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[07/12] cassandra git commit: testall failure in org.apache.cassandra.cql3.validation.entities.UFTest.testAllNativeTypes (fix missing merge in 3.11)
diff --git a/test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/validation/entities/ b/test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/validation/entities/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f1bcb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/validation/entities/
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.validation.entities;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
+import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester;
+import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet;
+import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
+import org.apache.cassandra.utils.UUIDGen;
+public class UFTypesTest extends CQLTester
+    @Test
+    public void testComplexNullValues() throws Throwable
+    {
+        String type = KEYSPACE + '.' + createType("CREATE TYPE %s (txt text, i int)");
+        createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, lst list<double>, st set<text>, mp map<int, boolean>," +
+                    "tup frozen<tuple<double, text, int, boolean>>, udt frozen<" + type + ">)");
+        String fList = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "list<double>",
+                                      "CREATE FUNCTION %s( coll list<double> ) " +
+                                      "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                      "RETURNS list<double> " +
+                                      "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                      "AS $$return coll;$$;");
+        String fSet = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "set<text>",
+                                     "CREATE FUNCTION %s( coll set<text> ) " +
+                                     "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                     "RETURNS set<text> " +
+                                     "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                     "AS $$return coll;$$;");
+        String fMap = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "map<int, boolean>",
+                                     "CREATE FUNCTION %s( coll map<int, boolean> ) " +
+                                     "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                     "RETURNS map<int, boolean> " +
+                                     "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                     "AS $$return coll;$$;");
+        String fTup = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "tuple<double, text, int, boolean>",
+                                     "CREATE FUNCTION %s( val tuple<double, text, int, boolean> ) " +
+                                     "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                     "RETURNS tuple<double, text, int, boolean> " +
+                                     "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                     "AS $$return val;$$;");
+        String fUdt = createFunction(KEYSPACE, type,
+                                     "CREATE FUNCTION %s( val " + type + " ) " +
+                                     "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                     "RETURNS " + type + " " +
+                                     "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                     "AS $$return val;$$;");
+        List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(1d, 2d, 3d);
+        Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList("one", "three", "two"));
+        Map<Integer, Boolean> map = new TreeMap<>();
+        map.put(1, true);
+        map.put(2, false);
+        map.put(3, true);
+        Object t = tuple(1d, "one", 42, false);
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, lst, st, mp, tup, udt) VALUES (1, ?, ?, ?, ?, {txt: 'one', i:1})", list, set, map, t);
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, lst, st, mp, tup, udt) VALUES (2, ?, ?, ?, ?, null)", null, null, null, null);
+        execute("SELECT " +
+                fList + "(lst), " +
+                fSet + "(st), " +
+                fMap + "(mp), " +
+                fTup + "(tup), " +
+                fUdt + "(udt) FROM %s WHERE key = 1");
+        UntypedResultSet.Row row = execute("SELECT " +
+                                           fList + "(lst) as l, " +
+                                           fSet + "(st) as s, " +
+                                           fMap + "(mp) as m, " +
+                                           fTup + "(tup) as t, " +
+                                           fUdt + "(udt) as u " +
+                                           "FROM %s WHERE key = 1").one();
+        Assert.assertNotNull(row.getBytes("l"));
+        Assert.assertNotNull(row.getBytes("s"));
+        Assert.assertNotNull(row.getBytes("m"));
+        Assert.assertNotNull(row.getBytes("t"));
+        Assert.assertNotNull(row.getBytes("u"));
+        row = execute("SELECT " +
+                      fList + "(lst) as l, " +
+                      fSet + "(st) as s, " +
+                      fMap + "(mp) as m, " +
+                      fTup + "(tup) as t, " +
+                      fUdt + "(udt) as u " +
+                      "FROM %s WHERE key = 2").one();
+        Assert.assertNull(row.getBytes("l"));
+        Assert.assertNull(row.getBytes("s"));
+        Assert.assertNull(row.getBytes("m"));
+        Assert.assertNull(row.getBytes("t"));
+        Assert.assertNull(row.getBytes("u"));
+        for (ProtocolVersion version : PROTOCOL_VERSIONS)
+        {
+            Row r = executeNet(version, "SELECT " +
+                                        fList + "(lst) as l, " +
+                                        fSet + "(st) as s, " +
+                                        fMap + "(mp) as m, " +
+                                        fTup + "(tup) as t, " +
+                                        fUdt + "(udt) as u " +
+                                        "FROM %s WHERE key = 1").one();
+            Assert.assertNotNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("l"));
+            Assert.assertNotNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("s"));
+            Assert.assertNotNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("m"));
+            Assert.assertNotNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("t"));
+            Assert.assertNotNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("u"));
+            r = executeNet(version, "SELECT " +
+                                    fList + "(lst) as l, " +
+                                    fSet + "(st) as s, " +
+                                    fMap + "(mp) as m, " +
+                                    fTup + "(tup) as t, " +
