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[38/51] [partial] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-1964: native client documentation (note: contains references to images in the geode-docs directories)
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-title:  Geode Querying FAQ and Examples
-This topic answers some frequently asked questions on querying functionality. It provides examples to help you get started with Geode querying.
-<a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_AFAD97A4BA2D45CF91ED1525A54DDFD6"></a>
-For additional information on Geode querying, see [Querying](../developing/querying_basics/chapter_overview.html).
--   [How do I write and execute a query against a Geode region?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_7A4D2C6A4E2C4F4384C158FFCA9CA1C0)
--   [Can I see query string examples, listed by query type?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_641D97CD874D4182961C85429ACA1B05)
--   [Which APIs should I use to write my queries?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_5383407F9D004D4EB4E695252EBA1EF0)
--   [How do I invoke an object's method in a query?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_3E6E4B33D57846008EF4404D2B687597)
--   [Can I invoke a static method on an object in a query?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_9221C29BC1FD49D7BBD26BB34D5BDEB8)
--   [How do I write a reusable query?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_907DBBBA1AEC4570A15B3491B0A7DF0E)
--   [When should I create indexes to use in my queries?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_3A9528E8E43140BAA0D5A1457CCAB2D2)
--   [How do I create an index?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_76CDCCFBDB134A339DBE556C28D48F11)
--   [Can I query a partitioned region? Can I perform a join query on a partitioned region?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_EDD17817450C4FC0B510CD87DB2FCD16)
--   [How can I improve the performance of a partitioned region query?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_5FF905E0D10D4CDF9E6F49A70848AF69)
--   [Which query language elements are supported in Geode?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_FBC59A5420FD40D6907A302A1D50DF7E)
--   [How do I debug queries?](querying_quick_reference.html#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_314B88A55B514B88A12DC36227A2D4EF)
--   [Can I use implicit attributes or methods in my query?](#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__implicit_attributes)
--   [How do I perform a case-insensitive search on a field in OQL?](#reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_ayq_hqw_1r)
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_7A4D2C6A4E2C4F4384C158FFCA9CA1C0" class="no-quick-link"></a>How do I write and execute a query against a Geode region?
-To write and execute a query in Geode, you can use any of the following mechanisms. Sample query code follows.
--   Geode querying APIs
--   [gfsh](../tools_modules/gfsh/chapter_overview.html) command-line interface; in particular the [query](../tools_modules/gfsh/command-pages/query.html) command
--   REST API [query endpoints](../rest_apps/rest_queries.html#concept_mmg_d35_m4)
-**Sample Geode Query Code (Java)**
-``` pre
-// Identify your query string.
- String queryString = "SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion";
- // Get QueryService from Cache.
- QueryService queryService = cache.getQueryService();
- // Create the Query Object.
- Query query = queryService.newQuery(queryString);
- // Execute Query locally. Returns results set.
- SelectResults results = (SelectResults)query.execute();
- // Find the Size of the ResultSet.
- int size = results.size();
- // Iterate through your ResultSet.
- Portfolio p = (Portfolio)results.iterator().next(); /* Region containing Portfolio object. */
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_641D97CD874D4182961C85429ACA1B05" class="no-quick-link"></a>Can I see query string examples, listed by query type?
-The following example query strings use the `/exampleRegion` whose keys are the portfolio ID and whose values correspond to the summarized data shown in the following class definitions:
-``` pre
-class Portfolio implements DataSerializable {
-   int ID;
-   String type;
-   String status;
-   Map positions;
-class Position implements DataSerializable {
-   String secId;
-   double mktValue;
-   double qty;
-**Basic WHERE Clause Examples**
-In the following examples, the status field is type String and the ID field is type int. See [Supported Literals](../developing/query_additional/literals.html#literals) for a complete list of literals supported in Geode querying.
-1.  Select all active portfolios.
-    ``` pre
-    SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE status = 'active'
-    ```
-2.  Select all portfolios whose status begins with 'activ'.
