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Posted to by Thomas Lionel SMETS <> on 2003/03/19 02:13:55 UTC

available task

Is there a reason why we can't use the <available /> task as a 
<property/> definiton ?

I mean, this works :
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project basedir=".." default="echo" name="TestsForCustomer">
    <!-- Prefixes all the environment properties with the -->
    <!-- 'env.' string      -->
    <property environment="env"  />

    <!-- Only the properties located in this file can be modified -->
    <!-- to customize                                             -->
    <!-- some values to your environment                          -->
    <property resource="" />

    <target name="echo">
    <!-- Verifies if some libraries are present in the CLASSPATH -->
    <available classname=""
               property="compiler.inClasspath" />
      <echo>Value for :
            root directory : ${root.dir}
            ..  scripts ...    : ${scripts.dir}
             scripts.lib.dir : ${scripts.lib.dir}
            lib.dir : ${lib.dir}
            aspect compiler in the CLASSPATH : ${compiler.inClasspath}

while this doesn't

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project basedir=".." default="echo" name="TestsForCustomer">
    <!-- Prefixes all the environment properties with the -->
    <!-- 'env.' string      -->
    <property environment="env"  />

    <!-- Only the properties located in this file can be modified -->
    <!-- to customize                                             -->
    <!-- some values to your environment                          -->
    <property resource="" />
    <!-- Verifies if some libraries are present in the CLASSPATH -->
    <available classname=""
               property="compiler.inClasspath" />

    <target name="echo">
      <echo>Value for :
            root directory : ${root.dir}
            ..  scripts ...    : ${scripts.dir}
             scripts.lib.dir : ${scripts.lib.dir}
            lib.dir : ${lib.dir}
            aspect compiler in the CLASSPATH : ${compiler.inClasspath}

Thanks for explaination of why the second option is not logical.


Thomas SMETS
SCJP2 - Brussels

Re: available task

Posted by Stefan Bodewig <>.
On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Thomas Lionel SMETS <> wrote:

> Is there a reason why we can't use the <available /> task as a
> <property/> definiton ?

The real question is "Is there a reason why we can't use the
<available /> task outside of <target>".  In 1.5.x the answer is: you
can't, but there is no real reason.

As a corollary, you will be able to do it in 1.6 (or current CVS,
latest nightly builds ...).  All tasks can be used outside of targets
in the future.
