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Posted to by Justin Edelson <> on 2010/11/10 02:18:20 UTC

[ANN] Apache Sling JCR Access Manager 2.1.0, JCR User Manager 2.1.0, JCR WebDAV support 2.1.0, and JCR DavEX support 1.0.0 Released

The Apache Sling team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Sling JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 2.1.0, Apache Sling JCR Jackrabbit
User Manager 2.1.0, Apache Sling JCR WebDAV support 2.1.0, and Apache
Sling JCR DavEX support 1.0.0

Apache Sling is a web framework that uses a Java Content Repository,
such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content. Sling
applications use either scripts or Java servlets, selected based on
simple name conventions, to process HTTP requests in a RESTful way.

These modules provide RESTful interfaces for the Apache Jackrabbit
access control and user management subsystems as well as direct
repository access through both standard WebDAV and Apache Jackrabbit's
extended WebDAV protocol (DavEx).

These releases are available from and Maven:





Release Notes for JCR Jackrabbit Access Manager 2.1.0:
** Bug
    * [SLING-997] - ModifyAceServlet replaces rather than merges privileges
    * [SLING-1090] - PrivilegesInfo.canDelete(..) returns wrong value
for children of the root node
    * [SLING-1457] - AccessControlUtil.replaceAccessControlEntry(..)
must preserve the order of the ACEs in the AccessControlList when
merging changes into an existing ACE
    * [SLING-1458] - The jackrabbit.accessmanager bundle needs to
provide a mechanism to re-order the ACEs in the ACL
    * [SLING-1528] - Format of GetAclServlet has changed
    * [SLING-1805] - Space character prevents correct
Get[Effective]AclServlt registration

** Improvement
    * [SLING-1411] - Add replaceAccessControlEntry method to AccessControlUtil
    * [SLING-1517] - Get rid of Maven 3 warnings
    * [SLING-1612] - create servlet to get effective access control list
    * [SLING-1698] - Set an explicit version for exported packages

** New Feature
    * [SLING-1677] - Let AccessManager POST servlets return JSON

Release Notes for JCR Jackrabbit User Manager 2.1.0:
** Bug
    * [SLING-1009] - listChildren failed in AuthorizableResourceProvider
    * [SLING-1237] - Odd behavior from jackrabbit-usermanager group.delete
    * [SLING-1377] - Listing all users/groups does not work
    * [SLING-1577] - Cannot create new user through userManager
neither add custom properties to user or group
    * [SLING-1639] - Disabling user self-registration is not working

** Improvement
    * [SLING-1378] - Provide toString method for AuthorizableValueMap
    * [SLING-1379] - AuthorizableResource should adapt to User or
Group as appropriate
    * [SLING-1453] - Provide AuthorizablePrivilegesInfo service to
help user/group management scripts query what the current user is
allowed to do
    * [SLING-1517] - Get rid of Maven 3 warnings
    * [SLING-1578] - reduce code duplication between post servlet and
    * [SLING-1642] - User self-registration should be disabled by default
    * [SLING-1698] - Set an explicit version for exported packages

** New Feature
    * [SLING-1676] - Let UserManager POST servlets return JSON

Release Notes for JCR WebDAV support 2.1.0:
** Bug
    * [SLING-1405] - and jcr.webdav modules have
duplicate jcr dependencies

** Improvement
    * [SLING-1660] - upgrade to Jackrabbit 2.1.1

** Task
    * [SLING-1531] - Upgrade to Jackrabbit 2.1
    * [SLING-1654] - Remove JCR Session as request attribte


-The Sling team