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[GitHub] [shardingsphere] strongduanmu opened a new issue, #10368: Investigate and optimize the SQL compatibility of routing to single data node

strongduanmu opened a new issue, #10368:

   # Background
   The sharding function of SS 4.X version is 100% compatible with routing to single data node SQL(including single table SQL (implemented by defaultDataSourceName) or sharding table). Due to the refactoring of the kernel in SS 5.X, some SQL execute abnormally, which needs to be investigated  and supported.
   # Task
   - [ ] MySQL routing to single data node SQL support
     - [ ] DALStatement(pending)
     - [ ] DCLStatement
     - [x] DDLStatement(core SQL statement has been supported)
     - [x] DMLStatement(core SQL statement has been supported)
     - [ ] RLStatement
     - [ ] TCLStatement
   - [ ] PostgreSQL routing to single data node SQL support
     - [ ] DALStatement(pending)
     - [ ] DCLStatement
     - [ ] DDLStatement (doing)
     - [ ] DMLStatement (doing)
     - [ ] StoreProcedure
     - [ ] TCLStatement
   - [ ] Oracle routing to single data node SQL support (low priority)
   - [ ] SQLServer routing to single data node SQL support (low priority)
   - [ ] SQL92 routing to single data node SQL support (low priority)
   # Investigate results
   The investigate results are tested using the following sharding rules.
        actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_order_${0..1}
            shardingColumn: order_id
            shardingAlgorithmName: t_order_inline
          column: order_id
          keyGeneratorName: snowflake
        actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_order_item_${0..1}
            shardingColumn: order_id
            shardingAlgorithmName: t_order_item_inline
          column: order_item_id
          keyGeneratorName: snowflake
        actualDataNodes: ds_0.t_user_0
      - t_order,t_order_item
      - t_config
        shardingColumn: user_id
        shardingAlgorithmName: database_inline
        type: INLINE
          algorithm-expression: ds_${user_id % 2}
        type: INLINE
          algorithm-expression: t_order_${order_id % 2}
        type: INLINE
          algorithm-expression: t_order_item_${order_id % 2}
        type: SNOWFLAKE
          worker-id: 123
   ### MySQL DALStatement
   > show statement include:
   > showDatabases, showTables, showTableStatus, showBinaryLogs, showColumns, showIndex, showCreateDatabase, showCreateTable, showBinlogEvents, showCharacterSet, showCollation, showCreateEvent, showCreateFunction, showCreateProcedure, showCreateTrigger, showCreateUser, showCreateView, showEngine, showEngines, showCharset, showErrors, showEvents, showFunctionCode, showFunctionStatus, showGrant, showMasterStatus, showPlugins, showOpenTables, showPrivileges, showProcedureCode, showProcesslist, showProfile, showProcedureStatus, showProfiles, showSlavehost, showSlaveStatus, showRelaylogEvent, showStatus, showTrriggers, showWarnings, showVariables
   | statement              | logic SQL                                                    | actual SQL                                                   | route engine                                  | supported   |
   | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
   | use                    | USE *sharding_db;*                                           | -                                                            | ShardingIgnoreRoutingEngine                   | support     |
   | help                   | HELP 'create table';                                         |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | explain                | EXPLAIN t_order; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_order;              | ds_0 EXPLAIN t_order_0; ds_0 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_order_0; | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                        | EXPLAIN t_user; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_user;                | ds_0 EXPLAIN t_user_0; ds_0 EXPLAIN select * from t_user_0;  | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                        | EXPLAIN t_config; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_config;            | ds_0 EXPLAIN t_config; ds_0 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_config;  | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                        | EXPLAIN t_single; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_single;            | ds_1 EXPLAIN t_single; ds_1 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_single;  | SingleTablesRoutingEngine                     | support     |
   | show                   | SHOW DATABASES;                                              | -                                                            | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine        | support     |
   |                        | SHOW TABLES;                                                 | -                                                            | -                                             | support     |
   |                        | SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM *sharding_db;*                        | ds0 SHOW TABLE STATUS;                                       | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW BINARY LOGS;                                            | ds0 SHOW BINARY LOGS;                                        | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_order FROM *sharding_db* LIKE '%tent%'; SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_user FROM *sharding_db* LIKE '%tent%'; SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_config FROM *sharding_db* LIKE '%tent%'; | ds_0 SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_order_0  LIKE '%tent%'; ds_0 SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_user_0  LIKE '%tent%'; ds_0 SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_config  LIKE '%tent%'; | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                        | SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_single FROM *sharding_db* LIKE '%tent%'; | ds_1 SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_single  LIKE '%tent%';              | SingleTablesRoutingEngine                     | support     |
   |                        | SHOW INDEX FROM t_order FROM *sharding_db*; SHOW INDEX FROM t_user FROM *sharding_db*; SHOW INDEX FROM t_config FROM sharding_db; | ds0 SHOW INDEX FROM t_order_0 FROM sharding_db; ds_0 SHOW INDEX FROM t_user_0 FROM sharding_db; ds_0 SHOW INDEX FROM t_config FROM sharding_db; | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | not support |
   |                        | SHOW INDEX FROM t_single FROM *sharding_db*                  | ds_1 SHOW INDEX FROM t_single FROM *sharding_db;*            | SingleTablesRoutingEngine                     | not support |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE DATABASE *sharding_db*;                          |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE TABLE t_order; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_user; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_config; | ds_0 SHOW CREATE TABLE t_order_0; ds_0 SHOW CREATE TABLE t_user_0; ds_1 SHOW CREATE TABLE t_config; | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE TABLE t_single;                                  | ds_1 SHOW CREATE TABLE t_single;                             | SingleTablesRoutingEngine                     | support     |
