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Posted to by on 2017/03/07 23:28:47 UTC

[14/48] incubator-quickstep git commit: Removed redundant third party libraries shared by both Quickstep and TMB.
diff --git a/third_party/src/tmb/third_party/gtest/src/ b/third_party/src/tmb/third_party/gtest/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de53dd..0000000
--- a/third_party/src/tmb/third_party/gtest/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5015 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2005, Google Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Author: (Zhanyong Wan)
-// The Google C++ Testing Framework (Google Test)
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <wctype.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <limits>
-#include <ostream>  // NOLINT
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vector>
-// TODO( Use autoconf to detect availability of
-// gettimeofday().
-# include <fcntl.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <limits.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <sched.h>  // NOLINT
-// Declares vsnprintf().  This header is not available on Windows.
-# include <strings.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <sys/mman.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <sys/time.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <unistd.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <string>
-# include <sys/time.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <sys/time.h>  // NOLINT
-// On z/OS we additionally need strings.h for strcasecmp.
-# include <strings.h>  // NOLINT
-#elif GTEST_OS_WINDOWS_MOBILE  // We are on Windows CE.
-# include <windows.h>  // NOLINT
-#elif GTEST_OS_WINDOWS  // We are on Windows proper.
-# include <io.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <sys/timeb.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <sys/types.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <sys/stat.h>  // NOLINT
-// MinGW has gettimeofday() but not _ftime64().
-// TODO( Use autoconf to detect availability of
-//   gettimeofday().
-// TODO( There are other ways to get the time on
-//   Windows, like GetTickCount() or GetSystemTimeAsFileTime().  MinGW
-//   supports these.  consider using them instead.
-#  include <sys/time.h>  // NOLINT
-// cpplint thinks that the header is already included, so we want to
-// silence it.
-# include <windows.h>  // NOLINT
-// Assume other platforms have gettimeofday().
-// TODO( Use autoconf to detect availability of
-//   gettimeofday().
-// cpplint thinks that the header is already included, so we want to
-// silence it.
-# include <sys/time.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <unistd.h>  // NOLINT
-#endif  // GTEST_OS_LINUX
-# include <stdexcept>
-# include <arpa/inet.h>  // NOLINT
-# include <netdb.h>  // NOLINT
-// Indicates that this translation unit is part of Google Test's
-// implementation.  It must come before gtest-internal-inl.h is
-// included, or there will be a compiler error.  This trick is to
-// prevent a user from accidentally including gtest-internal-inl.h in
-// his code.
-#include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
-# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
-#endif  // GTEST_OS_WINDOWS
-namespace testing {
-using internal::CountIf;
-using internal::ForEach;
-using internal::GetElementOr;
-using internal::Shuffle;
-// Constants.
-// A test whose test case name or test name matches this filter is
-// disabled and not run.
-static const char kDisableTestFilter[] = "DISABLED_*:*/DISABLED_*";
-// A test case whose name matches this filter is considered a death
-// test case and will be run before test cases whose name doesn't
-// match this filter.
-static const char kDeathTestCaseFilter[] = "*DeathTest:*DeathTest/*";
-// A test filter that matches everything.
-static const char kUniversalFilter[] = "*";
-// The default output file for XML output.
-static const char kDefaultOutputFile[] = "test_detail.xml";
-// The environment variable name for the test shard index.
-static const char kTestShardIndex[] = "GTEST_SHARD_INDEX";
-// The environment variable name for the total number of test shards.
-static const char kTestTotalShards[] = "GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS";
-// The environment variable name for the test shard status file.
-static const char kTestShardStatusFile[] = "GTEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE";
-namespace internal {
-// The text used in failure messages to indicate the start of the
-// stack trace.
-const char kStackTraceMarker[] = "\nStack trace:\n";
-// g_help_flag is true iff the --help flag or an equivalent form is
-// specified on the command line.
-bool g_help_flag = false;
-}  // namespace internal
-static const char* GetDefaultFilter() {
-  return kUniversalFilter;
-    also_run_disabled_tests,
-    internal::BoolFromGTestEnv("also_run_disabled_tests", false),
-    "Run disabled tests too, in addition to the tests normally being run.");
-    break_on_failure,
-    internal::BoolFromGTestEnv("break_on_failure", false),
-    "True iff a failed assertion should be a debugger break-point.");
-    catch_exceptions,
-    internal::BoolFromGTestEnv("catch_exceptions", true),
-    "True iff " GTEST_NAME_
-    " should catch exceptions and treat them as test failures.");
-    color,
-    internal::StringFromGTestEnv("color", "auto"),
-    "Whether to use colors in the output.  Valid values: yes, no, "
-    "and auto.  'auto' means to use colors if the output is "
-    "being sent to a terminal and the TERM environment variable "
-    "is set to a terminal type that supports colors.");
-    filter,
-    internal::StringFromGTestEnv("filter", GetDefaultFilter()),
-    "A colon-separated list of glob (not regex) patterns "
-    "for filtering the tests to run, optionally followed by a "
-    "'-' and a : separated list of negative patterns (tests to "
-    "exclude).  A test is run if it matches one of the positive "
-    "patterns and does not match any of the negative patterns.");
-GTEST_DEFINE_bool_(list_tests, false,
-                   "List all tests without running them.");
-    output,
-    internal::StringFromGTestEnv("output", ""),
-    "A format (currently must be \"xml\"), optionally followed "
-    "by a colon and an output file name or directory. A directory "
-    "is indicated by a trailing pathname separator. "
-    "Examples: \"xml:filename.xml\", \"xml::directoryname/\". "
-    "If a directory is specified, output files will be created "
-    "within that directory, with file-names based on the test "
-    "executable's name and, if necessary, made unique by adding "
-    "digits.");
-    print_time,
-    internal::BoolFromGTestEnv("print_time", true),
-    "True iff " GTEST_NAME_
-    " should display elapsed time in text output.");
-    random_seed,
-    internal::Int32FromGTestEnv("random_seed", 0),
-    "Random number seed to use when shuffling test orders.  Must be in range "
-    "[1, 99999], or 0 to use a seed based on the current time.");
-    repeat,
-    internal::Int32FromGTestEnv("repeat", 1),
-    "How many times to repeat each test.  Specify a negative number "
-    "for repeating forever.  Useful for shaking out flaky tests.");
-    show_internal_stack_frames, false,
-    "True iff " GTEST_NAME_ " should include internal stack frames when "
-    "printing test failure stack traces.");
-    shuffle,
-    internal::BoolFromGTestEnv("shuffle", false),
-    "True iff " GTEST_NAME_
-    " should randomize tests' order on every run.");
-    stack_trace_depth,
-    internal::Int32FromGTestEnv("stack_trace_depth", kMaxStackTraceDepth),
-    "The maximum number of stack frames to print when an "
-    "assertion fails.  The valid range is 0 through 100, inclusive.");
-    stream_result_to,
-    internal::StringFromGTestEnv("stream_result_to", ""),
-    "This flag specifies the host name and the port number on which to stream "
-    "test results. Example: \"localhost:555\". The flag is effective only on "
-    "Linux.");
-    throw_on_failure,
-    internal::BoolFromGTestEnv("throw_on_failure", false),
-    "When this flag is specified, a failed assertion will throw an exception "
-    "if exceptions are enabled or exit the program with a non-zero code "
-    "otherwise.");
-namespace internal {
-// Generates a random number from [0, range), using a Linear
-// Congruential Generator (LCG).  Crashes if 'range' is 0 or greater
-// than kMaxRange.
-UInt32 Random::Generate(UInt32 range) {
-  // These constants are the same as are used in glibc's rand(3).
-  state_ = (1103515245U*state_ + 12345U) % kMaxRange;
-  GTEST_CHECK_(range > 0)
-      << "Cannot generate a number in the range [0, 0).";
-  GTEST_CHECK_(range <= kMaxRange)
-      << "Generation of a number in [0, " << range << ") was requested, "
-      << "but this can only generate numbers in [0, " << kMaxRange << ").";
-  // Converting via modulus introduces a bit of downward bias, but
-  // it's simple, and a linear congruential generator isn't too good
-  // to begin with.
-  return state_ % range;
-// GTestIsInitialized() returns true iff the user has initialized
-// Google Test.  Useful for catching the user mistake of not initializing
-// Google Test before calling RUN_ALL_TESTS().
-// A user must call testing::InitGoogleTest() to initialize Google
-// Test.  g_init_gtest_count is set to the number of times
-// InitGoogleTest() has been called.  We don't protect this variable
-// under a mutex as it is only accessed in the main thread.
-GTEST_API_ int g_init_gtest_count = 0;
-static bool GTestIsInitialized() { return g_init_gtest_count != 0; }
-// Iterates over a vector of TestCases, keeping a running sum of the
-// results of calling a given int-returning method on each.
-// Returns the sum.
-static int SumOverTestCaseList(const std::vector<TestCase*>& case_list,
-                               int (TestCase::*method)() const) {
-  int sum = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < case_list.size(); i++) {
-    sum += (case_list[i]->*method)();
-  }
-  return sum;
-// Returns true iff the test case passed.
-static bool TestCasePassed(const TestCase* test_case) {
-  return test_case->should_run() && test_case->Passed();
-// Returns true iff the test case failed.
-static bool TestCaseFailed(const TestCase* test_case) {
-  return test_case->should_run() && test_case->Failed();
-// Returns true iff test_case contains at least one test that should
-// run.
-static bool ShouldRunTestCase(const TestCase* test_case) {
-  return test_case->should_run();
-// AssertHelper constructor.
-AssertHelper::AssertHelper(TestPartResult::Type type,
-                           const char* file,
-                           int line,
-                           const char* message)
-    : data_(new AssertHelperData(type, file, line, message)) {
-AssertHelper::~AssertHelper() {
-  delete data_;
-// Message assignment, for assertion streaming support.
