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[uima-async-scaleout] 01/01: [NO JIRA] Convert readme and release notes to markdown - and move version-specific stuff to release notes and general stuff to the README

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commit 5d01a85ce3f449fa6975a501cb3a09b58c322fe3
Author: Richard Eckart de Castilho <>
AuthorDate: Thu Apr 28 21:05:36 2022 +0200

    [NO JIRA] Convert readme and release notes to markdown - and move version-specific stuff to release notes and general stuff to the README
 README             | 495 -----------------------------------------------------          | 469 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 RELEASE_NOTES.html |  81 ---------   |  75 ++++++++
 4 files changed, 544 insertions(+), 576 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index d60acb19..00000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-     Apache UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout (UIMA-AS) Version 2.10.3 README
-     ----------------------------------------------------------------
-0. Building from the Source Distribution
-We use Maven 3.3.+ for building; download this if needed, 
-and set the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS to -Xmx800m -XX:MaxPerSize-256m.
-Then build from the directory containing this README by issuing the command
-   mvn clean install.
-This builds everything except the file. If you want that,
-change the command to 
-   mvn clean install -Papache-release
-Look for the result in the two artifacts: 
-   target/uima-as-[version] (if run with -Papache-release) and
-   target/uima-as-[version] (or  ...tar.gz) 
-If your maven build fails with strange errors try running maven with an update flag
-like this:
-   mvn -U clean install
-Note that a build with -U option takes much longer to finish.
-For more details, please see   
-1. What's New in 2.10.3
-  - Modified client code to assign unique ClientID to broker connection
-  - Fixed ClassCastException when async aggregate initializes delegate with JMS Service Descriptor
-  - Fixed broken classpath and logging for UIMA-AS run configurations
-1.1 Contents of Apache UIMA-AS binary distribution
-The Apache UIMA-AS binary distribution includes
-  - Apache UIMA Java SDK version 2.10.2
-  - Apache UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout extensions
-  - Saxon
-  - Apache ActiveMQ version 5.15.2
-  - Spring Framework version 4.3.9
-  - XMLBeans
-It includes the base UIMA binary distribution which it depends on.
-UIMA-AS components, in addition to those that come with base UIMA include:
-  shell scripts:
-  --------------
-  bin/ starts the ActiveMQ broker, which must be running before
-      UIMA AS services can be deployed.
-  bin/ deploys an AnalysisEngine as a UIMA-AS
-      service.  Takes one or more UIMA-AS Deployment Descriptors as arguments.
-  bin/ Calls a UIMA-AS service. Takes arguments specifying the
-      location of the service, and an optional CollectionReader descriptor file used to
-      obtain the CASes to be processed by the service.
-  documentation:
-  --------------
-  docs/d/uima_async_scaleout.pdf: UIMA-AS documentation, including the specification
-      for the deployment descriptor file syntax.
-  examples:
-  ---------
-  examples/deploy/as/...  (Sample Deployment Descriptors)
-    Deploy_RoomNumberAnnotator.xml: Deploys Room Number Annotator Primitive AE
-    Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE.xml: Deploys Meeting Detector Aggregate AE with all
-        delegates in the same JVM.
-    Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_Whiteboard.xml: Deploys Meeting Detector Aggregate AE
-        using the whiteboard Flow Controller.
-    Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_RemoteRoomNumber.xml: Deploys Meeting Detector Aggregate AE
-        that uses remotely deployed RoomNumberAnnotator.
-    Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_3MeetingAnnotator.xml: Deploys Meeting Detector Aggregate AE
-        with three instances of the MeetingAnnotator component.
-    Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_Sync_3Instances.xml: Deploys 3 instances of the
-        Meeting Detector as a Synchronous Aggregate (meaning the delegate AEs do not each
-        get their own input queue).
-    Deploy_MeetingAnnotator.xml: Deploys C++ Meeting Annotator. Note: requires
-        installation of uimacpp SDK into $UIMA_HOME.
-    MeetingFinderAggregate.xml: Aggregate descriptor that use the same components as the
-        CPE examples MeetingFinderCPE* in base UIMA.
-    Deploy_MeetingFinder.xml: Deploys MeetingFinderAggregate illustrating scalability and
-        error handling similar to the CPM examples; see Section 4 on migration below.
-  descriptors:
-  ------------
-  descriptors/as/...  (Other Sample Descriptors for use with UIMA AS)
-    MeetingDetectorAsyncAE.xml:  Specifier that can be used to call a UIMA AS
-        Service from an existing UIMA application; see Section 2.5 below.
-2. Installation and Setup
-2.1 Supported Platforms
-Apache UIMA-AS requires Java version 8 or later; it has been tested with Sun/Oracle Java 8 and IBM 8.
-Running the Eclipse plugin tooling for UIMA requires you start Eclipse using a Java 8 or later, as well.
-The supported platforms are: Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Other platforms and Java (8+) 
-implementations should work, but have not been significantly tested.
-2.2. Environment Variables
-After you have unpacked the UIMA AS distribution, you must perform the following
-environment variable settings (the same as for normal Apache UIMA setup):
-    * Set JAVA_HOME to the directory of your JRE installation you would like to use for UIMA.
-    * Set UIMA_HOME to the apache-uima-as directory of your unpacked Apache UIMA distribution
-    * Append UIMA_HOME/bin to your PATH
-    Note: The Mac OS X operating system has special procedures for setting up global environment
-    variables; see for how to do this.
-2.3 Running the Setup Script
-You must run the script UIMA_HOME/bin/adjustExamplePaths.bat (or .sh).  This updates
-paths in the examples based on the actual UIMA_HOME directory path.
