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git commit: SPARK-2932 [STREAMING] Move MasterFailureTest out of "main" source directory

Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master b8487713d -> c3f2a8588

SPARK-2932 [STREAMING] Move MasterFailureTest out of "main" source directory

(HT @vanzin) Whatever the reason was for having this test class in `main`, if there is one, appear to be moot. This may have been a result of earlier streaming test reorganization.

This simply puts `MasterFailureTest` back under `test/`, removes some redundant copied code, and touches up a few tiny inspection warnings along the way.

Author: Sean Owen <>

Closes #2399 from srowen/SPARK-2932 and squashes the following commits:

3909411 [Sean Owen] Move MasterFailureTest to src/test, and remove redundant TestOutputStream


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: c3f2a8588e19aab814ac5cdd86575bb5558d5e46
Parents: b848771
Author: Sean Owen <>
Authored: Thu Sep 25 23:20:17 2014 +0530
Committer: Tathagata Das <>
Committed: Thu Sep 25 23:20:17 2014 +0530

 .../streaming/util/MasterFailureTest.scala      | 428 -------------------
 .../apache/spark/streaming/FailureSuite.scala   |   1 -
 .../spark/streaming/MasterFailureTest.scala     | 401 +++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 401 insertions(+), 429 deletions(-)
diff --git a/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/util/MasterFailureTest.scala b/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/util/MasterFailureTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e17ff..0000000
--- a/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/util/MasterFailureTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.streaming.util
-import org.apache.spark.Logging
-import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
-import org.apache.spark.streaming._
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.{DStream, ForEachDStream}
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
-import StreamingContext._
-import scala.util.Random
-import scala.collection.mutable.{SynchronizedBuffer, ArrayBuffer}
-import scala.reflect.ClassTag
-import{File, ObjectInputStream, IOException}
-import java.nio.charset.Charset
-import java.util.UUID
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
-object MasterFailureTest extends Logging {
-  @volatile var killed = false
-  @volatile var killCount = 0
-  @volatile var setupCalled = false
-  def main(args: Array[String]) {
-    if (args.size < 2) {
-      println(
-        "Usage: MasterFailureTest <local/HDFS directory> <# batches> " +
-          "[<batch size in milliseconds>]")
-      System.exit(1)
-    }
-    val directory = args(0)
-    val numBatches = args(1).toInt
-    val batchDuration = if (args.size > 2) Milliseconds(args(2).toInt) else Seconds(1)
-    println("\n\n========================= MAP TEST =========================\n\n")
-    testMap(directory, numBatches, batchDuration)
-    println("\n\n================= UPDATE-STATE-BY-KEY TEST =================\n\n")
-    testUpdateStateByKey(directory, numBatches, batchDuration)
-    println("\n\nSUCCESS\n\n")
-  }
-  def testMap(directory: String, numBatches: Int, batchDuration: Duration) {
-    // Input: time=1 ==> [ 1 ] , time=2 ==> [ 2 ] , time=3 ==> [ 3 ] , ...
-    val input = (1 to numBatches).map(_.toString).toSeq
-    // Expected output: time=1 ==> [ 1 ] , time=2 ==> [ 2 ] , time=3 ==> [ 3 ] , ...
-    val expectedOutput = (1 to numBatches)
-    val operation = (st: DStream[String]) =>
-    // Run streaming operation with multiple master failures
-    val output = testOperation(directory, batchDuration, input, operation, expectedOutput)
-    logInfo("Expected output, size = " + expectedOutput.size)
-    logInfo(expectedOutput.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
-    logInfo("Output, size = " + output.size)
-    logInfo(output.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
-    // Verify whether all the values of the expected output is present
-    // in the output
-    assert(output.distinct.toSet == expectedOutput.toSet)
-  }
-  def testUpdateStateByKey(directory: String, numBatches: Int, batchDuration: Duration) {
-    // Input: time=1 ==> [ a ] , time=2 ==> [ a, a ] , time=3 ==> [ a, a, a ] , ...
-    val input = (1 to numBatches).map(i => (1 to i).map(_ => "a").mkString(" ")).toSeq
-    // Expected output: time=1 ==> [ (a, 1) ] , time=2 ==> [ (a, 3) ] , time=3 ==> [ (a,6) ] , ...