-void AssertHelper::operator=(const Message& message) const {
-  UnitTest::GetInstance()->
-    AddTestPartResult(data_->type, data_->file, data_->line,
-                      AppendUserMessage(data_->message, message),
-                      UnitTest::GetInstance()->impl()
-                      ->CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(1)
-                      // Skips the stack frame for this function itself.
-                      );  // NOLINT
-// Mutex for linked pointers.
-// Application pathname gotten in InitGoogleTest.
-std::string g_executable_path;
-// Returns the current application's name, removing directory path if that
-// is present.
-FilePath GetCurrentExecutableName() {
-  FilePath result;
-  result.Set(FilePath(g_executable_path).RemoveExtension("exe"));
-  result.Set(FilePath(g_executable_path));
-#endif  // GTEST_OS_WINDOWS
-  return result.RemoveDirectoryName();
-// Functions for processing the gtest_output flag.
-// Returns the output format, or "" for normal printed output.
-std::string UnitTestOptions::GetOutputFormat() {
-  const char* const gtest_output_flag = GTEST_FLAG(output).c_str();
-  if (gtest_output_flag == NULL) return std::string("");
-  const char* const colon = strchr(gtest_output_flag, ':');
-  return (colon == NULL) ?
-      std::string(gtest_output_flag) :
-      std::string(gtest_output_flag, colon - gtest_output_flag);
-// Returns the name of the requested output file, or the default if none
-// was explicitly specified.
-std::string UnitTestOptions::GetAbsolutePathToOutputFile() {
-  const char* const gtest_output_flag = GTEST_FLAG(output).c_str();
-  if (gtest_output_flag == NULL)
-    return "";
-  const char* const colon = strchr(gtest_output_flag, ':');
-  if (colon == NULL)
-    return internal::FilePath::ConcatPaths(
-        internal::FilePath(
-            UnitTest::GetInstance()->original_working_dir()),
-        internal::FilePath(kDefaultOutputFile)).string();
-  internal::FilePath output_name(colon + 1);
-  if (!output_name.IsAbsolutePath())
-    // TODO( on Windows \some\path is not an absolute
-    // path (as its meaning depends on the current drive), yet the
-    // following logic for turning it into an absolute path is wrong.
-    // Fix it.
-    output_name = internal::FilePath::ConcatPaths(
-        internal::FilePath(UnitTest::GetInstance()->original_working_dir()),
-        internal::FilePath(colon + 1));
-  if (!output_name.IsDirectory())
-    return output_name.string();
-  internal::FilePath result(internal::FilePath::GenerateUniqueFileName(
-      output_name, internal::GetCurrentExecutableName(),
-      GetOutputFormat().c_str()));
-  return result.string();
-// Returns true iff the wildcard pattern matches the string.  The
-// first ':' or '\0' character in pattern marks the end of it.
-// This recursive algorithm isn't very efficient, but is clear and
-// works well enough for matching test names, which are short.
-bool UnitTestOptions::PatternMatchesString(const char *pattern,
-                                           const char *str) {
-  switch (*pattern) {
-    case '\0':
-    case ':':  // Either ':' or '\0' marks the end of the pattern.
-      return *str == '\0';
-    case '?':  // Matches any single character.
-      return *str != '\0' && PatternMatchesString(pattern + 1, str + 1);
-    case '*':  // Matches any string (possibly empty) of characters.
-      return (*str != '\0' && PatternMatchesString(pattern, str + 1)) ||
-          PatternMatchesString(pattern + 1, str);
-    default:  // Non-special character.  Matches itself.
-      return *pattern == *str &&
-          PatternMatchesString(pattern + 1, str + 1);
-  }
-bool UnitTestOptions::MatchesFilter(
-    const std::string& name, const char* filter) {
-  const char *cur_pattern = filter;
-  for (;;) {
-    if (PatternMatchesString(cur_pattern, name.c_str())) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    // Finds the next pattern in the filter.
-    cur_pattern = strchr(cur_pattern, ':');
-    // Returns if no more pattern can be found.
-    if (cur_pattern == NULL) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    // Skips the pattern separater (the ':' character).
-    cur_pattern++;
-  }
-// Returns true iff the user-specified filter matches the test case
-// name and the test name.
-bool UnitTestOptions::FilterMatchesTest(const std::string &test_case_name,
-                                        const std::string &test_name) {
-  const std::string& full_name = test_case_name + "." + test_name.c_str();
-  // Split --gtest_filter at '-', if there is one, to separate into
-  // positive filter and negative filter portions
-  const char* const p = GTEST_FLAG(filter).c_str();
-  const char* const dash = strchr(p, '-');
-  std::string positive;
-  std::string negative;
-  if (dash == NULL) {
-    positive = GTEST_FLAG(filter).c_str();  // Whole string is a positive filter
-    negative = "";
-  } else {
-    positive = std::string(p, dash);   // Everything up to the dash
-    negative = std::string(dash + 1);  // Everything after the dash
-    if (positive.empty()) {
-      // Treat '-test1' as the same as '*-test1'
-      positive = kUniversalFilter;
-    }
-  }
-  // A filter is a colon-separated list of patterns.  It matches a
-  // test if any pattern in it matches the test.
-  return (MatchesFilter(full_name, positive.c_str()) &&
-          !MatchesFilter(full_name, negative.c_str()));
-// Returns EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER if Google Test should handle the
-// given SEH exception, or EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH otherwise.
-// This function is useful as an __except condition.
-int UnitTestOptions::GTestShouldProcessSEH(DWORD exception_code) {
-  // Google Test should handle a SEH exception if:
-  //   1. the user wants it to, AND
-  //   2. this is not a breakpoint exception, AND
-  //   3. this is not a C++ exception (VC++ implements them via SEH,
-  //      apparently).
-  //
-  // SEH exception code for C++ exceptions.
-  // (see for more information).
-  const DWORD kCxxExceptionCode = 0xe06d7363;
-  bool should_handle = true;
-  if (!GTEST_FLAG(catch_exceptions))
-    should_handle = false;
-  else if (exception_code == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT)
-    should_handle = false;
-  else if (exception_code == kCxxExceptionCode)
-    should_handle = false;
-#endif  // GTEST_HAS_SEH
-}  // namespace internal
-// The c'tor sets this object as the test part result reporter used by
-// Google Test.  The 'result' parameter specifies where to report the
-// results. Intercepts only failures from the current thread.
-    TestPartResultArray* result)
-    : intercept_mode_(INTERCEPT_ONLY_CURRENT_THREAD),
-      result_(result) {
-  Init();
-// The c'tor sets this object as the test part result reporter used by
-// Google Test.  The 'result' parameter specifies where to report the
-// results.
-    InterceptMode intercept_mode, TestPartResultArray* result)
-    : intercept_mode_(intercept_mode),
-      result_(result) {
-  Init();
-void ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter::Init() {
-  internal::UnitTestImpl* const impl = internal::GetUnitTestImpl();
-  if (intercept_mode_ == INTERCEPT_ALL_THREADS) {
-    old_reporter_ = impl->GetGlobalTestPartResultReporter();
-    impl->SetGlobalTestPartResultReporter(this);
-  } else {
-    old_reporter_ = impl->GetTestPartResultReporterForCurrentThread();
-    impl->SetTestPartResultReporterForCurrentThread(this);
-  }
-// The d'tor restores the test part result reporter used by Google Test
-// before.
-ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter::~ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter() {
-  internal::UnitTestImpl* const impl = internal::GetUnitTestImpl();
-  if (intercept_mode_ == INTERCEPT_ALL_THREADS) {
-    impl->SetGlobalTestPartResultReporter(old_reporter_);
-  } else {
-    impl->SetTestPartResultReporterForCurrentThread(old_reporter_);
-  }
-// Increments the test part result count and remembers the result.
-// This method is from the TestPartResultReporterInterface interface.
-void ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter::ReportTestPartResult(
-    const TestPartResult& result) {
-  result_->Append(result);
-namespace internal {
-// Returns the type ID of ::testing::Test.  We should always call this
-// instead of GetTypeId< ::testing::Test>() to get the type ID of
-// testing::Test.  This is to work around a suspected linker bug when
-// using Google Test as a framework on Mac OS X.  The bug causes
-// GetTypeId< ::testing::Test>() to return different values depending
-// on whether the call is from the Google Test framework itself or
-// from user test code.  GetTestTypeId() is guaranteed to always
-// return the same value, as it always calls GetTypeId<>() from the
-//, which is within the Google Test framework.
-TypeId GetTestTypeId() {
-  return GetTypeId<Test>();
-// The value of GetTestTypeId() as seen from within the Google Test
-// library.  This is solely for testing GetTestTypeId().
-extern const TypeId kTestTypeIdInGoogleTest = GetTestTypeId();
-// This predicate-formatter checks that 'results' contains a test part
-// failure of the given type and that the failure message contains the
-// given substring.
-AssertionResult HasOneFailure(const char* /* results_expr */,
-                              const char* /* type_expr */,
-                              const char* /* substr_expr */,
-                              const TestPartResultArray& results,
-                              TestPartResult::Type type,
-                              const string& substr) {
-  const std::string expected(type == TestPartResult::kFatalFailure ?
