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Posted to by on 2006/07/25 01:59:27 UTC

svn commit: r425254 [2/5] - /incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/

Modified: incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/
--- incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/ (original)
+++ incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/ Mon Jul 24 18:59:25 2006
@@ -13,25 +13,25 @@
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
-package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces;
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
+package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.parse.ComponentBean;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.parse.EventBean;
@@ -44,1284 +44,1284 @@
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.util.PropertyFilter;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.util.SourceTemplate;
 import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.faces.util.Util;
-import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
-import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
- * @version $Id$
- * @requiresDependencyResolution compile
- * @goal generate-components
- * @phase generate-sources
- */
-public class GenerateComponentsMojo extends AbstractFacesMojo
-  /**
-   * Execute the Mojo.
-   */
-  public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException
-  {
-    try
-    {
-      processIndex(project, resourcePath);
-      _generateComponents();
-    }
-    catch (IOException e)
-    {
-      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating components", e);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates parsed components.
-   */
-  private void _generateComponents() throws IOException
-  {
-    // Make sure generated source directory
-    // is added to compilation source path
-    project.addCompileSourceRoot(generatedSourceDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
-    FacesConfigBean facesConfig = getFacesConfig();
-    if (!facesConfig.hasComponents())
-    {
-      getLog().info("Nothing to generate - no components found");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if (suppressListenerMethods)
-        getLog().warn("Event listener methods will not be generated");
-      Iterator components = facesConfig.components();
-      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new SkipFilter());
-      components = new FilteredIterator(components,
-                                        new ComponentTypeFilter(typePrefix));
-      // incremental unless forced
-      if (!force)
-        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new IfModifiedFilter());
-      if (!components.hasNext())
-      {
-        getLog().info("Nothing to generate - all components are up to date");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        int count = 0;
-        while (components.hasNext())
-        {
-          _generateComponent((ComponentBean);
-          count++;
-        }
-        getLog().info("Generated " + count + " component(s)");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates a parsed component.
-   *
-   * @param component  the parsed component metadata
-   */
-  private void _generateComponent(
-    ComponentBean component)
-  {
-    String fullClassName = component.getComponentClass();
-    try
-    {
-      getLog().debug("Generating " + fullClassName);
-      String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(fullClassName, ".java");
-      File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
-      PrettyWriter out = new PrettyWriter(sw);
-      String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-      String componentFamily = component.findComponentFamily();
-      if (componentFamily == null)
-      {
-        getLog().error("Missing <component-family> for \"" +
-                       fullClassName + "\"");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-        String fullSuperclassName = component.findComponentSuperclass();
-        String superclassName = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullSuperclassName);
-        // make class name fully qualified in case of collision
-        if (superclassName.equals(className))
-          superclassName = fullSuperclassName;
-        // TODO: remove this bogosity
-        if (superclassName.equals("UIXMenuHierarchy") ||
-            superclassName.equals("UIXTable") ||
-            superclassName.equals("UIXHierarchy") ||
-            superclassName.equals("UIXMenuTree") ||
-            className.equals("CoreTree"))
-        {
-          superclassName = fullSuperclassName;
-        }
-        String componentType = component.getComponentType();
-        // Use template file if it exists
-        String templatePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(fullClassName, "");
-        File templateFile = new File(templateSourceDirectory, templatePath);
-        SourceTemplate template = null;
-        if (templateFile.exists())
-        {
-          getLog().debug("Using template " + templatePath);
-          template = new SourceTemplate(templateFile);
-          template.substitute(className + "Template", className);
-          template.readPreface();
-        }
-        // header/copyright
-        writePreamble(out);
-        // package
-        out.println("package " + packageName + ";");
-        out.println();
-        // imports
-        _writeImports(out, template, packageName,
-                      fullSuperclassName, superclassName,
-                      component);
-        // class
-        _writeClassBegin(out, className, superclassName, component, template);
-        // static final constants
-        _writePropertyValueConstants(out, component);
-        _writePropertyConstants(out, superclassName, component);
-        _writeFacetConstants(out, component);
-        _writeGenericConstants(out, componentFamily, componentType);
-        // public constructors and methods
-        _writeConstructor(out, component, Modifier.PUBLIC);
-        // insert template code
-        if (template != null)
-        {
-          template.writeContent(out);
-          template.close();
-        }
-        _writeFacetMethods(out, component);
-        _writePropertyMethods(out, component);
-        if (!suppressListenerMethods)
-          _writeListenerMethods(out, component);
-        _writeGetFamily(out);
-        // protected constructors and methods
-        // TODO: reverse this order, to make protected constructor go first
-        //       for now we want consistency with previous code generation
-        _writeGetBeanType(out);
-        _writeConstructor(out, component, Modifier.PROTECTED);
-        // static initializer
-        _writeTypeLock(out, component);
-        _writeClassEnd(out);
-        out.close();
-        // delay write in case of error
-        // timestamp should not be updated when an error occurs
-        // delete target file first, because it is readonly
-        targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-        targetFile.delete();
-        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile);
-        StringBuffer buf = sw.getBuffer();
-        fw.write(buf.toString());
-        fw.close();
-        targetFile.setReadOnly();
-      }
-    }
-    catch (IOException e)
-    {
-      getLog().error("Error generating " + fullClassName, e);
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writeClassBegin(
-    PrettyWriter   out,
-    String         className,
-    String         superclassName,
-    ComponentBean  component,
-    SourceTemplate template)
-  {
-    out.println("/**");
-    // TODO: restore description (needs escaping?)
