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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/04/26 17:19:27 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow] westonpace commented on a diff in pull request #12289: ARROW-15498: [C++][Compute] Implement Bloom filter pushdown between hash joins

westonpace commented on code in PR #12289:

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Status BlockedBloomFilter::CreateEmpty(int64_t num_rows_to_insert, MemoryPool* p
 template <typename T>
-void BlockedBloomFilter::InsertImp(int64_t num_rows, const T* hashes) {
+NO_TSAN void BlockedBloomFilter::InsertImp(int64_t num_rows, const T* hashes) {

Review Comment:
   Is this still needed after we fixed other TSAN related issues?

@@ -59,14 +60,14 @@ class PartitionSort {
   /// out_arr: [2, 5, 3, 5, 4, 7]
   /// prtn_ranges: [0, 1, 5, 6]
   template <class INPUT_PRTN_ID_FN, class OUTPUT_POS_FN>
-  static void Eval(int num_rows, int num_prtns, uint16_t* prtn_ranges,
+  static void Eval(int64_t num_rows, int num_prtns, uint16_t* prtn_ranges,

Review Comment:
   Why promote this to `int64_t` if we are going to assert it is less than `1 << 15`?

@@ -32,39 +33,107 @@
 namespace arrow {
 namespace compute {
-Status BuildBloomFilter(BloomFilterBuildStrategy strategy, int64_t hardware_flags,
-                        MemoryPool* pool, int64_t num_rows,
-                        std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
-                        std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
-                        BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
-  constexpr int batch_size_max = 32 * 1024;
-  int64_t num_batches = bit_util::CeilDiv(num_rows, batch_size_max);
-  auto builder = BloomFilterBuilder::Make(strategy);
-  std::vector<uint32_t> thread_local_hashes32;
-  std::vector<uint64_t> thread_local_hashes64;
-  thread_local_hashes32.resize(batch_size_max);
-  thread_local_hashes64.resize(batch_size_max);
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Begin(/*num_threads=*/1, hardware_flags, pool, num_rows,
-                               bit_util::CeilDiv(num_rows, batch_size_max), target));
-  for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
+constexpr int kBatchSizeMax = 32 * 1024;
+Status BuildBloomFilter_Serial(
+    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterBuilder>& builder, int64_t num_rows, int64_t num_batches,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
+    BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> hashes32(kBatchSizeMax);
+  std::vector<uint64_t> hashes64(kBatchSizeMax);
+  for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_batches; i++) {
     size_t thread_index = 0;
     int batch_size = static_cast<int>(
-        std::min(num_rows - i * batch_size_max, static_cast<int64_t>(batch_size_max)));
+        std::min(num_rows - i * kBatchSizeMax, static_cast<int64_t>(kBatchSizeMax)));
     if (target->NumHashBitsUsed() > 32) {
-      uint64_t* hashes =;
-      get_hash64_impl(i * batch_size_max, batch_size, hashes);
+      uint64_t* hashes =;
+      get_hash64_impl(i * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
       RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
     } else {
-      uint32_t* hashes =;
-      get_hash32_impl(i * batch_size_max, batch_size, hashes);
+      uint32_t* hashes =;
+      get_hash32_impl(i * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
       RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+  return Status::OK();
+Status BuildBloomFilter_Parallel(
+    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterBuilder>& builder, size_t num_threads, int64_t num_rows,
+    int64_t num_batches, std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
+    BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
+  std::mutex mutex;
+  ThreadIndexer thread_indexer;
+  std::unique_ptr<TaskScheduler> scheduler = TaskScheduler::Make();
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> thread_local_hashes32(num_threads);
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> thread_local_hashes64(num_threads);
+  for (std::vector<uint32_t>& h : thread_local_hashes32) h.resize(kBatchSizeMax);
+  for (std::vector<uint64_t>& h : thread_local_hashes64) h.resize(kBatchSizeMax);
+  std::condition_variable cv;
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mutex, std::defer_lock);
+  auto group = scheduler->RegisterTaskGroup(
+      [&](size_t thread_index, int64_t task_id) -> Status {
+        int batch_size = static_cast<int>(std::min(num_rows - task_id * kBatchSizeMax,
+                                                   static_cast<int64_t>(kBatchSizeMax)));
+        if (target->NumHashBitsUsed() > 32) {
+          uint64_t* hashes = thread_local_hashes64[thread_index].data();
+          get_hash64_impl(task_id * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
+          RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+        } else {
+          uint32_t* hashes = thread_local_hashes32[thread_index].data();
+          get_hash32_impl(task_id * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
+          RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+        }
+        return Status::OK();
+      },
+      [&](size_t thread_index) -> Status {
+        lk.unlock();
+        cv.notify_one();
+        return Status::OK();
+      });
+  scheduler->RegisterEnd();
+  auto tp = arrow::internal::GetCpuThreadPool();
+  RETURN_NOT_OK(scheduler->StartScheduling(
+      0,
+      [&](std::function<Status(size_t)> func) -> Status {
+        return tp->Spawn([&, func] {
+          size_t tid = thread_indexer();
+          std::ignore = func(tid);

