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Posted to by Kevin Meyer - KMZ <> on 2011/04/14 20:20:27 UTC

Alternate method of working with collections in Html-based viewers...

I had someone demonstrate how their (mostly wicket-based) 
application works, and one of the things I noticed in their UI, which 
made working with collections a little easier was the following:

A left hand panel showing "all available items" (this maps onto the Isis 
"choicesNxxx" or "choicesXxxx" methods) and a right hand panel 
showing "currently selected items" (the current contents of the 
collection). This was coupled with some buttons to add/remove items 
from the "currently selected" list.

Question: where does one start when trying to update the current html-
based viewers (html, scimpi, wicket) to render this kind of UI and 
parse the response? (i.e. On submit, the contents of the "currently 
selected items" list must replace the contents of the collection).