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Posted to by "" <> on 2007/12/12 23:46:12 UTC

[continuum] BUILD SUCCESSFUL: Archiva Web :: Application

Online report :

Build statistics:
  State: Ok
  Previous State: Failed
  Started at: Wed 12 Dec 2007 22:42:55 +0000
  Finished at: Wed 12 Dec 2007 22:46:04 +0000
  Total time: 3m 9s
  Build Trigger: Schedule
  Build Number: 199
  Exit code: 0
  Building machine hostname:
  Operating system : SunOS(unknown)
  Java Home version : 
          java version "1.5.0_13"
          Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13-b05)
          Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_13-b05, mixed mode)
  Builder version :
          Maven version: 2.0.7
          Java version: 1.5.0_13
          OS name: "sunos" version: "5.10" arch: "x86"
SCM Changes:
No files changed

Dependencies Changes:










Build Defintion:
POM filename: pom.xml
Goals: clean install   
Arguments: --batch-mode --non-recursive
Build Fresh: false
Always Build: false
Default Build Definition: true

Test Summary:
Tests: 2067
Failures: 0
Total time: 108258

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Archiva Web :: Application
[INFO]    task-segment: [clean, install]
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [clean:clean]
[INFO] Deleting directory /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target
[INFO] Deleting directory /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/classes
[INFO] Deleting directory /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/test-classes
[INFO] Deleting directory /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/site
[INFO] Deleting file-set: /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/src/main/webapp (included: [META-INF, images/redback, template/redback, WEB-INF/classes, WEB-INF/lib, WEB-INF/database, WEB-INF/logs, redback, css/redback, WEB-INF/jsp/redback, WEB-INF/template/redback, WEB-INF/logs, WEB-INF/temp, WEB-INF/jasperreports], excluded: [])
[INFO] [plexus:descriptor {execution: generate}]
[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.ContextClassLoaderResourceLoader'.
[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
[INFO] [remote-resources:process {execution: default}]
[INFO] [antrun:run {execution: default}]
[INFO] Executing tasks
     [copy] Copying 2 files to /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/appserver-base
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 26 resources
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] [dependency:copy {execution: copy}]
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.apache.maven.archiva:archiva-applet:null:1.1-SNAPSHOT:jar
[INFO] archiva-applet-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar already exists.
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Compiling 63 source files to /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/classes
[INFO] [war:inplace {execution: default}]
[INFO] Generating webapp in source directory... /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/src/main/webapp
[INFO] Exploding webapp...
[INFO] Assembling webapp archiva-webapp in /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/src/main/webapp
[INFO] Expanding: /export/home/build/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/redback/redback-xwork-content/1.0-alpha-4/redback-xwork-content-1.0-alpha-4.war into /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/war/work/redback-xwork-content-1.0-alpha-4
[INFO] Overlaying 1 war(s).
[INFO] [resources:testResources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 12 resources
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
[INFO] Compiling 39 source files to /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/test-classes
[INFO] [surefire:test]
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletNoProxyMetadataTest
 WARN|main|    0|ConfigurationFactory           - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml  found in the classpath: jar:file:/export/home/build/.m2/repository/net/sf/ehcache/ehcache/1.3.0/ehcache-1.3.0.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
Rhino classes (js.jar) not found - Javascript disabled
 INFO|main| 1728|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.1/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main| 1756|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 WARN|main| 1757|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@112da40
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 33081055.
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 13198090.
 INFO|main| 2154|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/commons-lang/commons-lang/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main| 2157|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 WARN|main| 2158|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@166f9b9
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 1335930.
 INFO|main| 2603|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/2.2-beta-2-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main| 2607|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 WARN|main| 2608|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@848ecc
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.076 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ArchivaMimeTypeLoaderTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.385 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletProxiedPluginSnapshotPolicyTest
 INFO|main| 3199|log                            - Logging to org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
 INFO|main| 3248|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main| 3308|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36320/snapshots
 INFO|main| 4921|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 3862294.
 WARN|main| 4921|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@154ea79
 INFO|main| 5554|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main| 5555|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36324/snapshots
 INFO|main| 6495|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main| 6501|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 13402014.
 WARN|main| 6502|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@ee21f5
 INFO|main| 6631|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main| 6632|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36329/snapshots
 INFO|main| 7570|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main| 7680|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 32459563.
 WARN|main| 7680|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@106433d
 INFO|main| 7844|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main| 7846|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36334/snapshots
 INFO|main| 8777|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36334/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is DAILY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last day.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main| 8782|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main| 8787|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 5757973.