Review Comment:
   Why ignore it?  Return it if it isn't ok.

@@ -1900,5 +1903,150 @@ TEST(HashJoin, TrivialResidualFilter) {
+HashJoinNodeOptions GenerateHashJoinNodeOptions(Random64Bit& rng, int num_left_cols,
+                                                int num_right_cols) {
+  HashJoinNodeOptions opts;
+  opts.join_type = static_cast<JoinType>(rng.from_range(0, 7));
+  bool is_left_join = opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_SEMI ||
+                      opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_ANTI ||
+                      opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_OUTER;
+  bool is_right_join = opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_SEMI ||
+                       opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_ANTI ||
+                       opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_OUTER;
+  int num_keys = rng.from_range(1, std::min(num_left_cols, num_right_cols));
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_left_cols; i++) {
+    bool is_out = rng.from_range(0, 2) != 2;
+    if (is_out && !is_right_join) opts.left_output.push_back(FieldRef(i));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_right_cols; i++) {
+    bool is_out = rng.from_range(0, 2) == 2;
+    if (is_out && !is_left_join) opts.right_output.push_back(FieldRef(i));
+  }
+  // We need at least one output
+  if (opts.right_output.empty() && opts.left_output.empty()) {
+    if (is_left_join) {
+      int col = rng.from_range(0, num_left_cols - 1);
+      opts.left_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+    } else if (is_right_join) {
+      int col = rng.from_range(0, num_right_cols - 1);
+      opts.right_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+    } else {
+      if (rng.from_range(0, 1) == 0) {
+        int col = rng.from_range(0, num_left_cols - 1);
+        opts.left_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+      } else {
+        int col = rng.from_range(0, num_right_cols - 1);
+        opts.right_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
+    int left = rng.from_range(0, num_left_cols - 1);
+    int right = rng.from_range(0, num_right_cols - 1);
+    bool is_or_eq = rng.from_range(0, 1) == 0;
+    opts.left_keys.push_back(FieldRef(left));
+    opts.right_keys.push_back(FieldRef(right));
+    opts.key_cmp.push_back(is_or_eq ? JoinKeyCmp::IS : JoinKeyCmp::EQ);
+  }
+  return opts;
+void TestSingleChainOfHashJoins(Random64Bit& rng) {
+  int num_joins = rng.from_range(2, 5);
+  std::vector<HashJoinNodeOptions> opts;
+  int num_left_cols = rng.from_range(1, 8);
+  int num_right_cols = rng.from_range(1, 8);
+  HashJoinNodeOptions first_opt =
+      GenerateHashJoinNodeOptions(rng, num_left_cols, num_right_cols);
+  opts.push_back(std::move(first_opt));
+  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> metadata_map;
+  metadata_map["min"] = "0";
+  metadata_map["max"] = "10";
+  auto metadata = key_value_metadata(metadata_map);
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> left_fields;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_left_cols; i++)
+    left_fields.push_back(field(std::string("l") + std::to_string(i), int32(), metadata));
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> first_right_fields;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_right_cols; i++)
+    first_right_fields.push_back(
+        field(std::string("r_0_") + std::to_string(i), int32(), metadata));
+  BatchesWithSchema input_left = MakeRandomBatches(schema(std::move(left_fields)));
+  std::vector<BatchesWithSchema> input_right;
+  input_right.push_back(MakeRandomBatches(schema(std::move(first_right_fields))));
+  for (int i = 1; i < num_joins; i++) {
+    int num_right_cols = rng.from_range(1, 8);
+    HashJoinNodeOptions opt =
+        GenerateHashJoinNodeOptions(rng,
+                                    static_cast<int>(opts[i - 1].left_output.size() +
+                                                     opts[i - 1].right_output.size()),
+                                    num_right_cols);
+    opts.push_back(std::move(opt));
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> right_fields;
+    for (int j = 0; j < num_right_cols; j++)
+      right_fields.push_back(
+          field(std::string("r_") + std::to_string(i) + "_" + std::to_string(j), int32(),
+                metadata));
+    BatchesWithSchema input = MakeRandomBatches(schema(std::move(right_fields)));
+    input_right.push_back(std::move(input));
+  }
+  std::vector<ExecBatch> reference;
+  for (bool bloom_filters : {false, true}) {
+    bool parallel = true;

