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[1/2] git commit: [flex-tlf] [refs/heads/develop] - Migrate LinkTest to FU 4 with one ignored test "interactiveObjectCount"

Repository: flex-tlf
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/develop e5fa983d7 -> 9a2916a09
diff --git a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/
index dc56181..9cee4d7 100644
--- a/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/
+++ b/automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/
@@ -18,1512 +18,1611 @@
 package UnitTest.Tests
-	import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestDescriptor;
-	import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestSuiteExtended;
-	import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase;
-	import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
-	import flash.display.DisplayObject;
-	import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
-	import flash.display.Graphics;
-	import flash.display.Sprite;
-	import*;
-	import flash.geom.Point;
-	import flash.geom.Rectangle;
-	import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
-	import flash.utils.Dictionary;
-	import flashx.textLayout.*;
-	import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
-	import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
-	import flashx.textLayout.edit.*;
-	import flashx.textLayout.elements.*;
-	import;
-	import flashx.textLayout.formats.*;
-	import flashx.textLayout.utils.GeometryUtil;
-	import mx.containers.Canvas;
+    import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase;
+    import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
+    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
+    import flash.display.Graphics;
+    import flash.display.Sprite;
+    import*;
+    import flash.geom.Point;
+    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
+    import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
+    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
+    import flashx.textLayout.*;
+    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
+    import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
+    import flashx.textLayout.edit.*;
+    import flashx.textLayout.elements.*;
+    import;
+    import flashx.textLayout.formats.*;
+    import flashx.textLayout.utils.GeometryUtil;
+    import mx.containers.Canvas;
     import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
     use namespace tlf_internal;
- 	public class LinkTest extends VellumTestCase	
-	{	
-		private var direction:String="";
-		public function LinkTest(methodName:String, testID:String, testConfig:TestConfig, testXML:XML = null)
-		{
-			super(methodName, testID, testConfig);
-			// Note: These must correspond to a Watson product area (case-sensitive)
-			metaData.productArea = "Links";
-			var customConfig:TestConfig = testConfig.copyTestConfig();
-			if ( customConfig.writingDirection[0] == "rl")
-				direction = "vertical";
-			else direction = "honrizontal";
-		}
-		public static function suite(testConfig:TestConfig, ts:TestSuiteExtended):void
-		{
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "performLinkTest", testConfig ) ); //HBS
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "changeLinkColor", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "changeHoverColor", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "changeActiveColor", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "splitRejoinLinkTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "splitRejoinTargetTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "extendToOverlappingLinksTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "removeLinkTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "adjacentLinkAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "nestedLinkAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "splitLinkAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "defaultConfigAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "textAdditionTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "nestedLinkTargetTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "nestedLinkMergeTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkCrossingParagraphTest", testConfig ) );
-   			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithCustomListenerTest", testConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveAllTest", testConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveFormerTest", testConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveLatterTest", testConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveMiddleTest", testConfig ) );
-			// the descriptors added above should have a testConfig with a containerType of "sprite"
-			// When the TestDescriptor is created it makes a new testConfig and copies over the
-			// properties, so changing the containerType here should not affect the TestDescriptors
-			// already created. But it does - when the tests above run it goes through the "custom" code.
-			var customTestConfig:TestConfig = testConfig.copyTestConfig();
-			customTestConfig.containerType = "custom";
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithInlineTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithNullInlineTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithDisplayObjectTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "launchLinkTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseDownEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseClickEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseMoveEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseUpEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanRollOverEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanRollOutEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor(new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "interactiveObjectCount", customTestConfig ) );
-			ts.addTestDescriptor(new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "partlyComposingTest", customTestConfig ) );
-  		}
-   		override public function setUpTest() : void
-		{
-			if (containerType == "custom")
-			{
-				cleanUpTestApp();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				super.setUpTest();
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Selects the characters between the 30th and 50th characters and turns the selected area into a link.
-		 * Verifies that the 40th character is underneath a link.
-		 * Selects the 40th character and splits at that location.
-		 * Verifies that the first character in the new paragraph is underneath a link with the proper uri.
-		 * Undo the split operation.
-		 * Verfifies that the link is recreated in the first paragraph and is of length 20 with the proper uri.
-		 * Undo the "make link" operation.
-		 * Verifies that the 40th character is no longer underneath a link.
-		 */
-		public function performLinkTest():void // HBS
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("link element is null", (linkEl != null));
-			assertTrue("expected link length of " + (endIndx - startIndx) + " but found " +
-						linkEl.textLength, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
-			assertTrue("expected, but found " +
-						linkEl.href, (linkEl.href == ""));
-			//if down here, the link element was created correctly.
-			//Now, split the linkElement in the middle, which should be
-			//at position 40
-			SelManager.selectRange((startIndx + endIndx)/2, (startIndx + endIndx)/2);
-			SelManager.splitParagraph();
-			//get the next paragraph and then get the first FlowElement of that paragraph. It
-			//should be a link element
-			var curPar:ParagraphElement = fl.getParagraph();
-			var curParIndex:int = curPar.parent.getChildIndex(curPar);
-			assertTrue(true, ((curParIndex + 1) < curPar.parent.numChildren));
-			//if here, the split occurred fine.