-                        "1 fatal failure" :
-                        "1 non-fatal failure");
-  Message msg;
-  if (results.size() != 1) {
-    msg << "Expected: " << expected << "\n"
-        << "  Actual: " << results.size() << " failures";
-    for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
-      msg << "\n" << results.GetTestPartResult(i);
-    }
-    return AssertionFailure() << msg;
-  }
-  const TestPartResult& r = results.GetTestPartResult(0);
-  if (r.type() != type) {
-    return AssertionFailure() << "Expected: " << expected << "\n"
-                              << "  Actual:\n"
-                              << r;
-  }
-  if (strstr(r.message(), substr.c_str()) == NULL) {
-    return AssertionFailure() << "Expected: " << expected << " containing \""
-                              << substr << "\"\n"
-                              << "  Actual:\n"
-                              << r;
-  }
-  return AssertionSuccess();
-// The constructor of SingleFailureChecker remembers where to look up
-// test part results, what type of failure we expect, and what
-// substring the failure message should contain.
-SingleFailureChecker:: SingleFailureChecker(
-    const TestPartResultArray* results,
-    TestPartResult::Type type,
-    const string& substr)
-    : results_(results),
-      type_(type),
-      substr_(substr) {}
-// The destructor of SingleFailureChecker verifies that the given
-// TestPartResultArray contains exactly one failure that has the given
-// type and contains the given substring.  If that's not the case, a
-// non-fatal failure will be generated.
-SingleFailureChecker::~SingleFailureChecker() {
-  EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT3(HasOneFailure, *results_, type_, substr_);
-    UnitTestImpl* unit_test) : unit_test_(unit_test) {}
-void DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter::ReportTestPartResult(
-    const TestPartResult& result) {
-  unit_test_->current_test_result()->AddTestPartResult(result);
-  unit_test_->listeners()->repeater()->OnTestPartResult(result);
-    UnitTestImpl* unit_test) : unit_test_(unit_test) {}
-void DefaultPerThreadTestPartResultReporter::ReportTestPartResult(
-    const TestPartResult& result) {
-  unit_test_->GetGlobalTestPartResultReporter()->ReportTestPartResult(result);
-// Returns the global test part result reporter.
-UnitTestImpl::GetGlobalTestPartResultReporter() {
-  internal::MutexLock lock(&global_test_part_result_reporter_mutex_);
-  return global_test_part_result_repoter_;
-// Sets the global test part result reporter.
-void UnitTestImpl::SetGlobalTestPartResultReporter(
-    TestPartResultReporterInterface* reporter) {
-  internal::MutexLock lock(&global_test_part_result_reporter_mutex_);
-  global_test_part_result_repoter_ = reporter;
-// Returns the test part result reporter for the current thread.
-UnitTestImpl::GetTestPartResultReporterForCurrentThread() {
-  return per_thread_test_part_result_reporter_.get();
-// Sets the test part result reporter for the current thread.
-void UnitTestImpl::SetTestPartResultReporterForCurrentThread(
-    TestPartResultReporterInterface* reporter) {
-  per_thread_test_part_result_reporter_.set(reporter);
-// Gets the number of successful test cases.
-int UnitTestImpl::successful_test_case_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_cases_, TestCasePassed);
-// Gets the number of failed test cases.
-int UnitTestImpl::failed_test_case_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_cases_, TestCaseFailed);
-// Gets the number of all test cases.
-int UnitTestImpl::total_test_case_count() const {
-  return static_cast<int>(test_cases_.size());
-// Gets the number of all test cases that contain at least one test
-// that should run.
-int UnitTestImpl::test_case_to_run_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_cases_, ShouldRunTestCase);
-// Gets the number of successful tests.
-int UnitTestImpl::successful_test_count() const {
-  return SumOverTestCaseList(test_cases_, &TestCase::successful_test_count);
-// Gets the number of failed tests.
-int UnitTestImpl::failed_test_count() const {
-  return SumOverTestCaseList(test_cases_, &TestCase::failed_test_count);
-// Gets the number of disabled tests that will be reported in the XML report.
-int UnitTestImpl::reportable_disabled_test_count() const {
-  return SumOverTestCaseList(test_cases_,
-                             &TestCase::reportable_disabled_test_count);
-// Gets the number of disabled tests.
-int UnitTestImpl::disabled_test_count() const {
-  return SumOverTestCaseList(test_cases_, &TestCase::disabled_test_count);
-// Gets the number of tests to be printed in the XML report.
-int UnitTestImpl::reportable_test_count() const {
-  return SumOverTestCaseList(test_cases_, &TestCase::reportable_test_count);
-// Gets the number of all tests.
-int UnitTestImpl::total_test_count() const {
-  return SumOverTestCaseList(test_cases_, &TestCase::total_test_count);
-// Gets the number of tests that should run.
-int UnitTestImpl::test_to_run_count() const {
-  return SumOverTestCaseList(test_cases_, &TestCase::test_to_run_count);
-// Returns the current OS stack trace as an std::string.
-// The maximum number of stack frames to be included is specified by
-// the gtest_stack_trace_depth flag.  The skip_count parameter
-// specifies the number of top frames to be skipped, which doesn't
-// count against the number of frames to be included.
-// For example, if Foo() calls Bar(), which in turn calls
-// CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(1), Foo() will be included in the
-// trace but Bar() and CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop() won't.
-std::string UnitTestImpl::CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(int skip_count) {
-  (void)skip_count;
-  return "";
-// Returns the current time in milliseconds.
-TimeInMillis GetTimeInMillis() {
-  // Difference between 1970-01-01 and 1601-01-01 in milliseconds.
-  //
-  const TimeInMillis kJavaEpochToWinFileTimeDelta =
-    static_cast<TimeInMillis>(116444736UL) * 100000UL;
-  const DWORD kTenthMicrosInMilliSecond = 10000;
-  SYSTEMTIME now_systime;
-  FILETIME now_filetime;
-  ULARGE_INTEGER now_int64;
-  // TODO( Shouldn't this just use
-  //   GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()?
-  GetSystemTime(&now_systime);
-  if (SystemTimeToFileTime(&now_systime, &now_filetime)) {
-    now_int64.LowPart = now_filetime.dwLowDateTime;
-    now_int64.HighPart = now_filetime.dwHighDateTime;
-    now_int64.QuadPart = (now_int64.QuadPart / kTenthMicrosInMilliSecond) -
-      kJavaEpochToWinFileTimeDelta;
-    return now_int64.QuadPart;
-  }
-  return 0;
-  __timeb64 now;
-# ifdef _MSC_VER
-  // MSVC 8 deprecates _ftime64(), so we want to suppress warning 4996
-  // (deprecated function) there.
-  // TODO( Use GetTickCount()?  Or use
-  //   SystemTimeToFileTime()
-#  pragma warning(push)          // Saves the current warning state.
-#  pragma warning(disable:4996)  // Temporarily disables warning 4996.
-  _ftime64(&now);
-#  pragma warning(pop)           // Restores the warning state.
-# else
-  _ftime64(&now);
-# endif  // _MSC_VER
-  return static_cast<TimeInMillis>(now.time) * 1000 + now.millitm;
-  struct timeval now;
-  gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
-  return static_cast<TimeInMillis>(now.tv_sec) * 1000 + now.tv_usec / 1000;
-# error "Don't know how to get the current time on your system."
-// Utilities
-// class String.
-// Creates a UTF-16 wide string from the given ANSI string, allocating
-// memory using new. The caller is responsible for deleting the return
-// value using delete[]. Returns the wide string, or NULL if the
-// input is NULL.
-LPCWSTR String::AnsiToUtf16(const char* ansi) {
-  if (!ansi) return NULL;
-  const int length = strlen(ansi);
-  const int unicode_length =
-      MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansi, length,
-                          NULL, 0);
-  WCHAR* unicode = new WCHAR[unicode_length + 1];
-  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansi, length,
-                      unicode, unicode_length);
-  unicode[unicode_length] = 0;
-  return unicode;
-// Creates an ANSI string from the given wide string, allocating
-// memory using new. The caller is responsible for deleting the return
-// value using delete[]. Returns the ANSI string, or NULL if the
-// input is NULL.
-const char* String::Utf16ToAnsi(LPCWSTR utf16_str)  {
-  if (!utf16_str) return NULL;
-  const int ansi_length =
-      WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, utf16_str, -1,
-                          NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-  char* ansi = new char[ansi_length + 1];
-  WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, utf16_str, -1,
-                      ansi, ansi_length, NULL, NULL);
-  ansi[ansi_length] = 0;
-  return ansi;
-// Compares two C strings.  Returns true iff they have the same content.
-// Unlike strcmp(), this function can handle NULL argument(s).  A NULL
-// C string is considered different to any non-NULL C string,
-// including the empty string.
-bool String::CStringEquals(const char * lhs, const char * rhs) {
-  if ( lhs == NULL ) return rhs == NULL;
-  if ( rhs == NULL ) return false;
-  return strcmp(lhs, rhs) == 0;
-// Converts an array of wide chars to a narrow string using the UTF-8
-// encoding, and streams the result to the given Message object.
-static void StreamWideCharsToMessage(const wchar_t* wstr, size_t length,
-                                     Message* msg) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i != length; ) {  // NOLINT
-    if (wstr[i] != L'\0') {
-      *msg << WideStringToUtf8(wstr + i, static_cast<int>(length - i));
-      while (i != length && wstr[i] != L'\0')
-        i++;
-    } else {
-      *msg << '\0';
-      i++;
-    }
-  }
-}  // namespace internal
-// Constructs an empty Message.
-// We allocate the stringstream separately because otherwise each use of
-// ASSERT/EXPECT in a procedure adds over 200 bytes to the procedure's
-// stack frame leading to huge stack frames in some cases; gcc does not reuse
-// the stack space.
-Message::Message() : ss_(new ::std::stringstream) {
-  // By default, we want there to be enough precision when printing
-  // a double to a Message.
-  *ss_ << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 2);
-// These two overloads allow streaming a wide C string to a Message
-// using the UTF-8 encoding.
