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[09/51] [partial] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-77 removing the old jgroups subproject
diff --git a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/ b/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
deleted file mode 100644
index 01dab23..0000000
--- a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2732 +0,0 @@
-/** Notice of modification as required by the LGPL
- *  This file was modified by Gemstone Systems Inc. on
- *  $Date$
- **/
-// $Id:,v 1.49 2005/12/23 14:57:06 belaban Exp $
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
-import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
- * Group membership protocol. Handles joins/leaves/crashes (suspicions) and emits new views
- * accordingly. Use VIEW_ENFORCER on top of this layer to make sure new members don't receive
- * any messages until they are members.
- */
-public class GMS extends Protocol  {
-    protected/*GemStoneAddition*/ GmsImpl           impl=null;
-    Address                   local_addr=null;
-    final Membership          members=new Membership();     // real membership
-    private final Membership  tmp_members=new Membership(); // base for computing next view
-    static final String       FAILED_TO_ACK_MEMBER_VERIFY_THREAD = "Failed to ACK member verify Thread" ;
-    /** Members joined but for which no view has been received yet */
-    private final Vector      joining=new Vector(7);
-    /** Members excluded from group, but for which no view has been received yet */
-    private final Vector      leaving=new Vector(7);
-    View                      view=null;
-    ViewId                    view_id=null;
-    private long              ltime=0;
-    long                      join_timeout=5000;
-    long                      join_retry_timeout=2000;
-    long                      leave_timeout=5000;
-    private long              digest_timeout=0;              // time to wait for a digest (from PBCAST). should be fast
-    long                      merge_timeout=10000;           // time to wait for all MERGE_RSPS
-    private final Object      impl_mutex=new Object();       // synchronizes event entry into impl
-    private final Object      digest_mutex=new Object();
-    private final Promise     digest_promise=new Promise();  // holds result of GET_DIGEST event
-    private final Hashtable   impls=new Hashtable(3);
-    private boolean           shun=true;
-    boolean                   merge_leader=false;         // can I initiate a merge ?
-    private boolean           print_local_addr=true;
-    boolean                   disable_initial_coord=false; // can the member become a coord on startup or not ?
-    /** Setting this to false disables concurrent startups. This is only used by unit testing code
-     * for testing merging. To everybody else: don't change it to false ! */
-    boolean                   handle_concurrent_startup=true;
-    static final String       CLIENT="Client";
-    static final String       COORD="Coordinator";
-    static final String       PART="Participant";
-    TimeScheduler             timer=null;
-    private volatile boolean joined; // GemStoneAddition - has this member joined?
-    private volatile boolean disconnected; // GemStoneAddition - has this member disconnected?
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - network partition detection uses a "leader"
-     * process to decide which partition will survive.
-     */
-    volatile Address leader;
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - are coordinators forced to be colocated with gossip servers?
-     */
-    boolean floatingCoordinatorDisabled;
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - is this process split-brain-detection-enabled?  If so,
-     * it's eligible to be the leader process.
-     */
-    boolean splitBrainDetectionEnabled;
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - indicates whether a network partition has already been detected.
-     * This is used to prevent this member from installing a new view after a network partition.
-     * See bug #39279
-     */
-    protected boolean networkPartitionDetected = false;
-    /** Max number of old members to keep in history */
-    protected int             num_prev_mbrs=50;
-    /** Keeps track of old members (up to num_prev_mbrs) */
-    BoundedList               prev_members=null;
-    int num_views=0;
-    /** Stores the last 20 views */
-    BoundedList               prev_views=new BoundedList(20);
-    /** Class to process JOIN, LEAVE and MERGE requests */
-    public final ViewHandler  view_handler=new ViewHandler();
-    /** To collect VIEW_ACKs from all members */
-    final AckCollector ack_collector=new AckCollector();
-    /** To collect PREPARE_FOR_VIEW acks from members */
-    final AckCollector prepare_collector = new AckCollector(); // GemStoneAddition
-    /** Time in ms to wait for all VIEW acks (0 == wait forever) */
-    long                      view_ack_collection_timeout=12437;  // GemStoneAddition - was 20000;
-                                                       // for 6.5 release, changed from 17437 to 12437 - well below the default join timeout period
-    /** How long should a Resumer wait until resuming the ViewHandler */
-    long                      resume_task_timeout=17439; // GemStoneAddition - was 20000;
-    private int partitionThreshold = 51; // GemStoneAddition
-    private int memberWeight; // GemStoneAddition - see network partition detection spec
-    private volatile View preparedView; // GemStoneAddition - see network partition detection spec
-    private View previousPreparedView; // GemStoneAddition
-    private volatile Address coordinator;
-    public static final String       name="GMS";
-    /** GemStoneAddition - if set this causes view casting to be delayed by some number of seconds */
-    public static int TEST_HOOK_SLOW_VIEW_CASTING;
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - amount of time to wait for additional join/leave
-     * requests before processing.  Set gemfire.VIEW_BUNDLING_WAIT_TIME to
-     * the number of milliseconds.  Defaults to 150ms.
-     */
-    static final long BUNDLE_WAITTIME = Integer.getInteger("gemfire.VIEW_BUNDLING_WAIT_TIME", 150).intValue();
-    private Object installViewLock = new Object(); //lock to assure that install views will atomically update the view, transition coordinators and notify locators
-    public GMS() {
-        initState();
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public String getName() {
-        return name;
-    }
-    // start GemStoneAddition
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public int getProtocolEnum() {
-      return;
-    }
-    // end GemStone addition
-    public String getView() {return view_id != null? view_id.toString() : "null";}
-    public int getNumberOfViews() {return num_views;}
-    public String getLocalAddress() {return local_addr != null? local_addr.toString() : "null";}
-    public String getMembers() {return members != null? members.toString() : "[]";}
-    public int getNumMembers() {return members != null? members.size() : 0;}
-    public long getJoinTimeout() {return join_timeout;}
-    public void setJoinTimeout(long t) {join_timeout=t;}
-    public long getJoinRetryTimeout() {return join_retry_timeout;}
-    public void setJoinRetryTimeout(long t) {join_retry_timeout=t;}
-    public boolean isShun() {return shun;}
-    public void setShun(boolean s) {shun=s;}
-    public String printPreviousMembers() {
-        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
-        if(prev_members != null) {
-            for(Enumeration en=prev_members.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
-                sb.append(en.nextElement()).append("\n");
-            }
-        }
-        return sb.toString();
-    }
-    public int viewHandlerSize() {return view_handler.size();}
-    public boolean isViewHandlerSuspended() {return view_handler.suspended();}
-    public String dumpViewHandlerQueue() {
-        return view_handler.dumpQueue();
-    }
-    public String dumpViewHandlerHistory() {
-        return view_handler.dumpHistory();
-    }
-    public void suspendViewHandler() {
-        view_handler.suspend(null);
-    }
-    public void resumeViewHandler() {
-        view_handler.resumeForce();
-    }
-    GemFireTracer getLog() {return log;}
-    public String printPreviousViews() {
-        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
-        for(Enumeration en=prev_views.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
-            sb.append(en.nextElement()).append("\n");
-        }
-        return sb.toString();
-    }
-    public boolean isCoordinator() {
-        Address coord=determineCoordinator();
-        return coord != null && local_addr != null && local_addr.equals(coord);
-    }
-    /**
-     * For testing we sometimes need to be able to disable disconnecting during
-     * failure scenarios
-     */
-    public void disableDisconnectOnQuorumLossForTesting() {
-      this.splitBrainDetectionEnabled = false;
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void resetStats() {
-        super.resetStats();
-        num_views=0;
-        prev_views.removeAll();
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public Vector requiredDownServices() {
-        Vector retval=new Vector(3);
-        retval.addElement(Integer.valueOf(Event.GET_DIGEST));
-        retval.addElement(Integer.valueOf(Event.SET_DIGEST));
-        retval.addElement(Integer.valueOf(Event.FIND_INITIAL_MBRS));
-        return retval;
-    }
-    public void setImpl(GmsImpl new_impl) {
-        synchronized(impl_mutex) {
-            if(impl == new_impl) // superfluous
-                return;
-            impl=new_impl;
-//            if (impl instanceof CoordGmsImpl) {
-//              log.getLogWriter().info(
-//            }
-            if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                String msg=(local_addr != null? local_addr.toString()+" " : "") + "changed role to " + new_impl.getClass().getName();
-                log.debug(msg);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public GmsImpl getImpl() {
-        return impl;
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void init() throws Exception {
