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '&gt;'</rhs>
+<prod id='NT-PEDecl'><lhs>PEDecl</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;!ENTITY' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> '%' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-PEDef'>PEDef</nt> <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '&gt;'</rhs>
+<!--<com>Parameter entities</com>-->
+<prod id='NT-EntityDef'><lhs>EntityDef</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>
+<rhs>-->| (<nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-NDataDecl'>NDataDecl</nt>?)</rhs>
+<!-- <nt def='NT-ExternalDef'>ExternalDef</nt></rhs> -->
+<!-- FINAL EDIT: what happened to WFs here? -->
+<prod id='NT-PEDef'><lhs>PEDef</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> 
+| <nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt></rhs></prod>
+The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> identifies the entity in an
+<termref def="dt-entref">entity reference</termref> or, in the case of an
+unparsed entity, in the value of an <kw>ENTITY</kw> or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>
+If the same entity is declared more than once, the first declaration
+encountered is binding; at user option, an XML processor may issue a
+warning if entities are declared multiple times.</termdef>
+<div3 id='sec-internal-ent'>
+<head>Internal Entities</head>
+<p><termdef id='dt-internent' term="Internal Entity Replacement Text">If 
+the entity definition is an 
+<nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>,  
+the defined entity is called an <term>internal entity</term>.  
+There is no separate physical
+storage object, and the content of the entity is given in the
+declaration. </termdef>
+Note that some processing of entity and character references in the
+<termref def='dt-litentval'>literal entity value</termref> may be required to
+produce the correct <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement 
+text</termref>: see <specref ref='intern-replacement'/>.
+<p>An internal entity is a <termref def="dt-parsedent">parsed
+<p>Example of an internal entity declaration:
+<eg>&lt;!ENTITY Pub-Status "This is a pre-release of the
+ specification."></eg></p>
+<div3 id='sec-external-ent'>
+<head>External Entities</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-extent" term="External Entity">If the entity is not
+internal, it is an <term>external
+entity</term>, declared as follows:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>External Entity Declaration</head>
+<prod id='NT-ExternalDef'><lhs>ExternalDef</lhs>
+<rhs></prod> -->
+<prod id='NT-ExternalID'><lhs>ExternalID</lhs>
+<rhs>'SYSTEM' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt></rhs>
+<rhs>| 'PUBLIC' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-PubidLiteral'>PubidLiteral</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt>
+<prod id='NT-NDataDecl'><lhs>NDataDecl</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 'NDATA' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt></rhs>
+<vc def='not-declared'/></prod>
+If the <nt def='NT-NDataDecl'>NDataDecl</nt> is present, this is a
+general <termref def="dt-unparsed">unparsed
+entity</termref>; otherwise it is a parsed entity.</termdef></p>
+<vcnote id='not-declared'>
+<head>Notation Declared</head>
+The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> must match the declared name of a
+<termref def="dt-notation">notation</termref>.
+<p><termdef id="dt-sysid" term="System Identifier">The
+<nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt> 
+is called the entity's <term>system identifier</term>. It is a URI,
+which may be used to retrieve the entity.</termdef>
+Note that the hash mark (<code>#</code>) and fragment identifier 
+frequently used with URIs are not, formally, part of the URI itself; 
+an XML processor may signal an error if a fragment identifier is 
+given as part of a system identifier.
+Unless otherwise provided by information outside the scope of this
+specification (e.g. a special XML element type defined by a particular
+DTD, or a processing instruction defined by a particular application
+specification), relative URIs are relative to the location of the
+resource within which the entity declaration occurs.
+A URI might thus be relative to the 
+<termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>, to the entity
+containing the <termref def='dt-doctype'>external DTD subset</termref>, 
+or to some other <termref def='dt-extent'>external parameter entity</termref>.
+<p>An XML processor should handle a non-ASCII character in a URI by
+representing the character in UTF-8 as one or more bytes, and then 
+escaping these bytes with the URI escaping mechanism (i.e., by
+converting each byte to %HH, where HH is the hexadecimal notation of the
+byte value).</p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-pubid" term="Public identifier">
+In addition to a system identifier, an external identifier may
+include a <term>public identifier</term>.</termdef>  
+An XML processor attempting to retrieve the entity's content may use the public
+identifier to try to generate an alternative URI.  If the processor
+is unable to do so, it must use the URI specified in the system
+literal.  Before a match is attempted, all strings
+of white space in the public identifier must be normalized to single space characters (#x20),
+and leading and trailing white space must be removed.</p>
+<p>Examples of external entity declarations:
+<eg>&lt;!ENTITY open-hatch
+         SYSTEM "">
+&lt;!ENTITY open-hatch
+         PUBLIC "-//Textuality//TEXT Standard open-hatch boilerplate//EN"
+         "">
+&lt;!ENTITY hatch-pic
+         SYSTEM "../grafix/OpenHatch.gif"
+         NDATA gif ></eg></p>
+<div2 id='TextEntities'>
+<head>Parsed Entities</head>
+<div3 id='sec-TextDecl'>
+<head>The Text Declaration</head>
+<p>External parsed entities may each begin with a <term>text
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Text Declaration</head>
+<prodgroup pcw4="12.5" pcw5="13">
+<prod id='NT-TextDecl'><lhs>TextDecl</lhs>
+<nt def='NT-VersionInfo'>VersionInfo</nt>?
+<nt def='NT-EncodingDecl'>EncodingDecl</nt>
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? &pic;</rhs>
+<p>The text declaration must be provided literally, not
+by reference to a parsed entity.
+No text declaration may appear at any position other than the beginning of
+an external parsed entity.</p>
+<div3 id='wf-entities'>
+<head>Well-Formed Parsed Entities</head>
+<p>The document entity is well-formed if it matches the production labeled
+<nt def='NT-document'>document</nt>.
+An external general 
+parsed entity is well-formed if it matches the production labeled
+<nt def='NT-extParsedEnt'>extParsedEnt</nt>.
+An external parameter
+entity is well-formed if it matches the production labeled
+<nt def='NT-extPE'>extPE</nt>.
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Well-Formed External Parsed Entity</head>
+<prod id='NT-extParsedEnt'><lhs>extParsedEnt</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-TextDecl'>TextDecl</nt>? 
+<nt def='NT-content'>content</nt></rhs>
+<prod id='NT-extPE'><lhs>extPE</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def='NT-TextDecl'>TextDecl</nt>? 
+<nt def='NT-extSubsetDecl'>extSubsetDecl</nt></rhs>
+An internal general parsed entity is well-formed if its replacement text 
+matches the production labeled
+<nt def='NT-content'>content</nt>.
+All internal parameter entities are well-formed by definition.
+<p>A consequence of well-formedness in entities is that the logical 
+and physical structures in an XML document are properly nested; no 
+<termref def='dt-stag'>start-tag</termref>,
+<termref def='dt-etag'>end-tag</termref>,
+<termref def="dt-empty">empty-element tag</termref>,
+<termref def='dt-element'>element</termref>, 
+<termref def='dt-comment'>comment</termref>, 
+<termref def='dt-pi'>processing instruction</termref>, 
+<termref def='dt-charref'>character
+reference</termref>, or
+<termref def='dt-entref'>entity reference</termref> 
+can begin in one entity and end in another.</p>
+<div3 id='charencoding'>
+<head>Character Encoding in Entities</head>
+<p>Each external parsed entity in an XML document may use a different
+encoding for its characters. All XML processors must be able to read
+entities in either UTF-8 or UTF-16. 
+<p>Entities encoded in UTF-16 must
+begin with the Byte Order Mark described by ISO/IEC 10646 Annex E and
+Unicode Appendix B (the ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE character, #xFEFF).
+This is an encoding signature, not part of either the markup or the
+character data of the XML document.
+XML processors must be able to use this character to
+differentiate between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoded documents.</p>
+<p>Although an XML processor is required to read only entities in
+the UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings, it is recognized that other encodings are
+used around the world, and it may be desired for XML processors
+to read entities that use them.
+Parsed entities which are stored in an encoding other than
+UTF-8 or UTF-16 must begin with a <titleref href='TextDecl'>text
+declaration</titleref> containing an encoding declaration:
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Encoding Declaration</head>
+<prod id='NT-EncodingDecl'><lhs>EncodingDecl</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def="NT-S">S</nt>
+'encoding' <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
+('"' <nt def='NT-EncName'>EncName</nt> '"' | 
+"'" <nt def='NT-EncName'>EncName</nt> "'" )
+<prod id='NT-EncName'><lhs>EncName</lhs>
+<rhs>[A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*</rhs>
+<com>Encoding name contains only Latin characters</com>
+In the <termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>, the encoding
+declaration is part of the <termref def="dt-xmldecl">XML declaration</termref>.
+The <nt def="NT-EncName">EncName</nt> is the name of the encoding used.
+<!-- FINAL EDIT:  check name of IANA and charset names -->
+<p>In an encoding declaration, the values
+"<code>ISO-10646-UCS-2</code>", and
+"<code>ISO-10646-UCS-4</code>" should be 
+used for the various encodings and transformations of Unicode /
+ISO/IEC 10646, the values
+"<code>ISO-8859-2</code>", ...
+"<code>ISO-8859-9</code>" should be used for the parts of ISO 8859, and
+the values
+"<code>Shift_JIS</code>", and
+should be used for the various encoded forms of JIS X-0208-1997.  XML
+processors may recognize other encodings; it is recommended that
+character encodings registered (as <emph>charset</emph>s) 
+with the Internet Assigned Numbers
+Authority <bibref ref='IANA'/>, other than those just listed, should be
+referred to
+using their registered names.
+Note that these registered names are defined to be 
+case-insensitive, so processors wishing to match against them 
+should do so in a case-insensitive
+<p>In the absence of information provided by an external
+transport protocol (e.g. HTTP or MIME), 
+it is an <termref def="dt-error">error</termref> for an entity including
+an encoding declaration to be presented to the XML processor 
+in an encoding other than that named in the declaration, 
+for an encoding declaration to occur other than at the beginning 
+of an external entity, or for
+an entity which begins with neither a Byte Order Mark nor an encoding
+declaration to use an encoding other than UTF-8.
+Note that since ASCII
+is a subset of UTF-8, ordinary ASCII entities do not strictly need
+an encoding declaration.</p>
+<p>It is a <termref def='dt-fatal'>fatal error</termref> when an XML processor
+encounters an entity with an encoding that it is unable to process.</p>
+<p>Examples of encoding declarations:
+<eg>&lt;?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+&lt;?xml encoding='EUC-JP'?></eg></p>
+<div2 id='entproc'>
+<head>XML Processor Treatment of Entities and References</head>
+<p>The table below summarizes the contexts in which character references,
+entity references, and invocations of unparsed entities might appear and the
+required behavior of an <termref def='dt-xml-proc'>XML processor</termref> in
+each case.  
+The labels in the leftmost column describe the recognition context:
+<gitem><label>Reference in Content</label>
+<def><p>as a reference
+anywhere after the <termref def='dt-stag'>start-tag</termref> and
+before the <termref def='dt-etag'>end-tag</termref> of an element; corresponds
+to the nonterminal <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt>.</p></def>
+<label>Reference in Attribute Value</label>
+<def><p>as a reference within either the value of an attribute in a 
+<termref def='dt-stag'>start-tag</termref>, or a default
+value in an <termref def='dt-attdecl'>attribute declaration</termref>;
+corresponds to the nonterminal
+<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt>.</p></def></gitem>
+<label>Occurs as Attribute Value</label>
+<def><p>as a <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>, not a reference, appearing either as
+the value of an 
+attribute which has been declared as type <kw>ENTITY</kw>, or as one of
+the space-separated tokens in the value of an attribute which has been
+declared as type <kw>ENTITIES</kw>.</p>
+<gitem><label>Reference in Entity Value</label>
+<def><p>as a reference
+within a parameter or internal entity's 
+<termref def='dt-litentval'>literal entity value</termref> in
+the entity's declaration; corresponds to the nonterminal 
+<nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>.</p></def></gitem>
+<gitem><label>Reference in DTD</label>
+<def><p>as a reference within either the internal or external subsets of the 
+<termref def='dt-doctype'>DTD</termref>, but outside
+of an <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> or
+<nt def="NT-AttValue">AttValue</nt>.</p></def>
+<htable border='1' cellpadding='7' align='center'>
+<tr><td bgcolor='&cellback;' rowspan='2' colspan='1'></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='center' valign='bottom' colspan='4'>Entity Type</td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;' rowspan='2' align='center'>Character</td>
+<tr align='center' valign='bottom'>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'>Parameter</td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'>Internal
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'>External Parsed
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'>Unparsed</td>
+<tr align='center' valign='middle'>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
+in Content</td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='include-if-valid'>Included if validating</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
+<tr align='center' valign='middle'>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
+in Attribute Value</td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='inliteral'>Included in literal</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
+<tr align='center' valign='middle'>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Occurs as
+Attribute Value</td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='notify'>Notify</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
+<tr align='center' valign='middle'>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
+in EntityValue</td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='inliteral'>Included in literal</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='bypass'>Bypassed</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='bypass'>Bypassed</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
+<tr align='center' valign='middle'>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
+in DTD</td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='as-PE'>Included as PE</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
+<div3 id='not-recognized'>
+<head>Not Recognized</head>
+<p>Outside the DTD, the <code>%</code> character has no
+special significance; thus, what would be parameter entity references in the
+DTD are not recognized as markup in <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt>.
+Similarly, the names of unparsed entities are not recognized except
+when they appear in the value of an appropriately declared attribute.
+<div3 id='included'>
+<p><termdef id="dt-include" term="Include">An entity is 
+<term>included</term> when its 
+<termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> is retrieved 
+and processed, in place of the reference itself,
+as though it were part of the document at the location the
+reference was recognized.
+The replacement text may contain both 
+<termref def='dt-chardata'>character data</termref>
+and (except for parameter entities) <termref def="dt-markup">markup</termref>,
+which must be recognized in
+the usual way, except that the replacement text of entities used to escape
+markup delimiters (the entities &magicents;) is always treated as
+data.  (The string "<code>AT&amp;amp;T;</code>" expands to
+"<code>AT&amp;T;</code>" and the remaining ampersand is not recognized
+as an entity-reference delimiter.) 
+A character reference is <term>included</term> when the indicated
+character is processed in place of the reference itself.
+<div3 id='include-if-valid'>
+<head>Included If Validating</head>
+<p>When an XML processor recognizes a reference to a parsed entity, in order
+to <termref def="dt-valid">validate</termref>
+the document, the processor must 
+<termref def="dt-include">include</termref> its
+replacement text.
+If the entity is external, and the processor is not
+attempting to validate the XML document, the
+processor <termref def="dt-may">may</termref>, but need not, 
+include the entity's replacement text.
+If a non-validating parser does not include the replacement text,
+it must inform the application that it recognized, but did not
+read, the entity.</p>
+<p>This rule is based on the recognition that the automatic inclusion
+provided by the SGML and XML entity mechanism, primarily designed
+to support modularity in authoring, is not necessarily 
+appropriate for other applications, in particular document browsing.
+Browsers, for example, when encountering an external parsed entity reference,
+might choose to provide a visual indication of the entity's
+presence and retrieve it for display only on demand.
+<div3 id='forbidden'>
+<p>The following are forbidden, and constitute
+<termref def='dt-fatal'>fatal</termref> errors:
+<item><p>the appearance of a reference to an
+<termref def='dt-unparsed'>unparsed entity</termref>.
+<item><p>the appearance of any character or general-entity reference in the
+DTD except within an <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> or 
+<nt def="NT-AttValue">AttValue</nt>.</p></item>
+<item><p>a reference to an external entity in an attribute value.</p>
+<div3 id='inliteral'>
+<head>Included in Literal</head>
+<p>When an <termref def='dt-entref'>entity reference</termref> appears in an
+attribute value, or a parameter entity reference appears in a literal entity
+value, its <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> is
+processed in place of the reference itself as though it
+were part of the document at the location the reference was recognized,
+except that a single or double quote character in the replacement text
+is always treated as a normal data character and will not terminate the
+For example, this is well-formed:
+<eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY % YN '"Yes"' >
+<!ENTITY WhatHeSaid "He said &YN;" >]]></eg>
+while this is not:
+<eg>&lt;!ENTITY EndAttr "27'" >
+&lt;element attribute='a-&amp;EndAttr;></eg>
+<div3 id='notify'>
+<p>When the name of an <termref def='dt-unparsed'>unparsed
+entity</termref> appears as a token in the
+value of an attribute of declared type <kw>ENTITY</kw> or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>,
+a validating processor must inform the
+application of the <termref def='dt-sysid'>system</termref> 
+and <termref def='dt-pubid'>public</termref> (if any)
+identifiers for both the entity and its associated
+<termref def="dt-notation">notation</termref>.</p>
+<div3 id='bypass'>
+<p>When a general entity reference appears in the
+<nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> in an entity declaration,
+it is bypassed and left as is.</p>
+<div3 id='as-PE'>
+<head>Included as PE</head>
+<p>Just as with external parsed entities, parameter entities
+need only be <titleref href='include-if-valid'>included if
+When a parameter-entity reference is recognized in the DTD
+and included, its 
+<termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement
+text</termref> is enlarged by the attachment of one leading and one following
+space (#x20) character; the intent is to constrain the replacement
+text of parameter 
+entities to contain an integral number of grammatical tokens in the DTD.
