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[24/31] git commit: updated refs/heads/distributedrouter to a8d43ba

Scripts that use ovs-vsctl and ovs-ofctl to setup a bridge for VPC in
distributed routing mode, and setup flows appropriatley

script to handle the VPC topology sent from management server in JSOn
format. From the JSON file, reqired configuration (tunnel setup and flow
rules setup) is setup on the bridge


Branch: refs/heads/distributedrouter
Commit: 136796e52b3109f8948ecf8cc1868be5ca35cca1
Parents: cb37d77
Author: Murali Reddy <>
Authored: Mon Mar 10 11:58:37 2014 +0530
Committer: Murali Reddy <>
Committed: Thu Mar 13 19:22:08 2014 +0530

 .../xenserver/           | 154 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../vm/hypervisor/xenserver/    | 128 +++++++++++----
 scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ovstunnel       | 114 +++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 362 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ b/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/
index 422111f..d2b95dc 100644
--- a/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/
+++ b/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import ConfigParser
 import logging
 import os
 import subprocess
+import json
 from time import localtime, asctime
@@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ def _build_flow_expr(**kwargs):
     dl_dst = 'dl_dst' in kwargs and ",dl_dst=%s" % kwargs['dl_dst'] or ''
     nw_src = 'nw_src' in kwargs and ",nw_src=%s" % kwargs['nw_src'] or ''
     nw_dst = 'nw_dst' in kwargs and ",nw_dst=%s" % kwargs['nw_dst'] or ''
+    table = 'table' in kwargs and ",table=%s" % kwargs['table'] or ''
     proto = 'proto' in kwargs and ",%s" % kwargs['proto'] or ''
     ip = ('nw_src' in kwargs or 'nw_dst' in kwargs) and ',ip' or ''
     flow = (flow + in_port + dl_type + dl_src + dl_dst +
@@ -219,3 +221,155 @@ def del_all_flows(bridge):
 def del_port(bridge, port):
     delPort = [VSCTL_PATH, "del-port", bridge, port]
+def get_network_id_for_vif(vif_name):
+    domain_id, device_id = vif_name[3:len(vif_name)].split(".")
+    dom_uuid = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vm-list", "dom-id=%s" % domain_id, "--minimal"])
+    vif_uuid = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vif-list", "vm-uuid=%s" % dom_uuid, "device=%s" % device_id, "--minimal"])
+    vnet = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vif-param-get", "uuid=%s" % vif_uuid,  "param-name=other-config",
+                             "param-key=cloudstack-network-id"])
+    return vnet
+def get_network_id_for_tunnel_port(tunnelif_name):
+    vnet = do_cmd([VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface", tunnelif_name, "options:cloudstack-network-id"])
+    return vnet
+def clear_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, ofport):
+        del_flows(bridge, in_port=ofport, table=2)
+def add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, in_ofport, out_ofports):
+        action = "".join("output:%s," %ofport for ofport in out_ofports)[:-1]
+        add_flow(bridge, priority=1100, in_port=in_ofport, table=1, actions=action)
+def get_ofport_for_vif(vif_name):
+    return do_cmd([VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface", vif_name, "ofport"])
+def get_macaddress_of_vif(vif_name):
+    domain_id, device_id = vif_name[3:len(vif_name)].split(".")