Review Comment:
       constexpr bool kParallel = true;
   Is this variable for readability?  If so, making it a constant will make that obvious.  Or was there originally a for loop loop here and should it come back?

@@ -83,50 +85,75 @@ class HashJoinBasicImpl : public HashJoinImpl {
   Status Init(ExecContext* ctx, JoinType join_type, bool use_sync_execution,
-              size_t num_threads, HashJoinSchema* schema_mgr,
+              size_t /*num_threads*/, HashJoinSchema* schema_mgr,
               std::vector<JoinKeyCmp> key_cmp, Expression filter,
               OutputBatchCallback output_batch_callback,
               FinishedCallback finished_callback,
-              TaskScheduler::ScheduleImpl schedule_task_callback) override {
-    num_threads = std::max(num_threads, static_cast<size_t>(1));
+              TaskScheduler::ScheduleImpl schedule_task_callback,
+              HashJoinImpl* pushdown_target, std::vector<int> column_map) override {
+    // TODO(ARROW-15732)
+    // Each side of join might have an IO thread being called from.
+    // As of right now, we ignore the `num_threads` argument, so later we will have to
+    // readd `num_threads_ = num_threads;`
+    num_threads_ = GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity() + io::GetIOThreadPoolCapacity() + 1;
+    // num_threads_ = GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity() + 1;

Review Comment:

@@ -126,6 +129,22 @@ class JoinBenchmark {
     join_ = *HashJoinImpl::MakeBasic();
+    HashJoinImpl* bloom_filter_pushdown_target = nullptr;
+    std::vector<int> key_input_map;
+    bool bloom_filter_does_not_apply_to_join =

Review Comment:
   So is the idea here to measure the overhead cost of building the bloom filter?

@@ -571,24 +573,82 @@ class HashJoinNode : public ExecNode {
-  Status StartProducing() override {
-    START_SPAN(span_, std::string(kind_name()) + ":" + label(),
-               {{"node.label", label()},
-                {"node.detail", ToString()},
-                {"node.kind", kind_name()}});
-    END_SPAN_ON_FUTURE_COMPLETION(span_, finished(), this);
+  std::pair<HashJoinImpl*, std::vector<int>> GetPushdownTarget() {

Review Comment:
   Since we operate on these pairs everywhere why not create:
   struct BloomFilterTarget {
     HashJoinImpl* join_impl;
     std::vector<int> column_map;
   It's also takes a bit of reading to figure out what the purpose of `column_map` is so this could be a place to briefly describe that.

