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Posted to by Jose Rivera-Rubio <> on 2015/10/08 16:40:15 UTC

Cannot convert RDD of BigDecimal into dataframe

Hi guys,

I have a list of BigDecimal obtained through SparkSQL from some Parquet

list: List[BigDecimal] = List(1015.00, 580.00, 290.00, 1160.00)

When I try to convert them to dataframe to visualize them using the
zeppelin context

val df   = sc.parallelize(list).toDF("list_of_numbers")

 I get the following error:

error: value toDF is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[BigDecimal]

If I map the values into double I get the same error.

Any ideas?


Re: Cannot convert RDD of BigDecimal into dataframe

Posted by moon soo Lee <>.
I think you can define a case class and map a list of BigDecimal to list of
your case class.

If you parallelize this list, then toDF will work.

On 2015년 10월 8일 (목) at 오후 4:40 Jose Rivera-Rubio <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have a list of BigDecimal obtained through SparkSQL from some Parquet
> files.
> list: List[BigDecimal] = List(1015.00, 580.00, 290.00, 1160.00)
> When I try to convert them to dataframe to visualize them using the
> zeppelin context
> val df   = sc.parallelize(list).toDF("list_of_numbers")
>  I get the following error:
> error: value toDF is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[BigDecimal]
> If I map the values into double I get the same error.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!