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Posted to by on 2013/02/05 21:14:51 UTC

[5/20] Remove the last remnants of the old build system (cherry picked from commit e138596aa72c2ccb577600ac9766520ca721c5e5)
diff --git a/wscript_configure b/wscript_configure
deleted file mode 100644
index d586c9e..0000000
--- a/wscript_configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""examines environment, then:
-	- configures classpath as per environment or command-line options
-	- detects Tomcat (on Windows)
-	- detects or configures directories according to command-line options"""
-import Utils,Node,Options,Logs,Scripting,Environment,Build,Configure
-from os import unlink as _unlink, makedirs as _makedirs, getcwd as _getcwd, chdir as _chdir
-try: from os import getuid as _getuid
-except ImportError: pass
-from os.path import abspath as _abspath, basename as _basename, dirname as _dirname, exists as _exists, isdir as _isdir, split as _split, join as _join, expanduser as _expanduser, sep, pathsep, pardir
-from glob import glob as _glob
-import time
-# list of JARs that provide the build dependencies
-# "j" generally means /usr/share/java
-# when adding a new system JAR file:
-# 1. check the hard_deps variable at the bottom and add the appropriate packaging information,
-# 2. add the RPM package that contains the jarfile into the cloud.spec file, and the DEB package into the debian/control file
-# 3. (the jars specified here will be looked up at runtime with build-classpath, on linux installs)
-systemjars = {
-	'common':
-	(
-		"commons-collections.jar",
-		# "commons-daemon.jar",
-		#"commons-dbcp.jar",
-		"commons-codec.jar",
-		"commons-logging.jar",
-		"commons-logging-api.jar",
-		#"commons-pool.jar",
-		"commons-httpclient.jar",
-		"ws-commons-util.jar",
-		"mysql-connector-java.jar",
-	),
-	'Fedora':
-	(
-		"tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api.jar",
-		"tomcat6-el-2.1-api-6.0.26.jar",
-		"tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api-6.0.26.jar",
-		#"tomcat6/catalina.jar", # all supported distros put the file there
-	),
-	'RHEL':
-	(
-		"tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api.jar",
-		"tomcat6-el-2.1-api-6.0.24.jar",
-		"tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api-6.0.24.jar",
-                "jakarta-taglibs-core-1.1.1.jar",
-                "jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.1.jar",
-                "tomcat6/jasper.jar",
-                "tomcat6/jasper-el.jar",
-                "tomcat6/jasper-jdt.jar",
-	),
-	'CentOS':
-	(
-		"tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api.jar",
-		"tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api-6.0.24.jar",
-		"tomcat6-el-2.1-api-6.0.24.jar",
-                "jakarta-taglibs-core-1.1.1.jar",
-                "jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.1.jar",
-                "tomcat6/jasper.jar",
-                "tomcat6/jasper-el.jar",
-                "tomcat6/jasper-jdt.jar",
-		#"tomcat6/catalina.jar", # all supported distros put the file there
-	),
-	'Ubuntu':
-	(
-		"servlet-api-2.5.jar",
-		"jsp-api-2.1.jar",
-		"jasper.jar",
-		"el-api-2.1.jar",
-		"jasper-el.jar",
-		"ecj.jar",
-		"cglib.jar",
-		"asm3.jar",
-		"jsch.jar",
-		"backport-util-concurrent.jar",
-		"jetty.jar",
-		"jetty-util.jar",
-		"jetty-start-daemon.jar",
-		"jetty-sslengine.jar",
-		"jetty-start.jar",
-		"jna.jar",
-		"log4j-1.2.jar",
-	),
-	'Windows':
-	(
-		"servlet-api.jar", # this ships with Tomcat in lib/
-		#"catalina.jar",
-	),
-	'Mac':
-	(
-		"servlet-api.jar",
-	),
-	'openSUSE':
-	(
-		"tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api.jar",
-		"tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api-6.0.24.jar",
-		"tomcat6-el-1.0-api.jar"
-	),
-	'SLES':
-	(
-		"tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api.jar",