-			var newPar:ParagraphElement = curPar.parent.getChildAt(curParIndex + 1) as ParagraphElement;
-			assertTrue(true, newPar != null);
-			var firstFlEl:FlowElement = newPar.getChildAt(0);
-			assertTrue(true, firstFlEl is LinkElement);
-			var newLinkEl:LinkElement = firstFlEl as LinkElement;
-			var expectedLength:int = (endIndx - startIndx) / 2;
-			//check to see if new link element is expected length or expected length + 1 (since
-			//a newline could have been appended to it.
-			assertTrue(true, ((expectedLength == newLinkEl.textLength) || (expectedLength == newLinkEl.textLength - 1)));
-			assertTrue(true, (newLinkEl.href == ""));
-			//undoing the split operation.
-			SelManager.undo();
-			assertTrue(true, (linkEl != null));
-			assertTrue(true, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
-			assertTrue(true, (linkEl.href == ""));
-			//undo the make link operation.
-			SelManager.undo();
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue(true, (linkEl == null));
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
-		 * Then inverts the link's color.
-		 */
-		public function changeLinkColor():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
-			var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			d[] = newColor;
-			linkEl.linkNormalFormat = d;
-			assertTrue(linkEl.linkNormalFormat != null && linkEl.linkNormalFormat[] == newColor);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
-		 * Then inverts the link's hover color.
-		 */
-		public function changeHoverColor():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
-			var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			d[] = newColor;
-			linkEl.linkHoverFormat = d;
-			assertTrue(linkEl.linkHoverFormat != null && linkEl.linkHoverFormat[] == newColor);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
-		 * Then inverts the link's active color.
-		 */
-		public function changeActiveColor():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
-			var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			d[] = newColor;
-			linkEl.linkActiveFormat = d;
-			assertTrue(linkEl.linkActiveFormat != null && linkEl.linkActiveFormat[] == newColor);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Creates a link in the first line, then turns a portion of that link
-		 * into a different link. Then splits the two links on the border between them
-		 * and undoes the opperation. Subsequently checks to see that both link
-		 * exist and point to their respective destinations.
-		 */
-		public function splitRejoinLinkTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 10;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 15, endIndx - 15);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 16, startIndx + 16);
-			SelManager.splitParagraph();
-			//undoing the split operation.
-			SelManager.undo();
-			var first:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx);
-			var second:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2);
-			var linkOne:LinkElement = first.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var linkTwo:LinkElement = second.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue(linkOne != linkTwo);
-			assertTrue(linkOne.href != linkTwo.href);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Creates a link in the first line, then changes a portion of the link to
-		 * have a different target. Then splits the two links on the border between
-		 * them and undoes the opperation. Subsequently checks to see that both link
-		 * exist and point to their respective destinations.
-		 */
-		public function splitRejoinTargetTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 10;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 15, endIndx - 15);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_top", false);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 16, startIndx + 16);
-			SelManager.splitParagraph();
-			//undoing the split operation.
-			SelManager.undo();
-			var first:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx);
-			var second:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2);
-			var linkOne:LinkElement = first.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var linkTwo:LinkElement = second.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue(linkOne != linkTwo);
-			assertTrue( !=;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Selects the characters between the 30th and 50th characters and turns the selected area into a link.
-		 * Selects the characters between the 35th and 45th charactets and applies a new link with extendToOverlappingLinks set to true
-		 * Verifies that the 30th character is underneath a link with the second URL
-		 * Undo the "make link" operations.
-		 * Turns the selected area into a link.
-		 * Selects the characters between the 35th and 45th charactets and applies a new link (blank target, extendToOverlappingLinks set to true)
-		 * Verifies that the 30th character is no longer underneath a link.
-		 */
-		public function extendToOverlappingLinksTest():void // HBS
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx+5, endIndx-5);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", true);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("link element is null", (linkEl != null));
-			assertTrue("expected link length of " + (endIndx - startIndx) + " but found " +
-						linkEl.textLength, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
-			assertTrue("expected, but found " +
-						linkEl.href, (linkEl.href == ""));
-			//undo the make link operations.
-			SelManager.undo();
-			SelManager.undo();
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx+5, endIndx-5);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", true);
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue(true, (linkEl == null));
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Determines where there is a paragraph break and tries to create a link
-		 * across it. Since links are sub paragraph blocks, this shouldn't happen.
-		 * Instead there should be two different links with the same attributes.
