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[45/50] [abbrv] incubator-beam git commit: Move all files to apache_beam folder
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb060d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Dataflow client utility functions."""
+import codecs
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import time
+from import utils
+from import version
+from import pickler
+from import get_service_credentials
+from import to_json_value
+from import iobase
+from import cy_combiners
+from import dependency
+from import names
+from import retry
+from import PropertyNames
+from import GoogleCloudOptions
+from import StandardOptions
+from import WorkerOptions
+from import encoding
+from import exceptions
+from import storage
+import as dataflow
+def append_counter(status_object, counter, tentative):
+  """Appends a counter to the status.
+  Args:
+    status_object: a work_item_status to which to add this counter
+    counter: a counters.Counter object to append
+    tentative: whether the value should be reported as tentative
+  """
+  logging.debug('Appending counter%s %s',
+                ' (tentative)' if tentative else '',
+                counter)
+  kind, setter = metric_translations[counter.combine_fn.__class__]
+  append_metric(
+      status_object,, kind, counter.accumulator,
+      setter, tentative=tentative)
+def append_metric(status_object, metric_name, kind, value, setter=None,
+                  step=None, output_user_name=None, tentative=False,
+                  worker_id=None, cumulative=True):
+  """Creates and adds a MetricUpdate field to the passed-in protobuf.
+  Args:
+    status_object: a work_item_status to which to add this metric
+    metric_name: a string naming this metric
+    kind: dataflow counter kind (e.g. 'sum')
+    value: accumulator value to encode
+    setter: if not None, a lambda to use to update metric_update with value
+    step: the name of the associated step
+    output_user_name: the user-visible name to use
+    tentative: whether this should be labeled as a tentative metric
+    worker_id: the id of this worker.  Specifying a worker_id also
+      causes this to be encoded as a metric, not a counter.
+    cumulative: Whether this metric is cumulative, default True.
+      Set to False for a delta value.
+  """
+  # Does this look like a counter or like a metric?
+  is_counter = not worker_id
+  metric_update = dataflow.MetricUpdate()
+ = dataflow.MetricStructuredName()
+ = metric_name
+  # Handle attributes stored in the name context
+  if step or output_user_name or tentative or worker_id:
+ = dataflow.MetricStructuredName.ContextValue()
+    def append_to_context(key, value):
+          dataflow.MetricStructuredName.ContextValue.AdditionalProperty(
+              key=key, value=value))
+    if step:
+      append_to_context('step', step)
+    if output_user_name:
+      append_to_context('output_user_name', output_user_name)
+    if tentative:
+      append_to_context('tentative', 'true')
+    if worker_id:
+      append_to_context('workerId', worker_id)
+  if cumulative and is_counter:
+    metric_update.cumulative = cumulative
+  if is_counter:
+    # Counters are distinguished by having a kind; metrics do not.
+    metric_update.kind = kind
+  if setter:
+    setter(value, metric_update)
+  else:
+    metric_update.scalar = to_json_value(value, with_type=True)
+  logging.debug('Appending metric_update: %s', metric_update)
+  status_object.metricUpdates.append(metric_update)
+class Step(object):
+  """Wrapper for a dataflow Step protobuf."""
+  def __init__(self, step_kind, step_name):
+    self.step_kind = step_kind
+    self.step_name = step_name
+    self.proto = dataflow.Step(kind=step_kind, name=step_name)
+ = {}
+  def add_property(self, name, value, with_type=False):
+        dataflow.Step.PropertiesValue.AdditionalProperty(
+            key=name, value=to_json_value(value, with_type=with_type)))
+  def _get_outputs(self):
+    """Returns a list of all output labels for a step."""
+    outputs = []
+    for p in
+      if p.key == PropertyNames.OUTPUT_INFO:
+        for entry in p.value.array_value.entries:
+          for entry_prop in
+            if entry_prop.key == PropertyNames.OUTPUT_NAME:
+              outputs.append(entry_prop.value.string_value)
+    return outputs
+  def get_output(self, tag=None):
+    """Returns name if it is one of the outputs or first output if name is None.
+    Args:
+      tag: tag of the output as a string or None if we want to get the
+        name of the first output.
+    Returns:
+      The name of the output associated with the tag or the first output
+      if tag was None.
+    Raises:
+      ValueError: if the tag does not exist within outputs.