   |                        | SHOW BINLOG EVENTS                                           | ds_0 SHOW BINLOG EVENTS;                                     | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW CHARACTER SET LIKE '%GBK%';                             | ds_0 SHOW CHARACTER SET LIKE '%GBK%';                        | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW COLLATION LIKE '%GBK%';                                 | ds_0 SHOW COLLATION LIKE '%GBK%';                            | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE EVENT test_event;                                | ds_0 SHOW CREATE EVENT test_event;                           | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE FUNCTION test_function;                          | ds_0 SHOW CREATE FUNCTION test_function;                     | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE test_procedure;                        | ds_0 SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE test_procedure;                   | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE TRIGGER test_trigger;                            |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE USER root;                                       |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW CREATE VIEW test_view;                                  | ds_0 SHOW CREATE VIEW test_view;                             | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; SHOW ENGINES; SHOW CHARSET; SHOW ERRORS LIMIT 1; | ds_0 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; ds_0 SHOW ENGINES; ds_0 SHOW CHARSET; ds_0 SHOW ERRORS LIMIT 1; | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW EVENTS FROM *sharding_db;*                              |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW FUNCTION CODE *test_function*;                          |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW FUNCTION STATUS;                                        |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW GRANTS FOR root;                                        |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW MASTER STATUS;                                          |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW PLUGINS;                                                |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW OPEN TABLES FROM *sharding_db;*                         |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW PRIVILEGES;                                             |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW PROCEDURE CODE *test_procedure;*                        |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW PROCESSLIST;                                            | -                                                            |                                               | support     |
   |                        | SHOW PROFILE ALL;                                            |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS;                                       |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW PROFILES;                                               |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW SLAVE HOSTS;                                            |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW SLAVE STATUS;                                           |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS;                                        |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW GLOBAL STATUS;                                          | ds_0 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS;                                     | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW TRIGGERS FROM *sharding_db;*                            |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   |                        | SHOW WARNINGS LIMIT 1;                                       | ds_0 SHOW WARNINGS LIMIT 1;                                  | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                        | SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES;                                       | ds_0 SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES;                                  | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   | setVariable            | SET GLOBAL a = 1;                                            | ds_0 SET GLOBAL a = 1; ds_1 SET GLOBAL a = 1;                | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine        | support     |
   | setCharacter           | SET CHARACTER SET UTF8;                                      | ds_0 SET CHARACTER SET UTF8; ds_1 SET CHARACTER SET UTF8;    | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine        | support     |
   | clone                  | CLONE LOCAL DATA DIRECTORY 'plugin';                         |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | createLoadableFunction | CREATE FUNCTION *test_loadable_function* RETURNS STRING SONAME 'abs'; | ds_0 CREATE FUNCTION test_loadable_function RETURNS STRING SONAME 'abs'; | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   | install                | INSTALL PLUGIN plugin SONAME 'math';                         |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | uninstall              | UNINSTALL PLUGIN plugin;                                     |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | analyzeTable           | ANALYZE TABLE t_order;                                       | ds_1 ANALYZE TABLE t_order_0; ds_1 ANALYZE TABLE t_order_1; ds_0 ANALYZE TABLE t_order_0; ds_0 ANALYZE TABLE t_order_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine           | support     |
   |                        | ANALYZE TABLE t_user;                                        | ds_0 ANALYZE TABLE t_user_0;                                 | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine           | support     |
   |                        | ANALYZE TABLE t_config;                                      | ds_0 ANALYZE TABLE t_config; ds_1 ANALYZE TABLE t_config;    | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine           | support     |
   |                        | ANALYZE TABLE t_single;                                      | ds_1 ANALYZE TABLE t_single;                                 | SingleTablesRoutingEngine                     | support     |
   | checkTable             | CHECK TABLE t_order FOR UPGRADE;                             |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | checksumTable          | CHECKSUM TABLE t_order;                                      |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | optimizeTable          | OPTIMIZE LOCAL TABLE t_order;                                |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | repairTable            | REPAIR LOCAL TABLE t_order;                                  |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | alterResourceGroup     | ALTER RESOURCE GROUP batch;                                  |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | createResourceGroup    | CREATE RESOURCE GROUP batch TYPE = USER;                     |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | dropResourceGroup      | DROP RESOURCE GROUP batch;                                   |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | setResourceGroup       | SET RESOURCE GROUP batch;                                    |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | binlog                 | BINLOG 'str';                                                |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | cacheIndex             | CACHE INDEX t1, t2, t3 IN hot_cache;                         |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | flush                  | FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES t_order;                     |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | kill                   | KILL QUERY 12;                                               |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | loadIndexInfo          | LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE t_1;                                   |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | resetStatement         | RESET MASTER TO 1234;                                        |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | restart                | RESTART;                                                     |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | shutdown               | SHUTDOWN;                                                    |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   ### MySQL DCLStatement
   | statement      | logic SQL | actual SQL | route engine | supported |
   | -------------- | --------- | ---------- | ------------ | --------- |
   | grant          |           |            |              |           |
   | revoke         |           |            |              |           |
   | createUser     |           |            |              |           |