-        prev_members=new BoundedList(num_prev_mbrs);
-        timer=stack != null? stack.timer : null;
-        if(timer == null)
-            throw new Exception("GMS.init(): timer is null");
-        if(impl != null)
-            impl.init();
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void start() throws Exception {
-      this.disconnected = false;
-        if(impl != null) impl.start();
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void stop() {
-        view_handler.stop(true);
-        if(impl != null) impl.stop();
-        if(prev_members != null)
-            prev_members.removeAll();
-    }
-    // GemStoneAddition - added suspects argument for bug 41772
-    public synchronized void becomeCoordinator(Vector suspects) {
-      if (!(impl instanceof CoordGmsImpl)) { // GemStoneAddition, synchronize and checked for redundant becomeCoordinator
-        log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.GMS_THIS_MEMBER_0_IS_BECOMING_GROUP_COORDINATOR, this.local_addr/*, new Exception("stack trace")*/);
-        CoordGmsImpl tmp=(CoordGmsImpl)impls.get(COORD);
-        if(tmp == null) {
-            tmp=new CoordGmsImpl(this);
-            impls.put(COORD, tmp);
-        }
-        try {
-            tmp.init();
-        }
-        catch(Exception e) {
-            log.error(ExternalStrings.GMS_EXCEPTION_SWITCHING_TO_COORDINATOR_ROLE, e);
-        }
-        if (((IpAddress)this.local_addr).getBirthViewId() < 0) {
-          ((IpAddress)this.local_addr).setBirthViewId(
-              this.view_id == null? 0 : this.view_id.getId());
-        }
-        setImpl(tmp);
-        if (suspects != null && suspects.size() > 0) {
-          List suspectList = new LinkedList(suspects);
-          impl.handleLeave(suspectList, true,
-              Collections.singletonList("Member was suspected of being dead prior to " + this.local_addr
-              + " becoming group coordinator"), false);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // GemStoneAddition - logical time can become confused when a
-    // coordinator sends out a view using unicast and the view isn't
-    // sent all members before the coordinator dies.  We increment the
-    // Lamport clock to avoid missing updates
-    protected synchronized void incrementLtime(int amount) {
-      ltime += amount;
-    }
-    public void becomeParticipant() {
-      if (this.stack.getChannel().closing()) { // GemStoneAddition - fix for bug #42969
-        return; // don't try to become a participant if we're shutting down
-      }
-        ParticipantGmsImpl tmp=(ParticipantGmsImpl)impls.get(PART);
-        if(tmp == null) {
-            tmp=new ParticipantGmsImpl(this);
-            impls.put(PART, tmp);
-        }
-        try {
-            tmp.init();
-        }
-        catch(Exception e) {
-            log.error(ExternalStrings.GMS_EXCEPTION_SWITCHING_TO_PARTICIPANT, e);
-        }
-        setImpl(tmp);
-    }
-    public void becomeClient() {
-        ClientGmsImpl tmp=(ClientGmsImpl)impls.get(CLIENT);
-        if(tmp == null) {
-            tmp=new ClientGmsImpl(this);
-            impls.put(CLIENT, tmp);
-        }
-        try {
-            tmp.init();
-        }
-        catch(Exception e) {
-            log.error(ExternalStrings.GMS_EXCEPTION_SWITCHING_TO_CLIENT_ROLE, e);
-        }
-        setImpl(tmp);
-    }
-    boolean haveCoordinatorRole() {
-        return impl != null && impl instanceof CoordGmsImpl;
-    }
-    boolean haveParticipantRole() {
-      return impl != null && impl instanceof ParticipantGmsImpl;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Computes the next view. Returns a copy that has <code>old_mbrs</code> and
-     * <code>suspected_mbrs</code> removed and <code>new_mbrs</code> added.
-     */
-    public View getNextView(Vector added_mbrs, Vector left_mbrs, Vector suspected_mbrs) {
-        Vector mbrs;
-        long vid;
-        View v;
-        Membership tmp_mbrs;
-        Address tmp_mbr;
-        synchronized(members) {
-            if(view_id == null) {
-//                return null; // this should *never* happen ! GemStoneAddition
-//                log.error("view_id is null", new Exception()); // GemStoneAddition debug
-                vid = 0; // GemStoneAddition
-            }
-            else {
-              vid=Math.max(view_id.getId(), ltime) + 1;
-            }
-            ltime=vid;
-            tmp_mbrs=tmp_members.copy();  // always operate on the temporary membership
-            if (suspected_mbrs != null) { // GemStoneAddition - if a mbr is shutting down, just remove it
-              if (left_mbrs == null) {
-                left_mbrs = new Vector();
-              }
-              for (Iterator<IpAddress> it = suspected_mbrs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-                IpAddress addr =;
-                if (this.stack.gfPeerFunctions.isShuttingDown(addr)) {
-                  it.remove();
-                  left_mbrs.add(addr);
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            tmp_mbrs.remove(suspected_mbrs);
-            tmp_mbrs.remove(left_mbrs);
-            tmp_mbrs.add(added_mbrs);
-            mbrs=tmp_mbrs.getMembers();
-            // putting the coordinator at the front caused problems with dlock
-            // because the coordinator might think it is an elder, but the old
-            // elder would not release its role, causing a deadlock.  See #47562
-//            if (mbrs.contains(local_addr) && !mbrs.get(0).equals(local_addr)) {
-//              mbrs.remove(local_addr);
-//              mbrs.add(0, this.local_addr);
-//            }
-            v=new View(local_addr, vid, mbrs, suspected_mbrs);
-            // Update membership (see DESIGN for explanation):
-            tmp_members.set(mbrs);
-            // Update joining list (see DESIGN for explanation)
-            if(added_mbrs != null) {
-                for(int i=0; i < added_mbrs.size(); i++) {
-                    tmp_mbr=(Address)added_mbrs.elementAt(i);
-                    if(!joining.contains(tmp_mbr))
-                        joining.addElement(tmp_mbr);
-                }
-            }
-            // Update leaving list (see DESIGN for explanations)
-            if(left_mbrs != null) {
-                for(Iterator it=left_mbrs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-                    Address addr=(Address);
-                    if(!this.leaving.contains(addr))
-                        this.leaving.add(addr);
-                }
-            }
-            if(suspected_mbrs != null) {
-                for(Iterator it=suspected_mbrs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-                    Address addr=(Address);
-                    if(!this.leaving.contains(addr))
-                        this.leaving.add(addr);
-                }
-            }
-            if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("new view is " + v);
-            return v;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     Compute a new view, given the current view, the new members and the suspected/left
-     members. Then simply mcast the view to all members. This is different to the VS GMS protocol,
-     in which we run a FLUSH protocol which tries to achive consensus on the set of messages mcast in
-     the current view before proceeding to install the next view.
-     The members for the new view are computed as follows:
-     <pre>
-     existing          leaving        suspected          joining
-     1. new_view      y                 n               n                 y
-     2. tmp_view      y                 y               n                 y
-     (view_dest)
-     </pre>
-     <ol>
-     <li>
-     The new view to be installed includes the existing members plus the joining ones and
-     excludes the leaving and suspected members.
-     <li>
-     A temporary view is sent down the stack as an <em>event</em>. This allows the bottom layer
-     (e.g. UDP or TCP) to determine the members to which to send a multicast message. Compared
-     to the new view, leaving members are <em>included</em> since they have are waiting for a
-     view in which they are not members any longer before they leave. So, if we did not set a
-     temporary view, joining members would not receive the view (signalling that they have been
-     joined successfully). The temporary view is essentially the current view plus the joining
-     members (old members are still part of the current view).
-     </ol>
-     * @param mcast TODO
-     */
-    public void castViewChange(Vector new_mbrs, Vector left_mbrs, Vector suspected_mbrs, boolean mcast) {
-        View new_view;
-        // next view: current mbrs + new_mbrs - old_mbrs - suspected_mbrs
-        new_view=getNextView(new_mbrs, left_mbrs, suspected_mbrs);
-        castViewChange(new_view, null, true);
-    }
-    public void castViewChange(View new_view, Digest digest, boolean mcast) {
-        //boolean mcast = stack.jgmm.getDistributionConfig().getMcastPort() > 0; // GemStoneAddition
-        castViewChangeWithDest(new_view, digest, null, true);
-    }
-    // GemStoneAddition - send the view with unicast to avoid NAKACK rejection of non-member
-    protected void ucastViewChange(View new_view) {
-      castViewChangeWithDest(new_view, null, null, false);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Broadcasts the new view and digest, and waits for acks from all members in the list given as argument.
-     * If the list is null, we take the members who are part of new_view
-     * <p>GemStoneAddition much of this method was rewritten for quorum-based
-     * network partition detection
-     * @param new_view
-     * @param digest
-     * @param newMbrs_p
-     * @param mcast_p whether multicast may be used (GemStoneAddition)
-     */
-    public void castViewChangeWithDest(View new_view, Digest digest, java.util.List newMbrs_p, boolean mcast_p) {
-        GmsHeader hdr;
-        long      start, stop;
-        ViewId    vid=new_view.getVid();
-        int       size=-1;
-        if (this.disconnected) {
-          // GemStoneAddition: during debugging #50633 ViewHandler was found to
-          // be casting a new view after the stack had been disconnected.  UNICAST
-          // had already reset all of its connections so everyone ignored the
-          // view, but that's not guaranteed to be the case.
