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[WIKI-UPDATE] BeginnerSimpleXSLT Sun May 18 23:00:05 2003

Page: , version: 2 on Sun May 18 20:30:46 2003 by

- I begin the page, in hope that some others will fill the holes (and correct my english).
?           ^                   -----                                            ^

+ I am beginning this page, in the hope that others will fill in the holes (and correct my English).
?  +++      ++++   ^^          ++++                          +++                           ^

- Before, you should know a bit of what XML looks like. So let's take a very short document
? ^^ ^^^             ^^^^   ^       ---          -----

+ First of all, you should see a little of how XML looks. So let's take a very short document
? ^^^^^^^ ^^^^             ^^^   ^  +++    ++

- This doc is nicer than HTML, especially because I can change the Schema/DTD for my specific usage (<abstract/>, <author/>). Now, how to take advantage of this? XSLT, of course.
?                                         --- - -                                                                                      ^

+ This doc is nicer than HTML, especially as I can change the Schema/DTD for my specific usage (<abstract/>, <author/>). Now, how do we take advantage of this? XSLT, of course.
?                                                                                                                                 ^ +++

- {{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>}} First declaration that all xml document should have.
?                                            ^                          ^^^

+ {{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>}} This is the first declaration that all XML documents should have.
?                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                          ^^^         +

- Note the encoding precision, UTF-8 is default for XML.
?                            ^

+ Note the encoding precision: UTF-8 is default for XML.
?                            ^

+ Languages other than English could have may need a different encoding. For an XSLT, leave it as UTF-8: your XML editor should know it.
- But languages other than english could have some surprise in a
- browser. For an XSL, let it as UTF-8, your XML editor should know it.
- Root element whith a namespace declaration (XML-spec).
?               -

+ Root element with a namespace declaration (XML-spec).
- by xsl:* is mapped as the namespace-uri "".
? ^^       ^^

+ with xsl:* are mapped as the namespace-uri "".
? ^^^^       ^^^

- This is the only string identifying your tags as xslt instructions to process.
?                                                  ^^^^

+ This is the only string identifying your tags as XSLT instructions to process.
?                                                  ^^^^

- That means, you can also say
?   ^^      -

+ This means you can also say
?   ^^

- Could be useful when an xsl should output an xsl.
? ^                       ^^^                  ^^^

+ This could be useful when an XSLT should output another XSLT.
? ^^^^^^                       ^^^^                 +++++ ^^^^

- But before that, stay classic, it will be easier for copy/paste (by the way, keep also the @version attribute). 
+ However, for now let's keep it simple: it will be easier for copy/paste. (By the way, also keep the @version attribute). 
- All xsl:* will now be instructions to transform from an input to an output.
+ All xsl:* elements will now be instructions to transform from an input to an output.
?          +++++++++

- This is the reason of @method attribute.
?                     ^

+ This is the reason for @method attribute.
?                    + ^

- Note @encoding, one more time, let UTF-8 for xml usages, iso-8859-1 could be useful if
?                                ^ -           ^^^         ^^^

+ Note @encoding, one more time, use UTF-8 for XML usages, ISO-8859-1 could be useful if
?                                ^^            ^^^         ^^^

- strange browser display.
+ you have a strange browser display.
? +++++++++++

- If I put some nice tags in my XML documents, it's probably to use them. Example, I want to extract title|author|abstract of my articles to have a short version. So let's write my first template to __pull__ what I need in the source to output it.
? ^^                                        -                             ^

+ As I've put some nice tags in my XML document, it's probably best to use them. For example, I want to extract title|author|abstract of my articles to have a short version. So let's write my first template to __pull__ what I need in the source to output it.
? ^^  +++                                                      +++++             ^^^^^

- The xslt engine is a kind of filter, processing an xml input,
?     ^^^^                                           ^^^

+ The XSLT engine is a kind of filter, processing an XML input,
?     ^^^^                                           ^^^

- with the stylesheet instructions. Imagine a complex search/replace, except it's not working
?                                                                              ^^ - ^

+ with the stylesheet instructions. Imagine a complex search/replace, except instead of working
?                                                                             ++ ^^^  ^

- on flat text, but on a tree of elements.
?             - ^^

+ on flat text it's working on a tree of elements.
?              ^ ++++++++++

- At first, the engine search for a template matching the root.
?                                                 ^^^

+ At first, the engine searching for a template matches the root.
?                            +++                     ^^

- Thats what is provide here, in the @match, with the "/" value. 
+ That's what is provided here, in the @match, with the "/" value. 
?     +                 +

- Unix users will fastly understand the syntax.
?                 ^^^^                ^

+ Unix users will quickly understand this syntax.
?                 ^^^^^                ^^

- Now, the current node will be the root of the xml input (like after a "change directory").
?                                               ^^^

+ Now, the current node will be the root of the XML input (like after a "change directory").
?                                               ^^^

- In fact, this very complex template is doing: __nothing__. Output should be quite exactly the input in XML understanding, except encoding or some other properties specified in the xsl:output instruction (only important for text instance of an XML object). Not so unuseful... 
?                                                                             ^^^ -                          ^^^   -------                                                                                                                                                --

+ In fact, this very complex template is doing: __nothing__. Output should be almost exactly the same as the input in XML terms, except the encoding or some other properties specified in the xsl:output instruction (only important for text instances of an XML object). Not so useful... 
?                                                                             ^^^^^         ++++++++++++                  ^  +         ++++                                                                                                            +

- It's also a fast way to debug XSL, to say "Where am I?", "What's in?". The instruction ''copy-of'' output the nodes selected by the expression in @select, here: ".". The dot express current node. It's another important character of expressions, called XPath syntax.
+ It's also a fast way to debug XSL, to say "Where am I?", "What's in?". The instruction ''copy-of'' outputs the nodes selected by the expression in @select, here: ".". The dot expresses the current node. It's another important characteristic of expressions, called XPath syntax.
?                                                                                                          +                                                                            ++++++                                               +++++

- But don't forget what we want. From the input given upper, imagine we want this short output, with no more content.
+ But don't forget what we really want. From the input given upper, imagine we want this short output, with no more content.
?                         +++++++

- Now, I'm matching XML input with an {{<article/>}} root element (happily, it's my input), this will change the current node inside the template for all new XPath expression (ex: @select). Note alse the <short/> element, which is not in XSLT namespace (no xsl: prefix), so the engine will understand it as an output. And now point the three copy-of, working in the article context, so the @select are respectivly catching and ouputing the {{<title/>, <author/>, <abstract/>}} nodes.
?                                                                                         ^ ^                                                                                                         ^                                                                                           ^ ^  ^ ---      ---

+ Now, I'm matching XML input with an {{<article/>}} root element (happily, it's my input). This will change the current node inside the template for all new XPath expressions (ex: @select). Note also the <short/> element, which is not in the XSLT namespace (no xsl: prefix), so the engine will interpret it as output. And now point the three copy-of, working in the article context, so the @select are respectively catching and ouputting the {{<title/>, <author/>, <abstract/>}} nodes.
?                                                                                         ^ ^                                                                                 +                        ^                                      ++++                                                     ^ ^  ^^^                                                                                                             +                    +

- Pocess for an html output.
+ Process for an html output.
?  +