   | alterUser      |           |            |              |           |
   | dropUser       |           |            |              |           |
   | createRole     |           |            |              |           |
   | dropRole       |           |            |              |           |
   | renameUser     |           |            |              |           |
   | setDefaultRole |           |            |              |           |
   | setRole        |           |            |              |           |
   | setPassword    |           |            |              |           |
   ### MySQL DDLStatement
   > alterStatement statement include:
   > alterTable, alterDatabase, alterProcedure, alterFunction, alterEvent, alterView, alterTablespaceInnodb, alterTablespaceNdb, alterLogfileGroup, alterInstance, alterServer
   | statement                            | actual SQL                                                   | logic SQL                                                    | route engine                        | supported                                                    |
   | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
   | alterStatement-alterTable            | ALTER TABLE t_order ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20;      | ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | ALTER TABLE t_user ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20);      | ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_user_0 ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | ALTER TABLE t_config ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20);    | ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_config ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_config ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | ALTER TABLE t_single ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20);    | ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_single ADD COLUMN product_name VARCHAR(20); | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   |                                      | ALTER TABLE t_order ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item(order_id); | ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item(order_id); ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item(order_id); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item(order_id); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item(order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | ALTER TABLE t_order ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id); | ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id); ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | ALTER TABLE t_order RENAME TO t_order_new, RENAME TO t_order_new_new; ALTER TABLE t_user RENAME TO t_user_new, RENAME TO t_user_new_new; ALTER TABLE t_config RENAME TO t_config_new, RENAME TO t_config_new_new; |                                                              |                                     | not support——ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO ... statement can not support sharding tables and broadcast tables. |
   |                                      | ALTER TABLE t_single RENAME TO t_single_new, RENAME TO t_single_new_new; | ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_single RENAME TO t_single_new, RENAME TO t_single_new_new; | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   | alterStatement-alterDatabase         | ALTER DATABASE *sharding_db* CHARACTER SET = UTF8;           | ds_0 ALTER DATABASE *sharding_db* CHARACTER SET = UTF8; ds_1 ALTER DATABASE *sharding_db* CHARACTER SET = UTF8; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | not support                                                  |
   | alterStatement-alterProcedure        |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterFunction         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterEvent            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterView             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterTablespaceInnodb |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterTablespaceNdb    |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterLogfileGroup     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterInstance         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatement-alterServer           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTable                          | CREATE TABLE t_order_item(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order(order_id)); | ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_0(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_0(order_id)); ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_1(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_1(order_id)); ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_0(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_0(order_id)); ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_1(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_order_1(order_id)); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                             
   |                                      | CREATE TABLE t_order_item(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id)); | ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_0(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id)); ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_1(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id)); ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_0(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id)); ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_item_1(order_item_id INT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT, content VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY order_id_fk(order_id) REFERENCES t_config(order_id)); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                
   | dropTable                            | DROP TABLE t_order;                                          | ds_1 DROP TABLE t_order_0; ds_1 DROP TABLE t_order_1; ds_0 DROP TABLE t_order_0; ds_0 DROP TABLE t_order_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | DROP TABLE t_user;                                           | ds_0 DROP TABLE t_user_0;                                    | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | DROP TABLE t_config;                                         | ds_0 DROP TABLE t_config; ds_1 DROP TABLE t_config;          | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | DROP TABLE t_single;                                         | ds_1 DROP TABLE t_single;                                    | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   | dropIndex                            | DROP INDEX order_idx ON t_order;                             | ds_1 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_order_0 ON t_order_0; ds_1 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_order_1 ON t_order_1; ds_0 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_order_0 ON t_order_0; ds_0 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_order_1 ON t_order_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | DROP INDEX order_idx ON t_user;                              | ds_0 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_user_0 ON t_user_0;              | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | DROP INDEX order_idx ON t_config;                            | ds_1 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_config ON t_config; ds_0 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_config ON t_config; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | DROP INDEX order_idx ON t_single;                            | ds_1 DROP INDEX order_idx_t_single ON t_single;              | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   | truncateTable                        | TRUNCATE TABLE t_order;                                      | ds_1 TRUNCATE TABLE t_order_0; ds_1 TRUNCATE TABLE t_order_1; ds_0 TRUNCATE TABLE t_order_0; ds_0 TRUNCATE TABLE t_order_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | TRUNCATE TABLE t_user;                                       | ds_0 TRUNCATE TABLE t_user_0;                                | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | TRUNCATE TABLE