-Message& Message::operator <<(const wchar_t* wide_c_str) {
-  return *this << internal::String::ShowWideCString(wide_c_str);
-Message& Message::operator <<(wchar_t* wide_c_str) {
-  return *this << internal::String::ShowWideCString(wide_c_str);
-// Converts the given wide string to a narrow string using the UTF-8
-// encoding, and streams the result to this Message object.
-Message& Message::operator <<(const ::std::wstring& wstr) {
-  internal::StreamWideCharsToMessage(wstr.c_str(), wstr.length(), this);
-  return *this;
-// Converts the given wide string to a narrow string using the UTF-8
-// encoding, and streams the result to this Message object.
-Message& Message::operator <<(const ::wstring& wstr) {
-  internal::StreamWideCharsToMessage(wstr.c_str(), wstr.length(), this);
-  return *this;
-// Gets the text streamed to this object so far as an std::string.
-// Each '\0' character in the buffer is replaced with "\\0".
-std::string Message::GetString() const {
-  return internal::StringStreamToString(ss_.get());
-// AssertionResult constructors.
-// Used in EXPECT_TRUE/FALSE(assertion_result).
-AssertionResult::AssertionResult(const AssertionResult& other)
-    : success_(other.success_),
-      message_(other.message_.get() != NULL ?
-               new ::std::string(*other.message_) :
-               static_cast< ::std::string*>(NULL)) {
-// Returns the assertion's negation. Used with EXPECT/ASSERT_FALSE.
-AssertionResult AssertionResult::operator!() const {
-  AssertionResult negation(!success_);
-  if (message_.get() != NULL)
-    negation << *message_;
-  return negation;
-// Makes a successful assertion result.
-AssertionResult AssertionSuccess() {
-  return AssertionResult(true);
-// Makes a failed assertion result.
-AssertionResult AssertionFailure() {
-  return AssertionResult(false);
-// Makes a failed assertion result with the given failure message.
-// Deprecated; use AssertionFailure() << message.
-AssertionResult AssertionFailure(const Message& message) {
-  return AssertionFailure() << message;
-namespace internal {
-// Constructs and returns the message for an equality assertion
-// (e.g. ASSERT_EQ, EXPECT_STREQ, etc) failure.
-// The first four parameters are the expressions used in the assertion
-// and their values, as strings.  For example, for ASSERT_EQ(foo, bar)
-// where foo is 5 and bar is 6, we have:
-//   expected_expression: "foo"
-//   actual_expression:   "bar"
-//   expected_value:      "5"
-//   actual_value:        "6"
-// The ignoring_case parameter is true iff the assertion is a
-// *_STRCASEEQ*.  When it's true, the string " (ignoring case)" will
-// be inserted into the message.
-AssertionResult EqFailure(const char* expected_expression,
-                          const char* actual_expression,
-                          const std::string& expected_value,
-                          const std::string& actual_value,
-                          bool ignoring_case) {
-  Message msg;
-  msg << "Value of: " << actual_expression;
-  if (actual_value != actual_expression) {
-    msg << "\n  Actual: " << actual_value;
-  }
-  msg << "\nExpected: " << expected_expression;
-  if (ignoring_case) {
-    msg << " (ignoring case)";
-  }
-  if (expected_value != expected_expression) {
-    msg << "\nWhich is: " << expected_value;
-  }
-  return AssertionFailure() << msg;
-// Constructs a failure message for Boolean assertions such as EXPECT_TRUE.
-std::string GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage(
-    const AssertionResult& assertion_result,
-    const char* expression_text,
-    const char* actual_predicate_value,
-    const char* expected_predicate_value) {
-  const char* actual_message = assertion_result.message();
-  Message msg;
-  msg << "Value of: " << expression_text
-      << "\n  Actual: " << actual_predicate_value;
-  if (actual_message[0] != '\0')
-    msg << " (" << actual_message << ")";
-  msg << "\nExpected: " << expected_predicate_value;
-  return msg.GetString();
-// Helper function for implementing ASSERT_NEAR.
-AssertionResult DoubleNearPredFormat(const char* expr1,
-                                     const char* expr2,
-                                     const char* abs_error_expr,
-                                     double val1,
-                                     double val2,
-                                     double abs_error) {
-  const double diff = fabs(val1 - val2);
-  if (diff <= abs_error) return AssertionSuccess();
-  // TODO(wan): do not print the value of an expression if it's
-  // already a literal.
-  return AssertionFailure()
-      << "The difference between " << expr1 << " and " << expr2
-      << " is " << diff << ", which exceeds " << abs_error_expr << ", where\n"
-      << expr1 << " evaluates to " << val1 << ",\n"
-      << expr2 << " evaluates to " << val2 << ", and\n"
-      << abs_error_expr << " evaluates to " << abs_error << ".";
-// Helper template for implementing FloatLE() and DoubleLE().
-template <typename RawType>
-AssertionResult FloatingPointLE(const char* expr1,
-                                const char* expr2,
-                                RawType val1,
-                                RawType val2) {
-  // Returns success if val1 is less than val2,
-  if (val1 < val2) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  // or if val1 is almost equal to val2.
-  const FloatingPoint<RawType> lhs(val1), rhs(val2);
-  if (lhs.AlmostEquals(rhs)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  // Note that the above two checks will both fail if either val1 or
-  // val2 is NaN, as the IEEE floating-point standard requires that
-  // any predicate involving a NaN must return false.
-  ::std::stringstream val1_ss;
-  val1_ss << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<RawType>::digits10 + 2)
-          << val1;
-  ::std::stringstream val2_ss;
-  val2_ss << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<RawType>::digits10 + 2)
-          << val2;
-  return AssertionFailure()
-      << "Expected: (" << expr1 << ") <= (" << expr2 << ")\n"
-      << "  Actual: " << StringStreamToString(&val1_ss) << " vs "
-      << StringStreamToString(&val2_ss);
-}  // namespace internal
-// Asserts that val1 is less than, or almost equal to, val2.  Fails
-// otherwise.  In particular, it fails if either val1 or val2 is NaN.
-AssertionResult FloatLE(const char* expr1, const char* expr2,
-                        float val1, float val2) {
-  return internal::FloatingPointLE<float>(expr1, expr2, val1, val2);
-// Asserts that val1 is less than, or almost equal to, val2.  Fails
-// otherwise.  In particular, it fails if either val1 or val2 is NaN.
-AssertionResult DoubleLE(const char* expr1, const char* expr2,
-                         double val1, double val2) {
-  return internal::FloatingPointLE<double>(expr1, expr2, val1, val2);
-namespace internal {
-// The helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_EQ with int or enum
-// arguments.
-AssertionResult CmpHelperEQ(const char* expected_expression,
-                            const char* actual_expression,
-                            BiggestInt expected,
-                            BiggestInt actual) {
-  if (expected == actual) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  return EqFailure(expected_expression,
-                   actual_expression,
-                   FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(expected, actual),
-                   FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(actual, expected),
-                   false);
-// A macro for implementing the helper functions needed to implement
-// ASSERT_?? and EXPECT_?? with integer or enum arguments.  It is here
-// just to avoid copy-and-paste of similar code.
-#define GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_(op_name, op)\
-AssertionResult CmpHelper##op_name(const char* expr1, const char* expr2, \
-                                   BiggestInt val1, BiggestInt val2) {\
-  if (val1 op val2) {\
-    return AssertionSuccess();\
-  } else {\
-    return AssertionFailure() \
-        << "Expected: (" << expr1 << ") " #op " (" << expr2\
-        << "), actual: " << FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(val1, val2)\
-        << " vs " << FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(val2, val1);\
-  }\
-// Implements the helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_NE with int or
-// enum arguments.
-// Implements the helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_LE with int or
-// enum arguments.
-// Implements the helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_LT with int or
-// enum arguments.
-// Implements the helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_GE with int or
-// enum arguments.
-// Implements the helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_GT with int or
-// enum arguments.
-// The helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_STREQ.
-AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ(const char* expected_expression,
-                               const char* actual_expression,
-                               const char* expected,
-                               const char* actual) {
-  if (String::CStringEquals(expected, actual)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  return EqFailure(expected_expression,
-                   actual_expression,
-                   PrintToString(expected),
-                   PrintToString(actual),
-                   false);
-// The helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_STRCASEEQ.
-AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRCASEEQ(const char* expected_expression,
-                                   const char* actual_expression,
-                                   const char* expected,
-                                   const char* actual) {
-  if (String::CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals(expected, actual)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  return EqFailure(expected_expression,
-                   actual_expression,
-                   PrintToString(expected),
-                   PrintToString(actual),
-                   true);
-// The helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_STRNE.
-AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRNE(const char* s1_expression,
-                               const char* s2_expression,
-                               const char* s1,
-                               const char* s2) {
-  if (!String::CStringEquals(s1, s2)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  } else {
-    return AssertionFailure() << "Expected: (" << s1_expression << ") != ("
-                              << s2_expression << "), actual: \""
-                              << s1 << "\" vs \"" << s2 << "\"";
-  }
-// The helper function for {ASSERT|EXPECT}_STRCASENE.
-AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRCASENE(const char* s1_expression,
-                                   const char* s2_expression,
-                                   const char* s1,
-                                   const char* s2) {
-  if (!String::CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals(s1, s2)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  } else {
-    return AssertionFailure()
-        << "Expected: (" << s1_expression << ") != ("
-        << s2_expression << ") (ignoring case), actual: \""
-        << s1 << "\" vs \"" << s2 << "\"";
-  }
-}  // namespace internal
-namespace {
-// Helper functions for implementing IsSubString() and IsNotSubstring().
-// This group of overloaded functions return true iff needle is a
-// substring of haystack.  NULL is considered a substring of itself
-// only.
