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[GitHub] [airflow] andrewgodwin commented on a change in pull request #15444: An initial rework of the "Concepts" documentation

andrewgodwin commented on a change in pull request #15444:

File path: docs/apache-airflow/concepts.rst
@@ -1,1708 +0,0 @@
- .. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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- ..
- .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-    under the License.
-.. _concepts:
-The Airflow platform is a tool for describing, executing, and monitoring
-.. _architecture:
-Basic Airflow architecture
-Primarily intended for development use, the basic Airflow architecture with the Local and Sequential executors is an
-excellent starting point for understanding the architecture of Apache Airflow.
-.. image:: img/arch-diag-basic.png
-There are a few components to note:
-* **Metadata Database**: Airflow uses a SQL database to store metadata about the data pipelines being run. In the
-  diagram above, this is represented as Postgres which is extremely popular with Airflow.
-  Alternate databases supported with Airflow include MySQL.
-* **Web Server** and **Scheduler**: The Airflow web server and Scheduler are separate processes run (in this case)
-  on the local machine and interact with the database mentioned above.
-* The **Executor** is shown separately above, since it is commonly discussed within Airflow and in the documentation, but
-  in reality it is NOT a separate process, but run within the Scheduler.
-* The **Worker(s)** are separate processes which also interact with the other components of the Airflow architecture and
-  the metadata repository.
-* ``airflow.cfg`` is the Airflow configuration file which is accessed by the Web Server, Scheduler, and Workers.
-* **DAGs** refers to the DAG files containing Python code, representing the data pipelines to be run by Airflow. The
-  location of these files is specified in the Airflow configuration file, but they need to be accessible by the
-  Web Server, Scheduler, and Workers.
-Core Ideas
-In Airflow, a ``DAG`` -- or a Directed Acyclic Graph -- is a collection of all
-the tasks you want to run, organized in a way that reflects their relationships
-and dependencies.
-A DAG is defined in a Python script, which represents the DAGs structure (tasks
-and their dependencies) as code.
-For example, a simple DAG could consist of three tasks: A, B, and C. It could
-say that A has to run successfully before B can run, but C can run anytime. It
-could say that task A times out after 5 minutes, and B can be restarted up to 5
-times in case it fails. It might also say that the workflow will run every night
-at 10pm, but should not start until a certain date.
-In this way, a DAG describes *how* you want to carry out your workflow; but
-notice that we haven't said anything about *what* we actually want to do! A, B,
-and C could be anything. Maybe A prepares data for B to analyze while C sends an
-email. Or perhaps A monitors your location so B can open your garage door while
-C turns on your house lights. The important thing is that the DAG isn't
-concerned with what its constituent tasks do; its job is to make sure that
-whatever they do happens at the right time, or in the right order, or with the
-right handling of any unexpected issues.
-DAGs are defined in standard Python files that are placed in Airflow's
-``DAG_FOLDER``. Airflow will execute the code in each file to dynamically build
-the ``DAG`` objects. You can have as many DAGs as you want, each describing an
-arbitrary number of tasks. In general, each one should correspond to a single
-logical workflow.
-.. note:: When searching for DAGs, Airflow only considers Python files
-   that contain the strings "airflow" and "dag" by default (case-insensitive).
-   To consider all Python files instead, disable the ``DAG_DISCOVERY_SAFE_MODE``
-   configuration flag.
-.. _concepts:scope:
-Airflow will load any ``DAG`` object it can import from a DAG file. Critically,
-that means the DAG must appear in ``globals()``. Consider the following two
-DAGs. Only ``dag_1`` will be loaded; the other one only appears in a local
-.. code-block:: python
-    dag_1 = DAG('this_dag_will_be_discovered')
-    def my_function():
-        dag_2 = DAG('but_this_dag_will_not')
-    my_function()
-Sometimes this can be put to good use. For example, a common pattern with
-:class:`~airflow.operators.subdag.SubDagOperator` is to define the subdag inside a function so that Airflow
-doesn't try to load it as a standalone DAG.
-.. _default-args:
-Default Arguments
-If a dictionary of ``default_args`` is passed to a DAG, it will apply them to
-any of its operators. This makes it easy to apply a common parameter to many operators without having to type it many times.
-.. code-block:: python
-    default_args = {
-        'start_date': datetime(2016, 1, 1),
-        'owner': 'airflow'
-    }
-    dag = DAG('my_dag', default_args=default_args)
-    op = DummyOperator(task_id='dummy', dag=dag)
-    print(op.owner) # airflow
-.. _concepts:context_manager:
-Context Manager
-*Added in Airflow 1.8*
-DAGs can be used as context managers to automatically assign new operators to that DAG.
-.. code-block:: python
-    with DAG('my_dag', start_date=datetime(2016, 1, 1)) as dag:
-        op = DummyOperator('op')
-    op.dag is dag # True
-.. _concepts:task_flow_api:
-TaskFlow API
-.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
-Airflow 2.0 adds a new style of authoring dags called the TaskFlow API which removes a lot of the boilerplate
-around creating PythonOperators, managing dependencies between task and accessing XCom values (During
-development this feature was called "Functional DAGs", so if you see or hear any references to that, it's the
-same thing).
-Outputs and inputs are sent between tasks using :ref:`XCom values <concepts:xcom>`. In addition, you can wrap
-functions as tasks using the :ref:`task decorator <concepts:task_decorator>`. Airflow will also automatically
-add dependencies between tasks to ensure that XCom messages are available when operators are executed.
-Example DAG built with the TaskFlow API
-.. code-block:: python
-  with DAG(
-      'send_server_ip', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=None
-  ) as dag:
-    # Using default connection as it's set to by default
-    get_ip = SimpleHttpOperator(
-        task_id='get_ip', endpoint='get', method='GET', do_xcom_push=True
-    )
-    @dag.task(multiple_outputs=True)
-    def prepare_email(raw_json: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
-      external_ip = json.loads(raw_json)['origin']
-      return {
-        'subject':f'Server connected from {external_ip}',
-        'body': f'Seems like today your server executing Airflow is connected from the external IP {external_ip}<br>'
-      }
-    email_info = prepare_email(get_ip.output)
-    send_email = EmailOperator(
-        task_id='send_email',
-        to='',
-        subject=email_info['subject'],
-        html_content=email_info['body']
-    )
-To retrieve current Task execution context dictionary and use it in the function check:
-:ref:`Accessing context <concepts:accessing_context>`.
-DAG decorator
-.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
-In addition to creating DAGs using :ref:`context manager <concepts:context_manager>`, in Airflow 2.0 you can also
-create DAGs from a function. DAG decorator creates a DAG generator function. Any function decorated with ``@dag``
-returns a DAG object.
-DAG decorator also sets up the parameters you have in the function as DAG params. This allows you to parameterize
-your DAGs and set the parameters when triggering the DAG manually. See
-:ref:`Passing Parameters when triggering dags <dagrun:parameters>` to learn how to pass parameters when triggering DAGs.
-You can also use the parameters on jinja templates by using the ``{{context.params}}`` dictionary.