-          return;
-        }
-        if (TEST_HOOK_SLOW_VIEW_CASTING > 0) {
-          try {
-            log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.DEBUG,
-                "Delaying view casting by " + TEST_HOOK_SLOW_VIEW_CASTING
-                + " seconds for testing");
-            Thread.sleep(TEST_HOOK_SLOW_VIEW_CASTING * 1000);
-          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            log.getLogWriter().fine("Test hook interrupted while sleeping");
-            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
-          } finally {
-          }
-        }
-        // GemStoneAddition
-        // we've already sent a tmp_view down the stack to inform comm procotols
-        // about new members.  This tmp_view notification will remove old members
-        // as well so that address canonicalization will not pick up old addresses
-        // if a new member reuses an addr:port of an old member
-        passDown(new Event(Event.TMP_VIEW, new_view));
-        // do not multicast the view unless we really have a multicast port.  Otherwise
-        // we are relying on weak messaging support in TP based on the last installed view
-        // see bug #39429
-        boolean mcast = mcast_p && stack.gfPeerFunctions.getMcastPort() > 0; // GemStoneAddition
-        List newMbrs = newMbrs_p; // GemStoneAddition - don't update formal parameters
-        if(newMbrs == null || newMbrs.size() == 0) {
-            newMbrs=new LinkedList(new_view.getMembers());
-        }
-        Set suspects = new HashSet(new_view.getSuspectedMembers());
-        for (Iterator it=suspects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-          IpAddress addr = (IpAddress);
-          if (this.stack.gfPeerFunctions.isShuttingDown(addr)) { // GemStoneAddition bug #44342
-            new_view.notSuspect(addr);
-          }
-        }
-        log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.GMS_MEMBERSHIP_SENDING_NEW_VIEW_0_1_MBRS, 
-            new Object[] { new_view, Integer.valueOf(new_view.size())}/*, new Exception("STACK")*/);
-        start=System.currentTimeMillis();
-        hdr=new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.VIEW);
-        new_view.setMessageDigest(digest); // GemStoneAddition - move digest to message body
-//        hdr.my_digest=digest;
-        try {
-          // in 7.0.1 we switch to always performing 2-phased view installation and quorum checks
-          if (!prepareView(new_view, mcast, newMbrs)) {
-            return;
-          }
-        synchronized (ack_collector) { // GemStoneAddition bug34505
-          ack_collector.reset(vid, newMbrs);
-          size=ack_collector.size();
-        }
-        // GemStoneAddition - when PWNing an existing view, we have to unicast
-        // because NAKACK will reject a mcast message from a non-member
-        if (mcast) {
-          Message view_change_msg=new Message(); // bcast to all members
-          view_change_msg.isHighPriority = true;
-          view_change_msg.putHeader(name, hdr);
-          view_change_msg.setObject(new_view);
-          passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, view_change_msg));
-        }
-        else {
-          for (int i=0; i<newMbrs.size(); i++) {
-            Message msg = new Message();
-            msg.isHighPriority = true;
-            msg.putHeader(name, hdr);
-            msg.setObject(new_view);
-            msg.setDest((Address)newMbrs.get(i));
-            passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-          }
-        }
-        // also send the view to any suspect members to give them a
-        // chance to exit.  bypass use of UNICAST since it will refuse
-        // to send a message to a non-member
-        if (new_view.getSuspectedMembers() != null) {
-          for (Iterator it=new_view.getSuspectedMembers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-            Message msg = new Message();
-            msg.isHighPriority = true;
-            msg.putHeader(name, hdr);
-            msg.putHeader(UNICAST.BYPASS_UNICAST, hdr);
-            msg.setDest((Address);
-            passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-          }
-        }
-//        if (new_view.getSuspectedMembers().size() > 0 && log.getLogWriterI18n().fineEnabled()) {
-//          log.getLogWriterI18n().warning(
-//              JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "bogus warning to test failure mode"
-//          );
-//        }
-        try {
-          ack_collector.waitForAllAcks(view_ack_collection_timeout);
-          if(trace) {
-              stop=System.currentTimeMillis();
-              log.trace("received all ACKs (" + size + ") for " + vid + " in " + (stop-start) + "ms");
-          }
-        }
-        catch(TimeoutException e) {
-          // GemStoneAddition - bug35218
-          String missingStr;
-          String receivedStr;
-          synchronized (ack_collector) {
-            missingStr = ack_collector.getMissingAcks().toString();
-            receivedStr = ack_collector.getReceived().toString();
-          }
-          // In 8.0 this is changed to not do suspect processing if the coordinator is shutting down
-          if (!stack.getChannel().closing()) {
-            log.getLogWriter().warning(
-              new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(size), vid, Long.valueOf(view_ack_collection_timeout), missingStr/*, receivedStr, local_addr*/});
-            /*
-             * GemStoneAddition
-             * suspect members that did not respond.  This must be done in
-             * a different thread to avoid lockups in FD_SOCK
-             */
-            /*new Thread() {
-              @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-              public void run() {
-                // bug #49448 fixed here by not synchronizing on ack-collector
-                // while suspect verification processing is going on
-                List suspects = ack_collector.getMissingAcks();
-                suspect(suspects);
-              }}.start();*/
-            checkFailedToAckMembers(new_view, ack_collector.getMissingAcks());
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      finally {
-        // GemStoneAddition - now we can fully reset the collector so that
-        // it is ready to receive view-acks from join responses subsequent
-        // to this view.  Prior to this change, these acks were lost when
-        // the view was reset in this method
-        synchronized(ack_collector) {
-          ack_collector.fullyReset();
-        }
-        synchronized(prepare_collector) {
-          prepare_collector.fullyReset(); // GemStoneAddition - fix for #43886
-        }
-        // GemStoneAddition - we don't need this anymore
-        this.previousPreparedView = null;
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - send a prepare to all members and require a response
-     * 
-     * @param new_view
-     * @param mcast
-     * @param newMbrs
-     * @return true if the view can be transmitted
-     */
-    boolean prepareView(View new_view, boolean mcast, List newMbrs) {
-      // compute the failed weight and form a set of non-admin failures
-      Set<IpAddress> failures = new HashSet(new_view.getSuspectedMembers());
-      int failedWeight = processFailuresAndGetWeight(this.view, this.leader, failures);
-//        log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "[partition detection] these cache processes failed: " + failures);
-      // this.preparedView may have been set before this vm decided to send out
-      // a view.  If it was, we use it to modify the current view and try again
-      if (!processPreparedView(this.preparedView, new_view, newMbrs, false)) {
-        if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-          log.getLogWriter().fine("processPreparedView failed; aborting view " + new_view.getVid());
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      List<IpAddress> failedToAck = sendPrepareForViewChange(new_view, newMbrs, false);
-      // this.preparedView may have been set by a PREPARE_VIEW_ACK response
-      // if another member received a PREPARE_VIEW with a different view than
-      // we just tried to prepare
-      if (!processPreparedView(this.preparedView, new_view, newMbrs, false)) {
-        if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-          log.getLogWriter().fine("processPreparedView failed; aborting view " + new_view.getVid());
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      // [bruce] prior to 7.0.1 we did not perform suspect processing on members that fail to
-      // respond to a new view.  In 7.0.1 we require timely responses to view changes
-      // in order to detect loss of quorum.
