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airavata-docs git commit: adding sharing introduction pafe

Repository: airavata-docs
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master c1c321a5d -> f0c1a96ce

adding sharing introduction pafe


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: f0c1a96ceccb188f8d0b661da1a7c77412e6ecf3
Parents: c1c321a
Author: Eroma Abeysinghe <>
Authored: Wed Aug 16 15:21:36 2017 -0400
Committer: Eroma Abeysinghe <>
Committed: Wed Aug 16 15:21:36 2017 -0400

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 mkdocs.yml                      |   7 +-
 3 files changed, 373 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/dictionaries/eabeysin.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<component name="ProjectDictionaryState">
+  <dictionary name="eabeysin">
+    <words>
+      <w>xsede</w>
+    </words>
+  </dictionary>
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+<div class="container-fluid">
+    <h2>Welcome to Airavata Sharing Registry Service Documentation</h2>
+    <p>Airavata Data Sharing Registry Service is a general purpose <b>Collaborative Workspace Management Component</b>
+        that can solve
+        your Scientific Data Management requirements related to sharing and access controlling.</p>
+    <p><span style="color: red; ">N.B. This component is under active development and this document will keep on evolving. Click <a href="./api-docs/index.html">here</a>
+        to see the API docs</span>
+    </p>
+        <div id="#concepts">
+            <h3>Concepts & Terminology</h3>
+            <img src="sharing_overview.png" alt="Sharing Concepts" height="600" width="800">
+        </div>
+        <br/>
+        <div id="#getting-started">
+        <h3>Getting started with the Java client</h3>
+        <div>
+            <ol start="0">
+                <li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#thrift-client">Create a thrift client</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#create-domain">Create a Domain</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#create-users">Create Users</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#create-groups">Create Groups</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#assign-users-to-group">Assign Users to a Group</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#assign-groups-to-group">Assign Groups to a Group</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#create-permission-types">Create Permission Types for your Domain</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#create-entity-types">Create Entity Types for your Domain</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#create-entities">Create Entities</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#sharing-entities">Share Entities</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#checking-user-has-access">Checking User has Permission</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#search-entities">Searching Entities</a></li>
+            </ol>
+        </div>
+        <br/>
+        <div class="definition" id="requirements">
+            <h4>0. Required maven dependencies</h4>
+            <pre>
+                &lt;dependency&gt;
+                    &lt;groupId>org.apache.airavata&lt;/groupId&gt;
+                    &lt;artifactId>airavata-sharing-registry-stubs&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+                    &lt;version>0.17-SNAPSHOT&lt;/version&gt;
+                &lt;/dependency&gt;
+                &lt;dependency&gt;
+                    &lt;groupId>org.apache.thrift&lt;/groupId&gt;
+                    &lt;artifactId>libthrift&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+                    &lt;version>0.9.3&lt;/version&gt;
+                &lt;/dependency&gt;
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="thrift-client">
+            <h4>1. Creating the thrift client</h4>
+            <pre>
+                //should use the correct host name and port here
+                String serverHost = "";
+                int serverPort = 7878;
+                TTransport transport = new TSocket(serverHost, serverPort);
+      ;
+                TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
+                SharingRegistryService.Client sharingServiceClient = new SharingRegistryService.Client(protocol);
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="create-domain">
+            <h4>2. Create a domain</h4>
+            <pre>
+                Domain domain = new Domain();
+                //has to be one word
+                domain.setName("test-domain");
+                //optional
+                domain.setDescription("test domain description");
+                //domain id will be same as domain name
+                String domainId = sharingServiceClient.createDomain(domain);
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="create-users">
+            <h4>2. Create Users</h4>
+            <pre>
+                User user1 = new User();
+                String userName = "test-user-1";
+                String userId1 =  "test-user-1";
+                //required
+                user1.setUserId(userId1);
+                //required
+                user.setUserName(userName);
+                //required
+                user1.setDomainId(domainId);
+                //required
+                user1.setFirstName("John");
+                //required
+                user1.setLastName("Doe");
+                //required
+                user1.setEmail("");
+                //optional - this should be bytes of the users image icon
+                //byte[] icon = new byte[10];
+                //user1.setIcon(icon);
+                sharingServiceClient.createUser(user1);
+                //Similarly create two more users user2 and user3.
+                    .
+                    .
+                    .
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="create-groups">
+            <h4>3. Create User Groups</h4>
+            <pre>
+                UserGroup userGroup1 = new UserGroup();
+                //required
+                userGroup1.setGroupId("test-group-1");
+                //required
+                userGroup1.setDomainId(domainId);
+                //required
+                userGroup1.setName("test-group-1");
+                //optional
+                userGroup1.setDescription("test group description");
+                //required
+                userGroup1.setOwnerId("test-user-1");
+                //required
+                userGroup1.setGroupType(GroupType.USER_LEVEL_GROUP);
+                sharingServiceClient.createGroup(userGroup1);
+                //Similarly create another group "userGroup2" with the owner being "test-user-2".
