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-           <div id="BValContent_" class="wiki-content"><p>Apache Bean Validation will deliver an implementation of the JSR303 Bean Validation 1.0 specification. BVAL entered incubation on March 1, 2010.</p>
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+<p>Apache Bean Validation will deliver an implementation of the JSR303 Bean Validation 1.0 specification. BVAL entered incubation on March 1, 2010.</p>
 <h3 id="a-list-of-the-three-most-important-issues-to-address-in-the-move-towards-graduation">A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation.</h3>
 <li>First release of artifacts - Done</li>
@@ -187,44 +141,28 @@ $content
 <h3 id="how-has-the-project-developed-since-the-last-report">How has the project developed since the last report?</h3>
 <li>Currently a 0.2-incubating RC2 release vote is underway.</li>
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+<p>Apache Bean Validation will deliver an implementation of the JSR303 Bean Validation 1.0 specification. BVAL entered incubation on March 1, 2010.</p>
 <h3 id="a-list-of-the-three-most-important-issues-to-address-in-the-move-towards-graduation">A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation.</h3>
 <li>First release of artifacts - Done</li>
@@ -186,44 +140,28 @@ $content
 <h3 id="how-has-the-project-developed-since-the-last-report">How has the project developed since the last report?</h3>
 <li>0.2-incubating was released on August 20th.</li>
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+<h3 id="apache-bval-quarterly-report-january-2011">Apache Bval Quarterly Report January 2011</h3>
 <p>The community missed their December quarterly report. So, are submitting this report in January.</p>
 <h3 id="summary">Summary</h3>
 <p>The community has been active with discussions on the dev list and code updates. A new 0.3 release has been discussed, but is not yet underway.</p>
@@ -186,44 +140,28 @@ $content
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 <li>Not started yet. </li>
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 <p>Apache Bean Validation will deliver an implementation of the JSR303 Bean Validation 1.0 specification. BVAL entered incubation on March 1, 2010.</p>
 <h3 id="a-list-of-the-three-most-important-issues-to-address-in-the-move-towards-graduation">A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation.</h3>
@@ -193,44 +147,28 @@ $content
 <h3 id="how-has-the-project-developed-since-the-last-report">How has the project developed since the last report?</h3>
 <li>0.3-incubating was released on 2011-02-04.</li>
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 <p>Bean Validation was accepted into Incubator on 1 March 2010.</p>
 <p>The Bean Validation project is an implementation of the Java EE Bean
 Validation JSR303 specification.</p>
@@ -191,44 +145,28 @@ users needs.</li>
 <li>Started a 'extras' module development where putting validators
 not included in the JSR303 spec.</li>
 <li>planning the development for implementing next JSR330 spec version.</li>
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+<h3 id="apache-bval-quarterly-report-december-2011">Apache Bval Quarterly Report December 2011</h3>
 <p>Bean Validation was accepted into Incubator on 1 March 2010.</p>
 <p>The Bean Validation project is an implementation of the Java EE Bean
 Validation JSR303 specification.</p>
@@ -191,44 +145,28 @@ and the level of achievement of conformi
 <li>we have upgraded to and continue to pass the latest available version of the JSR303 TCK.</li>
 <li>we continue to track the progress of the JSR303 spec for the future.</li>
-<p>[1] <a href=""></a></p></div>
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+<p>[1] <a href=""></a></p>
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