-		 */
-		public function linkCrossingParagraphTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			var splitIndx:int = 40;
-			SelManager.selectRange(splitIndx, splitIndx);
-			SelManager.splitParagraph();
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations()
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			var firstLinkCreated:LinkElement = SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var start:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(splitIndx-2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkStart:LinkElement = start.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("EditManager.applyLink not returning firstLinkCreated", firstLinkCreated == linkStart);
-			var end:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(splitIndx+2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEnd:LinkElement = end.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link not created correctly!",linkStart != null && linkEnd != null);
-			assertTrue("Link spans paragraph!",linkStart != linkEnd);
-			assertTrue("Link hrefs not identical!",linkStart.href == linkEnd.href);
-			assertTrue("Link targets not identical!", ==;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * First make a link, then shift the select and set the link to null. Verify
-		 * that the link is removed in the new selection.
-		 */
-		public function removeLinkTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link not set! Value is " + linkEl.href, linkEl.href == "");
-			assertTrue("Target not set! Value is " +, == "_self");
-			startIndx = 40;
-			endIndx = 60;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink(null, null, false);		// remove by passing null
-			// Check that it was removed
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link not removed!", !linkEl);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", null, false);		// remove by passing empty string
-			// Check that it was removed
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link not removed!", !linkEl);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Create two adjacent links with the same target then change their active color
-		 * attributes to be different. Ensure that they don't get merged.
-		 */
-		public function adjacentLinkAttributesTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var midIndx:int = 40;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, midIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			d[] = 0x0000FF;
-			linkEl.linkActiveFormat = d;
-			SelManager.selectRange(midIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_parent", false);
-			var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			d = new Dictionary();
-			d[] = 0xFFFF00;
-			linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = d;
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
+    [TestCase(order=32)]
+    [RunWith("org.flexunit.runners.Parameterized")]
+    public class LinkTest extends VellumTestCase
+    {
+        public static var directionDp:Array = [["vertical"], ["honrizontal"]];
+        public function LinkTest()
+        {
+            TestConfig.getInstance().containerType = "sprite";
+            super("", "LinkTest", TestConfig.getInstance());
+            metaData = {};
+            metaData.productArea = "Links";
+        }
+        override public function setUpTest():void
+        {
+            // When the TestDescriptor is created it makes a new testConfig and copies over the
+            // properties, so changing the containerType here should not affect the TestDescriptors
+            // already created. But it does - when the tests above run it goes through the "custom" code.
+            if (containerType == "custom")
+            {
+                TestConfig.getInstance().containerType = "custom";
+                cleanUpTestApp();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                super.setUpTest();
+            }
+        }
+        [After]
+        override public function tearDownTest():void
+        {
+            super.tearDownTest();
+        }
+        /**
+         * Selects the characters between the 30th and 50th characters and turns the selected area into a link.
+         * Verifies that the 40th character is underneath a link.
+         * Selects the 40th character and splits at that location.
+         * Verifies that the first character in the new paragraph is underneath a link with the proper uri.
+         * Undo the split operation.
+         * Verfifies that the link is recreated in the first paragraph and is of length 20 with the proper uri.
+         * Undo the "make link" operation.
+         * Verifies that the 40th character is no longer underneath a link.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function performLinkTest():void // HBS
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue("link element is null", (linkEl != null));
+            assertTrue("expected link length of " + (endIndx - startIndx) + " but found " +
+            linkEl.textLength, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
+            assertTrue("expected, but found " +
+            linkEl.href, (linkEl.href == ""));
+            //if down here, the link element was created correctly.
+            //Now, split the linkElement in the middle, which should be
+            //at position 40
+            SelManager.selectRange((startIndx + endIndx) / 2, (startIndx + endIndx) / 2);
+            SelManager.splitParagraph();
+            //get the next paragraph and then get the first FlowElement of that paragraph. It
+            //should be a link element
+            var curPar:ParagraphElement = fl.getParagraph();
+            var curParIndex:int = curPar.parent.getChildIndex(curPar);
+            assertTrue(true, ((curParIndex + 1) < curPar.parent.numChildren));
+            //if here, the split occurred fine.
+            var newPar:ParagraphElement = curPar.parent.getChildAt(curParIndex + 1) as ParagraphElement;
+            assertTrue(true, newPar != null);
+            var firstFlEl:FlowElement = newPar.getChildAt(0);
+            assertTrue(true, firstFlEl is LinkElement);
+            var newLinkEl:LinkElement = firstFlEl as LinkElement;
+            var expectedLength:int = (endIndx - startIndx) / 2;
+            //check to see if new link element is expected length or expected length + 1 (since
+            //a newline could have been appended to it.
+            assertTrue(true, ((expectedLength == newLinkEl.textLength) || (expectedLength == newLinkEl.textLength - 1)));
+            assertTrue(true, (newLinkEl.href == ""));
+            //undoing the split operation.
+            SelManager.undo();
+            assertTrue(true, (linkEl != null));
+            assertTrue(true, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
+            assertTrue(true, (linkEl.href == ""));
+            //undo the make link operation.