-    val expectedOutput = (1L to numBatches).map(i => (1L to i).reduce(_ + _)).map(j => ("a", j))
-    val operation = (st: DStream[String]) => {
-      val updateFunc = (values: Seq[Long], state: Option[Long]) => {
-        Some(values.foldLeft(0L)(_ + _) + state.getOrElse(0L))
-      }
-      st.flatMap(_.split(" "))
-        .map(x => (x, 1L))
-        .updateStateByKey[Long](updateFunc)
-        .checkpoint(batchDuration * 5)
-    }
-    // Run streaming operation with multiple master failures
-    val output = testOperation(directory, batchDuration, input, operation, expectedOutput)
-    logInfo("Expected output, size = " + expectedOutput.size + "\n" + expectedOutput)
-    logInfo("Output, size = " + output.size + "\n" + output)
-    // Verify whether all the values in the output are among the expected output values
-    output.foreach(o =>
-      assert(expectedOutput.contains(o), "Expected value " + o + " not found")
-    )
-    // Verify whether the last expected output value has been generated, there by
-    // confirming that none of the inputs have been missed
-    assert(output.last == expectedOutput.last)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tests stream operation with multiple master failures, and verifies whether the
-   * final set of output values is as expected or not.
-   */
-  def testOperation[T: ClassTag](
-    directory: String,
-    batchDuration: Duration,
-    input: Seq[String],
-    operation: DStream[String] => DStream[T],
-    expectedOutput: Seq[T]
-  ): Seq[T] = {
-    // Just making sure that the expected output does not have duplicates
-    assert(expectedOutput.distinct.toSet == expectedOutput.toSet)
-    // Reset all state
-    reset()
-    // Create the directories for this test
-    val uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString
-    val rootDir = new Path(directory, uuid)
-    val fs = rootDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
-    val checkpointDir = new Path(rootDir, "checkpoint")
-    val testDir = new Path(rootDir, "test")
-    fs.mkdirs(checkpointDir)
-    fs.mkdirs(testDir)
-    // Setup the stream computation with the given operation
-    val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDir.toString, () => {
-      setupStreams(batchDuration, operation, checkpointDir, testDir)
-    })
-    // Check if setupStream was called to create StreamingContext
-    // (and not created from checkpoint file)
-    assert(setupCalled, "Setup was not called in the first call to StreamingContext.getOrCreate")
-    // Start generating files in the a different thread
-    val fileGeneratingThread = new FileGeneratingThread(input, testDir, batchDuration.milliseconds)
-    fileGeneratingThread.start()
-    // Run the streams and repeatedly kill it until the last expected output
-    // has been generated, or until it has run for twice the expected time
-    val lastExpectedOutput = expectedOutput.last
-    val maxTimeToRun = expectedOutput.size * batchDuration.milliseconds * 2
-    val mergedOutput = runStreams(ssc, lastExpectedOutput, maxTimeToRun)
-    fileGeneratingThread.join()
-    fs.delete(checkpointDir, true)
-    fs.delete(testDir, true)
-    logInfo("Finished test after " + killCount + " failures")
-    mergedOutput
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets up the stream computation with the given operation, directory (local or HDFS),
-   * and batch duration. Returns the streaming context and the directory to which
-   * files should be written for testing.
-   */
-  private def setupStreams[T: ClassTag](
-      batchDuration: Duration,
-      operation: DStream[String] => DStream[T],
-      checkpointDir: Path,
-      testDir: Path
-    ): StreamingContext = {
-    // Mark that setup was called
-    setupCalled = true
-    // Setup the streaming computation with the given operation
-    val ssc = new StreamingContext("local[4]", "MasterFailureTest", batchDuration, null, Nil,
-      Map())
-    ssc.checkpoint(checkpointDir.toString)
-    val inputStream = ssc.textFileStream(testDir.toString)
-    val operatedStream = operation(inputStream)
-    val outputStream = new TestOutputStream(operatedStream)
-    outputStream.register()
-    ssc
-  }
-  /**
-   * Repeatedly starts and kills the streaming context until timed out or
-   * the last expected output is generated. Finally, return
-   */
-  private def runStreams[T: ClassTag](
-      ssc_ : StreamingContext,
-      lastExpectedOutput: T,
-      maxTimeToRun: Long
-   ): Seq[T] = {
-    var ssc = ssc_
-    var totalTimeRan = 0L
-    var isLastOutputGenerated = false
-    var isTimedOut = false
-    val mergedOutput = new ArrayBuffer[T]()
-    val checkpointDir = ssc.checkpointDir
-    val batchDuration = ssc.graph.batchDuration
-    while(!isLastOutputGenerated && !isTimedOut) {
-      // Get the output buffer
-      val outputBuffer = ssc.graph.getOutputStreams.head.asInstanceOf[TestOutputStream[T]].output
-      def output = outputBuffer.flatMap(x => x)
-      // Start the thread to kill the streaming after some time
-      killed = false
-      val killingThread = new KillingThread(ssc, batchDuration.milliseconds * 10)
-      killingThread.start()
-      var timeRan = 0L
-      try {
-        // Start the streaming computation and let it run while ...
