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[27/51] [partial] incubator-milagro-crypto git commit: update code
diff --git a/version22/rust/src/ b/version22/rust/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index cee55a6..0000000
--- a/version22/rust/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-use std::fmt;
-use std::str::SplitWhitespace;
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct ECP2 {
-	x:FP2,
-	y:FP2,
-	z:FP2,
-	inf: bool
-use rom;
-//mod fp2;
-use fp2::FP2;
-//mod fp;
-//use fp::FP;
-//mod big;
-use big::BIG;
-//mod dbig;
-//use dbig::DBIG;
-//mod rand;
-//mod hash256;
-//mod rom;
-impl fmt::Display for ECP2 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "ECP2: [ {}, {}, {}, {} ]", self.inf, self.x, self.y, self.z)
-	}
-impl fmt::Debug for ECP2 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "ECP2: [ {}, {}, {}, {} ]", self.inf, self.x, self.y, self.z)
-	}
-impl PartialEq for ECP2 {
-	fn eq(&self, other: &ECP2) -> bool {
-		return (self.inf == other.inf) &&
-			(self.x == other.x) &&
-			(self.y == other.y) &&
-			(self.z == other.z);
-	}
-impl ECP2 {
-	pub fn new() -> ECP2 {
-		ECP2 {
-				x: FP2::new(),
-				y: FP2::new(),
-				z: FP2::new(),
-				inf: true
-		}
-	}
-/* construct this from (x,y) - but set to O if not on curve */
-	pub fn new_fp2s(ix:&FP2,iy:&FP2) -> ECP2 {
-		let mut E=ECP2::new();
-		E.x.copy(&ix);
-		E.y.copy(&iy);
-		let mut rhs=ECP2::rhs(&mut E.x);
-		let mut y2=FP2::new_copy(&E.y);
-		y2.sqr();
-		if y2.equals(&mut rhs) {
-			E.inf=false;
-		} else {;E.inf=true}
-		return E;
-/* construct this from x - but set to O if not on curve */
-	pub fn new_fp2(ix:&FP2) -> ECP2 {	
-		let mut E=ECP2::new();
-		E.x.copy(&ix);
-		let mut rhs=ECP2::rhs(&mut E.x);
-		if rhs.sqrt() {
-			E.y.copy(&rhs);
-			E.inf=false;
-		} else {;E.inf=true}
-		return E;
-	}
-/* Test this=O? */
-	pub fn is_infinity(&mut self) -> bool {
-		return self.inf;
-	}
-/* copy self=P */
-	pub fn copy(&mut self,P: &ECP2) {
-		self.x.copy(&P.x);
-		self.y.copy(&P.y);
-		self.z.copy(&P.z);
-		self.inf=P.inf;
-	}
-/* set self=O */
-	pub fn inf(&mut self) {
-		self.inf=true;
-	}
-/* set self=-self */
-	pub fn neg(&mut self) {
-		if self.is_infinity() {return}
-		self.y.neg(); self.y.reduce();
-	}	
-/* Conditional move of Q to self dependant on d */
-	pub fn cmove(&mut self,Q: &ECP2,d: isize) {
-		self.x.cmove(&Q.x,d);
-		self.y.cmove(&Q.y,d);
-		self.z.cmove(&Q.z,d);
-		let bd:bool;
-		if d==0 {bd=false}
-		else {bd=true}
-		self.inf=self.inf!=(self.inf!=Q.inf)&&bd;
-	}
-/* return 1 if b==c, no branching */
-	fn teq(b: i32,c: i32) -> isize {
-		let mut x=b^c;
-		x-=1;  // if x=0, x now -1
-		return ((x>>31)&1) as isize;
-	}
-/* Constant time select from pre-computed table */
-	pub fn selector(&mut self,W: &[ECP2],b: i32) {
-		let mut MP=ECP2::new(); 
-		let m=b>>31;
-		let mut babs=(b^m)-m;
-		babs=(babs-1)/2;
-		self.cmove(&W[0],ECP2::teq(babs,0));  // conditional move
-		self.cmove(&W[1],ECP2::teq(babs,1));
-		self.cmove(&W[2],ECP2::teq(babs,2));
-		self.cmove(&W[3],ECP2::teq(babs,3));
-		self.cmove(&W[4],ECP2::teq(babs,4));
-		self.cmove(&W[5],ECP2::teq(babs,5));
-		self.cmove(&W[6],ECP2::teq(babs,6));
-		self.cmove(&W[7],ECP2::teq(babs,7));
-		MP.copy(self);
-		MP.neg();
-		self.cmove(&MP,(m&1) as isize);
-	}	
-/* Test if P == Q */
-	pub fn equals(&mut self,Q :&mut ECP2) -> bool {
-		if self.is_infinity() && Q.is_infinity() {return true}
-		if self.is_infinity() || Q.is_infinity() {return false}
-		let mut zs2=FP2::new_copy(&self.z); zs2.sqr();
-		let mut zo2=FP2::new_copy(&Q.z); zo2.sqr();
-		let mut zs3=FP2::new_copy(&zs2); zs3.mul(&mut self.z);
-		let mut zo3=FP2::new_copy(&zo2); zo3.mul(&mut Q.z);
-		zs2.mul(&mut Q.x);
-		zo2.mul(&mut self.x);
-		if !zs2.equals(&mut zo2) {return false}
-		zs3.mul(&mut Q.y);
-		zo3.mul(&mut self.y);
-		if !zs3.equals(&mut zo3) {return false}
-		return true;
-	}
-/* set to Affine - (x,y,z) to (x,y) */
-	pub fn affine(&mut self) {
-		if self.is_infinity() {return}
-		let mut one=FP2::new_int(1);
-		if self.z.equals(&mut one) {return}
-		self.z.inverse();
-		let mut z2=FP2::new_copy(&self.z);
-		z2.sqr();
-		self.x.mul(&mut z2); self.x.reduce();
-		self.y.mul(&mut z2); 
-		self.y.mul(&mut self.z); self.y.reduce();
-		self.z.copy(&one);
-	}
-/* extract affine x as FP2 */
-	pub fn getx(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		self.affine();
-		return FP2::new_copy(&self.x);
-	}
-/* extract affine y as FP2 */
-	pub fn gety(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		self.affine();
-		return FP2::new_copy(&self.y);
-	}
-/* extract projective x */
-	pub fn getpx(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		return FP2::new_copy(&self.x);
-	}
-/* extract projective y */
-	pub fn getpy(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		return FP2::new_copy(&self.y);
-	}
-/* extract projective z */
-	pub fn getpz(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		return FP2::new_copy(&self.z);
-	}
-/* convert to byte array */
-	pub fn tobytes(&mut self,b: &mut [u8]) {
-		let mut t:[u8;rom::MODBYTES as usize]=[0;rom::MODBYTES as usize];
-		let mb=rom::MODBYTES as usize;
-		self.affine();
-		self.x.geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb { b[i]=t[i]}
-		self.x.getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb { b[i+mb]=t[i]}
-		self.y.geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {b[i+2*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.y.getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {b[i+3*mb]=t[i]}
-	}
-/* convert from byte array to point */
-	pub fn frombytes(b: &[u8]) -> ECP2 {
-		let mut t:[u8;rom::MODBYTES as usize]=[0;rom::MODBYTES as usize];
-		let mb=rom::MODBYTES as usize;
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=b[i]}
-		let mut ra=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=b[i+mb]}
-		let mut rb=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		let rx=FP2::new_bigs(&ra,&rb);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=b[i+2*mb]}
-		ra.copy(&BIG::frombytes(&t));
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=b[i+3*mb]}
-		rb.copy(&BIG::frombytes(&t));
-		let ry=FP2::new_bigs(&ra,&rb);
-		return ECP2::new_fp2s(&rx,&ry);
-	}
-/* convert this to hex string */
-	pub fn tostring(&mut  self) -> String {
-		if self.is_infinity() {return String::from("infinity")}
-		self.affine();
-		return format!("({},{})",self.x.tostring(),self.y.tostring());
-	pub fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
-		let mut ret: String = String::with_capacity(7 * BIG_HEX_STRING_LEN);
-		ret.push_str(&format!("{} {} {} {}", self.inf, self.x.to_hex(), self.y.to_hex(), self.z.to_hex()));
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex_iter(iter: &mut SplitWhitespace) -> ECP2 {
-		let mut ret:ECP2 = ECP2::new();
-		if let Some(x) = {
-			ret.inf = x == "true";
-			ret.x = FP2::from_hex_iter(iter);
-			ret.y = FP2::from_hex_iter(iter);
-			ret.z = FP2::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		}
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex(val: String) -> ECP2 {
-		let mut iter = val.split_whitespace();
-		return ECP2::from_hex_iter(&mut iter);
-	}
-/* Calculate RHS of twisted curve equation x^3+B/i */
-	pub fn rhs(x:&mut FP2) -> FP2 {
-		x.norm();
-		let mut r=FP2::new_copy(x);
-		r.sqr();
-		let mut b=FP2::new_big(&BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_B));
-		b.div_ip();
-		r.mul(x);
-		r.add(&b);
-		r.reduce();
-		return r;
-	}
-/* self+=self */
-	pub fn dbl(&mut self) -> isize {
-		if self.inf {return -1}
-		if self.y.iszilch() {
-			self.inf();
-			return -1
-		}
-		let mut w1=FP2::new_copy(&self.x);
-		let mut w2=FP2::new();
-		let mut w3=FP2::new_copy(&self.x);
-		let mut w8=FP2::new_copy(&self.x);
-		w1.sqr();
-		w8.copy(&w1);
-		w8.imul(3);
-		w2.copy(&self.y); w2.sqr();
-		w3.copy(&self.x); w3.mul(&mut w2);
-		w3.imul(4);
-		w1.copy(&w3); w1.neg();
-		w1.norm();
-		self.x.copy(&w8); self.x.sqr();
-		self.x.add(&w1);
-		self.x.add(&w1);
-		self.x.norm();
-		self.z.mul(&mut self.y);
-		self.z.dbl();
-		w2.dbl();
-		w2.sqr();
-		w2.dbl();
-		w3.sub(&self.x);
-		self.y.copy(&w8); self.y.mul(&mut w3);
-		w2.norm();
-		self.y.sub(&w2);
-		self.y.norm();
-		self.z.norm();
-		return 1;
-	}
-/* self+=Q - return 0 for add, 1 for double, -1 for O */
-	pub fn add(&mut self,Q:&mut ECP2) -> isize {
-		if self.inf {
-			self.copy(Q);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		if Q.inf {return -1}
-		let mut aff=false;
-		if Q.z.isunity() {aff=true}
-		let mut a=FP2::new();
-		let mut c=FP2::new();
-		let mut b=FP2::new_copy(&self.z);
-		let mut d=FP2::new_copy(&self.z);
-		if !aff {
-			a.copy(&Q.z);
-			c.copy(&Q.z);
-			a.sqr(); b.sqr();
-			c.mul(&mut a); d.mul(&mut b);
-			a.mul(&mut self.x);
-			c.mul(&mut self.y);
-		} else {
-			a.copy(&self.x);
-			c.copy(&self.y);
-			b.sqr();
-			d.mul(&mut b);
-		}
-		b.mul(&mut Q.x); b.sub(&a);
-		d.mul(&mut Q.y); d.sub(&c);
-		if b.iszilch() {
-			if d.iszilch() {
-				self.dbl();
-				return 1;
-			} else	{
-				self.inf=true;
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-		if !aff {self.z.mul(&mut Q.z)}
-		self.z.mul(&mut b);
-		let mut e=FP2::new_copy(&b); e.sqr();