+            SelManager.undo();
+            fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue(true, (linkEl == null));
+        }
+        /**
+         * Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
+         * Then inverts the link's color.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function changeLinkColor():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
+            var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            d[] = newColor;
+            linkEl.linkNormalFormat = d;
+            assertTrue(linkEl.linkNormalFormat != null && linkEl.linkNormalFormat[] == newColor);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
+         * Then inverts the link's hover color.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function changeHoverColor():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
+            var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            d[] = newColor;
+            linkEl.linkHoverFormat = d;
+            assertTrue(linkEl.linkHoverFormat != null && linkEl.linkHoverFormat[] == newColor);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
+         * Then inverts the link's active color.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function changeActiveColor():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
+            var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            d[] = newColor;
+            linkEl.linkActiveFormat = d;
+            assertTrue(linkEl.linkActiveFormat != null && linkEl.linkActiveFormat[] == newColor);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Creates a link in the first line, then turns a portion of that link
+         * into a different link. Then splits the two links on the border between them
+         * and undoes the opperation. Subsequently checks to see that both link
+         * exist and point to their respective destinations.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function splitRejoinLinkTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 10;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 15, endIndx - 15);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 16, startIndx + 16);
+            SelManager.splitParagraph();
+            //undoing the split operation.
+            SelManager.undo();
+            var first:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx);
+            var second:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2);
+            var linkOne:LinkElement = first.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            var linkTwo:LinkElement = second.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue(linkOne != linkTwo);
+            assertTrue(linkOne.href != linkTwo.href);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Creates a link in the first line, then changes a portion of the link to
+         * have a different target. Then splits the two links on the border between
+         * them and undoes the opperation. Subsequently checks to see that both link
+         * exist and point to their respective destinations.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function splitRejoinTargetTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 10;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 15, endIndx - 15);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_top", false);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 16, startIndx + 16);
+            SelManager.splitParagraph();
+            //undoing the split operation.
+            SelManager.undo();
+            var first:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx);
+            var second:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2);
+            var linkOne:LinkElement = first.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            var linkTwo:LinkElement = second.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue(linkOne != linkTwo);
+            assertTrue( !=;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Selects the characters between the 30th and 50th characters and turns the selected area into a link.
+         * Selects the characters between the 35th and 45th charactets and applies a new link with extendToOverlappingLinks set to true
+         * Verifies that the 30th character is underneath a link with the second URL
+         * Undo the "make link" operations.
+         * Turns the selected area into a link.
+         * Selects the characters between the 35th and 45th charactets and applies a new link (blank target, extendToOverlappingLinks set to true)
+         * Verifies that the 30th character is no longer underneath a link.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function extendToOverlappingLinksTest():void // HBS
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 5, endIndx - 5);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", true);
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue("link element is null", (linkEl != null));
+            assertTrue("expected link length of " + (endIndx - startIndx) + " but found " +
+            linkEl.textLength, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
+            assertTrue("expected, but found " +
+            linkEl.href, (linkEl.href == ""));
+            //undo the make link operations.
+            SelManager.undo();
+            SelManager.undo();
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 5, endIndx - 5);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", true);
+            fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue(true, (linkEl == null));
+        }
+        /**
+         * Determines where there is a paragraph break and tries to create a link
+         * across it. Since links are sub paragraph blocks, this shouldn't happen.
+         * Instead there should be two different links with the same attributes.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function linkCrossingParagraphTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            var splitIndx:int = 40;
+            SelManager.selectRange(splitIndx, splitIndx);
+            SelManager.splitParagraph();
+            SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            var firstLinkCreated:LinkElement = SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var start:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(splitIndx - 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkStart:LinkElement = start.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue("EditManager.applyLink not returning firstLinkCreated", firstLinkCreated == linkStart);
+            var end:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(splitIndx + 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEnd:LinkElement = end.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue("Link not created correctly!", linkStart != null && linkEnd != null);
+            assertTrue("Link spans paragraph!", linkStart != linkEnd);
+            assertTrue("Link hrefs not identical!", linkStart.href == linkEnd.href);
+            assertTrue("Link targets not identical!", ==;
+        }
+        /**
+         * First make a link, then shift the select and set the link to null. Verify
+         * that the link is removed in the new selection.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function removeLinkTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue("Link not set! Value is " + linkEl.href, linkEl.href == "");
+            assertTrue("Target not set! Value is " +, == "_self");
+            startIndx = 40;
+            endIndx = 60;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink(null, null, false);		// remove by passing null
+            // Check that it was removed
+            fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue("Link not removed!", !linkEl);
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
-					linkEl != linkEl2
-			);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", null, false);		// remove by passing empty string
-			var linkElColor:*  = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
-			var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
+            // Check that it was removed
+            fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors",linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
-		}
+            assertTrue("Link not removed!", !linkEl);
+        }
-		/**
-		 * Create two nested links with the same target then change their active color
-		 * attributes to be different. Ensure that they don't get merged.