-2.4 Setting up Eclipse
-Eclipse users should install the UIMA Eclipse Plugins and UIMA Examples Project using the 
-procedure described in Chapter 3 of the Apache UIMA Overview and Setup guide,
-which you can find online at; click on Documentation ->
-HTML Online Version -> Overview and Setup -> 3. Eclipse IDE setup for UIMA.
-NOTE: The minimal version of Eclipse for UIMA-AS plugins is Mars (v.4.5.2).
-Since UIMA AS requires Java 8, you must be sure to set up your uimaj-examples Eclipse
-project to use a version 8 (or later) JRE, and you must set your compiler compliance level to 8.0.  To do
-this go to Window->Preferences and navigate to the Java->Compiler page.  Remember to 
-run the base Eclipse using Java 8 (or later), as well.
-3. Getting Started
-3.1 Starting the ActiveMQ Broker
-UIMA AS includes a partial distribution of Apache ActiveMQ to support core functionality of
-the broker. This includes a single broker support, network of brokers with fixed URLs, stomp, persistence,
-http, ssl, openwire, springframework integration, and jetty. If you need additional broker functionality you 
-need to download and install a complete version of  ActiveMQ from
-UIMA AS services require an ActiveMQ broker to be available with which to create/register 
-the service request queue. If no broker is available, start a new broker on the same machine 
-the services will run on or another machine; this is done by first setting an env parameter
-ACTIVEMQ_BASE pointing at a writable directory, or simply by cd'ing to a writable directory,
-and running:
-The first time run this script will create a new directory $ACTIVEMQ_BASE/amq (or ./amq)
-and default configuration files will be copied there. The configuration files can then be 
-customized to modify broker behavior for subsequent startups.
-Note: only one broker can be started at a time on the same machine with the same
-      configuration file, or on different machines from the same writable directory.
-When the broker starts it will print a message such as:
-  INFO TransportServerThreadSupport - Listening for connections at: tcp://yourHostname:61616
-Note this URL since you will need it to run services and clients.
-The tcp listening port must be exposed to any clients or services using the broker.
-To connect to a broker running behind a firewall using HTTP tunneling, see section 3.6 below.
-3.2 Deploying an Analysis Engine as a UIMA AS Asynchronous Service
-a. Create a Deployment Descriptor.
-  Examples can be found in the examples/deploy/as directory,
-  and the syntax is documented in docs/d/uima_async_scaleout.pdf.
-  Note: One of the things that the deployment descriptor may contain is a broker placeholder with 
-  this syntax: ${defaultBrokerURL}. The placeholder is replaced at runtime with an actual broker
-  URL. The value for the placeholder comes from System properties. The brokerURL attribute of <inputQueue ...>
-  element is optional. If not present, a default of tcp://localhost:61616 will be used.
-  The examples assume the broker is listening on tcp://localhost:61616.
-b. Run the command:
- [testDD.xml] [-brokerURL url]
-  The argument to the command is the deployment descriptor you created in step (a). An optional argument
-  -brokerURL specifies a URL of the broker that the service will use to create connections to queues. This
-  argument takes effect only if your deployment descriptor does not explicitly name the broker URL in the 
-  <inputQueue ...> xml element *or* the brokerURL attribute is set to a placeholder ${defaultBrokerURL}. 
-  Omitting brokerURL or using a placeholder is a way to keep your deployment descriptors portable. You don't 
-  need to edit your deployment descriptors when switching brokers.
-  Note: If you use import by name in your deployment descriptor, UIMA AS searches the CLASSPATH
-  as well as directories on UIMA_DATAPATH to resolve the import.
-  Note: scripts launch UimaBootstrap main program which loads UIMA jars
-  dynamically from UIMA_HOME/lib, UIMA_HOME/apache-activemq, and UIMA_HOME/apache-activemq/lib.
-  directories. If you want to use a different
-  version of ActiveMQ, set the ACTIVEMQ_HOME environment variable to the location of 
-  ActiveMQ you intend to use. When using different version of ActiveMQ ( older than version 5.4), start
-  the broker using a startup script located in ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin directory instead of 
-  UIMA_HOME/bin/startBroker.[cmd|sh] script provided in this release. This is due to the fact that the 
-  5.4 branch of ActiveMQ xml schema has changed. The activemq_nojournal.xml provided in this release two
-  optimizations: schedulerSupport=false to disable broker message scheduler, and producerFlowControl="false" 
-  to turn off producer flow control.
-  Also, if you want to deploy your own annotator that is 
-  installed in a different directory than UIMA_HOME/lib, set the UIMA_CLASSPATH 
-  environment variable to point to one or more Classpath entries;  these entries can either be
-  directories of Java class files, Jar files, or directories of Jar files (in which case, all the 
-  Jars are added in an arbitrary order). Separate multiple entries using File.pathSeparator.    
-  Note: Both UIMA AS client and UIMA AS service by default add a time-to-live (TTL) to 
-  every request message. This enables expiration of messages that are not consumed. 
-  Currently, the UIMA AS client multiplies the Process Timeout value by 10 and uses
-  this as TTL. The UIMA AS service sets TTL to the Timeout value multiplied by the number 
-  of outstanding requests. To disable TTL, add a system property -DNoTTL. A convenient 
-  way to set this parameter is by adding -DNoTTL to the env parameter UIMA_JVM_OPTS 
-  before running deployAsyncService and/or runRemoteAsyncAE.  