-		b.mul(&mut e);
-		a.mul(&mut e);
-		e.copy(&a);
-		e.add(&a); e.add(&b);
-		self.x.copy(&d); self.x.sqr(); self.x.sub(&e);
-		a.sub(&self.x);
-		self.y.copy(&a); self.y.mul(&mut d);
-		c.mul(&mut b); self.y.sub(&c);
-		self.x.norm();
-		self.y.norm();
-		self.z.norm();
-		return 0;
-	}
-/* set this-=Q */
-	pub fn sub(&mut self,Q :&mut ECP2) -> isize {
-		Q.neg();
-		let d=self.add(Q);
-		Q.neg();
-		return d;
-	}
-/* set this*=q, where q is Modulus, using Frobenius */
-	pub fn frob(&mut self,x:&mut FP2) {
-	 	if self.inf {return}
-		let mut x2=FP2::new_copy(x);
-		x2.sqr();
-		self.x.conj();
-		self.y.conj();
-		self.z.conj();
-		self.z.reduce();
-		self.x.mul(&mut x2);
-		self.y.mul(&mut x2);
-		self.y.mul(x);
-	}
-/* normalises m-array of ECP2 points. Requires work vector of m FP2s */
-	pub fn multiaffine(P: &mut [ECP2]) {
-		let mut t1=FP2::new();
-		let mut t2=FP2::new();
-		let mut work:[FP2;8]=[FP2::new(),FP2::new(),FP2::new(),FP2::new(),FP2::new(),FP2::new(),FP2::new(),FP2::new()];
-		let m=8;
-		work[0].one();
-		work[1].copy(&P[0].z);
-		for i in 2..m {
-			t1.copy(&work[i-1]);
-			work[i].copy(&t1);
-			work[i].mul(&mut P[i-1].z)
-		}
-		t1.copy(&work[m-1]); 
-		t1.mul(&mut P[m-1].z);
-		t1.inverse();
-		t2.copy(&P[m-1].z);
-		work[m-1].mul(&mut t1);
-		let mut i=m-2;
-		loop {
-			if i==0 {
-				work[0].copy(&t1);
-				work[0].mul(&mut t2);
-				break;
-			}
-			work[i].mul(&mut t2);
-			work[i].mul(&mut t1);
-			t2.mul(&mut P[i].z);
-			i-=1;
-		}
-/* now work[] contains inverses of all Z coordinates */
-		for i in 0..m {
-			P[i];
-			t1.copy(&work[i]); t1.sqr();
-			P[i].x.mul(&mut t1);
-			t1.mul(&mut work[i]);
-			P[i].y.mul(&mut t1);
-		}    
-	}
-/* self*=e */
-	pub fn mul(&mut self,e: &BIG) -> ECP2 {
-/* fixed size windows */
-		let mut mt=BIG::new();
-		let mut t=BIG::new();
-		let mut P=ECP2::new();
-		let mut Q=ECP2::new();
-		let mut C=ECP2::new();
-		if self.is_infinity() {return P}
-		let mut W:[ECP2;8]=[ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new()];
-		const CT:usize=1+(rom::NLEN*(rom::BASEBITS as usize)+3)/4;
-		let mut w:[i8;CT]=[0;CT]; 
-		self.affine();
-/* precompute table */
-		Q.copy(&self);
-		Q.dbl();
-		W[0].copy(&self);
-		for i in 1..8 {
-			C.copy(&W[i-1]);
-			W[i].copy(&C);
-			W[i].add(&mut Q);
-		}
-/* convert the table to affine */
-		ECP2::multiaffine(&mut W);
-/* make exponent odd - add 2P if even, P if odd */
-		t.copy(&e);
-		let s=t.parity();
-; t.norm(); let ns=t.parity(); mt.copy(&t);; mt.norm();
-		t.cmove(&mt,s);
-		Q.cmove(&self,ns);
-		C.copy(&Q);
-		let nb=1+(t.nbits()+3)/4;
-/* convert exponent to signed 4-bit window */
-		for i in 0..nb {
-			w[i]=(t.lastbits(5)-16) as i8;
-			t.dec(w[i] as isize); t.norm();
-			t.fshr(4);	
-		}
-		w[nb]=(t.lastbits(5)) as i8;
-		P.copy(&W[((w[nb] as usize) -1)/2]);
-		for i in (0..nb).rev() {
-			Q.selector(&W,w[i] as i32);
-			P.dbl();
-			P.dbl();
-			P.dbl();
-			P.dbl();
-			P.add(&mut Q);
-		}
-		P.sub(&mut C);
-		P.affine();
-		return P;
-	}
-/* P=u0.Q0+u1*Q1+u2*Q2+u3*Q3 */
-	pub fn mul4(Q: &mut [ECP2],u: &[BIG]) -> ECP2 {
-		let mut a:[i8;4]=[0;4];
-		let mut T=ECP2::new();
-		let mut C=ECP2::new();
-		let mut P=ECP2::new();
-		let mut W:[ECP2;8]=[ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new(),ECP2::new()];
-		let mut mt=BIG::new();
-		let mut t:[BIG;4]=[BIG::new_copy(&u[0]),BIG::new_copy(&u[1]),BIG::new_copy(&u[2]),BIG::new_copy(&u[3])];
-		const CT:usize=1+rom::NLEN*(rom::BASEBITS as usize);
-		let mut w:[i8;CT]=[0;CT];
-		for i in 0..4 {
-			Q[i].affine();
-		}
-/* precompute table */
-		W[0].copy(&Q[0]); W[0].sub(&mut Q[1]);
-		C.copy(&W[0]); W[1].copy(&C);
-		W[2].copy(&C);
-		W[3].copy(&C);
-		W[4].copy(&Q[0]); W[4].add(&mut Q[1]);
-		C.copy(&W[4]); W[5].copy(&C);
-		W[6].copy(&C);
-		W[7].copy(&C);
-		T.copy(&Q[2]); T.sub(&mut Q[3]);
-		W[1].sub(&mut T);
-		W[2].add(&mut T);
-		W[5].sub(&mut T);
-		W[6].add(&mut T);
-		T.copy(&Q[2]); T.add(&mut Q[3]);
-		W[0].sub(&mut T);
-		W[3].add(&mut T);
-		W[4].sub(&mut T);
-		W[7].add(&mut T);
-		ECP2::multiaffine(&mut W);
-/* if multiplier is even add 1 to multiplier, and add P to correction */
-; C.inf();
-		for i in 0..4 {
-			if t[i].parity()==0 {
-				t[i].inc(1); t[i].norm();
-				C.add(&mut Q[i]);
-			}
-			mt.add(&t[i]); mt.norm();
-		}
-		let nb=1+mt.nbits();
-/* convert exponent to signed 1-bit window */
-		for j in 0..nb {
-			for i in 0..4 {
-				a[i]=(t[i].lastbits(2)-2) as i8;
-				t[i].dec(a[i] as isize); t[i].norm();
-				t[i].fshr(1);
-			}
-			w[j]=8*a[0]+4*a[1]+2*a[2]+a[3];
-		}
-		w[nb]=(8*t[0].lastbits(2)+4*t[1].lastbits(2)+2*t[2].lastbits(2)+t[3].lastbits(2)) as i8;
-		P.copy(&W[((w[nb] as usize)-1)/2]);  
-		for i in (0..nb).rev() {
-			T.selector(&W,w[i] as i32);
-			P.dbl();
-			P.add(&mut T);
-		}
-		P.sub(&mut C); /* apply correction */
-		P.affine();
-		return P;
-	}
-fn main()
-	let mut r=BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);
-	let pxa=BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_PXA);
-	let pxb=BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_PXB);
-	let pya=BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_PYA);
-	let pyb=BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_PYB);
-	let fra=BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_FRA);
-	let frb=BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_FRB);
-	let mut f=FP2::new_bigs(&fra,&frb);
-	let px=FP2::new_bigs(&pxa,&pxb);
-	let py=FP2::new_bigs(&pya,&pyb);
-	let mut P=ECP2::new_fp2s(&px,&py);
-	println!("P= {}",P.tostring());
-	P=P.mul(&mut r);
-	println!("P= {}",P.tostring());
-	let mut  Q=ECP2::new_fp2s(&px,&py);
-	Q.frob(&mut f);
-	println!("Q= {}",Q.tostring());
diff --git a/version22/rust/src/ b/version22/rust/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d59525f..0000000
--- a/version22/rust/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-if debug {println!("sf2= {}",self.tostring())}	
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-//#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct FF {
-	v:Vec<BIG>,
-	length:usize
-//mod big;
-use big::BIG;
-//mod dbig;
-//use dbig::DBIG;
-//mod rom;
-use rom;
-use rom::Chunk;
-//mod rand;
-use rand::RAND;
-//mod hash256;
-//use std::process;
-//static mut debug:bool=false;
-impl FF { 
-/* Constructors */
-	pub fn new_int(n:usize) -> FF {
-		let mut f=FF{v:Vec::new(),length:0};
-		for _ in 0..n {
-			f.v.push(BIG::new());
-		}
-		f.length=n;
-		return f;
-	}
-	pub fn new_ints(x: &[&[i32];rom::NLEN],n: usize) -> FF {
-		let mut f=FF{v:Vec::new(),length:0};
-		for i in 0..n {
-			f.v.push(BIG::new_ints(x[i]));
-		}
-		f.length=n;
-		return f;
-	}
-	pub fn zero(&mut self) {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			self.v[i].zero();
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn getlen(&self) -> usize {
-		return self.length;
-	}
-/* set to integer */
-	pub fn set(&mut self,m:isize) {
-		self.v[0].set(0,m as Chunk);
-	}
-/* copy from FF b */
-	pub fn copy(&mut self,b: &FF) {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			self.v[i].copy(&b.v[i]);
-	 	}
- 	}
-/* x=y<<n */
-	pub fn dsucopy(&mut self,b: &FF) {
-		for i in 0..b.length {
-			self.v[b.length+i].copy(&b.v[i]);
-			self.v[i].zero();
-		}
-	}
-/* x=y */
-	pub fn dscopy(&mut self,b: &FF) {
-		for i in 0..b.length {
-			self.v[i].copy(&b.v[i]);
-			self.v[b.length+i].zero();
-		}
-	}
-/* x=y>>n */
-	pub fn sducopy(&mut self,b: &FF) {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			self.v[i].copy(&b.v[self.length+i]);
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn one(&mut self) {
-		self.v[0].one();
-		for i in 1..self.length {
-			self.v[i].zero();
-		}
-	}
-/* test equals 0 */
-	pub fn iszilch(&mut self) -> bool {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			if !self.v[i].iszilch() {return false}
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-/* shift right by BIGBITS-bit words */
-	pub fn shrw(&mut self,n: usize) {
-    	let mut t= BIG::new(); 
-		for i in 0..n {
-			t.copy(&self.v[i+n]);
-			self.v[i].copy(&t);
-			self.v[i+n].zero();
-		}
-	}
-/* shift left by BIGBITS-bit words */
-	pub fn shlw(&mut self,n: usize) {
-    	let mut t= BIG::new(); 		
-		for i in 0..n {
-			t.copy(&self.v[i]);
-			self.v[n+i].copy(&t);
-			self.v[i].zero();
-		}
-	}
-/* extract last bit */
-	pub fn parity(&self) -> isize {
-		return self.v[0].parity();
-	}
-	pub fn lastbits(&mut self,m: usize) -> isize {
-		return self.v[0].lastbits(m);
-	}
-/* compare x and y - must be normalised, and of same length */
-	pub fn comp(a: &FF,b: &FF) -> isize {
-		let mut i=a.length-1;
-		loop {
-			let j=BIG::comp(&a.v[i],&b.v[i]);
-			if j!=0 {return j}
-			if i==0 {break;}
-			i-=1;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}	
-/* recursive add */
-	pub fn radd(&mut self,vp: usize,x: &FF,xp: usize,y: &FF,yp: usize,n: usize) {
-		for i in 0..n {
-			self.v[vp+i].copy(&x.v[xp+i]);
-			self.v[vp+i].add(&y.v[yp+i]);
-		}
-	}	
-/* recursive inc */
-	pub fn rinc(&mut self,vp: usize,y: &FF,yp: usize,n: usize) {
-		for i in 0..n {
-			self.v[vp+i].add(&y.v[yp+i]);
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn rsinc(&mut self,n: usize) {
-		let mut t=BIG::new();
-		for i in 0..n {