 WARN|main| 8788|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@13bc30a
 INFO|main| 9094|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main| 9095|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36337/snapshots
 INFO|main|10347|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|10459|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 26194839.
 WARN|main|10460|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@132be10
 INFO|main|10566|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|10567|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36342/snapshots
 INFO|main|11502|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|11609|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 17935876.
 WARN|main|11610|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1f93ace
 INFO|main|11719|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|11720|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36347/snapshots
 INFO|main|12632|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36347/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|12633|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36347/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|12636|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|12749|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 7243012.
 WARN|main|12750|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@b5ac2c
 INFO|main|12932|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|12933|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36351/snapshots
 INFO|main|13876|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36351/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|13876|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36351/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|13989|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 11947822.
 WARN|main|13989|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1923ca5
 INFO|main|14154|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|14156|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36354/snapshots
 INFO|main|15414|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36354/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|15415|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36354/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|15416|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|15529|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 12855300.
 WARN|main|15529|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1de152f
 INFO|main|15630|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|15631|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36358/snapshots
 INFO|main|16557|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36358/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is HOURLY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last hour.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|16559|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|16669|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 24815969.
 WARN|main|16669|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1ad6884
 INFO|main|16809|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|16810|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36365/snapshots
 INFO|main|17727|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|17838|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 21039749.
 WARN|main|17839|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@16c14c0
 INFO|main|17977|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|17989|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36371/snapshots
 INFO|main|18901|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|19008|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 31790249.
 WARN|main|19009|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@d91987
 INFO|main|19445|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|19446|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36375/snapshots
 INFO|main|20385|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36375/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is ONCE, and local file exist.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|20386|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|20498|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 970294.
 WARN|main|20498|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1a2467a
 INFO|main|20599|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|20600|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36378/snapshots
 INFO|main|21534|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|21648|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 33119438.
 WARN|main|21648|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@a00fd
 INFO|main|21753|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|21755|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36383/snapshots
 INFO|main|22671|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/archivatest-maven-plugin-4.0-alpha-1-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|22674|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 32717744.
 WARN|main|22675|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1284903
Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 19.665 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.EditManagedRepositoryActionTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.714 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.connectors.proxy.AddProxyConnectorActionTest
 INFO|main|23479|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|23788|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|23865|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|23942|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|24030|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|24316|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|24390|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|24469|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|24973|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.575 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.DeleteManagedRepositoryActionTest
 INFO|main|25214|Action:deleteManagedRepositoryAction - Removing artifact org.apache.maven.archiva:test-artifact:jar:1.0 from the database.
 INFO|main|25609|Action:deleteManagedRepositoryAction - Removing artifact org.apache.maven.archiva:test-artifact:jar:1.0 from the database.
 INFO|main|25679|Action:deleteManagedRepositoryAction - Removing artifact org.apache.maven.archiva:test-artifact:jar:1.0 from the database.
Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.772 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.startup.BannerTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.006 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.connectors.proxy.DeleteProxyConnectorActionTest
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.519 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.DeleteRemoteRepositoryActionTest
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.244 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.connectors.proxy.EditProxyConnectorActionTest
 INFO|main|26933|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|27009|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|27084|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|27159|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|27318|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|27393|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|27510|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|27582|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|28025|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.482 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.AddRemoteRepositoryActionTest
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.265 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.AddManagedRepositoryActionTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.581 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletSecurityTest
There was no such logger 'org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ArchivaConfiguration:default' 12621394.
 INFO|main|29006|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ArchivaConfiguration:default' 8696507.
 INFO|main|29134|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.253 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletProxiedMetadataRemoteOnlyTest
 INFO|main|29276|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|29278|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36389/snapshots
 INFO|main|30122|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|30123|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36392/private-snapshots
 INFO|main|31343|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|31539|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 20741173.
 WARN|main|31539|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@d16d11
 INFO|main|31657|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|31658|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36396/snapshots
 INFO|main|32531|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|32532|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36398/private-snapshots
 INFO|main|33512|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/2.2-beta-2-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|33626|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 11848645.
 WARN|main|33627|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@5a384a
 INFO|main|33815|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|33816|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36401/snapshots
 INFO|main|34700|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|34701|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36403/private-snapshots
 INFO|main|35748|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-2/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|35986|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 30876646.
 WARN|main|35986|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@e31ef2
 INFO|main|36081|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|36082|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36407/snapshots
 INFO|main|36970|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|36971|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36409/private-snapshots
 INFO|main|37942|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|38057|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 8949093.