-		 */
-		public function nestedLinkAttributesTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var startIndx2:int = 35;
-			var endIndx2:int = 45;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
+        /**
+         * Create two adjacent links with the same target then change their active color
+         * attributes to be different. Ensure that they don't get merged.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function adjacentLinkAttributesTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var midIndx:int = 40;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, midIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var firstCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			firstCharForm[] = 0x0000FF;
-			linkEl.linkActiveFormat = firstCharForm;
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx2, endIndx2);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_top", false);
+            var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            d[] = 0x0000FF;
+            linkEl.linkActiveFormat = d;
-			var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            SelManager.selectRange(midIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_parent", false);
-			var secondCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			secondCharForm[] = 0xFFFF00;
-			linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = secondCharForm;
+            var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
+            d = new Dictionary();
+            d[] = 0xFFFF00;
+            linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = d;
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + startIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
-			fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var fl3:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((endIndx2 + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl3:LinkElement = fl3.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
-					(linkEl != linkEl2) && (linkEl2 != linkEl3)
-			);
+            assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
+                    linkEl != linkEl2
+            );
-			var linkElColor:*  = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
-			var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
+            var linkElColor:* = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
+            var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors",linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
-		}
+            assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors", linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
+        }
-		/**
-		 * Create a link, then set the color attributes.
-		 * Split the link and change the color attributes of the first half.
-		 * Ensure that the second half doesn't get the new attributes.
-		 */
-		public function splitLinkAttributesTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var midIndx:int = 40;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
+        /**
+         * Create two nested links with the same target then change their active color
+         * attributes to be different. Ensure that they don't get merged.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function nestedLinkAttributesTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var startIndx2:int = 35;
+            var endIndx2:int = 45;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var firstCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			firstCharForm[] = 0x0000FF;
-			linkEl.linkActiveFormat = firstCharForm;
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			SelManager.selectRange(midIndx, midIndx);
-			SelManager.splitParagraph();
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
+            var firstCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            firstCharForm[] = 0x0000FF;
+            linkEl.linkActiveFormat = firstCharForm;
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx2, endIndx2);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_top", false);
-			var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var secondCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			secondCharForm[] = 0xFFFF00;
-			linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = secondCharForm;
+            var secondCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            secondCharForm[] = 0xFFFF00;
+            linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = secondCharForm;
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
+            SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
-					linkEl != linkEl2
-			);
+            fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + startIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var linkElColor:*  = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
-			var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
+            fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors",linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
-		}
+            var fl3:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((endIndx2 + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl3:LinkElement = fl3.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-		/**
-		 * Change the DefaultConfiguration in TextFlow.
-		 * Create a new TextFlow.
-		 * Verify that the new flow has the new default configuration.
-		 */
-		public function defaultConfigAttributesTest():void
-		{
-			var actColor:uint = 0x0000FF;
-			var hovColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
-			var linkColor:uint = 0xFF0000;
+            assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
+                    (linkEl != linkEl2) && (linkEl2 != linkEl3)
+            );
-			/* var actFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			actFormat[] = actColor;
+            var linkElColor:* = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
+            var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
-			var hovFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			hovFormat[] = hovColor;
+            assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors", linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
+        }
-			var linkFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
-			linkFormat[] = linkColor; */
+        /**
+         * Create a link, then set the color attributes.
+         * Split the link and change the color attributes of the first half.
+         * Ensure that the second half doesn't get the new attributes.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function splitLinkAttributesTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
-			var actFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-			actFormat.color = actColor;
+            var startIndx:int = 30;
+            var midIndx:int = 40;
+            var endIndx:int = 50;
-			var hovFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-			hovFormat.color = hovColor;
+            SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
+            SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var linkFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-			linkFormat.color = linkColor;
+            var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var testConfig:Configuration = new Configuration();
+            var firstCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            firstCharForm[] = 0x0000FF;
+            linkEl.linkActiveFormat = firstCharForm;
-			testConfig.defaultLinkActiveFormat = actFormat;
-			testConfig.defaultLinkNormalFormat = linkFormat;
-			testConfig.defaultLinkHoverFormat = hovFormat;
+            SelManager.selectRange(midIndx, midIndx);
+            SelManager.splitParagraph();
+            SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
-			var newFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow(testConfig);
+            fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Active format was not applied.",TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkActiveFormat,actFormat));
-			assertTrue("Hover format was not applied.",TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkHoverFormat,hovFormat));
-			assertTrue("Link format was not applied.",TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkNormalFormat,linkFormat));
-		}
+            var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
+            var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-		/**
-		 * Insert text at the end of a link.
-		 * Verify that the new text is not a link.
-		 */
-		public function textAdditionTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
+            var secondCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+            secondCharForm[] = 0xFFFF00;
+            linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = secondCharForm;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
+            assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
+                    linkEl != linkEl2
+            );
-			SelManager.selectRange(endIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.insertText("I should not be a link.");
+            var linkElColor:* = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
+            var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(endIndx + 2) as FlowElement;
+            assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors", linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
+        }
-			assertTrue("Inserted text became a link!",!(fl is LinkElement));
+        /**
+         * Change the DefaultConfiguration in TextFlow.
+         * Create a new TextFlow.
+         * Verify that the new flow has the new default configuration.