+    dom_uuid = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vm-list", "dom-id=%s" % domain_id, "--minimal"])
+    vif_uuid = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vif-list", "vm-uuid=%s" % dom_uuid, "device=%s" % device_id, "--minimal"])
+    mac = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vif-param-get", "uuid=%s" % vif_uuid,  "param-name=MAC"])
+    return mac
+def get_vif_name_from_macaddress(macaddress):
+    vif_uuid = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vif-list", "MAC=%s" % macaddress, "--minimal"])
+    vif_device_id = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vif-param-get", "uuid=%s" % vif_uuid,  "param-name=device"])
+    vm_uuid = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vif-param-get", "uuid=%s" % vif_uuid,  "param-name=vm-uuid"])
+    vm_domain_id = do_cmd([XE_PATH, "vm-param-get", "uuid=%s" % vm_uuid,  "param-name=dom-id"])
+    return "vif"+vm_domain_id+"."+vif_device_id
+def add_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac_address, out_of_port):
+    add_flow(bridge, priority=1100, dl_dst=mac_address, table=1, actions="output:%s" % out_of_port)
+def delete_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac_address):
+    del_flows(bridge, dl_dst=mac_address, table=1)
+def add_ip_lookup_table_entry(bridge, ip, dst_tier_gateway_mac, dst_vm_mac):
+    action_str = "mod_dl_sr:%s" % dst_tier_gateway_mac + ",mod_dl_dst:%s" % dst_vm_mac +",resubmit(,5)"
+    addflow = [OFCTL_PATH, "add-flow", bridge, "table=4", "nw_dst=%s" % ip, "actions=%s" %action_str]
+    do_cmd(addflow)
+def get_vms_on_host(vpc, host_id):
+    all_vms = vpc.vms
+    vms_on_host = []
+    for vm in all_vms:
+      if vm.hostid == host_id:
+        vms_on_host.append(vm)
+    return vms_on_host
+def get_network_details(vpc, network_uuid):
+    tiers = vpc.tiers
+    for tier in tiers:
+      if tier.networkuuid == network_uuid:
+        return tier
+    return None
+class jsonLoader(object):
+  def __init__(self, obj):
+        for k in obj:
+            v = obj[k]
+            if isinstance(v, dict):
+                setattr(self, k, jsonLoader(v))
+            elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+                if len(v) > 0 and isinstance(v[0], dict):
+                    setattr(self, k, [jsonLoader(elem) for elem in v])
+                else:
+                    setattr(self, k, v)
+            else:
+                setattr(self, k, v)
+  def __getattr__(self, val):
+        if val in self.__dict__:
+            return self.__dict__[val]
+        else:
+            return None
+  def __repr__(self):
+        return '{%s}' % str(', '.join('%s : %s' % (k, repr(v)) for (k, v)
+                                      in self.__dict__.iteritems()))
+  def __str__(self):
+        return '{%s}' % str(', '.join('%s : %s' % (k, repr(v)) for (k, v)
+                                      in self.__dict__.iteritems()))
+def configure_bridge_for_topology(bridge, this_host_id, json_config):
+    vpconfig = jsonLoader(json.loads(json_config)).vpc
+    if vpconfig is None:
+        logging.debug("WARNING:Can't find VPC info in json config file")
+    # get the list of Vm's in the VPC from the JSON config
+    this_host_vms = get_vms_on_host(vpconfig, this_host_id)
+    for vm in this_host_vms:
+        for nic in vm.nics:
+            mac_addr = nic.macaddress
+            ip = nic.ipaddress
+            vif_name = get_vif_name_from_macaddress(mac_addr)
+            of_port = get_ofport_for_vif(vif_name)
+            network = get_network_details(vpconfig, nic.networkuuid)
+            # Add flow rule in L2 look up table, if the destination mac = MAC of the nic send packet on the found OFPORT
+            add_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac_addr, of_port)
+            # Add flow rule in L3 look up table: if the destination IP = VM's IP then modify the packet
+            # to set DST MAC = VM's MAC, SRC MAC=tier gateway MAC and send to egress table
+            add_ip_lookup_table_entry(bridge, ip, network.gatewaymac, mac_addr)
+            # Add flow entry to send with intra tier traffic from the NIC to L2 lookup path)
+            addflow = [OFCTL_PATH, "add-flow", bridge, "table=0", "in_port=%s" % of_port,
+                       "nw_dst=%s" %network.cidr, "actions=resubmit(,1)"]
+            do_cmd(addflow)
+            #add flow entry to send inter-tier traffic from the NIC to egress ACL table(to L3 lookup path)
+            addflow = [OFCTL_PATH, "add-flow", bridge, "table=0", "in_port=%s" % of_port,
+                       "dl_dst=%s" %network.gatewaymac, "nw_dst=%s" %vpconfig.cidr, "actions=resubmit(,3)"]
+            do_cmd(addflow)
+    # get the list of hosts on which VPC spans from the JSON config
+    vpc_spanning_hosts = vpconfig.hosts
+    for host in vpc_spanning_hosts:
+        if this_host_id == host.hostid:
+            continue
+        other_host_vms = get_vms_on_host(vpconfig, host.hostid)
+        for vm in other_host_vms:
+            for nic in vm.nics:
+                mac_addr = nic.macaddress
+                ip = nic.ipaddress
+                network = get_network_details(vpconfig, nic.networkuuid)
+                gre_key = network.grekey
+                # generate tunnel name from tunnel naming convention