+                    .
+                    .
+                    .
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="assign-users-to-group">
+            <h4>4. Assign Users to a Group</h4>
+            <pre>
+                sharingServiceClient.addUsersToGroup(domainId, Arrays.asList("test-user-3"), "test-group-2");
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="assign-groups-to-group">
+            <h4>5. Assign groups to a group</h4>
+            <pre>
+                sharingServiceClient.addChildGroupsToParentGroup(domainId, Arrays.asList("test-group-2"), "test-group-1");
+                /********************************************/
+                /*              test-group-1                */
+                /*                 /     \                  */
+                /*                /       \                 */
+                /*        test-user-1   test-group-2        */
+                /*                        /        \        */
+                /*                 test-user-2  test-user-3 */
+                /********************************************/
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="create-permission-types">
+            <h4>6. Create Permission types for your Domain</h4>
+            <pre>
+                PermissionType permissionType1 = new PermissionType();
+                //required
+                permissionType1.setPermissionTypeId("READ");
+                //required
+                permissionType1.setDomainId(domainId);
+                //required
+                permissionType1.setName("READ");
+                //optional
+                permissionType1.setDescription("READ description");
+                sharingServiceClient.createPermissionType(permissionType1);
+                PermissionType permissionType2 = new PermissionType();
+                permissionType2.setPermissionTypeId("WRITE");
+                permissionType2.setDomainId(domainId);
+                permissionType2.setName("WRITE");
+                permissionType2.setDescription("WRITE description");
+                sharingServiceClient.createPermissionType(permissionType2);
+                PermissionType permissionType3 = new PermissionType();
+                permissionType3.setPermissionTypeId("CLONE");
+                permissionType3.setDomainId(domainId);
+                permissionType3.setName("CLONE");
+                permissionType3.setDescription("CLONE description");
+                sharingServiceClient.createPermissionType(permissionType3);
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="create-entity-types">
+            <h4>7. Create Entity Types for your Domain</h4>
+            <pre>
+                EntityType entityType1 = new EntityType();
+                //required
+                entityType1.setEntityTypeId("PROJECT");
+                //required
+                entityType1.setDomainId(domainId);
+                //required
+                entityType1.setName("PROJECT");
+                //optional
+                entityType1.setDescription("PROJECT entity type description");
+                sharingServiceClient.createEntityType(entityType1);
+                EntityType entityType2 = new EntityType();
+                entityType2.setEntityTypeId("EXPERIMENT");
+                entityType2.setDomainId(domainId);
+                entityType2.setName("EXPERIMENT");
+                entityType2.setDescription("EXPERIMENT entity type");
+                sharingServiceClient.createEntityType(entityType2);
+                EntityType entityType3 = new EntityType();
+                entityType3.setEntityTypeId("FILE");
+                entityType3.setDomainId(domainId);
+                entityType3.setName("FILE");
+                entityType3.setDescription("FILE entity type");
+                sharingServiceClient.createEntityType(entityType3);
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="create-entities">
+            <h4>8. Create Entities</h4>
+            <pre>
+                Entity entity1 = new Entity();
+                //required
+                entity1.setEntityId("test-project-1");
+                //required
+                entity1.setDomainId(domainId);
+                //required
+                entity1.setEntityTypeId("PROJECT");
+                //required
+                entity1.setOwnerId("test-user-1");
+                //required
+                entity1.setName("test-project-1");
+                //optional
+                entity1.setDescription("test project 1 description");
+                //optional
+                entity1.setFullText("test project 1 stampede gaussian seagrid");
+                //optional - If not set this will be default to current system time
+                entity1.setOriginalEntityCreationTime(System.currentTimeMillis());
+                Entity entity2 = new Entity();
+                entity2.setEntityId("test-experiment-1");
+                entity2.setDomainId(domainId);
+                entity2.setEntityTypeId("EXPERIMENT");
+                entity2.setOwnerId("test-user-1");
+                entity2.setName("test-experiment-1");
+                entity2.setDescription("test experiment 1 description");
+                entity2.setParentEntityId("test-project-1");
+                entity2.setFullText("test experiment 1 benzene");
+                sharingServiceClient.createEntity(entity2);
+                Entity entity3 = new Entity();
+                entity3.setEntityId("test-experiment-2");
+                entity3.setDomainId(domainId);
+                entity3.setEntityTypeId("EXPERIMENT");
+                entity3.setOwnerId("test-user-1");
+                entity3.setName("test-experiment-2");
+                entity3.setDescription("test experiment 2 description");
+                entity3.setParentEntityId("test-project-1");
+                entity3.setFullText("test experiment 1 3-methyl 1-butanol stampede");
+                sharingServiceClient.createEntity(entity3);
+                Entity entity4 = new Entity();
+                entity4.setEntityId("test-file-1");
+                entity4.setDomainId(domainId);