 WARN|main|38057|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1b8424e
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 8.92 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletProxiedTimestampedSnapshotPolicyTest
 INFO|main|38166|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|38167|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36412/snapshots
 INFO|main|39205|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 28656525.
 WARN|main|39206|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@3ec403
 INFO|main|39681|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|39682|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36415/snapshots
 INFO|main|40634|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|40745|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 15394227.
 WARN|main|40746|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@11c34fb
 INFO|main|40840|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|40841|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36420/snapshots
 INFO|main|41767|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|41875|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 12909030.
 WARN|main|41875|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1556234
 INFO|main|41970|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|41971|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36424/snapshots
 INFO|main|42920|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36424/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is DAILY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last day.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|42921|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 10219155.
 INFO|main|42925|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 WARN|main|42926|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1ea5711
 INFO|main|43249|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|43250|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36427/snapshots
 INFO|main|44166|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|44169|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 23942437.
 WARN|main|44170|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1536ecf
 INFO|main|44262|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|44263|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36432/snapshots
 INFO|main|45143|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|45254|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 9028625.
 WARN|main|45255|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@db7e08
 INFO|main|45347|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|45348|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36437/snapshots
 INFO|main|46266|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36437/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|46266|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36437/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|46267|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|46374|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 10482705.
 WARN|main|46375|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1f4d4bd
 INFO|main|46772|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|46774|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36440/snapshots
 INFO|main|47667|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36440/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|47667|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36440/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|47774|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 5045349.
 WARN|main|47774|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@fc61e9
 INFO|main|47866|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|47867|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36443/snapshots
 INFO|main|48812|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36443/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|48812|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36443/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|48813|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|48924|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 26679071.
 WARN|main|48924|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@a00770
 INFO|main|49017|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|49018|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36447/snapshots
 INFO|main|49965|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36447/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is HOURLY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last hour.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|49968|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|50084|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 9081817.
 WARN|main|50084|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1160721
 INFO|main|50175|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|50176|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36449/snapshots
 INFO|main|51347|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|51453|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 17306037.
 WARN|main|51454|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@10abd60
 INFO|main|51540|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|51542|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36455/snapshots
 INFO|main|52455|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|52573|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 28961588.
 WARN|main|52574|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1a59e87
 INFO|main|52667|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|52668|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36462/snapshots
 INFO|main|53639|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36462/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is ONCE, and local file exist.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|53640|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|53663|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 28183709.
 WARN|main|53663|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@11ef55c
 INFO|main|53784|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|53785|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36465/snapshots
 INFO|main|55208|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|55313|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 23481525.
 WARN|main|55313|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@81255
 INFO|main|56035|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|56036|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36472/snapshots
 INFO|main|57258|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/3.0-SNAPSHOT/test-3.0-20070822.033400-42.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|57362|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 11620092.
 WARN|main|57363|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@9c8620
Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 19.304 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.RepositoriesActionTest
 INFO|main|57472|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 INFO|main|57571|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.204 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletProxiedSnapshotPolicyTest
 INFO|main|57884|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|57885|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36478/snapshots
 INFO|main|59094|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 31580082.
 WARN|main|59094|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@186ebf5
 INFO|main|59485|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|59486|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36481/snapshots
 INFO|main|60585|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|60692|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 235860.
 WARN|main|60692|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@8ff9a7
 INFO|main|60788|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|60789|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36486/snapshots
 INFO|main|61750|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 24381839.
 INFO|main|61762|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 WARN|main|61763|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1781d1d
 INFO|main|61959|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|61964|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36492/snapshots
 INFO|main|62822|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36492/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is DAILY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last day.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|62822|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|62845|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 10268338.
 WARN|main|62845|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@14bd192
 INFO|main|62941|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|62942|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36495/snapshots
 INFO|main|63870|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|64012|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 13266288.
 WARN|main|64012|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@c389c4
 INFO|main|64243|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|64244|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36503/snapshots
 INFO|main|65210|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|65321|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 1078725.
 WARN|main|65322|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@122c960
 INFO|main|65440|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|65441|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36509/snapshots
 INFO|main|66370|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36509/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|66371|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36509/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|66371|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|66491|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 7590159.
 WARN|main|66491|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@130fa6f
 INFO|main|66591|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|66592|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36513/snapshots
 INFO|main|67501|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36513/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|67501|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36513/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|67621|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 13076105.
 WARN|main|67621|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@e08edd
 INFO|main|68065|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|68066|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36519/snapshots
 INFO|main|68995|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36519/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|68995|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36519/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar : NO to update, snapshots policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|68996|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|69121|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 22134166.