+    """
+    outputs = self._get_outputs()
+    if tag is None:
+      return outputs[0]
+    else:
+      name = '%s_%s' % (PropertyNames.OUT, tag)
+      if name not in outputs:
+        raise ValueError(
+            'Cannot find named output: %s in %s.' % (name, outputs))
+      return name
+class Environment(object):
+  """Wrapper for a dataflow Environment protobuf."""
+  def __init__(self, packages, options, environment_version):
+    self.standard_options = options.view_as(StandardOptions)
+    self.google_cloud_options = options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions)
+    self.worker_options = options.view_as(WorkerOptions)
+    self.proto = dataflow.Environment()
+    self.proto.clusterManagerApiService = COMPUTE_API_SERVICE
+    self.proto.dataset = '%s/cloud_dataflow' % BIGQUERY_API_SERVICE
+    self.proto.tempStoragePrefix = (
+        self.google_cloud_options.temp_location.replace('gs:/',
+                                                        STORAGE_API_SERVICE))
+    # User agent information.
+    self.proto.userAgent = dataflow.Environment.UserAgentValue()
+    self.local = 'localhost' in self.google_cloud_options.dataflow_endpoint
+    version_string = version.__version__
+    self.proto.userAgent.additionalProperties.extend([
+        dataflow.Environment.UserAgentValue.AdditionalProperty(
+            key='name',
+            value=to_json_value('Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Python')),
+        dataflow.Environment.UserAgentValue.AdditionalProperty(
+            key='version', value=to_json_value(version_string))])
+    # Version information.
+    self.proto.version = dataflow.Environment.VersionValue()
+    if self.standard_options.streaming:
+      job_type = 'PYTHON_STREAMING'
+    else:
+      job_type = 'PYTHON_BATCH'
+    self.proto.version.additionalProperties.extend([
+        dataflow.Environment.VersionValue.AdditionalProperty(
+            key='job_type',
+            value=to_json_value(job_type)),
+        dataflow.Environment.VersionValue.AdditionalProperty(
+            key='major', value=to_json_value(environment_version))])
+    # Worker pool(s) information.
+    package_descriptors = []
+    for package in packages:
+      package_descriptors.append(
+          dataflow.Package(
+              location='%s/%s' % (
+                  self.google_cloud_options.staging_location.replace(
+                      'gs:/', STORAGE_API_SERVICE),
+                  package),
+              name=package))
+    pool = dataflow.WorkerPool(
+        kind='local' if self.local else 'harness',
+        packages=package_descriptors,
+        taskrunnerSettings=dataflow.TaskRunnerSettings(
+            parallelWorkerSettings=dataflow.WorkerSettings(
+                baseUrl='',
+                servicePath=self.google_cloud_options.dataflow_endpoint)))
+    pool.autoscalingSettings = dataflow.AutoscalingSettings()
+    # Set worker pool options received through command line.
+    if self.worker_options.num_workers:
+      pool.numWorkers = self.worker_options.num_workers
+    if self.worker_options.max_num_workers:
+      pool.autoscalingSettings.maxNumWorkers = (
+          self.worker_options.max_num_workers)
+    if self.worker_options.autoscaling_algorithm:
+      values_enum = dataflow.AutoscalingSettings.AlgorithmValueValuesEnum
+      pool.autoscalingSettings.algorithm = {
+          'NONE': values_enum.AUTOSCALING_ALGORITHM_NONE,
+      }.get(self.worker_options.autoscaling_algorithm)
+    if self.worker_options.machine_type:
+      pool.machineType = self.worker_options.machine_type
+    if self.worker_options.disk_size_gb:
+      pool.diskSizeGb = self.worker_options.disk_size_gb
+    if self.worker_options.disk_type:
+      pool.diskType = self.worker_options.disk_type
+    if self.worker_options.disk_source_image:
+      pool.diskSourceImage = self.worker_options.disk_source_image
+    if
+ =
+    if
+ =
+    if self.worker_options.worker_harness_container_image:
+      pool.workerHarnessContainerImage = (
+          self.worker_options.worker_harness_container_image)
+    else:
+      # Default to using the worker harness container image for the current SDK
+      # version.
