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[6/7] AMBARI-3810. Unittests for File resource an all it's attributes (Eugene Chekanskiy via dlysnichenko)
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1256717..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from unittest import TestCase
-import unittest
-import os
-import tempfile
-from ambari_agent.HostCheckReportFileHandler import HostCheckReportFileHandler
-import logging
-import ConfigParser
-class TestHostCheckReportFileHandler(TestCase):
-  logger = logging.getLogger()
-  def test_write_host_check_report_really_empty(self):
-    tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
-    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    config.add_section('agent')
-    config.set('agent', 'prefix', os.path.dirname(tmpfile))
-    handler = HostCheckReportFileHandler(config)
-    dict = {}
-    handler.writeHostCheckFile(dict)
-    configValidator = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    configPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tmpfile), HostCheckReportFileHandler.HOST_CHECK_FILE)
-    if configValidator.has_section('users'):
-      users = configValidator.get('users', 'usr_list')
-      self.assertEquals(users, '')
-  def test_write_host_check_report_empty(self):
-    tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
-    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    config.add_section('agent')
-    config.set('agent', 'prefix', os.path.dirname(tmpfile))
-    handler = HostCheckReportFileHandler(config)
-    dict = {}
-    dict['hostHealth'] = {}
-    dict['existingUsers'] = []
-    dict['alternatives'] = []
-    dict['stackFoldersAndFiles'] = []
-    dict['hostHealth']['activeJavaProcs'] = []
-    dict['installedPackages'] = []
-    dict['existingRepos'] = []
-    handler.writeHostCheckFile(dict)
-    configValidator = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    configPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tmpfile), HostCheckReportFileHandler.HOST_CHECK_FILE)
-    users = configValidator.get('users', 'usr_list')
-    users = configValidator.get('users', 'usr_homedir_list')
-    self.assertEquals(users, '')
-    names = configValidator.get('alternatives', 'symlink_list')
-    targets = configValidator.get('alternatives', 'target_list')
-    self.assertEquals(names, '')
-    self.assertEquals(targets, '')
-    paths = configValidator.get('directories', 'dir_list')
-    self.assertEquals(paths, '')
-    procs = configValidator.get('processes', 'proc_list')
-    self.assertEquals(procs, '')
-    pkgs = configValidator.get('packages', 'pkg_list')
-    self.assertEquals(pkgs, '')
-    repos = configValidator.get('repositories', 'repo_list')
-    self.assertEquals(repos, '')
-    time = configValidator.get('metadata', 'created')
-    self.assertTrue(time != None)
-  def test_write_host_check_report(self):
-    tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
-    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    config.add_section('agent')
-    config.set('agent', 'prefix', os.path.dirname(tmpfile))
-    handler = HostCheckReportFileHandler(config)
-    dict = {}
-    dict['hostHealth'] = {}
-    dict['existingUsers'] = [{'name':'user1', 'homeDir':'/var/log', 'status':'Exists'}]
-    dict['alternatives'] = [
-      {'name':'/etc/alternatives/hadoop-conf', 'target':'/etc/hadoop/conf.dist'},
-      {'name':'/etc/alternatives/hbase-conf', 'target':'/etc/hbase/conf.1'}
-    ]
-    dict['stackFoldersAndFiles'] = [{'name':'/a/b', 'type':'directory'},{'name':'/a/b.txt', 'type':'file'}]
-    dict['hostHealth']['activeJavaProcs'] = [
-      {'pid':355,'hadoop':True,'command':'some command','user':'root'},
-      {'pid':455,'hadoop':True,'command':'some command','user':'hdfs'}
-    ]
-    dict['installedPackages'] = [
-      {'name':'hadoop','version':'3.2.3','repoName':'HDP'},
-      {'name':'hadoop-lib','version':'3.2.3','repoName':'HDP'}
-    ]
-    dict['existingRepos'] = ['HDP', 'HDP-epel']
-    handler.writeHostCheckFile(dict)
-    configValidator = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    configPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tmpfile), HostCheckReportFileHandler.HOST_CHECK_FILE)
-    users = configValidator.get('users', 'usr_list')
-    homedirs = configValidator.get('users', 'usr_homedir_list')
-    self.assertEquals(users, 'user1')
-    self.assertEquals(homedirs, '/var/log')
-    names = configValidator.get('alternatives', 'symlink_list')
-    targets = configValidator.get('alternatives', 'target_list')
-    self.chkItemsEqual(names, ['/etc/alternatives/hadoop-conf', '/etc/alternatives/hbase-conf'])
-    self.chkItemsEqual(targets, ['/etc/hadoop/conf.dist','/etc/hbase/conf.1'])
-    paths = configValidator.get('directories', 'dir_list')
-    self.chkItemsEqual(paths, ['/a/b','/a/b.txt'])
-    procs = configValidator.get('processes', 'proc_list')
-    self.chkItemsEqual(procs, ['455', '355'])
-    pkgs = configValidator.get('packages', 'pkg_list')
-    self.chkItemsEqual(pkgs, ['hadoop', 'hadoop-lib'])
-    repos = configValidator.get('repositories', 'repo_list')
-    self.chkItemsEqual(repos, ['HDP', 'HDP-epel'])
-    time = configValidator.get('metadata', 'created')
-    self.assertTrue(time != None)
-  def chkItemsEqual(self, commaDelimited, items):
-    items1 = commaDelimited.split(',')
-    items1.sort()
-    items.sort()
-    items1Str = ','.join(items1)
-    items2Str = ','.join(items)
-    self.assertEquals(items1Str, items2Str)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  unittest.main(verbosity=2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3534195..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from unittest import TestCase
-import unittest
-from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock, call, create_autospec
-from ambari_agent import HostCleanup
-import StringIO
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import os.path
-import optparse
-import logging
-PACKAGE_SECTION = "packages"
-PACKAGE_KEY = "pkg_list"
-USER_SECTION = "users"
-USER_KEY = "usr_list"
-REPO_SECTION = "repositories"
-REPOS_KEY = "pkg_list"
-DIR_SECTION = "directories"
-DIR_KEY = "dir_list"
-PROCESS_SECTION = "processes"
-PROCESS_KEY = "proc_list"
-ALT_SECTION = "alternatives"
-ALT_KEYS = ["symlink_list", "target_list"]
-ALT_ERASE_CMD = "alternatives --remove {0} {1}"
-USER_HOMEDIR_SECTION = "usr_homedir"
-class TestHostCleanup(TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    HostCleanup.logger = MagicMock()
-    self.hostcleanup = HostCleanup.HostCleanup()
-    # disable stdout
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-  def tearDown(self):
-    # enable stdout
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  def test_read_host_check_file_with_content(self):
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
-    f = open(tmpfile,'w')
-    fileContent = """[processes]
-proc_list = 323,434
-usr_list = rrdcached,ambari-qa,hive,oozie,hbase,hcat,mysql,mapred,hdfs,zookeeper,sqoop,nagios
-repo_list = HDP-1.3.0,HDP-epel
-dir_list = /etc/hadoop,/etc/hbase,/etc/hcatalog,/tmp/hive,/tmp/nagios,/var/nagios
-symlink_list = hcatalog-conf,hadoop-default,hadoop-log,oozie-conf
-target_list = /etc/hcatalog/conf.dist,/usr/share/man/man1/hadoop.1.gz,/etc/oozie/conf.dist,/usr/lib/hadoop
-pkg_list = sqoop.noarch,hadoop-libhdfs.x86_64,rrdtool.x86_64,ganglia-gmond.x86_64
-created = 2013-07-02 20:39:22.162757"""
-    f.write(fileContent)
-    f.close()
-    propMap = self.hostcleanup.read_host_check_file(tmpfile)
-    self.assertTrue("323" in propMap["processes"])
-    self.assertTrue("mysql" in propMap["users"])
-    self.assertTrue("HDP-epel" in propMap["repositories"])
-    self.assertTrue("/etc/hadoop" in propMap["directories"])
-    self.assertTrue("hcatalog-conf" in propMap["alternatives"]["symlink_list"])
-    self.assertTrue("/etc/oozie/conf.dist" in propMap["alternatives"]["target_list"])
-    self.assertTrue("hadoop-libhdfs.x86_64" in propMap["packages"])
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  class HostCleanupOptions:
-    def __init__(self, outputfile, inputfile, skip, verbose, silent):
-      self.outputfile = outputfile
-      self.inputfile = inputfile
-      self.skip = skip
-      self.verbose = verbose
-      self.silent = silent
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup, 'get_YN_input')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_cleanup')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'is_current_user_root')
-  @patch.object(logging.FileHandler, 'setFormatter')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup,'read_host_check_file')
-  @patch.object(logging,'basicConfig')
-  @patch.object(logging, 'FileHandler')
-  @patch.object(optparse.OptionParser, 'parse_args')
-  def test_options(self, parser_mock, file_handler_mock, logging_mock, read_host_check_file_mock,
-                   set_formatter_mock, user_root_mock, do_cleanup_mock, get_yn_input_mock):
-    parser_mock.return_value = (TestHostCleanup.HostCleanupOptions('/someoutputfile', '/someinputfile', '', False,
-                                                                   False), [])
-    file_handler_mock.return_value = logging.FileHandler('') # disable creating real file
-    user_root_mock.return_value = True
-    get_yn_input_mock.return_value = True
-    HostCleanup.main()
-    # test --out
-    file_handler_mock.assert_called_with('/someoutputfile')
-    # test --skip
-    self.assertEquals([''],HostCleanup.SKIP_LIST)
-    #test --verbose
-    logging_mock.assert_called_with(level=logging.INFO)
-    # test --in
-    read_host_check_file_mock.assert_called_with('/someinputfile')
-    self.assertTrue(get_yn_input_mock.called)
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup, 'get_YN_input')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_cleanup')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'is_current_user_root')
-  @patch.object(logging.FileHandler, 'setFormatter')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup,'read_host_check_file')
-  @patch.object(logging,'basicConfig')
-  @patch.object(logging, 'FileHandler')
-  @patch.object(optparse.OptionParser, 'parse_args')
-  def test_options_silent(self, parser_mock, file_handler_mock, logging_mock, read_host_check_file_mock,
-                   set_formatter_mock, user_root_mock, do_cleanup_mock, get_yn_input_mock):
-    parser_mock.return_value = (TestHostCleanup.HostCleanupOptions('/someoutputfile', '/someinputfile', '', False,
-                                                                   True), [])
-    file_handler_mock.return_value = logging.FileHandler('') # disable creating real file
-    user_root_mock.return_value = True
-    get_yn_input_mock.return_value = True
-    HostCleanup.main()
-    # test --out
-    file_handler_mock.assert_called_with('/someoutputfile')
-    # test --skip
-    self.assertEquals([''],HostCleanup.SKIP_LIST)
-    #test --verbose
-    logging_mock.assert_called_with(level=logging.INFO)
-    # test --in
-    read_host_check_file_mock.assert_called_with('/someinputfile')
-    self.assertFalse(get_yn_input_mock.called)
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_alternatives')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'find_repo_files_for_repos')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_os_type')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_kill_processes')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_files_silent')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_dir_silent')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_delete_users')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_packages')
-  def test_do_cleanup_all(self, do_erase_packages_method, do_delete_users_method,
-                      do_erase_dir_silent_method,
-                      do_erase_files_silent_method, do_kill_processes_method,
-                      get_os_type_method, find_repo_files_for_repos_method,
-                      do_erase_alternatives_method):
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    propertyMap = {PACKAGE_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'], USER_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   REPO_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'], DIR_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   PROCESS_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   ALT_SECTION:{ALT_KEYS[0]:['alt1','alt2'], ALT_KEYS[1]:[
-                     'dir1']}, USER_HOMEDIR_SECTION:['decf']}
-    get_os_type_method.return_value = 'redhat'
-    find_repo_files_for_repos_method.return_value = ['abcd', 'pqrst']
-    self.hostcleanup.do_cleanup(propertyMap)
-    self.assertTrue(do_delete_users_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_dir_silent_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_files_silent_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_packages_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_kill_processes_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_alternatives_method.called)
-    calls = [call(['decf']), call(['abcd', 'pqrst'])]
-    do_erase_dir_silent_method.assert_has_calls(calls)
-    do_erase_packages_method.assert_called_once_with(['abcd', 'pqrst'])
-    do_erase_files_silent_method.assert_called_once_with(['abcd', 'pqrst'])
-    do_delete_users_method.assert_called_once_with(['abcd', 'pqrst'])
-    do_kill_processes_method.assert_called_once_with(['abcd', 'pqrst'])
-    do_erase_alternatives_method.assert_called_once_with({ALT_KEYS[0]:['alt1',
-                                              'alt2'], ALT_KEYS[1]:['dir1']})
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_delete_by_owner')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_user_ids')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_alternatives')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'find_repo_files_for_repos')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_os_type')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_kill_processes')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_files_silent')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_dir_silent')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_delete_users')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_packages')
-  def test_do_cleanup_default(self, do_erase_packages_method, do_delete_users_method,
-                      do_erase_dir_silent_method,
-                      do_erase_files_silent_method, do_kill_processes_method,
-                      get_os_type_method, find_repo_files_for_repos_method,
-                      do_erase_alternatives_method, get_user_ids_method,
-                      do_delete_by_owner_method):
-    global SKIP_LIST
-    oldSkipList = HostCleanup.SKIP_LIST
-    HostCleanup.SKIP_LIST = ["users"]
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    propertyMap = {PACKAGE_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'], USER_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   REPO_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'], DIR_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   PROCESS_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   ALT_SECTION:{ALT_KEYS[0]:['alt1','alt2'], ALT_KEYS[1]:[
-                     'dir1']}}
-    get_os_type_method.return_value = 'redhat'
-    find_repo_files_for_repos_method.return_value = ['abcd', 'pqrst']
-    self.hostcleanup.do_cleanup(propertyMap)
-    self.assertFalse(do_delete_by_owner_method.called)
-    self.assertFalse(get_user_ids_method.called)
-    self.assertFalse(do_delete_users_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_dir_silent_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_files_silent_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_packages_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_kill_processes_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_alternatives_method.called)
-    HostCleanup.SKIP_LIST = oldSkipList