-    ``` pre
-    SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.status LIKE 'activ%'
-    ```
-3.  Select all portfolios whose ID is greater than 100.
-    ``` pre
-    SELECT * from /exampleRegion p WHERE p.ID > 100
-    ```
-**Using DISTINCT**
-Select distinct Objects from the region that satisfy the where clause condition of status = 'active'.
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE status = 'active'
-**Aliases and Synonyms**
-In the query string, the path expressions (region and its objects) can be defined using an alias. This alias can be used or referred to in other places in the query.
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.status = 'active'
-``` pre
-SELECT p.ID, p.status FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.ID > 0
-**Using the NOT Operator**
-See [Operators](../developing/query_additional/operators.html#operators) for a complete list of supported operators.
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE NOT (status = 'active') AND ID = 2
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE NOT (ID IN SET(1,2))
-**Using the AND and OR Operators**
-See [Operators](../developing/query_additional/operators.html#operators) for a complete list of supported operators.
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE ID > 4 AND ID < 9
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE ID = 0 OR ID = 1
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT p.status FROM /exampleRegion p 
-WHERE (p.createTime IN SET (10|) OR p.status IN SET ('active')) AND p.ID > 0
-**Using not equal to**
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio WHERE portfolio.ID <> 2
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio WHERE portfolio.ID != 2
-**Projection attribute example**
-``` pre
-SELECT p.get('account') FROM /exampleRegion p
-**Querying nested collections**
-The following query uses Positions of type HashMap.
-``` pre
-SELECT p, pos FROM /exampleRegion p, p.positions.values pos WHERE pos.secId = 'VMW'
-**Using LIMIT**
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.ID > 0 LIMIT 2
-**Using COUNT**
-See [COUNT](../developing/query_select/the_select_statement.html#concept_85AE7D6B1E2941ED8BD2A8310A81753E__section_B2CBA00EB83F463DAF4769D7859C64C8) for more information.
-``` pre
-SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /exampleRegion WHERE ID > 0
-``` pre
-SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /exampleRegion WHERE ID > 0 LIMIT 50
-``` pre
-SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /exampleRegion WHERE ID > 0 AND status LIKE 'act%'
-``` pre
-SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /exampleRegion WHERE ID IN SET(1,2,3,4,5)
-``` pre
-SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /exampleRegion p, p.positions.values pos 
-WHERE p.ID > 0 AND pos.secId 'IBM'
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) FROM /exampleRegion p, p.positions.values pos
-WHERE p.ID > 0 OR p.status = 'active' OR pos.secId OR pos.secId = 'IBM'
-**Using LIKE**
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion ps WHERE ps.pkid LIKE '_bc'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion ps WHERE ps.status LIKE '_b_' OR ps.pkid = '2'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion ps WHERE ps.status LIKE '%b%
-**Using Region Entry Keys and Values**
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion.keys k WHERE k.ID = 1
-``` pre
-SELECT entry.value FROM /exampleRegion.entries entry WHERE entry.key = '1'
-``` pre
-SELECT key, positions FROM /exampleRegion.entrySet, value.positions.values positions 
-WHERE positions.mktValue >= 25.00
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT entry.value FROM /exampleRegion.entries entry WHERE entry.key = '1'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion.entries entry WHERE entry.value.ID > 1
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion.keySet key WHERE key = '1'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion.values portfolio 
-WHERE portfolio.status = 'active'
-**Nested Queries**
-``` pre
-IMPORT "query".Portfolio;
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion, (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p TYPE Portfolio, p.positions 
-WHERE value!=null)
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolios, positions pos) 
-WHERE pos.value.secId = 'IBM'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio 
-WHERE portfolio.ID IN (SELECT p2.ID FROM /exampleRegion2 p2 WHERE p2.ID > 1)
-``` pre
-FROM /exampleRegion x, x.positions.values pos WHERE x.ID = p.ID ) AS itrX
-**Query the results of a FROM clause expression**
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /Portfolios ptf, positions pos) p 
-WHERE p.get('pos').value.secId = 'IBM'
-**Hash Map Query**
-Query using a hashmap. In the following examples, 'version' is one of the keys in the hashmap.