+      pool.workerHarnessContainerImage = (
+          '' % version.__version__)
+    if self.worker_options.teardown_policy:
+      if self.worker_options.teardown_policy == 'TEARDOWN_NEVER':
+        pool.teardownPolicy = (
+            dataflow.WorkerPool.TeardownPolicyValueValuesEnum.TEARDOWN_NEVER)
+      elif self.worker_options.teardown_policy == 'TEARDOWN_ALWAYS':
+        pool.teardownPolicy = (
+            dataflow.WorkerPool.TeardownPolicyValueValuesEnum.TEARDOWN_ALWAYS)
+      elif self.worker_options.teardown_policy == 'TEARDOWN_ON_SUCCESS':
+        pool.teardownPolicy = (
+            dataflow.WorkerPool
+            .TeardownPolicyValueValuesEnum.TEARDOWN_ON_SUCCESS)
+    if self.standard_options.streaming:
+      # Use separate data disk for streaming.
+      disk = dataflow.Disk()
+      if self.local:
+        disk.diskType = 'local'
+      # TODO(ccy): allow customization of disk.
+      pool.dataDisks.append(disk)
+    self.proto.workerPools.append(pool)
+    sdk_pipeline_options = options.get_all_options()
+    if sdk_pipeline_options:
+      self.proto.sdkPipelineOptions = (
+          dataflow.Environment.SdkPipelineOptionsValue())
+      for k, v in sdk_pipeline_options.iteritems():
+        if v is not None:
+          self.proto.sdkPipelineOptions.additionalProperties.append(
+              dataflow.Environment.SdkPipelineOptionsValue.AdditionalProperty(
+                  key=k, value=to_json_value(v)))
+class Job(object):
+  """Wrapper for a dataflow Job protobuf."""
+  def __str__(self):
+    def encode_shortstrings(input_buffer, errors='strict'):
+      """Encoder (from Unicode) that suppresses long base64 strings."""
+      original_len = len(input_buffer)
+      if original_len > 150:
+        if self.base64_str_re.match(input_buffer):
+          input_buffer = '<string of %d bytes>' % original_len
+          input_buffer = input_buffer.encode('ascii', errors=errors)
+        else:
+          matched = self.coder_str_re.match(input_buffer)
+          if matched:
+            input_buffer = '%s<string of %d bytes>' % (
+      , matched.end(2) - matched.start(2))
+            input_buffer = input_buffer.encode('ascii', errors=errors)
+      return input_buffer, original_len
+    def decode_shortstrings(input_buffer, errors='strict'):
+      """Decoder (to Unicode) that suppresses long base64 strings."""
+      shortened, length = encode_shortstrings(input_buffer, errors)
+      return unicode(shortened), length
+    def shortstrings_registerer(encoding_name):
+      if encoding_name == 'shortstrings':
+        return codecs.CodecInfo(name='shortstrings',
+                                encode=encode_shortstrings,
+                                decode=decode_shortstrings)
+      return None
+    codecs.register(shortstrings_registerer)
+    # Use json "dump string" method to get readable formatting;
+    # further modify it to not output too-long strings, aimed at the
+    # 10,000+ character hex-encoded "serialized_fn" values.
+    return json.dumps(
+        json.loads(encoding.MessageToJson(self.proto), encoding='shortstrings'),
+        indent=2, sort_keys=True)
+  def __init__(self, options):
+    self.options = options
+    self.google_cloud_options = options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions)
+    required_google_cloud_options = ['project',
+                                     'job_name',
+                                     'staging_location',
+                                     'temp_location']
+    missing = [
+        option for option in required_google_cloud_options
+        if not getattr(self.google_cloud_options, option)]
+    if missing:
+      raise ValueError(
+          'Missing required configuration parameters: %s' % missing)
+    # Make the staging and temp locations job name and time specific. This is
+    # needed to avoid clashes between job submissions using the same staging
+    # area or team members using same job names. This method is not entirely
+    # foolproof since two job submissions with same name can happen at exactly
+    # the same time. However the window is extremely small given that
+    # time.time() has at least microseconds granularity. We add the suffix only
+    # for GCS staging locations where the potential for such clashes is high.