-		"tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api-6.0.24.jar",
-		"tomcat6-el-1.0-api.jar"
-	)
-#A JAR dependency may be:
-#- required during compile-time
-#- required during run-time
-#A JAR file can be available:
-#- in Tomcat lib/
-#- as a Linux system package
-#- in the cloud-deps package
-#- in the cloud-premium package
-# servlet-api:
-#- is required during compile-time
-#- is required during management server run-time
-#- is available in Tomcat lib/ (Windows/Mac) AND as a system package (Linux)
-#  -> ERGO, we do not need to include it 
-#           but it should be named on the SYSTEMJARS (which is then used in the tomcat6.conf to build the MS classpath),
-#           and it should also be in the compile-time CLASSPATH
-# =====================================
-# list of dependencies for configure check
-# (classname,fedora package name,ubuntu package name)
-# when adding a package name here, also add to the spec or debian control file
-hard_deps = [
-	('',"java-devel","openjdk-6-jdk"),
-	('javax.servlet.http.Cookie',"tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api","libservlet2.5-java","(if on Windows,did you set TOMCAT_HOME to point to your Tomcat setup?)"),
-	('org.apache.naming.resources.Constants',"tomcat6-lib","libtomcat6-java","(if on Windows,did you set TOMCAT_HOME to point to your Tomcat setup?)"),
-if Options.options.VERNUM:
-	Version = Options.options.VERNUM
-	Version = "2.2"
-builddate = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S", time.localtime()).replace('.','')
-conf.env.VERSION = Version + "." + builddate
-conf.check_message_1('Detecting distribution')
-if Options.platform == 'win32': conf.env.DISTRO = "Windows"
-elif Options.platform == 'darwin': conf.env.DISTRO = "Mac"
-elif _exists("/etc/network"): conf.env.DISTRO = "Ubuntu"
-elif _exists("/etc/fedora-release"): conf.env.DISTRO = "Fedora"
-elif _exists("/etc/centos-release"): conf.env.DISTRO = "CentOS"
-elif _exists("/etc/redhat-release"):
-    version = file("/etc/redhat-release").readline()
-    if version.find("Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6") != -1:
-        conf.env.DISTRO = "RHEL"
-    elif version.find("CentOS release") != -1:
-        conf.env.DISTRO = "CentOS"
-elif _exists("/etc/SuSE-release"):
-    content = file("/etc/SuSE-release").readlines()
-    supportedVersion = None
-    if content[0].find("SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11") != -1:
-        spLevel = eval(content[-1].split()[-1])
-        if spLevel >= 2:
-            conf.env.DISTRO = "SLES"
-            supportedVersion = 1
-    elif content[0].find("openSUSE") != -1:
-        version = eval(content[1].split()[-1])
-        if version >= 12.1:
-            conf.env.DISTRO = "openSUSE"
-            supportedVersion = 1
-    if not supportedVersion:
-        conf.env.DISTRO = "unknown"
-else: conf.env.DISTRO = "unknown"
-if conf.env.DISTRO == "unknown": c = "YELLOW"
-else: 				    c = "GREEN"
-conf.check_message_1('Detecting installation prefix')
-if Options.options.prefix == Options.default_prefix:
-	if conf.env.DISTRO == 'Windows':
-		conf.env.PREFIX = 'C:\\CloudStack'
-	elif _getuid() != 0: # not root
-		conf.env.PREFIX = _join(_expanduser("~"),"cloudstack")
-if conf.env.DISTRO == 'Windows':
-	# waf uses slashes somewhere along the line in some paths.  we fix them on windows.
-	for pth in [ x for x in conf.env.get_merged_dict().keys() if x.endswith("DIR") ]:
-		if not pth: continue
-		if not conf.env[pth]: continue
-		conf.env[pth] = conf.env[pth].replace("/","\\")
-try: conf.check_tool('mkisofs')
-except Configure.ConfigurationError,e:
-	raise Configure.ConfigurationError, "The program genisoimage (or mkisofs) could not be found.\nOn Linux: ./waf installrpmdeps or ./waf installdebdeps according to your distro's package format.\nOn Windows: Use cygwin to install the mkisofs package, then ensure that the program is in your PATH."