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p['version'] = '1.0'
-``` pre
-SELECT entry.key, entry.value FROM /exampleRegion.entries entry 
-WHERE entry.value['version'] = '100'
-**Map example where "map" is a nested HashMap object**
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.portfolios['key2'] >= 3
-**Example Queries that Fetch Array Values**
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.names[0] = 'aaa'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.collectionHolderMap.get('1').arr[0] = '0'
-**Using ORDER BY (and ORDER BY with LIMIT)**
-You must use the DISTINCT keyword with ORDER BY queries.
-``` pre
-``` pre
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE ID < 101 ORDER BY ID desc
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT key.ID, key.status AS st FROM /exampleRegion.keys key 
-WHERE key.status = 'inactive' ORDER BY key.status desc, key.ID LIMIT 1
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p ORDER BY p.getP1().secId, p.ID dec, p.ID LIMIT 9
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p ORDER BY p.ID, val.secId LIMIT 1
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT e.key FROM /exampleRegion.entrySet e ORDER BY e.key.ID desc, e.key.pkid desc
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT p.names[1] FROM /exampleRegion p ORDER BY p.names[1]
-**Join Queries**
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio1, /exampleRegion2 portfolio2 
-WHERE portfolio1.status = portfolio2.status
-``` pre
-SELECT portfolio1.ID, portfolio2.status FROM /exampleRegion portfolio1, /exampleRegion2 portfolio2 
-WHERE portfolio1.status = portfolio2.status
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio1, portfolio1.positions.values positions1, 
-/exampleRegion2 portfolio2, portfolio2.positions.values positions2 WHERE positions1.secId = positions1.secId
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio1, portfolio1.positions.values positions1, 
-/exampleRegion2 portfolio2, portfolio2.positions.values positions2 WHERE portfolio1.ID = 1 
-AND positions1.secId = positions1.secId
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT a, b.price FROM /exampleRegoin1 a, /exampleRegion2 b WHERE a.price = b.price
-**Using AS**
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion p, p.positions.values AS pos WHERE pos.secId != '1'
-**Using TRUE**
-``` pre
-**Using IN and SET**
-See also [IN and SET](../developing/query_select/the_where_clause.html#the_where_clause__section_AC12146509F141378E493078540950C7).
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio WHERE portfolio.ID IN SET(1, 2)
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio, portfolio.positions.values positions 
-WHERE portfolio.Pk IN SET ('1', '2') AND positions.secId = '1'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio, portfolio.positions.values positions 
-WHERE portfolio.Pk IN SET ('1', '2') OR positions.secId IN SET ('1', '2', '3')
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio, portfolio.positions.values positions 
-WHERE portfolio.Pk IN SET ('1', '2') OR positions.secId IN SET ('1', '2', '3') 
-AND portfolio.status = 'active'
-**Querying for Set values**
-In the following query, sp is of type Set.
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE sp = set('20', '21', '22')
-If the Set (sp) only contains '20' and '21', then the query will evaluate to false. The query compares the two sets and looks for the presence of elements in both sets.
-For other collection types like list (sp is of type List), the query can be written as follows:
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE sp.containsAll(set('20', '21', '22'))
-**Invoking Methods on Objects**
-See [Method Invocations](../developing/query_select/the_where_clause.html#the_where_clause__section_D2F8D17B52B04895B672E2FCD675A676) for more information.
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.length > 1
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.positions.size >= 2
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.positions.isEmpty
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE'Bo')
-**Using Query-Level Debugging**
-To set debugging on the query level, add the **&lt;trace&gt;** keyword before the query. (If you are using an IMPORT statement, include it before the IMPORT).