+<div2 id='intern-replacement'>
+<head>Construction of Internal Entity Replacement Text</head>
+<p>In discussing the treatment
+of internal entities, it is  
+useful to distinguish two forms of the entity's value.
+<termdef id="dt-litentval" term='Literal Entity Value'>The <term>literal
+entity value</term> is the quoted string actually
+present in the entity declaration, corresponding to the
+non-terminal <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>.</termdef>
+<termdef id='dt-repltext' term='Replacement Text'>The <term>replacement
+text</term> is the content of the entity, after
+replacement of character references and parameter-entity
+<p>The literal entity value 
+as given in an internal entity declaration
+(<nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>) may contain character,
+parameter-entity, and general-entity references.
+Such references must be contained entirely within the
+literal entity value.
+The actual replacement text that is 
+<termref def='dt-include'>included</termref> as described above
+must contain the <emph>replacement text</emph> of any 
+parameter entities referred to, and must contain the character
+referred to, in place of any character references in the
+literal entity value; however,
+general-entity references must be left as-is, unexpanded.
+For example, given the following declarations:
+<eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY % pub    "&#xc9;ditions Gallimard" >
+<!ENTITY   rights "All rights reserved" >
+<!ENTITY   book   "La Peste: Albert Camus, 
+&#xA9; 1947 %pub;. &rights;" >]]></eg>
+then the replacement text for the entity "<code>book</code>" is:
+<eg>La Peste: Albert Camus, 
+&#169; 1947 &#201;ditions Gallimard. &amp;rights;</eg>
+The general-entity reference "<code>&amp;rights;</code>" would be expanded
+should the reference "<code>&amp;book;</code>" appear in the document's
+content or an attribute value.</p>
+<p>These simple rules may have complex interactions; for a detailed
+discussion of a difficult example, see
+<specref ref='sec-entexpand'/>.
+<div2 id='sec-predefined-ent'>
+<head>Predefined Entities</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-escape" term="escape">Entity and character
+references can both be used to <term>escape</term> the left angle bracket,
+ampersand, and other delimiters.   A set of general entities
+(&magicents;) is specified for this purpose.
+Numeric character references may also be used; they are
+expanded immediately when recognized and must be treated as
+character data, so the numeric character references
+"<code>&amp;#60;</code>" and "<code>&amp;#38;</code>" may be used to 
+escape <code>&lt;</code> and <code>&amp;</code> when they occur
+in character data.</termdef></p>
+<p>All XML processors must recognize these entities whether they
+are declared or not.  
+<termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability</termref>,
+valid XML documents should declare these
+entities, like any others, before using them.
+If the entities in question are declared, they must be declared
+as internal entities whose replacement text is the single
+character being escaped or a character reference to
+that character, as shown below.
+<eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY lt     "&#38;#60;"> 
+<!ENTITY gt     "&#62;"> 
+<!ENTITY amp    "&#38;#38;"> 
+<!ENTITY apos   "&#39;"> 
+<!ENTITY quot   "&#34;"> 
+Note that the <code>&lt;</code> and <code>&amp;</code> characters
+in the declarations of "<code>lt</code>" and "<code>amp</code>"
+are doubly escaped to meet the requirement that entity replacement
+be well-formed.
+<div2 id='Notations'>
+<head>Notation Declarations</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-notation" term="Notation"><term>Notations</term> identify by
+name the format of <termref def="dt-extent">unparsed
+entities</termref>, the
+format of elements which bear a notation attribute, 
+or the application to which  
+a <termref def="dt-pi">processing instruction</termref> is
+<p><termdef id="dt-notdecl" term="Notation Declaration">
+<term>Notation declarations</term>
+provide a name for the notation, for use in
+entity and attribute-list declarations and in attribute specifications,
+and an external identifier for the notation which may allow an XML
+processor or its client application to locate a helper application
+capable of processing data in the given notation.
+<scrap lang='ebnf'>
+<head>Notation Declarations</head>
+<prod id='NT-NotationDecl'><lhs>NotationDecl</lhs>
+<rhs>'&lt;!NOTATION' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+(<nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt> | 
+<nt def='NT-PublicID'>PublicID</nt>)
+<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs></prod>
+<prod id='NT-PublicID'><lhs>PublicID</lhs>
+<rhs>'PUBLIC' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
+<nt def='NT-PubidLiteral'>PubidLiteral</nt> 
+<p>XML processors must provide applications with the name and external
+identifier(s) of any notation declared and referred to in an attribute
+value, attribute definition, or entity declaration.  They may
+additionally resolve the external identifier into the
+<termref def="dt-sysid">system identifier</termref>,
+file name, or other information needed to allow the
+application to call a processor for data in the notation described.  (It
+is not an error, however, for XML documents to declare and refer to
+notations for which notation-specific applications are not available on
+the system where the XML processor or application is running.)</p>
+<div2 id='sec-doc-entity'>
+<head>Document Entity</head>
+<p><termdef id="dt-docent" term="Document Entity">The <term>document
+entity</term> serves as the root of the entity
+tree and a starting-point for an <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML
+This specification does
+not specify how the document entity is to be located by an XML
+processor; unlike other entities, the document entity has no name and might
+well appear on a processor input stream 
+without any identification at all.</p>
+<!-- &Conformance; -->
+<div1 id='sec-conformance'>
+<div2 id='proc-types'>
+<head>Validating and Non-Validating Processors</head>
+<p>Conforming <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML processors</termref> fall into two
+classes: validating and non-validating.</p>
+<p>Validating and non-validating processors alike must report
+violations of this specification's well-formedness constraints
+in the content of the
+<termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref> and any 
+other <termref def='dt-parsedent'>parsed entities</termref> that 
+they read.</p>
+<p><termdef id="dt-validating" term="Validating Processor">
+<term>Validating processors</term> must report
+violations of the constraints expressed by the declarations in the
+<termref def="dt-doctype">DTD</termref>, and
+failures to fulfill the validity constraints given
+in this specification.
+To accomplish this, validating XML processors must read and process the entire
+DTD and all external parsed entities referenced in the document.
+<p>Non-validating processors are required to check only the 
+<termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>, including
+the entire internal DTD subset, for well-formedness.
+<termdef id='dt-use-mdecl' term='Process Declarations'>
+While they are not required to check the document for validity,
+they are required to 
+<term>process</term> all the declarations they read in the
+internal DTD subset and in any parameter entity that they
+read, up to the first reference
+to a parameter entity that they do <emph>not</emph> read; that is to 
+say, they must
+use the information in those declarations to
+<titleref href='AVNormalize'>normalize</titleref> attribute values,
+<titleref href='included'>include</titleref> the replacement text of 
+internal entities, and supply 
+<titleref href='sec-attr-defaults'>default attribute values</titleref>.
+They must not <termref def='dt-use-mdecl'>process</termref>
+<termref def='dt-entdecl'>entity declarations</termref> or 
+<termref def='dt-attdecl'>attribute-list declarations</termref> 
+encountered after a reference to a parameter entity that is not
+read, since the entity may have contained overriding declarations.
+<div2 id='safe-behavior'>
+<head>Using XML Processors</head>
+<p>The behavior of a validating XML processor is highly predictable; it
+must read every piece of a document and report all well-formedness and
+validity violations.
+Less is required of a non-validating processor; it need not read any
+part of the document other than the document entity.
+This has two effects that may be important to users of XML processors:
+<item><p>Certain well-formedness errors, specifically those that require
+reading external entities, may not be detected by a non-validating processor.
+Examples include the constraints entitled 
+<titleref href='wf-entdeclared'>Entity Declared</titleref>, 
+<titleref href='wf-textent'>Parsed Entity</titleref>, and
+<titleref href='wf-norecursion'>No Recursion</titleref>, as well
+as some of the cases described as
+<titleref href='forbidden'>forbidden</titleref> in 
+<specref ref='entproc'/>.</p></item>
+<item><p>The information passed from the processor to the application may
+vary, depending on whether the processor reads
+parameter and external entities.
+For example, a non-validating processor may not 
+<titleref href='AVNormalize'>normalize</titleref> attribute values,
+<titleref href='included'>include</titleref> the replacement text of 
+internal entities, or supply 
+<titleref href='sec-attr-defaults'>default attribute values</titleref>,
+where doing so depends on having read declarations in 
+external or parameter entities.</p></item>
+<p>For maximum reliability in interoperating between different XML
+processors, applications which use non-validating processors should not 
+rely on any behaviors not required of such processors.
+Applications which require facilities such as the use of default
+attributes or internal entities which are declared in external
+entities should use validating XML processors.</p>
+<div1 id='sec-notation'>
+<p>The formal grammar of XML is given in this specification using a simple
+Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) notation.  Each rule in the grammar defines
+one symbol, in the form
+<eg>symbol ::= expression</eg></p>
+<p>Symbols are written with an initial capital letter if they are
+defined by a regular expression, or with an initial lower case letter 
+Literal strings are quoted.
+<p>Within the expression on the right-hand side of a rule, the following
+expressions are used to match strings of one or more characters:
+<def><p>where <code>N</code> is a hexadecimal integer, the
+expression matches the character in ISO/IEC 10646 whose canonical
+code value, when interpreted as an unsigned binary number, has
+the value indicated.  The number of leading zeros in the
+<code>#xN</code> form is insignificant; the number of leading
+zeros in the corresponding code value 
+is governed by the character
+encoding in use and is not significant for XML.</p></def>
+<label><code>[a-zA-Z]</code>, <code>[#xN-#xN]</code></label>
+<def><p>matches any <termref def='dt-character'>character</termref> 
+with a value in the range(s) indicated (inclusive).</p></def>
+<label><code>[^a-z]</code>, <code>[^#xN-#xN]</code></label>
+<def><p>matches any <termref def='dt-character'>character</termref> 
+with a value <emph>outside</emph> the
+range indicated.</p></def>
+<label><code>[^abc]</code>, <code>[^#xN#xN#xN]</code></label>
+<def><p>matches any <termref def='dt-character'>character</termref>
+with a value not among the characters given.</p></def>
+<def><p>matches a literal string <termref def="dt-match">matching</termref>
+that given inside the double quotes.</p></def>
+<def><p>matches a literal string <termref def="dt-match">matching</termref>
+that given inside the single quotes.</p></def>
+These symbols may be combined to match more complex patterns as follows,
+where <code>A</code> and <code>B</code> represent simple expressions:
+<def><p><code>expression</code> is treated as a unit 
+and may be combined as described in this list.</p></def>
+<def><p>matches <code>A</code> or nothing; optional <code>A</code>.</p></def>
+<label><code>A B</code></label>
+<def><p>matches <code>A</code> followed by <code>B</code>.</p></def>
+<label><code>A | B</code></label>
+<def><p>matches <code>A</code> or <code>B</code> but not both.</p></def>
+<label><code>A - B</code></label>
+<def><p>matches any string that matches <code>A</code> but does not match
+<def><p>matches one or more occurrences of <code>A</code>.</p></def>
+<def><p>matches zero or more occurrences of <code>A</code>.</p></def>
+Other notations used in the productions are:
+<label><code>/* ... */</code></label>
+<label><code>[ wfc: ... ]</code></label>
+<def><p>well-formedness constraint; this identifies by name a 
+constraint on 
+<termref def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref> documents
+associated with a production.</p></def>
+<label><code>[ vc: ... ]</code></label>
+<def><p>validity constraint; this identifies by name a constraint on
+<termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> documents associated with
+a production.</p></def>
+<!-- &SGML; -->
+<!-- &Biblio; -->
+<div1 id='sec-bibliography'>
+<div2 id='sec-existing-stds'>
+<head>Normative References</head>
+<bibl id='IANA' key='IANA'>
+(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) <emph>Official Names for 
+Character Sets</emph>,
+ed. Keld Simonsen et al.
+See <loc href=''></loc>.
+<bibl id='RFC1766' key='IETF RFC 1766'>
+IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
+<emph>RFC 1766:  Tags for the Identification of Languages</emph>,
+ed. H. Alvestrand.
+<bibl id='ISO639' key='ISO 639'>
+(International Organization for Standardization).
+<emph>ISO 639:1988 (E).
+Code for the representation of names of languages.</emph>
+[Geneva]:  International Organization for
+Standardization, 1988.</bibl>
+<bibl id='ISO3166' key='ISO 3166'>
+(International Organization for Standardization).
+<emph>ISO 3166-1:1997 (E).
+Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions 
+&mdash; Part 1: Country codes</emph>
+[Geneva]:  International Organization for
+Standardization, 1997.</bibl>
+<bibl id='ISO10646' key='ISO/IEC 10646'>ISO
+(International Organization for Standardization).
+<emph>ISO/IEC 10646-1993 (E).  Information technology &mdash; Universal
+Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) &mdash; Part 1:
+Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane.</emph>
+[Geneva]:  International Organization for
+Standardization, 1993 (plus amendments AM 1 through AM 7).
+<bibl id='Unicode' key='Unicode'>The Unicode Consortium.
+<emph>The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0.</emph>
+Reading, Mass.:  Addison-Wesley Developers Press, 1996.</bibl>
+<div2><head>Other References</head> 
+<bibl id='Aho' key='Aho/Ullman'>Aho, Alfred V., 
+Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman.
+<emph>Compilers:  Principles, Techniques, and Tools</emph>.
+Reading:  Addison-Wesley, 1986, rpt. corr. 1988.</bibl>
+<bibl id="Berners-Lee" xml-link="simple" key="Berners-Lee et al.">
+Berners-Lee, T., R. Fielding, and L. Masinter.
+<emph>Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI):  Generic Syntax and
+(Work in progress; see updates to RFC1738.)</bibl>
+<bibl id='ABK' key='Br�ggemann-Klein'>Br�ggemann-Klein, Anne.
+<emph>Regular Expressions into Finite Automata</emph>.
+Extended abstract in I. Simon, Hrsg., LATIN 1992, 
+S. 97-98. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1992. 
+Full Version in Theoretical Computer Science 120: 197-213, 1993.
+<bibl id='ABKDW' key='Br�ggemann-Klein and Wood'>Br�ggemann-Klein, Anne,
+and Derick Wood.
+<emph>Deterministic Regular Languages</emph>.
+Universit�t Freiburg, Institut f�r Informatik,
+Bericht 38, Oktober 1991.
+<bibl id='Clark' key='Clark'>James Clark.
+Comparison of SGML and XML. See
+<loc href=''></loc>.
+<bibl id="RFC1738" xml-link="simple" key="IETF RFC1738">
+IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
+<emph>RFC 1738:  Uniform Resource Locators (URL)</emph>, 
+ed. T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, M. McCahill.
+<bibl id="RFC1808" xml-link="simple" key="IETF RFC1808">
+IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
+<emph>RFC 1808:  Relative Uniform Resource Locators</emph>, 
+ed. R. Fielding.
+<bibl id="RFC2141" xml-link="simple" key="IETF RFC2141">
+IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
+<emph>RFC 2141:  URN Syntax</emph>, 
+ed. R. Moats.
+<bibl id='ISO8879' key='ISO 8879'>ISO
+(International Organization for Standardization).
+<emph>ISO 8879:1986(E).  Information processing &mdash; Text and Office
+Systems &mdash; Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).</emph>  First
+edition &mdash; 1986-10-15.  [Geneva]:  International Organization for
+Standardization, 1986.
+<bibl id='ISO10744' key='ISO/IEC 10744'>ISO
+(International Organization for Standardization).
+<emph>ISO/IEC 10744-1992 (E).  Information technology &mdash;
+Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime).
+[Geneva]:  International Organization for
+Standardization, 1992.
+<emph>Extended Facilities Annexe.</emph>
+[Geneva]:  International Organization for
+Standardization, 1996. 
+<div1 id='CharClasses'>
+<head>Character Classes</head>
+<p>Following the characteristics defined in the Unicode standard,
+characters are classed as base characters (among others, these
+contain the alphabetic characters of the Latin alphabet, without
+diacritics), ideographic characters, and combining characters (among
+others, this class contains most diacritics); these classes combine
+to form the class of letters.  Digits and extenders are
+also distinguished.
+<scrap lang="ebnf" id="CHARACTERS">
+<prodgroup pcw3="3" pcw4="15">
+<prod id="NT-Letter"><lhs>Letter</lhs>
+<rhs><nt def="NT-BaseChar">BaseChar</nt> 
+| <nt def="NT-Ideographic">Ideographic</nt></rhs> </prod>
+<prod id='NT-BaseChar'><lhs>BaseChar</lhs>
+<prod id='NT-Ideographic'><lhs>Ideographic</lhs>
+<prod id='NT-CombiningChar'><lhs>CombiningChar</lhs>
+<prod id='NT-Digit'><lhs>Digit</lhs>
+<prod id='NT-Extender'><lhs>Extender</lhs>
+<p>The character classes defined here can be derived from the
+Unicode character database as follows:
+<p>Name start characters must have one of the categories Ll, Lu,
+Lo, Lt, Nl.</p>
+<p>Name characters other than Name-start characters 
+must have one of the categories Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, or Nd.</p>
+<p>Characters in the compatibility area (i.e. with character code
+greater than #xF900 and less than #xFFFE) are not allowed in XML
+<p>Characters which have a font or compatibility decomposition (i.e. those
+with a "compatibility formatting tag" in field 5 of the database --
+marked by field 5 beginning with a "&lt;") are not allowed.</p>
+<p>The following characters are treated as name-start characters
+rather than name characters, because the property file classifies
+them as Alphabetic:  [#x02BB-#x02C1], #x0559, #x06E5, #x06E6.</p>
+<p>Characters #x20DD-#x20E0 are excluded (in accordance with 
+Unicode, section 5.14).</p>
+<p>Character #x00B7 is classified as an extender, because the
+property list so identifies it.</p>
+<p>Character #x0387 is added as a name character, because #x00B7
+is its canonical equivalent.</p>
+<p>Characters ':' and '_' are allowed as name-start characters.</p>
+<p>Characters '-' and '.' are allowed as name characters.</p>
+<inform-div1 id="sec-xml-and-sgml">
+<head>XML and SGML</head>
+<p>XML is designed to be a subset of SGML, in that every
+<termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> XML document should also be a
+conformant SGML document.