-      // In 8.0 this is changed to not do suspect processing if the coordinator is shutting down
-      if (failedToAck.size() > 0 && !stack.getChannel().closing()) {
-        if ( !checkFailedToAckMembers(new_view, failedToAck) ) {
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-      if (this.joined) { // bug #44491 - don't declare a network partition if we're still starting up 
-        // okay, others have acked that they're ready for the view, so we know
-        // at this point who was around after loss of the members in the failures set
-        int oldWeight = 0;
-        //      Map<IpAddress, Integer> oldWeights = new HashMap<IpAddress, Integer>();
-        boolean leadProcessed = false;
-        boolean displayWeights = (failedWeight > 0) && !Boolean.getBoolean("gemfire.hide-member-weights");
-        StringBuffer sb = displayWeights? new StringBuffer(1000) : null;
-        for (Iterator it = this.view.getMembers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-          IpAddress a = (IpAddress);
-          int thisWeight = a.getMemberWeight();
-          if (a.getVmKind() == 10 /* NORMAL_DM_KIND */) {
-            thisWeight += 10;
-            if (!leadProcessed) {
-              thisWeight += 5;
-              leadProcessed = true;
-            }
-          } else if (a.preferredForCoordinator()) {
-            thisWeight += 3;
-          }
-          oldWeight += thisWeight;
-          if (displayWeights) {
-            sb.append("\n")
-            .append(ExternalStrings.GMS_MEMBER_0_HAS_WEIGHT_1
-                .toLocalizedString(a, Integer.valueOf(thisWeight)));
-          }
-        }
-        if (sb != null) {
-          String str = sb.toString();
-          if (str.length() > 0) {
-            log.getLogWriter().info(GFStringIdImpl.LITERAL, str);
-          }
-        }
-        int lossThreshold = (int)Math.round((oldWeight * this.partitionThreshold) / 100.0); 
-        if (failedWeight > 0) {
-          log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.NetworkPartitionDetectionWeightCalculation,
-              new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(oldWeight), Integer.valueOf(failedWeight),
-              Integer.valueOf(this.partitionThreshold),
-              lossThreshold});
-          if (failedWeight >= lossThreshold) {
-            if (this.splitBrainDetectionEnabled) {
-              this.networkPartitionDetected = true;
-              sendNetworkPartitionWarning(new_view.getMembers());
-              quorumLost(failures, this.view);
-              forceDisconnect(new Event(Event.EXIT, stack.gfBasicFunctions.getForcedDisconnectException(
-                    .toLocalizedString(failures.size(), failures))));
-              return false;
-            } // else quorumLost will be invoked when the view is installed
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-        log.getLogWriter().fine("done successfully preparing view " + new_view.getVid());
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    private boolean checkFailedToAckMembers(final View new_view, final List<IpAddress> failedToAck) {
-      if (failedToAck.size() == 0) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      if (log.getLogWriter().infoEnabled()) {
-        log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.CHECKING_UNRESPONSIVE_MEMBERS,
-            new Object[]{failedToAck});
-      }
-      final FD_SOCK fdSock = (FD_SOCK)this.stack.findProtocol("FD_SOCK");
-      if (this.stack.getChannel().closing() && fdSock == null) {
-        if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-          log.getLogWriter().fine("FD_SOCK not found for liveness checks - aborting view " + new_view.getVid());
-        }
-        return false;  // bug #44786: cannot prepare a view if the stack has been dismantled
-      }
-      assert fdSock != null;
-      ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(failedToAck.size(), new ThreadFactory() {
-        private final AtomicInteger threadCount = new AtomicInteger(1);
-        @Override
-        public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
-          Thread th = new Thread(GemFireTracer.GROUP,
-               r,
-               FAILED_TO_ACK_MEMBER_VERIFY_THREAD +  "-" + threadCount.getAndIncrement()); 
-          return th;
-        }
-      });
-      ArrayList<Callable<IpAddress>> al = new ArrayList<Callable<IpAddress>>();
-      for (final Iterator<IpAddress> it=failedToAck.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-        final IpAddress failedAddress =;
-        al.add(new Callable<IpAddress>() {
-          IpAddress sockAddress = fdSock.fetchPingAddress(failedAddress, 0);
-          public IpAddress call() throws Exception {
-            log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.SUSPECTING_MEMBER_WHICH_DIDNT_ACK, new Object[]{failedAddress.toString()});
-            if (sockAddress == null) {
-              if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-                log.getLogWriter().fine("unable to find ping address for " + failedAddress
-                    + " - using direct port to verify if it's there");
-              }
-              // fdSock can't perform the verification because it has no FD_SOCK
-              // address for the member
-              // If we can connect to the member's cache socket, then we know its machine is
-              // up.  It may be dead and its socket port reused, but we know there isn't a
-              // network partition going on.
-              sockAddress = new IpAddress(failedAddress.getIpAddress(), failedAddress.getDirectPort());
-              if (sockAddress.getPort() != 0 &&
-                  fdSock.checkSuspect(failedAddress, sockAddress, ExternalStrings.MEMBER_DID_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGE_VIEW.toLocalizedString(), false, false)) {
-                if (log.getLogWriter().infoEnabled()) {
-                  log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.ABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_DC_PORT, new Object[]{failedAddress, sockAddress.getPort()});
-                }
-                return failedAddress;//now we remove below using feature
-              }
-            } else if (fdSock.checkSuspect(failedAddress, sockAddress, ExternalStrings.MEMBER_DID_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGE_VIEW.toLocalizedString(), true, false)) {
-              if (log.getLogWriter().infoEnabled()) {
-                log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.ABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_FD_PORT, new Object[]{failedAddress, sockAddress.getPort()});
-              }
-              return failedAddress;//now we remove below using feature
-            }
-            return null;
-          }
-         }
-        );
-      }
-      try {
-         List<java.util.concurrent.Future<IpAddress>> futures =  es.invokeAll(al);
-         for(java.util.concurrent.Future<IpAddress> future : futures){
-           try {
-             IpAddress ipAddr = future.get(view_ack_collection_timeout  + 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
-             if(ipAddr != null) {
-               failedToAck.remove(ipAddr);
-             }
-          } catch (ExecutionException e) {
-          } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException e) {
-          }
-         }
-        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-        }
-        try{      
-          es.shutdown();
-          es.awaitTermination(view_ack_collection_timeout , TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
-        }catch(Exception ex) {
-          //ignore
-        }
-      // we could, at this point, also see if there are any ip addresses in the
-      // set that ack'd the message that are also in the failed set.  That would
-      // tell us if the route to that NIC is still viable and we could remove the
-      // entry from the failedToAck set [bruce 2011]
-      if (!failedToAck.isEmpty()) {
-        //                  log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "these cache processes failed to ack a view preparation message: " + failedToAck);
-        // abandon this view and cast a new view with the failed ackers added to the suspects list
-        failedToAck.addAll(new_view.getSuspectedMembers());
-        if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-          log.getLogWriter().fine("invoking handleLeave with " + failedToAck + ".  My membership is " + this.members.getMembers());
-        }
-        this.impl.handleLeave(failedToAck, true,
-            Collections.singletonList(ExternalStrings.MEMBER_DID_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGE_VIEW.toLocalizedString()),
-            true);
-        if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-          log.getLogWriter().fine("done casting view " + new_view.getVid());
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * process the given set of failures against the given last known view and report the
-     * amount of lost weight.  This also removes any admin members from the collection of failures.
-     * 
-     * @param lastView the last View that was completely installed
-     * @param leader the leader process in lastView
-     * @param failures the set of failures in the view being created
-     * @return the amount of weight lost in the failures collection
-     */
-    public static int processFailuresAndGetWeight(View lastView, Address leader, Collection failures) {
-      int failedWeight = 0;
-      for (Iterator<IpAddress> it=failures.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-        IpAddress addr =;
-        if (!lastView.getMembers().contains(addr)) { // bug #37342: added and removed since the last installed view
-          continue;
-        }
-        failedWeight += addr.getMemberWeight();
-        if (addr.getVmKind() != 10 /* NORMAL_DM_KIND */) {
-          if (addr.preferredForCoordinator()) {
-            failedWeight += 3;
-          }
-          it.remove();
-        } else {
-          failedWeight += 10;
-        }
-      }
-      if (leader != null && failures.contains(leader)) {
-        failedWeight += 5;
-      }
-      return failedWeight;
-    }
-    // GemStoneAddition - notify of loss of quorum
-    private void quorumLost(final Set failures, final View currentView) {
-      Thread notificationThread = new Thread(GemFireTracer.GROUP, "Quorum Lost Notification") {
-        public void run() {
-          List remaining = new ArrayList(currentView.getMembers().size());
-          remaining.addAll(currentView.getMembers());
-          remaining.removeAll(failures);
-          try {
-            stack.gfPeerFunctions.quorumLost(failures, remaining);
-          } catch (RuntimeException e) {
-            if (e.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("CancelException")) {