-//    String description = component.getDescription();
-//    if (description != null)
-//    {
-//      out.println(" *");
-//      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-//    }
-    String longDescription = component.getLongDescription();
-    if (longDescription != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" *");
-      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(longDescription));
-    }
-    if (component.hasEvents(true))
-    {
-      // the events javadoc
-      out.println(" *");
-      out.println(" * <h4>Events:</h4>");
-      out.println(" * <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" summary=\"\">");
-      out.println(" * <tr bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\" class=\"TableHeadingColor\">");
-      out.println(" * <th align=\"left\">Type</th>");
-      out.println(" * <th align=\"left\">Phases</th>");
-      out.println(" * <th align=\"left\">Description</th>");
-      out.println(" * </tr>");
-      Iterator events =;
-      while (events.hasNext())
-      {
-        EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
-        EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
-        if (event != null)
-        {
-          String eventClass = event.getEventClass();
-          String[] eventPhases = eventRef.getEventDeliveryPhases();
-          String eventDescription = event.getDescription();
-          out.println(" * <tr class=\"TableRowColor\">");
-          out.println(" * <td valign=\"top\"><code>" + eventClass + "</code></td>");
-          out.print(" * <td valign=\"top\" nowrap>");
-          if (eventPhases != null)
-          {
-            for (int i=0; i < eventPhases.length; i++)
-            {
-              if (i > 0)
-                out.print("<br>");
-              out.print(eventPhases[i]);
-            }
-          }
-          out.println("</td>");
-          out.println(" * <td valign=\"top\">" + eventDescription + "</td>");
-          out.println(" * </tr>");
-        }
-      }
-      out.println(" * </table>");
-    }
-    if (!component.hasChildren())
-    {
-      out.println(" * <p>");
-      out.println(" * It does not support any children.");
-    }
-    out.println(" */");
-    // TODO: eliminate <mfp:component-class-modifier> metadata
-    int modifiers = component.getComponentClassModifiers();
-    String classStart = Modifier.toString(modifiers);
-    // TODO: use canonical ordering
-    classStart = classStart.replaceAll("public abstract", "abstract public");
-    out.println(classStart + " class " + className +
-                             " extends " + superclassName);
-    Set interfaces = new HashSet();
-    if (template != null)
-      interfaces.addAll(template.getImplements());
-    if (component.isNamingContainer())
-      interfaces.add("javax.faces.component.NamingContainer");
-    Iterator events =;
-    while (events.hasNext())
-    {
-      EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
-      EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
-      if (event != null)
-      {
-        if (!eventRef.isIgnoreSourceInterface())
-        {
-          String source = event.getEventSourceInterface();
-          if (source != null)
-            interfaces.add(Util.getClassFromFullClass(source));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (!interfaces.isEmpty())
-    {
-      Set implementsSet = new HashSet();
-      for (Iterator iter=interfaces.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
-      {
-        String fcqn = (String);
-        implementsSet.add(Util.getClassFromFullClass(fcqn));
-      }
-      // implements clause spans multiple lines
-      char[] indent = new char[classStart.length() +
-                               " class ".length() +
-                               className.length() + 1];
-      Arrays.fill(indent, ' ');
-      out.print(indent);
-      out.print("implements ");
-      for (Iterator iter=implementsSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
-      {
-        out.print((String);
-        if (iter.hasNext())
-        {
-          out.println(",");
-          out.print(indent);
-          out.print("           ");  // same length as "implements "
-        }
-      }
-      out.println();
-    }
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-  }
-  private void _writeClassEnd(
-    PrettyWriter out)
-  {
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeImports(
-    PrettyWriter   out,
-    SourceTemplate template,
-    String         packageName,
-    String         fullSuperclassName,
-    String         superclassName,
-    ComponentBean  component)
-  {
-    Set imports = new TreeSet();
-    // Use the template imports
-    if (template != null)
-      imports.addAll(template.getImports());
-    // FacesBean is always needed to define the TYPE
-    imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.bean.FacesBean");
-    // Detect NamingContainer
-    if (component.isNamingContainer())
-      imports.add("javax.faces.component.NamingContainer");
-    Iterator properties =;
-    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
-    // PropertyKey only needed if there are properties
-    if (properties.hasNext())
-    {
-      imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.bean.PropertyKey");
-      PropertyFilter resolvable = new ResolvableTypeFilter();
-      while (properties.hasNext())
-      {
-        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-        String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-        if (propertyClass != null)
-          imports.add(propertyClass);
-        // ComponentUtils only needed for resolvable properties
-        if (resolvable.accept(property))
-          imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.util.ComponentUtils");
-      }
-    }
-    Iterator facets = component.facets();
-    // UIComponent needed if there are facets
-    if (facets.hasNext())
-      imports.add("javax.faces.component.UIComponent");
-    Iterator events =;
-    while (events.hasNext())
-    {
-      EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
-      EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
-      if (event == null)
-      {
-        getLog().warn("Unknown event type \"" + eventRef.getEventType() + "\""+
-          " in component:"+component.getComponentType());
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        String listenerClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
-        if (listenerClass != null)
-          imports.add(listenerClass);
-        if (!eventRef.isIgnoreSourceInterface())
-        {
-          String sourceInterface = event.getEventSourceInterface();
-          if (sourceInterface != null)
-            imports.add(sourceInterface);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Import causes a collision if className and superclassName are equal
-    if (!superclassName.equals(fullSuperclassName))
-    {
-      String superPackageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(fullSuperclassName);
-      // component superclass only needed if not in
-      // same package as component class
-      if (superPackageName != packageName)
-        imports.add(fullSuperclassName);
-    }
-    // do not import implicit types!
-    imports.removeAll(Util.PRIMITIVE_TYPES);
-    writeImports(out, packageName, imports);
-  }
-  private void _writeGenericConstants(
-    PrettyWriter out,
-    String       componentFamily,
-    String       componentType) throws IOException
-  {
-    out.println();
-    out.println("static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =");
-    out.println("  \"" + componentFamily + "\";");
-    out.println("static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =");
-    out.println("  \"" + componentType + "\";");
-  }
-  private void _writePropertyConstants(
-    PrettyWriter   out,
-    String         superclassName,
-    ComponentBean  component) throws IOException
-  {
-    out.println("static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println(superclassName + ".TYPE);");
-    out.unindent();
-    //  component property keys
-    Iterator properties =;
-    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
-    while (properties.hasNext())
-    {
-      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-      String propAlias = property.getAliasOf();
-      out.println("static public final PropertyKey " + propKey + " =");
-      out.indent();
-      if (propAlias != null)
-      {
-        String aliasKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propAlias, "_KEY");
-        out.print("TYPE.registerAlias(" + aliasKey + ", \"" + propName + "\");");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        out.print("TYPE.registerKey(\"" + propName + "\"");
-        // property class
-        String propFullClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-        String propClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propFullClass);
-        if (propClass == null)
-        {
-          propClass = "String";
-        }
-        String propDefault = property.getDefaultValue();
-        if (!"Object".equals(propClass) || propDefault != null)
-        {
-          // TODO: do not use boxed class here
-          String boxedClass = Util.getBoxedClass(propClass);
-          out.print(", " + boxedClass + ".class");
-        }
-        if (propDefault != null)
-        {
-          out.print(", " + _convertStringToBoxedLiteral(propClass, propDefault));
-        }
-        // property capabilities
-        String propCaps = _getPropertyCapabilities(property);
-        if (propCaps != null)
-          out.print(", " + propCaps);
-        out.println(");");
-      }
-      out.unindent();
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writePropertyValueConstants(
-    PrettyWriter   out,
-    ComponentBean  component) throws IOException
-  {
-    //  component property keys
-    Iterator properties =;
-    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
-    while (properties.hasNext())
-    {
-      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-      String[] propertyValues = property.getPropertyValues();
-      if (propertyValues != null)
-      {
-        String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-        for (int i=0; i < propertyValues.length; i++)
-        {
-          String propValue = propertyValues[i];
-          String propValueName = propName +
-                                 Character.toUpperCase(propValue.charAt(0)) +
-                                 propValue.substring(1);
-          String propValueKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propValueName);
-          out.println("static public final String " + propValueKey + " = \"" + propValue + "\";");
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writeFacetConstants(
-    PrettyWriter  out,
-    ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-  {
-    Iterator facets = component.facets();
-    while (facets.hasNext())
-    {
-      FacetBean facet = (FacetBean);
-      String facetName = facet.getFacetName();
-      String facetKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(facetName, "_FACET");
-      out.println("static public final " +
-                    "String " + facetKey + " = \"" + facetName + "\";");
-    }
-  }
-  private String _convertStringToBoxedLiteral(
-    String  className,
-    String  value)
-  {
-    if (value == null)
-    {
-      return null;
-    }
-    else if ("String".equals(className))
-    {
-      return "\"" + value.replaceAll("\'", "\\'") + "\"";