-Example DAG with decorator:
-.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/
-    :language: python
-    :start-after: [START dag_decorator_usage]
-    :end-before: [END dag_decorator_usage]
-.. note:: Note that Airflow will only load DAGs that appear in ``globals()`` as noted in :ref:`scope section <concepts:scope>`.
-  This means you need to make sure to have a variable for your returned DAG in the module scope.
-  Otherwise Airflow won't detect your decorated DAG.
-.. _concepts:executor_config:
-The ``executor_config`` is an argument placed into operators that allow Airflow users to override tasks
-before launch. Currently this is primarily used by the :class:`KubernetesExecutor`, but will soon be available
-for other overrides.
-.. _concepts:dagruns:
-DAG Runs
-A DAG run is an instantiation of a DAG, containing task instances that run for a specific ``execution_date``.
-A DAG run is usually created by the Airflow scheduler, but can also be created by an external trigger.
-Multiple DAG runs may be running at once for a particular DAG, each of them having a different ``execution_date``.
-For example, we might currently have two DAG runs that are in progress for 2016-01-01 and 2016-01-02 respectively.
-.. _concepts:execution_date:
-The ``execution_date`` is the *logical* date and time which the DAG Run, and its task instances, are running for.
-This allows task instances to process data for the desired *logical* date & time.
-While a task instance or DAG run might have an *actual* start date of now,
-their *logical* date might be 3 months ago because we are busy reloading something.
-In the prior example the ``execution_date`` was 2016-01-01 for the first DAG Run and 2016-01-02 for the second.
-A DAG run and all task instances created within it are instanced with the same ``execution_date``, so
-that logically you can think of a DAG run as simulating the DAG running all of its tasks at some
-previous date & time specified by the ``execution_date``.
-.. _concepts:tasks:
-A Task defines a unit of work within a DAG; it is represented as a node in the DAG graph, and it is written in Python.
-Each task is an implementation of an Operator, for example a ``PythonOperator`` to execute some Python code,
-or a ``BashOperator`` to run a Bash command.
-The task implements an operator by defining specific values for that operator,
-such as a Python callable in the case of ``PythonOperator`` or a Bash command in the case of ``BashOperator``.
-Relations between Tasks
-Consider the following DAG with two tasks.
-Each task is a node in our DAG, and there is a dependency from task_1 to task_2:
-.. code-block:: python
-    with DAG('my_dag', start_date=datetime(2016, 1, 1)) as dag:
-        task_1 = DummyOperator('task_1')
-        task_2 = DummyOperator('task_2')
-        task_1 >> task_2 # Define dependencies
-We can say that task_1 is *upstream* of task_2, and conversely task_2 is *downstream* of task_1.
-When a DAG Run is created, task_1 will start running and task_2 waits for task_1 to complete successfully before it may start.
-.. _concepts:task_decorator:
-Python task decorator
-.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
-Airflow ``task`` decorator converts any Python function to an Airflow operator.
-The decorated function can be called once to set the arguments and key arguments for operator execution.
-.. code-block:: python
-  with DAG('my_dag', start_date=datetime(2020, 5, 15)) as dag:
-      @dag.task
-      def hello_world():
-          print('hello world!')
-      # Also...
-      from airflow.decorators import task
-      @task
-      def hello_name(name: str):
-          print(f'hello {name}!')
-      hello_name('Airflow users')
-Task decorator captures returned values and sends them to the :ref:`XCom backend <concepts:xcom>`. By default,
-the returned value is saved as a single XCom value. You can set ``multiple_outputs`` key argument to ``True``
-to unroll dictionaries, lists or tuples into separate XCom values. This can be used with regular operators to
-create :ref:`DAGs with Task Flow API <concepts:task_flow_api>`.
-Calling a decorated function returns an ``XComArg`` instance. You can use it to set templated fields on downstream
-You can call a decorated function more than once in a DAG. The decorated function will automatically generate
-a unique ``task_id`` for each generated operator.
-.. code-block:: python
-  with DAG('my_dag', start_date=datetime(2020, 5, 15)) as dag:
-    @dag.task
-    def update_user(user_id: int):
-      ...
-    # Avoid generating this list dynamically to keep DAG topology stable between DAG runs
-    for user_id in user_ids:
-      update_user(user_id)
-    # This will generate an operator for each user_id
-Task ids are generated by appending a number at the end of the original task id. For the above example, the DAG will have
-the following task ids: ``[update_user, update_user__1, update_user__2, ... update_user__n]``.
-Due to dynamic nature of the ids generations users should be aware that changing a DAG by adding or removing additional
-invocations of task-decorated function may change ``task_id`` of other task of the same type within a single DAG.
-For example, if there are many task-decorated tasks without explicitly given task_id. Their ``task_id`` will be
-generated sequentially: ``task__1``, ``task__2``, ``task__3``, etc. After the DAG goes into production, one day
-someone inserts a new task before ``task__2``. The ``task_id`` after that will all be shifted forward by one place.
-This is going to produce ``task__1``, ``task__2``, ``task__3``, ``task__4``. But at this point the ``task__3`` is
-no longer the same ``task__3`` as before. This may create confusion when analyzing history logs / DagRuns of a DAG
-that changed over time.
-.. _concepts:accessing_context:
-Accessing current context
-To retrieve current execution context you can use ``get_current_context`` method. In this way
-you can gain access to context dictionary from within your operators. This is especially helpful when
-using ``@task`` decorator.
-.. code-block:: python
-    from airflow.decorators import task
-    from airflow.operators.python import get_current_context
-    @task
-    def my_task():
-        context = get_current_context()
-        ti = context["ti"]
-Current context is accessible only during the task execution. The context is not accessible during
-``pre_execute`` or ``post_execute``. Calling this method outside execution context will raise an error.
-The context dictionary contains the keys mentioned in the table: :doc:`macros-ref`.
-Task Instances
-A task instance represents a specific run of a task and is characterized as the
-combination of a DAG, a task, and a point in time (``execution_date``). Task instances
-also have an indicative state, which could be "running", "success", "failed", "skipped", "up
-for retry", etc.
-Tasks are defined in DAGs, and both are written in Python code to define what you want to do.
-Task Instances belong to DAG Runs, have an associated ``execution_date``, and are instantiated, runnable entities.
-Relations between Task Instances
-Again consider the following tasks, defined for some DAG:
-.. code-block:: python
-    with DAG('my_dag', start_date=datetime(2016, 1, 1)) as dag:
-        task_1 = DummyOperator('task_1')
-        task_2 = DummyOperator('task_2')
-        task_1 >> task_2 # Define dependencies
-When we enable this DAG, the scheduler creates several DAG Runs - one with ``execution_date`` of 2016-01-01,
-one with ``execution_date`` of 2016-01-02, and so on up to the current date.
-Each DAG Run will contain a task_1 Task Instance and a task_2 Task instance. Both Task Instances will
-have ``execution_date`` equal to the DAG Run's ``execution_date``, and each task_2 will be *downstream* of
-(depends on) its task_1.
-We can also say that task_1 for 2016-01-01 is the *previous* task instance of the task_1 for 2016-01-02.
-Or that the DAG Run for 2016-01-01 is the *previous* DAG Run to the DAG Run of 2016-01-02.