-              // bug #47403: ignore this exception - cache closed before notification went through
-            } else {
-              throw e;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      notificationThread.setDaemon(true);
-      notificationThread.start();
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - process a view received in a PREPARE_VIEW message from another
-     * coordinator, or from a PREPARE_VIEW_ACK response to a message
-     * that this node transmitted to another member
-     * @param pView the view being prepared
-     * @param new_view the view I am trying to cast
-     * @param newMbrs the members list in new_view
-     * @param mcast whether the view can be multicast
-     * @return true if new_view can be installed, false if a different view was installed
-     */
-    boolean processPreparedView(View pView, View new_view, List newMbrs, boolean mcast) {
-      View prevView = this.previousPreparedView;
-      if (pView != null // different view has been prepared
-          && !pView.getCreator().equals(this.local_addr) // I did not create it
-          && pView.getVid().compare(this.view.getVid()) > 0 // It's newer than my current view
-          && (prevView == null || pView.getVid().compare(prevView.getVid()) > 0) ) { // I haven't processed a newer prepared view
-        this.previousPreparedView = pView;
-        Vector newMembersFromPView = new Vector();
-        Vector newFailuresFromPView = new Vector();
-        Vector newLeavingFromPView = new Vector();
-        synchronized(members) {
-          // someone else has already prepared a new view
-          if (log.getLogWriter().infoEnabled()) {
-            log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.RECEIVED_PREVIOUSLY_PREPARED_VIEW, pView);
-          }
-          Set<Address> allFailures = new HashSet(this.leaving);
-          for (Iterator it=pView.getMembers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-            Address a = (Address);
-            if (!allFailures.contains(a)) {
-              // in the other view and not in my failure list - new member
-              newMembersFromPView.add(a);
-            }
-          }
-          for (Iterator it=pView.getSuspectedMembers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-            Address a = (Address);
-            if (!allFailures.contains(a)) {
-              // failed in other view but not in mine
-              newFailuresFromPView.add(a);
-            }
-          }
-          for (Iterator it=newMbrs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-            Address a = (Address);
-            if (!pView.containsMember(a)) {
-              newLeavingFromPView.add(a);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (!newMembersFromPView.isEmpty()
-            || !newFailuresFromPView.isEmpty() 
-            || !newLeavingFromPView.isEmpty()) {
-          // we need the full list of failures but the others are just increments on
-          // the leaving/joining collections in tmp_mbrs
-          newFailuresFromPView.addAll(new_view.getSuspectedMembers());
-          synchronized(prepare_collector) {
-            prepare_collector.fullyReset(); // GemStoneAddition - fix for #43886
-          }
-          castViewChange(newMembersFromPView, newLeavingFromPView, newFailuresFromPView, mcast);
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - send prepare-for-view-change message and wait for
-     * responses.  Return a list of addresses that didn't respond
-     */
-    List<IpAddress> sendPrepareForViewChange(View newView, Collection<IpAddress> mbrs, boolean mcast) {
-      int size=-1;
-      ViewId vid = newView.getVid();
-      synchronized (prepare_collector) { // GemStoneAddition bug34505
-        prepare_collector.reset(vid, mbrs);
-        size=prepare_collector.size();
-      }
-      boolean timedout=false;
-      GmsHeader hdr=new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.PREPARE_FOR_VIEW);
-      // GemStoneAddition - when PWNing an existing view, we have to unicast
-      // because NAKACK will reject a mcast message from a non-member
-      if (mcast) {
-        Message view_change_msg=new Message(); // bcast to all members
-        view_change_msg.setObject(newView);
-        view_change_msg.isHighPriority = true;
-        view_change_msg.putHeader(name, hdr);
-        passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, view_change_msg));
-      }
-      else {
-        for (IpAddress dest: mbrs) {
-          if (dest.equals(this.local_addr)) {
-            synchronized(prepare_collector) {
-              prepare_collector.ack(dest, null);
-            }
-          } else {
-            Message msg = new Message();
-            msg.isHighPriority = true;
-            msg.putHeader(name, hdr);
-            msg.setObject(newView);
-            msg.setDest(dest);
-//            if (trace)
-//              log.trace("sending PREPARE_FOR_VIEW to " + dest);
-            passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      try {
-//        log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "DEBUG: before waiting for prepare-acks, collector state is " + prepare_collector);
-        prepare_collector.waitForAllAcks(view_ack_collection_timeout);
-//        log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "DEBUG: after waiting for prepare-acks, collector state is " + prepare_collector);
-      }
-      catch(TimeoutException e) {
-        // timeout processing is handled below, along with members declared dead during view preparation
-        // see bug #47295
-        timedout=true;
-      }
-      //log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "received acks from " + prepare_collector.getReceived());
-      List missing;
-      String missingStr;
-      String receivedStr = null;
-      boolean logMissing = false;
-      synchronized (prepare_collector) {
-        missing = prepare_collector.getMissingAcks();
-        missing.addAll(prepare_collector.getSuspectedMembers());
-        missing.removeAll(newView.getSuspectedMembers()); // don't reprocess members that are already kicked out
-        missing.remove(this.local_addr); // don't suspect myself - I might be shutting down
-        // bug #44342 - if the member has sent a shutdown message then it's okay
-        for (Iterator<IpAddress> it=missing.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-          IpAddress addr =;
-          if (!newView.containsMember(addr) || this.stack.gfPeerFunctions.isShuttingDown(addr)) {
-            it.remove();
-          }
-        }
-        logMissing = missing.size() > 0;
-        if (logMissing) {
-          // note who has acked while under synchronization
-          receivedStr = prepare_collector.getReceived().toString();
-        }
-      }
-      if (logMissing  && !this.stack.getChannel().closing()) {
-        missingStr = missing.toString();
-        log.getLogWriter().warning(
-          new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(size), newView, Long.valueOf(view_ack_collection_timeout), missingStr, receivedStr, local_addr}/*, new Exception("stack trace")*/);
-      }
-      return missing; 
-    }
-    void sendNetworkPartitionWarning(Collection<IpAddress> mbrs) {
-      GmsHeader hdr = new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.NETWORK_PARTITION_DETECTED);
-      for (IpAddress dest: mbrs) {
-        Message msg = new Message();
-        msg.isHighPriority = true;
-        msg.putHeader(name, hdr);
-        msg.setDest(dest);
-        passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-      }
-      try {
-        Thread.sleep(this.leave_timeout);
-      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-        Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // pass the problem to other code
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - suspect members that fail to return view acks
-     */
-    protected void suspect(List suspects) {
-      passDown(new Event(Event.GMS_SUSPECT, suspects));
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - tell the ack collectors to stop waiting for the
-     * given address
-     */
-    public void addSuspectToCollectors(Address addr) {
-      synchronized (ack_collector) {
-        ack_collector.suspect(addr);
-      }
-      synchronized(prepare_collector) {
-        prepare_collector.suspect(addr);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the new view and sends a VIEW_CHANGE event up and down the stack. If the view is a MergeView (subclass
-     * of View), then digest will be non-null and has to be set before installing the view.
-     */
-    public void installView(View new_view, Digest digest) {
-        if(digest != null)
-            mergeDigest(digest);
-        installView(new_view);
-    }
-    /** GemStoneAddition - return the weight of the given IDs */
-    public static int getWeight(Collection ids, Address leader) {
-      int weight = 0;
-      for (Iterator<IpAddress> it=ids.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-        IpAddress addr =;
-        int thisWeight = addr.getMemberWeight();
-        if (addr.getVmKind() == 10 /* NORMAL_DM_KIND */) {
-          thisWeight += 10;
-          if (leader != null && addr.equals(leader)) {
-            thisWeight += 5;
-          }
-        } else if (addr.preferredForCoordinator()) {
-          thisWeight += 3;
-        }
-        weight += thisWeight;
-      }
-      return weight;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the new view and sends a VIEW_CHANGE event up and down the stack.
-     */
-    public void installView(View new_view) {
-        Address coord;
-        int rc;
-        ViewId vid=new_view.getVid();
-        Vector mbrs=new_view.getMembers();
-        if (networkPartitionDetected) {
-          return; // GemStoneAddition - do not install the view if we've decided to exit
-        }
-        this.preparedView = null;
-        if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("[local_addr=" + local_addr + "] view is " + new_view);
-//log.getLogWriter().info("installing view " + new_view); // debugging
-        if(stats) {
-            num_views++;
-            prev_views.add(new_view);
-        }
-        // Discards view with id lower than our own. Will be installed without check if first view
-        if(view_id != null) {
-            rc=vid.compareTo(view_id);
-            if(rc <= 0) {
-                if(log.isTraceEnabled() && rc < 0) // only scream if view is smaller, silently discard same views
-                    log.trace("[" + local_addr + "] received view < current view;" +
-                            " discarding it (current vid: " + view_id + ", new vid: " + vid + ')');
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        ltime=Math.max(vid.getId(), ltime);  // compute Lamport logical time
-        /* Check for self-inclusion: if I'm not part of the new membership, I just discard it.