-``` pre
-SELECT * from /exampleRegion, positions.values TYPE myclass
-**Using Reserved Words in Queries**
-To access any method, attribute, or named object that has the same name as a query language reserved word, enclose the name within double quotation marks.
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE status = 'active' AND "type" = 'XYZ'
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT "type" FROM /exampleRegion WHERE status = 'active'
-**Using IMPORT**
-In the case where the same class name resides in two different namescopes (packages), there needs to be a means of referring to different classes of the same name. The IMPORT statement is used to establish a namescope for a class in a query.
-``` pre
-IMPORT package.Position;
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion, positions.values positions TYPE Position WHERE positions.mktValue >= 25.00
-**Using TYPE**
-Specifying object type helps the query engine to process the query at optimal speed. Apart from specifying the object types during configuration (using key-constraint and value-constraint), type can be explicitly specified in the query string.
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion, positions.values positions TYPE Position WHERE positions.mktValue >= 25.00
-**Using ELEMENT**
-Using ELEMENT(expr) extracts a single element from a collection or array. This function throws a `FunctionDomainException` if the argument is not a collection or array with exactly one element.
-``` pre
-ELEMENT(SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE id = 'XYZ-1').status = 'active'
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_5383407F9D004D4EB4E695252EBA1EF0" class="no-quick-link"></a>Which APIs should I use to write my queries?
-If you are querying a Java application\u2019s local cache or querying other members, use [org.apache.geode.cache.Cache.getQueryService](/releases/latest/javadoc/org/apache/geode/cache/query/QueryService.html).
-If you are writing a Java client to server query, use [org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool.getQueryService](/releases/latest/javadoc/org/apache/geode/cache/client/Pool.html).
-If you are writing a native client to server query, use the [.NET API](/releases/latest/net_api/DotNetDocs/Index.html) or the [C++ API](/releases/latest/cpp_api/cppdocs/index.html).
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_3E6E4B33D57846008EF4404D2B687597" class="no-quick-link"></a>How do I invoke an object's method in a query?
-To use a method in a query, use the attribute name that maps to the public method you want to invoke. For example:
-``` pre
-/*valid method invocation*/ 
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.positions.size >= 2 - maps to positions.size()
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_9221C29BC1FD49D7BBD26BB34D5BDEB8" class="no-quick-link"></a>Can I invoke a static method on an object in a query?
-No, you cannot invoke a static method on an object. For example, the following query is invalid.
-``` pre
-/*invalid method invocation*/
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE aDay = Day.Wednesday
-To work around this limitation, write a reusable query that uses a query bind parameter to invoke the static method. Then at query run time, set the parameter to the static method invocation (`Day.Wednesday`). For example:
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE aDay = $1
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_907DBBBA1AEC4570A15B3491B0A7DF0E" class="no-quick-link"></a>How do I write a reusable query?
-Using query APIs, you can set query bind parameters that are passed values at query run time. For example:
-``` pre
-// specify the  query string
- String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion p WHERE p.status = $1";
-QueryService queryService = cache.getQueryService();
-Query query = queryService.newQuery(queryString);
-// set a query bind parameter
-Object[] params = new Object[1];
-params[0] = "active";
-// Execute the query locally. It returns the results set.
-SelectResults results = (SelectResults) query.execute(params);
-// use the results of the query; this example only looks at the size
- int size = results.size();
-If you use a query bind parameter in place of a region path in your path expression, the parameter value must reference a collection (and not a String such as the name of the region path.)
-See [Using Query Bind Parameters](../developing/query_additional/using_query_bind_parameters.html#concept_173E775FE46B47DF9D7D1E40680D34DF) for more details.
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_3A9528E8E43140BAA0D5A1457CCAB2D2" class="no-quick-link"></a>When should I create indexes to use in my queries?
-Determine whether your query\u2019s performance will benefit from an index. For example, in the following query, an index on pkid can speed up the query.