-3.3 Calling a UIMA AS Asynchronous Service
-To test a remote UIMA service you can use the script:
- brokerUrl endpoint
-  This connects to a remote AE at specified brokerUrl and endpoint (which must match
-  the inputQueue endpoint in the remote AE service's deployment descriptor).
-  A subset of the optional arguments to runRemoteAsyncAE are:
-    -c  Specifies a CollectionReader descriptor.  The client will obtain CASes from the
-        CollectionReader and send them to the service for processing.  If this option
-        is omitted, one empty CAS will be sent to the service (useful for services
-        containing a CAS Multiplier acting as a collection reader).
-    -d  Specifies a deployment descriptor. The specified service will be deployed before processing
-        begins, and the service will be undeployed after processing completes. 
-        Multiple -d entries can be given.
-    -o  Specifies an Output Directory.  All CASes received by the client's
-        CallbackListener will be serialized to XMI in the specified OutputDir.
-        If omitted, no XMI files will be output.
-  The full set of arguments are documented if you type the command with no arguments.
-3.4 Quick Test of an async service
-Start two terminal windows, each with an environments setup as described in section 2.2.
-  * In the first terminal window start the broker (as described in section 3.1),
-    by running the commands:
-      cd some-writable-directory     
-  * In the second terminal window, deploy a sample service and send it some CASes:
-      cd $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as
- tcp://localhost:61616 MeetingDetectorTaeQueue \
-         -d Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE.xml \
-         -c $UIMA_HOME/examples/descriptors/collection_reader/FileSystemCollectionReader.xml
-    If you get an UnsupportedClassVersionError, Java 8 is probably not being used.
-    If the driver fails to find the input data, adjustExamplePaths was probably not run.
-    To target specific service instance, use these steps:
-    cd $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as
- Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE.xml
-    Note this process PID. Assuming the process is launched on a machine with 
-    IP and the PID is 2222, launch runRemoteAsyncAE as follows:
- tcp://localhost:61616 MeetingDetectorTaeQueue \
-         -c $UIMA_HOME/examples/descriptors/collection_reader/FileSystemCollectionReader.xml
-         -TargetServiceId
-    When the process completes you should see multiple lines of output that look like this:
-          CAS received by service with selector:
-3.5 Calling a UIMA AS Asynchronous Service from an Existing UIMA Application
-You can also call a UIMA AS Service from the DocumentAnalyzer or any other UIMA
-application using a new JMS client Service Descriptor
-(see section 1.7 in the UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout documentation). 
-However, note that this is a synchronous interface, that is, it will process only 
-one CAS at a time, so it will not take advantage of the scalability that UIMA AS 
-provides.  To process more than one CAS at a time, you can use the Asynchronous 
-UIMA AS Client as described in section 3.3, or write your own application using the
-UIMA AS Client APIs.
-An example JMS client service descriptor is provided in
-  examples/descriptors/as/MeetingDetectorAsyncAE.xml
-The JMS service makes use of the customResourceSpecifier capability in Apache UIMA.
-For more information on the customResourceSpecifier see the "Custom Resource Specifiers"
-section in the Apache UIMA Reference manual.
-3.6 Firewalls between clients and services
-A service running behind a firewall can be accessed as long as its input queue
-is on a broker that is accessable. For example, the service can register with a
-public broker running outside the firewall. Alternatively the broker may be configured 
-to tunnel over HTTP. For details see
-The UIMA-AS ships with http support enabled. This is configured in broker configuration file found
-in $UIMA_HOME/as_config/activemq-nojournal.xml. By default, the broker listens for http
-based connections on port 8080. If you need to change the port, please modify broker 
-configuration file by changing the following line:
- <transportConnector name="http" uri=""/>
-3.7 Monitoring a broker and its queues
-When the broker starts it will print a message such as:
-  INFO  ManagementContext  - JMX consoles can connect to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
-Connect a JMX console to this service with:
-         $JAVA_HOME/bin/jconsole service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
-(Note: jconsole is available in Java SDK (not JRE) distributions from Sun)         
-If your console is not on the same machine as the broker, replace localhost by
-the name of the broker's machine.  The default ports for the broker (61616) and 
-for the JMX server (1099) can be overridden in the broker configuration file 
-created when the broker is first started. For more details see 
-3.8 Monitoring UIMA AS service
-UIMA AS service monitoring is available via JMX and jConsole. To enable this, please set the following 
-before starting a service:
-set<uniquePortNumber, e.g. 8009> 
-Connect a jConsole to this JMX service as described in 3.7 above using the appropriate port, e.g.
-         $JAVA_HOME/bin/jconsole service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8009/jmxrmi
-Under the MBeans tab, expand org.apache.uima in the left panel to view UIMA components enabled for JMX monitoring.
-In case when opening an RMI port for JMX monitoring is not possible due to security concerns, you can disable
-JMX via optional argument With this setting, the UIMA-AS will start with no
-JMX support and an RMI port will not be opened.
-3.9 Stopping UIMA AS service
-A service can be stopped from a command line or remotely using jConsole and JMX. When the service is
-launched it displays a prompt on stdout:
-    Enter 'q' to quiesce and stop the service or 's' to stop it now: 
-It reads stdin expecting either 'q' or 's', ignoring all other characters. When 'q' is typed, the
-service will quiesce and stop. As part of this, the service closes its input queue and waits until all CASes 
-still "in-play" are finished. When the input CAS is returned the service stops. When 's' is typed the service
-closes its input queue and immediately releases all CASes being processed and stops.