-        // (i) StreamingContext has not been shut down yet
-        // (ii) The last expected output has not been generated yet
-        // (iii) Its not timed out yet
-        System.clearProperty("spark.streaming.clock")
-        System.clearProperty("spark.driver.port")
-        ssc.start()
-        val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
-        while (!killed && !isLastOutputGenerated && !isTimedOut) {
-          Thread.sleep(100)
-          timeRan = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
-          isLastOutputGenerated = (!output.isEmpty && output.last == lastExpectedOutput)
-          isTimedOut = (timeRan + totalTimeRan > maxTimeToRun)
-        }
-      } catch {
-        case e: Exception => logError("Error running streaming context", e)
-      }
-      if (killingThread.isAlive) killingThread.interrupt()
-      ssc.stop()
-      logInfo("Has been killed = " + killed)
-      logInfo("Is last output generated = " + isLastOutputGenerated)
-      logInfo("Is timed out = " + isTimedOut)
-      // Verify whether the output of each batch has only one element or no element
-      // and then merge the new output with all the earlier output
-      mergedOutput ++= output
-      totalTimeRan += timeRan
-      logInfo("New output = " + output)
-      logInfo("Merged output = " + mergedOutput)
-      logInfo("Time ran = " + timeRan)
-      logInfo("Total time ran = " + totalTimeRan)
-      if (!isLastOutputGenerated && !isTimedOut) {
-        val sleepTime = Random.nextInt(batchDuration.milliseconds.toInt * 10)
-        logInfo(
-          "\n-------------------------------------------\n" +
-            "   Restarting stream computation in " + sleepTime + " ms   " +
-            "\n-------------------------------------------\n"
-        )
-        Thread.sleep(sleepTime)
-        // Recreate the streaming context from checkpoint
-        ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDir, () => {
-          throw new Exception("Trying to create new context when it " +
-            "should be reading from checkpoint file")
-        })
-      }
-    }
-    mergedOutput
-  }
-  /**
-   * Verifies the output value are the same as expected. Since failures can lead to
-   * a batch being processed twice, a batches output may appear more than once
-   * consecutively. To avoid getting confused with those, we eliminate consecutive
-   * duplicate batch outputs of values from the `output`. As a result, the
-   * expected output should not have consecutive batches with the same values as output.
-   */
-  private def verifyOutput[T: ClassTag](output: Seq[T], expectedOutput: Seq[T]) {
-    // Verify whether expected outputs do not consecutive batches with same output
-    for (i <- 0 until expectedOutput.size - 1) {
-      assert(expectedOutput(i) != expectedOutput(i + 1),
-        "Expected output has consecutive duplicate sequence of values")
-    }
-    // Log the output
-    println("Expected output, size = " + expectedOutput.size)
-    println(expectedOutput.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
-    println("Output, size = " + output.size)
-    println(output.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
-    // Match the output with the expected output
-    output.foreach(o =>
-      assert(expectedOutput.contains(o), "Expected value " + o + " not found")
-    )
-  }
-  /** Resets counter to prepare for the test */
-  private def reset() {
-    killed = false
-    killCount = 0
-    setupCalled = false
-  }
- * This is a output stream just for testing. All the output is collected into a
- * ArrayBuffer. This buffer is wiped clean on being restored from checkpoint.
- */
-class TestOutputStream[T: ClassTag](
-    parent: DStream[T],
-    val output: ArrayBuffer[Seq[T]] = new ArrayBuffer[Seq[T]] with SynchronizedBuffer[Seq[T]]
-  ) extends ForEachDStream[T](
-    parent,
-    (rdd: RDD[T], t: Time) => {
-      val collected = rdd.collect()
-      output += collected
-    }
-  ) {
-  // This is to clear the output buffer every it is read from a checkpoint
-  @throws(classOf[IOException])
-  private def readObject(ois: ObjectInputStream) {
-    ois.defaultReadObject()
-    output.clear()
-  }
- * Thread to kill streaming context after a random period of time.
