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Posted to by on 2018/10/26 21:11:34 UTC

[24/75] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-20718: Add perf cli driver with constraints (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query15.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query15.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b41b4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query15.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+select  ca_zip
+       ,sum(cs_sales_price)
+ from catalog_sales
+     ,customer
+     ,customer_address
+     ,date_dim
+ where cs_bill_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+ 	and c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk 
+ 	and ( substr(ca_zip,1,5) in ('85669', '86197','88274','83405','86475',
+                                   '85392', '85460', '80348', '81792')
+ 	      or ca_state in ('CA','WA','GA')
+ 	      or cs_sales_price > 500)
+ 	and cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+ 	and d_qoy = 2 and d_year = 2000
+ group by ca_zip
+ order by ca_zip
+ limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+PREHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+PREHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+select  ca_zip
+       ,sum(cs_sales_price)
+ from catalog_sales
+     ,customer
+     ,customer_address
+     ,date_dim
+ where cs_bill_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+ 	and c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk 
+ 	and ( substr(ca_zip,1,5) in ('85669', '86197','88274','83405','86475',
+                                   '85392', '85460', '80348', '81792')
+ 	      or ca_state in ('CA','WA','GA')
+ 	      or cs_sales_price > 500)
+ 	and cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+ 	and d_qoy = 2 and d_year = 2000
+ group by ca_zip
+ order by ca_zip
+ limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+POSTHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+Plan optimized by CBO.
+Vertex dependency in root stage
+Map 7 <- Reducer 10 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
+Reducer 10 <- Map 9 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 6 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 3 <- Reducer 2 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 8 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 4 <- Reducer 3 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 5 <- Reducer 4 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 8 <- Map 7 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 9 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+  Fetch Operator
+    limit:100
+    Stage-1
+      Reducer 5 vectorized
+      File Output Operator [FS_97]
+        Limit [LIM_96] (rows=100 width=201)
+          Number of rows:100
+          Select Operator [SEL_95] (rows=2555 width=201)
+            Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+          <-Reducer 4 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+            SHUFFLE [RS_94]
+              Group By Operator [GBY_93] (rows=2555 width=201)
+                Output:["_col0","_col1"],aggregations:["sum(VALUE._col0)"],keys:KEY._col0
+              <-Reducer 3 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                SHUFFLE [RS_24]
+                  PartitionCols:_col0
+                  Group By Operator [GBY_23] (rows=43435 width=201)
+                    Output:["_col0","_col1"],aggregations:["sum(_col8)"],keys:_col3
+                    Top N Key Operator [TNK_43] (rows=20154874 width=205)
+                      keys:_col3,sort order:+,top n:100
+                      Select Operator [SEL_22] (rows=20154874 width=205)
+                        Output:["_col3","_col8"]
+                        Filter Operator [FIL_21] (rows=20154874 width=205)
+                          predicate:(_col4 or _col5 or _col9)
+                          Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_76] (rows=20154874 width=205)
+                            Conds:RS_18._col0=RS_19._col1(Inner),Output:["_col3","_col4","_col5","_col8","_col9"]
+                          <-Reducer 2 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_18]
+                              PartitionCols:_col0
+                              Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_74] (rows=80000000 width=101)
+                                Conds:RS_79._col1=RS_81._col0(Inner),Output:["_col0","_col3","_col4","_col5"]
+                              <-Map 1 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_79]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col1
+                                  Select Operator [SEL_78] (rows=80000000 width=8)
+                                    Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                    Filter Operator [FIL_77] (rows=80000000 width=8)
+                                      predicate:c_current_addr_sk is not null
+                                      TableScan [TS_0] (rows=80000000 width=8)
+                                        default@customer,customer,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["c_customer_sk","c_current_addr_sk"]
+                              <-Map 6 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_81]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col0
+                                  Select Operator [SEL_80] (rows=40000000 width=101)
+                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                                    TableScan [TS_3] (rows=40000000 width=179)
+                                      default@customer_address,customer_address,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["ca_address_sk","ca_state","ca_zip"]
+                          <-Reducer 8 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_19]
+                              PartitionCols:_col1
+                              Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_75] (rows=20154874 width=111)
+                                Conds:RS_92._col0=RS_84._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                              <-Map 9 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_84]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col0
+                                  Select Operator [SEL_83] (rows=130 width=4)
+                                    Output:["_col0"]
+                                    Filter Operator [FIL_82] (rows=130 width=12)
+                                      predicate:((d_qoy = 2) and (d_year = 2000))
+                                      TableScan [TS_8] (rows=73049 width=12)
+                                        default@date_dim,date_dim,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["d_date_sk","d_year","d_qoy"]
+                              <-Map 7 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_92]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col0
+                                  Select Operator [SEL_91] (rows=285117831 width=123)
+                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                                    Filter Operator [FIL_90] (rows=285117831 width=119)
+                                      predicate:((cs_sold_date_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_12_date_dim_d_date_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_12_date_dim_d_date_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_sold_date_sk, DynamicValue(RS_12_date_dim_d_date_sk_bloom_filter))) and cs_bill_customer_sk is not null and cs_sold_date_sk is not null)
+                                      TableScan [TS_5] (rows=287989836 width=119)
+                                        default@catalog_sales,catalog_sales,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cs_sold_date_sk","cs_bill_customer_sk","cs_sales_price"]
+                                      <-Reducer 10 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        BROADCAST [RS_89]
+                                          Group By Operator [GBY_88] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                          <-Map 9 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                            SHUFFLE [RS_87]
+                                              Group By Operator [GBY_86] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                Select Operator [SEL_85] (rows=130 width=4)
+                                                  Output:["_col0"]
+                                                   Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_83]
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query16.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query16.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3143be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query16.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+   count(distinct cs_order_number) as `order count`
+  ,sum(cs_ext_ship_cost) as `total shipping cost`
+  ,sum(cs_net_profit) as `total net profit`
+   catalog_sales cs1
+  ,date_dim
+  ,customer_address
+  ,call_center
+    d_date between '2001-4-01' and 
+           (cast('2001-4-01' as date) + 60 days)
+and cs1.cs_ship_date_sk = d_date_sk
+and cs1.cs_ship_addr_sk = ca_address_sk
+and ca_state = 'NY'
+and cs1.cs_call_center_sk = cc_call_center_sk
+and cc_county in ('Ziebach County','Levy County','Huron County','Franklin Parish',
+                  'Daviess County'
+and exists (select *
+            from catalog_sales cs2
+            where cs1.cs_order_number = cs2.cs_order_number
+              and cs1.cs_warehouse_sk <> cs2.cs_warehouse_sk)
+and not exists(select *
+               from catalog_returns cr1
+               where cs1.cs_order_number = cr1.cr_order_number)
+order by count(distinct cs_order_number)
+limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@call_center
+PREHOOK: Input: default@catalog_returns
+PREHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+PREHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+PREHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+   count(distinct cs_order_number) as `order count`
+  ,sum(cs_ext_ship_cost) as `total shipping cost`
+  ,sum(cs_net_profit) as `total net profit`
+   catalog_sales cs1
+  ,date_dim
+  ,customer_address
+  ,call_center
+    d_date between '2001-4-01' and 
+           (cast('2001-4-01' as date) + 60 days)
+and cs1.cs_ship_date_sk = d_date_sk
+and cs1.cs_ship_addr_sk = ca_address_sk
+and ca_state = 'NY'
+and cs1.cs_call_center_sk = cc_call_center_sk
+and cc_county in ('Ziebach County','Levy County','Huron County','Franklin Parish',
+                  'Daviess County'
+and exists (select *
+            from catalog_sales cs2
+            where cs1.cs_order_number = cs2.cs_order_number
+              and cs1.cs_warehouse_sk <> cs2.cs_warehouse_sk)
+and not exists(select *
+               from catalog_returns cr1
+               where cs1.cs_order_number = cr1.cr_order_number)
+order by count(distinct cs_order_number)
+limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@call_center
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@catalog_returns
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+POSTHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+Plan optimized by CBO.