+                tunnel_name = "t%s-%s-%s" % (gre_key, this_host_id, host.hostid)
+                of_port = get_ofport_for_vif(tunnel_name)
+                # Add flow rule in L2 look up table, if the destination mac = MAC of the nic send packet tunnel port
+                add_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac_addr, of_port)
+                # Add flow tule in L3 look up table: if the destination IP = VM's IP then modify the packet
+                # set DST MAC = VM's MAC, SRC MAC=tier gateway MAC and send to egress table
+                add_ip_lookup_table_entry(bridge, ip, network.gatewaymac, mac_addr)
+    return "SUCCESS: successfully configured bridge as per the VPC toplogy"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ b/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/
index 8452dae..ae37525 100644
--- a/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/
+++ b/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 # A simple script for enabling and disabling per-vif rules for explicitly
 # allowing broadcast/multicast traffic on the port where the VIF is attached
+import copy
 import os
 import sys
@@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ def clear_rules(vif):
 def main(command, vif_raw):
     if command not in ('online', 'offline'):
@@ -86,38 +86,110 @@ def main(command, vif_raw):
 	# find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
     xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
 								   "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
-    result = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
+    ovs_tunnel_network = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
 						       "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
 						       "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"])
-    if result != 'True':
-		return
-    vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
-    if vlan != '0':
-            # We need the REAL bridge name
-            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
-                                       'br-to-parent', bridge])
-    vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
-                                     'list-ports', bridge])
-    vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
-    vif_ofports = []
-    for vif in vifs:
-    	vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get',
-                                       'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
-    	if this_vif == vif:
-    		this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
-        if vif.startswith('vif'): 
-            vif_ofports.append(vif_ofport)
-    if command == 'offline':
-        clear_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)
-    if command == 'online':
-        apply_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)
+    ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
+						       "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
+						       "param-name=other-config",
+						       "param-key=is-ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network", "--minimal"])
+    if ovs_tunnel_network == 'True':
+        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
+        if vlan != '0':
+                # We need the REAL bridge name
+                bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
+                                           'br-to-parent', bridge])
+        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
+                                         'list-ports', bridge])
+        vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
+        vif_ofports = []
+        for vif in vifs:
+            vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get',
+                                           'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
+            if this_vif == vif:
+                this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
+            if vif.startswith('vif'):
+                vif_ofports.append(vif_ofport)
+        if command == 'offline':
+            clear_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)
+        if command == 'online':
+            apply_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)
+    if ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network == 'True':
+        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
+        if vlan != '0':
+                # We need the REAL bridge name
+                bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
+                                           'br-to-parent', bridge])
+        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
+                                         'list-ports', bridge])
+        vif_network_id = pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(this_vif)
+        vnet_vif_ofports = []
+        vnet_tunnelif_ofports = []
+        vnet_all_ofports = []
+        ports = vsctl_output.split('\n')
+        for port in ports:
+            if_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
+            if vif.startswith('vif'):
+                # check VIF is in same network as that of plugged vif
+                if vif_network_id != pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(port):