-conf.check_message_1('Detecting Python MySQL module')
-try: import MySQLdb
-except ImportError,e:
-	raise Configure.ConfigurationError, "The Python MySQLdb module could not be found.\nOn Linux: ./waf installrpmdeps or ./waf installdebdeps according to your distro's package format.\nOn Windows: Install MySQL 5.1 on your machine, then install the Python MySQLdb module for Python %s.\nThe module for Python 2.6 / win32 / MySQL 5.1 is available here:"%conf.env.PYTHON_VERSION
-conf.check_message_1('Database info for developer setup')
-for a in "DBHOST DBUSER DBPW".split(): conf.env[a] = getattr(Options.options, a, '')
-conf.check_message_2("user: %r, password: %r, host: %r"%(conf.env.DBUSER,conf.env.DBPW,conf.env.DBHOST),'GREEN')
-try: conf.check_tool("tomcat")
-except Configure.ConfigurationError,e:
-	conf.fatal("Tomcat directory %r not found.  Either install Tomcat using ./waf installrpmdeps or ./waf installdebdeps, or manually install Tomcat to a directory in your system and set the environment variable TOMCAT_HOME to point to it."%conf.env.TOMCATHOME)
-conf.env.COMMONPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"common")
-conf.env.AGENTPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"agent")
-conf.env.CPPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"console-proxy")
-conf.env.IPALLOCATORPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"ipallocator")
-conf.env.MSPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"management")
-conf.env.USAGEPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"usage")
-conf.env.SETUPPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"setup")
-conf.env.SERVERPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"server")
-if conf.env.DISTRO in ['Windows','Mac']:
-	conf.env.MSENVIRON = conf.env.TOMCATHOME
-	conf.env.MSCONF  = _join(conf.env.TOMCATHOME,"conf")
-	conf.env.MSLOGDIR = _join(conf.env.TOMCATHOME,"logs")
-	conf.env.MSMNTDIR = _join(conf.env.TOMCATHOME,"mnt")
-        conf.env.JAVADIR = _join(conf.env.MSENVIRON,"lib")
-	conf.env.PREMIUMJAVADIR = conf.env.JAVADIR
-	conf.env.PLUGINJAVADIR = conf.env.JAVADIR
-	conf.env.SYSTEMJAVADIR = conf.env.JAVADIR
-	conf.env.MSENVIRON = _join(conf.env.DATADIR,conf.env.MSPATH)
-	conf.env.MSCONF    = _join(conf.env.SYSCONFDIR,conf.env.MSPATH)
-	conf.env.MSLOGDIR = _join(conf.env.LOCALSTATEDIR,"log",conf.env.MSPATH)
-	conf.env.MSMNTDIR = _join(conf.env.SHAREDSTATEDIR,conf.env.PACKAGE,"mnt")
-	conf.check_tool('compiler_cc')
-	conf.check_cc(lib='dl')
-	conf.check_tool('usermgmt')
-	conf.check_message_1('Determining management server user name')
-	msuser = getattr(Options.options, 'MSUSER', '')
-	if msuser:
-		conf.env.MSUSER = msuser
-		conf.check_message_2("%s (forced through --tomcat-user)"%conf.env.MSUSER,"GREEN")
-	else:
-		conf.env.MSUSER = conf.env.PACKAGE
-		conf.check_message_2("%s (Linux default)"%conf.env.MSUSER,"GREEN")
-	conf.check_tool("javadir")
-	conf.env.PREMIUMJAVADIR = _join(conf.env.JAVADIR,"%s-premium"%conf.env.PACKAGE)
-	conf.env.PLUGINJAVADIR = _join(conf.env.JAVADIR,"%s-plugins"%conf.env.PACKAGE)
-	conf.env.SYSTEMJAVADIR = "/usr/share/java"
-in_javadir = lambda name: _join(conf.env.JAVADIR,_basename(name)) # $PREFIX/share/java
-in_system_javadir = lambda name: _join(conf.env.SYSTEMJAVADIR,name) # /usr/share/java
-in_premiumjavadir = lambda name: _join(conf.env.PREMIUMJAVADIR,name) # $PREFIX/share/java/cloud-premium