+Vertex dependency in root stage
+Map 1 <- Reducer 12 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 14 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 16 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
+Map 17 <- Reducer 10 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
+Reducer 10 <- Reducer 4 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 12 <- Map 11 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 14 <- Map 13 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 16 <- Map 15 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 11 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 3 <- Map 13 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 2 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 4 <- Map 15 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 3 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 5 <- Map 17 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 4 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 6 <- Map 18 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 5 (ONE_TO_ONE_EDGE)
+Reducer 7 <- Reducer 6 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 8 <- Reducer 7 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 9 <- Reducer 8 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+  Fetch Operator
+    limit:-1
+    Stage-1
+      Reducer 9 vectorized
+      File Output Operator [FS_169]
+        Limit [LIM_168] (rows=1 width=240)
+          Number of rows:100
+          Select Operator [SEL_167] (rows=1 width=240)
+            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"]
+          <-Reducer 8 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+            SHUFFLE [RS_166]
+              Select Operator [SEL_165] (rows=1 width=240)
+                Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                Group By Operator [GBY_164] (rows=1 width=232)
+                  Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["count(VALUE._col0)","sum(VALUE._col1)","sum(VALUE._col2)"]
+                <-Reducer 7 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                  PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_163]
+                    Group By Operator [GBY_162] (rows=1 width=232)
+                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["count(_col0)","sum(_col1)","sum(_col2)"]
+                      Group By Operator [GBY_161] (rows=5150256 width=228)
+                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["sum(VALUE._col0)","sum(VALUE._col1)"],keys:KEY._col0
+                      <-Reducer 6 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                        SHUFFLE [RS_69]
+                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                          Group By Operator [GBY_68] (rows=5150256 width=228)
+                            Output:["_col0","_col2","_col3"],aggregations:["sum(_col5)","sum(_col6)"],keys:_col4
+                            Select Operator [SEL_37] (rows=5150256 width=218)
+                              Output:["_col4","_col5","_col6"]
+                              Filter Operator [FIL_36] (rows=5150256 width=218)
+                                predicate:_col14 is null
+                                Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_125] (rows=13282454 width=218)
+                                  Conds:RS_33._col4=RS_160._col0(Left Outer),Output:["_col4","_col5","_col6","_col14"]
+                                <-Map 18 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                  SHUFFLE [RS_160]
+                                    PartitionCols:_col0
+                                    Select Operator [SEL_159] (rows=28798881 width=8)
+                                      Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                      TableScan [TS_25] (rows=28798881 width=4)
+                                        default@catalog_returns,cr1,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cr_order_number"]
+                                <-Reducer 5 [ONE_TO_ONE_EDGE]
+                                  FORWARD [RS_33]
+                                    PartitionCols:_col4
+                                    Select Operator [SEL_32] (rows=5150256 width=200)
+                                      Output:["_col4","_col5","_col6"]
+                                      Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_124] (rows=5150256 width=202)
+                                        Conds:RS_29._col4=RS_158._col0(Left Semi),Output:["_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col14"],residual filter predicates:{(_col3 <> _col14)}
+                                      <-Reducer 4 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                        SHUFFLE [RS_29]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col4
+                                          Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_123] (rows=5150256 width=200)
+                                            Conds:RS_18._col2=RS_144._col0(Inner),Output:["_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6"]
+                                          <-Map 15 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                            SHUFFLE [RS_144]
+                                              PartitionCols:_col0
+                                              Select Operator [SEL_143] (rows=10 width=102)
+                                                Output:["_col0"]
+                                                Filter Operator [FIL_142] (rows=10 width=102)
+                                                  predicate:(cc_county) IN ('Ziebach County', 'Levy County', 'Huron County', 'Franklin Parish', 'Daviess County')
+                                                  TableScan [TS_9] (rows=60 width=102)
+                                                    default@call_center,call_center,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cc_call_center_sk","cc_county"]
+                                          <-Reducer 3 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                            SHUFFLE [RS_18]
+                                              PartitionCols:_col2
+                                              Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_122] (rows=30901534 width=230)
+                                                Conds:RS_15._col1=RS_136._col0(Inner),Output:["_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6"]
+                                              <-Map 13 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                SHUFFLE [RS_136]
+                                                  PartitionCols:_col0
+                                                  Select Operator [SEL_135] (rows=784314 width=90)
+                                                    Output:["_col0"]
+                                                    Filter Operator [FIL_134] (rows=784314 width=90)
+                                                      predicate:(ca_state = 'NY')
+                                                      TableScan [TS_6] (rows=40000000 width=90)
+                                                        default@customer_address,customer_address,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["ca_address_sk","ca_state"]
+                                              <-Reducer 2 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                                SHUFFLE [RS_15]
+                                                  PartitionCols:_col1
+                                                  Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_121] (rows=31519516 width=234)
+                                                    Conds:RS_152._col0=RS_128._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6"]
+                                                  <-Map 11 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                    SHUFFLE [RS_128]
+                                                      PartitionCols:_col0
+                                                      Select Operator [SEL_127] (rows=8116 width=98)
+                                                        Output:["_col0"]
+                                                        Filter Operator [FIL_126] (rows=8116 width=98)
+                                                          predicate:CAST( d_date AS TIMESTAMP) BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2001-04-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2001-05-31 00:00:00'
+                                                          TableScan [TS_3] (rows=73049 width=98)
+                                                            default@date_dim,date_dim,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["d_date_sk","d_date"]
+                                                  <-Map 1 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                    SHUFFLE [RS_152]
+                                                      PartitionCols:_col0
+                                                      Select Operator [SEL_151] (rows=283695062 width=243)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6"]
+                                                        Filter Operator [FIL_150] (rows=283695062 width=243)
+                                                          predicate:((cs_call_center_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_19_call_center_cc_call_center_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_19_call_center_cc_call_center_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_call_center_sk, DynamicValue(RS_19_call_center_cc_call_center_sk_bloom_filter))) and (cs_ship_addr_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_16_customer_address_ca_address_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_16_customer_address_ca_address_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_ship_addr_sk, DynamicValue(RS_16_customer_address_ca_address_sk_bloom_filter))) and (cs_ship_date_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_13_date_dim_d_date_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_13_date_dim_d_date_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_ship_date_sk, DynamicValue(RS_13_date_dim_d_date_sk_bloom_filter))) and cs_call_center_sk is not null and cs_ship_addr_sk is not null and cs_ship_date_sk is not null)