+    if self.google_cloud_options.staging_location.startswith('gs://'):
+      path_suffix = '%s.%f' % (self.google_cloud_options.job_name, time.time())
+      self.google_cloud_options.staging_location = utils.path.join(
+          self.google_cloud_options.staging_location, path_suffix)
+      self.google_cloud_options.temp_location = utils.path.join(
+          self.google_cloud_options.temp_location, path_suffix)
+    self.proto = dataflow.Job(name=self.google_cloud_options.job_name)
+    if self.options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming:
+      self.proto.type = dataflow.Job.TypeValueValuesEnum.JOB_TYPE_STREAMING
+    else:
+      self.proto.type = dataflow.Job.TypeValueValuesEnum.JOB_TYPE_BATCH
+    self.base64_str_re = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9+/]*=*$')
+    self.coder_str_re = re.compile(r'^([A-Za-z]+\$)([A-Za-z0-9+/]*=*)$')
+class DataflowApplicationClient(object):
+  """A Dataflow API client used by application code to create and query jobs."""
+  def __init__(self, options, environment_version):
+    """Initializes a Dataflow API client object."""
+    self.standard_options = options.view_as(StandardOptions)
+    self.google_cloud_options = options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions)
+    self.environment_version = environment_version
+    if self.google_cloud_options.no_auth:
+      credentials = None
+    else:
+      credentials = get_service_credentials()
+    self._client = dataflow.DataflowV1b3(
+        url=self.google_cloud_options.dataflow_endpoint,
+        credentials=credentials,
+        get_credentials=(not self.google_cloud_options.no_auth))
+    self._storage_client = storage.StorageV1(
+        url='',
+        credentials=credentials,
+        get_credentials=(not self.google_cloud_options.no_auth))
+  # TODO(silviuc): Refactor so that retry logic can be applied.
+  @retry.no_retries  # Using no_retries marks this as an integration point.
+  def _gcs_file_copy(self, from_path, to_path):
+    to_folder, to_name = os.path.split(to_path)
+    with open(from_path, 'rb') as f:
+      self.stage_file(to_folder, to_name, f)
+  def stage_file(self, gcs_or_local_path, file_name, stream,
+                 mime_type='application/octet-stream'):
+    """Stages a file at a GCS or local path with stream-supplied contents."""
+    if not gcs_or_local_path.startswith('gs://'):
+      local_path = os.path.join(gcs_or_local_path, file_name)
+'Staging file locally to %s', local_path)
+      with open(local_path, 'wb') as f:
+        f.write(
+      return
+    gcs_location = gcs_or_local_path + '/' + file_name
+    bucket, name = gcs_location[5:].split('/', 1)
+    request = storage.StorageObjectsInsertRequest(
+        bucket=bucket, name=name)
+'Starting GCS upload to %s...', gcs_location)
+    upload = storage.Upload(stream, mime_type)
+    try:
+      response = self._storage_client.objects.Insert(request, upload=upload)
+    except exceptions.HttpError as e:
+      reportable_errors = {
+          403: 'access denied',
+          404: 'bucket not found',
+      }
+      if e.status_code in reportable_errors:
+        raise IOError(('Could not upload to GCS path %s: %s. Please verify '
+                       'that credentials are valid and that you have write '
+                       'access to the specified path. Stale credentials can be '
+                       'refreshed by executing "gcloud auth login".') %
+                      (gcs_or_local_path, reportable_errors[e.status_code]))
+      raise
+'Completed GCS upload to %s', gcs_location)
+    return response
+  # TODO(silviuc): Refactor so that retry logic can be applied.
+  @retry.no_retries  # Using no_retries marks this as an integration point.
+  def create_job(self, job):
+    """Submits for remote execution a job described by the workflow proto."""
+    # Stage job resources and add an environment proto with their paths.
+    resources = dependency.stage_job_resources(
+        job.options, file_copy=self._gcs_file_copy)
+    job.proto.environment = Environment(
+        packages=resources, options=job.options,
+        environment_version=self.environment_version).proto
+    # TODO(silviuc): Remove the debug logging eventually.
+'JOB: %s', job)
+    request = dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsCreateRequest()
+    request.projectId = self.google_cloud_options.project
+    request.job = job.proto
+    try:
+      response = self._client.projects_jobs.Create(request)
+    except exceptions.BadStatusCodeError as e:
+      logging.error('HTTP status %d trying to create job'
+                    ' at dataflow service endpoint %s',
+                    e.response.status,
+                    self.google_cloud_options.dataflow_endpoint)
+      logging.fatal('details of server error: %s', e)
+      raise
+'Create job: %s', response)
+    # The response is a Job proto with the id for the new job.