-To stop UIMA AS process remotely or if the process runs in a background use jConsole and JMX. Using approach 
-described in 3.8 above launch jConsole. Once the connection is created, in the left pane open:
-    ee.jms.service
-        <Your Annotator Name> Uima EE Service
-              Controller
-                   Operations
-Here you will find two buttons labeled:
-          CompleteProcessingAndStop
-          StopNow
-CompleteProcessingAndStop will initiate quiesce while StopNow will initiate a hard stop.
-4. Migration from CPM to UIMA-AS
-Migrating a collection processing engine from the CPM to UIMA-AS is straightforward.
-First, migrate the CPE descriptor to a standard UIMA aggregate descriptor:  
-create a UIMA aggregate that includes all the components specified in the CPE descriptor. 
-Transfer any parameter overrides in the CPE descriptor to the aggregate descriptor.
-Note that the aggreate descriptor must set <multipleDeploymentAllowed> to false 
-to be consistent with collection reader and CAS consumer delegates.
-Second, test this aggregate descriptor by instantiating the aggregate and sending it a single CAS.
-The contents of the CAS are not important; its purpose is to start the collection reader delegate
-which will then create the actual CASes to be processed by the other aggregate components.
-The CAS Visual Debugger, CVD, is a useful tool for doing this test.
-Next, create a UIMA-AS deployment descriptor that specifies desired scaleout and error handling.
-Vinci services are still supported, although it is recommended to replace them with UIMA-AS
-services to enable more efficient load balancing and greater scaleout capability.
-An example of this kind of migration is embodied by the sample descriptors:
-  Original:  
-     $UIMA_HOME/examples/descriptors/collection_processing_engine/MeetingFinderCPE_Integrated.xml
-  Migrated:
-     $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as/MeetingFinderAggregate.xml
-     $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as/Deploy_MeetingFinder.xml
-5. Service Targeting (New Feature)
-Service targeting allows an application client to send CASes to a specific instance of UIMA-AS service. This
-feature can be used to determine if a service is viable or not. When a service starts, it creates a new 
-listener on its input queue which handles messages containing property 'TargetServiceId'. By default, the
-property value has a format <IP>:<PID>. If an incoming message contains the property with a value matching
-service <IP>:<PID>, the listener will dequeue the message and process a CAS contained therein. Optionally, the 
-UIMA-AS service deployer may choose a different value for the 'TargetServiceId' property. To override the default
-include -DTargetServiceId=<value> on the service command line. The <value> may be an arbitrary string with
-no spaces.
-To target a specific service instance, an application client must use UIMA-AS client API.
-For async calls, use
-sendCAS(CAS cas, String serviceId)
-and for synchronous calls, use 
-sendAndReceiveCAS(CAS aCAS, List<AnalysisEnginePerformanceMetrics> componentMetricsList, String serviceId)
-where serviceId is a unique service identifier as described above.
-6. Known problems/limitations with Release 2.10.3
-  1. When connecting to an AMQ broker behind a firewall, avoid using the maxInactivityDuration=0 
-     decoration on the brokerURL (see:
-     as it turns off AMQ 'keep alive' messaging. Without these, a firewall may assume a connection
-     has become stale and close its ports. 
-  2. To monitor multiple UIMA AS services on the same machine, each must be assigned a unique 
-     JMX port (see section 3.8).
-  3. JCAS caching Enable/Disable not supported in the Deployment Editor GUI.   
-  4. In cases where Analysis Engine deployed in UIMA AS service throws a user-defined exception, an 
-     application hosting UIMA AS client must include such exception class in its classpath. Otherwise,
-     ClassNotFoundException is thrown in the UIMA AS client while deserializing a reply. 
-For up-to-date information on UIMA-AS issues, see our issue tracker:
-Crypto Notice
-   This distribution includes cryptographic software.  The country in 
-   which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, 
-   possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of 
-   encryption software.  BEFORE using any encryption software, please 
-   check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the
-   import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to 
-   see if this is permitted.  See <> for more
-   information.
-   The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and
-   Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity 
-   Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security
-   software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric
-   algorithms.  The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation
-   distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception
-   ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS 
-   Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object 
-   code and source code.
-   The following provides more details on the included cryptographic
-   software:
-   This distribution includes portions of Apache ActiveMQ, which, in
-   turn, is classified as being controlled under ECCN 5D002.
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+Apache UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout (UIMA-AS)
+What is UIMA-AS?
+UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout (AS) is an augmented version of Apache UIMA
+that additionally provides a set of capabilities for achieving flexible
+scaleout. It is a second generation design, replacing the CPM and Vinci
+Services. The CPM and Vinci are still available and are not being
+deprecated, but new designs are encouraged to use UIMA-AS for
+scalability, and current designs reaching limitations may want to move
+to UIMA-AS.
+UIMA-AS is integrated with the new flow controller architecture, and can
+be applied to both primitive and aggregate analysis engines. It fully
+supports CAS Multipliers.
+Building from the Source Distribution
+We use Maven 3.3.+ for building; download this if needed, 
+and set the environment variable `MAVEN_OPTS to -Xmx800m -XX:MaxPerSize-256m`.
+Then build from the directory containing this README by issuing the command
+    mvn clean install.
+This builds everything except the file. If you want that,
+change the command to 
+    mvn clean install -Papache-release
+Look for the result in the two artifacts: 
+    target/uima-as-[version] (if run with -Papache-release) and
+    target/uima-as-[version] (or  ...tar.gz) 
+If your maven build fails with strange errors try running maven with an update flag
+like this:
+    mvn -U clean install
+Note that a build with -U option takes much longer to finish.