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'find_repo_files_for_repos')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_os_type')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_kill_processes')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_files_silent')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_dir_silent')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_delete_users')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_packages')
-  def test_do_cleanup_with_skip(self, do_erase_packages_method,
-                      do_delete_users_method,
-                      do_erase_dir_silent_method,
-                      do_erase_files_silent_method, do_kill_processes_method,
-                      get_os_type_method, find_repo_files_for_repos_method):
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    propertyMap = {PACKAGE_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'], USER_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   REPO_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'], DIR_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst'],
-                   PROCESS_SECTION:['abcd', 'pqrst']}
-    get_os_type_method.return_value = 'redhat'
-    find_repo_files_for_repos_method.return_value = ['abcd', 'pqrst']
-    self.hostcleanup.do_cleanup(propertyMap)
-    self.assertTrue(do_delete_users_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_dir_silent_method.called)
-    self.assertFalse(do_erase_files_silent_method.called)
-    self.assertFalse(do_erase_packages_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(do_kill_processes_method.called)
-    calls = [call(None), call(['abcd', 'pqrst'])]
-    do_erase_dir_silent_method.assert_has_calls(calls)
-    do_delete_users_method.assert_called_once_with(['abcd', 'pqrst'])
-    do_kill_processes_method.assert_called_once_with(['abcd', 'pqrst'])
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_dir_silent')
-  @patch("os.stat")
-  @patch("os.path.join")
-  @patch("os.listdir")
-  def test_do_delete_by_owner(self, listdir_mock, join_mock, stat_mock, do_erase_dir_silent_method):
-    listdir_mock.return_value = ["k", "j"]
-    join_mock.return_value = "path"
-    response = MagicMock()
-    response.st_uid = 1
-    stat_mock.return_value = response
-    self.hostcleanup.do_delete_by_owner([1, 2], ["a"])
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_dir_silent_method.called)
-    calls = [call(["path"]), call(["path"])]
-    do_erase_dir_silent_method.assert_has_calls(calls)
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'run_os_command')
-  def test_do_delete_users(self, run_os_command_mock):
-    run_os_command_mock.return_value = (1, "", "")
-    self.hostcleanup.do_delete_users(["a", "b"])
-    self.assertTrue(run_os_command_mock.called)
-    calls = [call('userdel -rf a'), call('userdel -rf b'), call('groupdel hadoop')]
-    run_os_command_mock.assert_has_calls(calls)
-  @patch("ConfigParser.RawConfigParser")
-  @patch("")
-  def test_read_host_check_file(self, openMock, readMock):
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    f = MagicMock()
-    openMock.return_value = f
-    propertyMap = self.hostcleanup.read_host_check_file('test')
-    self.assertTrue(openMock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(readMock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(propertyMap.has_key(PACKAGE_SECTION))
-    self.assertTrue(propertyMap.has_key(REPO_SECTION))
-    self.assertTrue(propertyMap.has_key(USER_SECTION))
-    self.assertTrue(propertyMap.has_key(DIR_SECTION))
-    self.assertTrue(propertyMap.has_key(PROCESS_SECTION))
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'run_os_command')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_os_type')
-  def test_do_earse_packages(self, get_os_type_method, run_os_command_method):
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    get_os_type_method.return_value = 'redhat'
-    run_os_command_method.return_value = (0, 'success', 'success')
-    retval = self.hostcleanup.do_erase_packages(['abcd', 'wxyz'])
-    self.assertTrue(get_os_type_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(run_os_command_method.called)
-    run_os_command_method.assert_called_with("yum erase -y {0}".format(' '
-    .join(['abcd', 'wxyz'])))
-    self.assertEquals(0, retval)
-    get_os_type_method.reset()
-    run_os_command_method.reset()
-    get_os_type_method.return_value = 'suse'
-    run_os_command_method.return_value = (0, 'success', 'success')
-    retval = self.hostcleanup.do_erase_packages(['abcd', 'wxyz'])
-    self.assertTrue(get_os_type_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(run_os_command_method.called)
-    run_os_command_method.assert_called_with("zypper -n -q remove {0}"
-    .format(' '.join(['abcd', 'wxyz'])))
-    self.assertEquals(0, retval)
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_files_in_dir')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_os_type')
-  def test_find_repo_files_for_repos(self, get_os_type_method,
-                                    get_files_in_dir_method):
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
-    fileContent = """[###]
-name=sd des derft 3.1
-    with open(tmpfile,'w') as file:
-      file.write(fileContent)
-    get_os_type_method.return_value = 'redhat'
-    get_files_in_dir_method.return_value = [ tmpfile ]
-    repoFiles = self.hostcleanup.find_repo_files_for_repos(['aass'])
-    self.assertTrue(get_files_in_dir_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(get_os_type_method.called)
-    self.assertEquals(repoFiles, [ tmpfile ])
-    repoFiles = self.hostcleanup.find_repo_files_for_repos(['sd des derft 3.1'])
-    self.assertTrue(get_files_in_dir_method.called)
-    self.assertTrue(get_os_type_method.called)
-    self.assertEquals(repoFiles, [ tmpfile ])
-    repoFiles = self.hostcleanup.find_repo_files_for_repos(['sd des derft 3.1', 'aass'])
-    self.assertEquals(repoFiles, [ tmpfile ])
-    repoFiles = self.hostcleanup.find_repo_files_for_repos(['saas'])
-    self.assertEquals(repoFiles, [])
-    repoFiles = self.hostcleanup.find_repo_files_for_repos([''])
-    self.assertEquals(repoFiles, [])
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'run_os_command')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'do_erase_dir_silent')
-  @patch.object(HostCleanup.HostCleanup, 'get_alternatives_desc')
-  def test_do_erase_alternatives(self, get_alternatives_desc_mock,
-                    do_erase_dir_silent_mock, run_os_command_mock):
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    get_alternatives_desc_mock.return_value = 'somepath to alternative\n'
-    run_os_command_mock.return_value = (0, None, None)
-    alt_map = {ALT_KEYS[0]:['alt1'], ALT_KEYS[1]:['dir1']}
-    self.hostcleanup.do_erase_alternatives(alt_map)
-    self.assertTrue(get_alternatives_desc_mock.called)
-    get_alternatives_desc_mock.called_once_with('alt1')
-    self.assertTrue(run_os_command_mock.called)
-    run_os_command_mock.called_once_with(ALT_ERASE_CMD.format('alt1', 'somepath'))
-    self.assertTrue(do_erase_dir_silent_mock.called)
-    do_erase_dir_silent_mock.called_once_with(['dir1'])
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 95712f0..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from unittest import TestCase
-import logging
-import unittest
-import subprocess
-from mock.mock import patch
-from mock.mock import MagicMock
-from mock.mock import create_autospec
-from ambari_agent.HostCheckReportFileHandler import HostCheckReportFileHandler
-from ambari_agent.PackagesAnalyzer import PackagesAnalyzer
-from ambari_agent.HostInfo import HostInfo
-from ambari_agent.Hardware import Hardware
-from ambari_agent.AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
-class TestHostInfo(TestCase):
-  logger = logging.getLogger()
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'hasZypper')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'subprocessWithTimeout')
-  def test_analyze_zypper_out(self, spwt_mock, hasZy_mock):
-    packageAnalyzer = PackagesAnalyzer()
-    stringToRead = """Refreshing service 'susecloud'.
-           Loading repository data...
-           Reading installed packages...