+For a detailed comparison of the additional restrictions that XML places on
+documents beyond those of SGML, see <bibref ref='Clark'/>.
+<inform-div1 id="sec-entexpand">
+<head>Expansion of Entity and Character References</head>
+<p>This appendix contains some examples illustrating the
+sequence of entity- and character-reference recognition and
+expansion, as specified in <specref ref='entproc'/>.</p>
+If the DTD contains the declaration 
+<eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY example "<p>An ampersand (&#38;#38;) may be escaped
+numerically (&#38;#38;#38;) or with a general entity
+(&amp;amp;).</p>" >
+then the XML processor will recognize the character references 
+when it parses the entity declaration, and resolve them before 
+storing the following string as the
+value of the entity "<code>example</code>":
+<eg><![CDATA[<p>An ampersand (&#38;) may be escaped
+numerically (&#38;#38;) or with a general entity
+A reference in the document to "<code>&amp;example;</code>" 
+will cause the text to be reparsed, at which time the 
+start- and end-tags of the "<code>p</code>" element will be recognized 
+and the three references will be recognized and expanded, 
+resulting in a "<code>p</code>" element with the following content
+(all data, no delimiters or markup):
+<eg><![CDATA[An ampersand (&) may be escaped
+numerically (&#38;) or with a general entity
+<p>A more complex example will illustrate the rules and their
+effects fully.  In the following example, the line numbers are
+solely for reference.
+<eg><![CDATA[1 <?xml version='1.0'?>
+2 <!DOCTYPE test [
+3 <!ELEMENT test (#PCDATA) >
+4 <!ENTITY % xx '&#37;zz;'>
+5 <!ENTITY % zz '&#60;!ENTITY tricky "error-prone" >' >
+6 %xx;
+7 ]>
+8 <test>This sample shows a &tricky; method.</test>
+This produces the following:
+<ulist spacing="compact">
+<item><p>in line 4, the reference to character 37 is expanded immediately,
+and the parameter entity "<code>xx</code>" is stored in the symbol
+table with the value "<code>%zz;</code>".  Since the replacement text
+is not rescanned, the reference to parameter entity "<code>zz</code>"
+is not recognized.  (And it would be an error if it were, since
+"<code>zz</code>" is not yet declared.)</p></item>
+<item><p>in line 5, the character reference "<code>&amp;#60;</code>" is
+expanded immediately and the parameter entity "<code>zz</code>" is
+stored with the replacement text 
+"<code>&lt;!ENTITY tricky "error-prone" ></code>",
+which is a well-formed entity declaration.</p></item>
+<item><p>in line 6, the reference to "<code>xx</code>" is recognized,
+and the replacement text of "<code>xx</code>" (namely 
+"<code>%zz;</code>") is parsed.  The reference to "<code>zz</code>"
+is recognized in its turn, and its replacement text 
+("<code>&lt;!ENTITY tricky "error-prone" ></code>") is parsed.
+The general entity "<code>tricky</code>" has now been
+declared, with the replacement text "<code>error-prone</code>".</p></item>
+in line 8, the reference to the general entity "<code>tricky</code>" is
+recognized, and it is expanded, so the full content of the
+"<code>test</code>" element is the self-describing (and ungrammatical) string
+<emph>This sample shows a error-prone method.</emph>
+<inform-div1 id="determinism">
+<head>Deterministic Content Models</head>
+<p><termref def='dt-compat'>For compatibility</termref>, it is
+that content models in element type declarations be deterministic.  
+<!-- FINAL EDIT:  WebSGML allows ambiguity? -->
+requires deterministic content models (it calls them
+"unambiguous"); XML processors built using SGML systems may
+flag non-deterministic content models as errors.</p>
+<p>For example, the content model <code>((b, c) | (b, d))</code> is
+non-deterministic, because given an initial <code>b</code> the parser
+cannot know which <code>b</code> in the model is being matched without
+looking ahead to see which element follows the <code>b</code>.
+In this case, the two references to
+<code>b</code> can be collapsed 
+into a single reference, making the model read
+<code>(b, (c | d))</code>.  An initial <code>b</code> now clearly
+matches only a single name in the content model.  The parser doesn't
+need to look ahead to see what follows; either <code>c</code> or
+<code>d</code> would be accepted.</p>
+<p>More formally:  a finite state automaton may be constructed from the
+content model using the standard algorithms, e.g. algorithm 3.5 
+in section 3.9
+of Aho, Sethi, and Ullman <bibref ref='Aho'/>.
+In many such algorithms, a follow set is constructed for each 
+position in the regular expression (i.e., each leaf 
+node in the 
+syntax tree for the regular expression);
+if any position has a follow set in which 
+more than one following position is 
+labeled with the same element type name, 
+then the content model is in error
+and may be reported as an error.
+<p>Algorithms exist which allow many but not all non-deterministic
+content models to be reduced automatically to equivalent deterministic
+models; see Br�ggemann-Klein 1991 <bibref ref='ABK'/>.</p>
+<inform-div1 id="sec-guessing">
+<head>Autodetection of Character Encodings</head>
+<p>The XML encoding declaration functions as an internal label on each
+entity, indicating which character encoding is in use.  Before an XML
+processor can read the internal label, however, it apparently has to
+know what character encoding is in use&mdash;which is what the internal label
+is trying to indicate.  In the general case, this is a hopeless
+situation. It is not entirely hopeless in XML, however, because XML
+limits the general case in two ways:  each implementation is assumed
+to support only a  finite set of character encodings, and the XML
+encoding declaration is restricted in position and content in order to
+make it feasible to autodetect the character encoding in use in each
+entity in normal cases.  Also, in many cases other sources of information
+are available in addition to the XML data stream itself.  
+Two cases may be distinguished, 
+depending on whether the XML entity is presented to the
+processor without, or with, any accompanying
+(external) information.  We consider the first case first.
+Because each XML entity not in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format <emph>must</emph>
+begin with an XML encoding declaration, in which the first  characters
+must be '<code>&lt;?xml</code>', any conforming processor can detect,
+after two to four octets of input, which of the following cases apply. 
+In reading this list, it may help to know that in UCS-4, '&lt;' is
+"<code>#x0000003C</code>" and '?' is "<code>#x0000003F</code>", and the Byte
+Order Mark required of UTF-16 data streams is "<code>#xFEFF</code>".</p>
+<p><code>00 00 00 3C</code>: UCS-4, big-endian machine (1234 order)</p>
+<p><code>3C 00 00 00</code>: UCS-4, little-endian machine (4321 order)</p>
+<p><code>00 00 3C 00</code>: UCS-4, unusual octet order (2143)</p>
+<p><code>00 3C 00 00</code>: UCS-4, unusual octet order (3412)</p>
+<p><code>FE FF</code>: UTF-16, big-endian</p>
+<p><code>FF FE</code>: UTF-16, little-endian</p>
+<p><code>00 3C 00 3F</code>: UTF-16, big-endian, no Byte Order Mark
+(and thus, strictly speaking, in error)</p>
+<p><code>3C 00 3F 00</code>: UTF-16, little-endian, no Byte Order Mark
+(and thus, strictly speaking, in error)</p>
+<p><code>3C 3F 78 6D</code>: UTF-8, ISO 646, ASCII, some part of ISO 8859, 
+Shift-JIS, EUC, or any other 7-bit, 8-bit, or mixed-width encoding
+which ensures that the characters of ASCII have their normal positions,
+and values; the actual encoding declaration must be read to 
+detect which of these applies, but since all of these encodings
+use the same bit patterns for the ASCII characters, the encoding 
+declaration itself may be read reliably
+<p><code>4C 6F A7 94</code>: EBCDIC (in some flavor; the full
+encoding declaration must be read to tell which code page is in 
+<p>other: UTF-8 without an encoding declaration, or else 
+the data stream is corrupt, fragmentary, or enclosed in
+a wrapper of some kind</p>
+This level of autodetection is enough to read the XML encoding
+declaration and parse the character-encoding identifier, which is
+still necessary to distinguish the individual members of each family
+of encodings (e.g. to tell  UTF-8 from 8859, and the parts of 8859
+from each other, or to distinguish the specific EBCDIC code page in
+use, and so on).
+Because the contents of the encoding declaration are restricted to
+ASCII characters, a processor can reliably read the entire encoding
+declaration as soon as it has detected which family of encodings is in
+use.  Since in practice, all widely used character encodings fall into
+one of the categories above, the XML encoding declaration allows
+reasonably reliable in-band labeling of character encodings, even when
+external sources of information at the operating-system or
+transport-protocol level are unreliable.
+Once the processor has detected the character encoding in use, it can
+act appropriately, whether by invoking a separate input routine for
+each case, or by calling the proper conversion function on each
+character of input. 
+Like any self-labeling system, the XML encoding declaration will not
+work if any software changes the entity's character set or encoding
+without updating the encoding declaration.  Implementors of
+character-encoding routines should be careful to ensure the accuracy
+of the internal and external information used to label the entity.
+<p>The second possible case occurs when the XML entity is accompanied
+by encoding information, as in some file systems and some network
+When multiple sources of information are available,
+their relative
+priority and the preferred method of handling conflict should be
+specified as part of the higher-level protocol used to deliver XML.
+Rules for the relative priority of the internal label and the
+MIME-type label in an external header, for example, should be part of the
+RFC document defining the text/xml and application/xml MIME types. In
+the interests of interoperability, however, the following rules
+are recommended.
+<item><p>If an XML entity is in a file, the Byte-Order Mark
+and encoding-declaration PI are used (if present) to determine the
+character encoding.  All other heuristics and sources of information
+are solely for error recovery.
+<item><p>If an XML entity is delivered with a
+MIME type of text/xml, then the <code>charset</code> parameter
+on the MIME type determines the
+character encoding method; all other heuristics and sources of
+information are solely for error recovery.
+<item><p>If an XML entity is delivered 
+with a
+MIME type of application/xml, then the Byte-Order Mark and
+encoding-declaration PI are used (if present) to determine the
+character encoding.  All other heuristics and sources of
+information are solely for error recovery.
+These rules apply only in the absence of protocol-level documentation;
+in particular, when the MIME types text/xml and application/xml are
+defined, the recommendations of the relevant RFC will supersede
+these rules.
+<inform-div1 id="sec-xml-wg">
+<head>W3C XML Working Group</head>
+<p>This specification was prepared and approved for publication by the
+W3C XML Working Group (WG).  WG approval of this specification does
+not necessarily imply that all WG members voted for its approval.  
+The current and former members of the XML WG are:</p>
+<member><name>Jon Bosak, Sun</name><role>Chair</role></member>
+<member><name>James Clark</name><role>Technical Lead</role></member>
+<member><name>Tim Bray, Textuality and Netscape</name><role>XML Co-editor</role></member>
+<member><name>Jean Paoli, Microsoft</name><role>XML Co-editor</role></member>
+<member><name>C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, U. of Ill.</name><role>XML
+<member><name>Dan Connolly, W3C</name><role>W3C Liaison</role></member>
+<member><name>Paula Angerstein, Texcel</name></member>
+<member><name>Steve DeRose, INSO</name></member>
+<member><name>Dave Hollander, HP</name></member>
+<member><name>Eliot Kimber, ISOGEN</name></member>
+<member><name>Eve Maler, ArborText</name></member>
+<member><name>Tom Magliery, NCSA</name></member>
+<member><name>Murray Maloney, Muzmo and Grif</name></member>
+<member><name>Makoto Murata, Fuji Xerox Information Systems</name></member>
+<member><name>Joel Nava, Adobe</name></member>
+<member><name>Conleth O'Connell, Vignette</name></member>
+<member><name>Peter Sharpe, SoftQuad</name></member>
+<member><name>John Tigue, DataChannel</name></member>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
+import org.xmlpull.mxp1.MXParserFactory;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+ * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * <p/>
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * <p/>
+ *
+ * <p/>
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * @author Axis team
+ * Date: Oct 6, 2004
+ * Time: 6:29:55 PM
+ * 
+ */
+public class BenchATM extends BenchDocBase{
+    private XmlPullParserFactory xmlPullParserFactory;
+    public BenchATM() {
+        super("AXTM");
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * @param in
+     * @return
+     */
+    protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+        OMModel model=null;
+        try {
+            if(xmlPullParserFactory==null){
+                xmlPullParserFactory = MXParserFactory.newInstance();
+                xmlPullParserFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+            }
+            XmlPullParser parser = xmlPullParserFactory.newPullParser();
+            parser.setInput(new InputStreamReader(in));
+            StreamingOMBuilder builder = new StreamingOMBuilder(parser);
+            model = builder.getTableModel();
+        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
+            e.printStackTrace(System.err);
+            System.exit(0);
+        }
+        return model.getDocument();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * @param doc
+     * @param summary
+     */
+    protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+        summary.addElements(1);
+        OMElement documentElement = null;
+        try {
+            documentElement = ((OMDocument)doc).getDocumentElement();
+            walkElement(documentElement, summary);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
+        }
+    }
+    protected void walkElement(OMElement element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+        // include attribute values in summary
+        Iterator iter = element.getAttributes();
+        while (iter.hasNext()) {
+            OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute);
+            summary.addAttribute(attr.getValue().length());
+        }
+        // loop through children
+        iter = element.getChildren();
+        while (iter.hasNext()) {
+            // handle child by type
+            Object child =;
+            if (child==null){
+                return;
+            }else if (child instanceof OMText) {
+                summary.addContent(((OMText)child).getValue().length());
+            } else if (child instanceof OMElement) {
+                summary.addElements(1);
+                walkElement((OMElement)child, summary);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected void output(Object document, OutputStream out) {
+        //cannot test this
+        //No serialisers defined yet
+        return;
+    }
+    protected void modify(Object document) {
+        // Not possible yet
+        //the model is still read only
+        return;
+    }
+    protected boolean serialize(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Note -  the original implementation has to be overridden to test the
+     * @param passes
+     * @param reps
+     * @param excludes
+     * @param text
+     * @return
+     */
+    	public int[] runTimeTest(int passes, int reps, int excludes, byte[] text) {
+		// allocate array for result values
+		int[] results = new int[TIME_RESULT_COUNT];
+		for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+			results[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+		}
+		// create the reusable objects
+		ByteArrayInputStream[][] ins = new ByteArrayInputStream[passes][reps];
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				ins[i][j] = new ByteArrayInputStream(text);
+			}
+		}
+		ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(text.length*2);
+		// set start time for tests
+		initTime();
+		// first build the specified number of copies of the document
+		Object[][] docs = new Object[passes][reps];
+		int best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int sum = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				docs[i][j] = build(ins[i][j]);
+			}
+			int time = testPassTime();
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Build document pass " + i, time);
+			}
+			if (best > time) {
+				best = time;
+			}
+			if (i >= excludes) {
+				sum += time;
+			}
+		}
+		results[BUILD_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+		results[BUILD_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		// walk the constructed document copies
+		DocumentSummary info = new DocumentSummary();
+		best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		sum = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				info.reset();
+				walk(docs[i][j], info);
+			}
+			int time = testPassTime();
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Walk document pass " + i, time);
+			}
+			if (best > time) {
+				best = time;
+			}
+			if (i >= excludes) {
+				sum += time;
+			}
+		}
+		results[WALK_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+		results[WALK_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		// generate text representation of document copies
+		//No need to do this
+		initTime();
+		// attempt serialization of document
+		byte[] serial = null;
+		Object restored = null;
+		out.reset();
+		if (!serialize(docs[0][0], out)) {
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				m_printStream.println("  **Serialization not supported by model**");
+			}
+		} else {
+			// serialize with printing of times (first copy already done)
+			best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+			sum = 0;
+			serial = out.toByteArray();
+			for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+				for (int j = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0; j < reps; j++) {
+					out.reset();
+					serialize(docs[i][j], out);
+				}
+				int time = testPassTime();
+				if (m_printPass) {
+					reportValue("Serialize pass " + i, time);
+				}
+				if (best > time) {
+					best = time;
+				}
+				if (i >= excludes) {
+					sum += time;
+				}
+			}
+			results[SERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+			results[SERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+			results[SERIALIZE_SIZE_INDEX] = serial.length;
+			// restore from serialized form
+			ByteArrayInputStream sin = new ByteArrayInputStream(serial);
+			best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+			sum = 0;
+			for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+				for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+					sin.reset();
+					restored = unserialize(sin);
+				}
+				int time = testPassTime();
+				if (m_printPass) {
+					reportValue("Unserialize pass " + i, time);
+				}
+				if (best > time) {
+					best = time;
+				}
+				if (i >= excludes) {
+					sum += time;
+				}
+			}
+			results[UNSERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+			results[UNSERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		}
+		// modify the document representation
+		initTime();
+		best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		sum = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				modify(docs[i][j]);
+			}
+			int time = testPassTime();
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Modify pass " + i, time);
+			}
+			if (best > time) {
+				best = time;
+			}
+			if (i >= excludes) {
+				sum += time;
+			}
+		}
+		results[MODIFY_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+		results[MODIFY_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		// make sure generated text matches original document (outside timing)
+//		Object check = build(new ByteArrayInputStream(output));
+//		DocumentSummary verify = new DocumentSummary();
+//		walk(check, verify);
+//		if (!info.structureEquals(verify)) {
+//			PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+//				m_printStream : System.err;
+//			err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+//				"Document built from output text does " +
+//				"not match original document**");
+//			printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+//			printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+//		}
+		// check if restored from serialized form
+//		if (restored != null) {
+//			// validate the serialization for exact match (outside timing)
+//			verify.reset();
+//			walk(restored, verify);
+//			if (!info.equals(verify)) {
+//				PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+//					m_printStream : System.err;
+//				err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+//					"Document built from output text does " +
+//					"not match original document**");
+//				printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+//				printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+//			}
+//		}
+		// copy document summary values for return
+		results[ELEMENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getElementCount();
+		results[ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttributeCount();
+		results[CONTENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getContentCount();
+		results[TEXTCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getTextCharCount();
+		results[ATTRCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttrCharCount();
+		// print summary for document
+		if (m_printSummary) {
+			printSummary("  Document", info, m_printStream);
+			m_printStream.println("  Original text size was " + text.length );
+//				", output text size was " + output.length);
+			if (serial != null) {
+				m_printStream.println("  Serialized length was " +
+					serial.length);
+			}
+			info.reset();
+			walk(docs[0][0], info);
+			printSummary("  Modified document", info, m_printStream);
+/*			if (s_firstTime) {
+				out.reset();
+				output(docs[0][0], out);
+				m_printStream.println(" Text of modified document:");
+				m_printStream.println(out.toString());
+				s_firstTime = false;
+			}	*/
+		}
+		reset();
+		return results;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
+import org.xmlpull.mxp1.MXParserFactory;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+ * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * <p/>
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * <p/>
+ *
+ * <p/>
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * @author Axis team
+ * Date: Oct 8, 2004
+ * Time: 1:46:37 PM
+ * 
+ */
+public class BenchATM2 extends BenchDocBase{
+    private XmlPullParserFactory xmlPullParserFactory;
+    public BenchATM2() {
+        super("AXTM");
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * @param in
+     * @return
+     */
+    protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+        OMModel model=null;
+        try {
+            if(xmlPullParserFactory==null){
+                xmlPullParserFactory = MXParserFactory.newInstance();
+                xmlPullParserFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+            }
+            XmlPullParser parser = xmlPullParserFactory.newPullParser();
+            parser.setInput(new InputStreamReader(in));
+            StreamingOMBuilder builder = new StreamingOMBuilder(parser);
+            model = builder.getTableModel();
+        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
+            e.printStackTrace(System.err);
+            System.exit(0);
+        }
+        //build the whole document before doing anything
+        while(!model.isComplete())
+            model.proceed();
+        return model.getDocument();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * @param doc
+     * @param summary
+     */
+    protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+        summary.addElements(1);
+        OMElement documentElement = null;
+        documentElement = ((OMDocument)doc).getDocumentElement();
+        walkElement(documentElement, summary);
+    }
+    protected void walkElement(OMElement element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+        // include attribute values in summary
+        Iterator iter = element.getAttributes();
+        while (iter.hasNext()) {
+            OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute);
+            summary.addAttribute(attr.getValue().length());
+        }
+        // loop through children
+        iter = element.getChildren();
+        while (iter.hasNext()) {
+            // handle child by type
+            Object child =;
+            if (child==null){
+                return;
+            }else if (child instanceof OMText) {
+                summary.addContent(((OMText)child).getValue().length());
+            } else if (child instanceof OMElement) {
+                summary.addElements(1);
+                walkElement((OMElement)child, summary);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected void output(Object document, OutputStream out) {
+        //cannot test this
+        //No serialisers defined yet
+        return;
+    }
+    protected void modify(Object document) {