- */
-class KillingThread(ssc: StreamingContext, maxKillWaitTime: Long) extends Thread with Logging {
-  override def run() {
-    try {
-      // If it is the first killing, then allow the first checkpoint to be created
-      var minKillWaitTime = if (MasterFailureTest.killCount == 0) 5000 else 2000
-      val killWaitTime = minKillWaitTime + math.abs(Random.nextLong % maxKillWaitTime)
-      logInfo("Kill wait time = " + killWaitTime)
-      Thread.sleep(killWaitTime)
-      logInfo(
-        "\n---------------------------------------\n" +
-          "Killing streaming context after " + killWaitTime + " ms" +
-          "\n---------------------------------------\n"
-      )
-      if (ssc != null) {
-        ssc.stop()
-        MasterFailureTest.killed = true
-        MasterFailureTest.killCount += 1
-      }
-      logInfo("Killing thread finished normally")
-    } catch {
-      case ie: InterruptedException => logInfo("Killing thread interrupted")
-      case e: Exception => logWarning("Exception in killing thread", e)
-    }
-  }
- * Thread to generate input files periodically with the desired text.
- */
-class FileGeneratingThread(input: Seq[String], testDir: Path, interval: Long)
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-  override def run() {
-    val localTestDir = Files.createTempDir()
-    localTestDir.deleteOnExit()
-    var fs = testDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
-    val maxTries = 3
-    try {
-      Thread.sleep(5000) // To make sure that all the streaming context has been set up
-      for (i <- 0 until input.size) {
-        // Write the data to a local file and then move it to the target test directory
-        val localFile = new File(localTestDir, (i + 1).toString)
-        val hadoopFile = new Path(testDir, (i + 1).toString)
-        val tempHadoopFile = new Path(testDir, ".tmp_" + (i + 1).toString)
-        Files.write(input(i) + "\n", localFile, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
-        var tries = 0
-        var done = false
-            while (!done && tries < maxTries) {
-              tries += 1
-              try {
-                // fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(localFile.toString), hadoopFile)
-                fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(localFile.toString), tempHadoopFile)
-                fs.rename(tempHadoopFile, hadoopFile)
-            done = true
-          } catch {
-            case ioe: IOException => {
-                  fs = testDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
-                  logWarning("Attempt " + tries + " at generating file " + hadoopFile + " failed.",
-                    ioe)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (!done) {
-          logError("Could not generate file " + hadoopFile)
-        } else {
-          logInfo("Generated file " + hadoopFile + " at " + System.currentTimeMillis)
-        }
-        Thread.sleep(interval)
-        localFile.delete()
-      }
-      logInfo("File generating thread finished normally")
-    } catch {
-      case ie: InterruptedException => logInfo("File generating thread interrupted")
-      case e: Exception => logWarning("File generating in killing thread", e)
-    } finally {
-      fs.close()
-      Utils.deleteRecursively(localTestDir)
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/FailureSuite.scala b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/FailureSuite.scala
index 92e1b76..40434b1 100644
--- a/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/FailureSuite.scala
+++ b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/FailureSuite.scala
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 package org.apache.spark.streaming
 import org.apache.spark.Logging
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.util.MasterFailureTest
 import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
diff --git a/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/MasterFailureTest.scala b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/MasterFailureTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53c017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/MasterFailureTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.streaming
+import org.apache.spark.Logging
+import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream
+import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
+import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext._
+import scala.util.Random
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
+import{File, IOException}
+import java.nio.charset.Charset
+import java.util.UUID
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
+object MasterFailureTest extends Logging {
+  @volatile var killed = false
+  @volatile var killCount = 0
+  @volatile var setupCalled = false
+  def main(args: Array[String]) {
+    if (args.size < 2) {
+      println(
+        "Usage: MasterFailureTest <local/HDFS directory> <# batches> " +
+          "[<batch size in milliseconds>]")
+      System.exit(1)
+    }
+    val directory = args(0)
+    val numBatches = args(1).toInt
+    val batchDuration = if (args.size > 2) Milliseconds(args(2).toInt) else Seconds(1)
+    println("\n\n========================= MAP TEST =========================\n\n")
+    testMap(directory, numBatches, batchDuration)
+    println("\n\n================= UPDATE-STATE-BY-KEY TEST =================\n\n")
+    testUpdateStateByKey(directory, numBatches, batchDuration)
+    println("\n\nSUCCESS\n\n")
+  }
+  def testMap(directory: String, numBatches: Int, batchDuration: Duration) {
+    // Input: time=1 ==> [ 1 ] , time=2 ==> [ 2 ] , time=3 ==> [ 3 ] , ...