+                                    fUdt + "(udt) as u " +
+                                    "FROM %s WHERE key = 2").one();
+            Assert.assertNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("l"));
+            Assert.assertNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("s"));
+            Assert.assertNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("m"));
+            Assert.assertNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("t"));
+            Assert.assertNull(r.getBytesUnsafe("u"));
+        }
+    }
+    private static class TypesTestDef
+    {
+        final String udfType;
+        final String tableType;
+        final String columnName;
+        final Object referenceValue;
+        String fCheckArgAndReturn;
+        String fCalledOnNull;
+        String fReturnsNullOnNull;
+        TypesTestDef(String udfType, String tableType, String columnName, Object referenceValue)
+        {
+            this.udfType = udfType;
+            this.tableType = tableType;
+            this.columnName = columnName;
+            this.referenceValue = referenceValue;
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTypesWithAndWithoutNulls() throws Throwable
+    {
+        // test various combinations of types against UDFs with CALLED ON NULL or RETURNS NULL ON NULL
+        String type = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (txt text, i int)");
+        TypesTestDef[] typeDefs =
+        {
+        //                udf type,            table type,                 column, reference value
+        new TypesTestDef("timestamp", "timestamp", "ts", new Date()),
+        new TypesTestDef("date", "date", "dt", 12345),
+        new TypesTestDef("time", "time", "tim", 12345L),
+        new TypesTestDef("uuid", "uuid", "uu", UUID.randomUUID()),
+        new TypesTestDef("timeuuid", "timeuuid", "tu", UUIDGen.getTimeUUID()),
+        new TypesTestDef("tinyint", "tinyint", "ti", (byte) 42),
+        new TypesTestDef("smallint", "smallint", "si", (short) 43),
+        new TypesTestDef("int", "int", "i", 44),
+        new TypesTestDef("bigint", "bigint", "b", 45L),
+        new TypesTestDef("float", "float", "f", 46f),
+        new TypesTestDef("double", "double", "d", 47d),
+        new TypesTestDef("boolean", "boolean", "x", true),
+        new TypesTestDef("ascii", "ascii", "a", "tqbfjutld"),
+        new TypesTestDef("text", "text", "t", "k\u00f6lsche jung"),
+        //new TypesTestDef(type,                 "frozen<" + type + '>',     "u",    null),
+        new TypesTestDef("tuple<int, text>", "frozen<tuple<int, text>>", "tup", tuple(1, "foo"))
+        };
+        String createTableDDL = "CREATE TABLE %s (key int PRIMARY KEY";
+        String insertDML = "INSERT INTO %s (key";
+        List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
+        for (TypesTestDef typeDef : typeDefs)
+        {
+            createTableDDL += ", " + typeDef.columnName + ' ' + typeDef.tableType;
+            insertDML += ", " + typeDef.columnName;
+            String typeName = typeDef.udfType;
+            typeDef.fCheckArgAndReturn = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                                        typeName,
+                                                        "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s(val " + typeName + ") " +
+                                                        "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                                        "RETURNS " + typeName + ' ' +
+                                                        "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                                        "AS 'return val;';");
+            typeDef.fCalledOnNull = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                                   typeName,
+                                                   "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s(val " + typeName + ") " +
+                                                   "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                                   "RETURNS text " +
+                                                   "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                                   "AS 'return \"called\";';");
+            typeDef.fReturnsNullOnNull = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                                        typeName,
+                                                        "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s(val " + typeName + ") " +
+                                                        "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                                        "RETURNS text " +
+                                                        "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                                        "AS 'return \"called\";';");
+            values.add(typeDef.referenceValue);
+        }
+        createTableDDL += ')';
+        createTable(createTableDDL);
+        insertDML += ") VALUES (1";
+        for (TypesTestDef ignored : typeDefs)
+            insertDML += ", ?";
+        insertDML += ')';
+        execute(insertDML, values.toArray());
+        // second row with null values
+        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
+            values.set(i, null);
+        execute(insertDML.replace('1', '2'), values.toArray());
+        // check argument input + return
+        for (TypesTestDef typeDef : typeDefs)
+        {
+            assertRows(execute("SELECT " + typeDef.fCheckArgAndReturn + '(' + typeDef.columnName + ") FROM %s WHERE key = 1"),
+                       row(new Object[]{ typeDef.referenceValue }));
+        }
+        // check for CALLED ON NULL INPUT with non-null arguments
+        for (TypesTestDef typeDef : typeDefs)
+        {
+            assertRows(execute("SELECT " + typeDef.fCalledOnNull + '(' + typeDef.columnName + ") FROM %s WHERE key = 1"),
+                       row(new Object[]{ "called" }));
+        }
+        // check for CALLED ON NULL INPUT with null arguments
+        for (TypesTestDef typeDef : typeDefs)
+        {
+            assertRows(execute("SELECT " + typeDef.fCalledOnNull + '(' + typeDef.columnName + ") FROM %s WHERE key = 2"),
+                       row(new Object[]{ "called" }));
+        }
+        // check for RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT with non-null arguments
+        for (TypesTestDef typeDef : typeDefs)
+        {
+            assertRows(execute("SELECT " + typeDef.fReturnsNullOnNull + '(' + typeDef.columnName + ") FROM %s WHERE key = 1"),
+                       row(new Object[]{ "called" }));
+        }
+        // check for RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT with null arguments
+        for (TypesTestDef typeDef : typeDefs)
+        {
+            assertRows(execute("SELECT " + typeDef.fReturnsNullOnNull + '(' + typeDef.columnName + ") FROM %s WHERE key = 2"),