+'Created job with id: [%s]',
+        'To accesss the Dataflow monitoring console, please navigate to '
+        '',
+        self.google_cloud_options.project,
+    # Show the whitelisting warning. Projects should be whitelisted prior to
+    # submitting jobs to Google Cloud Dataflow service. Please see documentation
+    # for more information.
+    #
+    # TODO(altay): Remove once the whitelisting requirements are lifted.
+    logging.warning(
+        '\n\n***************************************************************\n'
+        '*      WARNING: PROJECT WHITELISTING REQUIRED.                *'
+        '\n***************************************************************\n'
+        'Please make sure your project is whitelisted for running\n'
+        'Python-based pipelines using the Google Cloud Dataflow service.\n\n'
+        'You may ignore this message if you have successfully ran\n'
+        'Python-based pipelines with this project on Google Cloud\n'
+        'Dataflow service before.\n\n'
+        'If your project is not whitelisted, your job will attempt to run\n'
+        'however it will fail to make any progress. Google Cloud Dataflow\n'
+        'service will automatically cancel your non-whitelisted job\n'
+        'after some time due to inactivity. You can also manually cancel\n'
+        'your job using the following command:\n\n'
+        'gcloud alpha dataflow jobs --project=%s cancel %s\n\n'
+        'Please refer to the documentation to learn more about whitelisting\n'
+        'your project at: %s'
+        '\n***************************************************************\n\n',
+        request.projectId,,
+        ''
+    )
+    return response
+  @retry.with_exponential_backoff()  # Using retry defaults from utils/
+  def modify_job_state(self, job_id, new_state):
+    """Modify the run state of the job.
+    Args:
+      job_id: The id of the job.
+      new_state: A string representing the new desired state. It could be set to
+    Returns:
+      True if the job was modified successfully.
+    """
+    if new_state == 'JOB_STATE_DONE':
+      new_state = dataflow.Job.RequestedStateValueValuesEnum.JOB_STATE_DONE
+    elif new_state == 'JOB_STATE_CANCELLED':
+      new_state = dataflow.Job.RequestedStateValueValuesEnum.JOB_STATE_CANCELLED
+    elif new_state == 'JOB_STATE_DRAINING':
+      new_state = dataflow.Job.RequestedStateValueValuesEnum.JOB_STATE_DRAINING
+    else:
+      # Other states could only be set by the service.
+      return False
+    request = dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsUpdateRequest()
+    request.jobId = job_id
+    request.projectId = self.google_cloud_options.project
+    request.job = dataflow.Job(requestedState=new_state)
+    self._client.projects_jobs.Update(request)
+    return True
+  @retry.with_exponential_backoff()  # Using retry defaults from utils/
+  def get_job(self, job_id):
+    """Gets the job status for a submitted job.
+    Args:
+      job_id: A string representing the job_id for the workflow as returned
+        by the a create_job() request.
+    Returns:
+      A Job proto. See below for interesting fields.
+    The Job proto returned from a get_job() request contains some interesting
+    fields:
+      currentState: An object representing the current state of the job. The
+        string representation of the object (str() result) has the following
+        possible values: JOB_STATE_UNKNONW, JOB_STATE_STOPPED,
+      createTime: UTC time when the job was created
+        (e.g. '2015-03-10T00:01:53.074Z')
+      currentStateTime: UTC time for the current state of the job.
+    """
+    request = dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsGetRequest()
+    request.jobId = job_id
+    request.projectId = self.google_cloud_options.project
+    response = self._client.projects_jobs.Get(request)
+    return response
+  @retry.with_exponential_backoff()  # Using retry defaults from utils/
+  def list_messages(
+      self, job_id, start_time=None, end_time=None, page_token=None,
+      minimum_importance=None):
+    """List messages associated with the execution of a job.
+    Args:
+      job_id: A string representing the job_id for the workflow as returned
+        by the a create_job() request.
+      start_time: If specified, only messages generated after the start time
+        will be returned, otherwise all messages since job started will be
+        returned. The value is a string representing UTC time
+        (e.g., '2015-08-18T21:03:50.644Z')
+      end_time: If specified, only messages generated before the end time
+        will be returned, otherwise all messages up to current time will be
+        returned. The value is a string representing UTC time
+        (e.g., '2015-08-18T21:03:50.644Z')
+      page_token: A string to be used as next page token if the list call
+        returned paginated results.