+                                                          TableScan [TS_0] (rows=287989836 width=243)
+                                                            default@catalog_sales,cs1,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cs_ship_date_sk","cs_ship_addr_sk","cs_call_center_sk","cs_warehouse_sk","cs_order_number","cs_ext_ship_cost","cs_net_profit"]
+                                                          <-Reducer 12 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                            BROADCAST [RS_133]
+                                                              Group By Operator [GBY_132] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                                Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                              <-Map 11 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                                SHUFFLE [RS_131]
+                                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_130] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                                    Select Operator [SEL_129] (rows=8116 width=4)
+                                                                      Output:["_col0"]
+                                                                       Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_127]
+                                                          <-Reducer 14 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                            BROADCAST [RS_141]
+                                                              Group By Operator [GBY_140] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                                Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                              <-Map 13 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                                SHUFFLE [RS_139]
+                                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_138] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                                    Select Operator [SEL_137] (rows=784314 width=4)
+                                                                      Output:["_col0"]
+                                                                       Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_135]
+                                                          <-Reducer 16 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                            BROADCAST [RS_149]
+                                                              Group By Operator [GBY_148] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                                Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                              <-Map 15 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                                SHUFFLE [RS_147]
+                                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_146] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                                    Select Operator [SEL_145] (rows=10 width=4)
+                                                                      Output:["_col0"]
+                                                                       Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_143]
+                                      <-Map 17 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        SHUFFLE [RS_158]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                                          Group By Operator [GBY_157] (rows=286548719 width=7)
+                                            Output:["_col0","_col1"],keys:_col0, _col1
+                                            Select Operator [SEL_156] (rows=286548719 width=7)
+                                              Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                              Filter Operator [FIL_155] (rows=286548719 width=7)
+                                                predicate:((cs_order_number BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_29_cs1_cs_order_number_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_29_cs1_cs_order_number_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_order_number, DynamicValue(RS_29_cs1_cs_order_number_bloom_filter))) and cs_warehouse_sk is not null)
+                                                TableScan [TS_22] (rows=287989836 width=7)
+                                                  default@catalog_sales,cs2,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cs_warehouse_sk","cs_order_number"]
+                                                <-Reducer 10 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                  BROADCAST [RS_154]
+                                                    Group By Operator [GBY_153] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                    <-Reducer 4 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                                      SHUFFLE [RS_111]
+                                                        Group By Operator [GBY_110] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                          Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                          Select Operator [SEL_109] (rows=5150256 width=8)
+                                                            Output:["_col0"]
+                                                             Please refer to the previous Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_123]
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query17.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query17.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e796101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query17.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+select  i_item_id
+       ,i_item_desc
+       ,s_state
+       ,count(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantitycount
+       ,avg(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantityave
+       ,stddev_samp(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantitystdev
+       ,stddev_samp(ss_quantity)/avg(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantitycov
+       ,count(sr_return_quantity) as_store_returns_quantitycount
+       ,avg(sr_return_quantity) as_store_returns_quantityave
+       ,stddev_samp(sr_return_quantity) as_store_returns_quantitystdev
+       ,stddev_samp(sr_return_quantity)/avg(sr_return_quantity) as store_returns_quantitycov
+       ,count(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantitycount ,avg(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantityave
+       ,stddev_samp(cs_quantity)/avg(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantitystdev
+       ,stddev_samp(cs_quantity)/avg(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantitycov
+ from store_sales
+     ,store_returns
+     ,catalog_sales
+     ,date_dim d1
+     ,date_dim d2
+     ,date_dim d3
+     ,store
+     ,item
+ where d1.d_quarter_name = '2000Q1'
+   and d1.d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk
+   and i_item_sk = ss_item_sk
+   and s_store_sk = ss_store_sk
+   and ss_customer_sk = sr_customer_sk
+   and ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk
+   and ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number
+   and sr_returned_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk
+   and d2.d_quarter_name in ('2000Q1','2000Q2','2000Q3')
+   and sr_customer_sk = cs_bill_customer_sk
+   and sr_item_sk = cs_item_sk
+   and cs_sold_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk
+   and d3.d_quarter_name in ('2000Q1','2000Q2','2000Q3')
+ group by i_item_id
+         ,i_item_desc
+         ,s_state
+ order by i_item_id
+         ,i_item_desc
+         ,s_state
+limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+PREHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+PREHOOK: Input: default@item
+PREHOOK: Input: default@store
+PREHOOK: Input: default@store_returns
+PREHOOK: Input: default@store_sales
+PREHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+select  i_item_id
+       ,i_item_desc
+       ,s_state
+       ,count(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantitycount
+       ,avg(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantityave
+       ,stddev_samp(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantitystdev
+       ,stddev_samp(ss_quantity)/avg(ss_quantity) as store_sales_quantitycov
+       ,count(sr_return_quantity) as_store_returns_quantitycount
+       ,avg(sr_return_quantity) as_store_returns_quantityave
+       ,stddev_samp(sr_return_quantity) as_store_returns_quantitystdev
+       ,stddev_samp(sr_return_quantity)/avg(sr_return_quantity) as store_returns_quantitycov
+       ,count(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantitycount ,avg(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantityave
+       ,stddev_samp(cs_quantity)/avg(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantitystdev
+       ,stddev_samp(cs_quantity)/avg(cs_quantity) as catalog_sales_quantitycov
+ from store_sales
+     ,store_returns
+     ,catalog_sales
+     ,date_dim d1
+     ,date_dim d2
+     ,date_dim d3
+     ,store
+     ,item
+ where d1.d_quarter_name = '2000Q1'
+   and d1.d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk
+   and i_item_sk = ss_item_sk
+   and s_store_sk = ss_store_sk
+   and ss_customer_sk = sr_customer_sk
+   and ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk
+   and ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number
+   and sr_returned_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk
+   and d2.d_quarter_name in ('2000Q1','2000Q2','2000Q3')
+   and sr_customer_sk = cs_bill_customer_sk
+   and sr_item_sk = cs_item_sk
+   and cs_sold_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk
+   and d3.d_quarter_name in ('2000Q1','2000Q2','2000Q3')
+ group by i_item_id
+         ,i_item_desc
+         ,s_state
+ order by i_item_id
+         ,i_item_desc
+         ,s_state
+limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@item
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@store
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@store_returns
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@store_sales
+POSTHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+Plan optimized by CBO.