+        // Not possible yet
+        //the model is still read only
+        return;
+    }
+    protected boolean serialize(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Note -  the original implementation has to be overridden to test the
+     * @param passes
+     * @param reps
+     * @param excludes
+     * @param text
+     * @return
+     */
+    public int[] runTimeTest(int passes, int reps, int excludes, byte[] text) {
+        // allocate array for result values
+        int[] results = new int[TIME_RESULT_COUNT];
+        for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+            results[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+        }
+        // create the reusable objects
+        ByteArrayInputStream[][] ins = new ByteArrayInputStream[passes][reps];
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                ins[i][j] = new ByteArrayInputStream(text);
+            }
+        }
+        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(text.length*2);
+        // set start time for tests
+        initTime();
+        // first build the specified number of copies of the document
+        Object[][] docs = new Object[passes][reps];
+        int best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        int sum = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                docs[i][j] = build(ins[i][j]);
+            }
+            int time = testPassTime();
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                reportValue("Build document pass " + i, time);
+            }
+            if (best > time) {
+                best = time;
+            }
+            if (i >= excludes) {
+                sum += time;
+            }
+        }
+        results[BUILD_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+        results[BUILD_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        // walk the constructed document copies
+        DocumentSummary info = new DocumentSummary();
+        best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        sum = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                info.reset();
+                walk(docs[i][j], info);
+            }
+            int time = testPassTime();
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                reportValue("Walk document pass " + i, time);
+            }
+            if (best > time) {
+                best = time;
+            }
+            if (i >= excludes) {
+                sum += time;
+            }
+        }
+        results[WALK_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+        results[WALK_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        // generate text representation of document copies
+        //No need to do this
+        initTime();
+        // attempt serialization of document
+        byte[] serial = null;
+        Object restored = null;
+        out.reset();
+        if (!serialize(docs[0][0], out)) {
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                m_printStream.println("  **Serialization not supported by model**");
+            }
+        } else {
+            // serialize with printing of times (first copy already done)
+            best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+            sum = 0;
+            serial = out.toByteArray();
+            for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+                for (int j = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                    out.reset();
+                    serialize(docs[i][j], out);
+                }
+                int time = testPassTime();
+                if (m_printPass) {
+                    reportValue("Serialize pass " + i, time);
+                }
+                if (best > time) {
+                    best = time;
+                }
+                if (i >= excludes) {
+                    sum += time;
+                }
+            }
+            results[SERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+            results[SERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+            results[SERIALIZE_SIZE_INDEX] = serial.length;
+            // restore from serialized form
+            ByteArrayInputStream sin = new ByteArrayInputStream(serial);
+            best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+            sum = 0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                    sin.reset();
+                    restored = unserialize(sin);
+                }
+                int time = testPassTime();
+                if (m_printPass) {
+                    reportValue("Unserialize pass " + i, time);
+                }
+                if (best > time) {
+                    best = time;
+                }
+                if (i >= excludes) {
+                    sum += time;
+                }
+            }
+            results[UNSERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+            results[UNSERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        }
+        // modify the document representation
+        initTime();
+        best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        sum = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                modify(docs[i][j]);
+            }
+            int time = testPassTime();
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                reportValue("Modify pass " + i, time);
+            }
+            if (best > time) {
+                best = time;
+            }
+            if (i >= excludes) {
+                sum += time;
+            }
+        }
+        results[MODIFY_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+        results[MODIFY_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        // make sure generated text matches original document (outside timing)
+//		Object check = build(new ByteArrayInputStream(output));
+//		DocumentSummary verify = new DocumentSummary();
+//		walk(check, verify);
+//		if (!info.structureEquals(verify)) {
+//			PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+//				m_printStream : System.err;
+//			err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+//				"Document built from output text does " +
+//				"not match original document**");
+//			printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+//			printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+//		}
+        // check if restored from serialized form
+//		if (restored != null) {
+//			// validate the serialization for exact match (outside timing)
+//			verify.reset();
+//			walk(restored, verify);
+//			if (!info.equals(verify)) {
+//				PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+//					m_printStream : System.err;
+//				err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+//					"Document built from output text does " +
+//					"not match original document**");
+//				printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+//				printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+//			}
+//		}
+        // copy document summary values for return
+        results[ELEMENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getElementCount();
+        results[ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttributeCount();
+        results[CONTENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getContentCount();
+        results[TEXTCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getTextCharCount();
+        results[ATTRCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttrCharCount();
+        // print summary for document
+        if (m_printSummary) {
+            printSummary("  Document", info, m_printStream);
+            m_printStream.println("  Original text size was " + text.length );
+//				", output text size was " + output.length);
+            if (serial != null) {
+                m_printStream.println("  Serialized length was " +
+                        serial.length);
+            }
+            info.reset();
+            walk(docs[0][0], info);
+            printSummary("  Modified document", info, m_printStream);
+/*			if (s_firstTime) {
+output(docs[0][0], out);
+m_printStream.println(" Text of modified document:");
+s_firstTime = false;
+}	*/
+        }
+        reset();
+        return results;
+    }

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+ * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * <p/>
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * <p/>
+ *
+ * <p/>
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * @author Axis team
+ * Date: Oct 8, 2004
+ * Time: 5:15:06 PM
+ * 
+ */
+public class BenchATM3 extends BenchDocBase{
+    public BenchATM3() {
+        super("AXTM-2");
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * @param in
+     * @return
+     */
+    protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+            OMXmlPullParserWrapper wrapper = null;
+        try {
+            XmlPullParser parser= XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance().newPullParser();
+            parser.setFeature(XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES, true);
+            parser.setInput(new InputStreamReader(in));
+            wrapper=  new OMXmlPullParserWrapper(parser);
+        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
+            e.printStackTrace(System.err);
+            System.exit(0);
+        }
+        return wrapper.getDocument();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * @param doc
+     * @param summary
+     */
+    protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+        try {
+            summary.addElements(1);
+            OMElement documentElement = null;
+            documentElement = ((OMDocument)doc).getDocumentElement();
+            walkElement(documentElement, summary);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
+        }
+    }
+    protected void walkElement(OMElement element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+        // include attribute values in summary
+        Iterator iter = element.getAttributes();
+        while (iter.hasNext()) {
+            OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute);
+            summary.addAttribute(attr.getValue().length());
+        }
+        // loop through children
+        iter = element.getChildren();
+        while (iter.hasNext()) {
+            // handle child by type
+            Object child =;
+            if (child==null){
+                return;
+            }else if (child instanceof OMText) {
+                summary.addContent(((OMText)child).getValue().length());
+            } else if (child instanceof OMElement) {
+                summary.addElements(1);
+                walkElement((OMElement)child, summary);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected void output(Object document, OutputStream out) {
+        //cannot test this
+        //No serialisers defined yet
+        return;
+    }
+    protected void modify(Object document) {
+        // Not possible yet
+        //the model is still read only
+        return;
+    }
+    protected boolean serialize(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Note -  the original implementation has to be overridden to test the
+     * read only model. Since the table model doesnot  implement
+     * @param passes
+     * @param reps
+     * @param excludes
+     * @param text
+     * @return
+     */
+    public int[] runTimeTest(int passes, int reps, int excludes, byte[] text) {
+        // allocate array for result values
+        int[] results = new int[TIME_RESULT_COUNT];
+        for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+            results[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+        }
+        // create the reusable objects
+        ByteArrayInputStream[][] ins = new ByteArrayInputStream[passes][reps];
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                ins[i][j] = new ByteArrayInputStream(text);
+            }
+        }
+        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(text.length*2);
+        // set start time for tests
+        initTime();
+        // first build the specified number of copies of the document
+        Object[][] docs = new Object[passes][reps];
+        int best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        int sum = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                docs[i][j] = build(ins[i][j]);
+            }
+            int time = testPassTime();
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                reportValue("Build document pass " + i, time);
+            }
+            if (best > time) {
+                best = time;
+            }
+            if (i >= excludes) {
+                sum += time;
+            }
+        }
+        results[BUILD_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+        results[BUILD_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        // walk the constructed document copies
+        DocumentSummary info = new DocumentSummary();
+        best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        sum = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                info.reset();
+                walk(docs[i][j], info);
+            }
+            int time = testPassTime();
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                reportValue("Walk document pass " + i, time);
+            }
+            if (best > time) {
+                best = time;
+            }
+            if (i >= excludes) {
+                sum += time;
+            }
+        }
+        results[WALK_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+        results[WALK_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        // generate text representation of document copies
+        //No need to do this
+        initTime();
+        // attempt serialization of document
+        byte[] serial = null;
+        Object restored = null;
+        out.reset();
+        if (!serialize(docs[0][0], out)) {
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                m_printStream.println("  **Serialization not supported by model**");
+            }
+        } else {
+            // serialize with printing of times (first copy already done)
+            best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+            sum = 0;
+            serial = out.toByteArray();
+            for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+                for (int j = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                    out.reset();
+                    serialize(docs[i][j], out);
+                }
+                int time = testPassTime();
+                if (m_printPass) {
+                    reportValue("Serialize pass " + i, time);
+                }
+                if (best > time) {
+                    best = time;
+                }
+                if (i >= excludes) {
+                    sum += time;
+                }
+            }
+            results[SERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+            results[SERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+            results[SERIALIZE_SIZE_INDEX] = serial.length;
+            // restore from serialized form
+            ByteArrayInputStream sin = new ByteArrayInputStream(serial);
+            best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+            sum = 0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                    sin.reset();
+                    restored = unserialize(sin);
+                }
+                int time = testPassTime();
+                if (m_printPass) {
+                    reportValue("Unserialize pass " + i, time);
+                }
+                if (best > time) {
+                    best = time;
+                }
+                if (i >= excludes) {
+                    sum += time;
+                }
+            }
+            results[UNSERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+            results[UNSERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        }
+        // modify the document representation
+        initTime();
+        best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        sum = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+                modify(docs[i][j]);
+            }
+            int time = testPassTime();
+            if (m_printPass) {
+                reportValue("Modify pass " + i, time);
+            }
+            if (best > time) {
+                best = time;
+            }
+            if (i >= excludes) {
+                sum += time;
+            }
+        }
+        results[MODIFY_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+        results[MODIFY_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+        // make sure generated text matches original document (outside timing)
+//		Object check = build(new ByteArrayInputStream(output));
+//		DocumentSummary verify = new DocumentSummary();
+//		walk(check, verify);
+//		if (!info.structureEquals(verify)) {
+//			PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+//				m_printStream : System.err;
+//			err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+//				"Document built from output text does " +
+//				"not match original document**");
+//			printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+//			printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+//		}
+        // check if restored from serialized form
+//		if (restored != null) {
+//			// validate the serialization for exact match (outside timing)
+//			verify.reset();
+//			walk(restored, verify);
+//			if (!info.equals(verify)) {
+//				PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+//					m_printStream : System.err;
+//				err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+//					"Document built from output text does " +
+//					"not match original document**");
+//				printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+//				printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+//			}
+//		}
+        // copy document summary values for return
+        results[ELEMENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getElementCount();
+        results[ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttributeCount();
+        results[CONTENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getContentCount();
+        results[TEXTCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getTextCharCount();
+        results[ATTRCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttrCharCount();
+        // print summary for document
+        if (m_printSummary) {
+            printSummary("  Document", info, m_printStream);
+            m_printStream.println("  Original text size was " + text.length );
+//				", output text size was " + output.length);
+            if (serial != null) {
+                m_printStream.println("  Serialized length was " +
+                        serial.length);
+            }
+            info.reset();
+            walk(docs[0][0], info);
+            printSummary("  Modified document", info, m_printStream);
+/*			if (s_firstTime) {
+output(docs[0][0], out);
+m_printStream.println(" Text of modified document:");
+s_firstTime = false;
+}	*/
+        }
+        reset();
+        return results;
+    }

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+ * Base class for XML benchmark tests. This class provides some basic methods
+ * used by the testing. It must be subclassed for each particular parser or
+ * document representation to be tested.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public abstract class BenchBase
+	// Indices for vector of values returned by time test
+	/** Best document build time result index. */
+	public static final int BUILD_MIN_INDEX = 0;
+	/** Average document build time result index. */
+	public static final int BUILD_AVERAGE_INDEX = 1;
+	/** Best document walk time result index. */
+	public static final int WALK_MIN_INDEX = 2;
+	/** Average document walk time result index. */
+	public static final int WALK_AVERAGE_INDEX = 3;
+	/** Best document text generation time result index. */
+	public static final int TEXT_MIN_INDEX = 4;
+	/** Average document text generation time result index. */
+	public static final int TEXT_AVERAGE_INDEX = 5;
+	/** Best serialization time result index. */
+	public static final int SERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX = 6;
+	/** Average serialization time result index. */
+	public static final int SERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX = 7;
+	/** Best unserialization time walk time result index. */
+	public static final int UNSERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX = 8;
+	/** Average unserialization time walk time result index. */
+	public static final int UNSERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX = 9;
+	/** Best modification time result index. */
+	public static final int MODIFY_MIN_INDEX = 10;
+	/** Average modification time result index. */
+	public static final int MODIFY_AVERAGE_INDEX = 11;
+	/** Serialized size result index. */
+	public static final int SERIALIZE_SIZE_INDEX = 12;
+	/** Element count index. */
+	public static final int ELEMENT_COUNT_INDEX = 13;
+	/** Content text segment count index. */
+	public static final int CONTENT_COUNT_INDEX = 14;
+	/** Attribute count index. */
+	public static final int ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_INDEX = 15;
+	/** Text character count index. */
+	public static final int TEXTCHAR_COUNT_INDEX = 16;
+	/** Attribute character count index. */
+	public static final int ATTRCHAR_COUNT_INDEX = 17;
+	/** Count of result values returned. */
+	public static final int TIME_RESULT_COUNT = 18;
+	// Indices for vector of values returned by space test
+	/** Initial memory usage (before document construction). */
+	public static final int INITIAL_MEMORY_INDEX = 0;
+	/** Final memory usage (all documents released). */
+	public static final int FINAL_MEMORY_INDEX = 1;
+	/** Net change in memory usage from start to end. */
+	public static final int DELTA_MEMORY_INDEX = 2;
+	/** First document memory usage. */
+	public static final int FIRST_SPACE_INDEX = 3;
+	/** Last document memory usage. */
+	public static final int AVERAGE_SPACE_INDEX = 4;
+	/** Memory usage change after walking document. */
+	public static final int WALKED_SPACE_INDEX = 5;
+	/** Count of result values returned. */
+	public static final int SPACE_RESULT_COUNT = 6;
+	/** Abbreviated descriptions of time test result values. */
+	static public final String[] s_timeShortDescriptions =
+	{
+		"Build mn",
+		"Build av",
+		"Walk mn",
+		"Walk av",
+		"Write mn",
+		"Write av",
+		"Ser mn",
+		"Ser av",
+		"Unser mn",
+		"Unser av",
+		"Mod mn",
+		"Mod av",
+		"Ser sz",
+		"Elems",
+		"Conts",
+		"Attrs",
+		"Text ch",
+		"Attr ch"
+	};
+	/** Full descriptions of time test result values. */
+	static public final String[] s_timeFullDescriptions =
+	{
+		"Build document minimum time (ms)",
+		"Build document average time (ms)",
+		"Walk document minimum time (ms)",
+		"Walk document average time (ms)",
+		"Write document text minimum time (ms)",
+		"Write document text average time (ms)",
+		"Serialize document minimum time (ms)",
+		"Serialize document average time (ms)",
+		"Unserialize document minimum time (ms)",
+		"Unserialize document average time (ms)",
+		"Modify document minimum time (ms)",
+		"Modify document average time (ms)",
+		"Serialized document size (bytes)",
+		"Elements in document",
+		"Content text segments in document",
+		"Attributes in document",
+		"Text content characters in document",
+		"Attribute value characters in document"
+	};
+	/** Abbreviated descriptions of space test result values. */
+	static public final String[] s_spaceShortDescriptions =
+	{
+		"Init mem",
+		"End mem",
+		"Chg mem",
+		"First sz",
+		"Avg sz",
+		"Walked sz"
+	};
+	/** Full descriptions of space test result values. */
+	static public final String[] s_spaceFullDescriptions =
+	{
+		"Initial memory usage before document parse (bytes)",
+		"End memory usage after documents released (bytes)",
+		"Net change in memory usage (bytes)",
+		"First document copy memory size (bytes)",
+		"Average document copy memory size (bytes)",
+		"Last walked document memory increase (bytes)"
+	};
+	/** Interval in milliseconds to wait for garbage collection. */
+	public static final long GARBAGE_COLLECT_DELAY = 1000;
+	/** Memory usage at start of test. */
+	protected static long m_lastMemory;
+	/** Time at start of test. */
+	protected static long m_lastTime;
+	/** Name for this test configuration. */
+	protected final String m_configName;
+	/** Optional variant information for test configuration. */
+	protected String m_configVariant;
+	/** Destination for test results listing. */
+	protected PrintStream m_printStream;
+	/** Flag for printing document summary information. */
+	protected boolean m_printSummary;
+	/** Flag for printing detailed pass results. */
+	protected boolean m_printPass;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 *
+	 * @param config test configuration name
+	 */
+	protected BenchBase(String config) {
+		m_configName = config;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Initializes the memory state prior to a test run. This method first
+	 * requests a garbage collection operation, then waits for a fixed interval
+	 * in order to encourage the JVM to do the collection. It also sets the
+	 * start of test value for memory usage.
