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Posted to by rita <> on 2022/08/31 08:40:49 UTC



Wechat group "Apache Linkis community Development group "chat records are as follows:  微信群"Apache Linkis 社区开发群"的聊天记录如下:

—————  2022-8-25  —————

utopianet_ 闪电先生  19:59

我想问一下 海豚调度 其实也是调度ecm跑ec的模式跑批吗?

I would like to ask is dolphin scheduling also the mode of dispatching ECM to EC batch?  

peacewong@WDS  20:18

是指DSS提交给dolphin后的任务执行方式吗?底层走的linkis sdk执行的。

I would like to ask is dolphin scheduling also the mode of dispatching ECM to EC batch?  

xuling许灵  21:37


I would like to ask is dolphin scheduling also the mode of dispatching ECM to EC batch?  

peacewong@WDS  22:07

在dolphins那边是shell类型任务,最终是走到这个类哈:DSSDolphinSchedulerClient.scala  The dolphins there is shell type tasks, is ultimately go to this class ha: DSSDolphinSchedulerClient. Scala