+For more details, please see
+It includes the base UIMA binary distribution which it depends on.
+UIMA-AS components, in addition to those that come with base UIMA include:
+#### Shell scripts
+* `bin/`: starts the ActiveMQ broker, which must be running before
+  UIMA AS services can be deployed.
+* `bin/`: deploys an AnalysisEngine as a UIMA-AS
+  service.  Takes one or more UIMA-AS Deployment Descriptors as arguments.
+* `bin/`: Calls a UIMA-AS service. Takes arguments 
+  specifying the location of the service, and an optional `CollectionReader` 
+  descriptor file used to obtain the CASes to be processed by the service.
+#### Documentation
+* `docs/d/uima_async_scaleout.pdf`: UIMA-AS documentation, including the 
+  specification for the deployment descriptor file syntax.
+#### Examples
+* `examples/deploy/as/...`  (Sample Deployment Descriptors)
+  * `Deploy_RoomNumberAnnotator.xml`: Deploys Room Number Annotator Primitive AE
+  * `Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE.xml`: Deploys Meeting Detector Aggregate AE with all
+    delegates in the same JVM.
+  * `Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_Whiteboard.xml`: Deploys Meeting Detector Aggregate 
+     AE using the whiteboard Flow Controller.
+  * `Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_RemoteRoomNumber.xml`: Deploys Meeting Detector 
+    Aggregate AE that uses remotely deployed RoomNumberAnnotator.
+  * `Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_3MeetingAnnotator.xml`: Deploys Meeting Detector 
+    Aggregate AE with three instances of the MeetingAnnotator component.
+  * `Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE_Sync_3Instances.xml`: Deploys 3 instances of the
+    Meeting Detector as a Synchronous Aggregate (meaning the delegate AEs do not 
+    each get their own input queue).
+  * `Deploy_MeetingAnnotator.xml`: Deploys C++ Meeting Annotator. Note: requires
+    installation of uimacpp SDK into `$UIMA_HOME`.
+  * `MeetingFinderAggregate.xml`: Aggregate descriptor that use the same components 
+     as the CPE examples MeetingFinderCPE* in base UIMA.
+  * `Deploy_MeetingFinder.xml`: Deploys MeetingFinderAggregate illustrating 
+    scalability and error handling similar to the CPM examples; see the notes on migration below.
+#### Descriptors:
+* `descriptors/as/...`  (Other Sample Descriptors for use with UIMA AS)
+  * `MeetingDetectorAsyncAE.xml:` Specifier that can be used to call a UIMA AS
+    Service from an existing UIMA application; see below.
+Installation and Setup
+### Supported Platforms
+Apache UIMA-AS requires Java version 8 or later; it has been tested with Sun/Oracle Java 8 and IBM 8.
+Running the Eclipse plugin tooling for UIMA requires you start Eclipse using a Java 8 or later, as well.
+The supported platforms are: Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Other platforms and Java (8+) 
+implementations should work, but have not been significantly tested.
+### Environment Variables
+After you have unpacked the UIMA AS distribution, you must perform the following
+environment variable settings (the same as for normal Apache UIMA setup):
+* Set `JAVA_HOME` to the directory of your JRE installation you would like to use for UIMA.
+* Set `UIMA_HOME` to the apache-uima-as directory of your unpacked Apache UIMA distribution
+* Append `UIMA_HOME/bin` to your `PATH`
+NOTE: The Mac OS X operating system has special procedures for setting up global 
+    environment variables; see for 
+    how to do this.
+### Running the Setup Script
+You must run the script `UIMA_HOME/bin/adjustExamplePaths.bat` (or `.sh`).  This 
+updates paths in the examples based on the actual UIMA_HOME directory path.
+### Setting up Eclipse
+Eclipse users should install the UIMA Eclipse Plugins and UIMA Examples Project 
+using the procedure described in Chapter 3 of the Apache UIMA Overview and Setup 
+guide, which you can find online at; click on Documentation 
+-> HTML Online Version -> Overview and Setup -> 3. Eclipse IDE setup for UIMA.
+NOTE: The minimal version of Eclipse for UIMA-AS plugins is Mars (v.4.5.2).
+Since UIMA AS requires Java 8, you must be sure to set up your `uimaj-examples` 
+Eclipse project to use a version 8 (or later) JRE, and you must set your compiler 
+compliance level to 8.0. To do this go to **Window->Preferences** and navigate to the Java->Compiler page. Remember to run the base Eclipse using Java 8 (or later), as well.
+Getting Started
+### Starting the ActiveMQ Broker
+UIMA AS includes a partial distribution of Apache ActiveMQ to support core 
+functionality of the broker. This includes a single broker support, network of 
+brokers with fixed URLs, stomp, persistence, http, ssl, openwire, springframework 
+integration, and jetty. If you need additional broker functionality you need to 
+download and install a complete version of ActiveMQ from 
+UIMA AS services require an ActiveMQ broker to be available with which to 
+create/register the service request queue. If no broker is available, start a new 
+broker on the same machine the services will run on or another machine; this is 
+done by first setting an env parameter `ACTIVEMQ_BASE` pointing at a writable 
+directory, or simply by cd'ing to a writable directory, and running:
+The first time run this script will create a new directory `$ACTIVEMQ_BASE/amq` (or 
+`./amq`) and default configuration files will be copied there. The configuration 
+files can then be customized to modify broker behavior for subsequent startups.
+NOTE: only one broker can be started at a time on the same machine with the same
+      configuration file, or on different machines from the same writable directory.