-    }
-    else if ("boolean".equals(className))
-    {
-      return ("true".equals(value)) ? "Boolean.TRUE" : "Boolean.FALSE";
-    }
-    else if ("char".equals(className))
-    {
-      return "new Character('" + value.replaceAll("\'", "\\'") + "')";
-    }
-    else if ("int".equals(className))
-    {
-      return "new Integer(" + value + ")";
-    }
-    else if ("float".equals(className))
-    {
-      return "new Float(" + value + ")";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      throw new IllegalStateException();
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writeConstructor(
-    PrettyWriter   out,
-    ComponentBean  component,
-    int            modifiers) throws IOException
-  {
-    String fullClassName = component.getComponentClass();
-    String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
-    if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))
-    {
-      // TODO: eliminate this inconsistency
-      if (!Modifier.isAbstract(component.getComponentClassModifiers()))
-      {
-        String rendererType = component.getRendererType();
-        if (rendererType != null)
-          rendererType = _convertStringToBoxedLiteral("String", rendererType);
-        out.println();
-        out.println("/**");
-        // TODO: restore this correctly phrased comment (tense vs. command)
-        //out.println(" * Constructs an instance of " + className + ".");
-        out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
-        out.println(" */");
-        out.println("public " + className + "()");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("super(" + rendererType + ");");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-    else if (Modifier.isProtected(modifiers))
-    {
-      out.println();
-      out.println("/**");
-      // TODO: restore this more descriptive comment with param docs
-      //out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className);
-      //out.println(" * with the specified renderer type.");
-      //out.println(" * ");
-      //out.println(" * @param rendererType  the renderer type");
-      out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
-      out.println(" */");
-      out.println("protected " + className + "(");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("String rendererType");
-      out.println(")");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("{");
-      out.indent();
-      out.println("super(rendererType);");
-      out.unindent();
-      out.println("}");
-      // TODO: eliminate this inconsistency
-      if (Modifier.isAbstract(component.getComponentClassModifiers()))
-      {
-        out.println();
-        out.println("/**");
-        // TODO: restore this correctly phrased comment (tense vs. command)
-        //out.println(" * Constructs an instance of " + className + ".");
-        out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
-        out.println(" */");
-        out.println("protected " + className + "()");
-        out.println("{");
-        out.indent();
-        out.println("this(null);");
-        out.unindent();
-        out.println("}");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writeGetFamily(
-    PrettyWriter out) throws IOException
-  {
-    out.println();
-    out.println("public String getFamily()");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("return COMPONENT_FAMILY;");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeGetBeanType(
-    PrettyWriter out) throws IOException
-  {
-    out.println();
-    out.println("protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("return TYPE;");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writePropertyMethods(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-  {
-    Iterator properties =;
-    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
-    while (properties.hasNext())
-    {
-      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
-      if (property.isList())
-        _writePropertyListMethods(out, property);
-      else
-      {
-        _writePropertyGet(out, property);
-        _writePropertySet(out, property);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writePropertyListMethods(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-  {
-    String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-    String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-    String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-    if (!"java.util.List".equals(propertyClass))
-    {
-      getLog().error("Invalid list type: " + propertyClass);
-      return;
-    }
-    // Look for the generic type - if it doesn't exist, then
-    // we'll be an Object.
-    String[] params = property.getPropertyClassParameters();
-    if ((params == null) || (params.length == 0))
-      propertyClass = "java.lang.Object";
-    else
-      propertyClass = params[0];
-    propertyClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propertyClass);
-    String singularName = _getSingular(propName);
-    String propVar = Util.getVariableFromName(singularName);
-    String description = property.getDescription();
-    String addMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("add", singularName);
-    String removeMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("remove", singularName);
-    String getMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("get", propName);
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    if (description != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" * Adds a " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-    }
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public void " + addMethod + "(" + propertyClass + " " +
-                propVar + ")");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("if (" + propVar + " == null)");
-    out.println("  throw new NullPointerException();");
-    out.println();
-    out.println("getFacesBean().addEntry(" + propKey + ", " + propVar + ");");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    if (description != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" * Removes a " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-    }
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public void " + removeMethod + "(" + propertyClass + " " +
-                propVar + ")");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("if (" + propVar + " == null)");
-    out.println("  throw new NullPointerException();");
-    out.println();
-    out.println("getFacesBean().removeEntry(" + propKey + ", " + propVar + ");");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    if (description != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" * Gets all " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-    }
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public " + propertyClass + "[] " + getMethod + "()");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("return (" + propertyClass + "[]) getFacesBean().getEntries(");
-    out.println("         " + propKey + ", " + propertyClass + ".class);");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  static private String _getSingular(String plural)
-  {
-    if (plural.endsWith("s"))
-      return plural.substring(0, plural.length() - 1);
-    return plural;
-  }
-  private void _writePropertySet(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-  {
-    _writePropertySet(out, property, property.getPropertyClass());
-    String alternateClass = property.getAlternateClass();
-    if (alternateClass != null)
-      _writePropertySet(out, property, alternateClass);
-  }
-  private void _writePropertySet(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   PropertyBean  property,
-   String        propertyFullClass) throws IOException
-  {
-    String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-    String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-    String propertyClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propertyFullClass);
-    String propVar = Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
-    String description = property.getDescription();
-    String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propName);
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    if (description != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" * Sets " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-    }
-    // TODO: restore this comment.
-//    if (property.isRequired())
-//    {
-//      out.println(" * <p>");
-//      out.println(" * This is a required property on the component.");
-//    }
-    // TODO: put this back in
-    //out.println(" * ");
-    //out.println(" * @param " + propName + "  the new " + propName + " value");
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public void " + setMethod + "(" + propertyClass + " " + propVar + ")");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    if (Util.isPrimitiveClass(propertyClass))
-    {
-      // TODO: use UIXComponentBase setXXXProperty methods when possible
-      if (propertyClass.equals("boolean"))
-      {
-        // TODO: add back space before ternary operator
-        out.println("setProperty(" + propKey + ", " + propVar + "? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        String boxedClass = Util.getBoxedClass(propertyClass);
-        out.println("setProperty(" + propKey + ", new " + boxedClass + "(" + propVar + "));");
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      out.println("setProperty(" + propKey + ", (" + propVar + "));");
-    }
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writePropertyGet(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
-  {
-    String propName = property.getPropertyName();
-    String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
-    String propertyFullClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-    String propertyClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propertyFullClass);
-    String description = property.getDescription();
-    String getMethod = Util.getMethodReaderFromProperty(propName, propertyClass);
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-     if (description != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" * Gets " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-    }
-    if (property.isRequired())
-    {
-      out.println(" * <p>");
-      out.println(" * This is a required property on the component.");
-    }
-    // TODO: put this back in
-    //out.println(" *");
-    //out.println(" * @return  the new " + propName + " value");
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public " + propertyClass + " " + getMethod + "()");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    String resolvableType = _resolveType(propertyFullClass);
-    if (resolvableType != null)
-    {
-      // TODO: change signature of ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter
-      //       to take Object instead of Character
-      if (resolvableType.equals("Character"))
-      {
-        out.println("return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(" + propKey + "));");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // TODO: stop specifying default values in the getters
-        String resolveMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("resolve", resolvableType);
-        String propertyDefault = property.getDefaultValue();
-        out.print("return ComponentUtils." + resolveMethod + "(getProperty(" + propKey + ")");
-        if (propertyDefault != null)
-        {