+	 */
+	protected void initMemory() {
+		long done = System.currentTimeMillis() + GARBAGE_COLLECT_DELAY;
+		Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
+		while (System.currentTimeMillis() < done) {
+			rt.gc();
+			try {
+				Thread.sleep(GARBAGE_COLLECT_DELAY);
+			} catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
+		}
+		m_lastMemory = rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Initializes the time prior to a test run. This method justs sets the
+	 * start of test time from the system clock.
+	 */
+	protected void initTime() {
+		m_lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Report a value. Prints the leading text and the value with a space
+	 * between, if printing is enabled.
+	 *
+	 * @param lead leading text for test results
+	 * @param value value to be printed
+	 */
+	protected void reportValue(String lead, int value) {
+		if (m_printStream != null) {
+			m_printStream.println("  " + lead + ' ' + value);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Find test pass time. Besides returning the time for the last test pass,
+	 * this sets the current time as the start of the next test pass.
+	 *
+	 * @return milliseconds taken for the test
+	 */
+	protected int testPassTime() {
+		long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		int time = (int)(now-m_lastTime);
+		m_lastTime = now;
+		return time;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Find test pass space. Besides returning the space for the last test pass,
+	 * this sets the current space usage as the start of the next test pass.
+	 *
+	 * @return bytes of memory added by test pass (negative if space released)
+	 */
+	protected int testPassSpace() {
+		long done = System.currentTimeMillis() + GARBAGE_COLLECT_DELAY;
+		while (System.currentTimeMillis() < done) {
+			System.gc();
+			try {
+				Thread.sleep(GARBAGE_COLLECT_DELAY);
+			} catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
+		}
+		Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
+		long used = rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory();
+		long diff = used - m_lastMemory;
+		m_lastMemory = used;
+		return (int)diff;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Report the results of a time test run. Prints the time taken for the
+	 * last test and sets the current time as the start time for the next
+	 * test.
+	 *
+	 * @param test test description for display
+	 * @return milliseconds taken for the test
+	 */
+	protected int reportTime(String test) {
+		int time = testPassTime();
+		if (m_printStream != null) {
+			m_printStream.println("  " + test + " in " + time + " ms.");
+		}
+		return time;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Report the results of a memory test run. First attempts a
+	 * garbage collection operation before computing the difference between
+	 * the memory in use at the end of the test and that in use at the start
+	 * of the test. Prints the space used by the test and sets the current
+	 * space as the base for the next test.
+	 *
+	 * @param test test description for display
+	 * @return space used by test
+	 */
+	protected int reportSpace(String test) {
+		int space = testPassSpace();
+		if (m_printStream != null) {
+			m_printStream.println("  " + test + " used space " + space);
+		}
+		return space;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Print document summary information. Prints the information with a
+	 * supplied lead phrase.
+	 *
+	 * @param lead lead text phrase for document summary
+	 * @param info document summary information
+	 * @param print stream on which to print
+	 */
+	protected void printSummary(String lead, DocumentSummary info,
+		PrintStream print) {
+		print.println(lead + " has " + info.getElementCount() +
+			" elements, " +	info.getAttributeCount() +
+			" attributes with " + info.getAttrCharCount() +
+			" characters of data, and " + info.getContentCount() +
+			" content text segements with " + info.getTextCharCount() +
+			" characters of text");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get configuration name. Returns the name of the document model used
+	 * by this test, with any supplied variant information appended in
+	 * parenthesis.
+	 *
+	 * @return document model name
+	 */
+	public String getName() {
+		if (m_configVariant == null) {
+			return m_configName;
+		} else {
+			return m_configName + " (" + m_configVariant + ')';
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set configuration variant information. This may be used by subclasses
+	 * which need to deal with several variations of a single configuration.
+	 *
+	 * @param variant configuration variant description, appended to name
+	 */
+	protected void setVariant(String variant) {
+		m_configVariant = variant;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set output print stream for printing detailed test run results.
+	 *
+	 * @param print test results listing destination (<code>null</code> if
+	 * no listing output)
+	 */
+	public void setPrint(PrintStream print) {
+		m_printStream = print;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set flag for printing document summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param show flag for document summary information to be printed
+	 */
+	public void setShowDocument(boolean show) {
+		m_printSummary = show;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set flag for printing individual test pass results.
+	 *
+	 * @param show flag for document summary information to be printed
+	 */
+	public void setShowPass(boolean show) {
+		m_printPass = show;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Main time test method. This must be implemented by the subclass to
+	 * perform the sequence of speed tests appropriate to the test
+	 * platform.
+	 *
+	 * @param passes number of passes of each test
+	 * @param reps number of copies of document to use for test measurement
+	 * @param excludes number of initialization passes excluded from averages
+	 * @param text document text for test
+	 * @return result times array
+	 */
+	public abstract int[] runTimeTest(int passes, int reps, int excludes,
+		byte[] text);
+	/**
+	 * Main space test method. This must be implemented by the subclass to
+	 * perform the sequence of space tests appropriate to the test
+	 * platform.
+	 *
+	 * @param count number of units of test to run in this pass
+	 * @param excludes number of initialization passes excluded from averages
+	 * @param text document text for test
+	 * @return result spaces array
+	 */
+	public abstract int[] runSpaceTest(int count, int excludes, byte[] text);

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.parsers.*;
+import org.apache.crimson.jaxp.*;
+import org.apache.crimson.tree.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the Apache Crimson DOM document
+ * representation. Since we may have several parsers and document models in
+ * the classpath, this creates the Crimson parser directly in order to avoid
+ * any confusion in going through JAXP.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchCrimson extends BenchDOM
+	/** Document builder used within a test run. */
+	private DocumentBuilder m_builder;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchCrimson() {
+		super("Crimson DOM");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This implementation
+	 * creates a document builder if one does not already exist, then reuses
+	 * that builder for the duration of a test run..
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+		if (m_builder == null) {
+			DocumentBuilderFactory dbf =
+				DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl.newInstance();
+			try {
+				dbf.setValidating(false);
+				dbf.setNamespaceAware(true);
+				m_builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
+			} catch (Exception ex) {
+				ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+				System.exit(0);
+			}
+		}
+		Object doc = null;
+		try {
+			doc = m_builder.parse(in);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return doc;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Output a document as XML text. This method uses the method defined
+	 * by the Crimson DOM to output a text representation of the document.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be output
+	 * @param out XML document output stream
+	 */
+	protected void output(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+		XmlDocument cdoc = (XmlDocument)doc;
+		try {
+			cdoc.write(out);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Reset test class instance. This discards the document builder used
+	 * within a test pass.
+	 */
+	protected void reset() {
+		m_builder = null;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.w3c.dom.*;
+ * Abstract base class for measuring performance of any of the DOM document
+ * representations. Subclasses need to implement the actual document building
+ * and text output methods, but can use the common tree walking code provided
+ * here.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public abstract class BenchDOM extends BenchDocBase
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 *
+	 * @param config test configuration name
+	 */
+	protected BenchDOM(String config) {
+		super(config);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 * @param summary document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walkElement(Element element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		// include attribute values in summary
+		if (element.hasAttributes()) {
+			NamedNodeMap attrs = element.getAttributes();
+			for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
+				summary.addAttribute(attrs.item(i).getNodeValue().length());
+			}
+		}
+		// loop through children
+		if (element.hasChildNodes()) {
+			Node child = (Node)element.getFirstChild();
+			while (child != null) {
+				// handle child by type
+				int type = child.getNodeType();
+				if (type == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+					summary.addContent(child.getNodeValue().length());
+				} else if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+					summary.addElements(1);
+					walkElement((Element)child, summary);
+				}
+				child = child.getNextSibling();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk and summarize document. This method walks through the nodes
+	 * of the document, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be walked
+	 * @param summary output document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		summary.addElements(1);
+		walkElement(((Document)doc).getDocumentElement(), summary);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, performing the modifications.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 */
+	protected void modifyElement(Element element) {
+		// check for children present
+		if (element.hasChildNodes()) {
+			// loop through child nodes
+			Node child;
+			Node next = (Node)element.getFirstChild();
+			Document doc = null;
+			String prefix = null;
+			String uri = null;
+			boolean content = false;
+			while ((child = next) != null) {
+				// set next before we change anything
+				next = child.getNextSibling();
+				// handle child by node type
+				if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+					// trim whitespace from content text
+					String trimmed = child.getNodeValue().trim();
+					if (trimmed.length() == 0) {
+						// delete child if nothing but whitespace
+						element.removeChild(child);
+					} else {
+						// make sure we have the parent element information
+						if (!content) {
+							doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
+							prefix = element.getPrefix();
+							uri = element.getNamespaceURI();
+							content = true;
+						}
+						// create a "text" element matching parent namespace
+						Element text;
+						if (uri == null) {
+							text = doc.createElement("text");
+						} else {
+							text = doc.createElementNS(uri, prefix + ":text");
+						}
+						// wrap the trimmed content with new element
+						text.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(trimmed));
+						element.replaceChild(text, child);
+					}
+				} else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+					// handle child elements with recursive call
+					modifyElement((Element)child);
+				}
+			}
+			// check if we've seen any non-whitespace content for element
+			if (content) {
+				// add attribute flagging content found
+				if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) {
+					element.setAttribute("text", "true");
+				} else {
+					element.setAttributeNS(uri, prefix + ":text", "true");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify a document representation. This implementation of the abstract
+	 * superclass method walks the document representation performing the
+	 * following modifications: remove all content segments which consist only
+	 * of whitespace; add an attribute "text" set to "true" to any elements
+	 * which directly contain non-whitespace text content; and replace each
+	 * non-whitespace text content segment with a "text" element which wraps
+	 * the trimmed content.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be modified
+	 */
+	protected void modify(Object doc) {
+		modifyElement(((Document)doc).getDocumentElement());
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.dom4j.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the dom4j document representation.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchDOM4J extends BenchDocBase
+	/** SAX reader used within a test run. */
+	private SAXReader m_reader;
+	/** Document factory used within a test run (copied from reader). */
+	private DocumentFactory m_factory;
+	/** XML output serializer used within a test run. */
+	private XMLWriter m_writer;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchDOM4J() {
+		super("dom4j");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This implementation
+	 * creates a SAX reader if one does not already exist, then reuses
+	 * that reader for the duration of a test run..
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+		if (m_reader == null) {
+			m_reader = new SAXReader(false);
+			m_factory = m_reader.getDocumentFactory();
+		}
+		Object doc = null;
+		try {
+			doc =;
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return doc;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 * @param summary document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walkElement(Element element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		// include attribute values in summary
+		int acnt = element.attributeCount();
+		for (int i = 0; i < acnt; i++) {
+			summary.addAttribute(element.attribute(i).getValue().length());
+		}
+		// loop through children
+		int ncnt = element.nodeCount();
+		for (int i = 0; i < ncnt; i++) {
+			// handle child by type
+			Node child = element.node(i);
+			int type = child.getNodeType();
+			if (type == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+				summary.addContent(child.getText().length());
+			} else if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+				summary.addElements(1);
+				walkElement((Element)child, summary);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk and summarize document. This method walks through the nodes
+	 * of the document, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be walked
+	 * @param summary output document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		summary.addElements(1);
+		walkElement(((Document)doc).getRootElement(), summary);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Output a document as XML text. This method uses the method defined
+	 * by dom4j to output a text representation of the document.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be output
+	 * @param out XML document output stream
+	 */
+	protected void output(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+		try {
+			if (m_writer == null) {
+				m_writer = new XMLWriter();
+			}
+			m_writer.setOutputStream(out);
+			m_writer.write((Document)doc);
+			m_writer.flush();
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, performing the modifications.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 */
+	protected void modifyElement(Element element) {
+		// check for children present
+		if (element.nodeCount() > 0) {
+			// loop through child nodes
+			List children = element.content();
+			int ccnt = children.size();
+			QName qname = null;
+			boolean content = false;
+			for (int i = 0; i < ccnt; i++) {
+				// handle child by node type
+				Node child = (Node)children.get(i);
+				if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+					// trim whitespace from content text
+					String trimmed = child.getText().trim();
+					if (trimmed.length() == 0) {
+						// delete child if only whitespace (adjusting index)
+						children.remove(i--);
+						--ccnt;
+					} else {
+						// construct qualified name for wrapper element
+						if (!content) {
+							qname = m_factory.createQName("text",
+								element.getNamespace());
+							content = true;
+						}
+						// wrap the trimmed content with new element
+						Element text = m_factory.createElement(qname);
+						text.addText(trimmed);
+						children.set(i, text);
+					}
+				} else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+					// handle child elements with recursive call
+					modifyElement((Element)child);
+				}
+			}
+			// check if we've seen any non-whitespace content for element
+			if (content) {
+				// add attribute flagging content found
+				element.addAttribute(qname, "true");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify a document representation. This implementation of the abstract
+	 * superclass method walks the document representation performing the
+	 * following modifications: remove all content segments which consist only
+	 * of whitespace; add an attribute "text" set to "true" to any elements
+	 * which directly contain non-whitespace text content; and replace each
+	 * non-whitespace text content segment with a "text" element which wraps
+	 * the trimmed content.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be modified
+	 */
+	protected void modify(Object doc) {
+		modifyElement(((Document)doc).getRootElement());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Reset test class instance. This discards the SAX reader used
+	 * within a test pass.