@@ -32,39 +33,107 @@
 namespace arrow {
 namespace compute {
-Status BuildBloomFilter(BloomFilterBuildStrategy strategy, int64_t hardware_flags,
-                        MemoryPool* pool, int64_t num_rows,
-                        std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
-                        std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
-                        BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
-  constexpr int batch_size_max = 32 * 1024;
-  int64_t num_batches = bit_util::CeilDiv(num_rows, batch_size_max);
-  auto builder = BloomFilterBuilder::Make(strategy);
-  std::vector<uint32_t> thread_local_hashes32;
-  std::vector<uint64_t> thread_local_hashes64;
-  thread_local_hashes32.resize(batch_size_max);
-  thread_local_hashes64.resize(batch_size_max);
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Begin(/*num_threads=*/1, hardware_flags, pool, num_rows,
-                               bit_util::CeilDiv(num_rows, batch_size_max), target));
-  for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
+constexpr int kBatchSizeMax = 32 * 1024;
+Status BuildBloomFilter_Serial(
+    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterBuilder>& builder, int64_t num_rows, int64_t num_batches,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
+    BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> hashes32(kBatchSizeMax);
+  std::vector<uint64_t> hashes64(kBatchSizeMax);
+  for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_batches; i++) {
     size_t thread_index = 0;
     int batch_size = static_cast<int>(
-        std::min(num_rows - i * batch_size_max, static_cast<int64_t>(batch_size_max)));
+        std::min(num_rows - i * kBatchSizeMax, static_cast<int64_t>(kBatchSizeMax)));
     if (target->NumHashBitsUsed() > 32) {
-      uint64_t* hashes =;
-      get_hash64_impl(i * batch_size_max, batch_size, hashes);
+      uint64_t* hashes =;
+      get_hash64_impl(i * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
       RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
     } else {
-      uint32_t* hashes =;
-      get_hash32_impl(i * batch_size_max, batch_size, hashes);
+      uint32_t* hashes =;
+      get_hash32_impl(i * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
       RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+  return Status::OK();
+Status BuildBloomFilter_Parallel(
+    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterBuilder>& builder, size_t num_threads, int64_t num_rows,
+    int64_t num_batches, std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
+    BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
+  std::mutex mutex;
+  ThreadIndexer thread_indexer;
+  std::unique_ptr<TaskScheduler> scheduler = TaskScheduler::Make();
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> thread_local_hashes32(num_threads);
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> thread_local_hashes64(num_threads);
+  for (std::vector<uint32_t>& h : thread_local_hashes32) h.resize(kBatchSizeMax);
+  for (std::vector<uint64_t>& h : thread_local_hashes64) h.resize(kBatchSizeMax);
+  std::condition_variable cv;
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mutex, std::defer_lock);
+  auto group = scheduler->RegisterTaskGroup(
+      [&](size_t thread_index, int64_t task_id) -> Status {
+        int batch_size = static_cast<int>(std::min(num_rows - task_id * kBatchSizeMax,
+                                                   static_cast<int64_t>(kBatchSizeMax)));
+        if (target->NumHashBitsUsed() > 32) {
+          uint64_t* hashes = thread_local_hashes64[thread_index].data();
+          get_hash64_impl(task_id * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
+          RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+        } else {
+          uint32_t* hashes = thread_local_hashes32[thread_index].data();
+          get_hash32_impl(task_id * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
+          RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+        }
+        return Status::OK();
+      },
+      [&](size_t thread_index) -> Status {
+        lk.unlock();
+        cv.notify_one();
+        return Status::OK();
+      });
+  scheduler->RegisterEnd();
+  auto tp = arrow::internal::GetCpuThreadPool();
+  RETURN_NOT_OK(scheduler->StartScheduling(
+      0,
+      [&](std::function<Status(size_t)> func) -> Status {
+        return tp->Spawn([&, func] {
+          size_t tid = thread_indexer();
+          std::ignore = func(tid);
+        });
+      },
+      static_cast<int>(2 * num_threads), false));

Review Comment:
   Why 2x?