+Vertex dependency in root stage
+Map 1 <- Reducer 12 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 13 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 16 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 17 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 9 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
+Map 19 <- Reducer 14 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 16 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 17 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
+Reducer 10 <- Map 19 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 8 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 11 <- Reducer 10 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 15 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 12 <- Reducer 10 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 13 <- Reducer 10 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 14 <- Map 8 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 15 <- Map 20 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 8 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 16 <- Reducer 15 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 17 <- Reducer 15 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 8 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 3 <- Map 18 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 2 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 4 <- Reducer 11 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 3 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 5 <- Map 21 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 4 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 6 <- Reducer 5 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 7 <- Reducer 6 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 9 <- Map 8 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+  Fetch Operator
+    limit:100
+    Stage-1
+      Reducer 7 vectorized
+      File Output Operator [FS_259]
+        Limit [LIM_258] (rows=100 width=466)
+          Number of rows:100
+          Select Operator [SEL_257] (rows=4815969644 width=466)
+            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14"]
+          <-Reducer 6 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+            SHUFFLE [RS_256]
+              Select Operator [SEL_255] (rows=4815969644 width=466)
+                Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col13"]
+                Group By Operator [GBY_254] (rows=4815969644 width=466)
+                  Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14"],aggregations:["count(VALUE._col0)","sum(VALUE._col1)","sum(VALUE._col2)","sum(VALUE._col3)","count(VALUE._col4)","sum(VALUE._col5)","sum(VALUE._col6)","sum(VALUE._col7)","count(VALUE._col8)","sum(VALUE._col9)","sum(VALUE._col10)","sum(VALUE._col11)"],keys:KEY._col0, KEY._col1, KEY._col2
+                <-Reducer 5 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                  SHUFFLE [RS_48]
+                    PartitionCols:_col0, _col1, _col2
+                    Group By Operator [GBY_47] (rows=4815969644 width=466)
+                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14"],aggregations:["count(_col3)","sum(_col3)","sum(_col7)","sum(_col6)","count(_col4)","sum(_col4)","sum(_col9)","sum(_col8)","count(_col5)","sum(_col5)","sum(_col11)","sum(_col10)"],keys:_col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Top N Key Operator [TNK_91] (rows=4815969644 width=381)
+                        keys:_col0, _col1, _col2,sort order:+++,top n:100
+                        Select Operator [SEL_45] (rows=4815969644 width=381)
+                          Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11"]
+                          Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_211] (rows=4815969644 width=381)
+                            Conds:RS_42._col3=RS_253._col0(Inner),Output:["_col5","_col8","_col9","_col13","_col19","_col22"]
+                          <-Map 21 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_253]
+                              PartitionCols:_col0
+                              Select Operator [SEL_252] (rows=1704 width=90)
+                                Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                TableScan [TS_31] (rows=1704 width=90)
+                                  default@store,store,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["s_store_sk","s_state"]
+                          <-Reducer 4 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_42]
+                              PartitionCols:_col3
+                              Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_210] (rows=4815969644 width=299)
+                                Conds:RS_39._col1, _col2, _col4=RS_40._col6, _col7, _col8(Inner),Output:["_col3","_col5","_col8","_col9","_col13","_col19"]
+                              <-Reducer 11 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_40]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col6, _col7, _col8
+                                  Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_209] (rows=540026342 width=19)
+                                    Conds:RS_27._col2, _col1=RS_28._col1, _col2(Inner),Output:["_col3","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9"]
+                                  <-Reducer 10 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_27]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col2, _col1
+                                      Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_207] (rows=14254135 width=11)
+                                        Conds:RS_242._col0=RS_220._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                                      <-Map 8 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_220]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                                          Select Operator [SEL_216] (rows=3652 width=4)
+                                            Output:["_col0"]
+                                            Filter Operator [FIL_213] (rows=3652 width=94)
+                                              predicate:(d_quarter_name) IN ('2000Q1', '2000Q2', '2000Q3')
+                                              TableScan [TS_3] (rows=73049 width=94)
+                                                default@date_dim,d1,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["d_date_sk","d_quarter_name"]
+                                      <-Map 19 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        SHUFFLE [RS_242]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                                          Select Operator [SEL_241] (rows=285117831 width=15)
+                                            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                                            Filter Operator [FIL_240] (rows=285117831 width=15)
+                                              predicate:((cs_bill_customer_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_customer_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_customer_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_bill_customer_sk, DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_customer_sk_bloom_filter))) and (cs_item_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_item_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_item_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_item_sk, DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_item_sk_bloom_filter))) and (cs_sold_date_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_25_d3_d_date_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_25_d3_d_date_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_sold_date_sk, DynamicValue(RS_25_d3_d_date_sk_bloom_filter))) and cs_bill_customer_sk is not null and cs_sold_date_sk is not null)
+                                              TableScan [TS_8] (rows=287989836 width=15)
+                                                default@catalog_sales,catalog_sales,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cs_sold_date_sk","cs_bill_customer_sk","cs_item_sk","cs_quantity"]
+                                              <-Reducer 16 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_234]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_232] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Reducer 15 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_109]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_108] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_107] (rows=2681277 width=8)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                          Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_208] (rows=2681277 width=10)
+                                                            Conds:RS_231._col0=RS_222._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"]
+                                                          <-Map 8 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                            PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_222]
+                                                              PartitionCols:_col0
+                                                              Select Operator [SEL_217] (rows=3652 width=4)
+                                                                Output:["_col0"]
+                                                                Filter Operator [FIL_214] (rows=3652 width=94)
+                                                                  predicate:(d_quarter_name) IN ('2000Q1', '2000Q2', '2000Q3')
+                                                                   Please refer to the previous TableScan [TS_3]
+                                                          <-Map 20 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                            SHUFFLE [RS_231]
+                                                              PartitionCols:_col0
+                                                              Select Operator [SEL_230] (rows=53632139 width=19)
+                                                                Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"]
+                                                                Filter Operator [FIL_229] (rows=53632139 width=19)
+                                                                  predicate:(sr_customer_sk is not null and sr_returned_date_sk is not null)
+                                                                  TableScan [TS_14] (rows=57591150 width=19)
+                                                                    default@store_returns,store_returns,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["sr_returned_date_sk","sr_item_sk","sr_customer_sk","sr_ticket_number","sr_return_quantity"]