+                       row(new Object[]{ null }));
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFunctionWithFrozenSetType() throws Throwable
+    {
+        createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<set<int>>)");
+        createIndex("CREATE INDEX ON %s (FULL(b))");
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, set());
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, set(1, 2, 3));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, set(4, 5, 6));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, set(7, 8, 9));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".frozenSetArg(values frozen<set<int>>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS int " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'int sum = 0; for (Object value : values) {sum += value;} return sum;';");
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function return type should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".frozenReturnType(values set<int>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS frozen<set<int>> " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'return values;';");
+        String functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                             "set<int>",
+                                             "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values set<int>) " +
+                                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                             "RETURNS int " +
+                                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                             "AS 'int sum = 0; for (Object value : values) {sum += ((Integer) value);} return sum;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 0"), row(0, 0));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1"), row(1, 6));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 2"), row(2, 15));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 3"), row(3, 24));
+        functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                      "set<int>",
+                                      "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values set<int>) " +
+                                      "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                      "RETURNS set<int> " +
+                                      "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                      "AS 'return values;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a FROM %s WHERE b = " + functionName + "(?)", set(1, 2, 3)),
+                   row(1));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "DROP FUNCTION " + functionName + "(frozen<set<int>>);");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFunctionWithFrozenListType() throws Throwable
+    {
+        createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<list<int>>)");
+        createIndex("CREATE INDEX ON %s (FULL(b))");
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, list());
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, list(1, 2, 3));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, list(4, 5, 6));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, list(7, 8, 9));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".withFrozenArg(values frozen<list<int>>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS int " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'int sum = 0; for (Object value : values) {sum += value;} return sum;';");
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function return type should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".frozenReturnType(values list<int>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS frozen<list<int>> " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'return values;';");
+        String functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                             "list<int>",
+                                             "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values list<int>) " +
+                                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                             "RETURNS int " +
+                                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                             "AS 'int sum = 0; for (Object value : values) {sum += ((Integer) value);} return sum;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 0"), row(0, 0));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1"), row(1, 6));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 2"), row(2, 15));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 3"), row(3, 24));
+        functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                      "list<int>",
+                                      "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values list<int>) " +
+                                      "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                      "RETURNS list<int> " +
+                                      "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                      "AS 'return values;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a FROM %s WHERE b = " + functionName + "(?)", set(1, 2, 3)),
+                   row(1));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "DROP FUNCTION " + functionName + "(frozen<list<int>>);");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFunctionWithFrozenMapType() throws Throwable
+    {
+        createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<map<int, int>>)");
+        createIndex("CREATE INDEX ON %s (FULL(b))");
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, map());
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, map(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, map(4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, map(7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".withFrozenArg(values frozen<map<int, int>>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS int " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'int sum = 0; for (Object value : values.values()) {sum += value;} return sum;';");
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function return type should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".frozenReturnType(values map<int, int>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS frozen<map<int, int>> " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'return values;';");
+        String functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                             "map<int, int>",
+                                             "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values map<int, int>) " +
+                                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                             "RETURNS int " +