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public function defaultConfigAttributesTest():void
+        {
+            setUpTest();
+            var actColor:uint = 0x0000FF;
+            var hovColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
+            var linkColor:uint = 0xFF0000;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, startIndx);
-			SelManager.insertText("I should not be a link.");
+            /* var actFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+             actFormat[] = actColor;
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx + 2) as FlowElement;
+             var hovFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+             hovFormat[] = hovColor;
-			assertTrue("Inserted text became a link!",!(fl is LinkElement));
-		}
+             var linkFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
+             linkFormat[] = linkColor; */
-		/**
-		 * Create two nested links with the same target.
-		 * Change the outer link's target.
-		 * Verify that the inner link doesn't change it's target.
-		 * Verify that both sides of the outer link change.
-		 */
-		public function nestedLinkTargetTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var startIndx2:int = 35;
-			var endIndx2:int = 45;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
+            var actFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
+            actFormat.color = actColor;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
+            var hovFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
+            hovFormat.color = hovColor;
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            var linkFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
+            linkFormat.color = linkColor;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx2, endIndx2);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_none", false);
+            var testConfig:Configuration = new Configuration();
-			var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            testConfig.defaultLinkActiveFormat = actFormat;
+            testConfig.defaultLinkNormalFormat = linkFormat;
+            testConfig.defaultLinkHoverFormat = hovFormat;
- = "";
+            var newFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow(testConfig);
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + startIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var fl3:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((endIndx2 + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl3:LinkElement = fl3.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
+            assertTrue("Active format was not applied.", TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkActiveFormat, actFormat));
+            assertTrue("Hover format was not applied.", TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkHoverFormat, hovFormat));
+            assertTrue("Link format was not applied.", TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkNormalFormat, linkFormat));
+        }
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different targets were merged.",
-					(linkEl != linkEl2) && (linkEl2 != linkEl3)
-			);
-			assertTrue("Link elements with different targets didn't preserve their targets",
-					( != &&
-					( != &&
-					( ==
-			);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Create two nested links with the same target.
-		 * Change the outer link's target.
-		 * Verify that the inner link doesn't change it's target.
-		 * Verify that both sides of the outer link change.
-		 */
-		public function nestedLinkMergeTest():void
-		{
-			var startIndx:int = 30;
-			var startIndx2:int = 35;
-			var endIndx2:int = 45;
-			var endIndx:int = 50;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx2, endIndx2);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
- = "";
-			SelManager.flushPendingOperations();
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + startIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			var fl3:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((endIndx2 + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl3:LinkElement = fl3.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link elements were not merged.",
-					(linkEl === linkEl2)
-			);
-		}
-		private static function listener(e:Event):void
-		{ }
-		public function linkWithCustomListenerTest():void
-		{
-			var tf:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(new Sprite()));
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			// first link
-			var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span1.text = "span1";
-			var link1:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
-			link1.addChild(span1);
-			p.addChild(link1);
-			// second link
-			var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span2.text = "span2";
-			var link2:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
-			link2.addChild(span2);
-			p.addChild(link2);
-			link2.getEventMirror().addEventListener("test",listener);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			assertTrue("Links with custom mirror events should not merge", link1.parent == p && link2.parent == p);
-		}
-		public function linkWithInlineTest():void
-		{
-			doLinkWithInlineTest("");
-		}
-		public function linkWithNullInlineTest():void
-		{
-			doLinkWithInlineTest(null);
-		}
-		public function linkWithDisplayObjectTest():void
-		{
-			// Create a simple rectangular display object for the float
-			var displayObject:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var g:Graphics =;
-			g.beginFill(0xFF00FF);
-			g.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
-			g.endFill();
-			doLinkWithInlineTest(displayObject);
-		}
-		private function doLinkWithInlineTest(source:Object):void
-		{
-			var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(s);
-			var _textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
-			_textFlow.fontSize = 48;
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			_textFlow.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello ";
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();  link.href = "";
-			// graphic doesn't load
-			var inlineGraphic:InlineGraphicElement = new InlineGraphicElement();
-			if (source)
-				inlineGraphic.source = source;
-			inlineGraphic.width = 100;
-			inlineGraphic.height = 100;
-			link.addChild(inlineGraphic);
-			p.addChild(link);
-			var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span2.text = " World";
-			p.addChild(span2);
-			_textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(s,400,200));
-			// this call compose but the graphic hasn't been loaded from the source URL yet.