+	 */
+	protected void reset() {
+		m_reader = null;
+		m_factory = null;
+		m_writer = null;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+ * Abstract base class for document representation benchmark tests. This class
+ * defines the basic tests along with some implementation methods which must
+ * be defined by the subclass for each particular document representation to
+ * be tested.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public abstract class BenchDocBase extends BenchBase
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 *
+	 * @param config test configuration name
+	 */
+	protected BenchDocBase(String config) {
+		super(config);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This method must be
+	 * implemented by each subclass to use the appropriate construction
+	 * technique.
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected abstract Object build(InputStream in);
+	/**
+	 * Walk and summarize document. This method should walk through the nodes
+	 * of the document, accumulating summary information. It must be
+	 * implemented by each subclass.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be walked
+	 * @param summary output document summary information
+	 */
+	protected abstract void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary);
+	/**
+	 * Walk an array of documents. This method walks through the elements of
+	 * each document in the array, using the document walker method
+	 * implemented by the subclass.
+	 *
+	 * @param docs array of document representations
+	 * @return representative document summary information
+	 */
+	protected DocumentSummary walkAll(Object[] docs) {
+		DocumentSummary base = new DocumentSummary();
+		DocumentSummary last = new DocumentSummary();
+		for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
+			if (i == 0) {
+				walk(docs[i], base);
+			} else {
+				last.reset();
+				walk(docs[i], last);
+				if (!base.equals(last)) {
+					throw new RuntimeException
+						("Document summary information mismatch");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return base;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Output a document as XML text. This method must be implemented by each
+	 * subclass to use the appropriate output technique.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be output
+	 * @param out XML document output stream
+	 */
+	protected abstract void output(Object document, OutputStream out);
+	/**
+	 * Modify a document representation. This method must be implemented by each
+	 * subclass to walk the document representation performing the following
+	 * modifications: remove all content segments which consist only of
+	 * whitespace; add an attribute "text" set to "true" to any elements which
+	 * directly contain non-whitespace text content; and replace each
+	 * non-whitespace text content segment with a "text" element which wraps
+	 * the content.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be modified
+	 */
+	protected abstract void modify(Object document);
+	/**
+	 * Reset test class instance. This method should be overridden by any
+	 * subclasses which retain state information during the execution of a
+	 * test. Any such information should be cleared when this method is called.
+	 */
+	protected void reset() {}
+	/**
+	 * Serialize a document to a byte array.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be serialized
+	 * @param out serialized document output stream
+	 * @return <code>true</code> if successful, <code>false</code> if
+	 * representation does not support serialization
+	 */
+	protected boolean serialize(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+		try {
+			ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
+			os.writeObject(doc);
+			os.close();
+			return true;
+		} catch (NotSerializableException ex) {
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Unserialize a document from a byte array.
+	 *
+	 * @param in serialized document input stream
+	 * @return unserialized document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object unserialize(InputStream in) {
+		Object restored = null;
+		try {
+			ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream(in);
+			restored = os.readObject();
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return restored;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Main time test method. This implementation of the abstract base class
+	 * method performs the normal sequence of speed tests. Subclasses which
+	 * cannot use the normal test sequence must override this method with
+	 * their own variation.
+	 *
+	 * @param passes number of passes of each test
+	 * @param reps number of copies of document to use for test measurement
+	 * @param excludes number of initialization passes excluded from averages
+	 * @param text document text for test
+	 * @return result times array
+	 */
+//	private boolean s_firstTime = true;
+	public int[] runTimeTest(int passes, int reps, int excludes, byte[] text) {
+		// allocate array for result values
+		int[] results = new int[TIME_RESULT_COUNT];
+		for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+			results[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+		}
+		// create the reusable objects
+		ByteArrayInputStream[][] ins = new ByteArrayInputStream[passes][reps];
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				ins[i][j] = new ByteArrayInputStream(text);
+			}
+		}
+		ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(text.length*2);
+		// set start time for tests
+		initTime();
+		// first build the specified number of copies of the document
+		Object[][] docs = new Object[passes][reps];
+		int best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int sum = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				docs[i][j] = build(ins[i][j]);
+			}
+			int time = testPassTime();
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Build document pass " + i, time);
+			}
+			if (best > time) {
+				best = time;
+			}
+			if (i >= excludes) {
+				sum += time;
+			}
+		}
+		results[BUILD_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+		results[BUILD_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		// walk the constructed document copies
+		DocumentSummary info = new DocumentSummary();
+		best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		sum = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				info.reset();
+				walk(docs[i][j], info);
+			}
+			int time = testPassTime();
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Walk document pass " + i, time);
+			}
+			if (best > time) {
+				best = time;
+			}
+			if (i >= excludes) {
+				sum += time;
+			}
+		}
+		results[WALK_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+		results[WALK_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		// generate text representation of document copies
+		byte[] output = null;
+		best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		sum = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				out.reset();
+				output(docs[i][j], out);
+			}
+			int time = testPassTime();
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Generate text pass " + i, time);
+			}
+			if (best > time) {
+				best = time;
+			}
+			if (i >= excludes) {
+				sum += time;
+			}
+		}
+		results[TEXT_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+		results[TEXT_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		// save copy of output for later check parse
+		output = out.toByteArray();
+		initTime();
+		// attempt serialization of document
+		byte[] serial = null;
+		Object restored = null;
+		out.reset();
+		if (!serialize(docs[0][0], out)) {
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				m_printStream.println("  **Serialization not supported by model**");
+			}
+		} else {
+			// serialize with printing of times (first copy already done)
+			best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+			sum = 0;
+			serial = out.toByteArray();
+			for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+				for (int j = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0; j < reps; j++) {
+					out.reset();
+					serialize(docs[i][j], out);
+				}
+				int time = testPassTime();
+				if (m_printPass) {
+					reportValue("Serialize pass " + i, time);
+				}
+				if (best > time) {
+					best = time;
+				}
+				if (i >= excludes) {
+					sum += time;
+				}
+			}
+			results[SERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+			results[SERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+			results[SERIALIZE_SIZE_INDEX] = serial.length;
+			// restore from serialized form
+			ByteArrayInputStream sin = new ByteArrayInputStream(serial);
+			best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+			sum = 0;
+			for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+				for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+					sin.reset();
+					restored = unserialize(sin);
+				}
+				int time = testPassTime();
+				if (m_printPass) {
+					reportValue("Unserialize pass " + i, time);
+				}
+				if (best > time) {
+					best = time;
+				}
+				if (i >= excludes) {
+					sum += time;
+				}
+			}
+			results[UNSERIALIZE_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+			results[UNSERIALIZE_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		}
+		// modify the document representation
+		initTime();
+		best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		sum = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+				modify(docs[i][j]);
+			}
+			int time = testPassTime();
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Modify pass " + i, time);
+			}
+			if (best > time) {
+				best = time;
+			}
+			if (i >= excludes) {
+				sum += time;
+			}
+		}
+		results[MODIFY_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+		results[MODIFY_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		// make sure generated text matches original document (outside timing)
+		Object check = build(new ByteArrayInputStream(output));
+		DocumentSummary verify = new DocumentSummary();
+		walk(check, verify);
+		if (!info.structureEquals(verify)) {
+			PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+				m_printStream : System.err;
+			err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+				"Document built from output text does " +
+				"not match original document**");
+			printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+			printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+		}
+		// check if restored from serialized form
+		if (restored != null) {
+			// validate the serialization for exact match (outside timing)
+			verify.reset();
+			walk(restored, verify);
+			if (!info.equals(verify)) {
+				PrintStream err = m_printStream != null ?
+					m_printStream : System.err;
+				err.println("  **" + getName() + " Error: " +
+					"Document built from output text does " +
+					"not match original document**");
+				printSummary("  Original", info, err);
+				printSummary("  Rebuild", verify, err);
+			}
+		}
+		// copy document summary values for return
+		results[ELEMENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getElementCount();
+		results[ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttributeCount();
+		results[CONTENT_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getContentCount();
+		results[TEXTCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getTextCharCount();
+		results[ATTRCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = info.getAttrCharCount();
+		// print summary for document
+		if (m_printSummary) {
+			printSummary("  Document", info, m_printStream);
+			m_printStream.println("  Original text size was " + text.length +
+				", output text size was " + output.length);
+			if (serial != null) {
+				m_printStream.println("  Serialized length was " +
+					serial.length);
+			}
+			info.reset();
+			walk(docs[0][0], info);
+			printSummary("  Modified document", info, m_printStream);
+/*			if (s_firstTime) {
+				out.reset();
+				output(docs[0][0], out);
+				m_printStream.println(" Text of modified document:");
+				m_printStream.println(out.toString());
+				s_firstTime = false;
+			}	*/
+		}
+		reset();
+		return results;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Main space test method. This implementation of the abstract base class
+	 * method performs the normal sequence of space tests.
+	 *
+	 * @param count number of units of test to run in this pass
+	 * @param excludes number of initialization passes excluded from averages
+	 * @param text document text for test
+	 * @return result values array
+	 */
+	public int[] runSpaceTest(int passes, int excludes, byte[] text) {
+		// allocate array for result values
+		int[] results = new int[SPACE_RESULT_COUNT];
+		for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+			results[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+		}
+		// create the reusable objects
+		ByteArrayInputStream[] ins = new ByteArrayInputStream[passes];
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			ins[i] = new ByteArrayInputStream(text);
+		}
+		DocumentSummary info = new DocumentSummary();
+		// initialize memory information for tests
+		initMemory();
+		results[INITIAL_MEMORY_INDEX] = (int)m_lastMemory;
+		// first build the specified number of copies of the document
+		Object[] docs = new Object[passes];
+		int base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			docs[i] = build(ins[i]);
+			if (i == 0) {
+				results[FIRST_SPACE_INDEX] = testPassSpace();
+				if (excludes == 1) {
+					base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+				}
+			} else if ((i+1) == excludes) {
+				testPassSpace();
+				base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+			}
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Build document pass " + i, testPassSpace());
+			}
+		}
+		testPassSpace();
+			((int)m_lastMemory-base) / (passes - excludes);
+		// now walk the constructed document copies
+		base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			info.reset();
+			walk(docs[i], info);
+			if ((i+1) == excludes) {
+				testPassSpace();
+				base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+			}
+			if (m_printPass) {
+				reportValue("Walk document pass " + i, testPassSpace());
+			}
+		}
+		testPassSpace();
+		results[WALKED_SPACE_INDEX] =
+			((int)m_lastMemory-base) / (passes - excludes);
+		// free all constructed objects to find final space
+		docs = null;
+		reset();
+		initMemory();
+		results[FINAL_MEMORY_INDEX] = (int)m_lastMemory;
+		results[DELTA_MEMORY_INDEX] =
+		return results;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import electric.xml.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the Electric XML document
+ * representation.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchElectric extends BenchDocBase
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchElectric() {
+		super("EXML");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This implementation uses
+	 * the method defined by Electric DOM to build the document from an input
+	 * stream. Note that Electric DOM supports other methods for constructing
+	 * the document, but an input stream is considered the most representative
+	 * of real applications.
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+		Object doc = null;
+		try {
+			doc = new Document(in);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return doc;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 * @param summary document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walkElement(Element element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		// include attribute values in summary
+		if (element.hasAttributes()) {
+			Attributes attrs = element.getAttributes();
+			Attribute attr;
+			while ((attr = != null) {
+				summary.addAttribute(attr.getValue().length());
+			}
+		}
+		// loop through children
+		if (element.hasChildren()) {
+			Child child = element.getChildren().first();
+			while (child != null) {
+				// handle child by type
+				if (child instanceof Text) {
+					summary.addContent(((Text)child).getString().length());
+				} else if (child instanceof Element) {
+					summary.addElements(1);
+					walkElement((Element)child, summary);
+				}
+				child = child.getNextSibling();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk and summarize document. This method walks through the nodes
+	 * of the document, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be walked
+	 * @param summary output document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		summary.addElements(1);
+		walkElement(((Document)doc).getRoot(), summary);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Output a document as XML text. This implementation uses the method
+	 * defined by Electric DOM to output a text representation of the document.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be output
+	 * @param out XML document output stream
+	 */
+	protected void output(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+		Document edoc = (Document)doc;
+		try {
+			edoc.write(out);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, performing the modifications.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 */
+	protected void modifyElement(Element element) {
+		// check for children present
+		if (element.hasChildren()) {
+			// loop through child nodes
+			Child child;
+			Child next = element.getChildren().first();
+			String prefix = null;
+			boolean content = false;
+			while ((child = next) != null) {
+				// set next before we change anything
+				next = child.getNextSibling();
+				// handle child by node type
+				if (child instanceof Text) {
+					// trim whitespace from content text
+					String trimmed = ((Text)child).getString().trim();
+					if (trimmed.length() == 0) {
+						// delete child if only whitespace (adjusting index)
+						child.remove();
+					} else {
+						// construct qualified name for wrapper element
+						if (!content) {
+							prefix = element.getPrefix();
+							content = true;
+						}
+						// wrap the trimmed content with new element
+						Element text = new Element();
+						text.addText(trimmed);
+						child.replaceWith(text);
+						text.setName(prefix, "text");
+					}
+				} else if (child instanceof Element) {
+					// handle child elements with recursive call
+					modifyElement((Element)child);
+				}
+			}
+			// check if we've seen any non-whitespace content for element
+			if (content) {
+				// add attribute flagging content found
+				element.setAttribute(prefix, "text", "true");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify a document representation. This implementation of the abstract
+	 * superclass method walks the document representation performing the
+	 * following modifications: remove all content segments which consist only
+	 * of whitespace; add an attribute "text" set to "true" to any elements
+	 * which directly contain non-whitespace text content; and replace each
+	 * non-whitespace text content segment with a "text" element which wraps
+	 * the trimmed content.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be modified
+	 */
+	protected void modify(Object doc) {
+		modifyElement(((Document)doc).getRoot());
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.parsers.*;
+import org.jdom.*;
+import org.jdom.input.*;
+import org.jdom.output.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the JDOM document representation.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchJDOM extends BenchDocBase
+	/** SAX builder used within a test run. */
+	private SAXBuilder m_builder;
+	/** XML outputter used within a test run. */
+	private XMLOutputter m_outputter;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchJDOM() {
+		super("JDOM");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This implementation
+	 * creates a SAX builder if one does not already exist, then reuses
+	 * that builder for the duration of a test run..
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+		if (m_builder == null) {
+			m_builder = new SAXBuilder(false);
+		}
+		Object doc = null;
+		try {
+			doc =;
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return doc;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 * @param summary document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walkElement(Element element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		// include attribute values in summary
+		List list = element.getAttributes();
+		if (list.size() > 0) {
+			Iterator iter = list.iterator();
+			while (iter.hasNext()) {
+				Attribute attr = (Attribute);
+				summary.addAttribute(attr.getValue().length());
+			}
+		}
+		// loop through children
+		list = element.getContent();
+		if (list.size() > 0) {
+			Iterator iter = list.iterator();
+			while (iter.hasNext()) {
+				// handle child by type
+				Object child =;
+				if (child instanceof String) {
+					summary.addContent(((String)child).length());
+				} else if (child instanceof Element) {
+					summary.addElements(1);
+					walkElement((Element)child, summary);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk and summarize document. This method walks through the nodes
+	 * of the document, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be walked
+	 * @param summary output document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		summary.addElements(1);
+		walkElement(((Document)doc).getRootElement(), summary);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Output a document as XML text. This method uses the method defined
+	 * by JDOM to output a text representation of the document.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be output
+	 * @param out XML document output stream
+	 */
+	protected void output(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+		if (m_outputter == null) {
+			m_outputter = new XMLOutputter();
+		}
+		try {
+			m_outputter.output((Document)doc, out);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, performing the modifications.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 */
+	protected void modifyElement(Element element) {
+		// check for children present
+		List children = element.getContent();
+		if (children.size() > 0) {
+			// loop through child nodes
+			int ccnt = children.size();
+			Namespace namespace = null;
+			boolean content = false;
+			for (int i = 0; i < ccnt; i++) {
+				// handle child by node type
+				Object child = children.get(i);
+				if (child instanceof String) {
+					// trim whitespace from content text
+					String trimmed = child.toString().trim();
+					if (trimmed.length() == 0) {
+						// delete child if only whitespace (adjusting index)
+						children.remove(i--);
+						--ccnt;
+					} else {
+						// set namespace if first content found
+						if (!content) {
+							namespace = element.getNamespace();
+							content = true;
+						}
+						// wrap the trimmed content with new element
+						Element text = new Element("text", namespace);
+						text.setText(trimmed);
+						children.set(i, text);
+					}
+				} else if (child instanceof Element) {
+					// handle child elements with recursive call
+					modifyElement((Element)child);
+				}
+			}
+			// check if we've seen any non-whitespace content for element
+			if (content) {
+				// add attribute flagging content found
+				if (namespace.getPrefix().length() == 0) {
+					element.setAttribute("text", "true");
+				} else {
+					element.setAttribute("text", "true", namespace);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify a document representation. This implementation of the abstract
+	 * superclass method walks the document representation performing the
+	 * following modifications: remove all content segments which consist only
+	 * of whitespace; add an attribute "text" set to "true" to any elements
+	 * which directly contain non-whitespace text content; and replace each
+	 * non-whitespace text content segment with a "text" element which wraps
+	 * the trimmed content.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be modified
+	 */
+	protected void modify(Object doc) {
+		modifyElement(((Document)doc).getRootElement());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Reset test class instance. This discards the SAX builder used
+	 * within a test pass.