+                                              <-Reducer 17 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_239]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_237] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Reducer 15 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_124]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_123] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_122] (rows=2681277 width=2)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                           Please refer to the previous Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_208]
+                                              <-Reducer 14 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_236]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_235] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Map 8 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_226]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_224] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_221] (rows=3652 width=4)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                           Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_216]
+                                  <-Reducer 15 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_28]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col1, _col2
+                                       Please refer to the previous Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_208]
+                              <-Reducer 3 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_39]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col1, _col2, _col4
+                                  Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_206] (rows=27749405 width=294)
+                                    Conds:RS_36._col1=RS_251._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col8","_col9"]
+                                  <-Map 18 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                    SHUFFLE [RS_251]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col0
+                                      Select Operator [SEL_250] (rows=462000 width=288)
+                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"]
+                                        TableScan [TS_6] (rows=462000 width=288)
+                                          default@item,item,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["i_item_sk","i_item_id","i_item_desc"]
+                                  <-Reducer 2 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                    SHUFFLE [RS_36]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col1
+                                      Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_205] (rows=27749405 width=10)
+                                        Conds:RS_249._col0=RS_218._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5"]
+                                      <-Map 8 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_218]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                                          Select Operator [SEL_215] (rows=101 width=4)
+                                            Output:["_col0"]
+                                            Filter Operator [FIL_212] (rows=101 width=94)
+                                              predicate:(d_quarter_name = '2000Q1')
+                                               Please refer to the previous TableScan [TS_3]
+                                      <-Map 1 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        SHUFFLE [RS_249]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                                          Select Operator [SEL_248] (rows=501694138 width=23)
+                                            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5"]
+                                            Filter Operator [FIL_247] (rows=501694138 width=23)
+                                              predicate:((ss_customer_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_27_catalog_sales_cs_bill_customer_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_27_catalog_sales_cs_bill_customer_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(ss_customer_sk, DynamicValue(RS_27_catalog_sales_cs_bill_customer_sk_bloom_filter))) and (ss_customer_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_customer_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_customer_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(ss_customer_sk, DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_customer_sk_bloom_filter))) and (ss_item_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_27_catalog_sales_cs_item_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_27_catalog_sales_cs_item_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(ss_item_sk, DynamicValue(RS_27_catalog_sales_cs_item_sk_bloom_filter))) and (ss_item_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_item_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_item_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(ss_item_sk, DynamicValue(RS_28_store_returns_sr_item_sk_bloom_filter))) and (ss_sold_date
 _sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_34_d1_d_date_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_34_d1_d_date_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(ss_sold_date_sk, DynamicValue(RS_34_d1_d_date_sk_bloom_filter))) and ss_customer_sk is not null and ss_sold_date_sk is not null and ss_store_sk is not null)
+                                              TableScan [TS_0] (rows=575995635 width=23)
+                                                default@store_sales,store_sales,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["ss_sold_date_sk","ss_item_sk","ss_customer_sk","ss_store_sk","ss_ticket_number","ss_quantity"]
+                                              <-Reducer 16 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_233]
+                                                   Please refer to the previous Group By Operator [GBY_232]
+                                              <-Reducer 17 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_238]
+                                                   Please refer to the previous Group By Operator [GBY_237]
+                                              <-Reducer 12 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_244]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_243] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Reducer 10 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_114]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_113] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_112] (rows=14254135 width=8)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                           Please refer to the previous Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_207]
+                                              <-Reducer 13 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_246]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_245] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Reducer 10 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_129]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_128] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_127] (rows=14254135 width=7)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                           Please refer to the previous Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_207]
+                                              <-Reducer 9 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_228]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_227] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Map 8 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_225]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_223] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_219] (rows=101 width=4)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                           Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_215]
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query18.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query18.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff4c05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query18.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+select  i_item_id,
+        ca_country,
+        ca_state, 
+        ca_county,
+        avg( cast(cs_quantity as numeric(12,2))) agg1,
+        avg( cast(cs_list_price as numeric(12,2))) agg2,
+        avg( cast(cs_coupon_amt as numeric(12,2))) agg3,
+        avg( cast(cs_sales_price as numeric(12,2))) agg4,
+        avg( cast(cs_net_profit as numeric(12,2))) agg5,
+        avg( cast(c_birth_year as numeric(12,2))) agg6,
+        avg( cast(cd1.cd_dep_count as numeric(12,2))) agg7
+ from catalog_sales, customer_demographics cd1, 
+      customer_demographics cd2, customer, customer_address, date_dim, item
+ where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
+       cs_item_sk = i_item_sk and
+       cs_bill_cdemo_sk = cd1.cd_demo_sk and
+       cs_bill_customer_sk = c_customer_sk and
+       cd1.cd_gender = 'M' and 
+       cd1.cd_education_status = 'College' and
+       c_current_cdemo_sk = cd2.cd_demo_sk and
+       c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk and
+       c_birth_month in (9,5,12,4,1,10) and
+       d_year = 2001 and
+       ca_state in ('ND','WI','AL'
+                   ,'NC','OK','MS','TN')
+ group by rollup (i_item_id, ca_country, ca_state, ca_county)
+ order by ca_country,
+        ca_state, 
+        ca_county,
+	i_item_id
+ limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer_demographics
+PREHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+PREHOOK: Input: default@item
+PREHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+select  i_item_id,
+        ca_country,
+        ca_state, 
+        ca_county,
+        avg( cast(cs_quantity as numeric(12,2))) agg1,
+        avg( cast(cs_list_price as numeric(12,2))) agg2,
+        avg( cast(cs_coupon_amt as numeric(12,2))) agg3,
+        avg( cast(cs_sales_price as numeric(12,2))) agg4,
+        avg( cast(cs_net_profit as numeric(12,2))) agg5,
+        avg( cast(c_birth_year as numeric(12,2))) agg6,
+        avg( cast(cd1.cd_dep_count as numeric(12,2))) agg7
+ from catalog_sales, customer_demographics cd1, 
+      customer_demographics cd2, customer, customer_address, date_dim, item
+ where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
+       cs_item_sk = i_item_sk and
+       cs_bill_cdemo_sk = cd1.cd_demo_sk and
+       cs_bill_customer_sk = c_customer_sk and
+       cd1.cd_gender = 'M' and 
+       cd1.cd_education_status = 'College' and
+       c_current_cdemo_sk = cd2.cd_demo_sk and
+       c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk and
+       c_birth_month in (9,5,12,4,1,10) and
+       d_year = 2001 and
+       ca_state in ('ND','WI','AL'
+                   ,'NC','OK','MS','TN')
+ group by rollup (i_item_id, ca_country, ca_state, ca_county)
+ order by ca_country,
+        ca_state, 
+        ca_county,
+	i_item_id
+ limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@catalog_sales
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer_demographics
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@item
+POSTHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+Plan optimized by CBO.
