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Posted to by "Tokayer, Jason M." <> on 2017/06/14 23:15:24 UTC

Create dataset from dataframe with missing columns

Is it possible to concisely create a dataset from a dataframe with missing columns? Specifically, suppose I create a dataframe with:
val df: DataFrame  = Seq(("v1"),("v2")).toDF("f1")

Then, I have a case class for a dataset defined as:
case class CC(f1: String, f2: Option[String] = None)

I’d like to use[CC] to get an instance of the case class, but this gives me the following error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '`f2`' given input columns: [f1];

Is there a concise way to use the default values as defined by the case class?

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