+    val input = (1 to numBatches).map(_.toString).toSeq
+    // Expected output: time=1 ==> [ 1 ] , time=2 ==> [ 2 ] , time=3 ==> [ 3 ] , ...
+    val expectedOutput = (1 to numBatches)
+    val operation = (st: DStream[String]) =>
+    // Run streaming operation with multiple master failures
+    val output = testOperation(directory, batchDuration, input, operation, expectedOutput)
+    logInfo("Expected output, size = " + expectedOutput.size)
+    logInfo(expectedOutput.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
+    logInfo("Output, size = " + output.size)
+    logInfo(output.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
+    // Verify whether all the values of the expected output is present
+    // in the output
+    assert(output.distinct.toSet == expectedOutput.toSet)
+  }
+  def testUpdateStateByKey(directory: String, numBatches: Int, batchDuration: Duration) {
+    // Input: time=1 ==> [ a ] , time=2 ==> [ a, a ] , time=3 ==> [ a, a, a ] , ...
+    val input = (1 to numBatches).map(i => (1 to i).map(_ => "a").mkString(" ")).toSeq
+    // Expected output: time=1 ==> [ (a, 1) ] , time=2 ==> [ (a, 3) ] , time=3 ==> [ (a,6) ] , ...
+    val expectedOutput = (1L to numBatches).map(i => (1L to i).sum).map(j => ("a", j))
+    val operation = (st: DStream[String]) => {
+      val updateFunc = (values: Seq[Long], state: Option[Long]) => {
+        Some(values.foldLeft(0L)(_ + _) + state.getOrElse(0L))
+      }
+      st.flatMap(_.split(" "))
+        .map(x => (x, 1L))
+        .updateStateByKey[Long](updateFunc)
+        .checkpoint(batchDuration * 5)
+    }
+    // Run streaming operation with multiple master failures
+    val output = testOperation(directory, batchDuration, input, operation, expectedOutput)
+    logInfo("Expected output, size = " + expectedOutput.size + "\n" + expectedOutput)
+    logInfo("Output, size = " + output.size + "\n" + output)
+    // Verify whether all the values in the output are among the expected output values
+    output.foreach(o =>
+      assert(expectedOutput.contains(o), "Expected value " + o + " not found")
+    )
+    // Verify whether the last expected output value has been generated, there by
+    // confirming that none of the inputs have been missed
+    assert(output.last == expectedOutput.last)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests stream operation with multiple master failures, and verifies whether the
+   * final set of output values is as expected or not.
+   */
+  def testOperation[T: ClassTag](
+    directory: String,
+    batchDuration: Duration,
+    input: Seq[String],
+    operation: DStream[String] => DStream[T],
+    expectedOutput: Seq[T]
+  ): Seq[T] = {
+    // Just making sure that the expected output does not have duplicates
+    assert(expectedOutput.distinct.toSet == expectedOutput.toSet)
+    // Reset all state
+    reset()
+    // Create the directories for this test
+    val uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString
+    val rootDir = new Path(directory, uuid)
+    val fs = rootDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
+    val checkpointDir = new Path(rootDir, "checkpoint")
+    val testDir = new Path(rootDir, "test")
+    fs.mkdirs(checkpointDir)
+    fs.mkdirs(testDir)
+    // Setup the stream computation with the given operation
+    val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDir.toString, () => {
+      setupStreams(batchDuration, operation, checkpointDir, testDir)
+    })
+    // Check if setupStream was called to create StreamingContext
+    // (and not created from checkpoint file)
+    assert(setupCalled, "Setup was not called in the first call to StreamingContext.getOrCreate")
+    // Start generating files in the a different thread
+    val fileGeneratingThread = new FileGeneratingThread(input, testDir, batchDuration.milliseconds)
+    fileGeneratingThread.start()
+    // Run the streams and repeatedly kill it until the last expected output
+    // has been generated, or until it has run for twice the expected time
+    val lastExpectedOutput = expectedOutput.last
+    val maxTimeToRun = expectedOutput.size * batchDuration.milliseconds * 2
+    val mergedOutput = runStreams(ssc, lastExpectedOutput, maxTimeToRun)
+    fileGeneratingThread.join()
+    fs.delete(checkpointDir, true)
+    fs.delete(testDir, true)
+    logInfo("Finished test after " + killCount + " failures")
+    mergedOutput
+  }
+  /**
+   * Sets up the stream computation with the given operation, directory (local or HDFS),
+   * and batch duration. Returns the streaming context and the directory to which
+   * files should be written for testing.