-Here, *previous* refers to the logical past/prior ``execution_date``, that runs independently of other runs,
-and *upstream* refers to a dependency within the same run and having the same ``execution_date``.
-.. note::
-    The Airflow documentation sometimes refers to *previous* instead of *upstream* in places, and vice-versa.
-    If you find any occurrences of this, please help us improve by contributing some corrections!
-Task Lifecycle
-A task goes through various stages from start to completion. In the Airflow UI
-(graph and tree views), these stages are displayed by a color representing each
-.. image:: img/task_stages.png
-The complete lifecycle of the task looks like this:
-.. image:: img/task_lifecycle_diagram.png
-The happy flow consists of the following stages:
-1. No status (scheduler created empty task instance)
-2. Scheduled (scheduler determined task instance needs to run)
-3. Queued (scheduler sent task to executor to run on the queue)
-4. Running (worker picked up a task and is now running it)
-5. Success (task completed)
-.. _concepts:operators:
-While DAGs describe *how* to run a workflow, ``Operators`` determine what
-actually gets done by a task.
-An operator describes a single task in a workflow. Operators are usually (but
-not always) atomic, meaning they can stand on their own and don't need to share
-resources with any other operators. The DAG will make sure that operators run in
-the correct order; other than those dependencies, operators generally
-run independently. In fact, they may run on two completely different machines.
-This is a subtle but very important point: in general, if two operators need to
-share information, like a filename or small amount of data, you should consider
-combining them into a single operator. If it absolutely can't be avoided,
-Airflow does have a feature for operator cross-communication called XCom that is
-described in the section :ref:`XComs <concepts:xcom>`.
-Airflow provides many built-in operators for many common tasks, including:
-- :class:`~airflow.operators.bash.BashOperator` - executes a bash command
-- :class:`~airflow.operators.python.PythonOperator` - calls an arbitrary Python function
-- :class:`` - sends an email
-There are also other, commonly used operators that are installed together with airflow automatically,
-by pre-installing some :doc:`apache-airflow-providers:index` packages (they are always available no
-matter which extras you chose when installing Apache Airflow):
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.http.operators.http.SimpleHttpOperator` - sends an HTTP request
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.sqlite.operators.sqlite.SqliteOperator` - SQLite DB operator
-In addition to these basic building blocks, there are many more specific operators developed by the
-community that you can install additionally by installing community-maintained provider packages. You
-can install them by adding an extra (for example (``[mysql]``) when installing Airflow or by installing
-additional packages manually (for example ``apache-airflow-providers-mysql`` package).
-Some examples of popular operators are:
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.mysql.operators.mysql.MySqlOperator`
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.postgres.operators.postgres.PostgresOperator`
-- :class:``
-- :class:``
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.jdbc.operators.jdbc.JdbcOperator`
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.docker.operators.docker.DockerOperator`
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.apache.hive.operators.hive.HiveOperator`
-- :class:``
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.mysql.transfers.presto_to_mysql.PrestoToMySqlOperator`
-- :class:`~airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack.SlackAPIOperator`
-But there are many, many more - you can see the list of those by following the providers documentation
-at :doc:`apache-airflow-providers:index`.
-Operators are only loaded by Airflow if they are assigned to a DAG.
-.. seealso::
-    - :ref:`List Airflow operators <pythonapi:operators>`
-    - :doc:`How-to guides for some Airflow operators<howto/operator/index>`
-.. _concepts:sensors:
-``Sensor`` is an Operator that waits (polls) for a certain time, file, database row, S3 key, another DAG/task, etc...
-There are currently 3 different modes for how a sensor operates:
-.. list-table::
-   :header-rows: 1
-   * - Schedule Mode
-     - Description
-     - Use case
-   * - ``poke`` (default)
-     - The sensor is taking up a worker slot for its whole execution time and sleeps between pokes.
-     - Use this mode if the expected runtime of the sensor is short or if a short poke interval is required.
-       Note that the sensor will hold onto a worker slot and a pool slot for the duration of the sensor's
-       runtime in this mode.
-   * - ``reschedule``
-     - The sensor task frees the worker slot when the criteria is not yet met and it's rescheduled at a later time.
-     - Use this mode if the time before the criteria is met is expected to be quite long.
-       The poke interval should be more than one minute to prevent too much load on the scheduler.
-   * - ``smart sensor``
-     - smart sensor is a service (run by a builtin DAG) which consolidate the execution of sensors in batches.
-       Instead of holding a long running process for each sensor and poking periodically, a sensor will only
-       store poke context at ``sensor_instance`` table and then exits with a 'sensing' state.
-     - Use this mode if you have a large amount of sensor tasks running in your airflow cluster.
-       This can largely reduce airflow’s infrastructure cost and improve cluster stability - reduce meta database load.
-How to use:
-For ``poke|reschedule`` mode, you can configure them at the task level by supplying the ``mode`` parameter,
-i.e. ``S3KeySensor(task_id='check-bucket', mode='reschedule', ...)``.
-For ``smart sensor``, you need to configure it in ``airflow.cfg``, for example:
-.. code-block:: ini
-    [smart_sensor]
-    use_smart_sensor = true
-    shard_code_upper_limit = 10000
-    # Users can change the following config based on their requirements
-    shards = 5
-    sensors_enabled = NamedHivePartitionSensor, MetastorePartitionSensor
-For more information on how to configure ``smart sensor`` and its architecture, see:
-:doc:`Smart Sensor Architecture and Configuration<smart-sensor>`
-DAG Assignment
-*Added in Airflow 1.8*
-Operators do not have to be assigned to DAGs immediately (previously ``dag`` was
-a required argument). However, once an operator is assigned to a DAG, it can not
-be transferred or unassigned. DAG assignment can be done explicitly when the
-operator is created, through deferred assignment, or even inferred from other
-.. code-block:: python
-    dag = DAG('my_dag', start_date=datetime(2016, 1, 1))
-    # sets the DAG explicitly
-    explicit_op = DummyOperator(task_id='op1', dag=dag)
-    # deferred DAG assignment
-    deferred_op = DummyOperator(task_id='op2')
-    deferred_op.dag = dag
-    # inferred DAG assignment (linked operators must be in the same DAG)
-    inferred_op = DummyOperator(task_id='op3')
-    inferred_op.set_upstream(deferred_op)
-Bitshift Composition
-*Added in Airflow 1.8*
-We recommend you setting operator relationships with bitshift operators rather than ``set_upstream()``
-and ``set_downstream()``.
-Traditionally, operator relationships are set with the ``set_upstream()`` and
-``set_downstream()`` methods. In Airflow 1.8, this can be done with the Python
-bitshift operators ``>>`` and ``<<``. The following four statements are all
-functionally equivalent:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1 >> op2
-    op1.set_downstream(op2)
-    op2 << op1
-    op2.set_upstream(op1)
-When using the bitshift to compose operators, the relationship is set in the
-direction that the bitshift operator points. For example, ``op1 >> op2`` means
-that ``op1`` runs first and ``op2`` runs second. Multiple operators can be
-composed -- keep in mind the chain is executed left-to-right and the rightmost
-object is always returned. For example:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1 >> op2 >> op3 << op4
-is equivalent to:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1.set_downstream(op2)
-    op2.set_downstream(op3)
-    op3.set_upstream(op4)
-We can put this all together to build a simple pipeline:
-.. code-block:: python
-    with DAG('my_dag', start_date=datetime(2016, 1, 1)) as dag:
-        (
-            DummyOperator(task_id='dummy_1')
-            >> BashOperator(
-                task_id='bash_1',
-                bash_command='echo "HELLO!"')