+Vertex dependency in root stage
+Map 10 <- Reducer 15 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 17 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 7 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
+Reducer 11 <- Map 10 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 14 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 12 <- Map 16 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 11 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 13 <- Map 18 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 12 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 15 <- Map 14 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 17 <- Map 16 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 8 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 3 <- Map 9 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 2 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 4 <- Reducer 13 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 3 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 5 <- Reducer 4 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 6 <- Reducer 5 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 7 <- Reducer 3 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+  Fetch Operator
+    limit:100
+    Stage-1
+      Reducer 6 vectorized
+      File Output Operator [FS_179]
+        Limit [LIM_178] (rows=100 width=1165)
+          Number of rows:100
+          Select Operator [SEL_177] (rows=10969055 width=1165)
+            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10"]
+          <-Reducer 5 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+            SHUFFLE [RS_176]
+              Select Operator [SEL_175] (rows=10969055 width=1165)
+                Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10"]
+                Group By Operator [GBY_174] (rows=10969055 width=1229)
+                  Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14","_col15","_col16","_col17","_col18"],aggregations:["sum(VALUE._col0)","count(VALUE._col1)","sum(VALUE._col2)","count(VALUE._col3)","sum(VALUE._col4)","count(VALUE._col5)","sum(VALUE._col6)","count(VALUE._col7)","sum(VALUE._col8)","count(VALUE._col9)","sum(VALUE._col10)","count(VALUE._col11)","sum(VALUE._col12)","count(VALUE._col13)"],keys:KEY._col0, KEY._col1, KEY._col2, KEY._col3, KEY._col4
+                <-Reducer 4 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                  SHUFFLE [RS_40]
+                    PartitionCols:_col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                    Group By Operator [GBY_39] (rows=10969055 width=1229)
+                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14","_col15","_col16","_col17","_col18"],aggregations:["sum(_col15)","count(_col15)","sum(_col16)","count(_col16)","sum(_col17)","count(_col17)","sum(_col18)","count(_col18)","sum(_col19)","count(_col19)","sum(_col3)","count(_col3)","sum(_col22)","count(_col22)"],keys:_col5, _col6, _col7, _col10, 0L
+                      Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_142] (rows=2193811 width=811)
+                        Conds:RS_35._col0=RS_36._col3(Inner),Output:["_col3","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col10","_col15","_col16","_col17","_col18","_col19","_col22"]
+                      <-Reducer 3 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                        PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_35]
+                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                          Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_138] (rows=4959744 width=368)
+                            Conds:RS_32._col1=RS_150._col0(Inner),Output:["_col0","_col3","_col5","_col6","_col7"]
+                          <-Map 9 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_150]
+                              PartitionCols:_col0
+                              Select Operator [SEL_149] (rows=1861800 width=4)
+                                Output:["_col0"]
+                                TableScan [TS_6] (rows=1861800 width=4)
+                                  default@customer_demographics,cd2,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cd_demo_sk"]
+                          <-Reducer 2 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_32]
+                              PartitionCols:_col1
+                              Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_137] (rows=4890586 width=371)
+                                Conds:RS_145._col2=RS_148._col0(Inner),Output:["_col0","_col1","_col3","_col5","_col6","_col7"]
+                              <-Map 1 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_145]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col2
+                                  Select Operator [SEL_144] (rows=35631408 width=119)
+                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                                    Filter Operator [FIL_143] (rows=35631408 width=19)
+                                      predicate:((c_birth_month) IN (9, 5, 12, 4, 1, 10) and c_current_addr_sk is not null and c_current_cdemo_sk is not null)
+                                      TableScan [TS_0] (rows=80000000 width=19)
+                                        default@customer,customer,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["c_customer_sk","c_current_cdemo_sk","c_current_addr_sk","c_birth_month","c_birth_year"]
+                              <-Map 8 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_148]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col0
+                                  Select Operator [SEL_147] (rows=5490196 width=285)
+                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3"]
+                                    Filter Operator [FIL_146] (rows=5490196 width=285)
+                                      predicate:(ca_state) IN ('ND', 'WI', 'AL', 'NC', 'OK', 'MS', 'TN')
+                                      TableScan [TS_3] (rows=40000000 width=285)
+                                        default@customer_address,customer_address,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["ca_address_sk","ca_county","ca_state","ca_country"]
+                      <-Reducer 13 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                        SHUFFLE [RS_36]
+                          PartitionCols:_col3
+                          Select Operator [SEL_28] (rows=15983481 width=735)
+                            Output:["_col1","_col3","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col13"]
+                            Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_141] (rows=15983481 width=735)
+                              Conds:RS_25._col3=RS_173._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col11","_col13"]
+                            <-Map 18 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                              SHUFFLE [RS_173]
+                                PartitionCols:_col0
+                                Select Operator [SEL_172] (rows=462000 width=104)
+                                  Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                  TableScan [TS_17] (rows=462000 width=104)
+                                    default@item,item,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["i_item_sk","i_item_id"]
+                            <-Reducer 12 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                              SHUFFLE [RS_25]
+                                PartitionCols:_col3
+                                Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_140] (rows=15983481 width=639)
+                                  Conds:RS_22._col2=RS_161._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col11"]
+                                <-Map 16 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                  PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_161]
+                                    PartitionCols:_col0
+                                    Select Operator [SEL_160] (rows=103433 width=116)
+                                      Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                      Filter Operator [FIL_159] (rows=103433 width=187)
+                                        predicate:((cd_education_status = 'College') and (cd_gender = 'M'))
+                                        TableScan [TS_14] (rows=1861800 width=187)