-           S | Name                              | Type    | Version                | Arch   | Repository
-           --+-----------------------------------+---------+------------------------+--------+----------------------
-           i | ConsoleKit                        | package | 0.2.10-64.65.1         | x86_64 | SLES11-SP1-Updates
-           i | gweb                              | package | 2.2.0-99               | noarch | Hortonworks Data Platform Utils Version - HDP-UTILS-
-           i | hadoop                            | package |      | x86_64 | HDP
-           i | hadoop-libhdfs                    | package |      | x86_64 | HDP
-           i | ambari-server                     | package |              | noarch | Ambari 1.x
-           i | hdp_mon_ganglia_addons            | package |              | noarch | Ambari 1.x
-           i | Minimal                           | pattern | 11-38.13.9             | x86_64 | SLES11-SP1"""
-    result = {}
-    result['out'] = stringToRead
-    result['err'] = ""
-    result['retCode'] = 0
-    spwt_mock.return_value = result
-    hasZy_mock.return_value = True
-    installedPackages = []
-    packageAnalyzer.allInstalledPackages(installedPackages)
-    self.assertEqual(7, len(installedPackages))
-    self.assertTrue(installedPackages[1][0], "gweb")
-    self.assertTrue(installedPackages[3][2], "HDP")
-    self.assertTrue(installedPackages[6][1], "11-38.13.9")
-  def test_getReposToRemove(self):
-    l1 = ["Hortonworks Data Platform Utils Version - HDP-UTILS-", "Ambari 1.x", "HDP"]
-    l2 = ["Ambari", "HDP-UTIL"]
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    l3 = hostInfo.getReposToRemove(l1, l2)
-    self.assertTrue(1, len(l3))
-    self.assertEqual(l3[0], "HDP")
-    l1 = ["", "HDP-1.3.0"]
-    l3 = hostInfo.getReposToRemove(l1, l2)
-    self.assertTrue(1, len(l3))
-    self.assertEqual(l3[0], "HDP-1.3.0")
-  def test_perform_package_analysis(self):
-    packageAnalyzer = PackagesAnalyzer()
-    installedPackages = [
-      ["hadoop-a", "2.3", "HDP"], ["zk", "3.1", "HDP"], ["webhcat", "3.1", "HDP"],
-      ["hadoop-b", "2.3", "HDP-epel"], ["epel", "3.1", "HDP-epel"], ["epel-2", "3.1", "HDP-epel"],
-      ["hadoop-c", "2.3", "Ambari"], ["ambari-s", "3.1", "Ambari"],
-      ["nagios", "2.3", "NAGIOS"], ["rrd", "3.1", "RRD"],
-      ["keeper-1", "2.3", "NAGIOS"], ["keeper-2", "3.1", "base"],["def-def.x86", "2.2", "DEF.3"],
-      ["def.1", "1.2", "NewDEF"]
-    ]
-    availablePackages = [
-      ["hadoop-d", "2.3", "HDP"], ["zk-2", "3.1", "HDP"], ["pig", "3.1", "HDP"],
-      ["epel-3", "2.3", "HDP-epel"], ["hadoop-e", "3.1", "HDP-epel"],
-      ["ambari-a", "3.1", "Ambari"],
-      ["keeper-3", "3.1", "base"]
-    ]
-    packagesToLook = ["webhcat", "hadoop", "*-def"]
-    reposToIgnore = ["ambari"]
-    additionalPackages = ["nagios", "rrd"]
-    repos = []
-    packageAnalyzer.getInstalledRepos(packagesToLook, installedPackages + availablePackages, reposToIgnore, repos)
-    self.assertEqual(3, len(repos))
-    expected = ["HDP", "HDP-epel", "DEF.3"]
-    for repo in expected:
-      self.assertTrue(repo in repos)
-    packagesInstalled = packageAnalyzer.getInstalledPkgsByRepo(repos, ["epel"], installedPackages)
-    self.assertEqual(5, len(packagesInstalled))
-    expected = ["hadoop-a", "zk", "webhcat", "hadoop-b", "def-def.x86"]
-    for repo in expected:
-      self.assertTrue(repo in packagesInstalled)
-    additionalPkgsInstalled = packageAnalyzer.getInstalledPkgsByNames(
-        additionalPackages, installedPackages)
-    self.assertEqual(2, len(additionalPkgsInstalled))
-    expected = ["nagios", "rrd"]
-    for additionalPkg in expected:
-      self.assertTrue(additionalPkg in additionalPkgsInstalled)
-    allPackages = list(set(packagesInstalled + additionalPkgsInstalled))
-    self.assertEqual(7, len(allPackages))
-    expected = ["hadoop-a", "zk", "webhcat", "hadoop-b", "nagios", "rrd", "def-def.x86"]
-    for package in expected:
-      self.assertTrue(package in allPackages)
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'hasZypper')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'subprocessWithTimeout')
-  def test_analyze_yum_output(self, subprocessWithTimeout_mock, hasZy_mock):
-    packageAnalyzer = PackagesAnalyzer()
-    stringToRead = """Loaded plugins: amazon-id, product-id, rhui-lb, security, subscription-manager
-                      Updating certificate-based repositories.
-                      Installed Packages
-                         1.x-1.el6             installed
-                      PyXML.x86_64                  0.8.4-19.el6          @koji-override-0
-                      Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-6-en-US.noarch
-                              3-7.el6               @koji-override-0
-                      hcatalog.noarch     
-                                                    @HDP-1.3.0
-                      hesiod.x86_64                 3.1.0-19.el6          @koji-override-0/$releasever
-                      hive.noarch         
-                                                    @HDP-1.3.0
-                      oracle-server-db.x86          1.3.17-2
-                                                    @Oracle-11g
-                      ambari-log4j.noarch    
-                      libconfuse.x86_64             2.7-4.el6             @HDP-epel"""
-    result = {}
-    result['out'] = stringToRead
-    result['err'] = ""
-    result['retCode'] = 0
-    subprocessWithTimeout_mock.return_value = result
-    hasZy_mock.return_value = False
-    installedPackages = []
-    packageAnalyzer.allInstalledPackages(installedPackages)
-    self.assertEqual(9, len(installedPackages))
-    for package in installedPackages:
-      self.assertTrue(package[0] in ["", "PyXML.x86_64", "oracle-server-db.x86",
-                                 "Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-6-en-US.noarch",
-                                 "hcatalog.noarch", "hesiod.x86_64", "hive.noarch", "ambari-log4j.noarch", "libconfuse.x86_64"])
-      self.assertTrue(package[1] in ["1.x-1.el6", "0.8.4-19.el6", "3-7.el6", "3.1.0-19.el6",
-                                 "", "", "1.3.17-2", "", "2.7-4.el6"])
-      self.assertTrue(package[2] in ["installed", "koji-override-0", "HDP-1.3.0",
-                                 "koji-override-0/$releasever", "", "Oracle-11g", "HDP-epel"])
-    packages = packageAnalyzer.getInstalledPkgsByNames(["AMBARI", "Red_Hat_Enterprise", "hesiod", "hive"],
-                                                       installedPackages)
-    self.assertEqual(4, len(packages))
-    expected = ["", "Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-6-en-US.noarch",
-                                "hesiod.x86_64", "hive.noarch"]
-    for package in expected:
-      self.assertTrue(package in packages)
-    detailedPackages = packageAnalyzer.getPackageDetails(installedPackages, packages)
-    self.assertEqual(4, len(detailedPackages))
-    for package in detailedPackages:
-      self.assertTrue(package['version'] in ["1.x-1.el6", "3-7.el6", "3.1.0-19.el6",
-                                            ""])
-      self.assertTrue(package['repoName'] in ["installed", "koji-override-0", "HDP-1.3.0",
-                                              "koji-override-0/$releasever"])
-      self.assertFalse(package['repoName'] in [""])
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'subprocessWithTimeout')
-  def test_analyze_yum_output_err(self, subprocessWithTimeout_mock):
-    packageAnalyzer = PackagesAnalyzer()
-    result = {}
-    result['out'] = ""
-    result['err'] = ""
-    result['retCode'] = 1
-    subprocessWithTimeout_mock.return_value = result
-    installedPackages = []
-    packageAnalyzer.allInstalledPackages(installedPackages)
-    self.assertEqual(installedPackages, [])
-  @patch('os.path.exists')
-  def test_checkFolders(self, path_mock):
-    path_mock.return_value = True
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    results = []
-    existingUsers = [{'name':'a1', 'homeDir':'/home/a1'}, {'name':'b1', 'homeDir':'/home/b1'}]
-    hostInfo.checkFolders(["/etc/conf", "/var/lib", "/home/"], ["a1", "b1"], existingUsers, results)
-    self.assertEqual(4, len(results))
-    names = [i['name'] for i in results]
-    for item in ['/etc/conf/a1', '/var/lib/a1', '/etc/conf/b1', '/var/lib/b1']:
-      self.assertTrue(item in names)
-  @patch('os.path.exists')
-  @patch('')
-  def test_checkUsers(self, builtins_open_mock, path_mock):