-            >> PythonOperator(
-                task_id='python_1',
-                python_callable=lambda: print("GOODBYE!"))
-        )
-Bitshift can also be used with lists. For example:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1 >> [op2, op3] >> op4
-is equivalent to:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1 >> op2 >> op4
-    op1 >> op3 >> op4
-and equivalent to:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1.set_downstream([op2, op3])
-    op4.set_upstream([op2, op3])
-Relationship Builders
-*Moved in Airflow 2.0*
-``chain`` and ``cross_downstream`` function provide easier ways to set relationships
-between operators in specific situation.
-In Airflow 2.0 those two methods moved from ``airflow.utils.helpers`` to ``airflow.models.baseoperator``.
-When setting a relationship between two lists,
-if we want all operators in one list to be upstream to all operators in the other,
-we cannot use a single bitshift composition. Instead we have to split one of the lists:
-.. code-block:: python
-    [op1, op2, op3] >> op4
-    [op1, op2, op3] >> op5
-    [op1, op2, op3] >> op6
-``cross_downstream`` could handle list relationships easier.
-.. code-block:: python
-    cross_downstream([op1, op2, op3], [op4, op5, op6])
-When setting single direction relationships to many operators, we could
-concat them with bitshift composition.
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1 >> op2 >> op3 >> op4 >> op5
-This can be accomplished using ``chain``
-.. code-block:: python
-    chain(op1, op2, op3, op4, op5)
-even without operator's name
-.. code-block:: python
-    chain([DummyOperator(task_id='op' + i, dag=dag) for i in range(1, 6)])
-``chain`` can handle a list of operators
-.. code-block:: python
-    chain(op1, [op2, op3], op4)
-is equivalent to:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1 >> [op2, op3] >> op4
-When ``chain`` sets relationships between two lists of operators, they must have the same size.
-.. code-block:: python
-    chain(op1, [op2, op3], [op4, op5], op6)
-is equivalent to:
-.. code-block:: python
-    op1 >> [op2, op3]
-    op2 >> op4
-    op3 >> op5
-    [op4, op5] >> op6
-You're now familiar with the core building blocks of Airflow.
-Some of the concepts may sound very similar, but the vocabulary can
-be conceptualized like this:
-- DAG: The work (tasks), and the order in which
-  work should take place (dependencies), written in Python.
-- DAG Run: An instance of a DAG for a particular logical date and time.
-- Operator: A class that acts as a template for carrying out some work.
-- Task: Defines work by implementing an operator, written in Python.
-- Task Instance: An instance of a task - that has been assigned to a DAG and has a
-  state associated with a specific DAG run (i.e. for a specific execution_date).
-- execution_date: The logical date and time for a DAG Run and its Task Instances.
-By combining ``DAGs`` and ``Operators`` to create ``TaskInstances``, you can
-build complex workflows.
-Additional Functionality
-In addition to the core Airflow objects, there are a number of more complex
-features that enable behaviors like limiting simultaneous access to resources,
-cross-communication, conditional execution, and more.
-Hooks are interfaces to external platforms and databases like Hive, S3,
-MySQL, Postgres, HDFS, and Pig. Hooks implement a common interface when
-possible, and act as a building block for operators. They also use
-the ``airflow.models.connection.Connection`` model to retrieve hostnames
-and authentication information. Hooks keep authentication code and
-information out of pipelines, centralized in the metadata database.
-Hooks are also very useful on their own to use in Python scripts,
-Airflow airflow.operators.PythonOperator, and in interactive environments
-like iPython or Jupyter Notebook.
-.. seealso::
-    :ref:`List Airflow hooks <pythonapi:hooks>`
-Some systems can get overwhelmed when too many processes hit them at the same
-time. Airflow pools can be used to **limit the execution parallelism** on
-arbitrary sets of tasks. The list of pools is managed in the UI
-(``Menu -> Admin -> Pools``) by giving the pools a name and assigning
-it a number of worker slots. Tasks can then be associated with
-one of the existing pools by using the ``pool`` parameter when
-creating tasks (i.e., instantiating operators).
-.. code-block:: python
-    aggregate_db_message_job = BashOperator(
-        task_id='aggregate_db_message_job',
-        execution_timeout=timedelta(hours=3),
-        pool='ep_data_pipeline_db_msg_agg',
-        bash_command=aggregate_db_message_job_cmd,
-        dag=dag)
-    aggregate_db_message_job.set_upstream(wait_for_empty_queue)
-The ``pool`` parameter can
-be used in conjunction with ``priority_weight`` to define priorities
-in the queue, and which tasks get executed first as slots open up in the
-pool. The default ``priority_weight`` is ``1``, and can be bumped to any
-number. When sorting the queue to evaluate which task should be executed
-next, we use the ``priority_weight``, summed up with all of the
-``priority_weight`` values from tasks downstream from this task. You can
-use this to bump a specific important task and the whole path to that task
-gets prioritized accordingly.
-Tasks will be scheduled as usual while the slots fill up. Once capacity is
-reached, runnable tasks get queued and their state will show as such in the
-UI. As slots free up, queued tasks start running based on the
-``priority_weight`` (of the task and its descendants).
-Note that if tasks are not given a pool, they are assigned to a default
-pool ``default_pool``.  ``default_pool`` is initialized with 128 slots and
-can be changed through the UI or CLI (though it cannot be removed).
-To combine Pools with SubDAGs see the `SubDAGs`_ section.
-.. _concepts-connections:
-The information needed to connect to external systems is stored in the Airflow metastore database and can be
-managed in the UI (``Menu -> Admin -> Connections``).  A ``conn_id`` is defined there, and hostname / login /
-password / schema information attached to it.  Airflow pipelines retrieve centrally-managed connections
-information by specifying the relevant ``conn_id``.
-Airflow also provides a mechanism to store connections outside the database, e.g. in :ref:`environment variables <environment_variables_secrets_backend>`.
-Additional sources may be enabled, e.g. :ref:`AWS SSM Parameter Store <ssm_parameter_store_secrets>`, or you may
-:ref:`roll your own secrets backend <roll_your_own_secrets_backend>`.
-Many hooks have a default ``conn_id``, where operators using that hook do not
-need to supply an explicit connection ID. For example, the default
-``conn_id`` for the :class:`~airflow.providers.postgres.hooks.postgres.PostgresHook` is
-See :doc:`howto/connection` for details on creating and managing connections.
-.. _concepts:xcom:
-XComs let tasks exchange messages, allowing more nuanced forms of control and
-shared state. The name is an abbreviation of "cross-communication". XComs are
-principally defined by a key, value, and timestamp, but also track attributes
-like the task/DAG that created the XCom and when it should become visible. Any
-object that can be pickled can be used as an XCom value, so users should make
-sure to use objects of appropriate size.