+                                          default@customer_demographics,cd1,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cd_demo_sk","cd_gender","cd_education_status","cd_dep_count"]
+                                <-Reducer 11 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                  SHUFFLE [RS_22]
+                                    PartitionCols:_col2
+                                    Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_139] (rows=100578970 width=565)
+                                      Conds:RS_171._col0=RS_153._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8"]
+                                    <-Map 14 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                      PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_153]
+                                        PartitionCols:_col0
+                                        Select Operator [SEL_152] (rows=652 width=4)
+                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                          Filter Operator [FIL_151] (rows=652 width=8)
+                                            predicate:(d_year = 2001)
+                                            TableScan [TS_11] (rows=73049 width=8)
+                                              default@date_dim,date_dim,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["d_date_sk","d_year"]
+                                    <-Map 10 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                      SHUFFLE [RS_171]
+                                        PartitionCols:_col0
+                                        Select Operator [SEL_170] (rows=283692098 width=573)
+                                          Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8"]
+                                          Filter Operator [FIL_169] (rows=283692098 width=466)
+                                            predicate:((cs_bill_cdemo_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_23_cd1_cd_demo_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_23_cd1_cd_demo_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_bill_cdemo_sk, DynamicValue(RS_23_cd1_cd_demo_sk_bloom_filter))) and (cs_bill_customer_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_35_customer_c_customer_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_35_customer_c_customer_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_bill_customer_sk, DynamicValue(RS_35_customer_c_customer_sk_bloom_filter))) and (cs_sold_date_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_20_date_dim_d_date_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_20_date_dim_d_date_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(cs_sold_date_sk, DynamicValue(RS_20_date_dim_d_date_sk_bloom_filter))) and cs_bill_cdemo_sk is not null and cs_bill_customer_sk is not null and cs_sold_date_sk is not null)
+                                            TableScan [TS_8] (rows=287989836 width=466)
+                                              default@catalog_sales,catalog_sales,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["cs_sold_date_sk","cs_bill_customer_sk","cs_bill_cdemo_sk","cs_item_sk","cs_quantity","cs_list_price","cs_sales_price","cs_coupon_amt","cs_net_profit"]
+                                            <-Reducer 15 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                              BROADCAST [RS_158]
+                                                Group By Operator [GBY_157] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                  Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                <-Map 14 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                  PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_156]
+                                                    Group By Operator [GBY_155] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                      Select Operator [SEL_154] (rows=652 width=4)
+                                                        Output:["_col0"]
+                                                         Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_152]
+                                            <-Reducer 17 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                              BROADCAST [RS_166]
+                                                Group By Operator [GBY_165] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                  Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                <-Map 16 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                  PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_164]
+                                                    Group By Operator [GBY_163] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                      Select Operator [SEL_162] (rows=103433 width=4)
+                                                        Output:["_col0"]
+                                                         Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_160]
+                                            <-Reducer 7 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                              BROADCAST [RS_168]
+                                                Group By Operator [GBY_167] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                  Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=4890586)"]
+                                                <-Reducer 3 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                                  PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_123]
+                                                    Group By Operator [GBY_122] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=4890586)"]
+                                                      Select Operator [SEL_121] (rows=4959744 width=4)
+                                                        Output:["_col0"]
+                                                         Please refer to the previous Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_138]
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query19.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query19.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eb52ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/constraints/query19.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+select  i_brand_id brand_id, i_brand brand, i_manufact_id, i_manufact,
+ 	sum(ss_ext_sales_price) ext_price
+ from date_dim, store_sales, item,customer,customer_address,store
+ where d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk
+   and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
+   and i_manager_id=7
+   and d_moy=11
+   and d_year=1999
+   and ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk 
+   and c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk
+   and substr(ca_zip,1,5) <> substr(s_zip,1,5) 
+   and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk 
+ group by i_brand
+      ,i_brand_id
+      ,i_manufact_id
+      ,i_manufact
+ order by ext_price desc
+         ,i_brand
+         ,i_brand_id
+         ,i_manufact_id
+         ,i_manufact
+limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+PREHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+PREHOOK: Input: default@item
+PREHOOK: Input: default@store
+PREHOOK: Input: default@store_sales
+PREHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+select  i_brand_id brand_id, i_brand brand, i_manufact_id, i_manufact,
+ 	sum(ss_ext_sales_price) ext_price
+ from date_dim, store_sales, item,customer,customer_address,store
+ where d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk
+   and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
+   and i_manager_id=7
+   and d_moy=11
+   and d_year=1999
+   and ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk 
+   and c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk
+   and substr(ca_zip,1,5) <> substr(s_zip,1,5) 
+   and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk 
+ group by i_brand
+      ,i_brand_id
+      ,i_manufact_id
+      ,i_manufact
+ order by ext_price desc
+         ,i_brand
+         ,i_brand_id
+         ,i_manufact_id
+         ,i_manufact
+limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer_address
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@item
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@store
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@store_sales
+POSTHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+Plan optimized by CBO.
