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[43/49] incubator-taverna-server git commit: taverna-* module names
diff --git a/server-webapp/src/main/java/org/taverna/server/master/ b/server-webapp/src/main/java/org/taverna/server/master/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f98da6..0000000
--- a/server-webapp/src/main/java/org/taverna/server/master/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1425 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The University of Manchester
- * 
- * See the file "LICENSE" for license terms.
- */
-package org.taverna.server.master;
-import static java.lang.Math.min;
-import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
-import static java.util.Collections.sort;
-import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.TavernaServerSupport.PROV_BUNDLE;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.common.DirEntryReference.newInstance;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Namespaces.SERVER_SOAP;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Roles.ADMIN;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Roles.SELF;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Roles.USER;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Status.Initialized;
-import static;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.soap.DirEntry.convert;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.utils.RestUtils.opt;
-import java.lang.ref.Reference;
-import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
-import javax.annotation.Nullable;
-import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
-import javax.annotation.Resource;
-import javax.jws.WebService;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.cxf.annotations.WSDLDocumentation;
-import org.ogf.usage.JobUsageRecord;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required;
-import org.taverna.server.master.api.SupportAware;
-import org.taverna.server.master.api.TavernaServerBean;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Capability;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Credential;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.DirEntryReference;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.InputDescription;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Permission;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.ProfileList;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.RunReference;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Status;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Trust;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Workflow;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.version.Version;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.BadPropertyValueException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.BadStateChangeException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.FilesystemAccessException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.InvalidCredentialException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoCreateException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoCredentialException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoDirectoryEntryException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoListenerException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoUpdateException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NotOwnerException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.OverloadedException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.UnknownRunException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.factories.ListenerFactory;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.Directory;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.DirectoryEntry;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.File;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.Input;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.Listener;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.Policy;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.RunStore;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.TavernaRun;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.TavernaSecurityContext;
-import org.taverna.server.master.notification.NotificationEngine;
-import org.taverna.server.master.notification.atom.EventDAO;
-import org.taverna.server.master.soap.DirEntry;
-import org.taverna.server.master.soap.FileContents;
-import org.taverna.server.master.soap.PermissionList;
-import org.taverna.server.master.soap.TavernaServerSOAP;
-import org.taverna.server.master.soap.WrappedWorkflow;
-import org.taverna.server.master.soap.ZippedDirectory;
-import org.taverna.server.master.utils.CallTimeLogger.PerfLogged;
-import org.taverna.server.master.utils.FilenameUtils;
-import org.taverna.server.master.utils.InvocationCounter.CallCounted;
-import org.taverna.server.port_description.OutputDescription;
- * The core implementation of the web application.
- * 
- * @author Donal Fellows
- */
-@DeclareRoles({ USER, ADMIN })
-@WebService(endpointInterface = "org.taverna.server.master.soap.TavernaServerSOAP", serviceName = "TavernaServer", targetNamespace = SERVER_SOAP)
-@WSDLDocumentation("An instance of Taverna " + Version.JAVA + " Server.")
-public abstract class TavernaServer implements TavernaServerSOAP,
-		TavernaServerREST, TavernaServerBean {
-	/**
-	 * The root of descriptions of the server in JMX.
-	 */
-	public static final String JMX_ROOT = "Taverna:group=Server-"
-			+ Version.JAVA + ",name=";
-	/** The logger for the server framework. */
-	public Log log = getLog("Taverna.Server.Webapp");
-	@PreDestroy
-	void closeLog() {
-		log = null;
-	}
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	@Resource
-	WebServiceContext jaxws;
-	@Context
-	private HttpHeaders jaxrsHeaders;
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	/**
-	 * For building descriptions of the expected inputs and actual outputs of a
-	 * workflow.
-	 */
-	private ContentsDescriptorBuilder cdBuilder;
-	/**
-	 * Utilities for accessing files on the local-worker.
-	 */
-	private FilenameUtils fileUtils;
-	/** How notifications are dispatched. */
-	private NotificationEngine notificationEngine;
-	/** Main support class. */
-	private TavernaServerSupport support;
-	/** A storage facility for workflow runs. */
-	private RunStore runStore;
-	/** Encapsulates the policies applied by this server. */
-	private Policy policy;
-	/** Where Atom events come from. */
-	EventDAO eventSource;
-	/** Reference to the main interaction feed. */
-	private String interactionFeed;
-	@Override
-	@Required
-	public void setFileUtils(FilenameUtils converter) {
-		this.fileUtils = converter;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@Required
-	public void setContentsDescriptorBuilder(ContentsDescriptorBuilder cdBuilder) {
-		this.cdBuilder = cdBuilder;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@Required
-	public void setNotificationEngine(NotificationEngine notificationEngine) {
-		this.notificationEngine = notificationEngine;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param support
-	 *            the support to set
-	 */
-	@Override
-	@Required
-	public void setSupport(TavernaServerSupport support) {
- = support;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@Required
-	public void setRunStore(RunStore runStore) {
-		this.runStore = runStore;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@Required
-	public void setPolicy(Policy policy) {
-		this.policy = policy;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@Required
-	public void setEventSource(EventDAO eventSource) {
-		this.eventSource = eventSource;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The location of a service-wide interaction feed, derived from a
-	 * properties file. Expected to be <i>actually</i> not set (to a real
-	 * value).
-	 * 
-	 * @param interactionFeed
-	 *            The URL, which will be resolved relative to the location of
-	 *            the webapp, or the string "<tt>none</tt>" (which corresponds
-	 *            to a <tt>null</tt>).
-	 */
-	public void setInteractionFeed(String interactionFeed) {
-		if ("none".equals(interactionFeed))
-			interactionFeed = null;
-		else if (interactionFeed != null && interactionFeed.startsWith("${"))
-			interactionFeed = null;
-		this.interactionFeed = interactionFeed;
-	}
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public ServerDescription describeService(UriInfo ui) {
-		jaxrsUriInfo.set(new WeakReference<>(ui));
-		return new ServerDescription(ui, resolve(interactionFeed));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public RunList listUsersRuns(UriInfo ui) {
-		jaxrsUriInfo.set(new WeakReference<>(ui));
-		return new RunList(runs(), secure(ui).path("{name}"));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Response submitWorkflow(Workflow workflow, UriInfo ui)
-			throws NoUpdateException {
-		jaxrsUriInfo.set(new WeakReference<>(ui));
-		checkCreatePolicy(workflow);
-		String name = support.buildWorkflow(workflow);
-		return created(secure(ui).path("{uuid}").build(name)).build();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Response submitWorkflowByURL(List<URI> referenceList, UriInfo ui)
-			throws NoCreateException {
-		jaxrsUriInfo.set(new WeakReference<>(ui));
-		if (referenceList == null || referenceList.size() == 0)
-			throw new NoCreateException("no workflow URI supplied");
-		URI workflowURI = referenceList.get(0);
-		checkCreatePolicy(workflowURI);
-		Workflow workflow;
-		try {
-			workflow = support.getWorkflowDocumentFromURI(workflowURI);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new NoCreateException("could not read workflow", e);
-		}
-		String name = support.buildWorkflow(workflow);
-		return created(secure(ui).path("{uuid}").build(name)).build();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public int getServerMaxRuns() {
-		return support.getMaxSimultaneousRuns();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed({ USER, SELF })
-	public TavernaServerRunREST getRunResource(String runName, UriInfo ui)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		jaxrsUriInfo.set(new WeakReference<>(ui));
-		RunREST rr = makeRunInterface();
-		rr.setRun(support.getRun(runName));
-		rr.setRunName(runName);
-		return rr;
-	}
-	private ThreadLocal<Reference<UriInfo>> jaxrsUriInfo = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();
-	private UriInfo getUriInfo() {
-		if (jaxrsUriInfo.get() == null)
-			return null;
-		return jaxrsUriInfo.get().get();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	public abstract PolicyView getPolicyDescription();
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	public Response serviceOptions() {
-		return opt();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	public Response runsOptions() {
-		return opt("POST");
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Construct a RESTful interface to a run.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The handle to the interface, as decorated by Spring.