t_config;                                     | ds_0 TRUNCATE TABLE t_config; ds_1 TRUNCATE TABLE t_config;  | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | TRUNCATE TABLE t_single;                                     | ds_1 TRUNCATE TABLE t_single;                                | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   | createIndex                          | CREATE INDEX order_idx ON t_order(order_id);                 | ds_1 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_order_0 ON t_order_0(order_id); ds_1 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_order_1 ON t_order_1(order_id); ds_0 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_order_0 ON t_order_0(order_id); ds_0 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_order_1 ON t_order_1(order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | CREATE INDEX order_idx ON t_user(order_id);                  | ds_0 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_user_0 ON t_user_0(order_id);  | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | CREATE INDEX order_idx ON t_config(order_id);                | ds_0 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_config ON t_config(order_id); ds_1 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_config ON t_config(order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                                      | CREATE INDEX order_idx ON t_single(order_id);                | ds_1 CREATE INDEX order_idx_t_single ON t_single(order_id);  | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   | createDatabase                       |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropDatabase                         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createEvent                          |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropEvent                            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createFunction                       |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropFunction                         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createProcedure                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropProcedure                        |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createServer                         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropServer                           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createView                           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropView                             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTablespaceInnodb               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTablespaceNdb                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropTablespace                       |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createLogfileGroup                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropLogfileGroup                     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTrigger                        |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropTrigger                          |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | renameTable                          |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createSRSStatement                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropSRSStatement                     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | getDiagnosticsStatement              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | resignalStatement                    |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | signalStatement                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   ### MySQL DMLStatement
   | statement        | logic SQL                                                      | actual SQL                                                      | route engine                               | supported           |
   | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
   | insert           | INSERT INTO t_order(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ds_0 INSERT INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'); ds_1 INSERT INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'); ds_0 INSERT INTO t_order_0(order_id, content) VALUES (2, 'test2'); ds_1 INSERT INTO t_order_0(order_id, content) VALUES (2, 'test2'); | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | INSERT INTO t_user(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2') | ds_0 INSERT INTO t_user_0(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | INSERT INTO t_config(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ds_0 INSERT INTO t_config(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); ds_1 INSERT INTO t_config(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine | support            |
   |                  | INSERT INTO t_single(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ds_1 INSERT INTO t_single(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | SingleTablesRoutingEngine              | support            |
   |                  | INSERT INTO t_order(order_id, content) SELECT order_id, content FROM t_order_item WHERE order_id = 1; | ds_0 INSERT INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) SELECT order_id, content FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE order_id = 1; ds_1 INSERT INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) SELECT order_id, content FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE order_id = 1; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   | replace          | REPLACE INTO t_order(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ds_0 REPLACE INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'); ds_1 REPLACE INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'); ds_0 REPLACE INTO t_order_0(order_id, content) VALUES (2, 'test2'); ds_1 REPLACE INTO t_order_0(order_id, content) VALUES (2, 'test2'); | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | REPLACE INTO t_user(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ds_0 REPLACE INTO t_user_0(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | REPLACE INTO t_config(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ds_0 REPLACE INTO t_config(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); ds_1 REPLACE INTO t_config(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine | support            |
   |                  | REPLACE INTO t_single(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | REPLACE INTO t_single(order_id, content) VALUES (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2'); | SingleTablesRoutingEngine              | support            |
   |                  | REPLACE INTO t_order(order_id, content) SELECT order_id, content FROM t_order_item WHERE order_id = 1; | ds_0 REPLACE INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) SELECT order_id, content FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE order_id = 1; ds_1 REPLACE INTO t_order_1(order_id, content) SELECT order_id, content FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE order_id = 1; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   | update           | UPDATE t_order SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1;    | ds_0 UPDATE t_order_1 SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1; ds_1 UPDATE t_order_1 SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | UPDATE t_user SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1;     | ds_0 UPDATE t_user_0 SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | UPDATE t_config SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1;   | ds_0 UPDATE t_config SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1; ds_1 UPDATE t_config SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1; | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine | support            |
   |                  | UPDATE t_single SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1;   | ds_1 UPDATE t_single SET content = 'test11' WHERE order_id = 1; | SingleTablesRoutingEngine              | support            |