-    builtins_open_mock.return_value = [
-      "hdfs:x:493:502:Hadoop HDFS:/usr/lib/hadoop:/bin/bash",
-      "zookeeper:x:492:502:ZooKeeper:/var/run/zookeeper:/bin/bash"]
-    path_mock.side_effect = [True, False]
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    results = []
-    hostInfo.checkUsers(["zookeeper", "hdfs"], results)
-    self.assertEqual(2, len(results))
-    newlist = sorted(results, key=lambda k: k['name'])
-    self.assertTrue(newlist[0]['name'], "hdfs")
-    self.assertTrue(newlist[1]['name'], "zookeeper")
-    self.assertTrue(newlist[0]['homeDir'], "/usr/lib/hadoop")
-    self.assertTrue(newlist[1]['homeDir'], "/var/run/zookeeper")
-    self.assertTrue(newlist[0]['status'], "Available")
-    self.assertTrue(newlist[1]['status'], "Invalid home directory")
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'get_os_type')
-  @patch('os.umask')
-  @patch.object(HostCheckReportFileHandler, 'writeHostCheckFile')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'allAvailablePackages')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'allInstalledPackages')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getPackageDetails')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getInstalledPkgsByNames')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getInstalledPkgsByRepo')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getInstalledRepos')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'checkUsers')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'checkLiveServices')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'javaProcs')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'checkFolders')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'etcAlternativesConf')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'hadoopVarRunCount')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'hadoopVarLogCount')
-  def test_hostinfo_register_suse(self, hvlc_mock, hvrc_mock, eac_mock, cf_mock, jp_mock,
-                             cls_mock, cu_mock, gir_mock, gipbr_mock, gipbn_mock,
-                             gpd_mock, aip_mock, aap_mock, whcf_mock, os_umask_mock, get_os_type_mock):
-    hvlc_mock.return_value = 1
-    hvrc_mock.return_value = 1
-    gipbr_mock.return_value = ["pkg1"]
-    gipbn_mock.return_value = ["pkg2"]
-    gpd_mock.return_value = ["pkg1", "pkg2"]
-    get_os_type_mock.return_value = "suse"
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    dict = {}
-    hostInfo.register(dict, False, False)
-    self.assertFalse(gir_mock.called)
-    self.assertFalse(gpd_mock.called)
-    self.assertFalse(aip_mock.called)
-    self.assertFalse(aap_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(os_umask_mock.called)
-    self.assertFalse(whcf_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(0 == len(dict['installedPackages']))
-    self.assertTrue('agentTimeStampAtReporting' in dict['hostHealth'])
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'get_os_type')
-  @patch('os.umask')
-  @patch.object(HostCheckReportFileHandler, 'writeHostCheckFile')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'allAvailablePackages')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'allInstalledPackages')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getPackageDetails')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getInstalledPkgsByNames')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getInstalledPkgsByRepo')
-  @patch.object(PackagesAnalyzer, 'getInstalledRepos')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'checkUsers')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'checkLiveServices')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'javaProcs')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'checkFolders')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'etcAlternativesConf')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'hadoopVarRunCount')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'hadoopVarLogCount')
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, 'checkIptables')
-  def test_hostinfo_register(self, cit_mock, hvlc_mock, hvrc_mock, eac_mock, cf_mock, jp_mock,
-                             cls_mock, cu_mock, gir_mock, gipbr_mock, gipbn_mock,
-                             gpd_mock, aip_mock, aap_mock, whcf_mock, os_umask_mock, get_os_type_mock):
-    cit_mock.return_value = True
-    hvlc_mock.return_value = 1
-    hvrc_mock.return_value = 1
-    gipbr_mock.return_value = ["pkg1"]
-    gipbn_mock.return_value = ["pkg2"]
-    gpd_mock.return_value = ["pkg1", "pkg2"]
-    get_os_type_mock.return_value = "redhat"
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    dict = {}
-    hostInfo.register(dict, True, True)
-    self.verifyReturnedValues(dict)
-    hostInfo.register(dict, True, False)
-    self.verifyReturnedValues(dict)
-    hostInfo.register(dict, False, True)
-    self.verifyReturnedValues(dict)
-    self.assertTrue(os_umask_mock.call_count == 2)
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    dict = {}
-    hostInfo.register(dict, False, False)
-    self.assertTrue(gir_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(gpd_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(aip_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(cit_mock.called)
-    for existingPkg in ["pkg1", "pkg2"]:
-      self.assertTrue(existingPkg in dict['installedPackages'])
-    args, kwargs = gpd_mock.call_args_list[0]
-    for existingPkg in ["pkg1", "pkg2"]:
-      self.assertTrue(existingPkg in args[1])
-  def verifyReturnedValues(self, dict):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    self.assertEqual(dict['alternatives'], [])
-    self.assertEqual(dict['stackFoldersAndFiles'], [])
-    self.assertEqual(dict['existingUsers'], [])
-    self.assertEqual(dict['existingRepos'][0], hostInfo.RESULT_UNAVAILABLE)
-    self.assertEqual(dict['installedPackages'], [])
-    self.assertTrue(dict['iptablesIsRunning'])
-  @patch("os.path.exists")
-  @patch("os.path.islink")
-  @patch("os.path.isdir")
-  @patch("os.path.isfile")
-  def test_dirType(self, os_path_isfile_mock, os_path_isdir_mock, os_path_islink_mock, os_path_exists_mock):
-    host = HostInfo()
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = False
-    result = host.dirType("/home")
-    self.assertEquals(result, 'not_exist')
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = True
-    os_path_islink_mock.return_value = True
-    result = host.dirType("/home")
-    self.assertEquals(result, 'sym_link')
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = True
-    os_path_islink_mock.return_value = False
-    os_path_isdir_mock.return_value = True
-    result = host.dirType("/home")
-    self.assertEquals(result, 'directory')
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = True
-    os_path_islink_mock.return_value = False
-    os_path_isdir_mock.return_value = False
-    os_path_isfile_mock.return_value = True
-    result = host.dirType("/home")
-    self.assertEquals(result, 'file')
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = True
-    os_path_islink_mock.return_value = False
-    os_path_isdir_mock.return_value = False
-    os_path_isfile_mock.return_value = False
-    result = host.dirType("/home")
-    self.assertEquals(result, 'unknown')
-  @patch("os.path.exists")
-  @patch("glob.glob")
-  def test_hadoopVarRunCount(self, glob_glob_mock, os_path_exists_mock):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = True
-    glob_glob_mock.return_value = ['pid1','pid2','pid3']
-    result = hostInfo.hadoopVarRunCount()
-    self.assertEquals(result, 3)
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = False
-    result = hostInfo.hadoopVarRunCount()
-    self.assertEquals(result, 0)
-  @patch("os.path.exists")
-  @patch("glob.glob")
-  def test_hadoopVarLogCount(self, glob_glob_mock, os_path_exists_mock):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = True
-    glob_glob_mock.return_value = ['log1','log2']
-    result = hostInfo.hadoopVarLogCount()
-    self.assertEquals(result, 2)
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = False
-    result = hostInfo.hadoopVarLogCount()
-    self.assertEquals(result, 0)
-  @patch("os.listdir", create=True, autospec=True)
-  @patch("", create=True, autospec=True)
-  @patch("pwd.getpwuid", create=True, autospec=True)
-  def test_javaProcs(self, pwd_getpwuid_mock, buitin_open_mock, os_listdir_mock):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    openRead = MagicMock()
- = '/java/;/hadoop/'