+                    continue
+                vnet_vif_ofports.append(if_ofport)
+                vnet_all_ofports.append(if_ofport)
+            if vif.startswith('t'):
+                # check tunnel port is in same network as that of plugged vif
+                if vif_network_id != pluginlib.get_network_id_for_tunnel_port(port):
+                    continue
+                vnet_tunnelif_ofports.append(if_ofport)
+                vnet_all_ofports.append(if_ofport)
+        if command == 'online':
+            for port in vnet_all_ofports:
+                pluginlib.clear_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port)
+            # for a packet arrived from tunnel port, flood only on VIF ports
+            for port in vnet_tunnelif_ofports:
+                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_vif_ofports)
+            # send on all VIF and tunnel port excluding the port on which packet arrived
+            for port in vnet_vif_ofports:
+                vnet_all_ofports_copy = copy.copy(vnet_all_ofports)
+                vnet_all_ofports_copy.remove(port)
+                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_all_ofports_copy)
+            #learn that MAC is reachable through the VIF port
+            mac = pluginlib.get_macaddress_of_vif(this_vif)
+            pluginlib.add_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac, this_vif_ofport)
+        if command == 'offline':
+            for port in vnet_all_ofports:
+                pluginlib.clear_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port)
+            vnet_all_ofports.remove(this_vif_ofport)
+            vnet_vif_ofports.remove(this_vif_ofport)
+            # for a packet arrived from tunnel port, flood only on VIF ports
+            for port in vnet_tunnelif_ofports:
+                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_vif_ofports)
+            # for a packet from VIF port send on all VIF's and tunnel ports excluding the port on which packet arrived
+            for port in vnet_vif_ofports:
+                vnet_all_ofports_copy = copy.copy(vnet_all_ofports)
+                vnet_all_ofports_copy.remove(port)
+                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_all_ofports_copy)
+            #un-learn that MAC is reachable through the VIF port
+            mac = pluginlib.get_macaddress_of_vif(this_vif)
+            pluginlib.delete_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac)
+    return
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     if len(sys.argv) != 3:
diff --git a/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ovstunnel b/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ovstunnel
index 106be04..d558e97 100755
--- a/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ovstunnel
+++ b/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ovstunnel
@@ -124,6 +124,75 @@ def setup_ovs_bridge(session, args):
     logging.debug("Setup_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)
     return result
+def setup_ovs_bridge_for_distributed_routing(session, args):
+    bridge = args.pop("bridge")
+    key = args.pop("key")
+    xs_nw_uuid = args.pop("xs_nw_uuid")
+    cs_host_id = args.pop("cs_host_id")
+    res = lib.check_switch()
+    if res != "SUCCESS":
+        return "FAILURE:%s" % res
+    logging.debug("About to manually create the bridge:%s" % bridge)
+    # create a bridge with the same name as the xapi network
+    res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "--", "--may-exist", "add-br", bridge,
+                                     "--", "set", "bridge", bridge])
+    logging.debug("Bridge has been manually created:%s" % res)
+    # TODO: Make sure xs-network-uuid is set into external_ids
+    lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "Bridge", bridge,
+                            "external_ids:xs-network-uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid])
+    # Non empty result means something went wrong
+    if res:
+        result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
+    else:
+        # Verify the bridge actually exists, with the gre_key properly set
+        res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "bridge",
+                                          bridge, "other_config:gre_key"])
+        if key in res:
+            result = "SUCCESS:%s" % bridge
+        else:
+            result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
+        # Finally note in the xenapi network object that the network has
+        # been configured
+        xs_nw_uuid = lib.do_cmd([lib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
+                                "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
+        lib.do_cmd([lib.XE_PATH, "network-param-set", "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
+                   "other-config:is-ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network=True"])
+        conf_hosts = lib.do_cmd([lib.XE_PATH, "network-param-get",
+                                "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
+                                "param-name=other-config",
+                                "param-key=ovs-host-setup", "--minimal"])
+        conf_hosts = cs_host_id + (conf_hosts and ',%s' % conf_hosts or '')