+   */
+  private def setupStreams[T: ClassTag](
+      batchDuration: Duration,
+      operation: DStream[String] => DStream[T],
+      checkpointDir: Path,
+      testDir: Path
+    ): StreamingContext = {
+    // Mark that setup was called
+    setupCalled = true
+    // Setup the streaming computation with the given operation
+    val ssc = new StreamingContext("local[4]", "MasterFailureTest", batchDuration, null, Nil,
+      Map())
+    ssc.checkpoint(checkpointDir.toString)
+    val inputStream = ssc.textFileStream(testDir.toString)
+    val operatedStream = operation(inputStream)
+    val outputStream = new TestOutputStream(operatedStream)
+    outputStream.register()
+    ssc
+  }
+  /**
+   * Repeatedly starts and kills the streaming context until timed out or
+   * the last expected output is generated. Finally, return
+   */
+  private def runStreams[T: ClassTag](
+      ssc_ : StreamingContext,
+      lastExpectedOutput: T,
+      maxTimeToRun: Long
+   ): Seq[T] = {
+    var ssc = ssc_
+    var totalTimeRan = 0L
+    var isLastOutputGenerated = false
+    var isTimedOut = false
+    val mergedOutput = new ArrayBuffer[T]()
+    val checkpointDir = ssc.checkpointDir
+    val batchDuration = ssc.graph.batchDuration
+    while(!isLastOutputGenerated && !isTimedOut) {
+      // Get the output buffer
+      val outputBuffer = ssc.graph.getOutputStreams().head.asInstanceOf[TestOutputStream[T]].output
+      def output = outputBuffer.flatMap(x => x)
+      // Start the thread to kill the streaming after some time
+      killed = false
+      val killingThread = new KillingThread(ssc, batchDuration.milliseconds * 10)
+      killingThread.start()
+      var timeRan = 0L
+      try {
+        // Start the streaming computation and let it run while ...
+        // (i) StreamingContext has not been shut down yet
+        // (ii) The last expected output has not been generated yet
+        // (iii) Its not timed out yet
+        System.clearProperty("spark.streaming.clock")
+        System.clearProperty("spark.driver.port")
+        ssc.start()
+        val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
+        while (!killed && !isLastOutputGenerated && !isTimedOut) {
+          Thread.sleep(100)
+          timeRan = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
+          isLastOutputGenerated = (output.nonEmpty && output.last == lastExpectedOutput)
+          isTimedOut = (timeRan + totalTimeRan > maxTimeToRun)
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception => logError("Error running streaming context", e)
+      }
+      if (killingThread.isAlive) killingThread.interrupt()
+      ssc.stop()
+      logInfo("Has been killed = " + killed)
+      logInfo("Is last output generated = " + isLastOutputGenerated)
+      logInfo("Is timed out = " + isTimedOut)
+      // Verify whether the output of each batch has only one element or no element
+      // and then merge the new output with all the earlier output
+      mergedOutput ++= output
+      totalTimeRan += timeRan
+      logInfo("New output = " + output)
+      logInfo("Merged output = " + mergedOutput)
+      logInfo("Time ran = " + timeRan)
+      logInfo("Total time ran = " + totalTimeRan)
+      if (!isLastOutputGenerated && !isTimedOut) {
+        val sleepTime = Random.nextInt(batchDuration.milliseconds.toInt * 10)
+        logInfo(
+          "\n-------------------------------------------\n" +
+            "   Restarting stream computation in " + sleepTime + " ms   " +
+            "\n-------------------------------------------\n"
+        )
+        Thread.sleep(sleepTime)
+        // Recreate the streaming context from checkpoint
+        ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDir, () => {
+          throw new Exception("Trying to create new context when it " +
+            "should be reading from checkpoint file")
+        })
+      }
+    }
+    mergedOutput
+  }
+  /**
+   * Verifies the output value are the same as expected. Since failures can lead to
+   * a batch being processed twice, a batches output may appear more than once
+   * consecutively. To avoid getting confused with those, we eliminate consecutive
+   * duplicate batch outputs of values from the `output`. As a result, the
+   * expected output should not have consecutive batches with the same values as output.