-conf.env.COMMONLIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LIBDIR}","${COMMONPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.AGENTLIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LIBDIR}","${AGENTPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.AGENTSYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${AGENTPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.AGENTLOGDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LOCALSTATEDIR}","log","${AGENTPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.USAGELOGDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LOCALSTATEDIR}","log","${USAGEPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.USAGESYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${USAGEPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CPLIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LIBDIR}","${CPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CPSYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${CPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CPLOGDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LOCALSTATEDIR}","log","${CPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.MSLOG = _join(conf.env.MSLOGDIR,"management-server.log")
-conf.env.AWSAPILOG = _join(conf.env.MSLOGDIR,"awsapi.log")
-conf.env.APISERVERLOG = _join(conf.env.MSLOGDIR,"api-server.log")
-conf.env.AGENTLOG = _join(conf.env.AGENTLOGDIR,"agent.log")
-conf.env.USAGELOG = _join(conf.env.USAGELOGDIR,"usage.log")
-conf.env.CPLOG = _join(conf.env.CPLOGDIR,"console-proxy.log")
-conf.env.SETUPDATADIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${DATADIR}","${SETUPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.SERVERSYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${SERVERPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.PIDDIR = _join(conf.env.LOCALSTATEDIR,"run")
-conf.env.LOCKDIR = _join(conf.env.LOCALSTATEDIR,"lock","subsys")
-conf.check_message_1('Building classpaths')
-# == Here we build the run-time classpaths ==
-# The system classpath points to JARs we expect the user has installed using distro packages
-# not used for Windows and Mac (except for servlet-api.jar) because we install them from the thirdparty/ directory
-sysjars = list(systemjars['common'])
-if conf.env.DISTRO in systemjars.keys(): sysjars = sysjars + list(systemjars[conf.env.DISTRO])
-conf.env.SYSTEMJARS = " ".join(sysjars) # used by build-classpath in the initscripts
-conf.env.SYSTEMCLASSPATH = pathsep.join([ in_system_javadir(x) for x in sysjars ]) # used for compile, waf run and simulate_agent
-# the deps classpath points to JARs that are installed in the cloud-deps package
-# these will install on Tomcat6's lib/ directory on Windows and Mac
-depsclasspath = [ in_javadir(_basename(x)) for x in _glob(_join(conf.srcdir,"deps","*.jar")) ]
-conf.env.DEPSCLASSPATH = pathsep.join(depsclasspath)
-# the MS classpath points to JARs required to run the management server
-msclasspath = [ in_javadir("%s-%s.jar"%(conf.env.PACKAGE,x)) for x in "utils api core server server-extras core-extras vmware-base ovm dp-user-concentrated-pod dp-user-dispersing host-allocator-random plugin-f5 plugin-netscaler plugin-ovs plugin-srx storage-allocator-random user-authenticator-ldap user-authenticator-md5 user-authenticator-plaintext vmware plugin-hypervisor-xen plugin-nicira-nvp plugin-elb plugin-netapp plugin-bigswitch-vns".split() ]
-conf.env.MSCLASSPATH = pathsep.join(msclasspath)
-# the agent and simulator classpaths point to JARs required to run these two applications
-agentclasspath = [ in_javadir("%s-%s.jar"%(conf.env.PACKAGE,x)) for x in "utils api core server server-extras agent console-common console-proxy core-extras agent-extras plugin-hypervisor-kvm".split() ]
-conf.env.AGENTCLASSPATH = pathsep.join(agentclasspath)
-conf.env.AGENTSIMULATORCLASSPATH = pathsep.join(agentclasspath+[in_javadir("%s-agent-simulator.jar"%conf.env.PACKAGE)])
-usageclasspath = [ in_javadir("%s-%s.jar"%(conf.env.PACKAGE,x)) for x in "utils api core server server-extras usage core-extras".split() ]
-conf.env.USAGECLASSPATH = pathsep.join(usageclasspath)
-# the premium classpath was ELIMINATED
-# CloudStack now detects the premium classpath at runtime by iterating through the JAR files in @PREMIUMJAVADIR@
-# premium JARs will install on Tomcat6's lib/ directory on Windows and Mac
-# The compile path is composed of the
-# 1. source directories (without including the JARs)