+	 */
+	protected void reset() {
+		m_builder = null;
+		m_outputter = null;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.parsers.*;
+import org.xml.sax.*;
+import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
+ * SAX parser benchmark test class. This class defines a single test for a
+ * SAX parser, parsing the document text and accumulating document
+ * characteristics.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchSAX extends BenchBase
+	/** Flag for first time through build method, used for get class name. */
+	private boolean m_firstTime = true;
+	/**
+	 * Inner class for handling SAX notifications.
+	 */
+	protected class InnerHandler extends DefaultHandler
+	{
+		/** Summary information accumulated for document. */
+		private DocumentSummary m_summary;
+		/**
+		 * Getter for document summary information.
+		 *
+		 * @return document summary information
+		 */
+		public DocumentSummary getSummary() {
+			return m_summary;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Setter for document summary information.
+		 *
+		 * @param summary document summary information
+		 */
+		public void setSummary(DocumentSummary summary) {
+			m_summary = summary;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Start of document handler. Clears the accumulated document
+		 * summary information.
+		 */
+		public void startDocument() {
+			m_summary.reset();
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Start of element handler. Counts the element and attributes.
+		 *
+		 * @param space namespace URI
+		 * @param name local name of element
+		 * @param raw raw element name
+		 * @param atts attributes for element
+		 */
+		public void startElement(String space, String name,
+			String raw, Attributes atts) {
+			m_summary.addElements(1);
+			for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) {
+				m_summary.addAttribute(atts.getValue(i).length());
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Character data handler. Counts the characters in total for
+		 * document.
+		 *
+		 * @param ch array supplying character data
+		 * @param start starting offset in array
+		 * @param length number of characters
+		 */
+		public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
+			m_summary.addContent(length);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Ignorable whitespace handler. Counts the characters in total for
+		 * document.
+		 *
+		 * @param ch array supplying character data
+		 * @param start starting offset in array
+		 * @param length number of characters
+		 */
+		public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
+			m_summary.addContent(length);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 *
+	 * @param print test results listing destination (<code>null</code> if not
+	 * to be printed)
+	 */
+	public BenchSAX() {
+		super("SAX");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Main time test method. This implementation of the abstract base class
+	 * method just parses the document text repeatedly, accumulating summary
+	 * information for the document which can be compared to that obtained
+	 * from the document representation tests.
+	 *
+	 * @param passes number of passes of each test
+	 * @param reps number of copies of document to use for test measurement
+	 * @param excludes number of initialization passes excluded from averages
+	 * @param text document text for test
+	 * @return result times array
+	 */
+	public int[] runTimeTest(int passes, int reps, int excludes, byte[] text) {
+		// allocate array for result values
+		int[] results = new int[TIME_RESULT_COUNT];
+		for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+			results[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+		}
+		// create the input objects
+		ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(text);
+		InputSource source = new InputSource(in);
+		// set start time for tests
+		initTime();
+		// parse the document the specified number of times
+		DocumentSummary first = new DocumentSummary();
+		DocumentSummary next = new DocumentSummary();
+		SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
+		spf.setValidating(false);
+		try {
+			SAXParser parser = spf.newSAXParser();
+			XMLReader reader = parser.getXMLReader();
+			if (m_firstTime) {
+				setVariant(reader.getClass().getPackage().getName());
+				m_firstTime = false;
+			}
+			InnerHandler handler = new InnerHandler();
+			reader.setContentHandler(handler);
+			handler.setSummary(first);
+			int best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+			int sum = 0;
+			for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+				for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
+					in.reset();
+					reader.parse(source);
+				}
+				int time = testPassTime();
+				if (m_printPass) {
+					reportValue("Parse document pass " + i, time);
+				}
+				if (best > time) {
+					best = time;
+				}
+				if (i >= excludes) {
+					sum += time;
+				}
+				if (i == 0) {
+					handler.setSummary(next);
+				} else if (!first.equals(handler.getSummary())) {
+					throw new RuntimeException
+						("Document summary information mismatch");
+				}
+			}
+			results[BUILD_MIN_INDEX] = best;
+			results[BUILD_AVERAGE_INDEX] = sum / (passes - excludes);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		// copy document summary values for return
+		results[ELEMENT_COUNT_INDEX] = first.getElementCount();
+		results[ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_INDEX] = first.getAttributeCount();
+		results[CONTENT_COUNT_INDEX] = first.getContentCount();
+		results[TEXTCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = first.getTextCharCount();
+		results[ATTRCHAR_COUNT_INDEX] = first.getAttrCharCount();
+		// print summary for document
+		if (m_printSummary) {
+			printSummary("  Document", first, m_printStream);
+		}
+		return results;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Main space test method. This implementation of the abstract base class
+	 * method just parses the document repeatedly to check memory usage by the
+	 * parser.
+	 *
+	 * @param count number of units of test to run in this pass
+	 * @param excludes number of initialization passes excluded from averages
+	 * @param text document text for test
+	 * @return result times array
+	 */
+	public int[] runSpaceTest(int passes, int excludes, byte[] text) {
+		// allocate array for result values
+		int[] results = new int[SPACE_RESULT_COUNT];
+		for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+			results[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+		}
+		// create the reusable objects
+		ByteArrayInputStream[] ins = new ByteArrayInputStream[passes];
+		for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+			ins[i] = new ByteArrayInputStream(text);
+		}
+		DocumentSummary first = new DocumentSummary();
+		DocumentSummary next = new DocumentSummary();
+		InnerHandler handler = new InnerHandler();
+		// initialize memory information for tests
+		initMemory();
+		results[INITIAL_MEMORY_INDEX] = (int)m_lastMemory;
+		// parse the document the specified number of times
+		SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
+		spf.setValidating(false);
+		try {
+			SAXParser parser = spf.newSAXParser();
+			XMLReader reader = parser.getXMLReader();
+			if (m_firstTime) {
+				setVariant(reader.getClass().getPackage().getName());
+				m_firstTime = false;
+			}
+			reader.setContentHandler(handler);
+			handler.setSummary(first);
+			int base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+			for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
+				reader.parse(new InputSource(ins[i]));
+				if (i == 0) {
+					results[FIRST_SPACE_INDEX] = testPassSpace();
+					handler.setSummary(next);
+					if (excludes == 1) {
+						base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (!first.equals(handler.getSummary())) {
+						throw new RuntimeException
+							("Document summary information mismatch");
+					}
+					if ((i+1) == excludes) {
+						testPassSpace();
+						base = (int)m_lastMemory;
+					}
+				}
+				if (m_printPass) {
+					reportValue("Parse pass " + i, testPassSpace());
+				}
+			}
+			results[AVERAGE_SPACE_INDEX] =
+				((int)m_lastMemory-base) / (passes - excludes);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		// free all constructed objects to find final space
+		spf = null;
+		initMemory();
+		results[FINAL_MEMORY_INDEX] = (int)m_lastMemory;
+		results[DELTA_MEMORY_INDEX] =
+		return results;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.gjt.xpp.*;
+ * Abstract base class for benchmarks measuring performance of the XPP
+ * document representation. This base class implementation can be customized
+ * by subclasses to experiment with options for the representation, in
+ * particular for trying the pull node feature.<p>
+ *
+ * This code is based on a sample provided by Aleksander Slominski.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public abstract class BenchXPP extends BenchDocBase
+	/** Pull parser factory used within a test run. */
+	protected XmlPullParserFactory m_parserFactory;
+	/** XML recorder used within a test run. */
+	protected XmlRecorder m_recorder;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 *
+	 * @param config test configuration name
+	 */
+	protected BenchXPP(String config) {
+		super(config);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 * @param summary document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walkElement(XmlNode element, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		// include attribute values in summary
+		int acnt = element.getAttributeCount();
+		for (int i = 0; i < acnt; i++) {
+			summary.addAttribute(element.getAttributeValue(i).length());
+		}
+		// loop through children
+		int ccnt = element.getChildrenCount();
+		for (int i = 0; i < ccnt; i++) {
+			// handle child by type
+			Object child = element.getChildAt(i);
+			if (child instanceof String) {
+				summary.addContent(child.toString().length());
+			} else if (child instanceof XmlNode) {
+				summary.addElements(1);
+				walkElement((XmlNode)child, summary);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Walk and summarize document. This method walks through the nodes
+	 * of the document, accumulating summary information.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be walked
+	 * @param summary output document summary information
+	 */
+	protected void walk(Object doc, DocumentSummary summary) {
+		summary.addElements(1);
+		walkElement((XmlNode)doc, summary);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Output a document as XML text. This implementation uses the method
+	 * defined by XPP to output a text representation of the document.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be output
+	 * @param out XML document output stream
+	 */
+	protected void output(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+		try {
+			if (m_recorder == null) {
+				if (m_parserFactory == null) {
+					m_parserFactory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
+					m_parserFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+				}
+				m_recorder = m_parserFactory.newRecorder();
+			}
+			Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out);
+			m_recorder.setOutput(writer);
+			m_recorder.writeNode((XmlNode)doc);
+			writer.close();
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify subtree for element. This recursively walks through the document
+	 * nodes under an element, performing the modifications.
+	 *
+	 * @param element element to be walked
+	 * @throws XmlPullParserException on error walking tree
+	 */
+	protected void modifyElement(XmlNode element)
+		throws XmlPullParserException {
+		// check for children present
+		int ccnt = element.getChildrenCount();
+		if (ccnt > 0) {
+			// loop through child nodes
+			String uri = null;
+			String prefix = null;
+			String raw = null;
+			boolean content = false;
+			for (int i = 0; i < ccnt; i++) {
+				// handle child by node type
+				Object child = element.getChildAt(i);
+				if (child instanceof String) {
+					// trim whitespace from content text
+					String trimmed = child.toString().trim();
+					if (trimmed.length() == 0) {
+						// delete child if only whitespace (adjusting index)
+						element.removeChildAt(i--);
+						--ccnt;
+					} else {
+						// construct qualified name for wrapper element
+						if (!content) {
+							uri = element.getNamespaceUri();
+							prefix = element.getPrefix();
+							raw = (prefix == null) ? "text" : prefix + ":text";
+							content = true;
+						}
+						// wrap the trimmed content with new element
+						XmlNode text = m_parserFactory.newNode();
+						text.appendChild(trimmed);
+						element.replaceChildAt(i, text);
+						text.modifyTag(uri, "text", raw);
+					}
+				} else if (child instanceof XmlNode) {
+					// handle child elements with recursive call
+					modifyElement((XmlNode)child);
+				}
+			}
+			// check if we've seen any non-whitespace content for element
+			if (content) {
+				// add attribute flagging content found
+				element.addAttribute(uri, "text", raw, "true");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modify a document representation. This implementation of the abstract
+	 * superclass method walks the document representation performing the
+	 * following modifications: remove all content segments which consist only
+	 * of whitespace; add an attribute "text" set to "true" to any elements
+	 * which directly contain non-whitespace text content; and replace each
+	 * non-whitespace text content segment with a "text" element which wraps
+	 * the trimmed content.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be modified
+	 */
+	protected void modify(Object doc) {
+		try {
+			modifyElement((XmlNode)doc);
+		} catch (XmlPullParserException ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Reset test class instance. This discards the parser factory and recorder
+	 * used within a test pass.
+	 */
+	protected void reset() {
+		m_parserFactory = null;
+		m_recorder = null;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.gjt.xpp.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the XPP document representation
+ * with normal nodes.<p>
+ *
+ * This code is based on a sample provided by Aleksander Slominski.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchXPPBase extends BenchXPP
+	/** Pull parser used within a test run. */
+	protected XmlPullParser m_parser;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchXPPBase() {
+		super("XPP");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This implementation uses
+	 * the method defined by XPP to build the document from an input stream
+	 * wrapped in a reader, since direct parsing from a stream is not supported.
+	 * Note that XPP supports other methods for constructing the document, but
+	 * an input stream is considered the most representative of real
+	 * applications.
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+		XmlNode doc = null;
+		try {
+			if (m_parser == null) {
+				if (m_parserFactory == null) {
+					m_parserFactory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
+					m_parserFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+				}
+				m_parser = m_parserFactory.newPullParser();
+			} else {
+				m_parser.reset();
+			}
+			m_parser.setInput(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)));
+			doc = m_parserFactory.newNode();
+			m_parser.readNode(doc);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return doc;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Reset test class instance. This discards the parser used within a test
+	 * pass, and calls the superclass method to reset state at that level.
+	 */
+	protected void reset() {
+		m_parser = null;
+		super.reset();
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.gjt.xpp.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the XPP document representation
+ * with pull nodes.<p>
+ *
+ * This code is based on a sample provided by Aleksander Slominski.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchXPPPull extends BenchXPP
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchXPPPull() {
+		super("XPP pull");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This implementation uses
+	 * the method defined by XPP to build the document from an input stream
+	 * wrapped in a reader, since direct parsing from a stream is not supported.
+	 * Note that XPP supports other methods for constructing the document, but
+	 * an input stream is considered the most representative of real
+	 * applications.
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+		XmlNode doc = null;
+		try {
+			if (m_parserFactory == null) {
+				m_parserFactory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
+				m_parserFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+			}
+			XmlPullParser parser = m_parserFactory.newPullParser();
+			parser.setInput(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)));
+			doc = m_parserFactory.newPullNode(parser);;
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return doc;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.parsers.*;
+import org.apache.xerces.dom.*;
+import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*;
+import org.apache.xml.serialize.*;
+import org.w3c.dom.*;
+import org.xml.sax.*;
+ * Abstract base class for benchmarks measuring performance of the Xerces DOM
+ * document representation. This base class implementation can be customized
+ * by subclasses to experiment with options for the representation, in
+ * particular for trying the deferred node expansion feature of Xerces.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public abstract class BenchXerces extends BenchDOM
+	/** Flag for using deferred node expansion. */
+	private boolean m_deferExpansion;
+	/** DOM parser used within a test run. */
+	private DOMParser m_parser;
+	/** XML output serializer used within a test run. */
+	private XMLSerializer m_serializer;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 *
+	 * @param config test configuration name
+	 * @param defer defer node expansion flag
+	 */
+	protected BenchXerces(String config, boolean defer) {
+		super(config);
+		m_deferExpansion = defer;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set deferred node expansion mode.
+	 *
+	 * @param defer defer node expansion flag
+	 */
+	protected void setDeferExpansion(boolean defer) {
+		m_deferExpansion = defer;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build document representation by parsing XML. This implementation
+	 * creates a DOM parser if one does not already exist, then reuses
+	 * that parser for the duration of a test run..
+	 *
+	 * @param in XML document input stream
+	 * @return document representation
+	 */
+	protected Object build(InputStream in) {
+		if (m_parser == null) {
+			m_parser = new DOMParser();
+			try {
+				m_parser.setFeature
+					("", false);
+				m_parser.setFeature
+					("",
+					m_deferExpansion);
+				m_parser.setFeature
+					("", true);
+			} catch (Exception ex) {
+				ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+				System.exit(0);
+			}
+		}
+		Object doc = null;
+		try {
+			m_parser.parse(new InputSource(in));
+			doc = m_parser.getDocument();
+			m_parser.reset();
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		return doc;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Output a document as XML text. This method uses the method defined
+	 * by the Xerces DOM to output a text representation of the document.
+	 *
+	 * @param doc document representation to be output
+	 * @param out XML document output stream
+	 */
+	protected void output(Object doc, OutputStream out) {
+		if (m_serializer == null) {
+			OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat((Document)doc);
+			m_serializer = new XMLSerializer(format);
+		}
+		try {
+			m_serializer.reset();
+			m_serializer.setOutputByteStream(out);
+			m_serializer.serialize(((Document)doc).getDocumentElement());
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Reset test class instance. This discards the parser used
+	 * within a test pass.
+	 */
+	protected void reset() {
+		m_parser = null;
+		m_serializer = null;
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.parsers.*;
+import org.apache.xerces.dom.*;
+import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*;
+import org.apache.xml.serialize.*;
+import org.w3c.dom.*;
+import org.xml.sax.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the Xerces DOM document
+ * representation with deferred node expansion disabled.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchXercesBase extends BenchXerces
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchXercesBase() {
+		super("Xerces DOM", false);
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.parsers.*;
+import org.apache.xerces.dom.*;
+import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*;
+import org.apache.xml.serialize.*;
+import org.w3c.dom.*;
+import org.xml.sax.*;
+ * Benchmark for measuring performance of the Xerces DOM document
+ * representation with deferred node expansion enabled. This requires some
+ * special handling to avoid problems with the memory allocation state after
+ * running a test, so the main test methods from the base class are overridden
+ * with methods that force a clean-up.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class BenchXercesDeferred extends BenchXerces
+	/** Dummy document used for clearing out parser/model state. */
+	private static final String DUMMY_DOCUMENT =
+		"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<doc>empty</doc>\n";
+	/**
+	 * Constructor.
