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Posted to by Denny Valliant <> on 2006/05/14 11:27:27 UTC

Invalid control character in path

I lost a hard drive in the server my repo resided on, and was barely
able to get a dump before the raid array gave out.

I was starting to sweat because of an error I got when trying to load
the dump file:
 svnadmin: Invalid control character '0x0c' in path

I saw a post about how somehow these chars (LineFeed in this case) can
sneak in when you use a pre 1.2 version of subversion, whereas post 1.2
it's stricter.  The dump file was rather large, and I was dreading
having to wade in there with vi.  I tried on it, since
the dump file was from an supported version, but no dice.
	Thank El for svndumpfilter.  That worked like a charm, since the folder
with the offending file contained only a couple of other files.

My google-fu could have just been in poor form, but I didn't see much
out there, so I'm posting this "solution".
I'd like to give props to Johan.  I feel warm fuzzies whenever I see
post(s!) starting with "I created a patch". =-]
Props to the unsung heroes too! Props meaning "cheers" or "merci".

I admit I'm a little giddy, I would have been a saaad panda if I'd lost
everything past revision 510. [=

Thanks for a great app and a great eclipse plugin!
(not subbed to users@subversion, if any comments, please cc me)


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