-# JARs are not included because in case of parallel compilation (IOW, all the time), javac picks up half-written JARs and die
-compilecp = []# list(srcdirs)
-# 2.b) the deps/ directory in the source if on Linux
-# 2.a) the thirdparty/ directory if available
-if conf.env.DISTRO in ["Windows","Mac"]:
-	pass
-	compilecp+= _glob(_join("deps","*.jar"))
-compilecp+= _glob(_join("cloudstack-proprietary","thirdparty","*.jar"))
-# 3. the system classpath (system-installed JARs)
-compilecp+= [ conf.env.SYSTEMCLASSPATH ]
-compilecp+= _glob(_join(conf.env.TOMCATHOME,'bin',"*.jar"))
-compilecp+= _glob(_join(conf.env.TOMCATHOME,'lib',"*.jar"))
-conf.env.CLASSPATH = pathsep.join(compilecp)
-# log4j config and property config files require backslash escapes on Windows
-conf.env.COMMONLIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LIBDIR}","${COMMONPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.AGENTLIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LIBDIR}","${AGENTPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.AGENTSYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${AGENTPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.AGENTLOGDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LOCALSTATEDIR}","log","${AGENTPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.USAGELOGDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LOCALSTATEDIR}","log","${USAGEPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.USAGESYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${USAGEPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CPLIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LIBDIR}","${CPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CPSYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${CPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CPLOGDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LOCALSTATEDIR}","log","${CPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CLIPATH = _join(conf.env.PACKAGE,"cli")
-conf.env.IPALLOCATORLIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LIBDIR}","${IPALLOCATORPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.IPALLOCATORSYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${IPALLOCATORPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.IPALLOCATORLOGDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${LOCALSTATEDIR}","log","${IPALLOCATORPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.MSLOG = _join(conf.env.MSLOGDIR,"management-server.log")
-conf.env.APISERVERLOG = _join(conf.env.MSLOGDIR,"api-server.log")
-conf.env.AGENTLOG = _join(conf.env.AGENTLOGDIR,"agent.log")
-conf.env.USAGELOG = _join(conf.env.USAGELOGDIR,"usage.log")
-conf.env.CPLOG = _join(conf.env.CPLOGDIR,"console-proxy.log")
-conf.env.IPALOCATORLOG = _join(conf.env.IPALLOCATORLOGDIR,"ipallocator.log")
-conf.env.SETUPDATADIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${DATADIR}","${SETUPPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.CLIDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${CLIPATH}"),conf.env)
-conf.env.SERVERSYSCONFDIR = Utils.subst_vars(_join("${SYSCONFDIR}","${SERVERPATH}"),conf.env)
-if conf.env.DISTRO in ["Windows"]:
-	for log in "MSLOG APISERVERLOG AGENTLIBDIR USAGELOG AGENTLOG".split(): conf.env[log] = conf.env[log].replace("\\","\\\\")
-no_java_class = lambda x: conf.check_java_class(x,with_classpath=conf.env.CLASSPATH) != 0
-def require_dependency(javacls,packagenames):
-	if no_java_class(javacls):
-		conf.fatal("Cannot find the Java class %s (available in the distro packages: %s)"%(
-			javacls, ", ".join(packagenames)))
-def check_dependencies(deps):
-	for d in deps:
-		cls,pkgs = d[0],d[1:]
-		require_dependency(cls,pkgs)
-if not getattr(Options.options, 'NODEPCHECK', ''): check_dependencies(hard_deps)
-Utils.pprint("WHITE","Configure finished.  Use 'python waf showconfig' to show the configure-time environment.")