   | delete           | DELETE FROM t_order WHERE order_id = 1;                      | ds_0 DELETE FROM t_order_1 WHERE order_id = 1; ds_1 DELETE FROM t_order_1 WHERE order_id = 1; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | DELETE FROM t_user WHERE order_id = 1;                       | ds_0 DELETE FROM t_user_0 WHERE order_id = 1;                | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | DELETE FROM t_config WHERE order_id = 1;                     | ds_0 DELETE FROM t_config WHERE order_id = 1; ds_1 DELETE FROM t_config WHERE order_id = 1; | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine | support            |
   |                  | DELETE FROM t_single WHERE order_id = 1;                     | DELETE FROM t_single WHERE order_id = 1;                     | SingleTablesRoutingEngine              | support            |
   | select           | SELECT *** FROM t_order WHERE order_id = 1;                  | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_order_1 WHERE order_id = 1 ORDER BY order_id ASC; ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_order_1 WHERE order_id = 1 ORDER BY order_id ASC; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_user WHERE order_id = 1;                   | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_user_0 WHERE order_id = 1;              | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_config WHERE order_id = 1;                 | ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_config WHERE order_id = 1;              | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine           | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_single WHERE order_id = 1;                 | ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_single WHERE order_id = 1;              | SingleTablesRoutingEngine              | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_order WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_order_1 WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE t_order_item_1.order_id = 1) ORDER BY order_id ASC; ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_order_1 WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE t_order_item_1.order_id = 1) ORDER BY order_id ASC; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_user WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); | ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); | ShardingFederatedRoutingEngine         | support by calcite |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_config WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_config WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE t_order_item_1.order_id = 1) ORDER BY order_id ASC; ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_config WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item_1 WHERE t_order_item_1.order_id = 1) ORDER BY order_id ASC; | ShardingComplexRoutingEngine           | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_single WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_single WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_single WHERE order_id = (SELECT order_id FROM t_order_item WHERE t_order_item.order_id = 1); | ShardingFederatedRoutingEngine         | support by calcite |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_order JOIN t_order_item ON t_order.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_order.order_id = 1; | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_order_1 JOIN t_order_item_1 ON t_order_1.order_id = t_order_item_1.order_id WHERE t_order_1.order_id = 1; ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_order_1 JOIN t_order_item_1 ON t_order_1.order_id = t_order_item_1.order_id WHERE t_order_1.order_id = 1; | ShardingStandardRoutingEngine          | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_user JOIN t_order_item ON t_user.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_user.order_id = 1; | ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_user JOIN t_order_item ON t_user.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_user.order_id = 1; ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_user JOIN t_order_item ON t_user.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_user.order_id = 1; | ShardingFederatedRoutingEngine         | support by calcite |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_config JOIN t_order_item ON t_config.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_config.order_id = 1; | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_config JOIN t_order_item_0 ON t_config.order_id = t_order_item_0.order_id WHERE t_config.order_id = 1; ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_config JOIN t_order_item_1 ON t_config.order_id = t_order_item_1.order_id WHERE t_config.order_id = 1; ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_config JOIN t_order_item_0 ON t_config.order_id = t_order_item_0.order_id WHERE t_config.order_id = 1; ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_config JOIN t_order_item_1 ON t_config.order_id = t_order_item_1.order_id WHERE t_config.order_id = 1; | ShardingComplexRoutingEngine           | support            |
   |                  | SELECT *** FROM t_single JOIN t_order_item ON t_single.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_single.order_id = 1; | ds_0 SELECT * FROM t_single JOIN t_order_item ON t_single.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_single.order_id = 1; ds_1 SELECT * FROM t_single JOIN t_order_item ON t_single.order_id = t_order_item.order_id WHERE t_single.order_id = 1; | ShardingFederatedRoutingEngine         | support by calcite |
   | call             |                                                              |                                                              |                                        |                    |
   | doStatement      |                                                              |                                                              |                                        |                    |
   | handlerStatement |                                                              |                                                              |                                        |                    |
   | importStatement  |                                                              |                                                              |                                        |                    |
   | loadStatement    |                                                              |                                                              |                                        |                    |
   ### MySQL RLStatement
   | statement             | logic SQL | actual SQL | route engine | supported |
   | ---------------- | ------- | ------- | -------- | -------- |
   | change           |         |         |          |          |
   | startSlave       |         |         |          |          |
   | stopSlave        |         |         |          |          |
   | groupReplication |         |         |          |          |
   | purgeBinaryLog   |         |         |          |          |
   ### MySQL TCLStatement
   | statement             | logic SQL | actual SQL | route engine | supported |
   | ---------------- | ------- | ------- | -------- | -------- |
   | setTransaction   |         |         |          |          |
   | setAutoCommit    |         |         |          |          |
   | beginTransaction |         |         |          |          |
   | commit           |         |         |          |          |
   | rollback         |         |         |          |          |
   | savepoint        |         |         |          |          |
   | begin            |         |         |          |          |
   | lock             |         |         |          |          |
   | unlock           |         |         |          |          |
   | releaseSavepoint |         |         |          |          |
   | xa               |         |         |          |          |
   ### MySQL OtherStatement
   | statement              | logic SQL | actual SQL | route engine | supported |
   | ----------------- | ------- | ------- | -------- | -------- |
   | preparedStatement |         |         |          |          |
   ### PostgreSQL DALStatement
   | statement           | logic SQL                                      | actual SQL                                                      | route engine                                      | supported    |
