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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2015/02/16 17:04:08 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-contrib-1.6 #1558

See <>


[asanso] SLING-4019 - ReferrerFilter should have DEFAULT_ALLOW_EMPTY set to false

[radu] SLING-4358 - Add the 'Provide-Capability' OSGi header to the bundle

* added Provide-Capability / Require-Capability headers to Sightly bundles

[radu] SLING-4285 - Support for resource.getChildren in data-sly-list

* added support for obtaining collections from Iterable objects

[radu] SLING-4423 - Add support for URI Manipulation options

* added support for URI manipulation options according to the language specification
* modified Expression such that object is not immutable (helps when transforming the same expression over and over by filters)
* defined and ExpressionContext such that filters can choose to process and expression based on this context

[radu] SLING-4402 - The selector manipulation options for data-sly-resource should accept string arrays

* implemented support for using string arrays in the options for data-sly-resource

[...truncated 9918 lines...]
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (check-memory-task) @ ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

     [echo] **************** WARNING (SLING-443/SLING-1782) ******************************
     [echo] On most platforms, you'll get OutOfMemoryErrors when building unless you set
     [echo] on 32bit platforms: MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M", see SLING-443
     [echo] on 64bit platforms: MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M", see SLING-1782
     [echo] ******************************************************************************
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 50 resources
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 13 source files to <>
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) @ ---
[JENKINS] Recording test results[INFO] 
[INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.11:check (default) @ ---
[INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java15:1.0

[INFO] --- maven-launchpad-plugin:2.3.0:prepare-package (prepare-package) @ ---
[INFO] Using bundle list file from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/
[INFO] Copying base artifact from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.6/slf4j-api-1.7.6.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j/1.7.6/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.6.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j/1.7.6/log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.6.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.configadmin/1.6.0/org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.6.0.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.eventadmin/1.3.2/org.apache.felix.eventadmin-1.3.2.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/commons-io/commons-io/1.4/commons-io-1.4.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload/1.3.1/commons-fileupload-1.3.1.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.1/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.9/commons-codec-1.9.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/commons/commons-math/2.2/commons-math-2.2.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/commons-pool/commons-pool/1.6/commons-pool-1.6.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/servicemix/bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.concurrent/1.3.4_1/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.concurrent-1.3.4_1.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/geronimo/bundles/commons-httpclient/3.1_1/commons-httpclient-3.1_1.jar to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[INFO] Copying bundle from /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/maven-repositories/0/org/apache/sling/ to <>
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Sling OpenID Authentication ................ SUCCESS [24.804s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication XING API .............. SUCCESS [2.875s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication XING Login ............ SUCCESS [4.347s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication XING OAuth ............ SUCCESS [3.991s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication Selector .............. SUCCESS [2.468s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Commons FileSystem ClassLoader ....... SUCCESS [2.267s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Commons HTML Utilities ............... SUCCESS [2.442s]
[INFO] Apache Sling APT parser ........................... SUCCESS [3.400s]
[INFO] Apache Sling APT servlet .......................... SUCCESS [2.204s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Resource Collection API .............. SUCCESS [2.921s]
[INFO] Apache Sling DataSource Provider .................. SUCCESS [7.190s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Dojo JavaScript Library .............. SUCCESS [6.666s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Dojo Data Extension .................. SUCCESS [2.300s]
[INFO] Apache Sling FTP Server ........................... SUCCESS [3.398s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Google Web Toolkit Servlet Library ... SUCCESS [3.686s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Google Web Toolkit Sample ............ SUCCESS [29.497s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Internationalization Support ......... SUCCESS [25.433s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JMX Resource Provider ................ SUCCESS [2.337s]
[INFO] Apache Sling ClassLoader Leak Detector ............ SUCCESS [2.106s]
[INFO] Apache Sling MongoDB Resource Provider ............ SUCCESS [2.350s]
[INFO] Apache Sling OSGi Bundle Repository ............... SUCCESS [3.192s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Distribution API ..................... SUCCESS [3.888s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Distribution Core .................... SUCCESS [8.402s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Distribution Sample .................. SUCCESS [2.635s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Distribution Integration Tests ....... SUCCESS [2:54.604s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Request Processing Analyzer .......... SUCCESS [2.327s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Resource Merger ...................... SUCCESS [2.951s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Rewriter ............................. SUCCESS [3.963s]
[INFO] Apache Sling SLF4J MDC Filter ..................... SUCCESS [7.982s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Query ................................ SUCCESS [4.941s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Superimposing Resource Provider ...... SUCCESS [3.393s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Tenant ............................... SUCCESS [2.782s]
[INFO] Apache Sling URL Rewriter ......................... SUCCESS [2.321s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Validation Framework API ............. SUCCESS [3.973s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Validation Framework Core Implementation  SUCCESS [12.507s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Validation Framework Testing Services  SUCCESS [2.787s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Validation Framework Integration Tests  SUCCESS [24.016s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Validation Framework Examples ........ SUCCESS [2.418s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Validation Framework Builder ......... SUCCESS [0.192s]
[INFO] Apache Sling XSS Protection Bundle ................ SUCCESS [6.725s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Java Compiler .................... SUCCESS [3.077s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Repository Accessor .................. SUCCESS [2.377s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Object Content Mapping ............... SUCCESS [3.345s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Prefs ............................ SUCCESS [2.192s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Resource Security ................ SUCCESS [2.097s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Script Console ....................... SUCCESS [2.387s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Atom Tag Library ..................... SUCCESS [2.608s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Freemarker Support ......... SUCCESS [8.755s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Groovy Support ............. SUCCESS [2.445s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Java Support ............... SUCCESS [3.106s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting JST Support ................ SUCCESS [5.736s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Python Support ............. SUCCESS [3.792s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Ruby Support ............... SUCCESS [13.184s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Thymeleaf .................. SUCCESS [5.657s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Velocity Support ........... SUCCESS [2.920s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting W3C XML Processing Support . SUCCESS [3.216s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf ...................... SUCCESS [2.198s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf - Features ........... SUCCESS [2.788s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf - Integration Tests .. SUCCESS [3.483s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf - Launchpad Integration Tests  SUCCESS [2.809s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf Builder .............. SUCCESS [1.687s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Contrib Testing ............ FAILURE [7.361s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Debian Package Builder ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] Scala Script Engine ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Sling Scala Scripting Configuration ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] Scala for Sling Demo Application - Hello World .... SKIPPED
[INFO] Scala for Sling Demo Application - Forum .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Sling Contrib (Builder) .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8:56.228s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Feb 16 16:03:43 UTC 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 132M/241M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
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[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
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[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
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[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled[WARNING] The requested profile "jcrinstall-tests" could not be activated because it does not exist.

Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal (prepare-package) on project Unable to find artifact. Could not find artifact in Nexus (
[ERROR] Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
[ERROR] Then, install it using the command:
[ERROR] mvn install:install-file -Dversion=2.3.5-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
[ERROR] Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there:
[ERROR] mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dversion=2.3.5-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
[ERROR] from the specified remote repositories:
[ERROR] Nexus (, releases=false, snapshots=true),
[ERROR] central (, releases=true, snapshots=false)
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf
channel stopped
[locks-and-latches] Releasing all the locks
[locks-and-latches] All the locks released