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Posted to by Linda Derezinski <> on 2000/02/21 17:14:15 UTC

RE: xalan c++ problems in StylesheetRoot::process UPDATED INFO

Sorry to reply to my own e-mail, but I gave the wrong error message a place
of occurrence  The mistake below was not setting RTTI information.
The error I am getting is:

"The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call."
Which is happening in  Xpath::execute on line const PrefixResolver* const
theSavedResolver =executionContext.getPrefixResolver();

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Linda Derezinski
Interface & Control Systems

		 -----Original Message-----
		From: 	Linda Derezinski [] 
		Sent:	Monday, February 21, 2000 10:50 AM
		To:	Xalan-Dev
		Subject:	xalan c++ problems in


		I am trying to incorporate xalan and xerces into my c++
application.  I am using the "live" cvs versions from 8pm 2/17/00 of both
xalan and xerces.  My environment is NT 4.0 workstation sp6 VC++ 6.0.  I am
able to successfully build and run testxslt with the following command line:

		Testxslt -in file:///e:\test\myxml.xml
<file:///e:\test\myxml.xml>  -xsl file:///e:\test\myxsl.xsl
<file:///e:\test\myxsl.xsl>  -out e:\test\out.txt -text

		Out.txt is correctly converted, so I think my environment is
a happy place.

		I took 95% of process.cpp from testxslt and am trying to
incorporate it into my application.  With the same input, xsl and output
files the dynamic cast is failing in 
		StylesheetRoot::process on line FormatterListener* pFL =
dynamic_cast<FormatterListener *>(outputTarget.getDocumentHandler());

		Has anyone seen this before?

		I am thinking that it's a compile time mistake setting up
the VC project.  Did I miss anything to support xerces or xalan?

		Starting with a WIN32 Console application I made the
following project settings changes:

		C/C++ tab: Code Generation: Use run-time library
		                 Preprocessor :  Preprocessor definitions:
			     Preprocessor:   Additional include directories:
e:\xml_xerces\c\src, e:\xml_xalan\c\src
		Link tab:     Object/Library modules: xerces-c_1.lib
PlatformSupport.lib XercesPlatformSupport.lib XPath.lib XMLSupport.lib
DOMSupport.lib XSLT.lib XercesParserLiaison.lib

		Thanks in advance

		Linda Derezinski
		Interface & Control Systems