-``` pre
-SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /exampleRegion portfolio WHERE portfolio.pkid = '123'
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_76CDCCFBDB134A339DBE556C28D48F11" class="no-quick-link"></a>How do I create an index?
-An index can be created programmatically using APIs or by using xml. Here are two examples:
-**Sample Code**
-``` pre
-QueryService qs = cache.getQueryService();
- qs.createIndex("myIndex", "status", "/exampleRegion");
- qs.createKeyIndex("myKeyIndex", "id", "exampleRegion");
-For more information on using this API, see the [GemFire JavaDocs](/releases/latest/javadoc/index.html).
-**Sample XML**
-``` pre
-<region name="portfolios">
- <region-attributes . . . >
- </region-attributes>
- <index name="myIndex">
- <functional from-clause="/exampleRegion" 
-     expression="status"/>
- </index>
- <index name="myKeyIndex">
- <primary-key field="id"/>
- </index>
- <entry>
-For more details on indexes, see [Working with Indexes](../developing/query_index/query_index.html).
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_30D8C9A5472E4768AB7A0D598C9A496E" class="no-quick-link"></a>Can I create indexes on overflow regions?
-You can create indexes on overflow regions, but you are subject to some limitations. For example, the data contained in the index itself cannot be overflowed to disk. See [Using Indexes with Overflow Regions](../developing/query_index/indexes_with_overflow_regions.html#concept_87BE7DB32C714EB0BF7532AF93569328) for more information.
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_EDD17817450C4FC0B510CD87DB2FCD16" class="no-quick-link"></a>Can I query a partitioned region? Can I perform a join query on a partitioned region?
-You can query partitioned regions, but there are some limitations. You cannot perform join queries on partitioned regions, however you can perform equi-join queries on colocated partitioned regions by executing a function on a local data set.
-For a full list of restrictions, see [Partitioned Region Query Restrictions](../developing/query_additional/partitioned_region_query_restrictions.html#concept_5353476380D44CC1A7F586E5AE1CE7E8).
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_5FF905E0D10D4CDF9E6F49A70848AF69" class="no-quick-link"></a>How can I improve the performance of a partitioned region query?
-If you know the data you need to query, you can target particular nodes in your queries (thus reducing the number of servers the query needs to access) by executing the query with the FunctionService. See [Querying a Partitioned Region on a Single Node](../developing/query_additional/query_on_a_single_node.html#concept_30B18A6507534993BD55C2C9E0544A97) for details. If you are querying data that has been partitioned by a key or specific field, you should first create a key index and then execute the query using the FunctionService with the key or field as a filter. See [Optimizing Queries on Data Partitioned by a Key or Field Value](../developing/query_additional/partitioned_region_key_or_field_value.html#concept_3010014DFBC9479783B2B45982014454).
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_FBC59A5420FD40D6907A302A1D50DF7E" class="no-quick-link"></a>Which query language elements are supported in Geode?
-| Supported elements ||          |
-| AND      | LIMIT    | TO_DATE  |
-| AS       | LIKE     | TYPE     |
-| COUNT    | NOT      | WHERE    |
-| DISTINCT | NVL      | |
-| ELEMENT  | OR       | |
-| FROM     | ORDER BY | |
-| \<HINT\> | SELECT   | |
-| IMPORT   | SET      | |
-| IN       | \<TRACE\>| |
-| IS_DEFINED| TRUE    | |
-| IS_UNDEFINED        | |
-For more information and examples on using each supported keyword, see [Supported Keywords](../developing/query_additional/supported_keywords.html#reference_07214B0F8DC94659B0F2D68B67195BD8).
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_314B88A55B514B88A12DC36227A2D4EF" class="no-quick-link"></a>How do I debug queries?
