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Posted to by Kim X Andersen <> on 2010/09/07 18:43:01 UTC

How to included a transative artifact - dependency


I have a little problem with the dependency for dom4j from maven repository, which has the following dependcy list

		<conf name="default" visibility="public" description="runtime dependencies and master artifact can be used with this conf" extends="runtime,master"/>
		<conf name="master" visibility="public" description="contains only the artifact published by this module itself, with no transitive dependencies"/>
		<conf name="compile" visibility="public" description="this is the default scope, used if none is specified. Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths."/>
		<conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
		<conf name="runtime" visibility="public" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for compilation, but is for execution. It is in the runtime and test classpaths, but not the compile classpath." extends="compile"/>
		<conf name="test" visibility="private" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases." extends="runtime"/>
		<conf name="system" visibility="public" description="this scope is similar to provided except that you have to provide the JAR which contains it explicitly. The artifact is always available and is not looked up in a repository."/>
		<conf name="sources" visibility="public" description="this configuration contains the source artifact of this module, if any."/>
		<conf name="javadoc" visibility="public" description="this configuration contains the javadoc artifact of this module, if any."/>
		<conf name="optional" visibility="public" description="contains all optional dependencies"/>
		<artifact name="dom4j" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="master"/>
		<artifact name="dom4j" type="source" ext="jar" conf="sources" m:classifier="sources"/>
		<dependency org="jaxme" name="jaxme-api" rev="0.3" force="true" conf="optional->compile(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="org.apache" name="jaxen" rev="1.1-beta-6" force="true" conf="optional->compile(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="msv" name="xsdlib" rev="20030807" force="true" conf="optional->compile(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="msv" name="relaxngDatatype" rev="20030807" force="true" conf="optional->compile(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="pull-parser" name="pull-parser" rev="2" force="true" conf="optional->compile(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="xpp3" name="xpp3" rev="" force="true" conf="optional->compile(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="stax" name="stax-api" rev="1.0" force="true" conf="optional->compile(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="xml-apis" name="xml-apis" rev="1.0.b2" force="true" conf="compile->compile(*),master(*);runtime->runtime(*)"/>
		<dependency org="junitperf" name="junitperf" rev="1.8" force="true" conf="test->runtime(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="stax" name="stax-ri" rev="1.0" force="true" conf="test->runtime(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="xerces" name="xercesImpl" rev="2.6.2" force="true" conf="test->runtime(*),master(*)"/>
		<dependency org="xalan" name="xalan" rev="2.5.1" force="true" conf="test->runtime(*),master(*)"/>

I would like to include jaxen and xercesImpl into my project with out the other artifacts: I don't know how because the conf test is private. Any advice?

Thx in advance.

Kim B. Andersen

TDC Account | mobile: +45 29 23 46 92 | |

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