-	 */
-	protected abstract RunREST makeRunInterface();
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public RunReference[] listRuns() {
-		ArrayList<RunReference> ws = new ArrayList<>();
-		UriBuilder ub = getRunUriBuilder();
-		for (String runName : runs().keySet())
-			ws.add(new RunReference(runName, ub));
-		return ws.toArray(new RunReference[ws.size()]);
-	}
-	private void checkCreatePolicy(Workflow workflow) throws NoCreateException {
-		List<URI> pwu = policy
-				.listPermittedWorkflowURIs(support.getPrincipal());
-		if (pwu == null || pwu.size() == 0)
-			return;
-		throw new NoCreateException("server policy: will only start "
-				+ "workflows sourced from permitted URI list");
-	}
-	private void checkCreatePolicy(URI workflowURI) throws NoCreateException {
-		List<URI> pwu = policy
-				.listPermittedWorkflowURIs(support.getPrincipal());
-		if (pwu == null || pwu.size() == 0 || pwu.contains(workflowURI))
-			return;
-		throw new NoCreateException("workflow URI not on permitted list");
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public RunReference submitWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
-			throws NoUpdateException {
-		checkCreatePolicy(workflow);
-		String name = support.buildWorkflow(workflow);
-		return new RunReference(name, getRunUriBuilder());
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public RunReference submitWorkflowMTOM(WrappedWorkflow workflow)
-			throws NoUpdateException {
-		Workflow wf;
-		try {
-			wf = workflow.getWorkflow();
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new NoCreateException(e.getMessage(), e);
-		}
-		checkCreatePolicy(wf);
-		String name = support.buildWorkflow(wf);
-		return new RunReference(name, getRunUriBuilder());
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public RunReference submitWorkflowByURI(URI workflowURI)
-			throws NoCreateException {
-		checkCreatePolicy(workflowURI);
-		Workflow workflow;
-		try {
-			workflow = support.getWorkflowDocumentFromURI(workflowURI);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new NoCreateException("could not read workflow", e);
-		}
-		String name = support.buildWorkflow(workflow);
-		return new RunReference(name, getRunUriBuilder());
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public URI[] getServerWorkflows() {
-		return support.getPermittedWorkflowURIs();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public String[] getServerListeners() {
-		List<String> types = support.getListenerTypes();
-		return types.toArray(new String[types.size()]);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public String[] getServerNotifiers() {
-		List<String> dispatchers = notificationEngine
-				.listAvailableDispatchers();
-		return dispatchers.toArray(new String[dispatchers.size()]);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public List<Capability> getServerCapabilities() {
-		return support.getCapabilities();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void destroyRun(String runName) throws UnknownRunException,
-			NoUpdateException {
-		support.unregisterRun(runName, null);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunDescriptiveName(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getName();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunDescriptiveName(String runName, String descriptiveName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException {
-		TavernaRun run = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(run);
-		run.setName(descriptiveName);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Workflow getRunWorkflow(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getWorkflow();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public WrappedWorkflow getRunWorkflowMTOM(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		WrappedWorkflow ww = new WrappedWorkflow();
-		ww.setWorkflow(support.getRun(runName).getWorkflow());
-		return ww;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public ProfileList getRunWorkflowProfiles(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getProfileDescriptor(support.getRun(runName)
-				.getWorkflow());
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Date getRunExpiry(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getExpiry();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunExpiry(String runName, Date d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException {
-		support.updateExpiry(support.getRun(runName), d);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Date getRunCreationTime(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getCreationTimestamp();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Date getRunFinishTime(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getFinishTimestamp();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Date getRunStartTime(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getStartTimestamp();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Status getRunStatus(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getStatus();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String setRunStatus(String runName, Status s)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		if (s == Status.Operating && w.getStatus() == Status.Initialized) {
-			if (!support.getAllowStartWorkflowRuns())
-				throw new OverloadedException();
-			try {
-				String issue = w.setStatus(s);
-				if (issue == null)
-					return "";
-				if (issue.isEmpty())
-					return "unknown reason for partial change";
-				return issue;
-			} catch (RuntimeException | NoUpdateException e) {
-"failed to start run " + runName, e);
-				throw e;
-			}
-		} else {
-			w.setStatus(s);
-			return "";
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunStdout(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		try {
-			return support.getProperty(runName, "io", "stdout");
-		} catch (NoListenerException e) {
-			return "";
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunStderr(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		try {
-			return support.getProperty(runName, "io", "stderr");
-		} catch (NoListenerException e) {
-			return "";
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public JobUsageRecord getRunUsageRecord(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		try {
-			String ur = support.getProperty(runName, "io", "usageRecord");
-			if (ur.isEmpty())
-				return null;
-			return JobUsageRecord.unmarshal(ur);
-		} catch (NoListenerException e) {
-			return null;
-		} catch (JAXBException e) {
-"failed to deserialize non-empty usage record", e);
-			return null;
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunLog(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		try {
-			return support.getLogs(support.getRun(runName)).get("UTF-8");
-		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
-			log.warn("unexpected encoding problem", e);
-			return "";
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public FileContents getRunBundle(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		File f = fileUtils.getFile(support.getRun(runName), PROV_BUNDLE);
-		FileContents fc = new FileContents();
-		// We *know* the content type, by definition
-		fc.setFile(f, "application/vnd.wf4ever.robundle+zip");
-		return fc;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public boolean getRunGenerateProvenance(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getGenerateProvenance();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunGenerateProvenance(String runName, boolean generate)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException {
-		TavernaRun run = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(run);
-		run.setGenerateProvenance(generate);
-	}
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	// SOAP INTERFACE - Security
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunOwner(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getSecurityContext().getOwner()
-				.getName();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Look up a security context, applying access control rules for access to
-	 * the parts of the context that are only open to the owner.
-	 * 
-	 * @param runName
-	 *            The name of the workflow run.
-	 * @param initialOnly
-	 *            Whether to check if we're in the initial state.
-	 * @return The security context. Never <tt>null</tt>.