-        This ensures that messages sent in view V1 are only received by members of V1 */
-        if(checkSelfInclusion(mbrs) == false) {
-            // only shun if this member was previously part of the group. avoids problem where multiple
-            // members (e.g. X,Y,Z) join {A,B} concurrently, X is joined first, and Y and Z get view
-            // {A,B,X}, which would cause Y and Z to be shunned as they are not part of the membership
-            // bela Nov 20 2003
-            if(shun && local_addr != null && prev_members.contains(local_addr)) {
-                if(warn)
-                    log.warn("I (" + local_addr + ") am not a member of view " + new_view +
-                            ", shunning myself and leaving the group (prev_members are " + prev_members +
-                            ", current view is " + view + ")");
-                if(impl != null)
-                    impl.handleExit();
-                networkPartitionDetected = true;
-                passUp(new Event(Event.EXIT,
-                    stack.gfBasicFunctions.getForcedDisconnectException(
-                        "This member has been forced out of the distributed system by " + new_view.getCreator()
-                        + ".  Please consult GemFire logs to find the reason. (GMS shun)")));
-            }
-            else {
-                if(warn) log.warn("I (" + local_addr + ") am not a member of view " + new_view + "; discarding view");
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-        Event view_event;
-        synchronized(installViewLock) {
-          synchronized(members) {   // serialize access to views
-              if (this.view != null) {
-                int oldWeight = getWeight(this.view.getMembers(), this.leader);
-                int failedWeight = getWeight(new_view.getSuspectedMembers(), this.leader);
-                int lossThreshold = (int)Math.round((oldWeight * this.partitionThreshold) / 100.0); 
-                if (failedWeight >= lossThreshold) {
-                  log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.DEBUG, "old membership weight=" + oldWeight + ", loss threshold=" + lossThreshold+" and failed weight=" + failedWeight);
-//                  log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "current view="+this.view+"; suspects="+new_view.getSuspectedMembers());
-                  quorumLost(new_view.getSuspectedMembers(), this.view);
-                }
-              }
-              // assign new_view to view_id
-              if(new_view instanceof MergeView)
-                  view=new View(new_view.getVid(), new_view.getMembers());
-              else
-                  view=new_view;
-              view_id=vid.copy();
-              // GemStoneAddition - tracking of leader
-              Address oldLead = this.leader;
-              this.leader = view.getLeadMember();
-              if (this.leader != null) {
-                // log acquisition of new leader
-                if (oldLead == null || !oldLead.equals(this.leader)) {
-                  log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.GMS_MEMBERSHIP_LEADER_MEMBER_IS_NOW_0, this.leader);
-                }
-              }
-              // Set the membership. Take into account joining members
-              if(mbrs != null && mbrs.size() > 0) {
-                  members.set(mbrs);
-                  this.coordinator = members.getCoordinator(); // GemStoneAddition bug #44967
-                  tmp_members.set(members);
-                  joining.removeAll(mbrs);  // remove all members in mbrs from joining
-                  // remove all elements from 'leaving' that are not in 'mbrs'
-                  leaving.retainAll(mbrs);
-                  tmp_members.add(joining);    // add members that haven't yet shown up in the membership
-                  tmp_members.remove(leaving); // remove members that haven't yet been removed from the membership
-                  // add to prev_members
-                  for(Iterator it=mbrs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-                      Address addr=(Address);
-                      if(!prev_members.contains(addr))
-                          prev_members.add(addr);
-                  }
-              }
-              view_event=new Event(Event.VIEW_CHANGE, new_view.clone());
-          }
-          coord=determineCoordinator();
-            // if(coord != null && coord.equals(local_addr) && !(coord.equals(vid.getCoordAddress()))) {
-            // changed on suggestion by yaronr and Nicolas Piedeloupe
-            if(coord != null && coord.equals(local_addr) && !haveCoordinatorRole()) {
-                // GemSToneAddition - pass suspects to coordinator impl
-                Vector suspects;
-                if (haveParticipantRole()) {
-                  suspects = ((ParticipantGmsImpl)impl).getSuspects();
-                } else {
-                  suspects = new Vector();
-                }
-                becomeCoordinator(suspects);
-                coord = local_addr; // GemStoneAddition
-            }
-            else {
-                if(haveCoordinatorRole() && !local_addr.equals(coord))
-                    becomeParticipant();
-            }
-            // GemStoneAddition - notify concerned parties of the current coordinator
-            if (coord != null) {
-              notifyOfCoordinator(coord);
-            }
-        }
-        // Send VIEW_CHANGE event up and down the stack:
-        // (moved from inside synchronization for bug #52099)
-        if (view_event != null) {
-          passDown(view_event); // needed e.g. by failure detector or UDP
-          passUp(view_event);
-        }
-    }
-    void forceDisconnect(final Event exitEvent) {
-      this.networkPartitionDetected = true;
-      Thread tilt = new Thread(Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(),
-          "GMS Network Partition Event") {
-        @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-        public void run() {
-          passDown(exitEvent);
-          passUp(exitEvent);
-        }
-      };
-      tilt.start();
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - rewritten for localizing view coordinator in locator
-     * processes, and made public
-     * @return the acting coordinator
-     */
-    public Address determineCoordinator() {
-//            return members != null && members.size() > 0? (Address)members.elementAt(0) : null;
-        return this.coordinator;
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - return the lead member for partition detection algorithms
-     */
-    public Address getLeadMember() {
-      return this.leader;
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - retreive the partitionThreshold for quorum calculations
-     */
-    public int getPartitionThreshold() {
-      return this.partitionThreshold;
-    }
-    /**
-     * GemStoneAddition - retrieve the latest view
-     */
-    public View getLastView() {
-      return this.view;
-    }
-    /** Checks whether the potential_new_coord would be the new coordinator (2nd in line) */
-    protected boolean wouldBeNewCoordinator(Address potential_new_coord) {
-//        Address new_coord;
-        if(potential_new_coord == null) return false;
-        synchronized(members) {
-            if(members.size() < 2) return false;
-//            new_coord=(Address)members.elementAt(1);  // member at 2nd place
-//            return new_coord != null && new_coord.equals(potential_new_coord);
-            return members.wouldBeNewCoordinator(potential_new_coord);
-        }
-    }
-    /** Returns true if local_addr is member of mbrs, else false */
-    protected boolean checkSelfInclusion(Vector mbrs) {
-        Object mbr;
-        if(mbrs == null)
-            return false;
-        for(int i=0; i < mbrs.size(); i++) {
-            mbr=mbrs.elementAt(i);
-            if(mbr != null && local_addr.equals(mbr))
-                return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    // GemStoneAddition - this method is not used by jgroups
-//    public View makeView(Vector mbrs) {
-//        Address coord=null;
-//        long id=0;
-//        if(view_id != null) {
-//            coord=view_id.getCoordAddress();
-//            id=view_id.getId();
-//        }
-//        return new View(coord, id, mbrs);
-//    }
-    // GemStoneAddition - this method is not used by jgroups
-//    public View makeView(Vector mbrs, ViewId vid) {
-//        Address coord=null;
-//        long id=0;
-//        if(vid != null) {
-//            coord=vid.getCoordAddress();
-//            id=vid.getId();
-//        }
-//        return new View(coord, id, mbrs);
-//    }
-    /** Send down a SET_DIGEST event */
-    public void setDigest(Digest d) {
-        passDown(new Event(Event.SET_DIGEST, d));
-    }
-    /** Send down a MERGE_DIGEST event */
-    public void mergeDigest(Digest d) {
-        passDown(new Event(Event.MERGE_DIGEST, d));
-    }
-    /** Sends down a GET_DIGEST event and waits for the GET_DIGEST_OK response, or
-     timeout, whichever occurs first */
-    public Digest getDigest() {
-        Digest ret=null;
-        synchronized(digest_mutex) {
-            digest_promise.reset();
-            passDown(Event.GET_DIGEST_EVT);
-            try {
-                ret=(Digest)digest_promise.getResultWithTimeout(digest_timeout);
-            }
-            catch(TimeoutException e) {
-                if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.GMS_DIGEST_COULD_NOT_BE_FETCHED_FROM_BELOW);
-            }
-            return ret;
-        }
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void up(Event evt) {
-        Object obj;
-        Message msg;
-        GmsHeader hdr;
-        MergeData merge_data;
-        switch(evt.getType()) {
-            case Event.MSG:
-                msg=(Message)evt.getArg();
-                obj=msg.getHeader(name);
-                if(obj == null || !(obj instanceof GmsHeader))
-                    break;
-                hdr=(GmsHeader)msg.removeHeader(name);
-                switch(hdr.type) {
-                    case GmsHeader.JOIN_REQ:
-                      if (this.haveCoordinatorRole()) {
-                        // GemStoneAddition - partial fix for bugs #41722 and #42009
-                        IpAddress iaddr = (IpAddress)hdr.mbr;
-                        if (iaddr.getBirthViewId() >= 0 && this.stack.gfPeerFunctions.isShunnedMemberNoSync(iaddr)) {
-                          log.getLogWriter().info(
-                            ExternalStrings. COORDGMSIMPL_REJECTING_0_DUE_TO_REUSED_IDENTITY, hdr.mbr);
-                          ((CoordGmsImpl)getImpl()).sendJoinResponse(new JoinRsp(JoinRsp.SHUNNED_ADDRESS), hdr.mbr, false);
-                          return;
-                        }
-                        if (members.contains(hdr.mbr)) {
-                          IpAddress hmbr = (IpAddress)hdr.mbr;
-                          for (Iterator it=members.getMembers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-                            IpAddress addr = (IpAddress);
-                            if (addr.equals(hdr.mbr)) {
-                              if (addr.getUniqueID() != hmbr.getUniqueID()) {
-                                log.getLogWriter().info(
-                                    ExternalStrings. COORDGMSIMPL_REJECTING_0_DUE_TO_REUSED_IDENTITY, hdr.mbr);
-                                  ((CoordGmsImpl)getImpl()).sendJoinResponse(new JoinRsp(JoinRsp.SHUNNED_ADDRESS), hdr.mbr, false);
-                                  return;
-                              } else {
-                                break;
-                              }
-                            }
-                          }
-                          getImpl().handleAlreadyJoined(hdr.mbr);