-          out.print(", " + convertStringToLiteral(propertyClass,
-                                                   propertyDefault));
-        }
-        out.println(");");
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      out.println("return (" + propertyClass + ")" +
-                          "(getProperty(" + propKey + "));");
-    }
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeFacetMethods(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-  {
-    Iterator facets = component.facets();
-    while (facets.hasNext())
-    {
-      FacetBean facet = (FacetBean);
-      _writeFacetGet(out, facet);
-      _writeFacetSet(out, facet);
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writeFacetSet(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   FacetBean     facet) throws IOException
-  {
-    String facetName = facet.getFacetName();
-    // TODO: drop the unnecessary "Facet" suffix
-    String facetVar = facetName + "Facet";
-    String facetKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(facetName, "_FACET");
-    String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", facetName);
-    String description = facet.getDescription();
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    if (description != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-    }
-    if (facet.isRequired())
-    {
-      out.println(" * <p>");
-      out.println(" * This is a required facet on the component.");
-    }
-    // TODO: put this back in
-    //out.println(" * ");
-    //out.println(" * @param " + facetVar + "  the new " + facetName + " facet");
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public void " + setMethod + "(UIComponent " + facetVar + ")");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("getFacets().put(" + facetKey + ", " + facetVar + ");");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeFacetGet(
-   PrettyWriter  out,
-   FacetBean     facet) throws IOException
-  {
-    String facetName = facet.getFacetName();
-    String facetKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(facetName, "_FACET");
-    String getMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("get", facetName);
-    String description = facet.getDescription();
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    if (description != null)
-    {
-      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(description));
-    }
-    if (facet.isRequired())
-    {
-      out.println(" * <p>");
-      out.println(" * This is a required facet on the component.");
-    }
-    // TODO: put this back in
-    //out.println(" * ");
-    //out.println(" * @return  the " + facetName + " facet");
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public UIComponent " + getMethod + "()");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("return getFacet(" + facetKey + ");");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeListenerMethods(
-    PrettyWriter  out,
-    ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-  {
-    Iterator events =;
-    while (events.hasNext())
-    {
-      EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
-      EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
-      if (event != null)
-      {
-        _writeListenerAdd(out, event);
-        _writeListenerRemove(out, event);
-        _writeListenersGet(out, event);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private void _writeListenerAdd(
-    PrettyWriter  out,
-    EventBean     event) throws IOException
-  {
-    String listenerFullClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
-    String listenerClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(listenerFullClass);
-    String eventName = event.getEventName();
-    String addMethod = Util.getMethodNameFromEvent("add", eventName, "Listener");
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    out.println(" * Adds a " + eventName + " listener.");
-    out.println(" *");
-    out.println(" * @param listener  the " + eventName + " listener to add");
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public void " + addMethod + "(");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println(listenerClass + " listener)");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("addFacesListener(listener);");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeListenerRemove(
-    PrettyWriter  out,
-    EventBean     event) throws IOException
-  {
-    String listenerFullClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
-    String listenerClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(listenerFullClass);
-    String eventName = event.getEventName();
-    String removeMethod = Util.getMethodNameFromEvent("remove", eventName, "Listener");
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    out.println(" * Removes a " + eventName + " listener.");
-    out.println(" *");
-    out.println(" * @param listener  the " + eventName + " listener to remove");
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public void " + removeMethod + "(");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println(listenerClass + " listener)");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("removeFacesListener(listener);");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeListenersGet(
-    PrettyWriter  out,
-    EventBean     event) throws IOException
-  {
-    String listenerFullClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
-    String listenerClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(listenerFullClass);
-    String eventName = event.getEventName();
-    String getMethod = Util.getMethodNameFromEvent("get", eventName, "Listeners");
-    out.println();
-    out.println("/**");
-    out.println(" * Returns an array of attached " + eventName + " listeners.");
-    out.println(" *");
-    out.println(" * @return  an array of attached " + eventName + " listeners.");
-    out.println(" */");
-    out.println("final public " + listenerClass + "[] " + getMethod + "()");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    out.println("return (" + listenerClass + "[])" +
-                        "getFacesListeners(" +  listenerClass + ".class);");
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private void _writeTypeLock(
-    PrettyWriter out, ComponentBean component) throws IOException
-  {
-    out.println();
-    out.println("static");
-    out.println("{");
-    out.indent();
-    String rendererType = component.getRendererType();
-    if (rendererType == null)
-    {
-      out.println("TYPE.lock();");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      String componentFamily = component.findComponentFamily();
-      out.println("TYPE.lockAndRegister(\"" + componentFamily + "\"," +
-                  "\"" + rendererType + "\");");
-    }
-    out.unindent();
-    out.println("}");
-  }
-  private String _getPropertyCapabilities(
-    PropertyBean property)
-  {
-    List caps = new ArrayList();
-    if (property.isMethodBinding() ||
-        property.isLiteralOnly())
-    {
-      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_NOT_BOUND");
-    }
-    if (property.isStateHolder())
-    {
-      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_STATE_HOLDER");
-    }
-    if (property.isTransient())
-    {
-      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_TRANSIENT");
-    }
-    if (property.isList())
-    {
-      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_LIST");
-    }
-    if (caps.isEmpty())
-      return null;
-    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-    for (int i=0; i < caps.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if (i > 0)
-        sb.append(" | ");
-      sb.append(caps.get(i));
-    }
-    return sb.toString();
-  }
-  private class NonVirtualFilter extends PropertyFilter
-  {
-    protected boolean accept(
-      PropertyBean property)
-    {
-      return (!property.isVirtual());
-    }
-  }
-  private class ResolvableTypeFilter extends PropertyFilter
-  {
-    protected boolean accept(
-      PropertyBean property)
-    {
-      String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
-      String resolvableType = _resolveType(propertyClass);
-      return (resolvableType != null);
-    }
-  }
-  private class IfModifiedFilter extends ComponentFilter
-  {
-    protected boolean accept(
-      ComponentBean component)
-    {
-      String componentClass = component.getComponentClass();
-      String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(componentClass, ".java");
-      String templatePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(componentClass, "");
-      File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
-      File templateFile = new File(templateSourceDirectory, templatePath);
-      // accept if templateFile is newer or component has been modified
-      return (templateFile.lastModified() > targetFile.lastModified() ||
-              component.isModifiedSince(targetFile.lastModified()));
-    }
-  }
-  static private String _resolveType(
-    String className)
-  {
-    return (String)_RESOLVABLE_TYPES.get(className);
-  }
-  static private Map _createResolvableTypes()
-  {
-    Map resolvableTypes = new HashMap();
-    resolvableTypes.put("boolean", "Boolean");
-    resolvableTypes.put("char", "Character");
-    // TODO: put this back in
-    //resolvableTypes.put("java.util.Date", "Date");
-    resolvableTypes.put("int", "Integer");
-    resolvableTypes.put("float", "Float");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.util.Locale", "Locale");
-    resolvableTypes.put("long", "Long");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.lang.String", "String");
-    // TODO: put this back in
-    //resolvableTypes.put("java.lang.String[]", "StringArray");
-    resolvableTypes.put("java.util.TimeZone", "TimeZone");
-    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(resolvableTypes);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="${project}"
-   * @readonly
-   */
-  private MavenProject project;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   * @readonly
-   */
-  private String resourcePath = "META-INF/maven-faces-plugin/index.lst";
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="src/main/java-templates"
-   * @required
-   */
-  private File templateSourceDirectory;
-  /**
-   * @parameter expression="${}/maven-faces-plugin/main/java"
-   * @required
-   */
-  private File generatedSourceDirectory;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   * @required
-   */
-  private String packageContains;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   * @required
-   */
-    private String typePrefix;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   */
-  private boolean force;
-  /**
-   * @parameter
-   */
-  private boolean suppressListenerMethods;
-  static final private Map _RESOLVABLE_TYPES = _createResolvableTypes();
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
+import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @requiresDependencyResolution compile
+ * @goal generate-components
+ * @phase generate-sources
+ */
+public class GenerateComponentsMojo extends AbstractFacesMojo
+  /**
+   * Execute the Mojo.
+   */
+  public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException
+  {
+    try
+    {
+      processIndex(project, resourcePath);
+      _generateComponents();
+    }
+    catch (IOException e)
+    {
+      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error generating components", e);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generates parsed components.