+      minimum_importance: Filter for messages based on importance. The possible
+        string values in increasing order of importance are: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG,
+        JOB_MESSAGE_ERROR. For example, a filter set on warning will allow only
+        warnings and errors and exclude all others.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple consisting of a list of JobMessage instances and a
+      next page token string.
+    Raises:
+      RuntimeError: if an unexpected value for the message_importance argument
+        is used.
+    The JobMessage objects returned by the call contain the following  fields:
+      id: A unique string identifier for the message.
+      time: A string representing the UTC time of the message
+        (e.g., '2015-08-18T21:03:50.644Z')
+      messageImportance: An enumeration value for the message importance. The
+        value if converted to string will have the following possible values:
+     messageText: A message string.
+    """
+    request = dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsMessagesListRequest(
+        jobId=job_id, projectId=self.google_cloud_options.project)
+    if page_token is not None:
+      request.pageToken = page_token
+    if start_time is not None:
+      request.startTime = start_time
+    if end_time is not None:
+      request.endTime = end_time
+    if minimum_importance is not None:
+      if minimum_importance == 'JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG':
+        request.minimumImportance = (
+            dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsMessagesListRequest
+            .MinimumImportanceValueValuesEnum
+            .JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG)
+      elif minimum_importance == 'JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED':
+        request.minimumImportance = (
+            dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsMessagesListRequest
+            .MinimumImportanceValueValuesEnum
+      elif minimum_importance == 'JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC':
+        request.minimumImportance = (
+            dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsMessagesListRequest
+            .MinimumImportanceValueValuesEnum
+            .JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC)
+      elif minimum_importance == 'JOB_MESSAGE_WARNING':
+        request.minimumImportance = (
+            dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsMessagesListRequest
+            .MinimumImportanceValueValuesEnum
+            .JOB_MESSAGE_WARNING)
+      elif minimum_importance == 'JOB_MESSAGE_ERROR':
+        request.minimumImportance = (
+            dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsMessagesListRequest
+            .MinimumImportanceValueValuesEnum
+            .JOB_MESSAGE_ERROR)
+      else:
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            'Unexpected value for minimum_importance argument: %r',
+            minimum_importance)
+    response = self._client.projects_jobs_messages.List(request)
+    return response.jobMessages, response.nextPageToken
+class DataflowWorkerClient(object):
+  """A Dataflow API client used by worker code to lease work items."""
+  def __init__(self, worker, skip_get_credentials=False):
+    """Initializes a Dataflow API client object with worker functionality.
+    Args:
+      worker: A Worker instance.
+      skip_get_credentials: If true disables credentials loading logic.
+    """
+    self._client = (
+        dataflow.DataflowV1b3(
+            url=worker.service_path,
+            get_credentials=(not skip_get_credentials)))
+  @retry.with_exponential_backoff()  # Using retry defaults from utils/
+  def lease_work(self, worker_info, desired_lease_duration):
+    """Leases a work item from the service."""
+    work_request = dataflow.LeaseWorkItemRequest()
+    work_request.workerId = worker_info.worker_id
+    work_request.requestedLeaseDuration = desired_lease_duration
+    work_request.currentWorkerTime = worker_info.formatted_current_time
+    work_request.workerCapabilities.append(worker_info.worker_id)
+    for value in worker_info.capabilities:
+      work_request.workerCapabilities.append(value)
+    for value in worker_info.work_types:
+      work_request.workItemTypes.append(value)
+    request = dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsWorkItemsLeaseRequest()
+    request.jobId = worker_info.job_id
+    request.projectId = worker_info.project_id
+    try:
+      request.leaseWorkItemRequest = work_request
+    except AttributeError:
+      request.lease_work_item_request = work_request
+    logging.debug('lease_work: %s', request)
+    response = self._client.projects_jobs_workItems.Lease(request)
+    logging.debug('lease_work: %s', response)
+    return response
+  def report_status(self,
+                    worker_info,
+                    desired_lease_duration,
+                    work_item,
+                    completed,
+                    progress,
+                    dynamic_split_result_to_report=None,
+                    source_operation_response=None,
+                    exception_details=None):
+    """Reports status for a work item (success or failure).
+    This is an integration point. The @retry decorator is used on callers
+    of this method defined in google/cloud/dataflow/worker/ because
+    there are different retry strategies for a completed versus in progress
+    work item.