 WARN|main|69121|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1e8d410
 INFO|main|69221|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|69222|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36523/snapshots
 INFO|main|70102|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36523/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is HOURLY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last hour.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|70102|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|70241|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 9665770.
 WARN|main|70241|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1540b40
 INFO|main|70338|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|70339|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36526/snapshots
 INFO|main|71178|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|71310|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 28647489.
 WARN|main|71311|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1ed246d
 INFO|main|71424|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|71425|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36531/snapshots
 INFO|main|72359|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|72470|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 6033476.
 WARN|main|72471|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1ddc941
 INFO|main|72892|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|72893|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36536/snapshots
 INFO|main|73749|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36536/snapshots/org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar : NO to update snapshots, policy is ONCE, and local file exist.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|73750|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|73860|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 14835594.
 WARN|main|73860|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@651695
 INFO|main|73966|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|73967|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36539/snapshots
 INFO|main|74913|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|75020|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 24744773.
 WARN|main|75020|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@189ed00
 INFO|main|75112|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|75113|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36543/snapshots
 INFO|main|75989|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/2.0-SNAPSHOT/test-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|76100|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 17437093.
 WARN|main|76101|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@487600
Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 18.526 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletProxiedMetadataLocalOnlyTest
 INFO|main|76191|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|76192|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36549/snapshots
 INFO|main|77104|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|77105|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36552/private-snapshots
 INFO|main|77990|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|78229|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 8110250.
 WARN|main|78230|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@694a5
 INFO|main|78642|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|78642|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36557/snapshots
 INFO|main|79514|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|79515|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36560/private-snapshots
 INFO|main|80444|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/4.0-alpha-2/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|80669|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 30489771.
 WARN|main|80669|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@92446e
 INFO|main|80756|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|80757|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36562/snapshots
 INFO|main|81653|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|81654|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36565/private-snapshots
 INFO|main|82485|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/org/apache/archiva/archivatest-maven-plugin/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|82709|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 30735171.
 WARN|main|82709|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@10864d2
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 6.606 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletBrowseTest
 INFO|main|82821|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 21756776.
 WARN|main|82822|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@159fd10
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.11 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletNoProxyTest
 INFO|main|82956|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 29481256.
 WARN|main|82957|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1d5264c
 INFO|main|83733|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 28074243.
 WARN|main|83733|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1adb0d5
 INFO|main|83889|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.1/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|83890|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 9158059.
 WARN|main|83891|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@cfa5c1
 INFO|main|84039|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/commons-lang/commons-lang/maven-metadata.xml" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|84050|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 20598387.
 WARN|main|84051|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@147545b
 INFO|main|84194|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 12703139.
 WARN|main|84195|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@82d3bc
 INFO|main|84426|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 18276809.
 WARN|main|84426|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@12b4053
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 31178897.
 INFO|main|84541|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
 WARN|main|84542|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@b98167
 INFO|main|84639|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 16102290.
 WARN|main|84639|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@536b73
 INFO|main|84738|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 27691356.
 WARN|main|84739|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@bc6389
 INFO|main|84836|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 14691805.
 WARN|main|84836|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1b779cf
 INFO|main|85001|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 30976698.
 WARN|main|85002|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@166a538
Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.177 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletProxiedRelocatedTest
 INFO|main|85092|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|85093|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36572/central
 INFO|main|86099|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|86208|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 10834224.
 WARN|main|86209|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@be675c
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.203 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.connectors.proxy.ProxyConnectorsActionTest
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.143 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.connectors.proxy.SortProxyConnectorsActionTest
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.522 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.EditRemoteRepositoryActionTest
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
[INFO] Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = true diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.333 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletTest
 INFO|main|87381|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 23337251.
 WARN|main|87382|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1735faa
 INFO|main|87540|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 14604131.
 INFO|main|87786|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 24793104.
 WARN|main|87786|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1330681
 WARN|main|87786|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1b3d787
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.565 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletProxiedReleasePolicyTest
 INFO|main|87933|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|87935|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36589/central
 INFO|main|88966|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 15233807.
 WARN|main|88967|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@d60cdd
 INFO|main|89094|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|89095|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36597/central
 INFO|main|90104|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|90207|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 26432517.
 WARN|main|90208|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@4163e1
 INFO|main|90296|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|90298|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36605/central
 INFO|main|91291|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|91295|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 13311165.