-                          return;
-                        }
-                      }
-                      // GemStoneAddition - bug #50510, 50742
-                      if (hdr.mbr.getVersionOrdinal() > 0
-                          && hdr.mbr.getVersionOrdinal() < JGroupsVersion.CURRENT_ORDINAL) {
-                        log.getLogWriter().warning(
-                            ExternalStrings.COORD_REJECTING_OLD_MEMBER_BECAUSE_UPGRADE_HAS_BEGUN,
-                            new Object[]{hdr.mbr});
-                        ((CoordGmsImpl)getImpl()).sendJoinResponse(
-                            new JoinRsp(ExternalStrings.COORD_REJECTING_OLD_MEMBER_BECAUSE_UPGRADE_HAS_BEGUN
-                                .toLocalizedString(hdr.mbr)), hdr.mbr, false);
-                        return;
-                      }
-                      view_handler.add(new Request(Request.JOIN, hdr.mbr, false, null));
-                      break;
-                    case GmsHeader.JOIN_RSP:
-//        log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "join response message received: " + hdr.join_rsp);
-                        impl.handleJoinResponse((JoinRsp)msg.getObject());
-                        break;
-                    case GmsHeader.LEAVE_REQ:
-                        if(log.isDebugEnabled())
-                            log.debug("received LEAVE_REQ for " + hdr.mbr + " from " + msg.getSrc());
-                        if(hdr.mbr == null) {
-                            if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.GMS_LEAVE_REQS_MBR_FIELD_IS_NULL);
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        synchronized(ack_collector) {
-                          ack_collector.ack(hdr.mbr, null); // GemStoneAddition - don't wait for acks from this member
-                        }
-                        synchronized(prepare_collector) {
-                          prepare_collector.ack(hdr.mbr, null); // GemStoneAddition - don't wait for acks from this member (bug #44342)
-                        }
-                        view_handler.add(new Request(Request.LEAVE, hdr.mbr, false, null));
-                        break;
-                    case GmsHeader.LEAVE_RSP:
-                        // GemStoneAddition
-                        if (hdr.arg != null) {
-                          // do some checking to prevent a message intended for another process
-                          // from shutting this one down
-                          if (hdr.mbr != null && !hdr.mbr.equals(this.local_addr)) {
-                            break;
-                          }
-                        }
-                        impl.handleLeaveResponse(hdr.arg);
-                        break;
-                    case GmsHeader.REMOVE_REQ: // GemStoneAddition - new REMOVE_REQ request for slow receivers
-                      // REMOVE_REQ differs from LEAVE_REQ in that the member is suspect
-                      // and will register as a failure in network partition detection
-                      // algorithms [bruce]
-                      if(hdr.mbr == null) {
-                          if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("REMOVE_REQ's mbr field is null");
-                          return;
-                      }
-                      if (members.contains(msg.getSrc())) {
-                        if (msg.getSrc().equals(hdr.mbr) && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                          log.debug("received REMOVE_REQ for " + hdr.mbr + " from " + msg.getSrc() +
-                              (hdr.arg == null? "" : " Reason=" + hdr.arg));
-                        }
-                        else {
-                          log.getLogWriter().warning(
-                              ExternalStrings.GMS_MEMBERSHIP_RECEIVED_REQUEST_TO_REMOVE_0_FROM_1_2,
-                              new Object[] { hdr.mbr, msg.getSrc(), (hdr.arg == null? "" : " Reason=" + hdr.arg)});
-                        }
-                        view_handler.add(new Request(Request.LEAVE, hdr.mbr, true, null, hdr.arg));
-                      }
-                      break;
-                    case GmsHeader.VIEW:
-                        // send VIEW_ACK to sender of view
-                        Address coord=msg.getSrc();
-                        Message view_ack=new Message(coord, null, null);
-                        view_ack.isHighPriority = true;
-                        View v = msg.getObject();
-                        GmsHeader tmphdr=new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.VIEW_ACK);
-                        view_ack.putHeader(name, tmphdr);
-                        view_ack.setObject(v);
-                        if (this.local_addr.getBirthViewId() < 0) {
-                          // unicast can't handle changing view IDs very well
-                          view_ack.putHeader(UNICAST.BYPASS_UNICAST, tmphdr);
-                        }
-                        passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, view_ack));
-                        // GemStoneAddition - perform null check AFTER sending an ack
-                        // so we don't stall a coordinator when join_rsp hasn't been
-                        // received
-                        if(v == null) {
-                          if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.GMS_VIEW_VIEW__NULL);
-                          return;
-                        }
-                        //                        ViewId newId = hdr.view.getVid(); GemStoneAddition
-                        if (this.impl != null && !(this.impl instanceof ClientGmsImpl)
-                            && v.getVid().compareTo(view_id) > 0
-                            && !this.stack.getChannel().closing() /* GemStoneAddition - fix for bug #42969*/) {
-                          log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.GMS_MEMBERSHIP_RECEIVED_NEW_VIEW__0, v);
-                          impl.handleViewChange(v, v.getMessageDigest());
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case GmsHeader.VIEW_ACK:
-                        Object sender=msg.getSrc();
-                        if (trace) // GemStoneAddition - debug 34750
-                          log.trace("Received VIEW_ACK from " + sender);
-                        v = msg.getObject(); // GemStoneAddition - ack the correct view
-                        ViewId vid = v==null? null : v.getVid();
-                        synchronized (ack_collector) { // GemStoneAddition bug34505
-                          ack_collector.ack(sender, vid);
-                        }
-                        return; // don't pass further up
-                    case GmsHeader.PREPARE_FOR_VIEW: // GemStoneAddition
-                      v = msg.getObject();
-                      if (trace)
-                        log.trace("Received PREPARE_FOR_VIEW from " + msg.getSrc()+" for view " + v);
-                        {
-                          GmsHeader responseHeader = new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.PREPARE_FOR_VIEW_ACK);
-                          View responseView = null;
-                          if (!msg.getSrc().equals(this.local_addr)) {
-                            if (this.preparedView != null && !v.getCreator().equals(this.preparedView.getCreator())) {
-                              // already have a prepared view - don't accept this one
-                              responseView = this.preparedView;
-                              this.preparedView = null;
-                            } else {
-                              this.preparedView = v;
-                            }
-                          }
-                          Message m = new Message(true);
-                          m.putHeader(name, responseHeader);
-                          m.setDest(msg.getSrc());
-                          m.setObject(responseView);
-                          passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, m));
-                          return;
-                        }
-                    case GmsHeader.PREPARE_FOR_VIEW_ACK: // GemStoneAddition - two phase views
-                    {
-                      sender=msg.getSrc();
-                      v = (View)msg.getObject();
-                      if (trace) {
-                        String preparedViewString = v == null? "" : 
-                          " with conflicting view " + v;
-                        log.trace("Received PREPARE_FOR_VIEW_ACK from " + sender + preparedViewString);
-                      }
-                      vid = null;
-                      if (v != null) {
-                        // the sender had a conflicting view in preparation
-                        this.preparedView = v;
-                        vid = v.getVid();
-                      }
-                      synchronized (prepare_collector) {
-                        prepare_collector.ack(sender, vid);
-                      }
-                      return; // don't pass further up
-                    } 
-                    case GmsHeader.NETWORK_PARTITION_DETECTED: // GemStoneAddition
-                    {
-                      forceDisconnect(new Event(Event.EXIT, stack.gfBasicFunctions.getForcedDisconnectException(ExternalStrings.COORDINATOR_DECLARED_NETWORK_PARTITION_EVENT.toLocalizedString(msg.getSrc()))));
-                      return;
-                    }
-                    // GemStoneAddition - explicit view request
-                    case GmsHeader.GET_VIEW:
-                    {
-                      View msgView = this.view;
-                      if (msgView != null) {
-                        Message viewRsp = new Message();
-                        JoinRsp vrsp = new JoinRsp(msgView, getDigest());
-                        GmsHeader ghdr = new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.GET_VIEW_RSP);
-                        viewRsp.putHeader(name, ghdr);
-                        viewRsp.setDest(msg.getSrc());
-                        viewRsp.setObject(vrsp);
-                        passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, viewRsp));
-                        log.getLogWriter().info(ExternalStrings.DEBUG, "Sending membership view to " + viewRsp.getDest() + ": " + msgView);
-                      }
-                      break;
-                    } 
-                    // GemStoneAddition - response to view request
-                    case GmsHeader.GET_VIEW_RSP:
-                    {
-                      impl.handleGetViewResponse((JoinRsp)msg.getObject());
-                      break;
-                    }
-                    case GmsHeader.MERGE_REQ:
-                        impl.handleMergeRequest(msg.getSrc(), hdr.merge_id);
-                        break;
-                    case GmsHeader.MERGE_RSP:
-                      View theView = msg.getObject();
-                        merge_data=new MergeData(msg.getSrc(), theView, theView.getMessageDigest());
-                        merge_data.merge_rejected=hdr.merge_rejected;
-                        impl.handleMergeResponse(merge_data, hdr.merge_id);
-                        break;
-                    case GmsHeader.INSTALL_MERGE_VIEW:
-                      theView = msg.getObject();
-                        impl.handleMergeView(new MergeData(msg.getSrc(), theView, theView.getMessageDigest()), hdr.merge_id);
-                        break;
-                    case GmsHeader.CANCEL_MERGE:
-                        impl.handleMergeCancelled(hdr.merge_id);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.GMS_GMSHEADER_WITH_TYPE_0__NOT_KNOWN, hdr.type);
-                }
-                return;  // don't pass up
-            case Event.CONNECT_OK:     // sent by someone else, but WE are responsible for sending this !
