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Posted to by Jacques Le Roux <> on 2010/12/31 10:48:39 UTC

Re: Is there a possible memory issue causing objects to stay in old generation for long - ofbiz and javolution

Looks like Oracle is not very worried about this :/
Please vote!


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
> From: "Adam Heath" <>
>> sharad bhushan wrote:
>>> to keep this updated
>>> The Issue was cache - SoftReference.
>>> The monitoring ran for month now and the application is stable. we changed the SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB.
>> That's a bummer.  And if true, it explains alot.
> Looks like it's true since it's 3-Accepted, in the reference above, why do you doubt?
> Also is it only on Linux/Debian 64 AMD with 1.6.0_16, is I guess a good question
> Jacques
>>> Sharad
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Adam Heath <>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Fri, 7 May, 2010 1:28:08 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Is there a possible memory issue causing objects to stay in old generation for long - ofbiz and javolution
>>> sharad bhushan wrote:
>>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>> I have been trying to get the understanding of memory allocation when debugging the  load and memory issue in our ofbiz 
>>>> instance
>>>> Here is the snap shot of our gc log after three days of running and this had been continuing for next two days and went  low
>>>> eventually not responding.   This Full GC run as below was continuous with tenured memory not clearing and Full GC kept running 
>>>> all
>>>> together for 2 days with breaks for few hours, it still survived  "out of memory" as young generation was releasing on Full GC.
>>>> 328821.354: [Full GC 328821.354: [Tenured: 1048576K->1048575K(1048576K), 2.9016030 secs] 1520444K->1087815K(1520448K), [Perm : 
>>>> 49067K->49050K(49152K)], 2.9017140 secs] [Times: user=2.90 sys=0.00, real=2.90 secs]
>>>> 328825.334: [Full GC 328825.334: [Tenured: 1048575K->1048575K(1048576K), 2.4392020 secs] 1520447K->1097197K(1520448K), [Perm : 
>>>> 49054K->49054K(49152K)], 2.4393150 secs] [Times: user=2.43 sys=0.00, real=2.44 secs]
>>>> 328828.673: [Full GC 328828.673: [Tenured: 1048575K->1048575K(1048576K), 2.4696630 secs] 1520447K->1107798K(1520448K), [Perm : 
>>>> 49063K->49063K(49152K)], 2.4697760 secs] [Times: user=2.46 sys=0.00, real=2.46 secs]
>>>> 403173.352: [Full GC 403173.352: [Tenured: 1048576K->1048576K(1048576K), 2.7718690 secs] 1520447K->1252656K(1520448K), [Perm : 
>>>> 49417K->49417K(49664K)], 2.7719880 secs] [Times: user=2.77 sys=0.00, real=2.77 secs]
>>>> 403176.958: [Full GC 403176.958: [Tenured: 1048576K->1048576K(1048576K), 2.7772930 secs] 1520448K->1264672K(1520448K), [Perm : 
>>>> 49421K->49421K(49664K)], 2.7774020 secs] [Times: user=2.78 sys=0.00, real=2.77 secs]
>>>> 403180.713: [Full GC 403180.713: [Tenured: 1048576K->1048576K(1048576K), 2.7374900 secs] 1520447K->1267832K(1520448K), [Perm : 
>>>> 49426K->49426K(49664K)], 2.7376110 secs] [Times: user=2.73 sys=0.00, real=2.74 secs]
>>>> With above said i would like to give the top classes on doing jmap -histo
>>>> javolution FastMap$Entry - ~240MB - nearly 4,900,000 objects
>>>> javolution FastMap$Entry[]  - ~120MB
>>>> javolution HashMap$Entry - ~90MB
>>> You have to be very very careful.  All FastMap instances, and all
>>> their keys/values, and everything else they point to, including
>>> various chained classloaders, then the classes loaded by those
>>> classloaders, and all the static references in *those* classes, etc.
>>> I've found that the various memory graph walking tools don't really
>>> handle finding the *correct* top-level items to show.
>>>> The java max heap  (-Xmx) is 1.5GB.
>>>> the tenured - old gen is ~1000MB and the above three elements are 50% occupied, certainly after drilling through few heap dumps 
>>>> it describes of above three classes.
>>>> The tenured space does not get cleared, I am looking to suspect the FastMap, specifically, we have been using ofbiz cache too.
>>>> Can there be any inputs or observation about the possible issue in memory or javolution, any directions for the above 
>>>> description would certainly help me.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Sharad