+Vertex dependency in root stage
+Map 8 <- Reducer 12 (BROADCAST_EDGE), Reducer 14 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
+Reducer 10 <- Map 13 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 9 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 12 <- Map 11 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 14 <- Map 13 (CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 7 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 3 <- Reducer 10 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 2 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 4 <- Map 15 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 3 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 5 <- Reducer 4 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 6 <- Reducer 5 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+Reducer 9 <- Map 11 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 8 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+  Fetch Operator
+    limit:-1
+    Stage-1
+      Reducer 6 vectorized
+      File Output Operator [FS_153]
+        Limit [LIM_152] (rows=100 width=419)
+          Number of rows:100
+          Select Operator [SEL_151] (rows=2098703 width=418)
+            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"]
+          <-Reducer 5 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+            SHUFFLE [RS_150]
+              Select Operator [SEL_149] (rows=2098703 width=418)
+                Output:["_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6"]
+                Group By Operator [GBY_148] (rows=2098703 width=314)
+                  Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"],aggregations:["sum(VALUE._col0)"],keys:KEY._col0, KEY._col1, KEY._col2, KEY._col3
+                <-Reducer 4 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                  SHUFFLE [RS_35]
+                    PartitionCols:_col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                    Group By Operator [GBY_34] (rows=2098703 width=314)
+                      Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"],aggregations:["sum(_col8)"],keys:_col12, _col11, _col13, _col14
+                      Select Operator [SEL_33] (rows=2098703 width=570)
+                        Output:["_col8","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14"]
+                        Filter Operator [FIL_32] (rows=2098703 width=570)
+                          predicate:(_col3 <> _col16)
+                          Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_121] (rows=2098703 width=570)
+                            Conds:RS_29._col7=RS_147._col0(Inner),Output:["_col3","_col8","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14","_col16"]
+                          <-Map 15 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_147]
+                              PartitionCols:_col0
+                              Select Operator [SEL_146] (rows=1704 width=188)
+                                Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                TableScan [TS_21] (rows=1704 width=93)
+                                  default@store,store,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["s_store_sk","s_zip"]
+                          <-Reducer 3 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                            SHUFFLE [RS_29]
+                              PartitionCols:_col7
+                              Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_120] (rows=2098703 width=386)
+                                Conds:RS_26._col0=RS_27._col2(Inner),Output:["_col3","_col7","_col8","_col11","_col12","_col13","_col14"]
+                              <-Reducer 10 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_27]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col2
+                                  Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_119] (rows=2098703 width=202)
+                                    Conds:RS_17._col1=RS_137._col0(Inner),Output:["_col2","_col3","_col4","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10"]
+                                  <-Map 13 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_137]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col0
+                                      Select Operator [SEL_136] (rows=7333 width=206)
+                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"]
+                                        Filter Operator [FIL_135] (rows=7333 width=210)
+                                          predicate:(i_manager_id = 7)
+                                          TableScan [TS_11] (rows=462000 width=210)
+                                            default@item,item,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["i_item_sk","i_brand_id","i_brand","i_manufact_id","i_manufact","i_manager_id"]
+                                  <-Reducer 9 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                    SHUFFLE [RS_17]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col1
+                                      Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_118] (rows=13737330 width=4)
+                                        Conds:RS_145._col0=RS_129._col0(Inner),Output:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"]
+                                      <-Map 11 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        SHUFFLE [RS_129]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                                          Select Operator [SEL_128] (rows=50 width=4)
+                                            Output:["_col0"]
+                                            Filter Operator [FIL_127] (rows=50 width=12)
+                                              predicate:((d_moy = 11) and (d_year = 1999))
+                                              TableScan [TS_8] (rows=73049 width=12)
+                                                default@date_dim,date_dim,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["d_date_sk","d_year","d_moy"]
+                                      <-Map 8 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                        SHUFFLE [RS_145]
+                                          PartitionCols:_col0
+                                          Select Operator [SEL_144] (rows=501694138 width=122)
+                                            Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4"]
+                                            Filter Operator [FIL_143] (rows=501694138 width=122)
+                                              predicate:((ss_item_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_18_item_i_item_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_18_item_i_item_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(ss_item_sk, DynamicValue(RS_18_item_i_item_sk_bloom_filter))) and (ss_sold_date_sk BETWEEN DynamicValue(RS_15_date_dim_d_date_sk_min) AND DynamicValue(RS_15_date_dim_d_date_sk_max) and in_bloom_filter(ss_sold_date_sk, DynamicValue(RS_15_date_dim_d_date_sk_bloom_filter))) and ss_customer_sk is not null and ss_sold_date_sk is not null and ss_store_sk is not null)
+                                              TableScan [TS_5] (rows=575995635 width=122)
+                                                default@store_sales,store_sales,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["ss_sold_date_sk","ss_item_sk","ss_customer_sk","ss_store_sk","ss_ext_sales_price"]
+                                              <-Reducer 12 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_134]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_133] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Map 11 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                    SHUFFLE [RS_132]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_131] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_130] (rows=50 width=4)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                           Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_128]
+                                              <-Reducer 14 [BROADCAST_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                BROADCAST [RS_142]
+                                                  Group By Operator [GBY_141] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                    Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(VALUE._col0)","max(VALUE._col1)","bloom_filter(VALUE._col2, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                  <-Map 13 [CUSTOM_SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                                    PARTITION_ONLY_SHUFFLE [RS_140]
+                                                      Group By Operator [GBY_139] (rows=1 width=12)
+                                                        Output:["_col0","_col1","_col2"],aggregations:["min(_col0)","max(_col0)","bloom_filter(_col0, expectedEntries=1000000)"]
+                                                        Select Operator [SEL_138] (rows=7333 width=4)
+                                                          Output:["_col0"]
+                                                           Please refer to the previous Select Operator [SEL_136]
+                              <-Reducer 2 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
+                                SHUFFLE [RS_26]
+                                  PartitionCols:_col0
+                                  Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_117] (rows=80000000 width=188)
+                                    Conds:RS_124._col1=RS_126._col0(Inner),Output:["_col0","_col3"]
+                                  <-Map 1 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                    SHUFFLE [RS_124]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col1
+                                      Select Operator [SEL_123] (rows=80000000 width=8)
+                                        Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                        Filter Operator [FIL_122] (rows=80000000 width=8)
+                                          predicate:c_current_addr_sk is not null
+                                          TableScan [TS_0] (rows=80000000 width=8)
+                                            default@customer,customer,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["c_customer_sk","c_current_addr_sk"]
+                                  <-Map 7 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
+                                    SHUFFLE [RS_126]
+                                      PartitionCols:_col0
+                                      Select Operator [SEL_125] (rows=40000000 width=188)
+                                        Output:["_col0","_col1"]
+                                        TableScan [TS_3] (rows=40000000 width=93)
+                                          default@customer_address,customer_address,Tbl:COMPLETE,Col:COMPLETE,Output:["ca_address_sk","ca_zip"]