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Posted to by on 2015/08/25 14:34:37 UTC

[18/50] incubator-tinkerpop git commit: Removed issue tracker conventions and release process.

Removed issue tracker conventions and release process.

Not sure what happened - must have goofed up the merge somehow from tp30.


Branch: refs/heads/tp30
Commit: f4eb36e9a2f08a95c631ba58c64a27857b005440
Parents: da57f39
Author: Stephen Mallette <>
Authored: Mon Aug 10 14:29:21 2015 -0400
Committer: Stephen Mallette <>
Committed: Mon Aug 10 14:29:21 2015 -0400

 README.asciidoc | 91 +---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 90 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.asciidoc b/README.asciidoc
index 7299286..5a403ad 100644
--- a/README.asciidoc
+++ b/README.asciidoc
@@ -63,93 +63,4 @@ gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
 ==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6], standard]
 gremlin> g.V().has('name','vadas').valueMap()
 ==>[name:[vadas], age:[27]]
-Issue Tracker Conventions
-TinkerPop3 uses Apache JIRA as its link:[issue tracker].  JIRA is a very robust piece of software with many options and configurations.  To simplify usage and ensure consistency across issues, the following conventions should be adhered to:
-* An issue's "status" should generally be in one of two states: `open` or `closed` (`reopened` is equivalent to `open` for our purposes).
-** An `open` issue is newly created, under consideration or otherwise in progress.
-** A `closed` issue is completed for purposes of release (i.e. code, testing, and documentation complete).
-** Issues in a `resolved` state should immediately be evaluated for movement to `closed` - issue become `resolved` by those who don't have the permissions to `close`.
-* An issue's "type" should be one of two options: `bug` or `improvement`.
-** A `bug` has a very specific meaning, referring to an error that prevents usage of TinkerPop AND does not have a reasonable workaround.  Given that definition, a `bug` should generally have very high priority for a fix.
-** Everything else is an `improvement` in the sense that any other work is an enhancement to the current codebase.
-* The "component" should be representative of the primary area of code that it applies to and all issues should have this property set.
-* Issues are not assigned "labels".
-* The "affects/fix version(s)" fields should be appropriately set, where the "fix version" implies the version on which that particular issue will completed.
-Release Process
-. `mvn clean install`
-.. `mvn verify -DskipIntegrationTests=false -DincludeNeo4j`
-.. `mvn verify -DskipPerformanceTests=false`
-. Perform manual tests:
-.. Execute `:remote connect conf/remote.yaml` and send some requests to a running Gremlin Server instance.
-.. Execute `:?` to display the help in the Console.
-. Update `CHANGELOG.asciidoc` with release date
-. `bin/ "version"` to update project files to reference the non-SNAPSHOT version
-. `git diff` and review the updated files (expect all `pom.xml` files and this README)
-. `git commit -a -m "TinkerPop x.y.z release"` and `git push`
-. `git tag -a -m "TinkerPop x.y.z release" x.y.z` and `git push --tags`
-. `mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true`
-. `bin/ <username>`
-. `mvn install -Papache-release -DcreateChecksum=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true`
-. Upload artifacts to `` for `[VOTE]` review.
-.. `svn co --depth empty dev` and `mkdir dev/x.y.z`
-.. `cp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin-console/x.y.z/* dev/x.y.z`
-.. `cp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin-server/x.y.z/* dev/x.y.z`
-.. `cp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/tinkerpop/tinkerpop/x.y.z/* dev/x.y.z`
-.. `cd dev/x.y.z` and `for f in *.zip*; do  mv "$f" "apache-$f"; done`
-.. `cd ..; svn add x.y.z/; svn ci -m "TinkerPop x.y.z release"`
-. Submit for `[VOTE]` at `` (see email template below).
-. *Wait for vote acceptance* (72 hours).
-. `mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true; bin/` - rebuild source and docs of tagged release
-. `mvn deploy -Papache-release -DcreateChecksum=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true`- deploy signed artifacts with checksums to Apache Nexus
-. Review and close the staging repository (Apache Nexus at link:[])
-. `svn co --depth empty dev; svn up dev/x.y.z`
-. `svn co --depth empty release; mkdir release/x.y.z`
-. `ls dev/x.y.z/ | grep '\-\(distribution\|source\-release\)\.zip' | sed -e 's/\(^[^ ]*\)-distribution\([^ ]*\)/cp dev\/x.y.z\/\0 release\/x.y.z\/\1-bin\2/' -e 's/\(^[^ ]*\)-source-release\([^ ]*\)/cp dev\/x.y.z\/\0 release\/x.y.z\/\1-src\2/' | /bin/sh`
-. `cd release; svn add x.y.z/; svn ci -m "TinkerPop x.y.z release"`
-. Update homepage with references to latest distribution and to other internal links elsewhere on the page.
-. Wait for Apache Central to sync the jars and src (link:[]).
-. Announce release on `dev@`/`gremlin-users@` mailing lists and tweet from `@apachetinkerpop`.
-Example `[VOTE]` email:
-[VOTE] TinkerPop x.y.z Release
-The release artifacts can be found at this location:
-The source distribution is provided by:
-Two binary distributions are provided for user convenience:
-The online docs can be found here:
- (user docs)
- (core javadoc)
- (full javadoc)
-The tag in Apache Git can be found here:
-The release notes are available here:
-The [VOTE] will be open for the next 72 hours --- closing <DayOfTheWeek> (<Month> <Day> <Year>) at <Time> <TimeZone>.
-My vote is +1.
-Thank you very much,
-<TinkerPop Committer Name>
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