+        lib.do_cmd([lib.XE_PATH, "network-param-set", "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
+                   "other-config:ovs-host-setup=%s" % conf_hosts])
+        # add a default flow rule to send broadcast and multi-cast packets to L2 flooding table
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, dl_dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', table=0, actions='resubmit(,2)')
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, nw_dst='', table=0, actions='resubmit(,2)')
+        # add a default flow rule to send uni-cast traffic to L2 lookup table
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=0, actions='resubmit(,1)')
+        # add a default rule to send unknown mac address to L2 flooding table
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=1, actions='resubmit(,2)')
+        # add a default rule in L2 flood table to drop packet
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=2, actions='drop')
+        # add a default rule in egress table to forward packet to L3 lookup table
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=3, actions='resubmit(,4)')
+        # add a default rule in L3 lookup table to forward packet to L2 lookup table
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=4, actions='resubmit(,1)')
+        # add a default rule in egress table to forward packet to L3 lookup table
+        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=5, actions='drop')
+    logging.debug("Setup_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)
+    return result
 def destroy_ovs_bridge(session, args):
@@ -220,13 +289,36 @@ def create_tunnel(session, args):
         # Ensure no trailing LF
         if tun_ofport.endswith('\n'):
             tun_ofport = tun_ofport[:-1]
-        # add flow entryies for dropping broadcast coming in from gre tunnel
-        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport,
+        # find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
+        xs_nw_uuid = lib.do_cmd([lib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
+								   "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
+        ovs_tunnel_network = lib.do_cmd([lib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
+						       "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
+						       "param-name=other-config",
+						       "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"])
+        ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = lib.do_cmd([lib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
+                           "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
+                           "param-name=other-config",
+                           "param-key=is-ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network", "--minimal"])
+        if ovs_tunnel_network == 'True':
+            # add flow entryies for dropping broadcast coming in from gre tunnel
+            lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport,
                          dl_dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', actions='drop')
-        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport,
+            lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport,
                      nw_dst='', actions='drop')
-        drop_flow_setup = True
-        logging.debug("Broadcast drop rules added")
+            drop_flow_setup = True
+            logging.debug("Broadcast drop rules added")
+        if ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network == 'True':
+            # add flow rules for dropping broadcast coming in from tunnel ports
+            lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport, table=0,
+                         dl_dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', actions='drop')
+            lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport, table=0,
+                     nw_dst='', actions='drop')
+            # add flow rule to send the traffic from tunnel ports to L2 switching table only
+            lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport, table=0, actions='resubmit(,1)')
         return "SUCCESS:%s" % name
         logging.debug("An unexpected error occured. Rolling back")
@@ -293,10 +385,20 @@ def getLabel(session, args):
     	return label
     return False
+def configure_ovs_bridge_for_network_topology(session, args):
+    bridge = args.pop("bridge")
+    json_config = args.pop("config")
+    this_host_id = args.pop("host-id")
+    return lib.configure_bridge_for_topology(bridge, this_host_id, json_config)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     XenAPIPlugin.dispatch({"create_tunnel": create_tunnel,
                            "destroy_tunnel": destroy_tunnel,
                            "setup_ovs_bridge": setup_ovs_bridge,
                            "destroy_ovs_bridge": destroy_ovs_bridge,
                            "is_xcp": is_xcp,
-                           "getLabel": getLabel})
+                           "getLabel": getLabel,
+                           "setup_ovs_bridge_for_distributed_routing": setup_ovs_bridge_for_distributed_routing,
+                           "configure_ovs_bridge_for_network_topology": configure_ovs_bridge_for_network_topology})