-You can debug a specific query at the query level by adding the &lt;trace&gt; keyword before the query string that you want to debug. Here is an example:
-``` pre
-<trace> SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion
-You can also write:
-``` pre
-<TRACE> SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion
-When the query is executed, Geode will log a message in `$GEMFIRE_DIR/system.log` with the following information:
-``` pre
-[info 2011/08/29 11:24:35.472 PDT CqServer <main> tid=0x1] Query Executed in 9.619656 ms; rowCount = 99; 
-indexesUsed(0) "select *  from /exampleRegion" 
-If you want to enable debugging for all queries, you can enable query execution logging by setting a System property on the command line during start-up:
-``` pre
-gfsh>start server --name=server_name -\u2013J=-Dgemfire.Query.VERBOSE=true
-Or you can set the property programmatically:
-``` pre
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__implicit_attributes" class="no-quick-link"></a>Can I use implicit attributes or methods in my query?
-If an implicit attribute or method name can only be associated with one untyped iterator, the Geode query processor will assume that it is associated with that iterator. However, if more than one untyped iterator is in scope, then the query will fail with a `TypeMismatchException`. The following query fails because the query processor does not fully type expressions:
-``` pre
-select distinct value.secId from /pos , getPositions(23)
-The following query, however, succeeds because the iterator is either explicitly named with a variable or it is typed:
-``` pre
-select distinct e.value.secId from /pos , getPositions(23) e
-## Can I instruct the query engine to use specific indexes with my queries?
-Using HINT *indexname* allows you to instruct the query engine to prefer and filter results from the specified indexes. If you provide multiple index names, the query engine will use all available indexes but prefer the specified indexes.
-``` pre
-<HINT 'IDIndex'> SELECT * FROM /Portfolios p WHERE p.ID > 10 AND p.owner = 'XYZ'
-``` pre
-<HINT 'IDIndex', 'OwnerIndex'> SELECT * FROM /Portfolios p WHERE p.ID > 10 AND p.owner = 'XYZ' AND p.value < 100
-## <a id="reference_D5CE64F5FD6F4A808AEFB748C867189E__section_ayq_hqw_1r" class="no-quick-link"></a>How do I perform a case-insensitive search on a field in OQL?
-You can use the Java String class methods `toUpperCase` and `toLowerCase` to transform fields where you want to perform a case-insensitive search. For example:
-``` pre
-SELECT entry.value FROM /exampleRegion.entries entry WHERE entry.value.toUpperCase LIKE '%BAR%'
-``` pre
-SELECT * FROM /exampleRegion WHERE foo.toLowerCase LIKE '%bar%'
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-title:  Setting Up the CLASSPATH
-This topic describes how Geode processes set their CLASSPATH.
-To simplify CLASSPATH environment settings, Geode has organized all application libraries required by Geode processes into `*-dependencies.jar` files. All dependency JAR files are located in the `path_to_product/lib` directory. When starting a server or locator process using `gfsh`, the required application JAR files are automatically loaded into the process's CLASSPATH for you.
-To embed Geode in your application, add `path_to_product/lib/geode-dependencies.jar` to your CLASSPATH.
-The following table lists the dependency JAR files associated with various Geode processes:
-<col width="50%" />
-<col width="50%" />
-<tr class="header">
-<th>Geode Process</th>
-<th>Associated JAR Files</th>
-<tr class="odd">
-<tr class="even">
-<td>server and locator</td>
-<div class="note note">
-<p>Use this library for all standalone or embedded Geode processes (including Java clients) that host cache data.</p>
-## Modifying the CLASSPATH in gfsh-Managed Processes
-There are two options for updating the CLASSPATH of Geode server and locator processes that are started on the gfsh command line.
-**Option 1:** Specify the `--classpath` parameter upon process startup. For example, to modify the CLASSPATH of a locator:
-``` pre
-gfsh> start locator --name=locator1 --classpath=/path/to/applications/classes.jar
-And to modify the CLASSPATH of a server:
-``` pre
-gfsh> start server --name=server1 --classpath=/path/to/applications/classes.jar
-Application classes supplied as arguments to the `--classpath` option are *prepended* to the server or locator's CLASSPATH, beginning in second position. The first entry in the CLASSPATH is reserved for the core Geode jar file, for security reasons.