-	 * @throws UnknownRunException
-	 * @throws NotOwnerException
-	 * @throws BadStateChangeException
-	 */
-	private TavernaSecurityContext getRunSecurityContext(String runName,
-			boolean initialOnly) throws UnknownRunException, NotOwnerException,
-			BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaRun run = support.getRun(runName);
-		TavernaSecurityContext c = run.getSecurityContext();
-		if (!c.getOwner().equals(support.getPrincipal()))
-			throw new NotOwnerException();
-		if (initialOnly && run.getStatus() != Initialized)
-			throw new BadStateChangeException();
-		return c;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Credential[] getRunCredentials(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NotOwnerException {
-		try {
-			return getRunSecurityContext(runName, false).getCredentials();
-		} catch (BadStateChangeException e) {
-			Error e2 = new Error("impossible");
-			e2.initCause(e);
-			throw e2;
-		}
-	}
-	private Credential findCredential(TavernaSecurityContext c, String id)
-			throws NoCredentialException {
-		for (Credential t : c.getCredentials())
-			if (
-				return t;
-		throw new NoCredentialException();
-	}
-	private Trust findTrust(TavernaSecurityContext c, String id)
-			throws NoCredentialException {
-		for (Trust t : c.getTrusted())
-			if (
-				return t;
-		throw new NoCredentialException();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String setRunCredential(String runName, String credentialID,
-			Credential credential) throws UnknownRunException,
-			NotOwnerException, InvalidCredentialException,
-			NoCredentialException, BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaSecurityContext c = getRunSecurityContext(runName, true);
-		if (credentialID == null || credentialID.isEmpty()) {
- = randomUUID().toString();
-		} else {
- = findCredential(c, credentialID).id;
-		}
-		URI uri = getRunUriBuilder().path("security/credentials/{credid}")
-				.build(runName,;
-		credential.href = uri.toString();
-		c.validateCredential(credential);
-		c.addCredential(credential);
-		return;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void deleteRunCredential(String runName, String credentialID)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NotOwnerException,
-			NoCredentialException, BadStateChangeException {
-		getRunSecurityContext(runName, true).deleteCredential(
-				new Credential.Dummy(credentialID));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Trust[] getRunCertificates(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NotOwnerException {
-		try {
-			return getRunSecurityContext(runName, false).getTrusted();
-		} catch (BadStateChangeException e) {
-			Error e2 = new Error("impossible");
-			e2.initCause(e);
-			throw e2;
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String setRunCertificates(String runName, String certificateID,
-			Trust certificate) throws UnknownRunException, NotOwnerException,
-			InvalidCredentialException, NoCredentialException,
-			BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaSecurityContext c = getRunSecurityContext(runName, true);
-		if (certificateID == null || certificateID.isEmpty()) {
- = randomUUID().toString();
-		} else {
- = findTrust(c, certificateID).id;
-		}
-		URI uri = getRunUriBuilder().path("security/trusts/{certid}").build(
-				runName,;
-		certificate.href = uri.toString();
-		c.validateTrusted(certificate);
-		c.addTrusted(certificate);
-		return;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void deleteRunCertificates(String runName, String certificateID)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NotOwnerException,
-			NoCredentialException, BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaSecurityContext c = getRunSecurityContext(runName, true);
-		Trust toDelete = new Trust();
- = certificateID;
-		c.deleteTrusted(toDelete);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public PermissionList listRunPermissions(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NotOwnerException {
-		PermissionList pl = new PermissionList();
-		pl.permission = new ArrayList<>();
-		Map<String, Permission> perm;
-		try {
-			perm = support.getPermissionMap(getRunSecurityContext(runName,
-					false));
-		} catch (BadStateChangeException e) {
-			log.error("unexpected error from internal API", e);
-			perm = emptyMap();
-		}
-		List<String> users = new ArrayList<>(perm.keySet());
-		sort(users);
-		for (String user : users)
-			pl.permission.add(new PermissionList.SinglePermissionMapping(user,
-					perm.get(user)));
-		return pl;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunPermission(String runName, String userName,
-			Permission permission) throws UnknownRunException,
-			NotOwnerException {
-		try {
-			support.setPermission(getRunSecurityContext(runName, false),
-					userName, permission);
-		} catch (BadStateChangeException e) {
-			log.error("unexpected error from internal API", e);
-		}
-	}
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	// SOAP INTERFACE - Filesystem connection
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public OutputDescription getRunOutputDescription(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, BadStateChangeException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		TavernaRun run = support.getRun(runName);
-		if (run.getStatus() == Initialized)
-			throw new BadStateChangeException(
-					"may not get output description in initial state");
-		return cdBuilder.makeOutputDescriptor(run, null);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public DirEntry[] getRunDirectoryContents(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		List<DirEntry> result = new ArrayList<>();
-		for (DirectoryEntry e : fileUtils.getDirectory(support.getRun(runName),
-				convert(d)).getContents())
-			result.add(convert(newInstance(null, e)));
-		return result.toArray(new DirEntry[result.size()]);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public byte[] getRunDirectoryAsZip(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		try {
-			return toByteArray(fileUtils.getDirectory(support.getRun(runName),
-					convert(d)).getContentsAsZip());
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new FilesystemAccessException("problem serializing ZIP data",
-					e);
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public ZippedDirectory getRunDirectoryAsZipMTOM(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		return new ZippedDirectory(fileUtils.getDirectory(
-				support.getRun(runName), convert(d)));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public DirEntry makeRunDirectory(String runName, DirEntry parent,
-			String name) throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		Directory dir = fileUtils.getDirectory(w, convert(parent))
-				.makeSubdirectory(support.getPrincipal(), name);
-		return convert(newInstance(null, dir));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public DirEntry makeRunFile(String runName, DirEntry parent, String name)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		File f = fileUtils.getDirectory(w, convert(parent)).makeEmptyFile(
-				support.getPrincipal(), name);
-		return convert(newInstance(null, f));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void destroyRunDirectoryEntry(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		fileUtils.getDirEntry(w, convert(d)).destroy();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public byte[] getRunFileContents(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		File f = fileUtils.getFile(support.getRun(runName), convert(d));
-		return f.getContents(0, -1);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunFileContents(String runName, DirEntry d,
-			byte[] newContents) throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		fileUtils.getFile(w, convert(d)).setContents(newContents);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public FileContents getRunFileContentsMTOM(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		File f = fileUtils.getFile(support.getRun(runName), convert(d));
-		FileContents fc = new FileContents();
-		fc.setFile(f, support.getEstimatedContentType(f));
-		return fc;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunFileContentsFromURI(String runName,
-			DirEntryReference file, URI reference)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		TavernaRun run = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(run);
-		File f = fileUtils.getFile(run, file);
-		try {
-			support.copyDataToFile(reference, f);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new FilesystemAccessException(
-					"problem transferring data from URI", e);
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunFileContentsMTOM(String runName, FileContents newContents)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		TavernaRun run = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(run);
-		File f = fileUtils.getFile(run,;
-		f.setContents(new byte[0]);
-		support.copyDataToFile(newContents.fileData, f);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunFileType(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		return support.getEstimatedContentType(fileUtils.getFile(
-				support.getRun(runName), convert(d)));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public long getRunFileLength(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		return fileUtils.getFile(support.getRun(runName), convert(d)).getSize();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public Date getRunFileModified(String runName, DirEntry d)
-			throws UnknownRunException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			NoDirectoryEntryException {
-		return fileUtils.getFile(support.getRun(runName), convert(d))
-				.getModificationDate();
-	}
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	// SOAP INTERFACE - Run listeners
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String[] getRunListeners(String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
-		for (Listener l : w.getListeners())
-			result.add(l.getName());
-		return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String addRunListener(String runName, String listenerType,
-			String configuration) throws UnknownRunException,
-			NoUpdateException, NoListenerException {
-		return support.makeListener(support.getRun(runName), listenerType,
-				configuration).getName();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunListenerConfiguration(String runName,
-			String listenerName) throws UnknownRunException,
-			NoListenerException {
-		return support.getListener(runName, listenerName).getConfiguration();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String[] getRunListenerProperties(String runName, String listenerName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoListenerException {
-		return support.getListener(runName, listenerName).listProperties()
-				.clone();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunListenerProperty(String runName, String listenerName,
-			String propName) throws UnknownRunException, NoListenerException {
-		return support.getListener(runName, listenerName).getProperty(propName);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunListenerProperty(String runName, String listenerName,
-			String propName, String value) throws UnknownRunException,
-			NoUpdateException, NoListenerException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		Listener l = support.getListener(w, listenerName);
-		try {
-			l.getProperty(propName); // sanity check!