   | -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
   | show           | SHOW ALL;                                    | ds_0 SHOW ALL;                                               | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   | set            | SET datestyle TO postgres, dmy;              | ds_0 SET datestyle TO postgres, dmy; ds_1 SET datestyle TO postgres, dmy; | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine        | support     |
   | resetParameter | RESET ALL;                                   | ds_0 RESET ALL; ds_1 RESET ALL;                              | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine        | support     |
   | explain        | EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_order;               | ds_0 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_order;                          | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                | EXPLAIN SELECT *** FROM t_user;              | ds_0 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t_user_0;                         | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                | EXPLAIN SELECT *** FROM t_config;            | ds_1 EXPLAIN SELECT *** FROM t_config;                       | ShardingUnicastRoutingEngine                  | support     |
   |                | EXPLAIN SELECT *** FROM t_single;            | ds_1 EXPLAIN SELECT *** FROM t_single;                       | SingleTablesRoutingEngine                     | support     |
   | setConstraints | SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED;                |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | analyze        | ANALYZE;                                     | ds_0 ANALYZE; ds_1 ANALYZE;                                  | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine        | support     |
   |                | ANALYZE t_order;                             | ds_1 ANALYZE t_order_0; ds_1 ANALYZE t_order_1; ds_0 ANALYZE t_order_0; ds_0 ANALYZE t_order_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine           | support     |
   |                | ANALYZE t_user;                              | ds_0 ANALYZE t_user_0;                                       | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine           | support     |
   |                | ANALYZE t_config;                            | ds_0 ANALYZE t_config; ds_1 ANALYZE t_config;                | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine           | support     |
   |                | ANALYZE t_single;                            | ds_1 ANALYZE t_single;                                       | SingleTablesRoutingEngine                     | support     |
   | load           | LOAD 'test';                                 | ds_0 LOAD 'test'; ds_1 LOAD 'test';                          | ShardingDatabaseBroadcastRoutingEngine        | support     |
   | valuesClause   | VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'); |                                                              |                                               | not support |
   | vacuum         | VACUUM FULL;                                 | ds_0 VACUUM FULL;                                            | ShardingDataSourceGroupBroadcastRoutingEngine | support     |
   |                | VACUUM FULL t_order;                         | ds_0 VACUUM FULL t_order;                                    |                                               | not support |
   ### PostgreSQL DDLStatement
   | statement                    | logic SQL                                                    | actual SQL                                                   | route engine                        | supported                                                    |
   | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
   | createTable                  | CREATE TABLE t_order(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_0(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_1(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_0(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_1(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | CREATE TABLE t_user(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_user_0(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | CREATE TABLE t_config(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_config(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_config(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | CREATE TABLE t_single(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_single(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR); | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   |                              | CREATE TABLE t_order(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item (order_id)); | ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_0(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_0 (order_id)); ds_0 CREATE TABLE t_order_1(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_1 (order_id)); ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_0(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_0 (order_id)); ds_1 CREATE TABLE t_order_1(order_id INT PRIMARY KEY, content VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_1 (order_id)); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   | createIndex                  | CREATE INDEX t_order_index ON t_order(order_id);             | ds_1 CREATE INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0 ON t_order_0(order_id); ds_1 CREATE INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1 ON t_order_1(order_id); ds_0 CREATE INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0 ON t_order_0(order_id); ds_0 CREATE INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1 ON t_order_1(order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | CREATE INDEX t_user_index ON t_user(order_id);               | ds_0 CREATE INDEX t_user_index_t_user_0 ON t_user_0(order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | CREATE INDEX t_config_index ON t_config(order_id);           | ds_0 CREATE INDEX t_config_index_t_config ON t_config(order_id); ds_1 CREATE INDEX t_config_index_t_config ON t_config(order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | CREATE INDEX t_single_index ON t_single(order_id)            | ds_1 CREATE INDEX t_single_index_t_single ON t_single(order_id); | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   | createDatabase               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createView                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropDatabase                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterTable                   | ALTER TABLE t_order ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item (order_id); | ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_0 (order_id); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_1 (order_id); ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_0 (order_id); ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_order_item_1 (order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER TABLE t_order ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_config (order_id); | ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_config (order_id); ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_config (order_id); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_0 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_config (order_id); ds_0 ALTER TABLE t_order_1 ADD CONSTRAINT t_order_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES t_config (order_id); | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER TABLE t_order RENAME TO t_order_new; ALTER TABLE t_user RENAME TO t_user_new; ALTER TABLE t_config RENAME TO t_config_new; |                                                              |                                     | not support——ERROR:  ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO ... statement can not support sharding tables and broadcast tables. |