+   */
+  private def verifyOutput[T: ClassTag](output: Seq[T], expectedOutput: Seq[T]) {
+    // Verify whether expected outputs do not consecutive batches with same output
+    for (i <- 0 until expectedOutput.size - 1) {
+      assert(expectedOutput(i) != expectedOutput(i + 1),
+        "Expected output has consecutive duplicate sequence of values")
+    }
+    // Log the output
+    println("Expected output, size = " + expectedOutput.size)
+    println(expectedOutput.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
+    println("Output, size = " + output.size)
+    println(output.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
+    // Match the output with the expected output
+    output.foreach(o =>
+      assert(expectedOutput.contains(o), "Expected value " + o + " not found")
+    )
+  }
+  /** Resets counter to prepare for the test */
+  private def reset() {
+    killed = false
+    killCount = 0
+    setupCalled = false
+  }
+ * Thread to kill streaming context after a random period of time.
+ */
+class KillingThread(ssc: StreamingContext, maxKillWaitTime: Long) extends Thread with Logging {
+  override def run() {
+    try {
+      // If it is the first killing, then allow the first checkpoint to be created
+      var minKillWaitTime = if (MasterFailureTest.killCount == 0) 5000 else 2000
+      val killWaitTime = minKillWaitTime + math.abs(Random.nextLong % maxKillWaitTime)
+      logInfo("Kill wait time = " + killWaitTime)
+      Thread.sleep(killWaitTime)
+      logInfo(
+        "\n---------------------------------------\n" +
+          "Killing streaming context after " + killWaitTime + " ms" +
+          "\n---------------------------------------\n"
+      )
+      if (ssc != null) {
+        ssc.stop()
+        MasterFailureTest.killed = true
+        MasterFailureTest.killCount += 1
+      }
+      logInfo("Killing thread finished normally")
+    } catch {
+      case ie: InterruptedException => logInfo("Killing thread interrupted")
+      case e: Exception => logWarning("Exception in killing thread", e)
+    }
+  }
+ * Thread to generate input files periodically with the desired text.
+ */
+class FileGeneratingThread(input: Seq[String], testDir: Path, interval: Long)
+  extends Thread with Logging {
+  override def run() {
+    val localTestDir = Files.createTempDir()
+    localTestDir.deleteOnExit()
+    var fs = testDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
+    val maxTries = 3
+    try {
+      Thread.sleep(5000) // To make sure that all the streaming context has been set up
+      for (i <- 0 until input.size) {
+        // Write the data to a local file and then move it to the target test directory
+        val localFile = new File(localTestDir, (i + 1).toString)
+        val hadoopFile = new Path(testDir, (i + 1).toString)
+        val tempHadoopFile = new Path(testDir, ".tmp_" + (i + 1).toString)
+        Files.write(input(i) + "\n", localFile, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
+        var tries = 0
+        var done = false
+            while (!done && tries < maxTries) {
+              tries += 1
+              try {
+                // fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(localFile.toString), hadoopFile)
+                fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(localFile.toString), tempHadoopFile)
+                fs.rename(tempHadoopFile, hadoopFile)
+            done = true
+          } catch {
+            case ioe: IOException => {
+                  fs = testDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
+                  logWarning("Attempt " + tries + " at generating file " + hadoopFile + " failed.",
+                    ioe)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if (!done) {
+          logError("Could not generate file " + hadoopFile)
+        } else {
+          logInfo("Generated file " + hadoopFile + " at " + System.currentTimeMillis)
+        }
+        Thread.sleep(interval)
+        localFile.delete()
+      }
+      logInfo("File generating thread finished normally")
+    } catch {
+      case ie: InterruptedException => logInfo("File generating thread interrupted")
+      case e: Exception => logWarning("File generating in killing thread", e)
+    } finally {
+      fs.close()
+      Utils.deleteRecursively(localTestDir)
+    }
+  }

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