-			l.setProperty(propName, value);
-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-			throw new NoListenerException("problem setting property: "
-					+ e.getMessage(), e);
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public InputDescription getRunInputs(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		return new InputDescription(support.getRun(runName));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getRunOutputBaclavaFile(String runName)
-			throws UnknownRunException {
-		return support.getRun(runName).getOutputBaclavaFile();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunInputBaclavaFile(String runName, String fileName)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		w.setInputBaclavaFile(fileName);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunInputPortFile(String runName, String portName,
-			String portFilename) throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		Input i = support.getInput(w, portName);
-		if (i == null)
-			i = w.makeInput(portName);
-		i.setFile(portFilename);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunInputPortValue(String runName, String portName,
-			String portValue) throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		Input i = support.getInput(w, portName);
-		if (i == null)
-			i = w.makeInput(portName);
-		i.setValue(portValue);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunInputPortListDelimiter(String runName, String portName,
-			String delimiter) throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			BadStateChangeException, BadPropertyValueException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		Input i = support.getInput(w, portName);
-		if (i == null)
-			i = w.makeInput(portName);
-		if (delimiter != null && delimiter.isEmpty())
-			delimiter = null;
-		if (delimiter != null) {
-			if (delimiter.length() > 1)
-				throw new BadPropertyValueException("delimiter too long");
-			if (delimiter.charAt(0) < 1 || delimiter.charAt(0) > 127)
-				throw new BadPropertyValueException(
-						"delimiter character must be non-NUL ASCII");
-		}
-		i.setDelimiter(delimiter);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public void setRunOutputBaclavaFile(String runName, String outputFile)
-			throws UnknownRunException, NoUpdateException,
-			FilesystemAccessException, BadStateChangeException {
-		TavernaRun w = support.getRun(runName);
-		support.permitUpdate(w);
-		w.setOutputBaclavaFile(outputFile);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public org.taverna.server.port_description.InputDescription getRunInputDescriptor(
-			String runName) throws UnknownRunException {
-		return cdBuilder.makeInputDescriptor(support.getRun(runName), null);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	@RolesAllowed(USER)
-	public String getServerStatus() {
-		return support.getAllowNewWorkflowRuns() ? "operational" : "suspended";
-	}
-	// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-	@Override
-	public boolean initObsoleteSOAPSecurity(TavernaSecurityContext c) {
-		try {
- msgCtxt = (jaxws == null ? null
-					: jaxws.getMessageContext());
-			if (msgCtxt == null)
-				return true;
-			c.initializeSecurityFromSOAPContext(msgCtxt);
-			return false;
-		} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
-			/* ignore; not much we can do */
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	public boolean initObsoleteRESTSecurity(TavernaSecurityContext c) {
-		if (jaxrsHeaders == null)
-			return true;
-		c.initializeSecurityFromRESTContext(jaxrsHeaders);
-		return false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * A creator of substitute {@link URI} builders.
-	 * 
-	 * @return A URI builder configured so that it takes a path parameter that
-	 *         corresponds to the run ID (but with no such ID applied).
-	 */
-	UriBuilder getRunUriBuilder() {
-		return getBaseUriBuilder().path("runs/{uuid}");
-	}
-	@Override
-	public UriBuilder getRunUriBuilder(TavernaRun run) {
-		return fromUri(getRunUriBuilder().build(run.getId()));
-	}
-	private final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost:8080"; // Crappy default
-	private String getHostLocation() {
-		@java.lang.SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-		Map<String, List<String>> headers = (Map<String, List<String>>) jaxws
-				.getMessageContext().get(HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS);
-		if (headers != null) {
-			List<String> host = headers.get("HOST");
-			if (host != null && !host.isEmpty())
-				return host.get(0);
-		}
-		return DEFAULT_HOST;
-	}
-	@Nonnull
-	private URI getPossiblyInsecureBaseUri() {
-		// See if JAX-RS can supply the info
-		UriInfo ui = getUriInfo();
-		if (ui != null && ui.getBaseUri() != null)
-			return ui.getBaseUri();
-		// See if JAX-WS *cannot* supply the info
-		if (jaxws == null || jaxws.getMessageContext() == null)
-			// Hack to make the test suite work
-			return URI.create("http://" + DEFAULT_HOST
-					+ "/taverna-server/rest/");
-		String pathInfo = (String) jaxws.getMessageContext().get(PATH_INFO);
-		pathInfo = pathInfo.replaceFirst("/soap$", "/rest/");
-		pathInfo = pathInfo.replaceFirst("/rest/.+$", "/rest/");
-		return URI.create("http://" + getHostLocation() + pathInfo);
-	}
-	@Override
-	public UriBuilder getBaseUriBuilder() {
-		return secure(fromUri(getPossiblyInsecureBaseUri()));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@Nullable
-	public String resolve(@Nullable String uri) {
-		if (uri == null)
-			return null;
-		return secure(getPossiblyInsecureBaseUri(), uri).toString();
-	}
-	private Map<String, TavernaRun> runs() {
-		return runStore.listRuns(support.getPrincipal(), policy);
-	}
- * RESTful interface to the policies of a Taverna Server installation.