+   */
+  private void _generateComponents() throws IOException
+  {
+    // Make sure generated source directory
+    // is added to compilation source path
+    project.addCompileSourceRoot(generatedSourceDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
+    FacesConfigBean facesConfig = getFacesConfig();
+    if (!facesConfig.hasComponents())
+    {
+      getLog().info("Nothing to generate - no components found");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (suppressListenerMethods)
+        getLog().warn("Event listener methods will not be generated");
+      Iterator components = facesConfig.components();
+      components = new FilteredIterator(components, new SkipFilter());
+      components = new FilteredIterator(components,
+                                        new ComponentTypeFilter(typePrefix));
+      // incremental unless forced
+      if (!force)
+        components = new FilteredIterator(components, new IfModifiedFilter());
+      if (!components.hasNext())
+      {
+        getLog().info("Nothing to generate - all components are up to date");
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        int count = 0;
+        while (components.hasNext())
+        {
+          _generateComponent((ComponentBean);
+          count++;
+        }
+        getLog().info("Generated " + count + " component(s)");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Generates a parsed component.
+   *
+   * @param component  the parsed component metadata
+   */
+  private void _generateComponent(
+    ComponentBean component)
+  {
+    String fullClassName = component.getComponentClass();
+    try
+    {
+      getLog().debug("Generating " + fullClassName);
+      String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(fullClassName, ".java");
+      File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
+      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+      PrettyWriter out = new PrettyWriter(sw);
+      String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
+      String componentFamily = component.findComponentFamily();
+      if (componentFamily == null)
+      {
+        getLog().error("Missing <component-family> for \"" +
+                       fullClassName + "\"");
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        String packageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(fullClassName);
+        String fullSuperclassName = component.findComponentSuperclass();
+        String superclassName = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullSuperclassName);
+        // make class name fully qualified in case of collision
+        if (superclassName.equals(className))
+          superclassName = fullSuperclassName;
+        // TODO: remove this bogosity
+        if (superclassName.equals("UIXMenuHierarchy") ||
+            superclassName.equals("UIXTable") ||
+            superclassName.equals("UIXHierarchy") ||
+            superclassName.equals("UIXMenuTree") ||
+            className.equals("CoreTree"))
+        {
+          superclassName = fullSuperclassName;
+        }
+        String componentType = component.getComponentType();
+        // Use template file if it exists
+        String templatePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(fullClassName, "");
+        File templateFile = new File(templateSourceDirectory, templatePath);
+        SourceTemplate template = null;
+        if (templateFile.exists())
+        {
+          getLog().debug("Using template " + templatePath);
+          template = new SourceTemplate(templateFile);
+          template.substitute(className + "Template", className);
+          template.readPreface();
+        }
+        // header/copyright
+        writePreamble(out);
+        // package
+        out.println("package " + packageName + ";");
+        out.println();
+        // imports
+        _writeImports(out, template, packageName,
+                      fullSuperclassName, superclassName,
+                      component);
+        // class
+        _writeClassBegin(out, className, superclassName, component, template);
+        // static final constants
+        _writePropertyValueConstants(out, component);
+        _writePropertyConstants(out, superclassName, component);
+        _writeFacetConstants(out, component);
+        _writeGenericConstants(out, componentFamily, componentType);
+        // public constructors and methods
+        _writeConstructor(out, component, Modifier.PUBLIC);
+        // insert template code
+        if (template != null)
+        {
+          template.writeContent(out);
+          template.close();
+        }
+        _writeFacetMethods(out, component);
+        _writePropertyMethods(out, component);
+        if (!suppressListenerMethods)
+          _writeListenerMethods(out, component);
+        _writeGetFamily(out);
+        // protected constructors and methods
+        // TODO: reverse this order, to make protected constructor go first
+        //       for now we want consistency with previous code generation
+        _writeGetBeanType(out);
+        _writeConstructor(out, component, Modifier.PROTECTED);
+        // static initializer
+        _writeTypeLock(out, component);
+        _writeClassEnd(out);
+        out.close();
+        // delay write in case of error
+        // timestamp should not be updated when an error occurs
+        // delete target file first, because it is readonly
+        targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+        targetFile.delete();
+        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile);
+        StringBuffer buf = sw.getBuffer();
+        fw.write(buf.toString());
+        fw.close();
+        targetFile.setReadOnly();
+      }
+    }
+    catch (IOException e)
+    {
+      getLog().error("Error generating " + fullClassName, e);
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writeClassBegin(
+    PrettyWriter   out,
+    String         className,
+    String         superclassName,
+    ComponentBean  component,
+    SourceTemplate template)
+  {
+    out.println("/**");
+    // TODO: restore description (needs escaping?)
+//    String description = component.getDescription();
+//    if (description != null)
+//    {
+//      out.println(" *");
+//      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+//    }
+    String longDescription = component.getLongDescription();
+    if (longDescription != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" *");
+      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(longDescription));
+    }
+    if (component.hasEvents(true))
+    {
+      // the events javadoc
+      out.println(" *");
+      out.println(" * <h4>Events:</h4>");
+      out.println(" * <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" summary=\"\">");
+      out.println(" * <tr bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\" class=\"TableHeadingColor\">");
+      out.println(" * <th align=\"left\">Type</th>");
+      out.println(" * <th align=\"left\">Phases</th>");
+      out.println(" * <th align=\"left\">Description</th>");
+      out.println(" * </tr>");
+      Iterator events =;
+      while (events.hasNext())
+      {
+        EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
+        EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
+        if (event != null)
+        {
+          String eventClass = event.getEventClass();
+          String[] eventPhases = eventRef.getEventDeliveryPhases();
+          String eventDescription = event.getDescription();
+          out.println(" * <tr class=\"TableRowColor\">");
+          out.println(" * <td valign=\"top\"><code>" + eventClass + "</code></td>");
+          out.print(" * <td valign=\"top\" nowrap>");
+          if (eventPhases != null)
+          {
+            for (int i=0; i < eventPhases.length; i++)
+            {
+              if (i > 0)
+                out.print("<br>");
+              out.print(eventPhases[i]);
+            }
+          }
+          out.println("</td>");
+          out.println(" * <td valign=\"top\">" + eventDescription + "</td>");
+          out.println(" * </tr>");
+        }
+      }
+      out.println(" * </table>");
+    }
+    if (!component.hasChildren())
+    {
+      out.println(" * <p>");
+      out.println(" * It does not support any children.");
+    }
+    out.println(" */");
+    // TODO: eliminate <mfp:component-class-modifier> metadata
+    int modifiers = component.getComponentClassModifiers();
+    String classStart = Modifier.toString(modifiers);
+    // TODO: use canonical ordering
+    classStart = classStart.replaceAll("public abstract", "abstract public");
+    out.println(classStart + " class " + className +
+                             " extends " + superclassName);
+    Set interfaces = new HashSet();
+    if (template != null)
+      interfaces.addAll(template.getImplements());
+    if (component.isNamingContainer())
+      interfaces.add("javax.faces.component.NamingContainer");
+    Iterator events =;
+    while (events.hasNext())
+    {
+      EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
+      EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
+      if (event != null)
+      {
+        if (!eventRef.isIgnoreSourceInterface())
+        {
+          String source = event.getEventSourceInterface();
+          if (source != null)
+            interfaces.add(Util.getClassFromFullClass(source));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!interfaces.isEmpty())
+    {
+      Set implementsSet = new HashSet();
+      for (Iterator iter=interfaces.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
+      {
+        String fcqn = (String);
+        implementsSet.add(Util.getClassFromFullClass(fcqn));
+      }
+      // implements clause spans multiple lines
+      char[] indent = new char[classStart.length() +
+                               " class ".length() +
+                               className.length() + 1];
+      Arrays.fill(indent, ' ');
+      out.print(indent);
+      out.print("implements ");
+      for (Iterator iter=implementsSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
+      {
+        out.print((String);
+        if (iter.hasNext())
+        {
+          out.println(",");
+          out.print(indent);
+          out.print("           ");  // same length as "implements "
+        }
+      }
+      out.println();
+    }
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+  }
+  private void _writeClassEnd(
+    PrettyWriter out)
+  {
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeImports(
+    PrettyWriter   out,
+    SourceTemplate template,
+    String         packageName,
+    String         fullSuperclassName,
+    String         superclassName,
+    ComponentBean  component)
+  {
+    Set imports = new TreeSet();
+    // Use the template imports
+    if (template != null)
+      imports.addAll(template.getImports());
+    // FacesBean is always needed to define the TYPE
+    imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.bean.FacesBean");
+    // Detect NamingContainer
+    if (component.isNamingContainer())
+      imports.add("javax.faces.component.NamingContainer");
+    Iterator properties =;
+    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