-bool IsSubstringPred(const char* needle, const char* haystack) {
-  if (needle == NULL || haystack == NULL)
-    return needle == haystack;
-  return strstr(haystack, needle) != NULL;
-bool IsSubstringPred(const wchar_t* needle, const wchar_t* haystack) {
-  if (needle == NULL || haystack == NULL)
-    return needle == haystack;
-  return wcsstr(haystack, needle) != NULL;
-// StringType here can be either ::std::string or ::std::wstring.
-template <typename StringType>
-bool IsSubstringPred(const StringType& needle,
-                     const StringType& haystack) {
-  return haystack.find(needle) != StringType::npos;
-// This function implements either IsSubstring() or IsNotSubstring(),
-// depending on the value of the expected_to_be_substring parameter.
-// StringType here can be const char*, const wchar_t*, ::std::string,
-// or ::std::wstring.
-template <typename StringType>
-AssertionResult IsSubstringImpl(
-    bool expected_to_be_substring,
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const StringType& needle, const StringType& haystack) {
-  if (IsSubstringPred(needle, haystack) == expected_to_be_substring)
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  const bool is_wide_string = sizeof(needle[0]) > 1;
-  const char* const begin_string_quote = is_wide_string ? "L\"" : "\"";
-  return AssertionFailure()
-      << "Value of: " << needle_expr << "\n"
-      << "  Actual: " << begin_string_quote << needle << "\"\n"
-      << "Expected: " << (expected_to_be_substring ? "" : "not ")
-      << "a substring of " << haystack_expr << "\n"
-      << "Which is: " << begin_string_quote << haystack << "\"";
-}  // namespace
-// IsSubstring() and IsNotSubstring() check whether needle is a
-// substring of haystack (NULL is considered a substring of itself
-// only), and return an appropriate error message when they fail.
-AssertionResult IsSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const char* needle, const char* haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(true, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-AssertionResult IsSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const wchar_t* needle, const wchar_t* haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(true, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-AssertionResult IsNotSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const char* needle, const char* haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(false, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-AssertionResult IsNotSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const wchar_t* needle, const wchar_t* haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(false, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-AssertionResult IsSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const ::std::string& needle, const ::std::string& haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(true, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-AssertionResult IsNotSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const ::std::string& needle, const ::std::string& haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(false, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-AssertionResult IsSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const ::std::wstring& needle, const ::std::wstring& haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(true, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-AssertionResult IsNotSubstring(
-    const char* needle_expr, const char* haystack_expr,
-    const ::std::wstring& needle, const ::std::wstring& haystack) {
-  return IsSubstringImpl(false, needle_expr, haystack_expr, needle, haystack);
-namespace internal {
-namespace {
-// Helper function for IsHRESULT{SuccessFailure} predicates
-AssertionResult HRESULTFailureHelper(const char* expr,
-                                     const char* expected,
-                                     long hr) {  // NOLINT
-  // Windows CE doesn't support FormatMessage.
-  const char error_text[] = "";
-# else
-  // Looks up the human-readable system message for the HRESULT code
-  // and since we're not passing any params to FormatMessage, we don't
-  // want inserts expanded.
-                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS;
-  const DWORD kBufSize = 4096;
-  // Gets the system's human readable message string for this HRESULT.
-  char error_text[kBufSize] = { '\0' };
-  DWORD message_length = ::FormatMessageA(kFlags,
-                                          0,  // no source, we're asking system
-                                          hr,  // the error
-                                          0,  // no line width restrictions
-                                          error_text,  // output buffer
-                                          kBufSize,  // buf size
-                                          NULL);  // no arguments for inserts
-  // Trims tailing white space (FormatMessage leaves a trailing CR-LF)
-  for (; message_length && IsSpace(error_text[message_length - 1]);
-          --message_length) {
-    error_text[message_length - 1] = '\0';
-  }
-  const std::string error_hex("0x" + String::FormatHexInt(hr));
-  return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
-      << "Expected: " << expr << " " << expected << ".\n"
-      << "  Actual: " << error_hex << " " << error_text << "\n";
-}  // namespace
-AssertionResult IsHRESULTSuccess(const char* expr, long hr) {  // NOLINT
-  if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  return HRESULTFailureHelper(expr, "succeeds", hr);
-AssertionResult IsHRESULTFailure(const char* expr, long hr) {  // NOLINT
-  if (FAILED(hr)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  return HRESULTFailureHelper(expr, "fails", hr);
-#endif  // GTEST_OS_WINDOWS
-// Utility functions for encoding Unicode text (wide strings) in
-// UTF-8.
-// A Unicode code-point can have upto 21 bits, and is encoded in UTF-8
-// like this:
-// Code-point length   Encoding
-//   0 -  7 bits       0xxxxxxx
-//   8 - 11 bits       110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
-//  12 - 16 bits       1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-//  17 - 21 bits       11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-// The maximum code-point a one-byte UTF-8 sequence can represent.
-const UInt32 kMaxCodePoint1 = (static_cast<UInt32>(1) <<  7) - 1;
-// The maximum code-point a two-byte UTF-8 sequence can represent.
-const UInt32 kMaxCodePoint2 = (static_cast<UInt32>(1) << (5 + 6)) - 1;
-// The maximum code-point a three-byte UTF-8 sequence can represent.
-const UInt32 kMaxCodePoint3 = (static_cast<UInt32>(1) << (4 + 2*6)) - 1;
-// The maximum code-point a four-byte UTF-8 sequence can represent.
-const UInt32 kMaxCodePoint4 = (static_cast<UInt32>(1) << (3 + 3*6)) - 1;
-// Chops off the n lowest bits from a bit pattern.  Returns the n
-// lowest bits.  As a side effect, the original bit pattern will be
-// shifted to the right by n bits.
-inline UInt32 ChopLowBits(UInt32* bits, int n) {
-  const UInt32 low_bits = *bits & ((static_cast<UInt32>(1) << n) - 1);
-  *bits >>= n;
-  return low_bits;
-// Converts a Unicode code point to a narrow string in UTF-8 encoding.
-// code_point parameter is of type UInt32 because wchar_t may not be
-// wide enough to contain a code point.
-// If the code_point is not a valid Unicode code point
-// (i.e. outside of Unicode range U+0 to U+10FFFF) it will be converted
-// to "(Invalid Unicode 0xXXXXXXXX)".
-std::string CodePointToUtf8(UInt32 code_point) {
-  if (code_point > kMaxCodePoint4) {
-    return "(Invalid Unicode 0x" + String::FormatHexInt(code_point) + ")";
-  }
-  char str[5];  // Big enough for the largest valid code point.
-  if (code_point <= kMaxCodePoint1) {
-    str[1] = '\0';
-    str[0] = static_cast<char>(code_point);                          // 0xxxxxxx
-  } else if (code_point <= kMaxCodePoint2) {
-    str[2] = '\0';
-    str[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ChopLowBits(&code_point, 6));  // 10xxxxxx
-    str[0] = static_cast<char>(0xC0 | code_point);                   // 110xxxxx
-  } else if (code_point <= kMaxCodePoint3) {
-    str[3] = '\0';
-    str[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ChopLowBits(&code_point, 6));  // 10xxxxxx
-    str[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ChopLowBits(&code_point, 6));  // 10xxxxxx
-    str[0] = static_cast<char>(0xE0 | code_point);                   // 1110xxxx
-  } else {  // code_point <= kMaxCodePoint4
-    str[4] = '\0';
-    str[3] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ChopLowBits(&code_point, 6));  // 10xxxxxx
-    str[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ChopLowBits(&code_point, 6));  // 10xxxxxx
-    str[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ChopLowBits(&code_point, 6));  // 10xxxxxx
-    str[0] = static_cast<char>(0xF0 | code_point);                   // 11110xxx
-  }
-  return str;
-// The following two functions only make sense if the the system
-// uses UTF-16 for wide string encoding. All supported systems
-// with 16 bit wchar_t (Windows, Cygwin, Symbian OS) do use UTF-16.
-// Determines if the arguments constitute UTF-16 surrogate pair
-// and thus should be combined into a single Unicode code point
-// using CreateCodePointFromUtf16SurrogatePair.
-inline bool IsUtf16SurrogatePair(wchar_t first, wchar_t second) {
-  return sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 &&
-      (first & 0xFC00) == 0xD800 && (second & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00;
-// Creates a Unicode code point from UTF16 surrogate pair.
-inline UInt32 CreateCodePointFromUtf16SurrogatePair(wchar_t first,
-                                                    wchar_t second) {
-  const UInt32 mask = (1 << 10) - 1;
-  return (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) ?
-      (((first & mask) << 10) | (second & mask)) + 0x10000 :
-      // This function should not be called when the condition is
-      // false, but we provide a sensible default in case it is.
-      static_cast<UInt32>(first);
-// Converts a wide string to a narrow string in UTF-8 encoding.
-// The wide string is assumed to have the following encoding:
-//   UTF-16 if sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 (on Windows, Cygwin, Symbian OS)
-//   UTF-32 if sizeof(wchar_t) == 4 (on Linux)
-// Parameter str points to a null-terminated wide string.
-// Parameter num_chars may additionally limit the number
-// of wchar_t characters processed. -1 is used when the entire string
-// should be processed.
-// If the string contains code points that are not valid Unicode code points
-// (i.e. outside of Unicode range U+0 to U+10FFFF) they will be output
-// as '(Invalid Unicode 0xXXXXXXXX)'. If the string is in UTF16 encoding
-// and contains invalid UTF-16 surrogate pairs, values in those pairs
-// will be encoded as individual Unicode characters from Basic Normal Plane.