- * 
- * @author Donal Fellows
- */
-class PolicyREST implements PolicyView, SupportAware {
-	private TavernaServerSupport support;
-	private Policy policy;
-	private ListenerFactory listenerFactory;
-	private NotificationEngine notificationEngine;
-	@Override
-	public void setSupport(TavernaServerSupport support) {
- = support;
-	}
-	@Required
-	public void setPolicy(Policy policy) {
-		this.policy = policy;
-	}
-	@Required
-	public void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory listenerFactory) {
-		this.listenerFactory = listenerFactory;
-	}
-	@Required
-	public void setNotificationEngine(NotificationEngine notificationEngine) {
-		this.notificationEngine = notificationEngine;
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public PolicyDescription getDescription(UriInfo ui) {
-		return new PolicyDescription(ui);
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public int getMaxSimultaneousRuns() {
-		Integer limit = policy.getMaxRuns(support.getPrincipal());
-		if (limit == null)
-			return policy.getMaxRuns();
-		return min(limit.intValue(), policy.getMaxRuns());
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public PermittedListeners getPermittedListeners() {
-		return new PermittedListeners(
-				listenerFactory.getSupportedListenerTypes());
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public PermittedWorkflows getPermittedWorkflows() {
-		return new PermittedWorkflows(policy.listPermittedWorkflowURIs(support
-				.getPrincipal()));
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public EnabledNotificationFabrics getEnabledNotifiers() {
-		return new EnabledNotificationFabrics(
-				notificationEngine.listAvailableDispatchers());
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public int getMaxOperatingRuns() {
-		return policy.getOperatingLimit();
-	}
-	@Override
-	@CallCounted
-	@PerfLogged
-	public CapabilityList getCapabilities() {
-		CapabilityList cl = new CapabilityList();
-		cl.capability.addAll(support.getCapabilities());
-		return cl;
-	}
diff --git a/server-webapp/src/main/java/org/taverna/server/master/ b/server-webapp/src/main/java/org/taverna/server/master/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce36bd3..0000000
--- a/server-webapp/src/main/java/org/taverna/server/master/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,957 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The University of Manchester
- * 
- * See the file "LICENSE" for license terms.
- */
-package org.taverna.server.master;
-import static eu.medsea.util.MimeUtil.UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;
-import static eu.medsea.util.MimeUtil.getExtensionMimeTypes;
-import static eu.medsea.util.MimeUtil.getMimeType;
-import static java.lang.Math.min;
-import static org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.TavernaServer.JMX_ROOT;
-import static org.taverna.server.master.common.Roles.ADMIN;
-import static;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.activation.DataHandler;
-import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
-import javax.annotation.Nullable;
-import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required;
-import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedAttribute;
-import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedMetric;
-import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedResource;
-import org.taverna.server.master.api.ManagementModel;
-import org.taverna.server.master.api.TavernaServerBean;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Capability;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Permission;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.ProfileList;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.VersionedElement;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.Workflow;
-import org.taverna.server.master.common.version.Version;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.FilesystemAccessException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoCreateException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoDestroyException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoDirectoryEntryException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoListenerException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.NoUpdateException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.exceptions.UnknownRunException;
-import org.taverna.server.master.factories.ListenerFactory;
-import org.taverna.server.master.factories.RunFactory;
-import org.taverna.server.master.identity.WorkflowInternalAuthProvider.WorkflowSelfAuthority;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.File;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.Input;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.Listener;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.LocalIdentityMapper;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.Policy;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.RunStore;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.TavernaRun;
-import org.taverna.server.master.interfaces.TavernaSecurityContext;
-import org.taverna.server.master.utils.CapabilityLister;
-import org.taverna.server.master.utils.FilenameUtils;
-import org.taverna.server.master.utils.InvocationCounter;
-import org.taverna.server.master.utils.UsernamePrincipal;
- * Web application support utilities.
- * 
- * @author Donal Fellows
- */
-@ManagedResource(objectName = JMX_ROOT + "Webapp", description = "The main Taverna Server "
-		+ Version.JAVA + " web-application interface.")
-public class TavernaServerSupport {
-	/** The main webapp log. */
-	private Log log = getLog("Taverna.Server.Webapp");
-	private Log accessLog = getLog("Taverna.Server.Webapp.Access");;
-	/** Bean used to log counts of external calls. */
-	private InvocationCounter counter;
-	/** A storage facility for workflow runs. */
-	private RunStore runStore;
-	/** Encapsulates the policies applied by this server. */
-	private Policy policy;
-	/** Connection to the persistent state of this service. */
-	private ManagementModel stateModel;
-	/** A factory for event listeners to attach to workflow runs. */
-	private ListenerFactory listenerFactory;
-	/** A factory for workflow runs. */
-	private RunFactory runFactory;
-	/** How to map the user ID to who to run as. */
-	private LocalIdentityMapper idMapper;
-	/** The code that is coupled to CXF. */
-	private TavernaServerBean webapp;
-	/** How to handle files. */
-	private FilenameUtils fileUtils;
-	/** How to get the server capabilities. */
-	private CapabilityLister capabilitySource;
-	/**
-	 * Whether to log failures during principal retrieval. Should be normally on
-	 * as it indicates a serious problem, but can be switched off for testing.
-	 */
-	private boolean logGetPrincipalFailures = true;
-	private Map<String, String> contentTypeMap;
-	/** Number of bytes to read when guessing the MIME type. */
-	private static final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 1024;
-	/** Number of bytes to ask for when copying a stream to a file. */
-	private static final int TRANSFER_SIZE = 32768;
-	@PreDestroy
-	void closeLog() {
-		log = null;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return Count of the number of external calls into this webapp.
-	 */
-	@ManagedMetric(description = "Count of the number of external calls into this webapp.", metricType = COUNTER, category = "throughput")
-	public int getInvocationCount() {
-		return counter.getCount();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return Current number of runs.
-	 */
-	@ManagedMetric(description = "Current number of runs.", metricType = GAUGE, category = "utilization")
-	public int getCurrentRunCount() {
-		return runStore.listRuns(null, policy).size();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return Whether to write submitted workflows to the log.
-	 */
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether to write submitted workflows to the log.")
-	public boolean getLogIncomingWorkflows() {
-		return stateModel.getLogIncomingWorkflows();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param logIncomingWorkflows
-	 *            Whether to write submitted workflows to the log.
-	 */
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether to write submitted workflows to the log.")
-	public void setLogIncomingWorkflows(boolean logIncomingWorkflows) {
-		stateModel.setLogIncomingWorkflows(logIncomingWorkflows);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return Whether outgoing exceptions should be logged before being
-	 *         converted to responses.
-	 */
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether outgoing exceptions should be logged before being converted to responses.")
-	public boolean getLogOutgoingExceptions() {
-		return stateModel.getLogOutgoingExceptions();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param logOutgoing
-	 *            Whether outgoing exceptions should be logged before being
-	 *            converted to responses.
-	 */
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether outgoing exceptions should be logged before being converted to responses.")
-	public void setLogOutgoingExceptions(boolean logOutgoing) {
-		stateModel.setLogOutgoingExceptions(logOutgoing);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return Whether to permit any new workflow runs to be created.
-	 */
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether to permit any new workflow runs to be created; has no effect on existing runs.")
-	public boolean getAllowNewWorkflowRuns() {
-		return stateModel.getAllowNewWorkflowRuns();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param allowNewWorkflowRuns
-	 *            Whether to permit any new workflow runs to be created.
-	 */
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether to permit any new workflow runs to be created; has no effect on existing runs.")
-	public void setAllowNewWorkflowRuns(boolean allowNewWorkflowRuns) {
-		stateModel.setAllowNewWorkflowRuns(allowNewWorkflowRuns);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return The server's version identifier.
-	 */
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "The installed version of the server.")