+When the broker starts it will print a message such as:
+    INFO TransportServerThreadSupport - Listening for connections at: tcp://yourHostname:61616
+Note this URL since you will need it to run services and clients.
+The tcp listening port must be exposed to any clients or services using the broker.
+To connect to a broker running behind a firewall using HTTP tunneling, see below.
+### Deploying an Analysis Engine as a UIMA AS Asynchronous Service
+* Create a Deployment Descriptor.
+  Examples can be found in the `examples/deploy/as` directory,
+  and the syntax is documented in `docs/d/uima_async_scaleout.pdf`.
+  NOTE: One of the things that the deployment descriptor may contain is a broker 
+  placeholder with this syntax: `${defaultBrokerURL}`. The placeholder is replaced 
+  at runtime with an actual broker URL. The value for the placeholder comes from 
+  System properties. The `brokerURL` attribute of `<inputQueue ...>` element is 
+  optional. If not present, a default of `tcp://localhost:61616` will be used.
+  The examples assume the broker is listening on `tcp://localhost:61616`.
+* Run the command:
+ [testDD.xml] [-brokerURL url]
+  The argument to the command is the deployment descriptor you created in step (a). 
+  An optional argument `-brokerURL` specifies a URL of the broker that the service 
+  will use to create connections to queues. This argument takes effect only if your 
+  deployment descriptor does not explicitly name the broker URL in the 
+  `<inputQueue ...>` xml element *or* the `brokerURL` attribute is set to a 
+  placeholder `${defaultBrokerURL}`. 
+  Omitting brokerURL or using a placeholder is a way to keep your deployment 
+  descriptors portable. You don't need to edit your deployment descriptors when 
+  switching brokers.
+  NOTE: If you use import by name in your deployment descriptor, UIMA AS searches 
+  the `CLASSPATH` as well as directories on `UIMA_DATAPATH` to resolve the import.
+  NOTE: `` scripts launch `UimaBootstrap` main program w
+  which loads UIMA jars dynamically from `UIMA_HOME/lib`, 
+  `UIMA_HOME/apache-activemq`, and `UIMA_HOME/apache-activemq/lib` directories. If 
+  you want to use a different version of ActiveMQ, set the `ACTIVEMQ_HOME`
+  environment variable to the location of ActiveMQ you intend to use. When using 
+  different version of ActiveMQ ( older than version 5.4), start
+  the broker using a startup script located in `ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin` directory 
+  instead of `UIMA_HOME/bin/startBroker.[cmd|sh]` script provided in this release. 
+  This is due to the fact that the 5.4 branch of ActiveMQ xml schema has changed. The `activemq_nojournal.xml` provided in this release two optimizations: `schedulerSupport=false` to disable broker message scheduler, and `producerFlowControl="false"` to turn off producer flow control.
+  Also, if you want to deploy your own annotator that is installed in a different 
+  directory than `UIMA_HOME/lib`, set the `UIMA_CLASSPATH` environment variable to 
+  point to one or more Classpath entries;  these entries can either be
+  directories of Java class files, Jar files, or directories of Jar files (in which 
+  case, all the Jars are added in an arbitrary order). Separate multiple entries 
+  using `File.pathSeparator`.
+  NOTE: Both UIMA AS client and UIMA AS service by default add a time-to-live (TTL) 
+  to every request message. This enables expiration of messages that are not 
+  consumed. Currently, the UIMA AS client multiplies the Process Timeout value by 
+  10 and uses this as TTL. The UIMA AS service sets TTL to the Timeout value 
+  multiplied by the number of outstanding requests. To disable TTL, add a system 
+  property `-DNoTTL`. A convenient way to set this parameter is by adding `-DNoTTL` 
+  to the env parameter `UIMA_JVM_OPTS` before running deployAsyncService and/or `runRemoteAsyncAE`.  
+### Calling a UIMA AS Asynchronous Service
+To test a remote UIMA service you can use the script:
+ brokerUrl endpoint
+This connects to a remote AE at specified brokerUrl and endpoint (which must match
+the inputQueue endpoint in the remote AE service's deployment descriptor).
+A subset of the optional arguments to runRemoteAsyncAE are:
+* `-c`: Specifies a CollectionReader descriptor.  The client will obtain CASes from 
+  the `CollectionReader` and send them to the service for processing. If this 
+  option is omitted, one empty CAS will be sent to the service (useful for services
+  containing a CAS Multiplier acting as a collection reader).
+* `-d`: Specifies a deployment descriptor. The specified service will be deployed 
+  before processing begins, and the service will be undeployed after processing 
+  completes. Multiple `-d` entries can be given.
+* `-o`: Specifies an Output Directory.  All CASes received by the client's
+  `CallbackListener` will be serialized to XMI in the specified `OutputDir`.
+  If omitted, no XMI files will be output.
+The full set of arguments are documented if you type the command with no arguments.
+### Quick Test of an async service
+Start two terminal windows, each with an environments setup as described earlier
+* In the first terminal window start the broker, by running the commands:
+      cd some-writable-directory     
+* In the second terminal window, deploy a sample service and send it some CASes:
+      cd $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as
+ tcp://localhost:61616 MeetingDetectorTaeQueue \
+          -d Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE.xml \
+          -c $UIMA_HOME/examples/descriptors/collection_reader/FileSystemCollectionReader.xml
+  If you get an `UnsupportedClassVersionError`, Java 8 is probably not being used.
+  If the driver fails to find the input data, adjustExamplePaths was probably not run.