-std::string WideStringToUtf8(const wchar_t* str, int num_chars) {
-  if (num_chars == -1)
-    num_chars = static_cast<int>(wcslen(str));
-  ::std::stringstream stream;
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_chars; ++i) {
-    UInt32 unicode_code_point;
-    if (str[i] == L'\0') {
-      break;
-    } else if (i + 1 < num_chars && IsUtf16SurrogatePair(str[i], str[i + 1])) {
-      unicode_code_point = CreateCodePointFromUtf16SurrogatePair(str[i],
-                                                                 str[i + 1]);
-      i++;
-    } else {
-      unicode_code_point = static_cast<UInt32>(str[i]);
-    }
-    stream << CodePointToUtf8(unicode_code_point);
-  }
-  return StringStreamToString(&stream);
-// Converts a wide C string to an std::string using the UTF-8 encoding.
-// NULL will be converted to "(null)".
-std::string String::ShowWideCString(const wchar_t * wide_c_str) {
-  if (wide_c_str == NULL)  return "(null)";
-  return internal::WideStringToUtf8(wide_c_str, -1);
-// Compares two wide C strings.  Returns true iff they have the same
-// content.
-// Unlike wcscmp(), this function can handle NULL argument(s).  A NULL
-// C string is considered different to any non-NULL C string,
-// including the empty string.
-bool String::WideCStringEquals(const wchar_t * lhs, const wchar_t * rhs) {
-  if (lhs == NULL) return rhs == NULL;
-  if (rhs == NULL) return false;
-  return wcscmp(lhs, rhs) == 0;
-// Helper function for *_STREQ on wide strings.
-AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ(const char* expected_expression,
-                               const char* actual_expression,
-                               const wchar_t* expected,
-                               const wchar_t* actual) {
-  if (String::WideCStringEquals(expected, actual)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  return EqFailure(expected_expression,
-                   actual_expression,
-                   PrintToString(expected),
-                   PrintToString(actual),
-                   false);
-// Helper function for *_STRNE on wide strings.
-AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRNE(const char* s1_expression,
-                               const char* s2_expression,
-                               const wchar_t* s1,
-                               const wchar_t* s2) {
-  if (!String::WideCStringEquals(s1, s2)) {
-    return AssertionSuccess();
-  }
-  return AssertionFailure() << "Expected: (" << s1_expression << ") != ("
-                            << s2_expression << "), actual: "
-                            << PrintToString(s1)
-                            << " vs " << PrintToString(s2);
-// Compares two C strings, ignoring case.  Returns true iff they have
-// the same content.
-// Unlike strcasecmp(), this function can handle NULL argument(s).  A
-// NULL C string is considered different to any non-NULL C string,
-// including the empty string.
-bool String::CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals(const char * lhs, const char * rhs) {
-  if (lhs == NULL)
-    return rhs == NULL;
-  if (rhs == NULL)
-    return false;
-  return posix::StrCaseCmp(lhs, rhs) == 0;
-  // Compares two wide C strings, ignoring case.  Returns true iff they
-  // have the same content.
-  //
-  // Unlike wcscasecmp(), this function can handle NULL argument(s).
-  // A NULL C string is considered different to any non-NULL wide C string,
-  // including the empty string.
-  // NB: The implementations on different platforms slightly differ.
-  // On windows, this method uses _wcsicmp which compares according to LC_CTYPE
-  // environment variable. On GNU platform this method uses wcscasecmp
-  // which compares according to LC_CTYPE category of the current locale.
-  // On MacOS X, it uses towlower, which also uses LC_CTYPE category of the
-  // current locale.
-bool String::CaseInsensitiveWideCStringEquals(const wchar_t* lhs,
-                                              const wchar_t* rhs) {
-  if (lhs == NULL) return rhs == NULL;
-  if (rhs == NULL) return false;
-  return _wcsicmp(lhs, rhs) == 0;
-  return wcscasecmp(lhs, rhs) == 0;
-  // Android, Mac OS X and Cygwin don't define wcscasecmp.
-  // Other unknown OSes may not define it either.
-  wint_t left, right;
-  do {
-    left = towlower(*lhs++);
-    right = towlower(*rhs++);
-  } while (left && left == right);
-  return left == right;
-#endif  // OS selector
-// Returns true iff str ends with the given suffix, ignoring case.
-// Any string is considered to end with an empty suffix.
-bool String::EndsWithCaseInsensitive(
-    const std::string& str, const std::string& suffix) {
-  const size_t str_len = str.length();
-  const size_t suffix_len = suffix.length();
-  return (str_len >= suffix_len) &&
-         CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals(str.c_str() + str_len - suffix_len,
-                                      suffix.c_str());
-// Formats an int value as "%02d".
-std::string String::FormatIntWidth2(int value) {
-  std::stringstream ss;
-  ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << value;
-  return ss.str();
-// Formats an int value as "%X".
-std::string String::FormatHexInt(int value) {
-  std::stringstream ss;
-  ss << std::hex << std::uppercase << value;
-  return ss.str();
-// Formats a byte as "%02X".
-std::string String::FormatByte(unsigned char value) {
-  std::stringstream ss;
-  ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << std::uppercase
-     << static_cast<unsigned int>(value);
-  return ss.str();
-// Converts the buffer in a stringstream to an std::string, converting NUL
-// bytes to "\\0" along the way.
-std::string StringStreamToString(::std::stringstream* ss) {
-  const ::std::string& str = ss->str();
-  const char* const start = str.c_str();
-  const char* const end = start + str.length();
-  std::string result;
-  result.reserve(2 * (end - start));
-  for (const char* ch = start; ch != end; ++ch) {
-    if (*ch == '\0') {
-      result += "\\0";  // Replaces NUL with "\\0";
-    } else {
-      result += *ch;
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-// Appends the user-supplied message to the Google-Test-generated message.
-std::string AppendUserMessage(const std::string& gtest_msg,
-                              const Message& user_msg) {
-  // Appends the user message if it's non-empty.
-  const std::string user_msg_string = user_msg.GetString();
-  if (user_msg_string.empty()) {
-    return gtest_msg;
-  }
-  return gtest_msg + "\n" + user_msg_string;
-}  // namespace internal
-// class TestResult
-// Creates an empty TestResult.
-    : death_test_count_(0),
-      elapsed_time_(0) {
-// D'tor.
-TestResult::~TestResult() {
-// Returns the i-th test part result among all the results. i can
-// range from 0 to total_part_count() - 1. If i is not in that range,
-// aborts the program.
-const TestPartResult& TestResult::GetTestPartResult(int i) const {
-  if (i < 0 || i >= total_part_count())
-    internal::posix::Abort();
-  return;
-// Returns the i-th test property. i can range from 0 to
-// test_property_count() - 1. If i is not in that range, aborts the
-// program.
-const TestProperty& TestResult::GetTestProperty(int i) const {
-  if (i < 0 || i >= test_property_count())
-    internal::posix::Abort();
-  return;
-// Clears the test part results.
-void TestResult::ClearTestPartResults() {
-  test_part_results_.clear();
-// Adds a test part result to the list.
-void TestResult::AddTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& test_part_result) {
-  test_part_results_.push_back(test_part_result);
-// Adds a test property to the list. If a property with the same key as the
-// supplied property is already represented, the value of this test_property
-// replaces the old value for that key.
-void TestResult::RecordProperty(const std::string& xml_element,
-                                const TestProperty& test_property) {
-  if (!ValidateTestProperty(xml_element, test_property)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  internal::MutexLock lock(&test_properites_mutex_);
-  const std::vector<TestProperty>::iterator property_with_matching_key =
-      std::find_if(test_properties_.begin(), test_properties_.end(),
-                   internal::TestPropertyKeyIs(test_property.key()));
-  if (property_with_matching_key == test_properties_.end()) {
-    test_properties_.push_back(test_property);
-    return;
-  }
-  property_with_matching_key->SetValue(test_property.value());
-// The list of reserved attributes used in the <testsuites> element of XML
-// output.
-static const char* const kReservedTestSuitesAttributes[] = {
-  "disabled",
-  "errors",
-  "failures",
-  "name",
-  "random_seed",
-  "tests",
-  "time",
-  "timestamp"
-// The list of reserved attributes used in the <testsuite> element of XML
-// output.
-static const char* const kReservedTestSuiteAttributes[] = {
-  "disabled",
-  "errors",
-  "failures",
-  "name",
-  "tests",
-  "time"
-// The list of reserved attributes used in the <testcase> element of XML output.
-static const char* const kReservedTestCaseAttributes[] = {
-  "classname",
-  "name",
-  "status",
-  "time",
-  "type_param",
-  "value_param"
-template <int kSize>
-std::vector<std::string> ArrayAsVector(const char* const (&array)[kSize]) {
-  return std::vector<std::string>(array, array + kSize);
-static std::vector<std::string> GetReservedAttributesForElement(
-    const std::string& xml_element) {
-  if (xml_element == "testsuites") {
-    return ArrayAsVector(kReservedTestSuitesAttributes);
-  } else if (xml_element == "testsuite") {
-    return ArrayAsVector(kReservedTestSuiteAttributes);
-  } else if (xml_element == "testcase") {
-    return ArrayAsVector(kReservedTestCaseAttributes);
-  } else {
-    GTEST_CHECK_(false) << "Unrecognized xml_element provided: " << xml_element;
-  }
-  // This code is unreachable but some compilers may not realizes that.