-			t.copy(&self.v[i]);
-			self.v[n+i].add(&t);
-		}		
-	}
-/* recursive sub */
-	pub fn rsub(&mut self,vp: usize,x: &FF,xp: usize,y: &FF,yp: usize,n: usize) {
-		for i in 0..n {
-			self.v[vp+i].copy(&x.v[xp+i]);
-			self.v[vp+i].sub(&y.v[yp+i]);
-		}
-	}
-/* recursive dec */
-	pub fn rdec(&mut self,vp: usize,y: &FF,yp: usize,n: usize) {
-		for i in 0..n {
-			self.v[vp+i].sub(&y.v[yp+i]);
-		}
-	}
-/* simple add */
-	pub fn add(&mut self,b: &FF) {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			self.v[i].add(&b.v[i]);
-		}
-	}
-/* simple sub */
-	pub fn sub(&mut self,b: &FF) {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			self.v[i].sub(&b.v[i]);
-		}
-	}
-/* reverse sub */
-	pub fn revsub(&mut self,b: &FF) {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			self.v[i].rsub(&b.v[i]);
-		}
-	}
-/* normalise - but hold any overflow in top part unless n<0 */
-	pub fn rnorm(&mut self,vp: usize,n: isize) {
-		let mut trunc=false;
-		let mut carry:Chunk;
-		let mut nn:usize=n as usize; 
-		if n<0 { /* -v n signals to do truncation */
-			nn=(-n) as usize;
-			trunc=true;
-		}
-		for i in 0..nn-1 {
-			carry=self.v[vp+i].norm();
-			self.v[vp+i].xortop(carry<<rom::P_TBITS);
-			self.v[vp+i+1].w[0]+=carry; //incl(carry);
-		}
-		carry=self.v[vp+nn-1].norm();
-		if trunc {
-			self.v[vp+nn-1].xortop(carry<<rom::P_TBITS);
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn norm(&mut self) {
-		let n:isize=self.length as isize;
-		self.rnorm(0,n);
-	}
-/* increment/decrement by a small integer */
-	pub fn inc(&mut self,m: isize) {
-		self.v[0].inc(m);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-	pub fn dec(&mut self,m: isize) {
-		self.v[0].dec(m);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* shift left by one bit */
-	pub fn shl(&mut self) {
-		let mut delay_carry:isize=0;
-		for i in 0..self.length-1 {
-			let carry=self.v[i].fshl(1);
-			self.v[i].inc(delay_carry);
-			self.v[i].xortop((carry as Chunk)<<rom::P_TBITS);
-			delay_carry=carry;
-		}
-		self.v[self.length-1].fshl(1);
-		self.v[self.length-1].inc(delay_carry);
-	}
-/* shift right by one bit */
-	pub fn shr(&mut self) {
-		let mut i=self.length-1;
-		while i>0 {
-			let carry=self.v[i].fshr(1);
-			self.v[i-1].xortop((carry as Chunk)<<rom::P_TBITS);
-			i-=1;
-		}
-		self.v[0].fshr(1);
-	}
-/* Convert to Hex String */
-	pub fn tostring(&mut self) -> String {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut s = String::new();
-		let mut i:usize=self.length-1;
-		loop {
-			s=s+self.v[i].tostring().as_ref();
-			if i==0 {break}
-			i-=1;
-		}
-		return s;
-	}
-/* Convert to Hex String 
-	pub fn tostr(&mut self,n:usize) -> String {
-		let mut t=FF::new_int(n);
-		for i in 0..n {
-			t.v[i].copy(&self.v[i]);
-		}
-		t.norm();
-		let mut s = String::new();
-		let mut i:usize=t.length-1;
-		loop {
-			s=s+t.v[i].tostring().as_ref();
-			if i==0 {break}
-			i-=1;
-		}
-		return s;
-	}*/
-/* Convert FFs to/from byte arrays */
-	pub fn tobytes(&mut self,b: &mut [u8]) {
-		for i in 0..self.length {
-			self.v[i].tobytearray(b,(self.length-i-1)*(rom::MODBYTES as usize))
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn frombytes(x: &mut FF,b: &[u8]) {
-		for i in 0..x.length {
-			x.v[i]=BIG::frombytearray(b,(x.length-i-1)*(rom::MODBYTES as usize))
-		}
-	}
-/* in-place swapping using xor - side channel resistant - lengths must be the same */
-	pub fn cswap(a: &mut FF,b: &mut FF,d: isize) {
-		for i in 0..a.length {
-			a.v[i].cswap(&mut b.v[i],d);
-		}
-	}
-/* z=x*y, t is workspace */
-	fn karmul(&mut self,vp: usize,x: &FF,xp: usize,y: &FF,yp: usize,t: *mut FF,tp: usize,n: usize) {
-		if n==1 {
-			let mut d=BIG::mul(&x.v[xp],&y.v[yp]);
-			self.v[vp+1]=d.split(8*rom::MODBYTES);
-			self.v[vp].dcopy(&d);
-			return;
-		}
-		let nd2=n/2;
-		self.radd(vp,x,xp,x,xp+nd2,nd2);
-		self.rnorm(vp,nd2 as isize);       /* Important - required for 32-bit build */
-		self.radd(vp+nd2,y,yp,y,yp+nd2,nd2);
-		self.rnorm(vp+nd2,nd2 as isize);    /* Important - required for 32-bit build */
-		unsafe{
-			(*t).karmul(tp,self,vp,self,vp+nd2,t,tp+n,nd2);
-		}
-		self.karmul(vp,x,xp,y,yp,t,tp+n,nd2);
-		self.karmul(vp+n,x,xp+nd2,y,yp+nd2,t,tp+n,nd2);
-		unsafe {
-			(*t).rdec(tp,self,vp,n);
-			(*t).rdec(tp,self,vp+n,n);
-			self.rinc(vp+nd2,&(*t),tp,n);
-		}
-		self.rnorm(vp,(2*n) as isize);
-	}
-	fn karsqr(&mut self,vp: usize,x: &FF,xp: usize,t: *mut FF,tp: usize,n: usize) {
-		if n==1 {
-			let mut d=BIG::sqr(&x.v[xp]);
-			self.v[vp+1].copy(&d.split(8*rom::MODBYTES));
-			self.v[vp].dcopy(&d);
-			return;
-		}	
-		let nd2=n/2;
-		self.karsqr(vp,x,xp,t,tp+n,nd2);
-		self.karsqr(vp+n,x,xp+nd2,t,tp+n,nd2);
-		unsafe {
-			(*t).karmul(tp,x,xp,x,xp+nd2,t,tp+n,nd2);
-			self.rinc(vp+nd2,&(*t),tp,n);
-			self.rinc(vp+nd2,&(*t),tp,n);
-		}
-		self.rnorm(vp+nd2,n as isize);
-	}
-/* Calculates Least Significant bottom half of x*y */
-	fn karmul_lower(&mut self,vp: usize,x: &FF,xp: usize,y: &FF,yp: usize,t: *mut FF,tp: usize,n: usize) { 
-		if n==1 { /* only calculate bottom half of product */
-			self.v[vp].copy(&BIG::smul(&x.v[xp],&y.v[yp]));
-			return;
-		}
-		let nd2=n/2;
-		self.karmul(vp,x,xp,y,yp,t,tp+n,nd2);
-		unsafe {
-			(*t).karmul_lower(tp,x,xp+nd2,y,yp,t,tp+n,nd2);
-			self.rinc(vp+nd2,&(*t),tp,nd2);
-			(*t).karmul_lower(tp,x,xp,y,yp+nd2,t,tp+n,nd2);
-			self.rinc(vp+nd2,&(*t),tp,nd2);
-		}
-		let sn:isize=nd2 as isize;
-		self.rnorm(vp+nd2,-sn);  /* truncate it */
-	}
-/* Calculates Most Significant upper half of x*y, given lower part */
-	fn karmul_upper(&mut self,x: &FF,y: &FF,t: *mut FF,n: usize) { 
-		let nd2=n/2;
-		self.radd(n,x,0,x,nd2,nd2);
-		self.radd(n+nd2,y,0,y,nd2,nd2);
-		self.rnorm(n,nd2 as isize);
-		self.rnorm(n+nd2,nd2 as isize);
-		unsafe {			
-			(*t).karmul(0,self,n+nd2,self,n,t,n,nd2);  /* t = (a0+a1)(b0+b1) */
-		}
-		self.karmul(n,x,nd2,y,nd2,t,n,nd2); /* z[n]= a1*b1 */
-					/* z[0-nd2]=l(a0b0) z[nd2-n]= h(a0b0)+l(t)-l(a0b0)-l(a1b1) */
-		unsafe {
-			(*t).rdec(0,self,n,n);              /* t=t-a1b1  */										
-			self.rsinc(nd2);  /* z[nd2-n]+=l(a0b0) = h(a0b0)+l(t)-l(a1b1)  */
-			self.rdec(nd2,&(*t),0,nd2);   /* z[nd2-n]=h(a0b0)+l(t)-l(a1b1)-l(t-a1b1)=h(a0b0) */			
-		}
-		let sn:isize=n as isize;
-		self.rnorm(0,-sn);		/* a0b0 now in z - truncate it */
-		unsafe {
-			(*t).rdec(0,self,0,n);         /* (a0+a1)(b0+b1) - a0b0 */
-			self.rinc(nd2,&(*t),0,n);
-		}
-		self.rnorm(nd2,sn);
-	}
-/* z=x*y. Assumes x and y are of same length. */
-	pub fn mul(x: &FF,y: &FF) -> FF {
-		let n=x.length;
-		let mut z=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		let mut t=FF::new_int(2*n);
-	//	x.norm(); y.norm();
-		z.karmul(0,&x,0,&y,0,&mut t,0,n);
-		return z;
-	}
-/* return low part of product this*y */
-	pub fn lmul(&mut self,y: &FF) {
-		let n=self.length;
-		let mut t=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		let mut x=FF::new_int(n); x.copy(&self);
-	//	x.norm(); y.norm();		
-		self.karmul_lower(0,&x,0,&y,0,&mut t,0,n);
-	}
-/* Set b=b mod c */
-	pub fn rmod(&mut self,m: &FF) {
-		let mut k=1;  
-		let n=m.length;
-		let mut c=FF::new_int(n); c.copy(m);
-		self.norm();
-		if FF::comp(&self,&c)<0 {return}
-		c.shl();
-		while FF::comp(&self,&c)>=0 {
-			c.shl();
-			k+=1;
-		}
-		while k>0 {
-			c.shr();
-			if FF::comp(&self,&c)>=0 {
-				self.sub(&c);
-				self.norm();
-			}
-			k-=1;
-		}
-	}
-/* z=x^2 */
-	pub fn sqr(x: &FF) -> FF {
-		let n=x.length;
-		let mut z=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		let mut t=FF::new_int(2*n);
-	//	x.norm();
-		z.karsqr(0,&x,0,&mut t,0,n);
-		return z;
-	}
-/* return This mod modulus, ms is modulus, md is Montgomery Constant */
-	pub fn reduce(&mut self,ms: &FF,md: &FF) -> FF { /* fast karatsuba Montgomery reduction */
-		let n=ms.length;
-		let mut t=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		let mut r=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut m=FF::new_int(n);
-		r.sducopy(&self);
-		m.karmul_lower(0,&self,0,&md,0,&mut t,0,n);
-		self.karmul_upper(&ms,&m,&mut t,n);
-		m.sducopy(self);
-		r.add(&ms);	
-		r.sub(&m);	
-		r.norm();
-		return r;
-	}
-/* Set r=this mod b */
-/* this is of length - 2*n */
-/* r,b is of length - n */
-	pub fn dmod(&mut self,b: &FF) -> FF {
-		let n=b.length;
-		let mut m=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		let mut x=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		let mut r=FF::new_int(n);
-		x.copy(&self);
-		x.norm();
-		m.dsucopy(&b); let mut k=rom::BIGBITS*n;
-		while FF::comp(&x,&m)>=0 {
-			x.sub(&m);
-			x.norm();
-		}
-		while k>0 {	
-			m.shr();
-			if FF::comp(&x,&m)>=0 {
-				x.sub(&m);
-				x.norm();
-			}
-			k-=1;
-		}
-		r.copy(&x);
-		r.rmod(b);
-		return r;
-	}
-/* Set return=1/this mod p. Binary method - a<p on entry */
-	pub fn invmodp(&mut self,p: &FF) {
-		let n=p.length;
-		let mut u=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut v=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut x1=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut x2=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut t=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut one=FF::new_int(n);
-		u.copy(&self);
-		v.copy(&p);
-		x1.copy(&one);
-	// reduce n in here as well! 
