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Posted to by Shubham Sharma <> on 2016/06/16 15:20:28 UTC

Apache Mentoring Programme - Request for mentor assignment and JIRA proposal

Hi, I am really excited to join the hadoop community and put my skills to
use. I have formulated a proposal as per Apache mentoring programme
guideline and looking forward to start contributing.

*Name* - Shubham Sharma
*Apache Project of interest* - Apache Hadoop(Module - HDFS)
*Name of mentor* - Request for mentor assignment
*Planned start date* - June 18th, 2016

*Expected deliverables *- Starting off with HDFS-10177 and will continue to
tackle more critical issues. The selected JIRA is a beginner level JIRA and
I am confident that it can be implemented quickly.

*Expected benefits to the Apache Community as a result of your work* -
Apart from willingness to contribute to various projects, I have always
been an admirer of the open source community. The way the community learns
together and contributes to the development of various technologies
impacting the globe, have always been fascinating to me. I plan to continue
the same trend by bringing in a diverse skill set, motivate others to join
open source, lead and participate in any community activities.

*Detailed description and high level design for your proposed solution*

*Project - Apache Hadoop*
*Module - HDFS*
*Component - libhdfs*

*Issue* - Incorrect number of bytes read are copied to into native buffer
in hdfs

*Summary* - After making a successful JNI call to input stream api
"org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataInputStream" while copying jbArray into
destination buffer the number of bytes to copied is equal to the maximum
length of buffer(noreadbytes), as noreadbytes is currently assigned to
length variable. It should ideally copy total number of bytes read into the
buffer returned by Java API's FSDataInputStream::read method.

*Proposed Solution* - Assign noReadBytes equal to jval.i after successful
invocation of FSDataInputStream and handle the returned scenarios

*Approximate number of hours you intend to work on the project each week
and the number of weeks you expect it to take* - 15 hrs/week.

*A description of why you want to undertake this project and what you hope
to gain from it and the mentor programme*

I am constantly looking for challenges where my work can impact at a
greater level. My keen interest in distributed systems and programming
lured me to this project. Apart from learning the technology in depth and
facing variety of challenges, I wish to learn to work in a diverse
environment and team. I have acquired skills in various areas and have
tendency to learn quickly, my aim to join the mentor program is to put
these skills to use while getting guidance on how to enhance them in a
focused way.

*The current issue selected was a beginner level but I need guidance to
pave my path working onto more complex issues and contribute to this

*Skills Profile* - 3+ years  of development experience using java and
python and working knowledge of C
 - Knowledge of distributed system and their implementation in a large
scale environment.