+    // PropertyKey only needed if there are properties
+    if (properties.hasNext())
+    {
+      imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.bean.PropertyKey");
+      PropertyFilter resolvable = new ResolvableTypeFilter();
+      while (properties.hasNext())
+      {
+        PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
+        String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
+        if (propertyClass != null)
+          imports.add(propertyClass);
+        // ComponentUtils only needed for resolvable properties
+        if (resolvable.accept(property))
+          imports.add("org.apache.myfaces.adf.util.ComponentUtils");
+      }
+    }
+    Iterator facets = component.facets();
+    // UIComponent needed if there are facets
+    if (facets.hasNext())
+      imports.add("javax.faces.component.UIComponent");
+    Iterator events =;
+    while (events.hasNext())
+    {
+      EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
+      EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
+      if (event == null)
+      {
+        getLog().warn("Unknown event type \"" + eventRef.getEventType() + "\""+
+          " in component:"+component.getComponentType());
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        String listenerClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
+        if (listenerClass != null)
+          imports.add(listenerClass);
+        if (!eventRef.isIgnoreSourceInterface())
+        {
+          String sourceInterface = event.getEventSourceInterface();
+          if (sourceInterface != null)
+            imports.add(sourceInterface);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Import causes a collision if className and superclassName are equal
+    if (!superclassName.equals(fullSuperclassName))
+    {
+      String superPackageName = Util.getPackageFromFullClass(fullSuperclassName);
+      // component superclass only needed if not in
+      // same package as component class
+      if (superPackageName != packageName)
+        imports.add(fullSuperclassName);
+    }
+    // do not import implicit types!
+    imports.removeAll(Util.PRIMITIVE_TYPES);
+    writeImports(out, packageName, imports);
+  }
+  private void _writeGenericConstants(
+    PrettyWriter out,
+    String       componentFamily,
+    String       componentType) throws IOException
+  {
+    out.println();
+    out.println("static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =");
+    out.println("  \"" + componentFamily + "\";");
+    out.println("static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =");
+    out.println("  \"" + componentType + "\";");
+  }
+  private void _writePropertyConstants(
+    PrettyWriter   out,
+    String         superclassName,
+    ComponentBean  component) throws IOException
+  {
+    out.println("static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println(superclassName + ".TYPE);");
+    out.unindent();
+    //  component property keys
+    Iterator properties =;
+    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
+    while (properties.hasNext())
+    {
+      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
+      String propName = property.getPropertyName();
+      String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
+      String propAlias = property.getAliasOf();
+      out.println("static public final PropertyKey " + propKey + " =");
+      out.indent();
+      if (propAlias != null)
+      {
+        String aliasKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propAlias, "_KEY");
+        out.print("TYPE.registerAlias(" + aliasKey + ", \"" + propName + "\");");
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        out.print("TYPE.registerKey(\"" + propName + "\"");
+        // property class
+        String propFullClass = property.getPropertyClass();
+        String propClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propFullClass);
+        if (propClass == null)
+        {
+          propClass = "String";
+        }
+        String propDefault = property.getDefaultValue();
+        if (!"Object".equals(propClass) || propDefault != null)
+        {
+          // TODO: do not use boxed class here
+          String boxedClass = Util.getBoxedClass(propClass);
+          out.print(", " + boxedClass + ".class");
+        }
+        if (propDefault != null)
+        {
+          out.print(", " + _convertStringToBoxedLiteral(propClass, propDefault));
+        }
+        // property capabilities
+        String propCaps = _getPropertyCapabilities(property);
+        if (propCaps != null)
+          out.print(", " + propCaps);
+        out.println(");");
+      }
+      out.unindent();
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writePropertyValueConstants(
+    PrettyWriter   out,
+    ComponentBean  component) throws IOException
+  {
+    //  component property keys
+    Iterator properties =;
+    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
+    while (properties.hasNext())
+    {
+      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
+      String[] propertyValues = property.getPropertyValues();
+      if (propertyValues != null)
+      {
+        String propName = property.getPropertyName();
+        for (int i=0; i < propertyValues.length; i++)
+        {
+          String propValue = propertyValues[i];
+          String propValueName = propName +
+                                 Character.toUpperCase(propValue.charAt(0)) +
+                                 propValue.substring(1);
+          String propValueKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propValueName);
+          out.println("static public final String " + propValueKey + " = \"" + propValue + "\";");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writeFacetConstants(
+    PrettyWriter  out,
+    ComponentBean component) throws IOException
+  {
+    Iterator facets = component.facets();
+    while (facets.hasNext())
+    {
+      FacetBean facet = (FacetBean);
+      String facetName = facet.getFacetName();
+      String facetKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(facetName, "_FACET");
+      out.println("static public final " +
+                    "String " + facetKey + " = \"" + facetName + "\";");
+    }
+  }
+  private String _convertStringToBoxedLiteral(
+    String  className,
+    String  value)
+  {
+    if (value == null)
+    {
+      return null;
+    }
+    else if ("String".equals(className))
+    {
+      return "\"" + value.replaceAll("\'", "\\'") + "\"";
+    }
+    else if ("boolean".equals(className))
+    {
+      return ("true".equals(value)) ? "Boolean.TRUE" : "Boolean.FALSE";
+    }
+    else if ("char".equals(className))
+    {
+      return "new Character('" + value.replaceAll("\'", "\\'") + "')";
+    }
+    else if ("int".equals(className))
+    {
+      return "new Integer(" + value + ")";
+    }
+    else if ("float".equals(className))
+    {
+      return "new Float(" + value + ")";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      throw new IllegalStateException();
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writeConstructor(
+    PrettyWriter   out,
+    ComponentBean  component,
+    int            modifiers) throws IOException
+  {
+    String fullClassName = component.getComponentClass();
+    String className = Util.getClassFromFullClass(fullClassName);
+    if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))
+    {
+      // TODO: eliminate this inconsistency
+      if (!Modifier.isAbstract(component.getComponentClassModifiers()))
+      {
+        String rendererType = component.getRendererType();
+        if (rendererType != null)
+          rendererType = _convertStringToBoxedLiteral("String", rendererType);
+        out.println();
+        out.println("/**");
+        // TODO: restore this correctly phrased comment (tense vs. command)
+        //out.println(" * Constructs an instance of " + className + ".");
+        out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
+        out.println(" */");
+        out.println("public " + className + "()");
+        out.println("{");
+        out.indent();
+        out.println("super(" + rendererType + ");");
+        out.unindent();
+        out.println("}");
+      }
+    }
+    else if (Modifier.isProtected(modifiers))
+    {
+      out.println();
+      out.println("/**");
+      // TODO: restore this more descriptive comment with param docs
+      //out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className);
+      //out.println(" * with the specified renderer type.");
+      //out.println(" * ");
+      //out.println(" * @param rendererType  the renderer type");
+      out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
+      out.println(" */");
+      out.println("protected " + className + "(");
+      out.indent();
+      out.println("String rendererType");
+      out.println(")");
+      out.unindent();
+      out.println("{");
+      out.indent();
+      out.println("super(rendererType);");
+      out.unindent();
+      out.println("}");
+      // TODO: eliminate this inconsistency
+      if (Modifier.isAbstract(component.getComponentClassModifiers()))
+      {
+        out.println();
+        out.println("/**");
+        // TODO: restore this correctly phrased comment (tense vs. command)
+        //out.println(" * Constructs an instance of " + className + ".");
+        out.println(" * Construct an instance of the " + className + ".");
+        out.println(" */");
+        out.println("protected " + className + "()");
+        out.println("{");
+        out.indent();
+        out.println("this(null);");
+        out.unindent();
+        out.println("}");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writeGetFamily(
+    PrettyWriter out) throws IOException
+  {
+    out.println();
+    out.println("public String getFamily()");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("return COMPONENT_FAMILY;");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeGetBeanType(
+    PrettyWriter out) throws IOException
+  {
+    out.println();
+    out.println("protected FacesBean.Type getBeanType()");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("return TYPE;");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writePropertyMethods(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   ComponentBean component) throws IOException
+  {
+    Iterator properties =;
+    properties = new FilteredIterator(properties, new NonVirtualFilter());
+    while (properties.hasNext())
+    {
+      PropertyBean property = (PropertyBean);
+      if (property.isList())
+        _writePropertyListMethods(out, property);
+      else
+      {
+        _writePropertyGet(out, property);
+        _writePropertySet(out, property);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writePropertyListMethods(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
+  {
+    String propName = property.getPropertyName();
+    String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
+    String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
+    if (!"java.util.List".equals(propertyClass))
+    {
+      getLog().error("Invalid list type: " + propertyClass);
+      return;
+    }
+    // Look for the generic type - if it doesn't exist, then
+    // we'll be an Object.