-		while FF::comp(&u,&one)!=0 && FF::comp(&v,&one)!=0 {
-			while u.parity()==0 {
-				u.shr();
-				if x1.parity()!=0 {
-					x1.add(&p);
-					x1.norm();
-				}
-				x1.shr();
-			}
-			while v.parity()==0 {
-				v.shr(); 
-				if x2.parity()!=0 {
-					x2.add(&p);
-					x2.norm();
-				}
-				x2.shr();
-			}
-			if FF::comp(&u,&v)>=0 {
-				u.sub(&v);
-				u.norm();
-				if FF::comp(&x1,&x2)>=0 {
-					x1.sub(&x2);
-				} else {
-					t.copy(&p);
-					t.sub(&x2);
-					x1.add(&t);
-				}
-				x1.norm();
-			} else {
-				v.sub(&u);
-				v.norm();
-				if FF::comp(&x2,&x1)>=0 { 
-					x2.sub(&x1);
-				} else {
-					t.copy(&p);
-					t.sub(&x1);
-					x2.add(&t);
-				}
-				x2.norm();
-			}
-		}
-		if FF::comp(&u,&one)==0 {
-			self.copy(&x1);
-		} else {
-			self.copy(&x2);
-		}
-	}
-/* nresidue mod m */
-	pub fn nres(&mut self,m: &FF) {
-		let n=m.length;
-		let mut d=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		d.dsucopy(&self);
-		self.copy(&d.dmod(m));
-	}
-	pub fn redc(&mut self,m: &FF,md: &FF) {
-		let n=m.length;
-		let mut d=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		self.rmod(m);
-		d.dscopy(&self);
-		self.copy(&d.reduce(&m,&md));
-		self.rmod(m);
-	}
-	pub fn mod2m(&mut self,m: usize) {
-	 	for i in m..self.length {
-			self.v[i].zero()
-		}
-	}
-/* U=1/a mod 2^m - Arazi & Qi */
-	pub fn invmod2m(&self) -> FF {
-		let n=self.length;
-		let mut b=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut c=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut u=FF::new_int(n);
-		u.v[0].copy(&self.v[0]);
-		u.v[0].invmod2m();
-		let mut i=1;
-		while i<n {
-			b.copy(&self); b.mod2m(i);
-			let mut t=FF::mul(&u,&b); t.shrw(i); b.copy(&t);
-			c.copy(&self); c.shrw(i); c.mod2m(i);
-			c.lmul(&u); c.mod2m(i);
-			b.add(&c); b.norm();
-			b.lmul(&u); b.mod2m(i);
-; c.shlw(i); b.revsub(&c); b.norm();
-			b.shlw(i);
-			u.add(&b);
-			i<<=1;
-		}
-		u.norm();
-		return u;
-	}	
-	pub fn random(&mut self,rng: &mut RAND) {
-		let n=self.length;
-		for i in 0..n {
-			self.v[i].copy(&BIG::random(rng))
-		}
-	/* make sure top bit is 1 */
-		while self.v[n-1].nbits()<(rom::MODBYTES as usize)*8 {
-			self.v[n-1].copy(&BIG::random(rng));
-		}
-	}
-/* generate random x less than p */
-	pub fn randomnum(&mut self,p: &FF,rng: &mut RAND) {
-		let n=self.length;
-		let mut d=FF::new_int(2*n);
-		for i in 0..2*n {
-			d.v[i].copy(&BIG::random(rng));
-		}
-		self.copy(&d.dmod(p));
-	}
-/* this*=y mod p */
-	pub fn modmul(&mut self,y: &FF,p: &FF,nd: &FF) {
-		if BIG::ff_pexceed(&self.v[self.length-1],&y.v[y.length-1]) {
-			self.rmod(p)
-		}
-		let mut d=FF::mul(&self,y);
-		self.copy(&d.reduce(p,nd));
-	}
-/* this*=y mod p */
-	pub fn modsqr(&mut self,p: &FF,nd: &FF) {
-		if BIG::ff_sexceed(&self.v[self.length-1]) {
-			self.rmod(p);
-		}
-		let mut d=FF::sqr(&self);
-		d.norm();
-		self.copy(&d.reduce(p,nd));
-	}
-/* this=this^e mod p using side-channel resistant Montgomery Ladder, for large e */
-	pub fn skpow(&mut self,e: &FF,p: &FF) {
-		let n=p.length;
-		let mut r0=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut r1=FF::new_int(n);
-		let nd=p.invmod2m();
-		self.rmod(p);
-		r1.copy(&self);
-		r0.nres(p);
-		r1.nres(p);
-		let mut i=8*(rom::MODBYTES as usize)*n-1;
-		loop {
-			let b=(e.v[i/(rom::BIGBITS as usize)]).bit(i%(rom::BIGBITS as usize)) as isize;
-			self.copy(&r0);
-			self.modmul(&r1,p,&nd);
-			FF::cswap(&mut r0,&mut r1,b);
-			r0.modsqr(p,&nd);
-			r1.copy(&self);
-			FF::cswap(&mut r0,&mut r1,b);
-			if i==0 {break}
-			i-=1;
-		}
-		self.copy(&r0);
-		self.redc(p,&nd);
-	}
-/* this =this^e mod p using side-channel resistant Montgomery Ladder, for short e */
-	pub fn skpows(&mut self,e: &BIG,p: &FF) {
-		let n=p.length;
-		let mut r0=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut r1=FF::new_int(n);
-		let nd=p.invmod2m();
-		self.rmod(p);
-		r1.copy(&self);
-		r0.nres(p);
-		r1.nres(p);
-		let mut i=8*(rom::MODBYTES as usize)-1;
-		loop {
-			let b=e.bit(i);
-			self.copy(&r0);
-			self.modmul(&r1,p,&nd);
-			FF::cswap(&mut r0,&mut r1,b);
-			r0.modsqr(p,&nd);
-			r1.copy(&self);
-			FF::cswap(&mut r0,&mut r1,b);
-			if i==0 {break}
-			i-=1;			
-		}
-		self.copy(&r0);
-		self.redc(p,&nd);
-	}
-/* raise to an integer power - right-to-left method */
-	pub fn power(&mut self,e: isize,p: &FF) {
-		let n=p.length;
-		let mut w=FF::new_int(n);
-		let nd=p.invmod2m();
-		let mut f=true;
-		let mut ee=e;
-		w.copy(&self);
-		w.nres(p);
-		if ee==2 {
-			self.copy(&w);
-			self.modsqr(p,&nd);
-		} else {
-			loop {
-				if ee%2==1 {
-					if f {
-						self.copy(&w);
-					} else {self.modmul(&w,p,&nd)}
-					f=false;
-				}
-				ee>>=1;
-				if ee==0 {break}
-				w.modsqr(p,&nd);	
-			}
-		}
-		self.redc(p,&nd);
-	}
-/* this=this^e mod p, faster but not side channel resistant */
-	pub fn pow(&mut self,e: &FF,p: &FF) {
-		let n=p.length;
-		let mut w=FF::new_int(n);
-		let nd=p.invmod2m();
-		w.copy(&self);
-		self.nres(p);
-		w.nres(p);
-		let mut i=8*(rom::MODBYTES as usize)*n-1;
-		loop {
-			self.modsqr(p,&nd);
-			let b=(e.v[i/(rom::BIGBITS as usize)]).bit(i%(rom::BIGBITS as usize)) as isize;			
-			if b==1 {self.modmul(&w,p,&nd)}
-			if i==0 {break}
-			i-=1;				
-		}
-		self.redc(p,&nd);
-	}
-/* double exponentiation r=x^e.y^f mod p */
-	pub fn pow2(&mut self,e: &BIG,y: &FF,f: &BIG,p: &FF) {
-		let n=p.length;
-		let mut xn=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut yn=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut xy=FF::new_int(n);
-		let nd=p.invmod2m();
-		xn.copy(&self);
-		yn.copy(y);
-		xn.nres(p);
-		yn.nres(p);
-		xy.copy(&xn); xy.modmul(&yn,p,&nd);
-		self.nres(p);
-		let mut i=8*(rom::MODBYTES as usize)-1;
-		loop {
-			let eb=e.bit(i);
-			let fb=f.bit(i);
-			self.modsqr(p,&nd);
-			if eb==1 {
-				if fb==1 {
-					self.modmul(&xy,p,&nd);
-				} else {self.modmul(&xn,p,&nd)}
-			} else	{
-				if fb==1 {self.modmul(&yn,p,&nd)}
-			}
-			if i==0 {break}
-			i-=1;				
-		}
-		self.redc(p,&nd);
-	}
-	pub fn igcd(x: isize,y: isize) -> isize { /* integer GCD, returns GCD of x and y */
-		if y==0 {return x}	
-		let mut xx=x;
-		let mut yy=y;		
-		loop {
-			let r=xx%yy;
-			if r==0 {break}
-			xx=yy;yy=r;
-		}
-		return yy;
-	}
-/* quick and dirty check for common factor with n */
-	pub fn cfactor(&self,s: isize) -> bool {
-		let n=self.length;
-		let mut x=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut y=FF::new_int(n);
-		y.set(s);
-		x.copy(&self);
-		x.norm();
-		x.sub(&y);
-		x.norm();
-		while !x.iszilch() && x.parity()==0 {x.shr()}
-		while FF::comp(&x,&y)>0 {
-			x.sub(&y);
-			x.norm();
-			while !x.iszilch() && x.parity()==0 {x.shr()}
-		}
-		let g=x.v[0].get(0) as isize;
-		let r=FF::igcd(s,g);
-		if r>1 {return true}
-		return false
-	}
-/* Miller-Rabin test for primality. Slow. */
-	pub fn prime(pp: &FF,rng: &mut RAND) -> bool {
-		let mut s=0;
-		let n=pp.length;
-		let mut d=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut x=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut unity=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut nm1=FF::new_int(n);
-		let mut p=FF::new_int(n); p.copy(pp);
-		let sf=4849845; /* 3*5*.. *19 */
-		p.norm();
-		if p.cfactor(sf) {return false}
-		nm1.copy(&p);
-		nm1.sub(&unity);
-		nm1.norm();
-		d.copy(&nm1);
-		while d.parity()==0 {
-			d.shr();
-			s+=1;
-		}
-		if s==0 {return false}
-		for _ in 0..10 {
-			x.randomnum(&p,rng);
-			x.pow(&d,&p);
-			if FF::comp(&x,&unity)==0 || FF::comp(&x,&nm1)==0 {continue}
-			let mut looper=false;
-			for _ in 1..s {
-				x.power(2,&p);
-				if FF::comp(&x,&unity)==0 {return false}
-				if FF::comp(&x,&nm1)==0 {looper=true; break}
-			}
-			if looper {continue}
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-fn main()
-	let mut x=FF::new_int(4);
-	let mut y=FF::new_int(4);
-	let mut z=FF::mul(&mut x,&mut y);
-	println!("z= {}",z.tostring());
diff --git a/version22/rust/src/ b/version22/rust/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 39104bd..0000000
--- a/version22/rust/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-use std::fmt;
-use std::str::SplitWhitespace;
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct FP {
- 	x:BIG
-use big::BIG;
-use dbig::DBIG;
-use rom;
-use rom::{Chunk, BIG_HEX_STRING_LEN};
-impl fmt::Display for FP {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "FP: [ {} ]", self.x)
-    }
-impl fmt::Debug for FP {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "FP: [ {} ]", self.x)
-    }
-impl PartialEq for FP {
-    fn eq(&self, other: &FP) -> bool {
-        return self.x == other.x;
-    }
-impl FP {
-/* Constructors */
-	pub fn new() -> FP {
-		FP {
-				x: BIG::new()
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn new_int(a:isize) -> FP {
-		let mut f=FP::new(); 
-		f.nres();
-		return f;		
-	}
-	pub fn new_copy(y:&FP) -> FP {
-		let mut f=FP::new(); 
-		f.x.copy(&(y.x));
-		return f;
-	}
-	pub fn new_big(y:&BIG) -> FP {
-		let mut f=FP::new(); 
-		f.x.copy(y);
-        f.nres();
-		return f;		
-	}
-    pub fn nres(&mut self) {
-        if rom::MODTYPE != rom::PSEUDO_MERSENNE && rom::MODTYPE != rom::GENERALISED_MERSENNE {
-   			let p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);        	
-            let mut d=DBIG::new_scopy(&(self.x));
-            d.shl(rom::NLEN*(rom::BASEBITS as usize));
-            self.x.copy(&d.dmod(&p));
-        }
-    }
-/* convert back to regular form */
-    pub fn redc(&mut self) -> BIG {
-        if rom::MODTYPE != rom::PSEUDO_MERSENNE && rom::MODTYPE != rom::GENERALISED_MERSENNE {
-            let mut d=DBIG::new_scopy(&(self.x));
-            return BIG::modulo(&mut d);
-        } else {
-            let r=BIG::new_copy(&(self.x));
-            return r;
-        }
-    }
-   /* convert to string */
-	pub fn tostring(&mut self) -> String {