-**Option 2:** Define the CLASSPATH environment variable in your OS environment. Then, specify the `--include-system-classpath` parameter upon process startup. For example:
-``` pre
-gfsh> start locator --name=locator1 --include-system-classpath=true
-The same can also be done for server processes:
-``` pre
-gfsh> start server --name=server1 --include-system-classpath=true
-This option *appends* the contents of the system CLASSPATH environment variable to the locator or server's CLASSPATH upon startup. Specifying this option without a value sets it to true.
-## Setting the CLASSPATH for Applications and Standalone Java Processes
-If you are starting a Geode process programmatically (standalone or embedded), we recommend that you specify the CLASSPATH upon program execution using the `java -classpath` or `java -cp` command-line option. This method is preferred to setting the CLASSPATH as an environment variable since it allows you to set the value individually for each application without affecting other applications and without other applications modifying its value.
-For example, to start up a Geode locator process using the LocatorLauncher API, you can execute the following on the command line:
-``` pre
-prompt# java -cp "path_to_product/lib/geode-dependencies.jar"
-org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher start locator1
-To start up a Geode server process using the ServerLauncher API:
-``` pre
-prompt# java -cp "path_to_product/lib/geode-dependencies.jar:/path/to/your/applications/classes.jar"
-org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher start server1
-Note that in addition to the `*-dependencies.jar` file associated with the process, you must also specify any custom application JARs that you wish to access in your Geode process. For example, if you are planning on using a customized compressor on your regions, you should specify the application JAR that contains the compressor application you wish to use.
-To start up an application with an embedded cache:
-``` pre
-java -cp "path_to_product/lib/geode-dependencies.jar:/path/to/your/applications/classes.jar"
-Another method for updating the CLASSPATH of a server process with your own applications is to use the `gfsh deploy` command. Deploying application JAR files will automatically update the CLASSPATH of all members that are targeted for deployment. See [Deploying Application JARs to Apache Geode Members](../configuring/cluster_config/deploying_application_jars.html#concept_4436C021FB934EC4A330D27BD026602C) for more details.
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-title:  Host Machine Requirements
-Host machines must meet a set of requirements for Apache Geode.
-<a id="system_requirements__section_1E1F206FBC8B4A898A449E0699907A7A"></a>
-Each machine that will run Apache Geode must meet the following requirements:
--   Java SE Development Kit 8 or a more recent version.
--   A system clock set to the correct time and a time synchronization service such as Network Time Protocol (NTP). Correct time stamps permit the following activities:
-    -   Logs that are useful for troubleshooting. Synchronized time stamps ensure that log messages from different hosts can be merged to reproduce an accurate chronological history of a distributed run.
-    -   Aggregate product-level and application-level time statistics.�
-    -   Accurate monitoring of the Geode system with scripts and other tools that read the system statistics and log files.
--   The host name and host files are properly configured for the machine. The host name and host file configuration can affect `gfsh` and Pulse functionality.
--   Many default Linux installations use SYN cookies to protect the 
-system against malicious attacks that flood TCP SYN packets.
-The use of SYN cookies dramatically reduces network bandwidth,
-and can be triggered by a running GemFire distributed system.
-    To disable SYN cookies permanently:
-    1. Edit the `/etc/sysctl.conf` file to include the following line:
-        ``` pre
-        net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0
-        ```
-        Setting this value to zero disables SYN cookies.
-    2. Reload `sysctl.conf`:
-        ``` pre
-        sysctl -p
-        ```
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-title:  How to Uninstall
-This section describes how to remove Geode.
-Shut down any running Geode processes and then remove the entire directory tree. No additional system modifications or modification of Windows registry entries are needed.
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