-            case Event.DISCONNECT_OK:  // dito (e.g. sent by TP layer). Don't send up the stack
-                return;
-            case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS:
-                local_addr=(Address)evt.getArg();
-                // GemStoneAddition - the address must hold the split-brain enabled flag
-                if (local_addr instanceof IpAddress) {
-                  ((IpAddress)local_addr).splitBrainEnabled(this.splitBrainDetectionEnabled);
-                  ((IpAddress)local_addr).setMemberWeight(this.memberWeight);
-                }
-                notifyOfLocalAddress(local_addr);
-                if(print_local_addr) {
-                    System.out.println("\n-------------------------------------------------------\n" +
-                                       "GMS: address is " + local_addr +
-                                       "\n-------------------------------------------------------");
-                }
-                break;                               // pass up
-            case Event.SUSPECT:
-              SuspectMember sm = (SuspectMember)evt.getArg(); // GemStoneAddition
-                Address suspected=sm.suspectedMember;
-                if (!members.containsExt(suspected)) {
-                  break; // not a member so don't process it
-                }
-                view_handler.add(new Request(Request.LEAVE, suspected, true, null, "did not respond to are-you-dead messages"));
-                addSuspectToCollectors(suspected);
-                break;                               // pass up
-            case Event.FD_SOCK_MEMBER_LEFT_NORMALLY: // GemStoneAddition - pretty much the same as SUSPECT
-              Address addr = (Address)evt.getArg();
-              view_handler.add(new Request(Request.LEAVE, addr, false, null, "closed connection to FD_SOCK watcher"));
-              addSuspectToCollectors(addr);
-                break;                               // pass up
-            case Event.UNSUSPECT:
-                suspected = (Address)evt.getArg();
-                impl.unsuspect(suspected);
-                // GemStoneAddition - do not wait for view acknowledgement
-                // from a member that has proved it is alive.  This ensures
-                // that we don't wait inordinately long for a member that
-                // might just be extremely busy.
-                addSuspectToCollectors(suspected);
-                return;                              // discard
-            case Event.MERGE:
-                view_handler.add(new Request(Request.MERGE, null, false, (Vector)evt.getArg()));
-                return;                              // don't pass up
-            // GemStoneAddition - passed up from TCPGOSSIP if none of
-            // the locators has a distributed system
-            case Event.ENABLE_INITIAL_COORDINATOR:
-              disable_initial_coord = false;
-              return;
-            // GemStoneAddiiton - network partitioning detection
-              boolean warning = true;
-              if (!floatingCoordinatorDisabled) {
-                floatingCoordinatorDisabled = true;
-                log.getLogWriter().info(
-              } else {
-                warning = false;
-              }
-              if (!stack.gfPeerFunctions.hasLocator()) {
-                if (warning) {
-                  log.getLogWriter().fine("This member of the distributed system will only be a coordinator if there are no locators available");
-                }
-                ((IpAddress)local_addr).shouldntBeCoordinator(true);
-                Event newaddr = new Event(Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS,
-                    this.local_addr);
-                passUp(newaddr);
-                passDown(newaddr);
-              }
-              else if (warning && log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-                log.getLogWriter().fine(
-                    "This VM hosts a locator and is preferred as membership coordinator.");
-              }
-              return;
-              this.splitBrainDetectionEnabled = true;
-              this.stack.gfPeerFunctions.enableNetworkPartitionDetection();
-              return;
-            // GemStoneAddition - copied from receiveUpEvent for removal of threading model
-            case Event.GET_DIGEST_OK:
-              digest_promise.setResult(evt.getArg());
-              return; // don't pass further up
-        }
-        if(impl.handleUpEvent(evt))
-            passUp(evt);
-    }
-    /**
-     This method is overridden to avoid hanging on getDigest(): when a JOIN is received, the coordinator needs
-     to retrieve the digest from the NAKACK layer. It therefore sends down a GET_DIGEST event, to which the NAKACK layer
-     responds with a GET_DIGEST_OK event.<p>
-     However, the GET_DIGEST_OK event will not be processed because the thread handling the JOIN request won't process
-     the GET_DIGEST_OK event until the JOIN event returns. The receiveUpEvent() method is executed by the up-handler
-     thread of the lower protocol and therefore can handle the event. All we do here is unblock the mutex on which
-     JOIN is waiting, allowing JOIN to return with a valid digest. The GET_DIGEST_OK event is then discarded, because
-     it won't be processed twice.
-     */
-//    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-//    public void receiveUpEvent(Event evt) {
-//        switch(evt.getType()) {
-//            case Event.GET_DIGEST_OK:
-//                digest_promise.setResult(evt.getArg());
-//                return; // don't pass further up
-//        }
-//        super.receiveUpEvent(evt);
-//    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void down(Event evt) {
-        switch(evt.getType()) {
-            case Event.CONNECT:
-                RuntimeException joinException = null; // GemStoneAddition
-                passDown(evt);
-                if(local_addr == null)
-                    if(log.isFatalEnabled()) log.fatal("[CONNECT] local_addr is null");
-                joined = false;  // GemStoneAddition
-                try {
-                  joined = impl.join(local_addr);
-                }
-                catch (ShunnedAddressException e) { // GemStoneAddition 
-                  joinException = e;
-                }
-                catch (RuntimeException e) {
-                  String exClass = e.getClass().getSimpleName();
-                  if (exClass.equals("SystemConnectException")
-                      || exClass.equals("AuthenticationFailedException")
-                      || exClass.equals("GemFireConfigException")) { // GemStoneAddition
-                    joinException = e;
-                  } else {
-                    throw e;
-                  }
-                }
-                if (trace)
-                  log.trace("GMS join returned " + joined);
-                if (joined) {
-                  // GemStoneAddition - return status from impl
-                    Event OK = new Event(Event.CONNECT_OK);
-                    passUp(OK);
-                    // GemStoneAddition - pass down as well, so lower protocols know we're connected
-                    passDown(OK);
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (joinException == null) { // GemStoneAddition
-                      joinException = stack.gfBasicFunctions.getSystemConnectException("Attempt to connect to distributed system timed out");
-                    }
-                    if (log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) {
-                      log.getLogWriter().fine("Startup is throwing " + joinException);
-                    }
-                    passUp(new Event(Event.EXIT, joinException));
-                }
-                if (trace)
-                  log.trace("GMS connect completed");
-                return;                              // don't pass down: was already passed down
-            case Event.DISCONNECT:
-                Event disconnecting = new Event(Event.DISCONNECTING); // GemStoneAddition - starting to disconnect
-                passUp(disconnecting);
-                passDown(disconnecting);
-                impl.leave((Address)evt.getArg());
-                this.disconnected = true;
-                passUp(new Event(Event.DISCONNECT_OK));
-                // bug #44786 - GemFire does not issue connect() after disconnecting a stack.  Nulling out the view
-                // variable causes an NPE in the view casting thread if a view is being prepared during shutdown and
-                // can cause NPEs in other places that do not have null checks for this variable
-                //initState(); // in case connect() is called again
-                break;       // pass down
-        }
-//        boolean handled = impl.handleDownEvent(evt);  GemStoneAddition - this does nothing but slow things down a bit
-//        if(handled)
-            passDown(evt);
-    }
-    /** Setup the Protocol instance according to the configuration string */
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public boolean setProperties(Properties props) {
-        String str;
-        super.setProperties(props);
-        str=props.getProperty("shun");
-        if(str != null) {
-            shun=Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-            props.remove("shun");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("merge_leader");
-        if(str != null) {
-            merge_leader=Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-            props.remove("merge_leader");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("print_local_addr");
-        if(str != null) {
-            print_local_addr=Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-            props.remove("print_local_addr");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("join_timeout");           // time to wait for JOIN
-        if(str != null) {
-            join_timeout=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("join_timeout");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("join_retry_timeout");     // time to wait between JOINs
-        if(str != null) {
-            join_retry_timeout=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("join_retry_timeout");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("leave_timeout");           // time to wait until coord responds to LEAVE req.
-        if(str != null) {
-            leave_timeout=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("leave_timeout");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("merge_timeout");           // time to wait for MERGE_RSPS from subgroup coordinators
-        if(str != null) {
-            merge_timeout=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("merge_timeout");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("digest_timeout");          // time to wait for GET_DIGEST_OK from PBCAST
-        if(str != null) {
-            digest_timeout=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("digest_timeout");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("view_ack_collection_timeout");
-        if(str != null) {
-            view_ack_collection_timeout=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("view_ack_collection_timeout");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("resume_task_timeout");
-        if(str != null) {
-            resume_task_timeout=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("resume_task_timeout");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("disable_initial_coord");
-        if(str != null) {
-            disable_initial_coord=Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-            props.remove("disable_initial_coord");
-        }
-        // GemStoneAddition - InternalLocator needs this
-        if (Boolean.getBoolean("p2p.enableInitialCoordinator")) {
-          disable_initial_coord = false;
-        }
-        //GemStoneAddition - split-brain detection support
-        str=props.getProperty("split-brain-detection");
-        if (str != null) {
-          splitBrainDetectionEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-          props.remove("split-brain-detection");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("