+  To target specific service instance, use these steps:
+      cd $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as
+ Deploy_MeetingDetectorTAE.xml
+  Note this process PID. Assuming the process is launched on a machine with 
+  IP `` and the PID is `2222`, launch runRemoteAsyncAE as follows:
+ tcp://localhost:61616 MeetingDetectorTaeQueue \
+            -c $UIMA_HOME/examples/descriptors/collection_reader/FileSystemCollectionReader.xml
+            -TargetServiceId
+  When the process completes you should see multiple lines of output that look like this:
+        CAS received by service with selector:
+### Calling a UIMA AS Asynchronous Service from an Existing UIMA Application
+You can also call a UIMA AS Service from the `DocumentAnalyzer` or any other UIMA
+application using a new JMS client Service Descriptor
+(see section 1.7 in the UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout documentation). 
+However, note that this is a synchronous interface, that is, it will process only 
+one CAS at a time, so it will not take advantage of the scalability that UIMA AS 
+provides.  To process more than one CAS at a time, you can use the Asynchronous 
+UIMA AS Client, or write your own application using the UIMA AS Client APIs.
+An example JMS client service descriptor is provided in
+    examples/descriptors/as/MeetingDetectorAsyncAE.xml
+The JMS service makes use of the customResourceSpecifier capability in Apache UIMA.
+For more information on the customResourceSpecifier see the "Custom Resource 
+Specifiers" section in the Apache UIMA Reference manual.
+### Firewalls between clients and services
+A service running behind a firewall can be accessed as long as its input queue
+is on a broker that is accessable. For example, the service can register with a
+public broker running outside the firewall. Alternatively the broker may be 
+configured to tunnel over HTTP. For details see 
+The UIMA-AS ships with http support enabled. This is configured in broker configuration file found in `$UIMA_HOME/as_config/activemq-nojournal.xml`. By 
+default, the broker listens for http based connections on port 8080. If you need to 
+change the port, please modify broker  configuration file by changing the following 
+    <transportConnector name="http" uri=""/>
+### Monitoring a broker and its queues
+When the broker starts it will print a message such as:
+    INFO  ManagementContext  - JMX consoles can connect to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
+Connect a JMX console to this service with:
+    $JAVA_HOME/bin/jconsole service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
+NOTE: jconsole is available in Java SDK (not JRE) distributions from Sun
+If your console is not on the same machine as the broker, replace localhost by
+the name of the broker's machine.  The default ports for the broker (61616) and 
+for the JMX server (1099) can be overridden in the broker configuration file 
+created when the broker is first started. For more details see 
+### Monitoring UIMA AS service
+UIMA AS service monitoring is available via JMX and jConsole. To enable this, 
+please set the following before starting a service:
+    set<uniquePortNumber, e.g. 8009> 
+Connect a jConsole to this JMX service as described in 3.7 above using the appropriate port, e.g.
+    $JAVA_HOME/bin/jconsole service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8009/jmxrmi
+Under the MBeans tab, expand org.apache.uima in the left panel to view UIMA components enabled for JMX monitoring.
+NOTE: In case when opening an RMI port for JMX monitoring is not possible due to 
+security concerns, you can disable JMX via optional argument 
+``. With this setting, the UIMA-AS will start with no
+JMX support and an RMI port will not be opened.
+### Stopping UIMA AS service
+A service can be stopped from a command line or remotely using jConsole and JMX.
+When the service is launched it displays a prompt on stdout:
+    Enter 'q' to quiesce and stop the service or 's' to stop it now: 
+It reads stdin expecting either `q` or `s`, ignoring all other characters. When `q` 
+is typed, the service will quiesce and stop. As part of this, the service closes 
+its input queue and waits until all CASes still "in-play" are finished. When the 
+input CAS is returned the service stops. When 's' is typed the service
+closes its input queue and immediately releases all CASes being processed and stops.
+To stop UIMA AS process remotely or if the process runs in a background use 
+jConsole and JMX. Using approach described in 3.8 above launch jConsole. Once the 
+connection is created, in the left pane open:
+    org.apache.uima
+        ee.jms.service
+            <Your Annotator Name> Uima EE Service
+                  Controller
+                      Operations
+Here you will find two buttons labeled:
+    CompleteProcessingAndStop
+    StopNow
+CompleteProcessingAndStop will initiate quiesce while StopNow will initiate a hard stop.
+### Migration from CPM to UIMA-AS
+Migrating a collection processing engine from the CPM to UIMA-AS is straightforward.
+First, migrate the CPE descriptor to a standard UIMA aggregate descriptor:  
+create a UIMA aggregate that includes all the components specified in the CPE 
+descriptor. Transfer any parameter overrides in the CPE descriptor to the aggregate
+descriptor. Note that the aggreate descriptor must set 
+`<multipleDeploymentAllowed>` to `false` to be consistent with collection reader 
+and CAS consumer delegates.
+Second, test this aggregate descriptor by instantiating the aggregate and sending 
+it a single CAS. The contents of the CAS are not important; its purpose is to start 
+the collection reader delegate which will then create the actual CASes to be 
+processed by the other aggregate components. The CAS Visual Debugger, CVD, is a 
+useful tool for doing this test.
+Next, create a UIMA-AS deployment descriptor that specifies desired scaleout and error handling. Vinci services are still supported, although it is recommended to replace them with UIMA-AS services to enable more efficient load balancing and greater scaleout capability.