+    Args:
+      worker_info: A batchworker.BatchWorkerInfo that contains
+        information about the Worker instance executing the work
+        item.
+      desired_lease_duration: The duration for which the worker would like to
+        extend the lease of the work item. Should be in seconds formatted as a
+        string.
+      work_item: The work item for which to report status.
+      completed: True if there is no further work to be done on this work item
+        either because it succeeded or because it failed. False if this is a
+        progress report.
+      progress: A SourceReaderProgress that gives the progress of worker
+        handling the work item.
+      dynamic_split_result_to_report: A successful dynamic split result that
+        should be sent to the Dataflow service along with the status report.
+      source_operation_response: Response to a source operation request from
+        the service. This will be sent to the service along with the status
+        report.
+      exception_details: A string representation of the stack trace for an
+        exception raised while executing the work item. The string is the
+        output of the standard traceback.format_exc() function.
+    Returns:
+      A protobuf containing the response from the service for the status
+      update (WorkItemServiceState).
+    Raises:
+      TypeError: if progress is of an unknown type
+      RuntimeError: if dynamic split request is of an unknown type.
+    """
+    work_item_status = dataflow.WorkItemStatus()
+    work_item_status.completed = completed
+    if not completed:
+      work_item_status.requestedLeaseDuration = desired_lease_duration
+    if progress is not None:
+      work_item_progress = dataflow.ApproximateProgress()
+      work_item_status.progress = work_item_progress
+      if progress.position is not None:
+        work_item_progress.position = (
+            reader_position_to_cloud_position(progress.position))
+      elif progress.percent_complete is not None:
+        work_item_progress.percentComplete = progress.percent_complete
+      elif progress.remaining_time is not None:
+        work_item_progress.remainingTime = progress.remaining_time
+      else:
+        raise TypeError('Unknown type of progress')
+    if dynamic_split_result_to_report is not None:
+      assert isinstance(dynamic_split_result_to_report,
+                        iobase.DynamicSplitResult)
+      if isinstance(dynamic_split_result_to_report,
+                    iobase.DynamicSplitResultWithPosition):
+        work_item_status.stopPosition = (
+            dynamic_split_result_with_position_to_cloud_stop_position(
+                dynamic_split_result_to_report))
+      else:
+        raise RuntimeError('Unknown type of dynamic split result.')
+    # The service keeps track of the report indexes in order to handle lost
+    # and duplicate message.
+    work_item_status.reportIndex = work_item.next_report_index
+    work_item_status.workItemId = str(
+    # Add exception information if any.
+    if exception_details is not None:
+      status = dataflow.Status()
+      # TODO(silviuc): Replace Code.UNKNOWN with a generated definition.
+      status.code = 2
+      # TODO(silviuc): Attach the stack trace as exception details.
+      status.message = exception_details
+      work_item_status.errors.append(status)
+    if source_operation_response is not None:
+      work_item_status.sourceOperationResponse = source_operation_response
+    # Look through the work item for metrics to send.
+    if work_item.map_task:
+      for counter in work_item.map_task.itercounters():
+        append_counter(work_item_status, counter, tentative=not completed)
+    report_request = dataflow.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest()
+    report_request.currentWorkerTime = worker_info.formatted_current_time
+    report_request.workerId = worker_info.worker_id
+    report_request.workItemStatuses.append(work_item_status)
+    request = dataflow.DataflowProjectsJobsWorkItemsReportStatusRequest()
+    request.jobId = worker_info.job_id
+    request.projectId = worker_info.project_id
+    try:
+      request.reportWorkItemStatusRequest = report_request
+    except AttributeError:
+      request.report_work_item_status_request = report_request
+    logging.debug('report_status: %s', request)
+    response = self._client.projects_jobs_workItems.ReportStatus(request)
+    logging.debug('report_status: %s', response)
+    return response
+# Utility functions for translating cloud reader objects to corresponding SDK
+# reader objects and vice versa.
+def reader_progress_to_cloud_progress(reader_progress):
+  """Converts a given 'ReaderProgress' to corresponding cloud format."""
+  cloud_progress = dataflow.ApproximateProgress()
+  if reader_progress.position is not None:
+    cloud_progress.position = reader_position_to_cloud_position(
+        reader_progress.position)
+  if reader_progress.percent_complete is not None:
+    cloud_progress.percentComplete = reader_progress.percent_complete
+  if reader_progress.remaining_time is not None:
+    cloud_progress.remainingTime = reader_progress.remaining_time
+  return cloud_progress
+def reader_position_to_cloud_position(reader_position):
+  """Converts a given 'ReaderPosition' to corresponding cloud format."""