-        let s=self.redc().tostring();
-        return s;
-    }
-    pub fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
-        let mut ret: String = String::with_capacity(2 * BIG_HEX_STRING_LEN);
-        ret.push_str(&format!("{}", self.x.to_hex()));
-        return ret;
-    }
-    pub fn from_hex_iter(iter: &mut SplitWhitespace) -> FP {
-        FP {
-            x: BIG::from_hex_iter(iter)
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn from_hex(val: String) -> FP {
-        let mut iter = val.split_whitespace();
-        return FP::from_hex_iter(&mut iter);
-    }
-/* reduce this mod Modulus */
-    pub fn reduce(&mut self) {
-  		let p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);      	
-        self.x.rmod(&p)
-    }
-/* test this=0? */
-    pub fn iszilch(&mut self) -> bool {
-        self.reduce();
-        return self.x.iszilch();
-    }
-/* copy from FP b */
-    pub fn copy(&mut self,b: &FP) {
-        self.x.copy(&(b.x));
-    }
-/* copy from BIG b */
-    pub fn bcopy(&mut self,b: &BIG) {
-        self.x.copy(&b);
-        self.nres();
-    }
-/* set this=0 */
-    pub fn zero(&mut self) {
-    }
-/* set this=1 */
-    pub fn one(&mut self) {
-; self.nres()
-    }
-/* normalise this */
-    pub fn norm(&mut self) {
-        self.x.norm();
-    }
-/* swap FPs depending on d */
-    pub fn cswap(&mut self,b: &mut FP,d: isize) {
-        self.x.cswap(&mut (b.x),d);
-    }
-/* copy FPs depending on d */
-    pub fn cmove(&mut self,b: &FP,d: isize) {
-        self.x.cmove(&(b.x),d);
-    }
-/* this*=b mod Modulus */
-    pub fn mul(&mut self,b: &mut FP)
-    {
-        self.norm();
-        b.norm();
-        if BIG::pexceed(&(self.x),&(b.x)) {self.reduce()}
-        let mut d=BIG::mul(&(self.x),&(b.x));
-        self.x.copy(&BIG::modulo(&mut d))
-    }
-    fn logb2(w: u32) -> usize {
-        let mut v=w;
-        v |= v >> 1;
-        v |= v >> 2;
-        v |= v >> 4;
-        v |= v >> 8;
-        v |= v >> 16;
-        v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);                 
-        v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);  
-        let r= ((   ((v + (v >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0F).wrapping_mul(0x1010101)) >> 24) as usize;
-        return r+1;    
-    }
-/* this = -this mod Modulus */
-    pub fn neg(&mut self) {
-  		let mut p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);   
-        self.norm();
-        let sb=FP::logb2(BIG::excess(&(self.x)) as u32);
-    //    let mut ov=BIG::excess(&(self.x));
-    //    let mut sb=1; while ov != 0 {sb += 1;ov>>=1}
-        p.fshl(sb);
-        self.x.rsub(&p);
-        if BIG::excess(&(self.x))>=rom::FEXCESS {self.reduce()}
-    }
-    /* this*=c mod Modulus, where c is a small int */
-    pub fn imul(&mut self,c: isize) {
-        let mut cc=c;
-        self.norm();
-        let mut s=false;
-        if cc<0 {
-            cc = -cc;
-            s=true;
-        }
-        let afx=(BIG::excess(&(self.x))+1)*((cc as Chunk)+1)+1;
-        if cc<rom::NEXCESS && afx<rom::FEXCESS {
-            self.x.imul(cc);
-        } else {
-            if afx<rom::FEXCESS {
-            	self.x.pmul(cc);
-            } else {
-  				let p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);               	
-				let mut d=self.x.pxmul(cc);
-				self.x.copy(&d.dmod(&p));
-            }
-        }
-        if s {self.neg()}
-        self.norm();
-    }
-/* self*=self mod Modulus */
-    pub fn sqr(&mut self) {
-        self.norm();
-        if BIG::sexceed(&(self.x)) {self.reduce()}
-        let mut d=BIG::sqr(&(self.x));
-        self.x.copy(&BIG::modulo(&mut d))
-    }
-/* self+=b */
-    pub fn add(&mut self,b: &FP) {
-        self.x.add(&(b.x));
-        if BIG::excess(&(self.x))+2>=rom::FEXCESS {self.reduce()}
-    }
-/* self+=self */
-    pub fn dbl(&mut self) {
-        self.x.dbl();
-        if BIG::excess(&(self.x))+2>=rom::FEXCESS {self.reduce()}
-    }
-/* self-=b */
-    pub fn sub(&mut self,b: &FP)
-    {
-        let mut n=FP::new_copy(b);
-        n.neg();
-        self.add(&n);
-    }    
-/* self/=2 mod Modulus */
-    pub fn div2(&mut self) {
-        self.x.norm();
-        if self.x.parity()==0 {
-        	self.x.fshr(1);
-        } else {
-  			let p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);           	
-            self.x.add(&p);
-            self.x.norm();
-            self.x.fshr(1);
-        }
-    }
-/* self=1/self mod Modulus */
-    pub fn inverse(&mut self) {
-  		let mut p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);      	
-        let mut r=self.redc();
-        r.invmodp(&mut p);
-        self.x.copy(&r);
-        self.nres();
-    }
-/* return TRUE if self==a */
-    pub fn equals(&mut self,a: &mut FP) -> bool {
-        a.reduce();
-        self.reduce();
-        if BIG::comp(&(a.x),(&self.x))==0 {return true}
-        return false;
-    }   
-/* return self^e mod Modulus */
-    pub fn pow(&mut self,e: &mut BIG) -> FP {
-      	let p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);   	
-        let mut r=FP::new_int(1);
-        e.norm();
-        self.x.norm();
-		let mut m=FP::new_copy(self);
-        loop {
-            let bt=e.parity();
-            e.fshr(1);
-            if bt==1 {r.mul(&mut m)}
-            if e.iszilch() {break}
-            m.sqr();
-        }
-        r.x.rmod(&p);
-        return r;
-    }
-/* return sqrt(this) mod Modulus */
-    pub fn sqrt(&mut self) -> FP {
-        self.reduce();
-      	let mut p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);  
-        if rom::MOD8==5 {
-            p.dec(5); p.norm(); p.shr(3);
-            let mut i=FP::new_copy(self); i.x.shl(1);
-            let mut v=i.pow(&mut p);
-            i.mul(&mut v); i.mul(&mut v);
-            i.x.dec(1);
-            let mut r=FP::new_copy(self);
-            r.mul(&mut v); r.mul(&mut i);
-            r.reduce();
-            return r;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-  ; p.norm(); p.shr(2);
-            return self.pow(&mut p);
-        }
-    }
-/* return jacobi symbol (this/Modulus) */
-    pub fn jacobi(&mut self) -> isize
-    {
-     	let mut p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);      	
-        let mut w=self.redc();
-        return w.jacobi(&mut p);
-    }
-fn main() {
-    let p = BIG::new_ints(&rom::MODULUS);  
-	let mut e = BIG::new_copy(&p);
-	e.dec(1);
-    let mut x = FP::new_int(3);
-    let mut s=x.pow(&mut e);
-    println!("s= {}",s.tostring());
diff --git a/version22/rust/src/ b/version22/rust/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4610e67..0000000
--- a/version22/rust/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-use std::fmt;
-use std::str::SplitWhitespace;
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct FP12 {
-	a:FP4,
-	b:FP4,
-	c:FP4
-//mod fp;
-//use fp::FP;
-//mod fp2;
-use fp2::FP2;
-//mod fp4;
-use fp4::FP4;
-//mod big;
-use big::BIG;
-//mod dbig;
-//use dbig::DBIG;
-//mod rand;
-//mod hash256;
-//mod rom;
-use rom;
-impl PartialEq for FP12 {
-	fn eq(&self, other: &FP12) -> bool {
-		return (self.a == other.a) &&
-			(self.b == other.b) &&
-			(self.c == other.c);
-	}
-impl fmt::Display for FP12 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "FP12: [ {}, {}, {} ]", self.a, self.b, self.c)
-	}
-impl fmt::Debug for FP12 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "FP12: [ {}, {}, {} ]", self.a, self.b, self.c)
-	}
-impl FP12 {
-	pub fn new() -> FP12 {
-		FP12 {
-				a: FP4::new(),
-				b: FP4::new(),
-				c: FP4::new()
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn new_int(a: isize) -> FP12 {
-		let mut f=FP12::new();
-		f.a.copy(&FP4::new_int(a));
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_copy(x: &FP12) -> FP12 {
-		let mut f=FP12::new();
-		f.a.copy(&x.a);
-		f.b.copy(&x.b);
-		f.c.copy(&x.c);
-		return f;
-	}
-	pub fn new_fp4s(d: &FP4,e: &FP4,f: &FP4) -> FP12 {
-		let mut g=FP12::new();
-		g.a.copy(d);
-		g.b.copy(e);
-		g.c.copy(f);
-		return g;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_fp4(d: &FP4) -> FP12 {
-		let mut g=FP12::new();
-		g.a.copy(d);
-		return g;
-	}
-/* reduce components mod Modulus */
-	pub fn reduce(&mut self) {
-		self.a.reduce();
-		self.b.reduce();
-		self.c.reduce();
-	}
-/* normalise components of w */
-	pub fn norm(&mut self) {
-		self.a.norm();
-		self.b.norm();
-		self.c.norm();
-	}	
-/* test self=0 ? */
-	pub fn iszilch(&mut self) -> bool {
-		self.reduce();
-		return self.a.iszilch() && self.b.iszilch() && self.c.iszilch();
-	}	
-/* test self=1 ? */
-	pub fn isunity(&mut self) -> bool {
-		let mut one=FP4::new_int(1);
-		return self.a.equals(&mut one) && self.b.iszilch() && self.c.iszilch();
-	}
-/* test self=x */
-	pub fn equals(&mut self,x:&mut FP12) -> bool {
-		return self.a.equals(&mut x.a) && self.b.equals(&mut x.b) && self.c.equals(&mut x.c);
-	}
-	pub fn geta(&mut self) -> FP4 {
-		let f=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		return f;
-	}
-	pub fn getb(&mut self) -> FP4 {
-		let f=FP4::new_copy(&self.b);
-		return f;
-	}
-	pub fn getc(&mut self) -> FP4 {
-		let f=FP4::new_copy(&self.c);
-		return f;
-	}	
-/* copy self=x */
-	pub fn copy(&mut self,x :&FP12) {
-		self.a.copy(&x.a);
-		self.b.copy(&x.b);
-		self.c.copy(&x.c);
-	}
-/* set self=1 */
-	pub fn one(&mut self) {
-	}
-/* this=conj(this) */
-	pub fn conj(&mut self) {
-		self.a.conj();
-		self.b.nconj();
-		self.c.conj();
-	}
-/* Granger-Scott Unitary Squaring */
-	pub fn usqr(&mut self) {
-		let mut a=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut b=FP4::new_copy(&self.c);
-		let mut c=FP4::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut d=FP4::new();
-		self.a.sqr();
-		d.copy(&self.a); d.add(&self.a);
-		self.a.add(&d);
-		self.a.norm();
-		a.nconj();
-		a.dbl();
-		self.a.add(&a);
-		b.sqr();