+An example of this kind of migration is embodied by the sample descriptors:
+    Original:  
+      $UIMA_HOME/examples/descriptors/collection_processing_engine/MeetingFinderCPE_Integrated.xml
+    Migrated:
+      $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as/MeetingFinderAggregate.xml
+      $UIMA_HOME/examples/deploy/as/Deploy_MeetingFinder.xml
+### Service Targeting (New Feature)
+Service targeting allows an application client to send CASes to a specific instance 
+of UIMA-AS service. This feature can be used to determine if a service is viable or 
+not. When a service starts, it creates a new listener on its input queue which 
+handles messages containing property `TargetServiceId`. By default, the
+property value has a format `<IP>:<PID>`. If an incoming message contains the 
+property with a value matching service `<IP>:<PID>`, the listener will dequeue the 
+message and process a CAS contained therein. Optionally, the UIMA-AS service 
+deployer may choose a different value for the `TargetServiceId` property. To 
+override the default include `-DTargetServiceId=<value>` on the service command 
+line. The `<value>` may be an arbitrary string with no spaces.
+To target a specific service instance, an application client must use UIMA-AS client API. For async calls, use
+    sendCAS(CAS cas, String serviceId)
+and for synchronous calls, use 
+    sendAndReceiveCAS(CAS aCAS, List<AnalysisEnginePerformanceMetrics> componentMetricsList, String serviceId)
+where `serviceId` is a unique service identifier as described above.
+How to Get Involved
+The Apache UIMA project really needs and appreciates any contributions,
+including documentation help, source code and feedback. If you are
+interested in contributing, please visit
+How to Report Issues
+The Apache UIMA project uses JIRA for issue tracking. Please report any
+issues you find at <>
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-  <!--
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-  <title>Apache UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout v2.10.3 Release Notes</title>
-<h1>Apache UIMA-AS (Unstructured Information Management Architecture - Asynchronous Scaleout) v2.10.3 Release Notes</h1>
-<a href="">1. What is UIMA-AS?</a><br/>
-<a href="#major.changes">2. Major Changes in this Release</a><br/>
-<a href="#get.involved">3. How to Get Involved</a><br/>
-<a href="#report.issues">4. How to Report Issues</a><br/>
-<a href="#list.issues">5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release</a>
-<h2><a name="">1. What is UIMA-AS?</a></h2>
-     <p>
-  			UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout (AS) is an augmented version of Apache UIMA that 
-  			additionally provides a set of capabilities
-for achieving flexible scaleout.  It is a second generation design, replacing the
-CPM and Vinci Services. The CPM and Vinci are still available and are not being deprecated, 
-but new designs are encouraged to use UIMA-AS for scalability, and current designs 
-reaching limitations may want to move to UIMA-AS.
-			</p>
-      <p>
-				UIMA-AS is integrated with the new flow controller architecture, and can be applied to
-both primitive and aggregate analysis engines.  It fully supports CAS Multipliers.
-			</p>
-<h2><a name="major.changes">2. Major Changes in this Release</a></h2>
-Please see the <a href="README">README</a> for this information. 
-<h2><a name="get.involved">3. How to Get Involved</a></h2>
-The Apache UIMA project really needs and appreciates any contributions, 
-including documentation help, source code and feedback.  If you are interested
-in contributing, please visit 
-<a href="">
-<h2><a name="report.issues">4. How to Report Issues</a></h2>
-The Apache UIMA project uses JIRA for issue tracking.  Please report any 
-issues you find at 
-<a href=""></a>
-<h2><a name="list.issues">5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release</a></h2>
-Click <a href="issuesFixed/jira-report.html">issuesFixed/jira-report.hmtl</a> for the list of 
-issues fixed in this release.
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+Apache UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout (UIMA-AS) Version 2.10.3
+What's New in 2.10.3
+- Modified client code to assign unique ClientID to broker connection
+- Fixed ClassCastException when async aggregate initializes delegate with JMS Service Descriptor
+- Fixed broken classpath and logging for UIMA-AS run configurations
+Click [issuesFixed/jira-report.hmtl](issuesFixed/jira-report.html) for
+the list of issues fixed in this release.
+Contents of Apache UIMA-AS binary distribution
+The Apache UIMA-AS binary distribution includes
+- Apache UIMA Java SDK version 2.10.2
+- Apache UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout extensions
+- Saxon
+- Apache ActiveMQ version 5.15.2
+- Spring Framework version 4.3.9
+- XMLBeans
+Known problems/limitations with Release 2.10.3
+* When connecting to an AMQ broker behind a firewall, avoid using the 
+  `maxInactivityDuration=0` decoration on the brokerURL 
+  (see:
+  as it turns off AMQ 'keep alive' messaging. Without these, a firewall may assume 
+  a connection has become stale and close its ports. 
+* To monitor multiple UIMA AS services on the same machine, each must be assigned a
+  unique JMX port (see section 3.8).
+* JCAS caching Enable/Disable not supported in the Deployment Editor GUI.   
+* In cases where Analysis Engine deployed in UIMA AS service throws a user-defined
+  exception, an application hosting UIMA AS client must include such exception 
+  class in its classpath. Otherwise, ClassNotFoundException is thrown in the UIMA 
+  AS client while deserializing a reply. 
+For up-to-date information on UIMA-AS issues, see our issue tracker:
+Crypto Notice
+This distribution includes cryptographic software.  The country in 
+which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, 
+possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of 
+encryption software.  BEFORE using any encryption software, please 
+check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the
+import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to 
+see if this is permitted.  See <> for more
+The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and
+Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity 
+Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security
+software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric
+algorithms.  The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation
+distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception
+ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS 
+Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object 
+code and source code.
+The following provides more details on the included cryptographic
+This distribution includes portions of Apache ActiveMQ, which, in
+turn, is classified as being controlled under ECCN 5D002.