-XComs can be "pushed" (sent) or "pulled" (received). When a task pushes an
-XCom, it makes it generally available to other tasks. Tasks can push XComs at
-any time by calling the ``xcom_push()`` method. In addition, if a task returns
-a value (either from its Operator's ``execute()`` method, or from a
-PythonOperator's ``python_callable`` function), then an XCom containing that
-value is automatically pushed.
-Tasks call ``xcom_pull()`` to retrieve XComs, optionally applying filters
-based on criteria like ``key``, source ``task_ids``, and source ``dag_id``. By
-default, ``xcom_pull()`` filters for the keys that are automatically given to
-XComs when they are pushed by being returned from execute functions (as
-opposed to XComs that are pushed manually).
-If ``xcom_pull`` is passed a single string for ``task_ids``, then the most
-recent XCom value from that task is returned; if a list of ``task_ids`` is
-passed, then a corresponding list of XCom values is returned.
-.. code-block:: python
-    # inside a PythonOperator called 'pushing_task'
-    def push_function():
-        return value
-    # inside another PythonOperator
-    def pull_function(task_instance):
-        value = task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='pushing_task')
-When specifying arguments that are part of the context, they will be
-automatically passed to the function.
-It is also possible to pull XCom directly in a template, here's an example
-of what this may look like:
-.. code-block:: jinja
-    SELECT * FROM {{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='foo', key='table_name') }}
-Note that XComs are similar to `Variables`_, but are specifically designed
-for inter-task communication rather than global settings.
-Custom XCom backend
-It is possible to change ``XCom`` behaviour of serialization and deserialization of tasks' result.
-To do this one have to change ``xcom_backend`` parameter in Airflow config. Provided value should point
-to a class that is subclass of :class:`~airflow.models.xcom.BaseXCom`. To alter the serialization /
-deserialization mechanism the custom class should override ``serialize_value`` and ``deserialize_value``
-It is also possible to override the ``orm_deserialize_value`` method which is used for deserialization when
-recreating ORM XCom object. This happens every time we query the XCom table, for example when we want to populate
-XCom list view in webserver. If your XCom backend performs expensive operations, or has large values that are not
-useful to show in such a view, override this method to provide an alternative representation. By default Airflow will
-use ``BaseXCom.orm_deserialize_value`` method which returns the value stored in Airflow database.
-See :doc:`modules_management` for details on how Python and Airflow manage modules.
-.. _concepts:variables:
-Variables are a generic way to store and retrieve arbitrary content or
-settings as a simple key value store within Airflow. Variables can be
-listed, created, updated and deleted from the UI (``Admin -> Variables``),
-code or CLI. In addition, json settings files can be bulk uploaded through
-the UI. While your pipeline code definition and most of your constants
-and variables should be defined in code and stored in source control,
-it can be useful to have some variables or configuration items
-accessible and modifiable through the UI.
-.. code-block:: python
-    from airflow.models import Variable
-    foo = Variable.get("foo")
-    bar = Variable.get("bar", deserialize_json=True)
-    baz = Variable.get("baz", default_var=None)
-The second call assumes ``json`` content and will be deserialized into
-``bar``. Note that ``Variable`` is a sqlalchemy model and can be used
-as such. The third call uses the ``default_var`` parameter with the value
-``None``, which either returns an existing value or ``None`` if the variable
-isn't defined. The get function will throw a ``KeyError`` if the variable
-doesn't exist and no default is provided.
-You can use a variable from a jinja template with the syntax :
-.. code-block:: bash
-    echo {{ var.value.<variable_name> }}
-or if you need to deserialize a json object from the variable :
-.. code-block:: bash
-    echo {{ var.json.<variable_name> }}
-See :doc:`howto/variable` for details on managing variables.
-Sometimes you need a workflow to branch, or only go down a certain path
-based on an arbitrary condition which is typically related to something
-that happened in an upstream task. One way to do this is by using the
-The ``BranchPythonOperator`` is much like the PythonOperator except that it
-expects a ``python_callable`` that returns a task_id (or list of task_ids). The
-task_id returned is followed, and all of the other paths are skipped.
-The task_id returned by the Python function has to reference a task
-directly downstream from the BranchPythonOperator task.
-Note that when a path is a downstream task of the returned task (list), it will
-not be skipped:
-.. image:: img/branch_note.png
-Paths of the branching task are ``branch_a``, ``join`` and ``branch_b``. Since
-``join`` is a downstream task of ``branch_a``, it will be excluded from the skipped
-tasks when ``branch_a`` is returned by the Python callable.
-The ``BranchPythonOperator`` can also be used with XComs allowing branching
-context to dynamically decide what branch to follow based on upstream tasks.
-For example:
-.. code-block:: python
-  def branch_func(ti):
-      xcom_value = int(ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='start_task'))
-      if xcom_value >= 5:
-          return 'continue_task'
-      else:
-          return 'stop_task'
-  start_op = BashOperator(
-      task_id='start_task',
-      bash_command="echo 5",
-      xcom_push=True,
-      dag=dag)
-  branch_op = BranchPythonOperator(
-      task_id='branch_task',
-      python_callable=branch_func,
-      dag=dag)
-  continue_op = DummyOperator(task_id='continue_task', dag=dag)
-  stop_op = DummyOperator(task_id='stop_task', dag=dag)
-  start_op >> branch_op >> [continue_op, stop_op]
-If you wish to implement your own operators with branching functionality, you
-can inherit from :class:`~airflow.operators.branch.BaseBranchOperator`,
-which behaves similarly to ``BranchPythonOperator`` but expects you to provide
-an implementation of the method ``choose_branch``. As with the callable for
-``BranchPythonOperator``, this method should return the ID of a downstream task,
-or a list of task IDs, which will be run, and all others will be skipped.
-.. code-block:: python
-  class MyBranchOperator(BaseBranchOperator):
-      def choose_branch(self, context):
-          """
-          Run an extra branch on the first day of the month
-          """
-          if context['execution_date'].day == 1:
-              return ['daily_task_id', 'monthly_task_id']
-          else:
-              return 'daily_task_id'
-SubDAGs are perfect for repeating patterns. Defining a function that returns a
-DAG object is a nice design pattern when using Airflow.