@@ -32,39 +33,107 @@
 namespace arrow {
 namespace compute {
-Status BuildBloomFilter(BloomFilterBuildStrategy strategy, int64_t hardware_flags,
-                        MemoryPool* pool, int64_t num_rows,
-                        std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
-                        std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
-                        BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
-  constexpr int batch_size_max = 32 * 1024;
-  int64_t num_batches = bit_util::CeilDiv(num_rows, batch_size_max);
-  auto builder = BloomFilterBuilder::Make(strategy);
-  std::vector<uint32_t> thread_local_hashes32;
-  std::vector<uint64_t> thread_local_hashes64;
-  thread_local_hashes32.resize(batch_size_max);
-  thread_local_hashes64.resize(batch_size_max);
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Begin(/*num_threads=*/1, hardware_flags, pool, num_rows,
-                               bit_util::CeilDiv(num_rows, batch_size_max), target));
-  for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
+constexpr int kBatchSizeMax = 32 * 1024;
+Status BuildBloomFilter_Serial(
+    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterBuilder>& builder, int64_t num_rows, int64_t num_batches,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
+    BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> hashes32(kBatchSizeMax);
+  std::vector<uint64_t> hashes64(kBatchSizeMax);
+  for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_batches; i++) {
     size_t thread_index = 0;
     int batch_size = static_cast<int>(
-        std::min(num_rows - i * batch_size_max, static_cast<int64_t>(batch_size_max)));
+        std::min(num_rows - i * kBatchSizeMax, static_cast<int64_t>(kBatchSizeMax)));
     if (target->NumHashBitsUsed() > 32) {
-      uint64_t* hashes =;
-      get_hash64_impl(i * batch_size_max, batch_size, hashes);
+      uint64_t* hashes =;
+      get_hash64_impl(i * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
       RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
     } else {
-      uint32_t* hashes =;
-      get_hash32_impl(i * batch_size_max, batch_size, hashes);
+      uint32_t* hashes =;
+      get_hash32_impl(i * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
       RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+  return Status::OK();
+Status BuildBloomFilter_Parallel(
+    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterBuilder>& builder, size_t num_threads, int64_t num_rows,
+    int64_t num_batches, std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint32_t*)> get_hash32_impl,
+    std::function<void(int64_t, int, uint64_t*)> get_hash64_impl,
+    BlockedBloomFilter* target) {
+  std::mutex mutex;
+  ThreadIndexer thread_indexer;
+  std::unique_ptr<TaskScheduler> scheduler = TaskScheduler::Make();
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> thread_local_hashes32(num_threads);
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> thread_local_hashes64(num_threads);
+  for (std::vector<uint32_t>& h : thread_local_hashes32) h.resize(kBatchSizeMax);
+  for (std::vector<uint64_t>& h : thread_local_hashes64) h.resize(kBatchSizeMax);
+  std::condition_variable cv;
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mutex, std::defer_lock);
+  auto group = scheduler->RegisterTaskGroup(
+      [&](size_t thread_index, int64_t task_id) -> Status {
+        int batch_size = static_cast<int>(std::min(num_rows - task_id * kBatchSizeMax,
+                                                   static_cast<int64_t>(kBatchSizeMax)));
+        if (target->NumHashBitsUsed() > 32) {
+          uint64_t* hashes = thread_local_hashes64[thread_index].data();
+          get_hash64_impl(task_id * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
+          RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+        } else {
+          uint32_t* hashes = thread_local_hashes32[thread_index].data();
+          get_hash32_impl(task_id * kBatchSizeMax, batch_size, hashes);
+          RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->PushNextBatch(thread_index, batch_size, hashes));
+        }
+        return Status::OK();
+      },
+      [&](size_t thread_index) -> Status {
+        lk.unlock();

Review Comment:
   Locks are automatically unlocked when a mutex is waited on so this seems like it would trigger a double-unlock.  You should be obtaining the lock here, if anything.  Howver, you don't technically need to hold the lock to the mutex in order to notify a cv.

@@ -1900,5 +1903,150 @@ TEST(HashJoin, TrivialResidualFilter) {
+HashJoinNodeOptions GenerateHashJoinNodeOptions(Random64Bit& rng, int num_left_cols,
+                                                int num_right_cols) {
+  HashJoinNodeOptions opts;
+  opts.join_type = static_cast<JoinType>(rng.from_range(0, 7));
+  bool is_left_join = opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_SEMI ||
+                      opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_ANTI ||
+                      opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_OUTER;
+  bool is_right_join = opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_SEMI ||
+                       opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_ANTI ||
+                       opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_OUTER;
+  int num_keys = rng.from_range(1, std::min(num_left_cols, num_right_cols));
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_left_cols; i++) {
+    bool is_out = rng.from_range(0, 2) != 2;

Review Comment:
   Why a 2/3 chance here (as opposed to 1/2 or 1/3)

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class TempVectorStack {
   Status Init(MemoryPool* pool, int64_t size) {
     num_vectors_ = 0;
     top_ = 0;
-    buffer_size_ = size;
+    buffer_size_ = PaddedAllocationSize(size) + kPadding + 2 * sizeof(uint64_t);

Review Comment:
   Why are we padding here?