-		b.times_i();
-		d.copy(&b); d.add(&b);
-		b.add(&d);
-		b.norm();
-		c.sqr();
-		d.copy(&c); d.add(&c);
-		c.add(&d);
-		c.norm();
-		self.b.conj();
-		self.b.dbl();
-		self.c.nconj();
-		self.c.dbl();
-		self.b.add(&b);
-		self.c.add(&c);
-		self.reduce();
-	}
-/* Chung-Hasan SQR2 method from */
-	pub fn sqr(&mut self) {
-		let mut a=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut b=FP4::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut c=FP4::new_copy(&self.c);
-		let mut d=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		a.sqr();
-		b.mul(&mut self.c);
-		b.dbl();
-		c.sqr();
-		d.mul(&mut self.b);
-		d.dbl();
-		self.c.add(&self.a);
-		self.c.add(&self.b);
-		self.c.sqr();
-		self.a.copy(&a);
-		a.add(&b);
-		a.norm();
-		a.add(&c);
-		a.add(&d);
-		a.norm();
-		a.neg();
-		b.times_i();
-		c.times_i();
-		self.a.add(&b);
-		self.b.copy(&c); self.b.add(&d);
-		self.c.add(&a);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* FP12 full multiplication self=self*y */
-	pub fn mul(&mut self,y: &mut FP12) {
-		let mut z0=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut z1=FP4::new();
-		let mut z2=FP4::new_copy(&mut self.b);
-		let mut z3=FP4::new();
-		let mut t0=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut t1=FP4::new_copy(&y.a);
-		z0.mul(&mut y.a);
-		z2.mul(&mut y.b);
-		t0.add(&self.b);
-		t1.add(&y.b);
-		z1.copy(&t0); z1.mul(&mut t1);
-		t0.copy(&self.b); t0.add(&self.c);
-		t1.copy(&y.b); t1.add(&y.c);
-		z3.copy(&t0); z3.mul(&mut t1);
-		t0.copy(&z0); t0.neg();
-		t1.copy(&z2); t1.neg();
-		z1.add(&t0);
-		z1.norm();
-		self.b.copy(&z1); self.b.add(&t1);
-		z3.add(&t1);
-		z2.add(&t0);
-		t0.copy(&self.a); t0.add(&self.c);
-		t1.copy(&y.a); t1.add(&y.c);
-		t0.mul(&mut t1);
-		z2.add(&t0);
-		t0.copy(&self.c); t0.mul(&mut y.c);
-		t1.copy(&t0); t1.neg();
-		z2.norm();
-		z3.norm();
-		self.b.norm();
-		self.c.copy(&z2); self.c.add(&t1);
-		z3.add(&t1);
-		t0.times_i();
-		self.b.add(&t0);
-		z3.times_i();
-		self.a.copy(&z0); self.a.add(&z3);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* Special case of multiplication arises from special form of ATE pairing line function */
-	pub fn smul(&mut self,y: &mut FP12) {
-		let mut z0=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut z2=FP4::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut z3=FP4::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut t0=FP4::new();
-		let mut t1=FP4::new_copy(&y.a);
-		z0.mul(&mut y.a);
-		z2.pmul(&mut y.b.real());
-		self.b.add(&self.a);
-		t1.padd(&y.b.real());
-		self.b.mul(&mut t1);
-		z3.add(&self.c);
-		z3.pmul(&mut y.b.real());
-		t0.copy(&z0); t0.neg();
-		t1.copy(&z2); t1.neg();
-		self.b.add(&t0);
-		self.b.norm();
-		self.b.add(&t1);
-		z3.add(&t1);
-		z2.add(&t0);
-		t0.copy(&self.a); t0.add(&self.c);
-		t0.mul(&mut y.a);
-		self.c.copy(&z2); self.c.add(&t0);
-		z3.times_i();
-		self.a.copy(&z0); self.a.add(&z3);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* self=1/self */
-	pub fn inverse(&mut self) {
-		let mut f0=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut f1=FP4::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut f2=FP4::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut f3=FP4::new();
-		self.norm();
-		f0.sqr();
-		f1.mul(&mut self.c);
-		f1.times_i();
-		f0.sub(&f1);
-		f1.copy(&self.c); f1.sqr();
-		f1.times_i();
-		f2.mul(&mut self.b);
-		f1.sub(&f2);
-		f2.copy(&self.b); f2.sqr();
-		f3.copy(&self.a); f3.mul(&mut self.c);
-		f2.sub(&f3);
-		f3.copy(&self.b); f3.mul(&mut f2);
-		f3.times_i();
-		self.a.mul(&mut f0);
-		f3.add(&self.a);
-		self.c.mul(&mut f1);
-		self.c.times_i();
-		f3.add(&self.c);
-		f3.inverse();
-		self.a.copy(&f0); self.a.mul(&mut f3);
-		self.b.copy(&f1); self.b.mul(&mut f3);
-		self.c.copy(&f2); self.c.mul(&mut f3);
-	}
-/* self=self^p using Frobenius */
-	pub fn frob(&mut self,f: &mut FP2) {
-		let mut f2=FP2::new_copy(f);
-		let mut f3=FP2::new_copy(f);
-		f2.sqr();
-		f3.mul(&mut f2);
-		self.a.frob(&mut f3);
-		self.b.frob(&mut f3);
-		self.c.frob(&mut f3);
-		self.b.pmul(f);
-		self.c.pmul(&mut f2);
-	}
-/* trace function */
-	pub fn trace(&mut self) -> FP4 {
-		let mut t=FP4::new();
-		t.copy(&self.a);
-		t.imul(3);
-		t.reduce();
-		return t;
-	}
-/* convert from byte array to FP12 */
-	pub fn frombytes(w: &[u8]) -> FP12 {
-		let mut t:[u8;rom::MODBYTES as usize]=[0;rom::MODBYTES as usize];
-		let mb=rom::MODBYTES as usize;
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i]}
-		let mut a=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+mb]}
-		let mut b=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		let mut c=FP2::new_bigs(&a,&b);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+2*mb]}
-		a=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+3*mb]}
-		b=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		let mut d=FP2::new_bigs(&a,&b);
-		let e=FP4::new_fp2s(&c,&d);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+4*mb]}
-		a=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+5*mb]}
-		b=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		c=FP2::new_bigs(&a,&b);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+6*mb]}
-		a=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+7*mb]}
-		b=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		d=FP2::new_bigs(&a,&b);
-		let f=FP4::new_fp2s(&c,&d);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+8*mb]}
-		a=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+9*mb]}
-		b=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		c=FP2::new_bigs(&a,&b);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+10*mb]}
-		a=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		for i in 0..mb {t[i]=w[i+11*mb]}
-		b=BIG::frombytes(&t);
-		d=FP2::new_bigs(&a,&b);
-		let g=FP4::new_fp2s(&c,&d);
-		return FP12::new_fp4s(&e,&f,&g);
-	}
-/* convert this to byte array */
-	pub fn tobytes(&mut self,w: &mut [u8]) {
-		let mut t:[u8;rom::MODBYTES as usize]=[0;rom::MODBYTES as usize];
-		let mb=rom::MODBYTES as usize;
-		self.a.geta().geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i]=t[i]}
-		self.a.geta().getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+mb]=t[i]}
-		self.a.getb().geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+2*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.a.getb().getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+3*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.b.geta().geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+4*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.b.geta().getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+5*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.b.getb().geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+6*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.b.getb().getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+7*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.c.geta().geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+8*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.c.geta().getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+9*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.c.getb().geta().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+10*mb]=t[i]}
-		self.c.getb().getb().tobytes(&mut t);
-		for i in 0..mb {w[i+11*mb]=t[i]}
-	}
-/* output to hex string */
-	pub fn tostring(&mut self) -> String {
-		return format!("[{},{},{}]",self.a.tostring(),self.b.tostring(),self.c.tostring());		
-	}
-	pub fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
-		let mut ret: String = String::with_capacity(12 * BIG_HEX_STRING_LEN);
-		ret.push_str(&format!("{} {} {}", self.a.to_hex(), self.b.to_hex(), self.c.to_hex()));
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex_iter(iter: &mut SplitWhitespace) -> FP12 {
-		let mut ret:FP12 = FP12::new();
-		ret.a = FP4::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		ret.b = FP4::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		ret.c = FP4::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex(val: String) -> FP12 {
-		let mut iter = val.split_whitespace();
-		return FP12::from_hex_iter(&mut iter);
-	}
-/* self=self^e */
-	pub fn pow(&mut self,e: &mut BIG) -> FP12 {
-		self.norm();
-		e.norm();
-		let mut w=FP12::new_copy(self);
-		let mut z=BIG::new_copy(&e);
-		let mut r=FP12::new_int(1);
-		loop {
-			let bt=z.parity();
-			z.fshr(1);
-			if bt==1 {r.mul(&mut w)};
-			if z.iszilch() {break}
-			w.usqr();
-		}
-		r.reduce();
-		return r;
-	}	
-/* constant time powering by small integer of max length bts */
-	pub fn pinpow(&mut self,e: i32,bts: i32) {
-		let mut r:[FP12;2]=[FP12::new_int(1),FP12::new_copy(self)];
-		let mut t=FP12::new();
-		for i in (0..bts).rev() {
-			let b:usize=((e>>i)&1) as usize;
-			t.copy(&r[b]);
-			r[1-b].mul(&mut t);
-			r[b].usqr();
-		}
-		self.copy(&r[0]);
-	}
-/* p=q0^u0.q1^u1.q2^u2.q3^u3 */
-/* Timing attack secure, but not cache attack secure */
- 	pub fn pow4(q:&mut [FP12],u:&[BIG]) -> FP12 {
-		let mut a:[i8;4]=[0;4];
-		let mut s:[FP12;2]=[FP12::new(),FP12::new()];
-		let mut g:[FP12;8]=[FP12::new(),FP12::new(),FP12::new(),FP12::new(),FP12::new(),FP12::new(),FP12::new(),FP12::new()];
-		let mut c=FP12::new_int(1);
-		let mut p=FP12::new();
-		const CT:usize=1+rom::NLEN*(rom::BASEBITS as usize);		
-		let mut w:[i8;CT]=[0;CT];
-		let mut mt=BIG::new();
-		let mut t:[BIG;4]=[BIG::new_copy(&u[0]),BIG::new_copy(&u[1]),BIG::new_copy(&u[2]),BIG::new_copy(&u[3])];
-		g[0].copy(&q[0]); s[0].copy(&q[1]); s[0].conj(); g[0].mul(&mut s[0]);
-		p.copy(&g[0]);
-		g[1].copy(&p);
-		g[2].copy(&p);
-		g[3].copy(&p);
-		g[4].copy(&q[0]); g[4].mul(&mut q[1]);
-		p.copy(&g[4]);
-		g[5].copy(&p);
-		g[6].copy(&p);
-		g[7].copy(&p);
-		s[1].copy(&q[2]); s[0].copy(&q[3]); s[0].conj(); p.copy(&s[0]); s[1].mul(&mut p);