-    buitin_open_mock.side_effect = [openRead, ['Uid: 22']]
-    pwuid = MagicMock()
-    pwd_getpwuid_mock.return_value = pwuid
-    pwuid.pw_name = 'user'
-    os_listdir_mock.return_value = ['1']
-    list = []
-    hostInfo.javaProcs(list)
-    self.assertEquals(list[0]['command'], '/java/;/hadoop/')
-    self.assertEquals(list[0]['pid'], 1)
-    self.assertTrue(list[0]['hadoop'])
-    self.assertEquals(list[0]['user'], 'user')
-  @patch("subprocess.Popen")
-  @patch.object(Hardware, 'extractMountInfo')
-  def test_osdiskAvailableSpace(self, extract_mount_info_mock, subproc_popen_mock):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    p = MagicMock()
-    p.communicate.return_value = ['some']
-    subproc_popen_mock.return_value = p
-    extract_mount_info_mock.return_value = {'info' : 'info'}
-    result = hostInfo.osdiskAvailableSpace('')
-    self.assertTrue(result['info'], 'info')
-    p.communicate.return_value = ''
-    result = hostInfo.osdiskAvailableSpace('')
-    self.assertEquals(result, {})
-  @patch.object(HostInfo, "get_os_type")
-  @patch("subprocess.Popen")
-  def test_checkLiveServices(self, subproc_popen, get_os_type_method):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    p = MagicMock()
-    p.returncode = 0
-    p.communicate.return_value = ('', 'err')
-    subproc_popen.return_value = p
-    result = []
-    get_os_type_method.return_value = 'redhat'
-    hostInfo.checkLiveServices(['service1'], result)
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['status'], 'Healthy')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['name'], 'service1')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['desc'], '')
-    self.assertEquals(str(subproc_popen.call_args_list),
-                      "[call(['/sbin/service', 'service1', 'status'], stderr=-1, stdout=-1)]")
-    p.returncode = 1
-    p.communicate.return_value = ('out', 'err')
-    result = []
-    hostInfo.checkLiveServices(['service1'], result)
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['status'], 'Unhealthy')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['name'], 'service1')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['desc'], 'out')
-    p.communicate.return_value = ('', 'err')
-    result = []
-    hostInfo.checkLiveServices(['service1'], result)
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['status'], 'Unhealthy')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['name'], 'service1')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['desc'], 'err')
-    p.communicate.return_value = ('', 'err', '')
-    result = []
-    hostInfo.checkLiveServices(['service1'], result)
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['status'], 'Unhealthy')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['name'], 'service1')
-    self.assertTrue(len(result[0]['desc']) > 0)
-  @patch("os.path.exists")
-  @patch("os.listdir", create=True, autospec=True)
-  @patch("os.path.islink")
-  @patch("os.path.realpath")
-  def test_etcAlternativesConf(self, os_path_realpath_mock, os_path_islink_mock, os_listdir_mock, os_path_exists_mock):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = False
-    result = hostInfo.etcAlternativesConf('',[])
-    self.assertEquals(result, [])
-    os_path_exists_mock.return_value = True
-    os_listdir_mock.return_value = ['config1']
-    os_path_islink_mock.return_value = True
-    os_path_realpath_mock.return_value = 'real_path_to_conf'
-    result = []
-    hostInfo.etcAlternativesConf('project',result)
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['name'], 'config1')
-    self.assertEquals(result[0]['target'], 'real_path_to_conf')
-  @patch("subprocess.Popen")
-  def test_checkIptables(self, subproc_popen_mock):
-    hostInfo = HostInfo()
-    p = MagicMock()
-    p.returncode = 0
-    subproc_popen_mock.return_value = p
-    result = hostInfo.checkIptables()
-    self.assertTrue(result)
-    p.returncode = 1
-    result = hostInfo.checkIptables()
-    self.assertFalse(result)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index a319b23..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from unittest import TestCase
-import ambari_agent.hostname as hostname
-import ambari_agent.AmbariConfig as AmbariConfig
-import socket
-import tempfile
-import shutil
-import os, pprint, json,stat
-class TestHostname(TestCase):
-  def test_hostname(self):
-    self.assertEquals(hostname.hostname(), socket.getfqdn(), 
-                      "hostname should equal the socket-based hostname")
-    pass
-  def test_hostname_override(self):
-    fd = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
-    tmpname = fd[1]
-    os.close(fd[0])
-    os.chmod(tmpname, os.stat(tmpname).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
-    tmpfile = file(tmpname, "w+")
-    config = AmbariConfig.config
-    try:
-      tmpfile.write("#!/bin/sh\n\necho ''")
-      tmpfile.close()
-      config.set('agent', 'hostname_script', tmpname)
-      self.assertEquals(hostname.hostname(), '', "expected hostname ''")
-    finally:
-      os.remove(tmpname)
-      config.remove_option('agent', 'hostname_script')
-    pass
-  def test_public_hostname_override(self):
-    fd = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
-    tmpname = fd[1]
-    os.close(fd[0])
-    os.chmod(tmpname, os.stat(tmpname).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
-    tmpfile = file(tmpname, "w+")
-    config = AmbariConfig.config
-    try:
-      tmpfile.write("#!/bin/sh\n\necho ''")
-      tmpfile.close()
-      config.set('agent', 'public_hostname_script', tmpname)
-      self.assertEquals(hostname.public_hostname(), '', 
-                        "expected hostname ''")
-    finally:
-      os.remove(tmpname)
-      config.remove_option('agent', 'public_hostname_script')
-    pass
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 977ae4d..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from unittest import TestCase
-from ambari_agent.LiveStatus import LiveStatus
-from ambari_agent.AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
-import socket
-import os, sys, StringIO
-from ambari_agent import ActualConfigHandler
-from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock, call
-class TestLiveStatus(TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    # disable stdout
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-  def tearDown(self):
-    # enable stdout
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch.object(ActualConfigHandler.ActualConfigHandler, "read_actual_component")
-  def test_build(self, read_actual_component_mock):
-    for component in LiveStatus.COMPONENTS:
-      config = AmbariConfig().getConfig()
-      config.set('agent', 'prefix', "dummy_files")
-      livestatus = LiveStatus('', component['serviceName'], component['componentName'], {}, config)
-      livestatus.versionsHandler.versionsFilePath = os.path.join("dummy_files","dummy_current_stack")
-      result =
-      print "LiveStatus of {0}: {1}".format(component['serviceName'], str(result))
-      self.assertEquals(len(result) > 0, True, 'Livestatus should not be empty')
-      if component['componentName'] == 'GANGLIA_SERVER':
-        self.assertEquals(result['stackVersion'],'{"stackName":"HDP","stackVersion":"1.2.2"}',
-                      'Livestatus should contain component stack version')
-    # Test build status for CLIENT component (in LiveStatus.CLIENT_COMPONENTS)
-    read_actual_component_mock.return_value = "some tags"
-    livestatus = LiveStatus('c1', 'HDFS', 'HDFS_CLIENT', { }, config)
-    result =
-    self.assertTrue(len(result) > 0, 'Livestatus should not be empty')
-    self.assertTrue(result.has_key('configurationTags'))
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9ae2b9..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import StringIO
-import sys
-from ambari_agent import NetUtil, security
-from mock.mock import MagicMock, patch, ANY
-import unittest
-from ambari_agent import ProcessHelper, main
-from ambari_agent import ProcessHelper, main
-import logging
-import signal
-from ambari_agent.AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
-import ConfigParser
-import os
-import tempfile
-from ambari_agent.PingPortListener import PingPortListener
-from ambari_agent.Controller import Controller
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from ambari_agent.DataCleaner import DataCleaner
-class TestMain(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    # disable stdout
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-  def tearDown(self):
