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Posted to by Mark Badorrek <> on 2007/06/29 00:45:28 UTC

Axis2 Code for generating soap bindings

I was just having a think about the XMLBeans code generation (Probably applies to other code bindings).
Say that I'm developing some code that calls 15 different webservices. i.e. I'm generating the client bindings for all the services. If you look at the build time for this scenario, well over 90% of the build time is generating the SOAP_Envelope etc bindings over and over again. They are identical for each service.
I guess I'd like to be able to generate the standard stuff independently *once* and jar it up, then generate the bindings for each service in a way that *omitted* generation of the standard SOAP bindings.
One could even argue that a having a pre-built default jar  (override-able) in the distribution for the SOAP bindings might also be useful.
Clearly not for 1.3, but is this an idea worth pursuing? Does anyone else even want this?
Mark B