+	 */
+	public BenchXercesDeferred() {
+		super("Xerces def.", true);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Main time test method. This override of the base class method first
+	 * invokes the base method, then does a dummy parse with deferred
+	 * expansion set to <code>false</code> in order to clear out memory.
+	 *
+	 * @param passes number of passes of each test
+	 * @param reps number of copies of document to use for test measurement
+	 * @param text document text for test
+	 * @return result times array
+	 */
+/*	public int[] runTimeTest(int passes, int reps, byte[] text) {
+		setDeferExpansion(true);
+		int[] results = super.runTimeTest(passes, reps, text);
+		setDeferExpansion(false);
+		build(new ByteArrayInputStream(DUMMY_DOCUMENT.getBytes()));
+		return results;
+	}	*/

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+ * Document summary information. This includes several count values
+ * characteristic of a document, allowing simple consistency checks across
+ * different representations of the document.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class DocumentSummary
+	/** Number of elements. */
+	private int m_elementCount;
+	/** Number of content text segments. */
+	private int m_contentCount;
+	/** Number of attributes. */
+	private int m_attributeCount;
+	/** Number of characters of content text. */
+	private int m_textCharCount;
+	/** Number of characters of attribute data. */
+	private int m_attrCharCount;
+	/**
+	 * Reset count values.
+	 */
+	public void reset() {
+		m_elementCount = 0;
+		m_contentCount = 0;
+		m_attributeCount = 0;
+		m_textCharCount = 0;
+		m_attrCharCount = 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get element count.
+	 *
+	 * @return number of elements
+	 */
+	public int getElementCount() {
+		return m_elementCount;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get content segment count.
+	 *
+	 * @return number of content segments
+	 */
+	public int getContentCount() {
+		return m_contentCount;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get attribute count.
+	 *
+	 * @return number of attributes
+	 */
+	public int getAttributeCount() {
+		return m_attributeCount;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get text content character count.
+	 *
+	 * @return number of text characters
+	 */
+	public int getTextCharCount() {
+		return m_textCharCount;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get attribute value character count.
+	 *
+	 * @return number of attribute value characters
+	 */
+	public int getAttrCharCount() {
+		return m_attrCharCount;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Add to element count.
+	 *
+	 * @param count value to be added to element count
+	 */
+	public void addElements(int count) {
+		m_elementCount += count;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Count attribute. Increments the attribute count by one and adds the
+	 * supplied character count to the attribute data length.
+	 *
+	 * @param length attribute value text length
+	 */
+	public void addAttribute(int length) {
+		m_attributeCount++;
+		m_attrCharCount += length;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Count content text segment. Increments the content segment count by one
+	 * and adds the supplied character count to the content text length.
+	 *
+	 * @param length attribute value text length
+	 */
+	public void addContent(int length) {
+		m_contentCount++;
+		m_textCharCount += length;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Check if object is equal to this one.
+	 *
+	 * @param obj object to be compared
+	 * @return <code>true</code> if the values match, <code>false</code>
+	 * if not
+	 */
+	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+		if (obj instanceof DocumentSummary) {
+			DocumentSummary comp = (DocumentSummary)obj;
+			return m_elementCount == comp.m_elementCount &&
+				m_contentCount == comp.m_contentCount &&
+				m_attributeCount == comp.m_attributeCount &&
+				m_textCharCount == comp.m_textCharCount &&
+				m_attrCharCount == comp.m_attrCharCount;
+		} else {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Check if object structure is equal to this one. This comparison ignores
+	 * the text content segment count and total character length, since that
+	 * can be changed by output formatting.
+	 *
+	 * @param obj object to be compared
+	 * @return <code>true</code> if the values match, <code>false</code>
+	 * if not
+	 */
+	public boolean structureEquals(Object obj) {
+		if (obj instanceof DocumentSummary) {
+			DocumentSummary comp = (DocumentSummary)obj;
+			return m_elementCount == comp.m_elementCount &&
+				m_attributeCount == comp.m_attributeCount &&
+				m_attrCharCount == comp.m_attrCharCount;
+		} else {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}

Added: webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/
--- (empty file)
+++ webservices/axis/trunk/java/dev/scratch/om_xmlbeanch/src/com/sosnoski/xmlbench/	Wed Oct 13 07:00:55 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sosnoski Software Solutions, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+package com.sosnoski.xmlbench;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.parsers.*;
+import org.xml.sax.*;
+import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
+ * Benchmark program for comparing performance of Java XML parsers and
+ * document representations. Performance is measured in terms of both
+ * speed and memory requirement for constructing the document representation
+ * from a SAX parse, and in terms of speed for walking the representation and
+ * generating text output.
+ *
+ * @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+public class XMLBench
+	/** Minimum document size to be used for single pass. */
+	public static final int MINIMUM_ONEPASS_SIZE = 20000;
+	/** Wait time between test documents (ms). */
+	public static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_DOCUMENTS = 400;
+	/** Output line length for brief format. */
+	public static final int BRIEF_LINE_LENGTH = 80;
+	/** Width of each item field in brief format. */
+	public static final int BRIEF_ITEM_WIDTH = 16;
+	/** Number of brief format items per output line. */
+	/**
+	 * Get test object. Constructs and returns an instance of the appropriate
+	 * test class.
+	 *
+	 * @param name document model name to be tested
+	 * @return document model test class instance (null if name not recognized)
+	 */
+	private static BenchBase getTestInstance(String name) {
+		if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("SAX")) {
+			return new BenchSAX();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Crimson")) {
+			return new BenchCrimson();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("JDOM")) {
+			return new BenchJDOM();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("dom4j")) {
+			return new BenchDOM4J();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Xerces")) {
+			return new BenchXercesBase();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("XercesD")) {
+			return new BenchXercesDeferred();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("EXML")) {
+			return new BenchElectric();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("XPP")) {
+			return new BenchXPPBase();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("XPPp")) {
+			return new BenchXPPPull();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AXTM")) {
+			return new BenchATM();
+		} else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AXTM2")) {
+			return new BenchATM2();
+		}else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("AXTM3")) {
+			return new BenchATM3();
+		}
+		return null;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read contents of file into byte array.
+	 *
+	 * @param path file path
+	 * @return array of bytes containing all data from file
+	 * @throws IOException on file access error
+	 */
+	private static byte[] getFileBytes(String path) throws IOException {
+		File file = new File(path);
+		int length = (int)file.length();
+		byte[]data = new byte[length];
+		FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
+		int offset = 0;
+		do {
+			offset +=, offset, length-offset);
+		} while (offset < data.length);
+		return data;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Show test file results in brief format. This prints the results with
+	 * multiple values per line, using the abbreviated value descriptions.
+	 *
+	 * @param values test result values (unreported values ignored)
+	 * @param descripts value description texts
+	 */
+	private static void showBrief(int[] values, String[] descripts) {
+		StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(BRIEF_LINE_LENGTH);
+		int position = 0;
+		for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
+			if (values[j] != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+				if (position == 0) {
+					if (j > 0) {
+						System.out.println(line);
+						line.setLength(0);
+					}
+				} else {
+					int end = position*BRIEF_ITEM_WIDTH;
+					while (line.length() < end) {
+						line.append(' ');
+					}
+				}
+				line.append(' ');
+				line.append(descripts[j]);
+				line.append('=');
+				line.append(values[j]);
+				position = (position+1) % BRIEF_PER_LINE;
+			}
+		}
+		System.out.println(line);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Show test file results in full format. This prints the results with
+	 * a single value per line, using the detailed value descriptions.
+	 *
+	 * @param values test result values (unreported values ignored)
+	 * @param descripts value description texts
+	 */
+	private static void showFull(int[] values, String[] descripts) {
+		for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
+			if (values[j] != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+				System.out.println(' ' + descripts[j] + " = " + values[j]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build text for showing results in compressed format. This uses an
+	 * abbreviated value description followed by the corresponding result
+	 * values for all test files in sequence, with comma separators.
+	 *
+	 * @param values array of test result value arrays
+	 * @param descripts value description texts
+	 * @param line buffer for output text accumulation
+	 */
+	private static void buildCompressed(int[][] values, String[] descripts,
+		StringBuffer line) {
+		int fcnt = values.length;
+		int vcnt = values[0].length;
+		for (int i = 0; i < vcnt; i++) {
+			line.append(',');
+			line.append(descripts[i]);
+			for (int j = 0; j < fcnt; j++) {
+				line.append(',');
+				if (values[j][i] != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+					line.append(values[j][i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Test driver, just reads the input parameters and executes the test.
+	 *
+	 * @param argv command line arguments
+	 */
+	public static void main(String[] argv) {
+		// clean up argument text (may have CR-LF line ends, confusing Linux)
+		for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
+			argv[i] = argv[i].trim();
+		}
+		// parse the leading command line parameters
+		boolean valid = true;
+		boolean briefflag = false;
+		boolean compflag = false;
+		boolean detailflag = false;
+		boolean interpretflag = false;
+		boolean jvmflag = false;
+		boolean summaryflag = false;
+		boolean memflag = false;
+		boolean timeflag = true;
+		int npasses = 10;
+		int nexclude = 1;
+		int anum = 0;
+		parse: while (anum < argv.length && argv[anum].charAt(0) == '-') {
+			String arg = argv[anum++];
+			int cnum = 1;
+			while (cnum < arg.length()) {
+				char option = Character.toLowerCase(arg.charAt(cnum++));
+				switch (option) {
+					case 'b':
+						briefflag = true;
+						break;
+					case 'c':
+						compflag = true;
+						break;
+					case 'd':
+						detailflag = true;
+						break;
+					case 'i':
+						interpretflag = true;
+						break;
+					case 'm':
+						memflag = true;
+						break;
+					case 'n':
+						timeflag = false;
+						break;
+					case 's':
+						summaryflag = true;
+						break;
+					case 'v':
+						jvmflag = true;
+						break;
+					case 'p':
+					case 'x':
+						int value = 0;
+						int nchars = 0;
+						char chr;
+						while (cnum < arg.length() &&
+							(chr = arg.charAt(cnum++)) >= '0' && chr <= '9') {
+							if (++nchars > 2) {
+								valid = false;
+								System.err.println("Number value out of range");
+								break parse;
+							} else {
+								value = (value * 10) + (chr - '0');
+							}
+						}
+						if (option == 'p') {
+							if (value < 1) {
+								valid = false;
+								System.err.println("Pass count cannot be 0");
+								break parse;
+							} else {
+								npasses = value;
+							}
+						} else {
+							nexclude = value;
+						}
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// check for invalid pass count and exclude count combination
+		if (npasses <= nexclude) {
+			System.err.println("Pass count must be greater than exclude count");
+			valid = false;
+		}
+		// next parameter should be the model name
+		valid = valid && anum < argv.length;
+		BenchBase bench = null;
+		if (valid) {
+			// construct test instance for requested model
+			bench = getTestInstance(argv[anum++]);
+			if (bench == null) {
+				System.err.println("Unknown model name");
+				valid = false;
+			} else {
+				bench.setPrint(System.out);
+				bench.setShowDocument(summaryflag);
+				bench.setShowPass(detailflag);
+			}
+		}
+		// handle list of files to be used for test
+		if (valid && (memflag || timeflag)) {
+			// read data from all input files into array of arrays
+			int fcnt = argv.length - anum;
+			byte[][] data = new byte[fcnt][];
+			int[] reps = new int[fcnt];
+			try {
+				for (int i = 0; i < fcnt; i++) {
+					data[i] = getFileBytes(argv[i+anum]);
+					int length = data[i].length;
+					reps[i] = (length < MINIMUM_ONEPASS_SIZE) ?
+						(MINIMUM_ONEPASS_SIZE + length - 1) / length : 1;
+				}
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
+				return;
+			}
+			// report JVM and parameter information
+			if (jvmflag) {
+				System.out.println("Java version " +
+					System.getProperty("java.version"));
+				String text = System.getProperty("");
+				if (text != null) {
+					System.out.println(text);
+				}
+				text = System.getProperty("java.vm.version");
+				if (text != null) {
+					System.out.println(text);
+				}
+				text = System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor");
+				if (text == null) {
+					text = System.getProperty("java.vendor");
+				}
+				System.out.println(text);
+			}
+			// initialize results accumulation array
+			int tests = (memflag && timeflag) ? 2 : 1;
+			int[][][] results = new int[tests][fcnt][];
+			// check for memory test needed
+			if (memflag) {
+				// execute the test sequence on supplied files
+				for (int i = 0; i < fcnt; i++) {
+					// check if we're printing results immediately
+					if (briefflag | interpretflag) {
+						if (i > 0) {
+							System.out.println();
+						}
+						System.out.println("Running " + bench.getName() +
+							" with " + npasses + " passes on file " +
+							argv[i+anum] + ':');
+					}
+					// collect test results
+					int[] values =
+						bench.runSpaceTest(npasses, nexclude, data[i]);
+					results[0][i] = values;
+					// show results in brief format
+					if (briefflag) {
+						showBrief(values, BenchBase.s_spaceShortDescriptions);
+					}
+					// show results in interpreted format
+					if (interpretflag) {
+						showFull(values, BenchBase.s_spaceFullDescriptions);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// check for time test needed\
+			if (timeflag) {
+				// add spacer if running both types of tests
+				if (memflag) {
+					System.out.println();
+				}
+				// execute the test sequence on supplied files
+				int index = memflag ? 1 : 0;
+				for (int i = 0; i < fcnt; i++) {
+					// check if we're printing results immediately
+					if (briefflag | interpretflag) {
+						if (i > 0) {
+							System.out.println();
+						}
+						System.out.print("Running " + bench.getName() +
+							" with " + npasses + " passes on file " +
+							argv[i+anum]);
+						if (reps[i] > 1) {
+							System.out.print(" (" + reps[i] +
+								" copies per pass)");
+						}
+						if (nexclude == 1) {
+							System.out.print
+								(", first pass excluded from averages");
+						} else if (nexclude > 1) {
+							System.out.print(", first " + nexclude +
+								" passes excluded from averages");
+						}
+						System.out.println(':');
+					}
+					// collect test results
+					int[] values =
+						bench.runTimeTest(npasses, reps[i], nexclude, data[i]);
+					results[index][i] = values;
+					// show results in brief format
+					if (briefflag) {
+						showBrief(values, BenchBase.s_timeShortDescriptions);
+					}
+					// show results in interpreted format
+					if (interpretflag) {
+						showFull(values, BenchBase.s_timeFullDescriptions);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// print compressed results for all files
+			if (compflag) {
+				System.out.println("Compressed results for " + bench.getName() +
+					" with " + npasses + " passes on the following files:");
+				for (int i = 0; i < fcnt; i++) {
+					System.out.print(' ' + argv[i+anum]);
+					if (reps[i] > 1) {
+						System.out.print(" (" + reps[i] + " copies per pass)");
+					}
+					System.out.println();
+				}
+				StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer();
+				line.append(bench.getName());
+				if (memflag) {
+					buildCompressed(results[0],
+						BenchBase.s_spaceShortDescriptions, line);
+				}
+				if (timeflag) {
+					int index = memflag ? 1 : 0;
+					buildCompressed(results[index],
+						BenchBase.s_timeShortDescriptions, line);
+				}
+				System.out.println(line);
+			}
+			System.out.println();
+		} else {
+			System.err.println
+				("\nUsage: XMLBench [-options] model file-list\n" +
+				"Options are:\n" +
+				" -b   show brief results (with abbreviated captions)\n" +
+				" -c   show compressed results (comma-separated value" +
+				" fields with results\n" +
+				"      ordered by type and within type by file, useful for" +
+				" spreadsheet import)\n" +
+				" -d   show detailed per-pass information\n" +
+				" -i   show interpreted results (with full captions)\n" +
+				" -m   run memory tests (default is time tests only, when" +
+				"testing both memory tests are run first)\n" +
+				" -n   do not run time tests (default is time tests only)\n" +
+				" -pNN run NN passes of each operation on each document," +
+				" where NN is 1-99\n" +
+				"      (default is p10)\n" +
+				" -s   show summary information for each document\n" +
+				" -xNN exclude first NN passes of each document from" +
+				" averages, where N is\n" +
+				"      0-99 (default is x1)\n" +
+				" -v   show JVM version information\n" +
+				"These options may be concatenated together with a single" +
+				" leading dash.\n\n" +
+				"Model may be any of the following values:\n" +
+				" sax      JAXP-compliant SAX2 parser\n" +
+				" crimson  Crimson DOM and parser combination\n" +
+				" jdom     JDOM with JAXP-compliant SAX2 parser\n" +
+				" dom4j    dom4j with JAXP-compliant SAX2 parser\n" +
+				" xerces   Xerces DOM and parser combination\n" +
+				" xercesd  Xerces deferred DOM and parser combination\n" +
+				" exml     Electric XML model and parser combination\n" +
+				" xpp      XPP model and parser combination\n" +
+				" xppp     XPP pull model and parser combination\n\n" +
+				"The models which support JAXP-compliant SAX2 parsers may " +
+				"use any qualifying\n" +
+				"parser by setting the javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory " +
+				"system property\n" +
+				"to the appropriate class.\n");
+		}
+	}