-    # enable stdout
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  @patch("os._exit")
-  @patch("os.getpid")
-  @patch.object(ProcessHelper, "stopAgent")
-  def test_signal_handler(self, stopAgent_mock, os_getpid_mock, os_exit_mock):
-    # testing exit of children
-    main.agentPid = 4444
-    os_getpid_mock.return_value = 5555
-    main.signal_handler("signum", "frame")
-    self.assertTrue(os_exit_mock.called)
-    os_exit_mock.reset_mock()
-    # testing exit of main process
-    os_getpid_mock.return_value = main.agentPid
-    main.signal_handler("signum", "frame")
-    self.assertFalse(os_exit_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(stopAgent_mock.called)
-  @patch.object(main.logger, "addHandler")
-  @patch.object(main.logger, "setLevel")
-  @patch("logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler")
-  def test_setup_logging(self, rfh_mock, setLevel_mock, addHandler_mock):
-    # Testing silent mode
-    main.setup_logging(False)
-    self.assertTrue(addHandler_mock.called)
-    setLevel_mock.assert_called_with(logging.INFO)
-    addHandler_mock.reset_mock()
-    setLevel_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Testing verbose mode
-    main.setup_logging(True)
-    self.assertTrue(addHandler_mock.called)
-    setLevel_mock.assert_called_with(logging.DEBUG)
-  @patch.object(main.logger, "setLevel")
-  @patch("logging.basicConfig")
-  def test_update_log_level(self, basicConfig_mock, setLevel_mock):
-    config = AmbariConfig().getConfig()
-    # Testing with default setup (config file does not contain loglevel entry)
-    # Log level should not be changed
-    config.set('agent', 'loglevel', None)
-    main.update_log_level(config)
-    self.assertFalse(setLevel_mock.called)
-    setLevel_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Testing debug mode
-    config.set('agent', 'loglevel', 'DEBUG')
-    main.update_log_level(config)
-    setLevel_mock.assert_called_with(logging.DEBUG)
-    setLevel_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Testing any other mode
-    config.set('agent', 'loglevel', 'INFO')
-    main.update_log_level(config)
-    setLevel_mock.assert_called_with(logging.INFO)
-    setLevel_mock.reset_mock()
-    config.set('agent', 'loglevel', 'WRONG')
-    main.update_log_level(config)
-    setLevel_mock.assert_called_with(logging.INFO)
-  @patch("signal.signal")
-  def test_bind_signal_handlers(self, signal_mock):
-    main.bind_signal_handlers()
-    # Check if on SIGINT/SIGTERM agent is configured to terminate
-    signal_mock.assert_any_call(signal.SIGINT, main.signal_handler)
-    signal_mock.assert_any_call(signal.SIGTERM, main.signal_handler)
-    # Check if on SIGUSR1 agent is configured to fall into debug
-    signal_mock.assert_any_call(signal.SIGUSR1, main.debug)
-  @patch("os.path.exists")
-  @patch("")
-  def test_resolve_ambari_config(self, read_mock, exists_mock):
-    # Trying case if conf file exists
-    exists_mock.return_value = True
-    main.resolve_ambari_config()
-    self.assertTrue(read_mock.called)
-    exists_mock.reset_mock()
-    read_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Trying case if conf file does not exist
-    exists_mock.return_value = False
-    main.resolve_ambari_config()
-    self.assertFalse(read_mock.called)
-  @patch("sys.exit")
-  @patch("os.path.isfile")
-  @patch("os.path.isdir")
-  @patch("hostname.hostname")
-  def test_perform_prestart_checks(self, hostname_mock, isdir_mock, isfile_mock, exit_mock):
-    main.config = AmbariConfig().getConfig()
-    # Check expected hostname test
-    hostname_mock.return_value = "test.hst"
-    main.perform_prestart_checks("another.hst")
-    self.assertTrue(exit_mock.called)
-    exit_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Trying case if there is another instance running
-    isfile_mock.return_value = True
-    isdir_mock.return_value = True
-    main.perform_prestart_checks(None)
-    self.assertTrue(exit_mock.called)
-    isfile_mock.reset_mock()
-    isdir_mock.reset_mock()
-    exit_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Trying case if agent prefix dir does not exist
-    isfile_mock.return_value = False
-    isdir_mock.return_value = False
-    main.perform_prestart_checks(None)
-    self.assertTrue(exit_mock.called)
-    isfile_mock.reset_mock()
-    isdir_mock.reset_mock()
-    exit_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Trying normal case
-    isfile_mock.return_value = False
-    isdir_mock.return_value = True
-    main.perform_prestart_checks(None)
-    self.assertFalse(exit_mock.called)
-  @patch("time.sleep")
-  @patch("os.kill")
-  @patch("os._exit")
-  @patch("os.path.exists")
-  def test_daemonize_and_stop(self, exists_mock, _exit_mock, kill_mock, sleep_mock):
-    oldpid = ProcessHelper.pidfile
-    pid = str(os.getpid())
-    _, tmpoutfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
-    ProcessHelper.pidfile = tmpoutfile
-    # Test daemonization
-    main.daemonize()
-    saved = open(ProcessHelper.pidfile, 'r').read()
-    self.assertEqual(pid, saved)
-    # Reuse pid file when testing agent stop
-    # Testing normal exit
-    exists_mock.return_value = False
-    main.stop_agent()
-    kill_mock.assert_called_with(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
-    _exit_mock.assert_called_with(0)
-    # Restore
-    kill_mock.reset_mock()
-    _exit_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Testing exit when failed to remove pid file
-    exists_mock.return_value = True
-    main.stop_agent()
-    kill_mock.assert_any_call(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
-    kill_mock.assert_any_call(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
-    _exit_mock.assert_called_with(1)
-    # Restore
-    ProcessHelper.pidfile = oldpid
-    os.remove(tmpoutfile)
-  @patch.object(main, "setup_logging")
-  @patch.object(main, "bind_signal_handlers")
-  @patch.object(main, "stop_agent")
-  @patch.object(main, "resolve_ambari_config")
-  @patch.object(main, "perform_prestart_checks")
-  @patch.object(main, "daemonize")
-  @patch.object(main, "update_log_level")
-  @patch.object(NetUtil.NetUtil, "try_to_connect")
-  @patch.object(Controller, "__init__")
-  @patch.object(Controller, "start")
-  @patch.object(Controller, "join")
-  @patch("optparse.OptionParser.parse_args")
-  @patch.object(DataCleaner,"start")
-  @patch.object(DataCleaner,"__init__")
-  @patch.object(PingPortListener,"start")
-  @patch.object(PingPortListener,"__init__")
-  def test_main(self, ping_port_init_mock, ping_port_start_mock, data_clean_init_mock,data_clean_start_mock,
-                parse_args_mock, join_mock, start_mock, Controller_init_mock, try_to_connect_mock,
-                update_log_level_mock, daemonize_mock, perform_prestart_checks_mock,
-                resolve_ambari_config_mock, stop_mock, bind_signal_handlers_mock, setup_logging_mock):
-    data_clean_init_mock.return_value = None
-    Controller_init_mock.return_value = None
-    ping_port_init_mock.return_value = None
-    options = MagicMock()
-    parse_args_mock.return_value = (options, MagicMock)
-    #testing call without command-line arguments
-    main.main()
-    self.assertTrue(setup_logging_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(bind_signal_handlers_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(stop_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(resolve_ambari_config_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(perform_prestart_checks_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(daemonize_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(update_log_level_mock.called)
-    try_to_connect_mock.assert_called_once_with(ANY, -1, ANY)
-    self.assertTrue(start_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(data_clean_init_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(data_clean_start_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(ping_port_init_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(ping_port_start_mock.called)
-    perform_prestart_checks_mock.reset_mock()
-    # Testing call with --expected-hostname parameter
-    options.expected_hostname = "test.hst"
-    main.main()
-    perform_prestart_checks_mock.assert_called_once_with(options.expected_hostname)
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index f4ea6dc..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import os, sys, StringIO
-from unittest import TestCase
-from ambari_agent import manifestGenerator