-Airbnb uses the *stage-check-exchange* pattern when loading data. Data is staged
-in a temporary table, after which data quality checks are performed against
-that table. Once the checks all pass the partition is moved into the production
-As another example, consider the following DAG:
-.. image:: img/subdag_before.png
-We can combine all of the parallel ``task-*`` operators into a single SubDAG,
-so that the resulting DAG resembles the following:
-.. image:: img/subdag_after.png
-Note that SubDAG operators should contain a factory method that returns a DAG
-object. This will prevent the SubDAG from being treated like a separate DAG in
-the main UI. For example:
-.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/subdags/
-    :language: python
-    :start-after: [START subdag]
-    :end-before: [END subdag]
-This SubDAG can then be referenced in your main DAG file:
-.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/
-    :language: python
-    :start-after: [START example_subdag_operator]
-    :end-before: [END example_subdag_operator]
-You can zoom into a :class:`~airflow.operators.subdag.SubDagOperator` from the graph view of the main DAG to show
-the tasks contained within the SubDAG:
-.. image:: img/subdag_zoom.png
-Some other tips when using SubDAGs:
--  by convention, a SubDAG's ``dag_id`` should be prefixed by its parent and
-   a dot. As in ``parent.child``
--  share arguments between the main DAG and the SubDAG by passing arguments to
-   the SubDAG operator (as demonstrated above)
--  SubDAGs must have a schedule and be enabled. If the SubDAG's schedule is
-   set to ``None`` or ``@once``, the SubDAG will succeed without having done
-   anything
--  clearing a :class:`~airflow.operators.subdag.SubDagOperator` also clears the state of the tasks within
--  marking success on a :class:`~airflow.operators.subdag.SubDagOperator` does not affect the state of the tasks
-   within
--  refrain from using ``depends_on_past=True`` in tasks within the SubDAG as
-   this can be confusing
--  it is possible to specify an executor for the SubDAG. It is common to use
-   the SequentialExecutor if you want to run the SubDAG in-process and
-   effectively limit its parallelism to one. Using LocalExecutor can be
-   problematic as it may over-subscribe your worker, running multiple tasks in
-   a single slot
-See ``airflow/example_dags`` for a demonstration.
-Note that airflow pool is not honored by :class:`~airflow.operators.subdag.SubDagOperator`. Hence
-resources could be consumed by SubdagOperators.
-TaskGroup can be used to organize tasks into hierarchical groups in Graph View. It is
-useful for creating repeating patterns and cutting down visual clutter. Unlike
-:class:`~airflow.operators.subdag.SubDagOperator`, TaskGroup is a UI grouping concept.
-Tasks in TaskGroups live on the same original DAG. They honor all the pool configurations.
-Dependency relationships can be applied across all tasks in a TaskGroup with the ``>>`` and ``<<``
-operators. For example, the following code puts ``task1`` and ``task2`` in TaskGroup ``group1``
-and then puts both tasks upstream of ``task3``:
-.. code-block:: python
-    with TaskGroup("group1") as group1:
-        task1 = DummyOperator(task_id="task1")
-        task2 = DummyOperator(task_id="task2")
-    task3 = DummyOperator(task_id="task3")
-    group1 >> task3
-.. note::
-   By default, child tasks and TaskGroups have their task_id and group_id prefixed with the
-   group_id of their parent TaskGroup. This ensures uniqueness of group_id and task_id throughout
-   the DAG. To disable the prefixing, pass ``prefix_group_id=False`` when creating the TaskGroup.
-   This then gives the user full control over the actual group_id and task_id. They have to ensure
-   group_id and task_id are unique throughout the DAG. The option ``prefix_group_id=False`` is
-   mainly useful for putting tasks on existing DAGs into TaskGroup without altering their task_id.
-Here is a more complicated example DAG with multiple levels of nested TaskGroups:
-.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/
-    :language: python
-    :start-after: [START howto_task_group]
-    :end-before: [END howto_task_group]
-This animated gif shows the UI interactions. TaskGroups are expanded or collapsed when clicked:
-.. image:: img/task_group.gif
-TaskGroup can be created using ``@task_group`` decorator, it takes one argument ``group_id`` which is same as constructor of TaskGroup class, if not given it copies function name as ``group_id``. It works exactly same as creating TaskGroup using context manager ``with TaskGroup('groupid') as section:``.
-.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/
-    :language: python
-    :start-after: [START howto_task_group_decorator]
-    :end-before: [END howto_task_group_decorator]
-Edge Labels
-As well as grouping tasks into groups, you can also label the edges between
-different tasks in the Graph View - this can be especially useful for branching
-areas of your DAG, so you can label the conditions under which certain branches
-might run.
-To add labels, you can either pass a Label object to
-.. code-block:: python
-    from airflow.utils.edgemodifier import Label
-    my_task.set_downstream(other_task, Label("When empty"))
-Or, you can use them directly inline with the ``>>`` and ``<<`` operators:
-.. code-block:: python
-    from airflow.utils.edgemodifier import Label
-    my_task >> Label("When empty") >> other_task
-Here's an example DAG which illustrates labeling different branches:
-.. image:: img/edge_label_example.png
-.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/
-Service Level Agreements, or time by which a task or DAG should have
-succeeded, can be set at a task level as a ``timedelta``. If
-one or many instances have not succeeded by that time, an alert email is sent
-detailing the list of tasks that missed their SLA. The event is also recorded
-in the database and made available in the web UI under ``Browse->SLA Misses``
-where events can be analyzed and documented.
-SLAs can be configured for scheduled tasks by using the ``sla`` parameter.
-In addition to sending alerts to the addresses specified in a task's ``email`` parameter,
-the ``sla_miss_callback`` specifies an additional ``Callable``
-object to be invoked when the SLA is not met.
-If you don't want to check SLAs, you can disable globally (all the DAGs) by
-setting ``check_slas=False`` under ``[core]`` section in ``airflow.cfg`` file:
-.. code-block:: ini
-  [core]
-  check_slas = False
-.. note::
-    For information on the email configuration, see :doc:`howto/email-config`
-.. _concepts/trigger_rule:
-Trigger Rules
-Though the normal workflow behavior is to trigger tasks when all their
-directly upstream tasks have succeeded, Airflow allows for more complex
-dependency settings.
-All operators have a ``trigger_rule`` argument which defines the rule by which
-the generated task get triggered. The default value for ``trigger_rule`` is
-``all_success`` and can be defined as "trigger this task when all directly
-upstream tasks have succeeded". All other rules described here are based
-on direct parent tasks and are values that can be passed to any operator
-while creating tasks:
-* ``all_success``: (default) all parents have succeeded
-* ``all_failed``: all parents are in a ``failed`` or ``upstream_failed`` state
-* ``all_done``: all parents are done with their execution
-* ``one_failed``: fires as soon as at least one parent has failed, it does not wait for all parents to be done
-* ``one_success``: fires as soon as at least one parent succeeds, it does not wait for all parents to be done
-* ``none_failed``: all parents have not failed (``failed`` or ``upstream_failed``) i.e. all parents have succeeded or been skipped
-* ``none_failed_or_skipped``: all parents have not failed (``failed`` or ``upstream_failed``) and at least one parent has succeeded.
-* ``none_skipped``: no parent is in a ``skipped`` state, i.e. all parents are in a ``success``, ``failed``, or ``upstream_failed`` state
-* ``dummy``: dependencies are just for show, trigger at will
-Note that these can be used in conjunction with ``depends_on_past`` (boolean)
-that, when set to ``True``, keeps a task from getting triggered if the
-previous schedule for the task hasn't succeeded.
-One must be aware of the interaction between trigger rules and skipped tasks
-in schedule level. Skipped tasks will cascade through trigger rules
-``all_success`` and ``all_failed`` but not ``all_done``, ``one_failed``, ``one_success``,
-``none_failed``, ``none_failed_or_skipped``, ``none_skipped`` and ``dummy``.