+                entity4.setEntityTypeId("FILE");
+                entity4.setOwnerId("test-user-1");
+                entity4.setName("test-file-1");
+                entity4.setDescription("test file 1 description");
+                entity4.setParentEntityId("test-experiment-2");
+                entity4.setFullText("test input file 1 for experiment 2");
+                sharingServiceClient.createEntity(entity4);
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="sharing-entities">
+        <h4>9. Share Entities with Users and Groups</h4>
+            <pre>
+                //shared with cascading permissions
+                sharingServiceClient.shareEntityWithUsers(domainId, "test-project-1", Arrays.asList("test-user-2"), "WRITE", true);
+                sharingServiceClient.shareEntityWithGroups(domainId, "test-experiment-2", Arrays.asList("test-group-2"), "READ", true);
+                //shared with non cascading permissions
+                sharingServiceClient.shareEntityWithGroups(domainId, "test-experiment-2", Arrays.asList("test-group-2"), "CLONE", false);
+                /************************************************************************************************************/
+                /*          test-project-1 (OWNER:test-user-1, WRITE:test-user-2)                                           */
+                /*             /                                              \                                             */
+                /*    test-experiment-1                                 test-experiment-2                                   */
+                /*   (OWNER:test-user-1,WRITE:test-user-2)  (OWNER:test-user-1, WRITE:test-user-2, READ/CLONE:test-group-2) */
+                /*                                                                  |                                       */
+                /*                                                             test-file-1                                  */
+                /*                                        (OWNER:test-user-1, WRITE:test-user-2, READ:test-group-2)         */
+                /************************************************************************************************************/
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="checking-user-has-access">
+            <h4>9. Checking whether a User has Permission to access an Entity with specified Permission</h4>
+            <pre>
+                //test-project-1 is explicitly shared with test-user-2 with WRITE permission
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-2", "test-project-1", "WRITE"));
+                //test-user-2 has WRITE permission to test-experiment-1 and test-experiment-2 indirectly
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-2", "test-experiment-1", "WRITE"));
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-2", "test-experiment-2", "WRITE"));
+                //test-user-2 does not have READ permission to test-experiment-1 and test-experiment-2
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-2", "test-experiment-1", "READ"));
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-2", "test-experiment-2", "READ"));
+                //test-user-3 does not have READ permission to test-project-1
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-3", "test-project-1", "READ"));
+                //test-experiment-2 is shared with test-group-2 with READ permission. Therefore test-user-3 has READ permission
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-3", "test-experiment-2", "READ"));
+                //test-user-3 does not have WRITE permission to test-experiment-2
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-3", "test-experiment-2", "WRITE"));
+                //test-user-3 has CLONE permission to test-experiment-2
+                System.out.println((sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-3", "test-experiment-2", "CLONE")));
+                //test-user-3 does not have CLONE permission to test-file-1
+                System.out.println((sharingServiceClient.userHasAccess(domainId, "test-user-3", "test-file-1", "CLONE")));
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+        <div class="definition" id="search-entities">
+            <h4>10. Searching Entities</h4>
+            <pre>
+                ArrayList&lt;SearchCriteria&gt; filters = new ArrayList<>();
+                SearchCriteria searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria();
+                searchCriteria.setSearchCondition(SearchCondition.FULL_TEXT);
+                searchCriteria.setValue("experiment stampede methyl");
+                searchCriteria.setSearchField(EntitySearchField.FULL_TEXT);
+                filters.add(searchCriteria);
+                searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria();
+                searchCriteria.setSearchCondition(SearchCondition.EQUAL);
+                searchCriteria.setValue("EXPERIMENT");
+                searchCriteria.setSearchField(EntitySearchField.ENTITY_TYPE_ID);
+                filters.add(searchCriteria);
+                searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria();
+                searchCriteria.setSearchCondition(SearchCondition.EQUAL);
+                searchCriteria.setValue("READ");
+                searchCriteria.setSearchField(EntitySearchField.PERMISSION_TYPE_ID);
+                filters.add(searchCriteria);
+                System.out.println(sharingServiceClient.searchEntities(domainId, "test-user-2", "EXPERIMENT", filters, 0, -1).size());
+            </pre>
+        </div>
+    </div>
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diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 4db36fd..de9c201 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ pages:
 - <h4>Technical Documentation</h4>:
   - Airavata API: ''
   - <h6>Sharing Documentation</h6>:
-      - Index: ''
-      - Sharing CPI: ''
-      - Sharing Models: ''
+      - Introduction: ''
+      - API Methods: ''
+        - Sharing CPI: ''
+        - Sharing Models: ''
 - <h4>FAQ</h4>: ''
 - <h4>Previosur Relese Documentation</h4>: ''
 - <h4>Contact Us</h4>: ''