+                                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                             "AS 'int sum = 0; for (Object value : values.values()) {sum += ((Integer) value);} return sum;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 0"), row(0, 0));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1"), row(1, 6));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 2"), row(2, 15));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 3"), row(3, 24));
+        functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                      "map<int, int>",
+                                      "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values map<int, int>) " +
+                                      "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                      "RETURNS map<int, int> " +
+                                      "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                      "AS 'return values;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a FROM %s WHERE b = " + functionName + "(?)", map(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)),
+                   row(1));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "DROP FUNCTION " + functionName + "(frozen<map<int, int>>);");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFunctionWithFrozenTupleType() throws Throwable
+    {
+        createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<tuple<int, int>>)");
+        createIndex("CREATE INDEX ON %s (b)");
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, tuple());
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, tuple(1, 2));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, tuple(4, 5));
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, tuple(7, 8));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".withFrozenArg(values frozen<tuple<int, int>>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS text " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'return values.toString();';");
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function return type should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".frozenReturnType(values tuple<int, int>) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS frozen<tuple<int, int>> " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'return values;';");
+        String functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                             "tuple<int, int>",
+                                             "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values tuple<int, int>) " +
+                                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                             "RETURNS text " +
+                                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                             "AS 'return values.toString();';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 0"), row(0, "(NULL,NULL)"));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1"), row(1, "(1,2)"));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 2"), row(2, "(4,5)"));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 3"), row(3, "(7,8)"));
+        functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                      "tuple<int, int>",
+                                      "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values tuple<int, int>) " +
+                                      "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                      "RETURNS tuple<int, int> " +
+                                      "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                      "AS 'return values;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a FROM %s WHERE b = " + functionName + "(?)", tuple(1, 2)),
+                   row(1));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "DROP FUNCTION " + functionName + "(frozen<tuple<int, int>>);");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFunctionWithFrozenUDType() throws Throwable
+    {
+        String myType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (f int)");
+        createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<" + myType + ">)");
+        createIndex("CREATE INDEX ON %s (b)");
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, {f : ?})", 0, 0);
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, {f : ?})", 1, 1);
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, {f : ?})", 2, 4);
+        execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (?, {f : ?})", 3, 7);
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".withFrozenArg(values frozen<" + myType + ">) " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS text " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'return values.toString();';");
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function return type should not be frozen",
+                             "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".frozenReturnType(values " + myType + ") " +
+                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                             "RETURNS frozen<" + myType + "> " +
+                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                             "AS 'return values;';");
+        String functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                             myType,
+                                             "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values " + myType + ") " +
+                                             "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                             "RETURNS text " +
+                                             "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                             "AS 'return values.toString();';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 0"), row(0, "{f:0}"));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1"), row(1, "{f:1}"));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 2"), row(2, "{f:4}"));
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a, " + functionName + "(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 3"), row(3, "{f:7}"));
+        functionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE,
+                                      myType,
+                                      "CREATE FUNCTION %s (values " + myType + ") " +
+                                      "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " +
+                                      "RETURNS " + myType + " " +
+                                      "LANGUAGE java\n" +
+                                      "AS 'return values;';");
+        assertRows(execute("SELECT a FROM %s WHERE b = " + functionName + "({f: ?})", 1),
+                   row(1));
+        assertInvalidMessage("The function arguments should not be frozen",
+                             "DROP FUNCTION " + functionName + "(frozen<" + myType + ">);");
+    }