-			_textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var inline:DisplayObject = inlineGraphic.graphic;
-			if (inline.width > 0 && inline.height > 0)		// try simulating a click
-			{
-				var eventCount:int = 0;
-				link.href = "event:customEvent";
-				link.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK,listener);
-				_textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-				var controller:ContainerController = _textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(0);
-				var x:Number = inline.x + inline.width / 2;
-				var y:Number = inline.y + inline.height / 2;
-				var pt:Point = new Point(x, y);
-				pt = inline.localToGlobal(pt);
-				pt = controller.container.globalToLocal(pt);
-				controller.container.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, pt.x, pt.y));
-				controller.container.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, pt.x, pt.y));
-				assertTrue("Custom listener should have received click", eventCount == 1);
-			}
-			function listener(e:Event):void
-			{  eventCount++;  }
-		}
-		private function applyLink(startIndx:int,endIndx:int):void
-		{			
-			/*
-			apply the link from startIndx to endIndx 
-			then calling applyLink(null) to remove the selection
-			*/			
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			//check that the link and target are set
-			assertTrue("Link not set! Value is " + linkEl.href, linkEl.href == "");
-			assertTrue("Target not set! Value is " +, == "_self");			
-		}
-		private function removeLink(startIndx:int,endIndx:int):void
-		{
-			//remove the link from startIndx to endIndx
-			SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
-			SelManager.applyLink(null, null, false);		// remove by passing null	
-		}
-		public function applyLinkAndRemoveAllTest():void
-		{
-			//apply the link from 30 to 50			
-			applyLink(30,50);		
-			//remove the link from 30 to 50
-			removeLink(30,50);			
-			// Check that it was removed
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((30 + 50) / 2) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;			
-			assertTrue("Link not removed when applyLink(null) called!", !linkEl);
-		}
-		/**
-		 apply the link from 30 to 50 
-		 then remove the selection of 25, 40
-		 check no link element parent for index 35, but the link remains at index 45
-		 */
-		public function applyLinkAndRemoveFormerTest():void
-		{
-			applyLink(30,50);
-			//remove a selection of 25, 40
-			removeLink(25,40);			
-			//Check that no link element parent for index 35, but the link remains at index 45
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(35) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link element parent for index 35 not removed when applyLink(null) called",!linkEl );
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(45) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link element parent for index 45 not remain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );			
-		}
-		/**
-		 apply the link from 30 to 50 
-		 then remove the selection of 40, 55
-		 check the link remains at index 35, but is not present at index 45
-		 */
-		public function applyLinkAndRemoveLatterTest():void
-		{
-			applyLink(30,50);
-			//remove a selection of 40, 55
-			removeLink(40,55);
-			//Check that the link remains at index 35, but is not present at index 45
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(35) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link element parent for index 35 not ramain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(45) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link element parent for index 45 not removed when applyLink(null) called",!linkEl );	
-		}
-		/**
-		 apply the link from 30 to 50 
-		 then remove the selection of 35, 45
-		 check no link at index 40, but there should be two separate link elements now
-		 */
-		public function applyLinkAndRemoveMiddleTest():void
-		{			
-			applyLink(30,50);
-			//remove a selection of 35, 45
-			removeLink(35,45);
-			//Check that no link at index 40, but there should be two separate link elements now
-			var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(40) as FlowElement;
-			var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link element parent for index 40 not removed when applyLink(null) called",!linkEl );
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(30) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link element parent for index 30 not remain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );
-			fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(49) as FlowElement;
-			linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
-			assertTrue("Link element parent for index 49 not remain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );
-		} 
-		private var tf:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
-		public function launchLinkTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
-			link.href = "event:customEvent";
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-			link.addChild(span);
-			p.addChild(link);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 6);
-			// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			//tf.addEventListener("customEvent", addAsync(checkEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function linkEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
-			link.href = "event:customEvent";
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-			link.addChild(span);
-			p.addChild(link);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			//link.getEventMirror().addEventListener("customEvent", addAsync(checkEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 6);
-			// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function spanMouseDownEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-			//span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addAsync(checkMouseDownEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function spanMouseClickEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-		//	span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK, addAsync(checkMouseClickEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			//dispatch mouse events
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function spanMouseMoveEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-			//span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, addAsync(checkMouseMoveEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function spanMouseUpEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-		//	span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addAsync(checkMouseUpEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function spanRollOverEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-		//	span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, addAsync(checkMouseRollOverEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function spanRollOutEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			tf.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-		//	span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, addAsync(checkMouseRollOutEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
-			tf.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			tf.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			tf.interactionManager = null;
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, bounds.right + 1, bounds.bottom + 1, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		public function spanMouseEventMirrorTest():void	
-		{	
-			if (direction == "vertical")
-			{