-	public String getServerVersion() {
-		return VersionedElement.VERSION + " " + VersionedElement.REVISION + " "
-				+ VersionedElement.TIMESTAMP;
-	}
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "The URIs of the workfows that this server will allow to be instantiated.")
-	public URI[] getPermittedWorkflowURIs() {
-		List<URI> pw = policy.listPermittedWorkflowURIs(null);
-		if (pw == null)
-			return new URI[0];
-		return pw.toArray(new URI[pw.size()]);
-	}
-	@ManagedAttribute(description = "The URIs of the workfows that this server will allow to be instantiated.")
-	public void setPermittedWorkflowURIs(URI[] pw) {
-		if (pw == null)
-			policy.setPermittedWorkflowURIs(null, new ArrayList<URI>());
-		else
-			policy.setPermittedWorkflowURIs(null, Arrays.asList(pw));
-	}
-	public int getMaxSimultaneousRuns() {
-		Integer limit = policy.getMaxRuns(getPrincipal());
-		if (limit == null)
-			return policy.getMaxRuns();
-		return min(limit.intValue(), policy.getMaxRuns());
-	}
-	@Autowired
-	private T2FlowDocumentHandler t2flowHandler;
-	public Workflow getWorkflowDocumentFromURI(URI uri)
-			throws WebApplicationException, IOException {
-		URLConnection conn = uri.toURL().openConnection();
-		conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", T2FLOW);
-		conn.connect();
-		// Tricky point: we know the reader part of the handler only cares
-		// about the stream argument.
-		return t2flowHandler.readFrom(null, null, null, null, null,
-				conn.getInputStream());
-	}
-	public List<String> getListenerTypes() {
-		return listenerFactory.getSupportedListenerTypes();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param policy
-	 *            The policy being installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setPolicy(Policy policy) {
-		this.policy = policy;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param listenerFactory
-	 *            The listener factory being installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory listenerFactory) {
-		this.listenerFactory = listenerFactory;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param runFactory
-	 *            The run factory being installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setRunFactory(RunFactory runFactory) {
-		this.runFactory = runFactory;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param runStore
-	 *            The run store being installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setRunStore(RunStore runStore) {
-		this.runStore = runStore;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param stateModel
-	 *            The state model engine being installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setStateModel(ManagementModel stateModel) {
-		this.stateModel = stateModel;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param mapper
-	 *            The identity mapper being installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setIdMapper(LocalIdentityMapper mapper) {
-		this.idMapper = mapper;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param counter
-	 *            The object whose job it is to manage the counting of
-	 *            invocations. Installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setInvocationCounter(InvocationCounter counter) {
-		this.counter = counter;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param webapp
-	 *            The web-app being installed by Spring.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setWebapp(TavernaServerBean webapp) {
-		this.webapp = webapp;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param fileUtils
-	 *            The file handling utilities.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setFileUtils(FilenameUtils fileUtils) {
-		this.fileUtils = fileUtils;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param logthem
-	 *            Whether to log failures relating to principals.
-	 */
-	public void setLogGetPrincipalFailures(boolean logthem) {
-		logGetPrincipalFailures = logthem;
-	}
-	public Map<String, String> getContentTypeMap() {
-		return contentTypeMap;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Mapping from filename suffixes (e.g., "baclava") to content types.
-	 * 
-	 * @param contentTypeMap
-	 *            The mapping to install.
-	 */
-	@Required
-	public void setContentTypeMap(Map<String, String> contentTypeMap) {
-		this.contentTypeMap = contentTypeMap;
-	}
-	@Required
-	public void setCapabilitySource(CapabilityLister capabilitySource) {
-		this.capabilitySource = capabilitySource;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test whether the current user can do updates to the given run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The workflow run to do the test on.
-	 * @throws NoUpdateException
-	 *             If the current user is not permitted to update the run.
-	 */
-	public void permitUpdate(@Nonnull TavernaRun run) throws NoUpdateException {
-		if (isSuperUser()) {
-			accessLog
-					.warn("check for admin powers passed; elevated access rights granted for update");
-			return; // Superusers are fully authorized to access others things
-		}
-		if (getSelfAuthority() != null) {
-			// At this point, must already be accessing self as that is checked
-			// in getRun().
-			return;
-		}
-		policy.permitUpdate(getPrincipal(), run);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test whether the current user can destroy or control the lifespan of the
-	 * given run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The workflow run to do the test on.
-	 * @throws NoDestroyException
-	 *             If the current user is not permitted to destroy the run.
-	 */
-	public void permitDestroy(TavernaRun run) throws NoDestroyException {
-		if (isSuperUser()) {
-			accessLog
-					.warn("check for admin powers passed; elevated access rights granted for destroy");
-			return; // Superusers are fully authorized to access others things
-		}
-		if (getSelfAuthority() != null)
-			throw new NoDestroyException();
-		policy.permitDestroy(getPrincipal(), run);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Gets the identity of the user currently accessing the webapp, which is
-	 * stored in a thread-safe way in the webapp's container's context.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The identity of the user accessing the webapp.
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public UsernamePrincipal getPrincipal() {
-		try {
-			Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
-					.getAuthentication();
-			if (auth == null || !auth.isAuthenticated()) {
-				if (logGetPrincipalFailures)
-					log.warn("failed to get auth; going with <NOBODY>");
-				return new UsernamePrincipal("<NOBODY>");
-			}
-			return new UsernamePrincipal(auth);
-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-			if (logGetPrincipalFailures)
-"failed to map principal", e);
-			throw e;
-		}
-	}
-	private WorkflowSelfAuthority getSelfAuthority() {
-		try {
-			Authentication a = SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
-					.getAuthentication();
-			for (GrantedAuthority ga : a.getAuthorities())
-				if (ga instanceof WorkflowSelfAuthority)
-					return (WorkflowSelfAuthority) ga;
-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Obtain the workflow run with a particular name.
-	 * 
-	 * @param name
-	 *            The name of the run to look up.
-	 * @return A workflow run handle that the current user has at least
-	 *         permission to read.
-	 * @throws UnknownRunException
-	 *             If the workflow run doesn't exist or the current user doesn't
-	 *             have permission to see it.
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public TavernaRun getRun(@Nonnull String name) throws UnknownRunException {
-		if (isSuperUser()) {
-			accessLog
-					.info("check for admin powers passed; elevated access rights granted for read");
-			return runStore.getRun(name);
-		}
-		WorkflowSelfAuthority wsa = getSelfAuthority();
-		if (wsa != null) {
-			if (wsa.getWorkflowID().equals(name))
-				return runStore.getRun(name);
-			throw new UnknownRunException();
-		}
-		return runStore.getRun(getPrincipal(), policy, name);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Construct a listener attached to the given run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The workflow run to attach the listener to.
-	 * @param type
-	 *            The name of the type of run to create.
-	 * @param configuration
-	 *            The configuration description to pass into the listener. The
-	 *            format of this string is up to the listener to define.
-	 * @return A handle to the listener which can be used to further configure
-	 *         any properties.
-	 * @throws NoListenerException
-	 *             If the listener type is unrecognized or the configuration is
-	 *             invalid.