   |                              | ALTER TABLE t_single RENAME TO t_single_new;                 | ds_1 ALTER TABLE t_single RENAME TO t_single_new;            | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   | alterIndex                   | ALTER INDEX t_order_index SET TABLESPACE pg_default;         | ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0 SET TABLESPACE pg_default; ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1 SET TABLESPACE pg_default; ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0 SET TABLESPACE pg_default; ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1 SET TABLESPACE pg_default; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_user_index SET TABLESPACE pg_default;          | ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_user_index_t_user_0 SET TABLESPACE pg_default; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_config_index SET TABLESPACE pg_default;        | ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_config_index_t_config SET TABLESPACE pg_default; ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_config_index_t_config SET TABLESPACE pg_default; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_single_index SET TABLESPACE pg_default;        | ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_single_index_t_single SET TABLESPACE pg_default; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_order_index RENAME TO t_order_index_new;       | ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0 RENAME TO t_order_index_new_t_order_0; ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1 RENAME TO t_order_index_new_t_order_1; ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0 RENAME TO t_order_index_new_t_order_0; ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1 RENAME TO t_order_index_new_t_order_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_user_index RENAME TO t_user_index_new;         | ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_user_index_t_user_0 RENAME TO t_user_index_new_t_user_0; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_user_index RENAME TO t_user_index_new;         | ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_user_index_t_user_0 RENAME TO t_user_index_new_t_user_0; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_config_index RENAME TO t_config_index_new;     | ds_0 ALTER INDEX t_config_index_t_config RENAME TO t_config_index_new_t_config; ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_config_index_t_config RENAME TO t_config_index_new_t_config; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | ALTER INDEX t_single_index RENAME TO t_single_index_new;     | ds_1 ALTER INDEX t_single_index_t_single RENAME TO t_single_index_new_t_single; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   | dropTable                    | DROP TABLE t_order, t_order_item;                            | ds_0 DROP TABLE t_order_0, t_order_item_0; ds_0 DROP TABLE t_order_1, t_order_item_1; ds_1 DROP TABLE t_order_0, t_order_item_0; ds_1 DROP TABLE t_order_1, t_order_item_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP TABLE t_user;                                           | ds_0 DROP TABLE t_user_0;                                    | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP TABLE t_config;                                         | ds_0 DROP TABLE t_config; ds_1 DROP TABLE t_config;          | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP TABLE t_single;                                         | ds_1 DROP TABLE t_single;                                    | SingleTablesRoutingEngine           | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP TABLE t_order, t_user;                                  |                                                              |                                     | not support——ERROR:  DROP TABLE ... statement route unit size must be same with primary table 't_order' data node size. |
   | dropIndex                    | DROP INDEX t_order_index;                                    | ds_1 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0; ds_1 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1; ds_0 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0; ds_0 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP INDEX t_user_index;                                     | ds_0 DROP INDEX t_user_index_t_user_0;                       | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP INDEX t_config_index;                                   | ds_0 DROP INDEX t_config_index_t_config; ds_1 DROP INDEX t_config_index_t_config; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP INDEX t_single_index;                                   | ds_1 DROP INDEX t_single_index;                              | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   |                              | DROP INDEX t_order_index,t_order_item_index;                 | ds_0 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0,t_order_item_index_t_order_item_0; ds_0 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1,t_order_item_index_t_order_item_1; ds_1 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_0,t_order_item_index_t_order_item_0; ds_1 DROP INDEX t_order_index_t_order_1,t_order_item_index_t_order_item_1; | ShardingTableBroadcastRoutingEngine | support                                                      |
   | truncateTable                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterDatabase                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterOperator                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterOperatorClass           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterOperatorFamily          |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterAggregate               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterCollation               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterConversion              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterDefaultPrivileges       |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterDomain                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterEventTrigger            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterExtension               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterForeignDataWrapper      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterGroup                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterLanguage                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterLargeObject             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterMaterializedView        |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | declare                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | executeStmt                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createMaterializedView       |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | refreshMatViewStmt           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterPolicy                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterProcedure               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterFunction                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterPublication             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterRoutine                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterRule                    |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterSequence                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterServer                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterStatistics              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterSubscription            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterSystem                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterTablespace              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterTextSearchConfiguration |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterTextSearchDictionary    |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterTextSearchParser        |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterTextSearchTemplate      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterTrigger                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterType                    |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterUserMapping             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterView                    |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | close                        |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | cluster                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | comment                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createAccessMethod           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createAggregate              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createCast                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createCollation              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createConversion             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createDomain                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createEventTrigger           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createExtension              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createForeignDataWrapper     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createForeignTable           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createFunction               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createLanguage               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createPolicy                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createProcedure              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createPublication            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createRule                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTrigger                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createSequence               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createServer                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createStatistics             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createSubscription           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTablespace             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTextSearch             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createTransform              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createType                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createUserMapping            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | discard                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropAccessMethod             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropAggregate                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropCast                     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropCollation                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropConversion               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropDomain                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropEventTrigger             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropExtension                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropForeignDataWrapper       |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropForeignTable             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropFunction                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropLanguage                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropMaterializedView         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropOperator                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropOperatorClass            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropOperatorFamily           |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropOwned                    |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropPolicy                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropProcedure                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropPublication              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropRoutine                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropRule                     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropSequence                 |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropServer                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropStatistics               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropSubscription             |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropTablespace               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropTextSearch               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropTransform                |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropTrigger                  |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropType                     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropUserMapping              |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | dropView                     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | importForeignSchema          |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | listen                       |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | move                         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | prepare                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | deallocate                   |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | refreshMaterializedView      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | reIndex                      |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | alterForeignTable            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createOperator               |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createOperatorClass          |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | createOperatorFamily         |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | securityLabelStmt            |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   | unlisten                     |                                                              |                                                              |                                     |                                                              |
   ### PostgreSQL DMLStatement
   | statement                     | logic SQL | actual SQL | route engine | supported |
   | ------------------------ | ------- | ------- | -------- | -------- |
   | insert                   |         |         |          |          |
   | update                   |         |         |          |          |
   | delete                   |         |         |          |          |
   | select                   |         |         |          |          |
   | withClause  |         |         |          |  |
   | doStatement |         |         |          |  |
   | lock        |         |         |          |  |
   | checkpoint  |         |         |          |  |
   | copy        |         |         |          |  |
   | fetch       |         |         |          |  |

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[GitHub] [shardingsphere] github-actions[bot] commented on issue #10368: Investigate and optimize the SQL compatibility of routing to single data node

Posted by GitBox <>.
github-actions[bot] commented on issue #10368:

   Hello , this issue has not received a reply for several days.
   This issue is supposed to be closed.

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Re: [I] Investigate and optimize the SQL compatibility of routing to single data node [shardingsphere]

Posted by "github-actions[bot] (via GitHub)" <>.
github-actions[bot] commented on issue #10368:

   There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently, and in order to prioritize active issues, it will be marked as stale.

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[GitHub] [shardingsphere] github-actions[bot] closed issue #10368: Investigate and optimize the SQL compatibility of routing to single data node

Posted by GitBox <>.
github-actions[bot] closed issue #10368: Investigate and optimize the SQL compatibility of routing to single data node

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