-For example, consider the following DAG:
-.. code-block:: python
-  #dags/
-  import datetime as dt
-  from airflow.models import DAG
-  from airflow.operators.dummy import DummyOperator
-  from airflow.operators.python import BranchPythonOperator
-  dag = DAG(
-      dag_id='branch_without_trigger',
-      schedule_interval='@once',
-      start_date=dt.datetime(2019, 2, 28)
-  )
-  run_this_first = DummyOperator(task_id='run_this_first', dag=dag)
-  branching = BranchPythonOperator(
-      task_id='branching', dag=dag,
-      python_callable=lambda: 'branch_a'
-  )
-  branch_a = DummyOperator(task_id='branch_a', dag=dag)
-  follow_branch_a = DummyOperator(task_id='follow_branch_a', dag=dag)
-  branch_false = DummyOperator(task_id='branch_false', dag=dag)
-  join = DummyOperator(task_id='join', dag=dag)
-  run_this_first >> branching
-  branching >> branch_a >> follow_branch_a >> join
-  branching >> branch_false >> join
-In the case of this DAG, ``join`` is downstream of ``follow_branch_a``
-and ``branch_false``. The ``join`` task will show up as skipped
-because its ``trigger_rule`` is set to ``all_success`` by default and
-skipped tasks will cascade through ``all_success``.
-.. image:: img/branch_without_trigger.png
-By setting ``trigger_rule`` to ``none_failed_or_skipped`` in ``join`` task,
-.. code-block:: python
-  #dags/
-  ...
-  join = DummyOperator(task_id='join', dag=dag, trigger_rule='none_failed_or_skipped')
-  ...
-The ``join`` task will be triggered as soon as
-``branch_false`` has been skipped (a valid completion state) and
-``follow_branch_a`` has succeeded. Because skipped tasks **will not**
-cascade through ``none_failed_or_skipped``.
-.. image:: img/branch_with_trigger.png
-Latest Run Only
-Standard workflow behavior involves running a series of tasks for a
-particular date/time range. Some workflows, however, perform tasks that
-are independent of run time but need to be run on a schedule, much like a
-standard cron job. In these cases, backfills or running jobs missed during
-a pause just wastes CPU cycles.
-For situations like this, you can use the ``LatestOnlyOperator`` to skip
-tasks that are not being run during the most recent scheduled run for a
-DAG. The ``LatestOnlyOperator`` skips all direct downstream tasks, if the time
-right now is not between its ``execution_time`` and the next scheduled
-``execution_time`` or the DagRun has been externally triggered.
-For example, consider the following DAG:
-.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/
-    :language: python
-    :start-after: [START example]
-    :end-before: [END example]
-In the case of this DAG, the task ``task1`` is directly downstream of
-``latest_only`` and will be skipped for all runs except the latest.
-``task2`` is entirely independent of ``latest_only`` and will run in all
-scheduled periods. ``task3`` is downstream of ``task1`` and ``task2`` and
-because of the default ``trigger_rule`` being ``all_success`` will receive
-a cascaded skip from ``task1``. ``task4`` is downstream of ``task1`` and
-``task2``, but it will not be skipped, since its ``trigger_rule`` is set to
-.. image:: img/latest_only_with_trigger.png
-Zombies & Undeads
-Task instances die all the time, usually as part of their normal life cycle,
-but sometimes unexpectedly.
-Zombie tasks are characterized by the absence
-of a heartbeat (emitted by the job periodically) and a ``running`` status
-in the database. They can occur when a worker node can't reach the database,
-when Airflow processes are killed externally, or when a node gets rebooted
-for instance. Zombie killing is performed periodically by the scheduler's
-Undead processes are characterized by the existence of a process and a matching
-heartbeat, but Airflow isn't aware of this task as ``running`` in the database.
-This mismatch typically occurs as the state of the database is altered,
-most likely by deleting rows in the "Task Instances" view in the UI.
-Tasks are instructed to verify their state as part of the heartbeat routine,
-and terminate themselves upon figuring out that they are in this "undead"
-Cluster Policy
-Cluster policies provide an interface for taking action on every Airflow task
-or DAG either at DAG load time or just before task execution. In this way users
-are able to do the following:
-- set default arguments on each DAG/task
-- checks that DAG/task meets required standards
-- perform custom logic of routing task to a queue
-And many other options. To use cluster-wide policies users can define in their
-``airflow_local_settings`` the following functions
-- ``dag_policy`` - which as an input takes ``dag`` argument of :class:`~airflow.models.dag.DAG` type.
-  This function allows users to define dag-level policy which is executed for every DAG at loading time.
-- ``task_policy`` - which as an input takes ``task`` argument of :class:`~airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator`
-  type. This function allows users to define task-level policy which is executed for every task at DAG loading time.
-- ``task_instance_mutation_hook`` - which as an input takes ``task_instance`` argument of
-  :class:`~airflow.models.taskinstance.TaskInstance` type. This function allows users to define task-level
-  policy that is executed right before the task execution.
-In case of DAG and task policies users may raise :class:`~airflow.exceptions.AirflowClusterPolicyViolation`
-to prevent a DAG from being imported or prevent a task from being executed if the task is not compliant with
-users' check.
-Please note, cluster policy will have precedence over task attributes defined in DAG meaning that
-if ``task.sla`` is defined in dag and also mutated via cluster policy then the latter will have precedence.
-In next sections we show examples of each type of cluster policy.
-Where to put ````?
-Add a ```` file to your ``$PYTHONPATH`` or to ``$AIRFLOW_HOME/config`` folder.
-See :doc:`modules_management` for details on how Python and Airflow manage modules.
-DAG level cluster policy
-In this example we check if each DAG has at least one tag defined.
-Here is what it may look like:
-.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/cluster_policies/
-      :language: python
-      :start-after: [START example_dag_cluster_policy]
-      :end-before: [END example_dag_cluster_policy]
-.. note::
-    To avoid import cycles, if using ``DAG`` in type annotations in your cluster policy, be sure to import from ``airflow.models`` and not from ``airflow``.
-Task level cluster policy
-For example, this function could apply a specific queue property when
-using a specific operator, or enforce a task timeout policy, making sure
-that no tasks run for more than 48 hours. Here's an example of what this
-may look like:
-.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/cluster_policies/
-      :language: python
-      :start-after: [START example_task_cluster_policy]
-      :end-before: [END example_task_cluster_policy]
-As a more advanced example we may consider implementing checks that are intended to help
-teams using Airflow to protect against common beginner errors that may get past a code
-reviewer, rather than as technical security controls.
-For example, don't run tasks without airflow owners:
-.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/cluster_policies/
-      :language: python
-      :start-after: [START example_cluster_policy_rule]
-      :end-before: [END example_cluster_policy_rule]
-If you have multiple checks to apply, it is best practice to curate these rules
-in a separate python module and have a single policy / task mutation hook that
-performs multiple of these custom checks and aggregates the various error
-messages so that a single ``AirflowClusterPolicyViolation`` can be reported in
-the UI (and import errors table in the database).