-import ambari_agent.AmbariConfig
-import tempfile
-import json
-import shutil
-from ambari_agent.AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
-from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock, call
-class TestManifestGenerator(TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    # disable stdout
-    out = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = out
-    self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    self.config = AmbariConfig()
-    jsonCommand = file('../../main/python/ambari_agent/test.json').read()
-    self.parsedJson = json.loads(jsonCommand)
-  def tearDown(self):
-    shutil.rmtree(self.dir)
-    # enable stdout
-    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-  def testWriteImports(self):
-    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
-    print tmpFileName
-    tmpFile = file(tmpFileName, 'r+')
-    manifestGenerator.writeImports(tmpFile, '../../main/puppet/modules', self.config.getImports())
-    print
-    tmpFile.close()
-    pass
-  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeImports')
-  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeNodes')
-  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeParams')
-  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeTasks')
-  def testGenerateManifest(self, writeTasksMock, writeParamsMock, writeNodesMock, writeImportsMock):
-    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
-    self.parsedJson['roleParams'] = 'role param'
-    manifestGenerator.generateManifest(self.parsedJson, tmpFileName, '../../main/puppet/modules', self.config.getConfig())
-    self.assertTrue(writeParamsMock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(writeNodesMock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(writeImportsMock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(writeTasksMock.called)
-    print file(tmpFileName).read()
-    def raiseTypeError():
-      raise TypeError()
-    writeNodesMock.side_effect = raiseTypeError
-    manifestGenerator.generateManifest(self.parsedJson, tmpFileName, '../../main/puppet/modules', self.config.getConfig())
-    pass
-  def testEscape(self):
-    shouldBe = '\\\'\\\\'
-    result = manifestGenerator.escape('\'\\')
-    self.assertEqual(result, shouldBe)
-  def test_writeNodes(self):
-    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
-    tmpFile = file(tmpFileName, 'r+')
-    clusterHostInfo = self.parsedJson['clusterHostInfo']
-    clusterHostInfo['zookeeper_hosts'] = ["", ""]
-    manifestGenerator.writeNodes(tmpFile, clusterHostInfo)
-    print
-    tmpFile.close()
-    os.remove(tmpFileName)
-  def test_writeNodes_failed(self):
-    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
-    tmpFile = file(tmpFileName, 'r+')
-    clusterHostInfo = self.parsedJson['clusterHostInfo']
-    clusterHostInfo.update({u'ZOOKEEPER':[None]})
-    clusterHostInfo['zookeeper_hosts'] = ["", ""]
-    self.assertRaises(TypeError, manifestGenerator.writeNodes, tmpFile, clusterHostInfo)
-    print
-    tmpFile.close()
-    os.remove(tmpFileName)
-  def test_writeHostAttributes(self):
-    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
-    tmpFile = file(tmpFileName, 'r+')
-    hostAttributes = {'HostAttr1' : '1', 'HostAttr2' : '2'}
-    manifestGenerator.writeHostAttributes(tmpFile, hostAttributes)
-    print
-    tmpFile.close()
-    os.remove(tmpFileName)
-  def test_writeTasks(self):
-    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
-    tmpFile = file(tmpFileName, 'r+')
-    roles = [{'role' : 'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER',
-              'cmd' : 'NONE',
-              'roleParams' : {'someRoleParams': '-x'}}]
-    clusterHostInfo = self.parsedJson['clusterHostInfo']
-    clusterHostInfo['zookeeper_hosts'] = ["", ""]
-    manifestGenerator.writeTasks(tmpFile, roles, self.config, clusterHostInfo, "")
-    print
-    tmpFile.close()
-    os.remove(tmpFileName)
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1fe02d..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from ambari_agent import NetUtil
-from mock.mock import MagicMock, patch
-import unittest
-class TestNetUtil(unittest.TestCase):
-  @patch("urlparse.urlparse")
-  @patch("httplib.HTTPSConnection")
-  def test_checkURL(self, httpsConMock, parseMock):
-    NetUtil.logger = MagicMock()
-    parseMock.return_value = [1, 2]
-    ca_connection = MagicMock()
-    response = MagicMock()
-    response.status = 200
-    ca_connection.getresponse.return_value = response
-    httpsConMock.return_value = ca_connection
-    # test 200
-    netutil = NetUtil.NetUtil()
-    self.assertTrue(netutil.checkURL("url"))
-    # test fail
-    response.status = 404
-    self.assertFalse(netutil.checkURL("url"))
-    # test Exception
-    response.status = 200
-    httpsConMock.side_effect = Exception("test")
-    self.assertFalse(netutil.checkURL("url"))
-  @patch("time.sleep")
-  def test_try_to_connect(self, sleepMock):
-    netutil = NetUtil.NetUtil()
-    checkURL = MagicMock(name="checkURL")
-    checkURL.return_value = True
-    netutil.checkURL = checkURL
-    l = MagicMock()
-    # one successful get
-    self.assertEqual(0, netutil.try_to_connect("url", 10))
-    # got successful after N retries
-    gets = [True, False, False]
-    def side_effect(*args):
-      return gets.pop()
-    checkURL.side_effect = side_effect
-    self.assertEqual(2, netutil.try_to_connect("url", 10))
-    # max retries
-    checkURL.side_effect = None
-    checkURL.return_value = False
-    self.assertEqual(5, netutil.try_to_connect("url", 5))
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index a61f7e0..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock, call, Mock
-from ambari_agent import PingPortListener
-import socket
-import sys
-class TestPingPortListener(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.config = MagicMock()
-    self.config.get.return_value = 55000
-    PingPortListener.logger = MagicMock()
-  @patch("socket.socket")
-  def test_init_success(self,socketMock):
-    PingPortListener.logger.reset_mock()
-    allive_daemon = PingPortListener.PingPortListener(self.config)
-    self.assertFalse(PingPortListener.logger.warn.called)
-    self.assertTrue(socketMock.call_args_list[0][0][0] == socket.AF_INET)
-    self.assertTrue(socketMock.call_args_list[0][0][1] == socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    self.assertTrue(allive_daemon.socket.bind.call_args_list[0][0][0] == ('',55000))
-    self.assertTrue(allive_daemon.socket.listen.call_args_list[0][0][0] == 1)
-    self.assertTrue(allive_daemon.config.set.call_args_list[0][0][0] == 'agent')
-    self.assertTrue(allive_daemon.config.set.call_args_list[0][0][1] == 'current_ping_port')
-  @patch.object(socket.socket,"bind")
-  @patch.object(socket.socket,"listen")
-  @patch.object(socket.socket,"__init__")
-  @patch.object(sys, "exit")
-  def test_init_warn(self, sys_exit_mock, socketInitMock,socketListenMock,socketBindMock):
-    PingPortListener.logger.reset_mock()
-    allive_daemon = PingPortListener.PingPortListener(self.config)
-    self.assertTrue(socketInitMock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(sys_exit_mock.called)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(PingPortListener)
-  unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7a4261..0000000
--- a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock
-from ambari_agent import ProcessHelper
-class TestProcessHelper(unittest.TestCase):
-  @patch.object(ProcessHelper, "getTempFiles")
-  def test_clean(self, getTempFilesMock):
-    tf1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-    tf2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-    tf3 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-    getTempFilesMock.return_value = [,]
-    ProcessHelper.pidfile =
-    ProcessHelper.logger = MagicMock()
-    ProcessHelper._clean()
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(
-  @patch("os._exit")
-  @patch.object(ProcessHelper, "_clean")
-  def test_stopAgent(self, _clean_mock, exitMock):
-    ProcessHelper.stopAgent()
-    self.assertTrue(_clean_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(exitMock.called)
-  @patch("os.execvp")
-  @patch.object(ProcessHelper, "_clean")
-  def test_restartAgent(self, _clean_mock, execMock):
-    ProcessHelper.logger = MagicMock()
-    ProcessHelper.restartAgent()
-    self.assertTrue(_clean_mock.called)
-    self.assertTrue(execMock.called)
-    self.assertEqual(2, len(execMock.call_args_list[0]))