 WARN|main|91295|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@180d050
 INFO|main|91391|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|91392|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36615/central
 INFO|main|92417|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36615/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar : NO to update releases, policy is DAILY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last day.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|92418|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|92525|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 13779403.
 WARN|main|92526|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@12fdcd7
 INFO|main|92695|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|92697|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36618/central
 INFO|main|93686|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|93797|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 15615985.
 WARN|main|93797|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@167e563
 INFO|main|93995|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|93996|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36623/central
 INFO|main|94922|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|95027|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 4843653.
 WARN|main|95027|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@85aa40
 INFO|main|95213|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|95214|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36629/central
 INFO|main|96170|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36629/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.pom : NO to update, releases policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|96171|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36629/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar : NO to update, releases policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|96171|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|96277|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 13042123.
 WARN|main|96277|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@951aeb
 INFO|main|96364|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|96365|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36634/central
 INFO|main|97341|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36634/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.pom : NO to update, releases policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|97342|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36634/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar : NO to update, releases policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|97447|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 12783446.
 WARN|main|97447|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1cd84e
 INFO|main|97541|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|97543|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36637/central
 INFO|main|98446|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36637/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.pom : NO to update, releases policy set to NEVER.
 INFO|main|98446|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36637/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar : NO to update, releases policy set to NEVER.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|98447|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|98556|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 12313811.
 WARN|main|98557|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@daae1d
 INFO|main|98645|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|98647|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36640/central
 INFO|main|99623|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36640/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar : NO to update releases, policy is HOURLY, local file exist, and has been updated within the last hour.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|99623|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|99726|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 28030167.
 WARN|main|99726|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@e832fd
 INFO|main|99874|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|99875|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36643/central
 INFO|main|100898|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|101006|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 1901551.
 WARN|main|101006|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@11ac1a9
 INFO|main|101096|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|101097|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36653/central
 INFO|main|102001|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|102106|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 485056.
 WARN|main|102106|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@ec0f07
 INFO|main|102215|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|102216|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36659/central
 INFO|main|103277|RepositoryProxyConnectors:default - Transfer not attempted on http://localhost:36659/central/org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar : NO to update releases, policy is ONCE, and local file exist.: using already present local file.
 INFO|main|103277|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|103381|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 9612508.
 WARN|main|103382|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1d7fadd
 INFO|main|103562|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|103564|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36663/central
 INFO|main|104564|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|104675|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 11623258.
 WARN|main|104676|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@de42ca
 INFO|main|104761|log                            - jetty-6.1.5
 INFO|main|104762|log                            - Started SocketConnector@
Remote HTTP Server started on http://localhost:36668/central
 INFO|main|105646|AuditLog                       - internal guest "org/apache/archiva/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar" "Modify File (proxied)"
 INFO|main|105756|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 25032068.
 WARN|main|105756|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@ff8399
Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 17.967 sec
Running org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.RepositoryServletDeployTest
 INFO|main|105869|AuditLog                       - internal guest "path/to" "Created Directory"
 INFO|main|105898|AuditLog                       - internal guest "/path/to/artifact.jar" "Created File"
 INFO|main|105899|Cache:url-failures-cache       - Disposing cache: [ name = url-failures-cache status = STATUS_ALIVE eternal = false overflowToDisk = false maxElementsInMemory = 1000 maxElementsOnDisk = 0 memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = LRU timeToLiveSeconds = 1800 timeToIdleSeconds = 2700 diskPersistent = false diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 600 cacheEventListeners:  hitCount = 0 memoryStoreHitCount = 0 diskStoreHitCount = 0 missCountNotFound = 0 missCountExpired = 0 ]
There was no such logger 'org.codehaus.plexus.redback.xwork.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator:basic' 14438477.
 WARN|main|105899|PlexusContainer                - Component manager not found for returned component. Ignored. component=org.apache.maven.archiva.web.repository.ProxiedDavServer@1d83ac7
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.138 sec

Results :
Tests run: 146, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] [war:war]
[INFO] Exploding webapp...
[INFO] Copy webapp webResources to /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/archiva-webapp-1.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Assembling webapp archiva-webapp in /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/archiva-webapp-1.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Overlaying 1 war(s).
[INFO] Generating war /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/archiva-webapp-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] Building war: /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/archiva-webapp-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing /export/home/build/data/continuum/checkouts/296/target/archiva-webapp-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war to /export/home/build/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/archiva/archiva-webapp/1.1-SNAPSHOT/archiva-webapp-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3 minutes 6 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Dec 12 22:46:04 GMT+00:00 2007
[INFO] Final Memory: 28M/326M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