-		p.copy(&s[1]); s[0].copy(&p); s[0].conj(); g[1].mul(&mut s[0]);
-		g[2].mul(&mut s[1]);
-		g[5].mul(&mut s[0]);
-		g[6].mul(&mut s[1]);
-		s[1].copy(&q[2]); s[1].mul(&mut q[3]);
-		p.copy(&s[1]); s[0].copy(&p); s[0].conj(); g[0].mul(&mut s[0]);
-		g[3].mul(&mut s[1]);
-		g[4].mul(&mut s[0]);
-		g[7].mul(&mut s[1]);
-/* if power is even add 1 to power, and add q to correction */
-		for i in 0..4 {
-			if t[i].parity()==0 {
-				t[i].inc(1); t[i].norm();
-				c.mul(&mut q[i]);
-			}
-			mt.add(&t[i]); mt.norm();
-		}
-		c.conj();
-		let nb=1+mt.nbits();
-/* convert exponent to signed 1-bit window */
-		for j in 0..nb {
-			for i in 0..4 {
-				a[i]=(t[i].lastbits(2)-2) as i8;
-				t[i].dec(a[i] as isize); t[i].norm();
-				t[i].fshr(1);
-			}
-			w[j]=8*a[0]+4*a[1]+2*a[2]+a[3];
-		}
-		w[nb]=(8*t[0].lastbits(2)+4*t[1].lastbits(2)+2*t[2].lastbits(2)+t[3].lastbits(2)) as i8;
-		p.copy(&g[((w[nb] as usize)-1)/2]);
-		for i in (0..nb).rev() {
-			let m=w[i]>>7;
-			let mut j=((w[i]^m)-m) as usize;  /* j=abs(w[i]) */
-			j=(j-1)/2;
-			s[0].copy(&g[j]); s[1].copy(&g[j]); s[1].conj();
-			p.usqr();
-			p.mul(&mut s[(m&1) as usize]);
-		}
-		p.mul(&mut c);  /* apply correction */
-		p.reduce();
-		return p;
-	}
-fn main()
-	let mut w=FP12::new();
diff --git a/version22/rust/src/ b/version22/rust/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ad62cc..0000000
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-use std::fmt;
-use std::str::SplitWhitespace;
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct FP2 {
-	a:FP,
-	b:FP,
-//mod fp;
-use fp::FP;
-//mod big;
-use big::BIG;
-//mod dbig;
-//use dbig::DBIG;
-//mod rand;
-//mod hash256;
-//mod rom;
-//use rom;
-impl fmt::Display for FP2 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "FP2: [ {}, {} ]", self.a, self.b)
-	}
-impl fmt::Debug for FP2 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "FP2: [ {}, {} ]", self.a, self.b)
-	}
-impl PartialEq for FP2 {
-	fn eq(&self, other: &FP2) -> bool {
-		return (self.a == other.a) &&
-			(self.b == other.b);
-	}
-impl FP2 {
-	pub fn new() -> FP2 {
-		FP2 {
-				a: FP::new(),
-				b: FP::new(),
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn new_int(a: isize) -> FP2 {
-		let mut f=FP2::new();
-		f.a.copy(&FP::new_int(a));
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_copy(x: &FP2) -> FP2 {
-		let mut f=FP2::new();
-		f.a.copy(&x.a);
-		f.b.copy(&x.b);
-		return f
-	}	
-	pub fn new_fps(c: &FP,d: &FP) -> FP2 {
-		let mut f=FP2::new();
-		f.a.copy(c);
-		f.b.copy(d);
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_bigs(c: &BIG,d: &BIG) -> FP2 {
-		let mut f=FP2::new();
-		f.a.copy(&FP::new_big(c));
-		f.b.copy(&FP::new_big(d));
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_fp(c: &FP) -> FP2 {
-		let mut f=FP2::new();
-		f.a.copy(c);
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_big(c: &BIG) -> FP2 {
-		let mut f=FP2::new();
-		f.a.copy(&FP::new_big(c));
-		return f;
-	}	
-/* reduce components mod Modulus */
-	pub fn reduce(&mut self) {
-		self.a.reduce();
-		self.b.reduce();
-	}
-/* normalise components of w */
-	pub fn norm(&mut self) {
-		self.a.norm();
-		self.b.norm();
-	}	
-/* test self=0 ? */
-	pub fn iszilch(&mut self) -> bool {
-		self.reduce();
-		return self.a.iszilch() && self.b.iszilch();
-	}	
-	pub fn cmove(&mut self,g:&FP2,d: isize) {
-		self.a.cmove(&g.a,d);
-		self.b.cmove(&g.b,d);
-	}		
-/* test self=1 ? */
-	pub fn isunity(&mut self) -> bool {
-		let mut one=FP::new_int(1);
-		return self.a.equals(&mut one) && self.b.iszilch();
-	}
-/* test self=x */
-	pub fn equals(&mut self,x:&mut FP2) -> bool {
-		return self.a.equals(&mut x.a) && self.b.equals(&mut x.b);
-	}
-/* extract a */
-	pub fn geta(&mut self) -> BIG { 
-		return self.a.redc();
-	}
-/* extract b */
-	pub fn getb(&mut self) -> BIG {
-		return self.b.redc();
-	}
-/* copy self=x */
-	pub fn copy(&mut self,x :&FP2) {
-		self.a.copy(&x.a);
-		self.b.copy(&x.b);
-	}
-/* set self=0 */
-	pub fn zero(&mut self) {
-	}
-/* set self=1 */
-	pub fn one(&mut self) {
-	}	
-/* negate self mod Modulus */
-	pub fn neg(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut m=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut t=FP::new();
-		m.add(&self.b);
-		m.neg();
-		m.norm();
-		t.copy(&m); t.add(&self.b);
-		self.b.copy(&m);
-		self.b.add(&self.a);
-		self.a.copy(&t);
-	}	
-/* set to a-ib */
-	pub fn conj(&mut self) {
-		self.b.neg();
-	}
-/* self+=a */
-	pub fn add(&mut self,x:&FP2) {
-		self.a.add(&x.a);
-		self.b.add(&x.b);
-	}
-	pub fn dbl(&mut self) {
-		self.a.dbl();
-		self.b.dbl();
-	}
-/* self-=a */
-	pub fn sub(&mut self,x:&FP2) {
-		let mut m=FP2::new_copy(x);
-		m.neg();
-		self.add(&m);
-	}
-/* self*=s, where s is an FP */
-	pub fn pmul(&mut self,s:&mut FP) {
-		self.a.mul(s);
-		self.b.mul(s);
-	}
-/* self*=i, where i is an int */
-	pub fn imul(&mut self,c: isize) {
-		self.a.imul(c);
-		self.b.imul(c);
-	}
-/* self*=self */
-	pub fn sqr(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut w1=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut w3=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut mb=FP::new_copy(&self.b);
-		w3.mul(&mut self.b);
-		w1.add(&self.b);
-		mb.neg();
-		self.a.add(&mb);
-		self.a.mul(&mut w1);
-		self.b.copy(&w3); self.b.add(&w3);
-		self.norm();
-	}	
-/* this*=y */
-	pub fn mul(&mut self,y :&mut FP2) {
-		self.norm();  /* This is needed here as {a,b} is not normed before additions */
-		let mut w1=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut w2=FP::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut w5=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut mw=FP::new();
-		w1.mul(&mut y.a);  // w1=a*y.a  - this norms w1 and y.a, NOT a
-		w2.mul(&mut y.b);  // w2=b*y.b  - this norms w2 and y.b, NOT b
-		w5.add(&self.b);    // w5=a+b
-		self.b.copy(&y.a); self.b.add(&y.b); // b=y.a+y.b
-		self.b.mul(&mut w5);
-		mw.copy(&w1); mw.add(&w2); mw.neg();
-		self.b.add(&mw); mw.add(&w1);
-		self.a.copy(&w1); self.a.add(&mw);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* sqrt(a+ib) = sqrt(a+sqrt(a*a-n*b*b)/2)+ib/(2*sqrt(a+sqrt(a*a-n*b*b)/2)) */
-/* returns true if this is QR */
-	pub fn sqrt(&mut self) -> bool {
-		if self.iszilch() {return true}
-		let mut w1=FP::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut w2=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		w1.sqr(); w2.sqr(); w1.add(&w2);
-		if w1.jacobi()!=1 {; return false }
-		w2.copy(&w1.sqrt()); w1.copy(&w2);
-		w2.copy(&self.a); w2.add(&w1); w2.div2();
-		if w2.jacobi()!=1 {
-			w2.copy(&self.a); w2.sub(&w1); w2.div2();
-			if w2.jacobi()!=1 {; return false }
-		}
-		w1.copy(&w2.sqrt());
-		self.a.copy(&w1);
-		w1.dbl();
-		w1.inverse();
-		self.b.mul(&mut w1);
-		return true;
-	}
-/* output to hex string */
-	pub fn tostring(&mut self) -> String {
-		return format!("[{},{}]",self.a.tostring(),self.b.tostring());		
-	}
-	pub fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
-		let mut ret: String = String::with_capacity(2 * BIG_HEX_STRING_LEN);
-		ret.push_str(&format!("{} {}", self.a.to_hex(), self.b.to_hex()));
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex_iter(iter: &mut SplitWhitespace) -> FP2 {
-		let mut ret:FP2 = FP2::new();
-		ret.a = FP::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		ret.b = FP::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex(val: String) -> FP2 {
-		let mut iter = val.split_whitespace();
-		return FP2::from_hex_iter(&mut iter);
-	}
-/* self=1/self */
-	pub fn inverse(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut w1=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut w2=FP::new_copy(&self.b);
-		w1.sqr();
-		w2.sqr();
-		w1.add(&w2);
-		w1.inverse();
-		self.a.mul(&mut w1);
-		w1.neg();
-		self.b.mul(&mut w1);
-	}
-/* self/=2 */
-	pub fn div2(&mut self) {
-		self.a.div2();
-		self.b.div2();
-	}
-/* self*=sqrt(-1) */
-	pub fn times_i(&mut self) {
-	//	a.norm();
-		let z=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		self.a.copy(&self.b); self.a.neg();
-		self.b.copy(&z);
-	}
-/* w*=(1+sqrt(-1)) */
-/* where X*2-(1+sqrt(-1)) is irreducible for FP4, assumes p=3 mod 8 */
-	pub fn mul_ip(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let t=FP2::new_copy(self);
-		let z=FP::new_copy(&self.a);
-		self.a.copy(&self.b);
-		self.a.neg();
-		self.b.copy(&z);
-		self.add(&t);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* w/=(1+sqrt(-1)) */
-	pub fn div_ip(&mut self) {
-		let mut t=FP2::new();
-		self.norm();
-		t.a.copy(&self.a); t.a.add(&self.b);
-		t.b.copy(&self.b); t.b.sub(&self.a);
-		self.copy(&t);
-		self.div2();
-	}
-fn main()
-	let mut x=FP2::new();
diff --git a/version22/rust/src/ b/version22/rust/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index ea2806d..0000000
--- a/version22/rust/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-use std::fmt;
-use std::str::SplitWhitespace;
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct FP4 {
-	a:FP2,
-	b:FP2,
-//mod fp;
-//use fp::FP;
-//mod fp2;
-use fp2::FP2;
-//mod big;
-use big::BIG;
-//mod dbig;
-//use dbig::DBIG;
-//mod rand;
-//mod hash256;
-//mod rom;
-//use rom;
-impl PartialEq for FP4 {
-	fn eq(&self, other: &FP4) -> bool {
-		return (self.a == other.a) &&
-			(self.b == other.b);
-	}
-impl fmt::Display for FP4 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "FP4: [ {}, {} ]", self.a, self.b)
-	}
-impl fmt::Debug for FP4 {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "FP4: [ {}, {} ]", self.a, self.b)
-	}
-impl FP4 {
-	pub fn new() -> FP4 {
-		FP4 {
-				a: FP2::new(),
-				b: FP2::new(),
-		}
-	}
-	pub fn new_int(a: isize) -> FP4 {
-		let mut f=FP4::new();
-		f.a.copy(&FP2::new_int(a));
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_copy(x: &FP4) -> FP4 {
-		let mut f=FP4::new();
-		f.a.copy(&x.a);
-		f.b.copy(&x.b);