-For Example in ````:
-.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/cluster_policies/
-      :language: python
-      :start-after: [START example_list_of_cluster_policy_rules]
-      :end-before: [END example_list_of_cluster_policy_rules]
-Task instance mutation hook
-Task instance mutation hook can be used for example to re-routes the task to
-execute in a different queue during retries:
-.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/cluster_policies/
-      :language: python
-      :start-after: [START example_task_mutation_hook]
-      :end-before: [END example_task_mutation_hook]
-Documentation & Notes
-It's possible to add documentation or notes to your DAGs & task objects that
-become visible in the web interface ("Graph View" & "Tree View" for DAGs, "Task Instance Details"
-for tasks). There are a set of special task attributes that get rendered as rich
-content if defined:
-==========  ================
-attribute   rendered to
-==========  ================
-doc         monospace
-doc_json    json
-doc_yaml    yaml
-doc_md      markdown
-doc_rst     reStructuredText
-==========  ================
-Please note that for DAGs, doc_md is the only attribute interpreted.
-This is especially useful if your tasks are built dynamically from
-configuration files, it allows you to expose the configuration that led
-to the related tasks in Airflow.
-.. code-block:: python
-    """
-    ### My great DAG
-    """
-    dag = DAG('my_dag', default_args=default_args)
-    dag.doc_md = __doc__
-    t = BashOperator("foo", dag=dag)
-    t.doc_md = """\
-    #Title"
-    Here's a [url](
-    """
-This content will get rendered as markdown respectively in the "Graph View" and
-"Task Instance Details" pages.
-.. _jinja-templating:
-Jinja Templating
-Airflow leverages the power of
-`Jinja Templating <>`_ and this can be a
-powerful tool to use in combination with macros (see the :doc:`macros-ref` section).
-For example, say you want to pass the execution date as an environment variable
-to a Bash script using the ``BashOperator``.
-.. code-block:: python
-  # The execution date as YYYY-MM-DD
-  date = "{{ ds }}"
-  t = BashOperator(
-      task_id='test_env',
-      bash_command='/tmp/ ',
-      dag=dag,
-      env={'EXECUTION_DATE': date})
-Here, ``{{ ds }}`` is a macro, and because the ``env`` parameter of the
-``BashOperator`` is templated with Jinja, the execution date will be available
-as an environment variable named ``EXECUTION_DATE`` in your Bash script.
-You can use Jinja templating with every parameter that is marked as "templated"
-in the documentation. Template substitution occurs just before the pre_execute
-function of your operator is called.
-You can also use Jinja templating with nested fields, as long as these nested fields
-are marked as templated in the structure they belong to: fields registered in
-``template_fields`` property will be submitted to template substitution, like the
-``path`` field in the example below:
-.. code-block:: python
-  class MyDataReader:
-    template_fields = ['path']
-    def __init__(self, my_path):
-      self.path = my_path
-    # [additional code here...]
-  t = PythonOperator(
-      task_id='transform_data',
-      python_callable=transform_data
-      op_args=[
-        MyDataReader('/tmp/{{ ds }}/my_file')
-      ],
-      dag=dag)
-.. note:: ``template_fields`` property can equally be a class variable or an
-   instance variable.
-Deep nested fields can also be substituted, as long as all intermediate fields are
-marked as template fields:
-.. code-block:: python
-  class MyDataTransformer:
-    template_fields = ['reader']
-    def __init__(self, my_reader):
-      self.reader = my_reader
-    # [additional code here...]
-  class MyDataReader:
-    template_fields = ['path']
-    def __init__(self, my_path):
-      self.path = my_path
-    # [additional code here...]
-  t = PythonOperator(
-      task_id='transform_data',
-      python_callable=transform_data
-      op_args=[
-        MyDataTransformer(MyDataReader('/tmp/{{ ds }}/my_file'))
-      ],
-      dag=dag)
-You can pass custom options to the Jinja ``Environment`` when creating your DAG.
-One common usage is to avoid Jinja from dropping a trailing newline from a
-template string:
-.. code-block:: python
-  my_dag = DAG(dag_id='my-dag',
-               jinja_environment_kwargs={
-                    'keep_trailing_newline': True,
-                    # some other jinja2 Environment options here
-               })
-See `Jinja documentation <>`_
-to find all available options.
-.. _exceptions:
-Airflow defines a number of exceptions; most of these are used internally, but a few
-are relevant to authors of custom operators or Python callables called from ``PythonOperator``
-tasks. Normally any exception raised from an ``execute`` method or Python callable will either
-cause a task instance to fail if it is not configured to retry or has reached its limit on
-retry attempts, or to be marked as "up for retry". A few exceptions can be used when different
-behavior is desired:
-* ``AirflowSkipException`` can be raised to set the state of the current task instance to "skipped"
-* ``AirflowFailException`` can be raised to set the state of the current task to "failed" regardless
-  of whether there are any retry attempts remaining.
-This example illustrates some possibilities
-.. code-block:: python
-  from airflow.exceptions import AirflowFailException, AirflowSkipException
-  def fetch_data():
-      try:
-          data = get_some_data(get_api_key())
-          if not data:
-              # Set state to skipped and do not retry
-              # Downstream task behavior will be determined by trigger rules
-              raise AirflowSkipException("No data available.")
-      except Unauthorized:
-          # If we retry, our api key will still be bad, so don't waste time retrying!
-          # Set state to failed and move on
-          raise AirflowFailException("Our api key is bad!")
-      except TransientError:
-          print("Looks like there was a blip.")
-          # Raise the exception and let the task retry unless max attempts were reached
-          raise
-      handle(data)
-  task = PythonOperator(task_id="fetch_data", python_callable=fetch_data, retries=10)
-.. seealso::
-    - :ref:`List of Airflow exceptions <pythonapi:exceptions>`
-Packaged DAGs
-While often you will specify DAGs in a single ``.py`` file it might sometimes
-be required to combine a DAG and its dependencies. For example, you might want
-to combine several DAGs together to version them together or you might want
-to manage them together or you might need an extra module that is not available
-by default on the system you are running Airflow on. To allow this you can create
-a zip file that contains the DAG(s) in the root of the zip file and have the extra
-modules unpacked in directories.
-For instance you can create a zip file that looks like this:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    package1/
-    package1/
-Airflow will scan the zip file and try to load ```` and ````.
-It will not go into subdirectories as these are considered to be potential
-In case you would like to add module dependencies to your DAG you basically would
-do the same, but then it is more suitable to use a virtualenv and pip.
-.. code-block:: bash
-    virtualenv zip_dag
-    source zip_dag/bin/activate
-    mkdir zip_dag_contents
-    cd zip_dag_contents
-    pip install --install-option="--install-lib=$PWD" my_useful_package
-    cp ~/ .
-    zip -r *
-.. note:: the zip file will be inserted at the beginning of module search list
-   (sys.path) and as such it will be available to any other code that resides
-   within the same interpreter.
-.. note:: packaged dags cannot be used with pickling turned on.
-.. note:: packaged dags cannot contain dynamic libraries (eg. these need
-   to be available on the system if a module needs those. In other words only
-   pure Python modules can be packaged.

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