+    String[] params = property.getPropertyClassParameters();
+    if ((params == null) || (params.length == 0))
+      propertyClass = "java.lang.Object";
+    else
+      propertyClass = params[0];
+    propertyClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propertyClass);
+    String singularName = _getSingular(propName);
+    String propVar = Util.getVariableFromName(singularName);
+    String description = property.getDescription();
+    String addMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("add", singularName);
+    String removeMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("remove", singularName);
+    String getMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("get", propName);
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    if (description != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" * Adds a " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+    }
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public void " + addMethod + "(" + propertyClass + " " +
+                propVar + ")");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("if (" + propVar + " == null)");
+    out.println("  throw new NullPointerException();");
+    out.println();
+    out.println("getFacesBean().addEntry(" + propKey + ", " + propVar + ");");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    if (description != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" * Removes a " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+    }
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public void " + removeMethod + "(" + propertyClass + " " +
+                propVar + ")");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("if (" + propVar + " == null)");
+    out.println("  throw new NullPointerException();");
+    out.println();
+    out.println("getFacesBean().removeEntry(" + propKey + ", " + propVar + ");");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    if (description != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" * Gets all " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+    }
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public " + propertyClass + "[] " + getMethod + "()");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("return (" + propertyClass + "[]) getFacesBean().getEntries(");
+    out.println("         " + propKey + ", " + propertyClass + ".class);");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  static private String _getSingular(String plural)
+  {
+    if (plural.endsWith("s"))
+      return plural.substring(0, plural.length() - 1);
+    return plural;
+  }
+  private void _writePropertySet(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
+  {
+    _writePropertySet(out, property, property.getPropertyClass());
+    String alternateClass = property.getAlternateClass();
+    if (alternateClass != null)
+      _writePropertySet(out, property, alternateClass);
+  }
+  private void _writePropertySet(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   PropertyBean  property,
+   String        propertyFullClass) throws IOException
+  {
+    String propName = property.getPropertyName();
+    String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
+    String propertyClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propertyFullClass);
+    String propVar = Util.getVariableFromName(propName);
+    String description = property.getDescription();
+    String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", propName);
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    if (description != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" * Sets " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+    }
+    // TODO: restore this comment.
+//    if (property.isRequired())
+//    {
+//      out.println(" * <p>");
+//      out.println(" * This is a required property on the component.");
+//    }
+    // TODO: put this back in
+    //out.println(" * ");
+    //out.println(" * @param " + propName + "  the new " + propName + " value");
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public void " + setMethod + "(" + propertyClass + " " + propVar + ")");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    if (Util.isPrimitiveClass(propertyClass))
+    {
+      // TODO: use UIXComponentBase setXXXProperty methods when possible
+      if (propertyClass.equals("boolean"))
+      {
+        // TODO: add back space before ternary operator
+        out.println("setProperty(" + propKey + ", " + propVar + "? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);");
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        String boxedClass = Util.getBoxedClass(propertyClass);
+        out.println("setProperty(" + propKey + ", new " + boxedClass + "(" + propVar + "));");
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      out.println("setProperty(" + propKey + ", (" + propVar + "));");
+    }
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writePropertyGet(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   PropertyBean  property) throws IOException
+  {
+    String propName = property.getPropertyName();
+    String propKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(propName, "_KEY");
+    String propertyFullClass = property.getPropertyClass();
+    String propertyClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(propertyFullClass);
+    String description = property.getDescription();
+    String getMethod = Util.getMethodReaderFromProperty(propName, propertyClass);
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+     if (description != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" * Gets " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+    }
+    if (property.isRequired())
+    {
+      out.println(" * <p>");
+      out.println(" * This is a required property on the component.");
+    }
+    // TODO: put this back in
+    //out.println(" *");
+    //out.println(" * @return  the new " + propName + " value");
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public " + propertyClass + " " + getMethod + "()");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    String resolvableType = _resolveType(propertyFullClass);
+    if (resolvableType != null)
+    {
+      // TODO: change signature of ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter
+      //       to take Object instead of Character
+      if (resolvableType.equals("Character"))
+      {
+        out.println("return ComponentUtils.resolveCharacter((Character)getProperty(" + propKey + "));");
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // TODO: stop specifying default values in the getters
+        String resolveMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("resolve", resolvableType);
+        String propertyDefault = property.getDefaultValue();
+        out.print("return ComponentUtils." + resolveMethod + "(getProperty(" + propKey + ")");
+        if (propertyDefault != null)
+        {
+          out.print(", " + convertStringToLiteral(propertyClass,
+                                                   propertyDefault));
+        }
+        out.println(");");
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      out.println("return (" + propertyClass + ")" +
+                          "(getProperty(" + propKey + "));");
+    }
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeFacetMethods(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   ComponentBean component) throws IOException
+  {
+    Iterator facets = component.facets();
+    while (facets.hasNext())
+    {
+      FacetBean facet = (FacetBean);
+      _writeFacetGet(out, facet);
+      _writeFacetSet(out, facet);
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writeFacetSet(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   FacetBean     facet) throws IOException
+  {
+    String facetName = facet.getFacetName();
+    // TODO: drop the unnecessary "Facet" suffix
+    String facetVar = facetName + "Facet";
+    String facetKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(facetName, "_FACET");
+    String setMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", facetName);
+    String description = facet.getDescription();
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    if (description != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+    }
+    if (facet.isRequired())
+    {
+      out.println(" * <p>");
+      out.println(" * This is a required facet on the component.");
+    }
+    // TODO: put this back in
+    //out.println(" * ");
+    //out.println(" * @param " + facetVar + "  the new " + facetName + " facet");
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public void " + setMethod + "(UIComponent " + facetVar + ")");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("getFacets().put(" + facetKey + ", " + facetVar + ");");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeFacetGet(
