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Posted to by Marcus Breese <> on 2003/06/11 19:34:30 UTC

Torque data-type REF

What is the 'REF' data type for?

I'm trying to get torque to generate a repository.xml file for OJB, but 
am having problems getting it to do 1:n relationships but can't figure 
out how to do it...  so I'm looking for a datatype to use that I could 
rewrite the Velocity templates to use...

I'm thinking of either using the REF or OTHER tags but there isn't any 
documentation on what these tags are for...


-=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-=-
Marcus Breese                  
IU School of Medicine    
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Center for Medical Genomics / Grow Lab