-  return std::vector<std::string>();
-static std::string FormatWordList(const std::vector<std::string>& words) {
-  Message word_list;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i) {
-    if (i > 0 && words.size() > 2) {
-      word_list << ", ";
-    }
-    if (i == words.size() - 1) {
-      word_list << "and ";
-    }
-    word_list << "'" << words[i] << "'";
-  }
-  return word_list.GetString();
-bool ValidateTestPropertyName(const std::string& property_name,
-                              const std::vector<std::string>& reserved_names) {
-  if (std::find(reserved_names.begin(), reserved_names.end(), property_name) !=
-          reserved_names.end()) {
-    ADD_FAILURE() << "Reserved key used in RecordProperty(): " << property_name
-                  << " (" << FormatWordList(reserved_names)
-                  << " are reserved by " << GTEST_NAME_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-// Adds a failure if the key is a reserved attribute of the element named
-// xml_element.  Returns true if the property is valid.
-bool TestResult::ValidateTestProperty(const std::string& xml_element,
-                                      const TestProperty& test_property) {
-  return ValidateTestPropertyName(test_property.key(),
-                                  GetReservedAttributesForElement(xml_element));
-// Clears the object.
-void TestResult::Clear() {
-  test_part_results_.clear();
-  test_properties_.clear();
-  death_test_count_ = 0;
-  elapsed_time_ = 0;
-// Returns true iff the test failed.
-bool TestResult::Failed() const {
-  for (int i = 0; i < total_part_count(); ++i) {
-    if (GetTestPartResult(i).failed())
-      return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-// Returns true iff the test part fatally failed.
-static bool TestPartFatallyFailed(const TestPartResult& result) {
-  return result.fatally_failed();
-// Returns true iff the test fatally failed.
-bool TestResult::HasFatalFailure() const {
-  return CountIf(test_part_results_, TestPartFatallyFailed) > 0;
-// Returns true iff the test part non-fatally failed.
-static bool TestPartNonfatallyFailed(const TestPartResult& result) {
-  return result.nonfatally_failed();
-// Returns true iff the test has a non-fatal failure.
-bool TestResult::HasNonfatalFailure() const {
-  return CountIf(test_part_results_, TestPartNonfatallyFailed) > 0;
-// Gets the number of all test parts.  This is the sum of the number
-// of successful test parts and the number of failed test parts.
-int TestResult::total_part_count() const {
-  return static_cast<int>(test_part_results_.size());
-// Returns the number of the test properties.
-int TestResult::test_property_count() const {
-  return static_cast<int>(test_properties_.size());
-// class Test
-// Creates a Test object.
-// The c'tor saves the values of all Google Test flags.
-    : gtest_flag_saver_(new internal::GTestFlagSaver) {
-// The d'tor restores the values of all Google Test flags.
-Test::~Test() {
-  delete gtest_flag_saver_;
-// Sets up the test fixture.
-// A sub-class may override this.
-void Test::SetUp() {
-// Tears down the test fixture.
-// A sub-class may override this.
-void Test::TearDown() {
-// Allows user supplied key value pairs to be recorded for later output.
-void Test::RecordProperty(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
-  UnitTest::GetInstance()->RecordProperty(key, value);
-// Allows user supplied key value pairs to be recorded for later output.
-void Test::RecordProperty(const std::string& key, int value) {
-  Message value_message;
-  value_message << value;
-  RecordProperty(key, value_message.GetString().c_str());
-namespace internal {
-void ReportFailureInUnknownLocation(TestPartResult::Type result_type,
-                                    const std::string& message) {
-  // This function is a friend of UnitTest and as such has access to
-  // AddTestPartResult.
-  UnitTest::GetInstance()->AddTestPartResult(
-      result_type,
-      NULL,  // No info about the source file where the exception occurred.
-      -1,    // We have no info on which line caused the exception.
-      message,
-      "");   // No stack trace, either.
-}  // namespace internal
-// Google Test requires all tests in the same test case to use the same test
-// fixture class.  This function checks if the current test has the
-// same fixture class as the first test in the current test case.  If
-// yes, it returns true; otherwise it generates a Google Test failure and
-// returns false.
-bool Test::HasSameFixtureClass() {
-  internal::UnitTestImpl* const impl = internal::GetUnitTestImpl();
-  const TestCase* const test_case = impl->current_test_case();
-  // Info about the first test in the current test case.
-  const TestInfo* const first_test_info = test_case->test_info_list()[0];
-  const internal::TypeId first_fixture_id = first_test_info->fixture_class_id_;
-  const char* const first_test_name = first_test_info->name();
-  // Info about the current test.
-  const TestInfo* const this_test_info = impl->current_test_info();
-  const internal::TypeId this_fixture_id = this_test_info->fixture_class_id_;
-  const char* const this_test_name = this_test_info->name();
-  if (this_fixture_id != first_fixture_id) {
-    // Is the first test defined using TEST?
-    const bool first_is_TEST = first_fixture_id == internal::GetTestTypeId();
-    // Is this test defined using TEST?
-    const bool this_is_TEST = this_fixture_id == internal::GetTestTypeId();
-    if (first_is_TEST || this_is_TEST) {
-      // The user mixed TEST and TEST_F in this test case - we'll tell
-      // him/her how to fix it.
-      // Gets the name of the TEST and the name of the TEST_F.  Note
-      // that first_is_TEST and this_is_TEST cannot both be true, as
-      // the fixture IDs are different for the two tests.
-      const char* const TEST_name =
-          first_is_TEST ? first_test_name : this_test_name;
-      const char* const TEST_F_name =
-          first_is_TEST ? this_test_name : first_test_name;
-      ADD_FAILURE()
-          << "All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture\n"
-          << "class, so mixing TEST_F and TEST in the same test case is\n"
-          << "illegal.  In test case " << this_test_info->test_case_name()
-          << ",\n"
-          << "test " << TEST_F_name << " is defined using TEST_F but\n"
-          << "test " << TEST_name << " is defined using TEST.  You probably\n"
-          << "want to change the TEST to TEST_F or move it to another test\n"
-          << "case.";
-    } else {
-      // The user defined two fixture classes with the same name in
-      // two namespaces - we'll tell him/her how to fix it.
-      ADD_FAILURE()
-          << "All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture\n"
-          << "class.  However, in test case "
-          << this_test_info->test_case_name() << ",\n"
-          << "you defined test " << first_test_name
-          << " and test " << this_test_name << "\n"
-          << "using two different test fixture classes.  This can happen if\n"
-          << "the two classes are from different namespaces or translation\n"
-          << "units and have the same name.  You should probably rename one\n"
-          << "of the classes to put the tests into different test cases.";
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-// Adds an "exception thrown" fatal failure to the current test.  This
-// function returns its result via an output parameter pointer because VC++
-// prohibits creation of objects with destructors on stack in functions
-// using __try (see error C2712).
-static std::string* FormatSehExceptionMessage(DWORD exception_code,
-                                              const char* location) {
-  Message message;
-  message << "SEH exception with code 0x" << std::setbase(16) <<
-    exception_code << std::setbase(10) << " thrown in " << location << ".";
-  return new std::string(message.GetString());
-#endif  // GTEST_HAS_SEH
-namespace internal {
-// Adds an "exception thrown" fatal failure to the current test.
-static std::string FormatCxxExceptionMessage(const char* description,
-                                             const char* location) {
-  Message message;
-  if (description != NULL) {
-    message << "C++ exception with description \"" << description << "\"";
-  } else {
-    message << "Unknown C++ exception";
-  }
-  message << " thrown in " << location << ".";
-  return message.GetString();
-static std::string PrintTestPartResultToString(
-    const TestPartResult& test_part_result);
-    const TestPartResult& failure)
-    : ::std::runtime_error(PrintTestPartResultToString(failure).c_str()) {}
-// We put these helper functions in the internal namespace as IBM's xlC
-// compiler rejects the code if they were declared static.
-// Runs the given method and handles SEH exceptions it throws, when
-// SEH is supported; returns the 0-value for type Result in case of an
-// SEH exception.  (Microsoft compilers cannot handle SEH and C++
-// exceptions in the same function.  Therefore, we provide a separate
-// wrapper function for handling SEH exceptions.)
-template <class T, typename Result>
-Result HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
-    T* object, Result (T::*method)(), const char* location) {
-  __try {
-    return (object->*method)();
-  } __except (internal::UnitTestOptions::GTestShouldProcessSEH(  // NOLINT
-      GetExceptionCode())) {
-    // We create the exception message on the heap because VC++ prohibits
-    // creation of objects with destructors on stack in functions using __try
-    // (see error C2712).
-    std::string* exception_message = FormatSehExceptionMessage(
-        GetExceptionCode(), location);
-    internal::ReportFailureInUnknownLocation(TestPartResult::kFatalFailure,
-                                             *exception_message);
-    delete exception_message;
-    return static_cast<Result>(0);
-  }
-  (void)location;
-  return (object->*method)();
-#endif  // GTEST_HAS_SEH
-// Runs the given method and catches and reports C++ and/or SEH-style
-// exceptions, if they are supported; returns the 0-value for type
-// Result in case of an SEH exception.
-template <class T, typename Result>
-Result HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
-    T* object, Result (T::*method)(), const char* location) {
-  // NOTE: The user code can affect the way in which Google Test handles
-  // exceptions by setting GTEST_FLAG(catch_exceptions), but only before
-  // RUN_ALL_TESTS() starts. It is technically possible to check the flag
-  // after the exception is caught and either report or re-throw the
-  // exception based on the flag's value:
-  //
-  // try {
-  //   // Perform the test method.
-  // } catch (...) {
-  //   if (GTEST_FLAG(catch_exceptions))
-  //     // Report the exception as failure.
-  //   else
-  //     throw;  // Re-throws the original exception.
-  // }
-  //
-  // However, the purpose of this flag is to allow the program to drop into
-  // the debugger when the exception is thrown. On most platforms, once the
-  // control enters the catch block, the exception origin information is
-  // lost and the debugger will stop the program at the point of the
-  // re-throw in this function -- instead of at the point of the original
-  // throw statement in the code under test.  For this reason, we perform
-  // the check early, sacrificing the ability to affect Google Test's
-  // exception handling in the method where the exception is thrown.