-	 * @throws NoUpdateException
-	 *             If the run does not permit the current user to add listeners
-	 *             (or perform other types of update).
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public Listener makeListener(@Nonnull TavernaRun run, @Nonnull String type,
-			@Nonnull String configuration) throws NoListenerException,
-			NoUpdateException {
-		permitUpdate(run);
-		return listenerFactory.makeListener(run, type, configuration);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Obtain a listener that is already attached to a workflow run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The workflow run to search.
-	 * @param listenerName
-	 *            The name of the listener to look up.
-	 * @return The listener instance interface.
-	 * @throws NoListenerException
-	 *             If no listener with that name exists.
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public Listener getListener(TavernaRun run, String listenerName)
-			throws NoListenerException {
-		for (Listener l : run.getListeners())
-			if (l.getName().equals(listenerName))
-				return l;
-		throw new NoListenerException();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Obtain a property from a listener that is already attached to a workflow
-	 * run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param runName
-	 *            The ID of the workflow run to search.
-	 * @param listenerName
-	 *            The name of the listener to look up in.
-	 * @param propertyName
-	 *            The name of the property to fetch.
-	 * @return The property value.
-	 * @throws NoListenerException
-	 *             If no listener with that name exists, or no property with
-	 *             that name exists.
-	 * @throws UnknownRunException
-	 *             If no run with that name exists.
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public String getProperty(String runName, String listenerName,
-			String propertyName) throws NoListenerException,
-			UnknownRunException {
-		return getListener(runName, listenerName).getProperty(propertyName);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Obtain a property from a listener that is already attached to a workflow
-	 * run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The workflow run to search.
-	 * @param listenerName
-	 *            The name of the listener to look up in.
-	 * @param propertyName
-	 *            The name of the property to fetch.
-	 * @return The property value.
-	 * @throws NoListenerException
-	 *             If no listener with that name exists, or no property with
-	 *             that name exists.
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public String getProperty(TavernaRun run, String listenerName,
-			String propertyName) throws NoListenerException {
-		return getListener(run, listenerName).getProperty(propertyName);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get the permission description for the given user.
-	 * 
-	 * @param context
-	 *            A security context associated with a particular workflow run.
-	 *            Note that only the owner of a workflow run may get the
-	 *            security context in the first place.
-	 * @param userName
-	 *            The name of the user to look up the permission for.
-	 * @return A permission description.
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public Permission getPermission(@Nonnull TavernaSecurityContext context,
-			@Nonnull String userName) {
-		if (context.getPermittedDestroyers().contains(userName))
-			return Permission.Destroy;
-		if (context.getPermittedUpdaters().contains(userName))
-			return Permission.Update;
-		if (context.getPermittedReaders().contains(userName))
-			return Permission.Read;
-		return Permission.None;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Set the permissions for the given user.
-	 * 
-	 * @param context
-	 *            A security context associated with a particular workflow run.
-	 *            Note that only the owner of a workflow run may get the
-	 *            security context in the first place.
-	 * @param userName
-	 *            The name of the user to set the permission for.
-	 * @param permission
-	 *            The description of the permission to grant. Note that the
-	 *            owner of a workflow run always has the equivalent of
-	 *            {@link Permission#Destroy}; this is always enforced before
-	 *            checking for other permissions.
-	 */
-	public void setPermission(TavernaSecurityContext context, String userName,
-			Permission permission) {
-		Set<String> permSet;
-		boolean doRead = false, doWrite = false, doKill = false;
-		switch (permission) {
-		case Destroy:
-			doKill = true;
-		case Update:
-			doWrite = true;
-		case Read:
-			doRead = true;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-		permSet = context.getPermittedReaders();
-		if (doRead) {
-			if (!permSet.contains(userName)) {
-				permSet = new HashSet<>(permSet);
-				permSet.add(userName);
-				context.setPermittedReaders(permSet);
-			}
-		} else if (permSet.contains(userName)) {
-			permSet = new HashSet<>(permSet);
-			permSet.remove(userName);
-			context.setPermittedReaders(permSet);
-		}
-		permSet = context.getPermittedUpdaters();
-		if (doWrite) {
-			if (!permSet.contains(userName)) {
-				permSet = new HashSet<>(permSet);
-				permSet.add(userName);
-				context.setPermittedUpdaters(permSet);
-			}
-		} else if (permSet.contains(userName)) {
-			permSet = new HashSet<>(permSet);
-			permSet.remove(userName);
-			context.setPermittedUpdaters(permSet);
-		}
-		permSet = context.getPermittedDestroyers();
-		if (doKill) {
-			if (!permSet.contains(userName)) {
-				permSet = new HashSet<>(permSet);
-				permSet.add(userName);
-				context.setPermittedDestroyers(permSet);
-			}
-		} else if (permSet.contains(userName)) {
-			permSet = new HashSet<>(permSet);
-			permSet.remove(userName);
-			context.setPermittedDestroyers(permSet);
-		}
-	}
-	public Map<String, Permission> getPermissionMap(
-			TavernaSecurityContext context) {
-		Map<String, Permission> perm = new HashMap<>();
-		for (String u : context.getPermittedReaders())
-			perm.put(u, Permission.Read);
-		for (String u : context.getPermittedUpdaters())
-			perm.put(u, Permission.Update);
-		for (String u : context.getPermittedDestroyers())
-			perm.put(u, Permission.Destroy);
-		return perm;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Stops a run from being possible to be looked up and destroys it.
-	 * 
-	 * @param runName
-	 *            The name of the run.
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The workflow run. <i>Must</i> correspond to the name.
-	 * @throws NoDestroyException
-	 *             If the user is not permitted to destroy the workflow run.
-	 * @throws UnknownRunException
-	 *             If the run is unknown (e.g., because it is already
-	 *             destroyed).
-	 */
-	public void unregisterRun(@Nonnull String runName, @Nonnull TavernaRun run)
-			throws NoDestroyException, UnknownRunException {
-		if (run == null)
-			run = getRun(runName);
-		permitDestroy(run);
-		runStore.unregisterRun(runName);
-		run.destroy();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Changes the expiry date of a workflow run. The expiry date is when the
-	 * workflow run becomes eligible for automated destruction.
-	 * 
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The handle to the workflow run.
-	 * @param date
-	 *            When the workflow run should be expired.
-	 * @return When the workflow run will actually be expired.
-	 * @throws NoDestroyException
-	 *             If the user is not permitted to destroy the workflow run.
-	 *             (Note that lifespan management requires the ability to
-	 *             destroy.)
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public Date updateExpiry(@Nonnull TavernaRun run, @Nonnull Date date)
-			throws NoDestroyException {
-		permitDestroy(run);
-		run.setExpiry(date);
-		return run.getExpiry();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Manufacture a workflow run instance.
-	 * 
-	 * @param workflow
-	 *            The workflow document (t2flow, scufl2?) to instantiate.
-	 * @return The ID of the created workflow run.
-	 * @throws NoCreateException
-	 *             If the user is not permitted to create workflows.