+   PrettyWriter  out,
+   FacetBean     facet) throws IOException
+  {
+    String facetName = facet.getFacetName();
+    String facetKey = Util.getConstantNameFromProperty(facetName, "_FACET");
+    String getMethod = Util.getPrefixedPropertyName("get", facetName);
+    String description = facet.getDescription();
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    if (description != null)
+    {
+      out.println(" * " + convertMultilineComment(description));
+    }
+    if (facet.isRequired())
+    {
+      out.println(" * <p>");
+      out.println(" * This is a required facet on the component.");
+    }
+    // TODO: put this back in
+    //out.println(" * ");
+    //out.println(" * @return  the " + facetName + " facet");
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public UIComponent " + getMethod + "()");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("return getFacet(" + facetKey + ");");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeListenerMethods(
+    PrettyWriter  out,
+    ComponentBean component) throws IOException
+  {
+    Iterator events =;
+    while (events.hasNext())
+    {
+      EventRefBean eventRef = (EventRefBean);
+      EventBean event = eventRef.resolveEventType();
+      if (event != null)
+      {
+        _writeListenerAdd(out, event);
+        _writeListenerRemove(out, event);
+        _writeListenersGet(out, event);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private void _writeListenerAdd(
+    PrettyWriter  out,
+    EventBean     event) throws IOException
+  {
+    String listenerFullClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
+    String listenerClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(listenerFullClass);
+    String eventName = event.getEventName();
+    String addMethod = Util.getMethodNameFromEvent("add", eventName, "Listener");
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    out.println(" * Adds a " + eventName + " listener.");
+    out.println(" *");
+    out.println(" * @param listener  the " + eventName + " listener to add");
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public void " + addMethod + "(");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println(listenerClass + " listener)");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("addFacesListener(listener);");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeListenerRemove(
+    PrettyWriter  out,
+    EventBean     event) throws IOException
+  {
+    String listenerFullClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
+    String listenerClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(listenerFullClass);
+    String eventName = event.getEventName();
+    String removeMethod = Util.getMethodNameFromEvent("remove", eventName, "Listener");
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    out.println(" * Removes a " + eventName + " listener.");
+    out.println(" *");
+    out.println(" * @param listener  the " + eventName + " listener to remove");
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public void " + removeMethod + "(");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println(listenerClass + " listener)");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("removeFacesListener(listener);");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeListenersGet(
+    PrettyWriter  out,
+    EventBean     event) throws IOException
+  {
+    String listenerFullClass = event.getEventListenerClass();
+    String listenerClass = Util.getClassFromFullClass(listenerFullClass);
+    String eventName = event.getEventName();
+    String getMethod = Util.getMethodNameFromEvent("get", eventName, "Listeners");
+    out.println();
+    out.println("/**");
+    out.println(" * Returns an array of attached " + eventName + " listeners.");
+    out.println(" *");
+    out.println(" * @return  an array of attached " + eventName + " listeners.");
+    out.println(" */");
+    out.println("final public " + listenerClass + "[] " + getMethod + "()");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    out.println("return (" + listenerClass + "[])" +
+                        "getFacesListeners(" +  listenerClass + ".class);");
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private void _writeTypeLock(
+    PrettyWriter out, ComponentBean component) throws IOException
+  {
+    out.println();
+    out.println("static");
+    out.println("{");
+    out.indent();
+    String rendererType = component.getRendererType();
+    if (rendererType == null)
+    {
+      out.println("TYPE.lock();");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      String componentFamily = component.findComponentFamily();
+      out.println("TYPE.lockAndRegister(\"" + componentFamily + "\"," +
+                  "\"" + rendererType + "\");");
+    }
+    out.unindent();
+    out.println("}");
+  }
+  private String _getPropertyCapabilities(
+    PropertyBean property)
+  {
+    List caps = new ArrayList();
+    if (property.isMethodBinding() ||
+        property.isLiteralOnly())
+    {
+      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_NOT_BOUND");
+    }
+    if (property.isStateHolder())
+    {
+      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_STATE_HOLDER");
+    }
+    if (property.isTransient())
+    {
+      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_TRANSIENT");
+    }
+    if (property.isList())
+    {
+      caps.add("PropertyKey.CAP_LIST");
+    }
+    if (caps.isEmpty())
+      return null;
+    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+    for (int i=0; i < caps.size(); i++)
+    {
+      if (i > 0)
+        sb.append(" | ");
+      sb.append(caps.get(i));
+    }
+    return sb.toString();
+  }
+  private class NonVirtualFilter extends PropertyFilter
+  {
+    protected boolean accept(
+      PropertyBean property)
+    {
+      return (!property.isVirtual());
+    }
+  }
+  private class ResolvableTypeFilter extends PropertyFilter
+  {
+    protected boolean accept(
+      PropertyBean property)
+    {
+      String propertyClass = property.getPropertyClass();
+      String resolvableType = _resolveType(propertyClass);
+      return (resolvableType != null);
+    }
+  }
+  private class IfModifiedFilter extends ComponentFilter
+  {
+    protected boolean accept(
+      ComponentBean component)
+    {
+      String componentClass = component.getComponentClass();
+      String sourcePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(componentClass, ".java");
+      String templatePath = Util.convertClassToSourcePath(componentClass, "");
+      File targetFile = new File(generatedSourceDirectory, sourcePath);
+      File templateFile = new File(templateSourceDirectory, templatePath);
+      // accept if templateFile is newer or component has been modified
+      return (templateFile.lastModified() > targetFile.lastModified() ||
+              component.isModifiedSince(targetFile.lastModified()));
+    }
+  }
+  static private String _resolveType(
+    String className)
+  {
+    return (String)_RESOLVABLE_TYPES.get(className);
+  }
+  static private Map _createResolvableTypes()
+  {
+    Map resolvableTypes = new HashMap();
+    resolvableTypes.put("boolean", "Boolean");
+    resolvableTypes.put("char", "Character");
+    // TODO: put this back in
+    //resolvableTypes.put("java.util.Date", "Date");
+    resolvableTypes.put("int", "Integer");
+    resolvableTypes.put("float", "Float");
+    resolvableTypes.put("java.util.Locale", "Locale");
+    resolvableTypes.put("long", "Long");
+    resolvableTypes.put("java.lang.String", "String");
+    // TODO: put this back in
+    //resolvableTypes.put("java.lang.String[]", "StringArray");
+    resolvableTypes.put("java.util.TimeZone", "TimeZone");
+    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(resolvableTypes);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @parameter expression="${project}"
+   * @readonly
+   */
+  private MavenProject project;
+  /**
+   * @parameter
+   * @readonly
+   */
+  private String resourcePath = "META-INF/maven-faces-plugin/index.lst";
+  /**
+   * @parameter expression="src/main/java-templates"
+   * @required
+   */
+  private File templateSourceDirectory;
+  /**
+   * @parameter expression="${}/maven-faces-plugin/main/java"
+   * @required
+   */
+  private File generatedSourceDirectory;
+  /**
+   * @parameter
+   * @required
+   */
+  private String packageContains;
+  /**
+   * @parameter
+   * @required
+   */
+    private String typePrefix;
+  /**
+   * @parameter
+   */
+  private boolean force;
+  /**
+   * @parameter
+   */
+  private boolean suppressListenerMethods;
+  static final private Map _RESOLVABLE_TYPES = _createResolvableTypes();

Propchange: incubator/adffaces/branches/matzew-repackaging-trinidad/plugins/maven-faces-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadbuild/plugin/faces/
    svn:eol-style = native