-  if (internal::GetUnitTestImpl()->catch_exceptions()) {
-    try {
-      return HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(object, method, location);
-    } catch (const internal::GoogleTestFailureException&) {  // NOLINT
-      // This exception type can only be thrown by a failed Google
-      // Test assertion with the intention of letting another testing
-      // framework catch it.  Therefore we just re-throw it.
-      throw;
-    } catch (const std::exception& e) {  // NOLINT
-      internal::ReportFailureInUnknownLocation(
-          TestPartResult::kFatalFailure,
-          FormatCxxExceptionMessage(e.what(), location));
-    } catch (...) {  // NOLINT
-      internal::ReportFailureInUnknownLocation(
-          TestPartResult::kFatalFailure,
-          FormatCxxExceptionMessage(NULL, location));
-    }
-    return static_cast<Result>(0);
-    return HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(object, method, location);
-  } else {
-    return (object->*method)();
-  }
-}  // namespace internal
-// Runs the test and updates the test result.
-void Test::Run() {
-  if (!HasSameFixtureClass()) return;
-  internal::UnitTestImpl* const impl = internal::GetUnitTestImpl();
-  impl->os_stack_trace_getter()->UponLeavingGTest();
-  internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(this, &Test::SetUp, "SetUp()");
-  // We will run the test only if SetUp() was successful.
-  if (!HasFatalFailure()) {
-    impl->os_stack_trace_getter()->UponLeavingGTest();
-    internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
-        this, &Test::TestBody, "the test body");
-  }
-  // However, we want to clean up as much as possible.  Hence we will
-  // always call TearDown(), even if SetUp() or the test body has
-  // failed.
-  impl->os_stack_trace_getter()->UponLeavingGTest();
-  internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
-      this, &Test::TearDown, "TearDown()");
-// Returns true iff the current test has a fatal failure.
-bool Test::HasFatalFailure() {
-  return internal::GetUnitTestImpl()->current_test_result()->HasFatalFailure();
-// Returns true iff the current test has a non-fatal failure.
-bool Test::HasNonfatalFailure() {
-  return internal::GetUnitTestImpl()->current_test_result()->
-      HasNonfatalFailure();
-// class TestInfo
-// Constructs a TestInfo object. It assumes ownership of the test factory
-// object.
-TestInfo::TestInfo(const std::string& a_test_case_name,
-                   const std::string& a_name,
-                   const char* a_type_param,
-                   const char* a_value_param,
-                   internal::TypeId fixture_class_id,
-                   internal::TestFactoryBase* factory)
-    : test_case_name_(a_test_case_name),
-      name_(a_name),
-      type_param_(a_type_param ? new std::string(a_type_param) : NULL),
-      value_param_(a_value_param ? new std::string(a_value_param) : NULL),
-      fixture_class_id_(fixture_class_id),
-      should_run_(false),
-      is_disabled_(false),
-      matches_filter_(false),
-      factory_(factory),
-      result_() {}
-// Destructs a TestInfo object.
-TestInfo::~TestInfo() { delete factory_; }
-namespace internal {
-// Creates a new TestInfo object and registers it with Google Test;
-// returns the created object.
-// Arguments:
-//   test_case_name:   name of the test case
-//   name:             name of the test
-//   type_param:       the name of the test's type parameter, or NULL if
-//                     this is not a typed or a type-parameterized test.
-//   value_param:      text representation of the test's value parameter,
-//                     or NULL if this is not a value-parameterized test.
-//   fixture_class_id: ID of the test fixture class
-//   set_up_tc:        pointer to the function that sets up the test case
-//   tear_down_tc:     pointer to the function that tears down the test case
-//   factory:          pointer to the factory that creates a test object.
-//                     The newly created TestInfo instance will assume
-//                     ownership of the factory object.
-TestInfo* MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(
-    const char* test_case_name,
-    const char* name,
-    const char* type_param,
-    const char* value_param,
-    TypeId fixture_class_id,
-    SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc,
-    TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc,
-    TestFactoryBase* factory) {
-  TestInfo* const test_info =
-      new TestInfo(test_case_name, name, type_param, value_param,
-                   fixture_class_id, factory);
-  GetUnitTestImpl()->AddTestInfo(set_up_tc, tear_down_tc, test_info);
-  return test_info;
-void ReportInvalidTestCaseType(const char* test_case_name,
-                               const char* file, int line) {
-  Message errors;
-  errors
-      << "Attempted redefinition of test case " << test_case_name << ".\n"
-      << "All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture\n"
-      << "class.  However, in test case " << test_case_name << ", you tried\n"
-      << "to define a test using a fixture class different from the one\n"
-      << "used earlier. This can happen if the two fixture classes are\n"
-      << "from different namespaces and have the same name. You should\n"
-      << "probably rename one of the classes to put the tests into different\n"
-      << "test cases.";
-  fprintf(stderr, "%s %s", FormatFileLocation(file, line).c_str(),
-          errors.GetString().c_str());
-}  // namespace internal
-namespace {
-// A predicate that checks the test name of a TestInfo against a known
-// value.
-// This is used for implementation of the TestCase class only.  We put
-// it in the anonymous namespace to prevent polluting the outer
-// namespace.
-// TestNameIs is copyable.
-class TestNameIs {
- public:
-  // Constructor.
-  //
-  // TestNameIs has NO default constructor.
-  explicit TestNameIs(const char* name)
-      : name_(name) {}
-  // Returns true iff the test name of test_info matches name_.
-  bool operator()(const TestInfo * test_info) const {
-    return test_info && test_info->name() == name_;
-  }
- private:
-  std::string name_;
-}  // namespace
-namespace internal {
-// This method expands all parameterized tests registered with macros TEST_P
-// and INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P into regular tests and registers those.
-// This will be done just once during the program runtime.
-void UnitTestImpl::RegisterParameterizedTests() {
-  if (!parameterized_tests_registered_) {
-    parameterized_test_registry_.RegisterTests();
-    parameterized_tests_registered_ = true;
-  }
-}  // namespace internal
-// Creates the test object, runs it, records its result, and then
-// deletes it.
-void TestInfo::Run() {
-  if (!should_run_) return;
-  // Tells UnitTest where to store test result.
-  internal::UnitTestImpl* const impl = internal::GetUnitTestImpl();
-  impl->set_current_test_info(this);
-  TestEventListener* repeater = UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners().repeater();
-  // Notifies the unit test event listeners that a test is about to start.
-  repeater->OnTestStart(*this);
-  const TimeInMillis start = internal::GetTimeInMillis();
-  impl->os_stack_trace_getter()->UponLeavingGTest();
-  // Creates the test object.
-  Test* const test = internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
-      factory_, &internal::TestFactoryBase::CreateTest,
-      "the test fixture's constructor");
-  // Runs the test only if the test object was created and its
-  // constructor didn't generate a fatal failure.
-  if ((test != NULL) && !Test::HasFatalFailure()) {
-    // This doesn't throw as all user code that can throw are wrapped into
-    // exception handling code.
-    test->Run();
-  }
-  // Deletes the test object.
-  impl->os_stack_trace_getter()->UponLeavingGTest();
-  internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported(
-      test, &Test::DeleteSelf_, "the test fixture's destructor");
-  result_.set_elapsed_time(internal::GetTimeInMillis() - start);
-  // Notifies the unit test event listener that a test has just finished.
-  repeater->OnTestEnd(*this);
-  // Tells UnitTest to stop associating assertion results to this
-  // test.
-  impl->set_current_test_info(NULL);
-// class TestCase
-// Gets the number of successful tests in this test case.
-int TestCase::successful_test_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_info_list_, TestPassed);
-// Gets the number of failed tests in this test case.
-int TestCase::failed_test_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_info_list_, TestFailed);
-// Gets the number of disabled tests that will be reported in the XML report.
-int TestCase::reportable_disabled_test_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_info_list_, TestReportableDisabled);
-// Gets the number of disabled tests in this test case.
-int TestCase::disabled_test_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_info_list_, TestDisabled);
-// Gets the number of tests to be printed in the XML report.
-int TestCase::reportable_test_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_info_list_, TestReportable);
-// Get the number of tests in this test case that should run.
-int TestCase::test_to_run_count() const {
-  return CountIf(test_info_list_, ShouldRunTest);
-// Gets the number of all tests.
-int TestCase::total_test_count() const {
-  return static_cast<int>(test_info_list_.size());
-// Creates a TestCase with the given name.
-// Arguments:
-//   name:         name of the test case
-//   a_type_param: the name of the test case's type parameter, or NULL if
-//                 this is not a typed or a type-parameterized test case.
-//   set_up_tc:    pointer to the function that sets up the test case
-//   tear_down_tc: pointer to the function that tears down the test case
-TestCase::TestCase(const char* a_name, const char* a_type_param,
-                   Test::SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc,
-                   Test::TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc)
-    : name_(a_name),
-      type_param_(a_type_param ? new std::string(a_type_param) : NULL),
-      set_up_tc_(set_up_tc),
-      tear_down_tc_(tear_down_tc),
-      should_run_(false),
-      elapsed_time_(0) {
-// Destructor of TestCase.
-TestCase::~TestCase() {
-  // Deletes every Test in the collection.
-  ForEach(test_info_list_, internal::Delete<TestInfo>);
-// Returns the i-th test among all the tests. i can range from 0 to
-// total_test_count() - 1. If i is not in that range, returns NULL.
-const TestInfo* TestCase::GetTestInfo(int i) const {
-  const int index = GetElementOr(test_indices_, i, -1);
-  retu