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_fp2s(c: &FP2,d: &FP2) -> FP4 {
-		let mut f=FP4::new();
-		f.a.copy(c);
-		f.b.copy(d);
-		return f;
-	}	
-	pub fn new_fp2(c: &FP2) -> FP4 {
-		let mut f=FP4::new();
-		f.a.copy(c);
-		return f;
-	}	
-/* reduce components mod Modulus */
-	pub fn reduce(&mut self) {
-		self.a.reduce();
-		self.b.reduce();
-	}
-/* normalise components of w */
-	pub fn norm(&mut self) {
-		self.a.norm();
-		self.b.norm();
-	}	
-/* test self=0 ? */
-	pub fn iszilch(&mut self) -> bool {
-		self.reduce();
-		return self.a.iszilch() && self.b.iszilch();
-	}	
-/* test self=1 ? */
-	pub fn isunity(&mut self) -> bool {
-		let mut one=FP2::new_int(1);
-		return self.a.equals(&mut one) && self.b.iszilch();
-	}
-/* test is w real? That is in a+ib test b is zero */
-	pub fn isreal(&mut self) -> bool {
-		return self.b.iszilch();
-	}
-/* extract real part a */
-	pub fn real(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		let f=FP2::new_copy(&self.a);
-		return f;
-	}
-	pub fn geta(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		let f=FP2::new_copy(&self.a);
-		return f;
-	}
-/* extract imaginary part b */
-	pub fn getb(&mut self) -> FP2 {
-		let f=FP2::new_copy(&self.b);
-		return f;
-	}
-/* test self=x */
-	pub fn equals(&mut self,x:&mut FP4) -> bool {
-		return self.a.equals(&mut x.a) && self.b.equals(&mut x.b);
-	}
-/* copy self=x */
-	pub fn copy(&mut self,x :&FP4) {
-		self.a.copy(&x.a);
-		self.b.copy(&x.b);
-	}
-/* set self=0 */
-	pub fn zero(&mut self) {
-	}
-/* set self=1 */
-	pub fn one(&mut self) {
-	}	
-/* negate self mod Modulus */
-	pub fn neg(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut m=FP2::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut t=FP2::new();
-		m.add(&self.b);
-		m.neg();
-		m.norm();
-		t.copy(&m); t.add(&self.b);
-		self.b.copy(&m);
-		self.b.add(&self.a);
-		self.a.copy(&t);
-	}	
-/* set to a-ib */
-	pub fn conj(&mut self) {
-		self.b.neg();
-		self.b.norm();
-	}
-/* self=-conjugate(self) */
-	pub fn nconj(&mut self) {
-		self.a.neg(); self.a.norm();
-	}
-/* self+=a */
-	pub fn add(&mut self,x:&FP4) {
-		self.a.add(&x.a);
-		self.b.add(&x.b);
-	}
-	pub fn padd(&mut self,x:&FP2) {
-		self.a.add(x);
-	}
-	pub fn dbl(&mut self) {
-		self.a.dbl();
-		self.b.dbl();
-	}
-/* self-=a */
-	pub fn sub(&mut self,x:&FP4) {
-		let mut m=FP4::new_copy(x);
-		m.neg();
-		self.add(&m);
-	}
-/* self*=s, where s is an FP */
-	pub fn pmul(&mut self,s:&mut FP2) {
-		self.a.mul(s);
-		self.b.mul(s);
-	}
-/* self*=i, where i is an int */
-	pub fn imul(&mut self,c: isize) {
-		self.a.imul(c);
-		self.b.imul(c);
-	}
-/* self*=self */	
-	pub fn sqr(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut t1=FP2::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut t2=FP2::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut t3=FP2::new_copy(&self.a);
-		t3.mul(&mut self.b);
-		t1.add(&self.b);
-		t2.mul_ip();
-		t2.add(&mut self.a);
-		self.a.copy(&t1);
-		self.a.mul(&mut t2);
-		t2.copy(&t3);
-		t2.mul_ip();
-		t2.add(&mut t3);
-		t2.neg();
-		self.a.add(&t2);
-		t3.dbl();
-		self.b.copy(&t3);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* self*=y */
-	pub fn mul(&mut self,y :&mut FP4) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut t1=FP2::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut t2=FP2::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut t3=FP2::new();
-		let mut t4=FP2::new_copy(&self.b);
-		t1.mul(&mut y.a);
-		t2.mul(&mut y.b);
-		t3.copy(&y.b);
-		t3.add(&y.a);
-		t4.add(&self.a);
-		t4.mul(&mut t3);
-		t4.sub(&t1);
-		t4.norm();
-		self.b.copy(&t4);
-		self.b.sub(&t2);
-		t2.mul_ip();
-		self.a.copy(&t2);
-		self.a.add(&t1);
-		self.norm();
-	}	
-/* output to hex string */
-	pub fn tostring(&mut self) -> String {
-		return format!("[{},{}]",self.a.tostring(),self.b.tostring());		
-	}
-	pub fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
-		let mut ret: String = String::with_capacity(4 * BIG_HEX_STRING_LEN);
-		ret.push_str(&format!("{} {}", self.a.to_hex(), self.b.to_hex()));
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex_iter(iter: &mut SplitWhitespace) -> FP4 {
-		let mut ret:FP4 = FP4::new();
-		ret.a = FP2::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		ret.b = FP2::from_hex_iter(iter);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	pub fn from_hex(val: String) -> FP4 {
-		let mut iter = val.split_whitespace();
-		return FP4::from_hex_iter(&mut iter);
-	}
-/* self=1/self */
-	pub fn inverse(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut t1=FP2::new_copy(&self.a);
-		let mut t2=FP2::new_copy(&self.b);
-		t1.sqr();
-		t2.sqr();
-		t2.mul_ip();
-		t1.sub(&t2);
-		t1.inverse();
-		self.a.mul(&mut t1);
-		t1.neg();
-		self.b.mul(&mut t1);
-	}	
-/* self*=i where i = sqrt(-1+sqrt(-1)) */
-	pub fn times_i(&mut self) {
-		self.norm();
-		let mut s=FP2::new_copy(&self.b);
-		let mut t=FP2::new_copy(&self.b);
-		s.times_i();
-		t.add(&s);
-		t.norm();
-		self.b.copy(&self.a);
-		self.a.copy(&t);
-	}	
-/* self=self^p using Frobenius */
-	pub fn frob(&mut self,f: &mut FP2) {
-		self.a.conj();
-		self.b.conj();
-		self.b.mul(f);
-	}	
-/* self=self^e */
-	pub fn pow(&mut self,e: &mut BIG) -> FP4 {
-		self.norm();
-		e.norm();
-		let mut w=FP4::new_copy(self);
-		let mut z=BIG::new_copy(&e);
-		let mut r=FP4::new_int(1);
-		loop {
-			let bt=z.parity();
-			z.fshr(1);
-			if bt==1 {r.mul(&mut w)};
-			if z.iszilch() {break}
-			w.sqr();
-		}
-		r.reduce();
-		return r;
-	}	
-/* XTR xtr_a function */
-	pub fn xtr_a(&mut self,w:&FP4,y:&FP4,z:&FP4) {
-		let mut r=FP4::new_copy(w);
-		let mut t=FP4::new_copy(w);
-		r.sub(y);
-		r.pmul(&mut self.a);
-		t.add(y);
-		t.pmul(&mut self.b);
-		t.times_i();
-		self.copy(&r);
-		self.add(&t);	
-		self.add(z);
-		self.norm();
-	}
-/* XTR xtr_d function */
-	pub fn xtr_d(&mut self) {
-		let mut w=FP4::new_copy(self);
-		self.sqr(); w.conj();
-		w.dbl();
-		self.sub(&w);
-		self.reduce();
-	}
-/* r=x^n using XTR method on traces of FP12s */
-	pub fn xtr_pow(&mut self,n: &mut BIG) -> FP4 {
-		let mut a=FP4::new_int(3);
-		let mut b=FP4::new_copy(self);
-		let mut c=FP4::new_copy(&b);
-		c.xtr_d();
-		let mut t=FP4::new();
-		let mut r=FP4::new();
-		n.norm();
-		let par=n.parity();
-		let mut v=BIG::new_copy(n); v.fshr(1);
-		if par==0 {v.dec(1); v.norm(); }
-		let nb=v.nbits();
-		for i in (0..nb).rev() {
-			if v.bit(i)!=1 {
-				t.copy(&b);
-				self.conj();
-				c.conj();
-				b.xtr_a(&a,self,&c);
-				self.conj();
-				c.copy(&t);
-				c.xtr_d();
-				a.xtr_d();
-			} else {
-				t.copy(&a); t.conj();
-				a.copy(&b);
-				a.xtr_d();
-				b.xtr_a(&c,self,&t);
-				c.xtr_d();
-			}
-		}
-		if par==0 {
-			r.copy(&c)
-		} else {r.copy(&b)}
-		r.reduce();
-		return r;
-	}
-/* r=ck^^n using XTR double exponentiation method on traces of FP12s. See Stam thesis. */
-	pub fn xtr_pow2(&mut self,ck: &FP4,ckml: &FP4,ckm2l: &FP4,a: &mut BIG,b: &mut BIG) -> FP4 {
-		a.norm(); b.norm();
-		let mut e=BIG::new_copy(a);
-		let mut d=BIG::new_copy(b);
-		let mut w=BIG::new();
-		let mut cu=FP4::new_copy(ck);  // can probably be passed in w/o copying
-		let mut cv=FP4::new_copy(self);
-		let mut cumv=FP4::new_copy(ckml);
-		let mut cum2v=FP4::new_copy(ckm2l);
-		let mut r=FP4::new();
-		let mut t=FP4::new();
-		let mut f2:usize=0;
-		while d.parity()==0 && e.parity()==0 {
-			d.fshr(1);
-			e.fshr(1);
-			f2+=1;
-		}
-		while BIG::comp(&d,&e)!=0 {
-			if BIG::comp(&d,&e)>0 {
-				w.copy(&e); w.imul(4); w.norm();
-				if BIG::comp(&d,&w)<=0 {
-					w.copy(&d); d.copy(&e);
-					e.rsub(&w); e.norm();
-					t.copy(&cv);
-					t.xtr_a(&cu,&cumv,&cum2v);
-					cum2v.copy(&cumv);
-					cum2v.conj();
-					cumv.copy(&cv);
-					cv.copy(&cu);
-					cu.copy(&t);
-				} else {
-					if d.parity()==0 {
-						d.fshr(1);
-						r.copy(&cum2v); r.conj();
-						t.copy(&cumv);
-						t.xtr_a(&cu,&cv,&r);
-						cum2v.copy(&cumv);
-						cum2v.xtr_d();
-						cumv.copy(&t);
-						cu.xtr_d();
-					} else {
-						if e.parity()==1 {
-							d.sub(&e); d.norm();
-							d.fshr(1);
-							t.copy(&cv);
-							t.xtr_a(&cu,&cumv,&cum2v);
-							cu.xtr_d();
-							cum2v.copy(&cv);
-							cum2v.xtr_d();
-							cum2v.conj();
-							cv.copy(&t);
-						} else {
-							w.copy(&d);
-							d.copy(&e); d.fshr(1);
-							e.copy(&w);
-							t.copy(&cumv);
-							t.xtr_d();
-							cumv.copy(&cum2v); cumv.conj();
-							cum2v.copy(&t); cum2v.conj();
-							t.copy(&cv);
-							t.xtr_d();
-							cv.copy(&cu);
-							cu.copy(&t);
-						}
-					}	
-				}
-			}
-			if BIG::comp(&d,&e)<0 {
-				w.copy(&d); w.imul(4); w.norm();
-				if BIG::comp(&e,&w)<=0 {
-					e.sub(&d); e.norm();
-					t.copy(&cv);
-					t.xtr_a(&cu,&cumv,&cum2v);
-					cum2v.copy(&cumv);
-					cumv.copy(&cu);
-					cu.copy(&t);
-				} else {
-					if e.parity()==0 {
-						w.copy(&d);
-						d.copy(&e); d.fshr(1);
-						e.copy(&w);
-						t.copy(&cumv);
-						t.xtr_d();
-						cumv.copy(&cum2v); cumv.conj();
-						cum2v.copy(&t); cum2v.conj();
-						t.copy(&cv);
-						t.xtr_d();
-						cv.copy(&cu);
-						cu.copy(&t);
-					} else {
-						if d.parity()==1 {
-							w.copy(&e);
-							e.copy(&d);
-							w.sub(&d); w.norm();
-							d.copy(&w); d.fshr(1);
-							t.copy(&cv);
-							t.xtr_a(&cu,&cumv,&cum2v);
-							cumv.conj();
-							cum2v.copy(&cu);
-							cum2v.xtr_d();
-							cum2v.conj();
-							cu.copy(&cv);
-							cu.xtr_d();
-							cv.copy(&t);
-						} else {
-							d.fshr(1);
-							r.copy(&cum2v); r.conj();
-							t.copy(&cumv);
-							t.xtr_a(&cu,&cv,&r);
-							cum2v.copy(&cumv);
-							cum2v.xtr_d();
-							cumv.copy(&t);
-							cu.xtr_d();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		r.copy(&cv);
-		r.xtr_a(&cu,&cumv,&cum2v);
-		for _ in 0..f2 {r.xtr_d()}
-		r=r.xtr_pow(&mut d);
-		return r;
-	}
-fn main()
-	let mut w=FP4::new();