-				var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
-				format.fontFamily = "Arial";
-				format.fontSize = 16;
-				format.direction = "ltr";
-				format.blockProgression = "rl";
-				tf.hostFormat = format;
-			}
-			var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
-			textFlow.fontSize = 24;
-			var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
-			textFlow.addChild(p);
-			var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
-			span.text = "Hello world";
-			span.fontSize = 16;
-			p.addChild(span);
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
-			textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			//listen for all FlowElementMouseEvents
-			span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,traceEvent);
-			span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,traceEvent);
-			span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,traceEvent);
-			span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,traceEvent);
-			span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,traceEvent);
-			span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK,traceEvent);
-			editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
-			// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
-			var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
-			var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
-			var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
-			textFlow.interactionManager = null;
-		    //dispatch all mouse events
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, bounds.right + 1, bounds.bottom + 1, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine)); 
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
-			textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
-		}
-		private function checkEvent(e:Event):void
-		{
-			assertTrue("mouseClickEvent is not fired when launch a link.", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener("customEvent", checkEvent);
-		}
-		public function traceEvent(e:FlowElementMouseEvent):void
-		{ 
-			assertTrue("mouseEvent not fired correctly", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, checkMouseDownEvent);
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, checkMouseUpEvent);
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK, checkMouseClickEvent);
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, checkMouseMoveEvent);
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, checkMouseRollOverEvent);
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, checkMouseRollOutEvent);
-		}
-		private function checkMouseDownEvent(e:Event):void
-		{
-			assertTrue("mouseDown event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, checkMouseDownEvent);
-		}
-		private function checkMouseUpEvent(e:Event):void
-		{
-			assertTrue("mouseUp event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, checkMouseUpEvent);
-		}
-		private function checkMouseClickEvent(e:Event):void
-		{
-			assertTrue("mouseClick event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK, checkMouseClickEvent);
-		}
-		private function checkMouseMoveEvent(e:Event):void
-		{
-			assertTrue("mouseMove event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, checkMouseMoveEvent);
-		}
-		private function checkMouseRollOverEvent(e:Event):void
-		{
-			assertTrue("mouseRollOver event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, checkMouseRollOverEvent);
-		}
-		private function checkMouseRollOutEvent(e:Event):void
-		{
-			assertTrue("mouseRollOut event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
-			tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, checkMouseRollOutEvent);
-		}
-		public function interactiveObjectCount():void	
-		{
-			var markup:String = "<TextFlow xmlns=''>"
-				+"<list><li><div>" +
-					"<p>" +
-						"<span>before link</span>" +
-						"<tcy><a url=\"\"><span>the first link</span></a></tcy>" +
-						"<a url=\"\"><span>the second</span><span color=\"0xff0000\"> link</span></a>"+
-						"<tcy><span>after link</span></tcy>"+
-					"</p>" +
-					"<p><span>no link</span></p>" +
-				"</div></li></list>"+
-				"<p><span>no link</span></p>"
-				+"</TextFlow>";
-			var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup,TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,300,200));
-			textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();
-			//get the first paragraph
-			var span1:SpanElement = textFlow.getFirstLeaf() as SpanElement;
-			var para1:ParagraphElement = span1.parent as ParagraphElement;
-			assertTrue("The number of interactive children does not equal 2", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 2);
-			//get the second paragraph
-			var para2:ParagraphElement = para1.getNextSibling() as ParagraphElement;
-			assertTrue("The number of interactive children does not equal 0", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 0);
-			//get the third paragraph
-			var para3:ParagraphElement = textFlow.getChildAt(1) as ParagraphElement;
-			assertTrue("The number of interactive children does not equal 0", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 0);
-			//
-			editmanager.applyLink("", "_self", false, new SelectionState(textFlow, 0, 6));
-			assertTrue("The number of interactive children is incorrect after apply link", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 3);
-			//
-			editmanager.applyLink(null, null, false, new SelectionState(textFlow, 0, 6)); 
-			assertTrue("The number of interactive children is incorrect after cancel the link", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 2);
-		}
-		public function partlyComposingTest():void	
-		{
-			var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
-			var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
-			textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
-			editmanager.selectAll();
-			editmanager.deleteText();
-			createLinkLine(textFlow, 7);
-			var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
-			var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
-			TestCanvas.rawChildren.addChild(container);
-			var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,300,100);
-			textFlow.flowComposer.addController(cc);
-			va


[2/2] git commit: [flex-tlf] [refs/heads/develop] - Migrate LinkTest to FU 4 with one ignored test "interactiveObjectCount"

Posted by
Migrate LinkTest to FU 4 with one ignored test "interactiveObjectCount"


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: 9a2916a09917c07f1aa99551c29aafd5b2ec7567
Parents: e5fa983
Author: piotrz <>
Authored: Tue Apr 21 23:18:58 2015 +0200
Committer: piotrz <>
Committed: Tue Apr 21 23:18:58 2015 +0200

 automation_tests/src/           |    2 +
 automation_tests/src/UnitTest/Tests/ | 2985 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 1544 insertions(+), 1443 deletions(-)
diff --git a/automation_tests/src/ b/automation_tests/src/
index 52316ef..4598f51 100644
--- a/automation_tests/src/
+++ b/automation_tests/src/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ package
     import UnitTest.Tests.ImpliedParagraphTest;
     import UnitTest.Tests.ImportAPITest;
     import UnitTest.Tests.KeyboardGestureTest;
+    import UnitTest.Tests.LinkTest;
     import UnitTest.Tests.ListTest;
     import UnitTest.Tests.OperationTest;
     import UnitTest.Tests.ScrollingTest;
@@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ package
         public var spacingTest:SpacingTest;
         public var verticalScrollingTest:VerticalScrollingTest;
         public var listTest:ListTest;
+        public var linkTest:LinkTest;