@@ -83,50 +85,75 @@ class HashJoinBasicImpl : public HashJoinImpl {
   Status Init(ExecContext* ctx, JoinType join_type, bool use_sync_execution,
-              size_t num_threads, HashJoinSchema* schema_mgr,
+              size_t /*num_threads*/, HashJoinSchema* schema_mgr,
               std::vector<JoinKeyCmp> key_cmp, Expression filter,
               OutputBatchCallback output_batch_callback,
               FinishedCallback finished_callback,
-              TaskScheduler::ScheduleImpl schedule_task_callback) override {
-    num_threads = std::max(num_threads, static_cast<size_t>(1));
+              TaskScheduler::ScheduleImpl schedule_task_callback,
+              HashJoinImpl* pushdown_target, std::vector<int> column_map) override {
+    // TODO(ARROW-15732)
+    // Each side of join might have an IO thread being called from.
+    // As of right now, we ignore the `num_threads` argument, so later we will have to
+    // readd `num_threads_ = num_threads;`

Review Comment:
       // read `num_threads_ = num_threads;`

@@ -393,7 +393,6 @@ if(ARROW_COMPUTE)
-       compute/exec/

Review Comment:
   If this file is no longer needed could you also remove the file itself from source control?

@@ -83,50 +85,75 @@ class HashJoinBasicImpl : public HashJoinImpl {
   Status Init(ExecContext* ctx, JoinType join_type, bool use_sync_execution,
-              size_t num_threads, HashJoinSchema* schema_mgr,
+              size_t /*num_threads*/, HashJoinSchema* schema_mgr,
               std::vector<JoinKeyCmp> key_cmp, Expression filter,
               OutputBatchCallback output_batch_callback,
               FinishedCallback finished_callback,
-              TaskScheduler::ScheduleImpl schedule_task_callback) override {
-    num_threads = std::max(num_threads, static_cast<size_t>(1));
+              TaskScheduler::ScheduleImpl schedule_task_callback,
+              HashJoinImpl* pushdown_target, std::vector<int> column_map) override {
+    // TODO(ARROW-15732)
+    // Each side of join might have an IO thread being called from.
+    // As of right now, we ignore the `num_threads` argument, so later we will have to
+    // readd `num_threads_ = num_threads;`
+    num_threads_ = GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity() + io::GetIOThreadPoolCapacity() + 1;
+    // num_threads_ = GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity() + 1;
     START_SPAN(span_, "HashJoinBasicImpl",
                {{"detail", filter.ToString()},
                 {"join.kind", ToString(join_type)},
-                {"join.threads", static_cast<uint32_t>(num_threads)}});
+                {"join.threads", static_cast<uint32_t>(num_threads_)}});
     ctx_ = ctx;
     join_type_ = join_type;
-    num_threads_ = num_threads;
     schema_mgr_ = schema_mgr;
     key_cmp_ = std::move(key_cmp);
     filter_ = std::move(filter);
     output_batch_callback_ = std::move(output_batch_callback);
     finished_callback_ = std::move(finished_callback);
-    // TODO(ARROW-15732)
-    // Each side of join might have an IO thread being called from.
     local_states_.resize(GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity() + io::GetIOThreadPoolCapacity() + 1);

Review Comment:

@@ -1900,5 +1903,150 @@ TEST(HashJoin, TrivialResidualFilter) {
+HashJoinNodeOptions GenerateHashJoinNodeOptions(Random64Bit& rng, int num_left_cols,
+                                                int num_right_cols) {
+  HashJoinNodeOptions opts;
+  opts.join_type = static_cast<JoinType>(rng.from_range(0, 7));
+  bool is_left_join = opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_SEMI ||
+                      opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_ANTI ||
+                      opts.join_type == JoinType::LEFT_OUTER;
+  bool is_right_join = opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_SEMI ||
+                       opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_ANTI ||
+                       opts.join_type == JoinType::RIGHT_OUTER;
+  int num_keys = rng.from_range(1, std::min(num_left_cols, num_right_cols));
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_left_cols; i++) {
+    bool is_out = rng.from_range(0, 2) != 2;
+    if (is_out && !is_right_join) opts.left_output.push_back(FieldRef(i));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_right_cols; i++) {
+    bool is_out = rng.from_range(0, 2) == 2;
+    if (is_out && !is_left_join) opts.right_output.push_back(FieldRef(i));
+  }
+  // We need at least one output
+  if (opts.right_output.empty() && opts.left_output.empty()) {
+    if (is_left_join) {
+      int col = rng.from_range(0, num_left_cols - 1);
+      opts.left_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+    } else if (is_right_join) {
+      int col = rng.from_range(0, num_right_cols - 1);
+      opts.right_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+    } else {
+      if (rng.from_range(0, 1) == 0) {
+        int col = rng.from_range(0, num_left_cols - 1);
+        opts.left_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+      } else {
+        int col = rng.from_range(0, num_right_cols - 1);
+        opts.right_output.push_back(FieldRef(col));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
+    int left = rng.from_range(0, num_left_cols - 1);
+    int right = rng.from_range(0, num_right_cols - 1);
+    bool is_or_eq = rng.from_range(0, 1) == 0;
+    opts.left_keys.push_back(FieldRef(left));
+    opts.right_keys.push_back(FieldRef(right));
+    opts.key_cmp.push_back(is_or_eq ? JoinKeyCmp::IS : JoinKeyCmp::EQ);
+  }
+  return opts;
+void TestSingleChainOfHashJoins(Random64Bit& rng) {
+  int num_joins = rng.from_range(2, 5);
+  std::vector<HashJoinNodeOptions> opts;
+  int num_left_cols = rng.from_range(1, 8);
+  int num_right_cols = rng.from_range(1, 8);
+  HashJoinNodeOptions first_opt =
+      GenerateHashJoinNodeOptions(rng, num_left_cols, num_right_cols);
+  opts.push_back(std::move(first_opt));
+  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> metadata_map;
+  metadata_map["min"] = "0";
+  metadata_map["max"] = "10";
+  auto metadata = key_value_metadata(metadata_map);
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> left_fields;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_left_cols; i++)
+    left_fields.push_back(field(std::string("l") + std::to_string(i), int32(), metadata));
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> first_right_fields;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_right_cols; i++)
+    first_right_fields.push_back(
+        field(std::string("r_0_") + std::to_string(i), int32(), metadata));
+  BatchesWithSchema input_left = MakeRandomBatches(schema(std::move(left_fields)));
+  std::vector<BatchesWithSchema> input_right;
+  input_right.push_back(MakeRandomBatches(schema(std::move(first_right_fields))));
+  for (int i = 1; i < num_joins; i++) {
+    int num_right_cols = rng.from_range(1, 8);
+    HashJoinNodeOptions opt =
+        GenerateHashJoinNodeOptions(rng,
+                                    static_cast<int>(opts[i - 1].left_output.size() +
+                                                     opts[i - 1].right_output.size()),
+                                    num_right_cols);
+    opts.push_back(std::move(opt));
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> right_fields;
+    for (int j = 0; j < num_right_cols; j++)
+      right_fields.push_back(
+          field(std::string("r_") + std::to_string(i) + "_" + std::to_string(j), int32(),
+                metadata));
+    BatchesWithSchema input = MakeRandomBatches(schema(std::move(right_fields)));
+    input_right.push_back(std::move(input));
+  }
+  std::vector<ExecBatch> reference;
+  for (bool bloom_filters : {false, true}) {
+    bool parallel = true;
+    ARROW_SCOPED_TRACE(bloom_filters ? "bloom filtered" : "unfiltered");
+    auto exec_ctx = arrow::internal::make_unique<ExecContext>(
+        default_memory_pool(), parallel ? arrow::internal::GetCpuThreadPool() : nullptr);
+    ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto plan, ExecPlan::Make(exec_ctx.get()));
+    ExecNode* left_source;
+        left_source,
+        MakeExecNode("source", plan.get(), {},
+                     SourceNodeOptions{input_left.schema,
+                                       input_left.gen(parallel, /*slow=*/false)}));
+    std::vector<ExecNode*> joins(num_joins);
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_joins; i++) {
+      opts[i].disable_bloom_filter = !bloom_filters;
+      ExecNode* right_source;
+          right_source,
+          MakeExecNode("source", plan.get(), {},
+                       SourceNodeOptions{input_right[i].schema,
+                                         input_right[i].gen(parallel, /*slow=*/false)}));
+      std::vector<ExecNode*> inputs;
+      if (i == 0)
+        inputs = {left_source, right_source};
+      else
+        inputs = {joins[i - 1], right_source};
+      ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(joins[i],
+                           MakeExecNode("hashjoin", plan.get(), inputs, opts[i]));
+    }
+    AsyncGenerator<util::optional<ExecBatch>> sink_gen;
+    ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(std::ignore, MakeExecNode("sink", plan.get(), {joins.back()},
+                                                   SinkNodeOptions{&sink_gen}));

Review Comment:
       ASSERT_OK(MakeExecNode("sink", plan.get(), {joins.back()},

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