-	 */
-	public String buildWorkflow(Workflow workflow) throws NoCreateException {
-		UsernamePrincipal p = getPrincipal();
-		if (getSelfAuthority() != null)
-			throw new NoCreateException(
-					"runs may not create workflows on their host server");
-		if (!stateModel.getAllowNewWorkflowRuns())
-			throw new NoCreateException("run creation not currently enabled");
-		try {
-			if (stateModel.getLogIncomingWorkflows()) {
-			}
-		} catch (JAXBException e) {
-			log.warn("problem when logging workflow", e);
-		}
-		// Security checks
-		policy.permitCreate(p, workflow);
-		if (idMapper != null && idMapper.getUsernameForPrincipal(p) == null) {
-			log.error("cannot map principal to local user id");
-			throw new NoCreateException(
-					"failed to map security token to local user id");
-		}
-		TavernaRun run;
-		try {
-			run = runFactory.create(p, workflow);
-			TavernaSecurityContext c = run.getSecurityContext();
-			c.initializeSecurityFromContext(SecurityContextHolder.getContext());
-			/*
-			 * These next pieces of security initialisation are (hopefully)
-			 * obsolete now that we use Spring Security, but we keep them Just
-			 * In Case.
-			 */
-			boolean doRESTinit = webapp.initObsoleteSOAPSecurity(c);
-			if (doRESTinit)
-				webapp.initObsoleteRESTSecurity(c);
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			log.error("failed to build workflow run worker", e);
-			throw new NoCreateException("failed to build workflow run worker");
-		}
-		return runStore.registerRun(run);
-	}
-	private boolean isSuperUser() {
-		try {
-			Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
-					.getAuthentication();
-			if (auth == null || !auth.isAuthenticated())
-				return false;
-			UserDetails details = (UserDetails) auth.getPrincipal();
-			if (log.isDebugEnabled())
-				log.debug("checking for admin role for user <" + auth.getName()
-						+ "> in collection " + details.getAuthorities());
-			return details.getAuthorities().contains(ADMIN);
-		} catch (ClassCastException e) {
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get a particular input to a workflow run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param run
-	 *            The workflow run to search.
-	 * @param portName
-	 *            The name of the input.
-	 * @return The handle of the input, or <tt>null</tt> if no such handle
-	 *         exists.
-	 */
-	@Nullable
-	public Input getInput(TavernaRun run, String portName) {
-		for (Input i : run.getInputs())
-			if (i.getName().equals(portName))
-				return i;
-		return null;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get a listener attached to a run.
-	 * 
-	 * @param runName
-	 *            The name of the run to look up
-	 * @param listenerName
-	 *            The name of the listener.
-	 * @return The handle of the listener.
-	 * @throws NoListenerException
-	 *             If no such listener exists.
-	 * @throws UnknownRunException
-	 *             If no such workflow run exists, or if the user does not have
-	 *             permission to access it.
-	 */
-	public Listener getListener(String runName, String listenerName)
-			throws NoListenerException, UnknownRunException {
-		return getListener(getRun(runName), listenerName);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Given a file, produce a guess at its content type. This uses the content
-	 * type map property, and if that search fails it falls back on the Medsea
-	 * mime type library.
-	 * 
-	 * @param f
-	 *            The file handle.
-	 * @return The content type. If all else fails, produces good old
-	 *         "application/octet-stream".
-	 */
-	@Nonnull
-	public String getEstimatedContentType(@Nonnull File f) {
-		String name = f.getName();
-		for (int idx = name.indexOf('.'); idx != -1; idx = name.indexOf('.',
-				idx + 1)) {
-			String mt = contentTypeMap.get(name.substring(idx + 1));
-			if (mt != null)
-				return mt;
-		}
-		@Nonnull
-		String type = getExtensionMimeTypes(name);
-		if (!type.equals(UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE))
-			return type;
-		try {
-			return getMimeType(new ByteArrayInputStream(f.getContents(0,
-					SAMPLE_SIZE)));
-		} catch (FilesystemAccessException e) {
-			return type;
-		}
-	}
-	public void copyDataToFile(DataHandler handler, File file)
-			throws FilesystemAccessException {
-		try {
-			copyStreamToFile(handler.getInputStream(), file);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new FilesystemAccessException(
-					"problem constructing stream from data source", e);
-		}
-	}
-	public void copyDataToFile(URI uri, File file)
-			throws MalformedURLException, FilesystemAccessException,
-			IOException {
-		copyStreamToFile(uri.toURL().openStream(), file);
-	}
-	public void copyStreamToFile(InputStream stream, File file)
-			throws FilesystemAccessException {
-		String name = file.getFullName();
-		long total = 0;
-		try {
-			byte[] buffer = new byte[TRANSFER_SIZE];
-			boolean first = true;
-			while (true) {
-				int len =;
-				if (len < 0)
-					break;
-				total += len;
-				if (log.isDebugEnabled())
-					log.debug("read " + len
-							+ " bytes from source stream (total: " + total
-							+ ") bound for " + name);
-				if (len == buffer.length) {
-					if (first)
-						file.setContents(buffer);
-					else
-						file.appendContents(buffer);
-				} else {
-					byte[] newBuf = new byte[len];
-					System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuf, 0, len);
-					if (first)
-						file.setContents(newBuf);
-					else
-						file.appendContents(newBuf);
-				}
-				first = false;
-			}
-		} catch (IOException exn) {
-			throw new FilesystemAccessException("failed to transfer bytes", exn);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Build a description of the profiles supported by a workflow. Note that we
-	 * expect the set of profiles to be fairly small.
-	 * 
-	 * @param workflow
-	 *            The workflow to describe the profiles of.
-	 * @return The descriptor (which might be empty).
-	 */
-	public ProfileList getProfileDescriptor(Workflow workflow) {
-		ProfileList result = new ProfileList();
-		String main = workflow.getMainProfileName();
-		for (Profile p : workflow.getProfiles()) {
-			ProfileList.Info i = new ProfileList.Info();
- = p.getName();
-			if (main != null && main.equals(
-				i.main = true;
-			result.profile.add(i);
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	public boolean getAllowStartWorkflowRuns() {
-		return runFactory.isAllowingRunsToStart();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The list of filenames that logs may occupy.
-	 */
-	private static final String[] LOGS = { "logs/detail.log.4",
-			"logs/detail.log.3", "logs/detail.log.2", "logs/detail.log.1",
-			"logs/detail.log" };
-	public FileConcatenation getLogs(TavernaRun run) {
-		FileConcatenation fc = new FileConcatenation();
-		for (String name : LOGS) {
-			try {
-				fc.add(fileUtils.getFile(run, name));
-			} catch (FilesystemAccessException | NoDirectoryEntryException e) {
-				// Ignore
-			}
-		}
-		return fc;
-	}
-	@Nonnull
-	public List<Capability> getCapabilities() {
-		return capabilitySource.getCapabilities();
-	}
-	static final String PROV_BUNDLE = "";
-	public FileConcatenation getProv(TavernaRun run) {
-		FileConcatenation fc = new FileConcatenation();
-		try {
-			fc.add(fileUtils.getFile(run, PROV_BUNDLE));
-		} catch (FilesystemAccessException | NoDirectoryEntryException e) {
-			// Ignore
-		}
-		return fc;
-	}