+  cloud_position = dataflow.Position()
+  if reader_position.end is not None:
+    cloud_position.end = reader_position.end
+  if reader_position.key is not None:
+    cloud_position.key = reader_position.key
+  if reader_position.byte_offset is not None:
+    cloud_position.byteOffset = reader_position.byte_offset
+  if reader_position.record_index is not None:
+    cloud_position.recordIndex = reader_position.record_index
+  if reader_position.shuffle_position is not None:
+    cloud_position.shufflePosition = reader_position.shuffle_position
+  if reader_position.concat_position is not None:
+    concat_position = dataflow.ConcatPosition()
+    concat_position.index = reader_position.concat_position.index
+    concat_position.position = reader_position_to_cloud_position(
+        reader_position.concat_position.position)
+    cloud_position.concatPosition = concat_position
+  return cloud_position
+def dynamic_split_result_with_position_to_cloud_stop_position(split_result):
+  """Converts a given 'DynamicSplitResultWithPosition' to cloud format."""
+  return reader_position_to_cloud_position(split_result.stop_position)
+def cloud_progress_to_reader_progress(cloud_progress):
+  reader_position = None
+  if cloud_progress.position is not None:
+    reader_position = cloud_position_to_reader_position(cloud_progress.position)
+  return iobase.ReaderProgress(reader_position, cloud_progress.percentComplete,
+                               cloud_progress.remainingTime)
+def cloud_position_to_reader_position(cloud_position):
+  concat_position = None
+  if cloud_position.concatPosition is not None:
+    inner_position = cloud_position_to_reader_position(
+        cloud_position.concatPosition.position)
+    concat_position = iobase.ConcatPosition(cloud_position.index,
+                                            inner_position)
+  return iobase.ReaderPosition(cloud_position.end, cloud_position.key,
+                               cloud_position.byteOffset,
+                               cloud_position.recordIndex,
+                               cloud_position.shufflePosition, concat_position)
+def approximate_progress_to_dynamic_split_request(approximate_progress):
+  return iobase.DynamicSplitRequest(cloud_progress_to_reader_progress(
+      approximate_progress))
+def set_scalar(accumulator, metric_update):
+  metric_update.scalar = to_json_value(accumulator.value, with_type=True)
+def set_mean(accumulator, metric_update):
+  if accumulator.count:
+    metric_update.meanSum = to_json_value(accumulator.sum, with_type=True)
+    metric_update.meanCount = to_json_value(accumulator.count, with_type=True)
+  else:
+    # A denominator of 0 will raise an error in the service.
+    # What it means is we have nothing to report yet, so don't.
+    metric_update.kind = None
+# To enable a counter on the service, add it to this dictionary.
+metric_translations = {
+    cy_combiners.CountCombineFn: ('sum', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.SumInt64Fn: ('sum', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.MinInt64Fn: ('min', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.MaxInt64Fn: ('max', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.MeanInt64Fn: ('mean', set_mean),
+    cy_combiners.SumFloatFn: ('sum', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.MinFloatFn: ('min', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.MaxFloatFn: ('max', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.MeanFloatFn: ('mean', set_mean),
+    cy_combiners.AllCombineFn: ('and', set_scalar),
+    cy_combiners.AnyCombineFn: ('or', set_scalar),
+def splits_to_split_response(bundles):
+  """Generates a response to a custom source split request.
+  Args:
+    bundles: a set of bundles generated by a BoundedSource.split() invocation.
+  Returns:
+   a SourceOperationResponse object.
+  """
+  derived_sources = []
+  for bundle in bundles:
+    derived_source = dataflow.DerivedSource()
+    derived_source.derivationMode = (
+        dataflow.DerivedSource.DerivationModeValueValuesEnum
+    derived_source.source = dataflow.Source()
+    derived_source.source.doesNotNeedSplitting = True
+    derived_source.source.spec = dataflow.Source.SpecValue()
+    derived_source.source.spec.additionalProperties.append(
+        dataflow.Source.SpecValue.AdditionalProperty(
+            key=names.SERIALIZED_SOURCE_KEY,
+            value=to_json_value(pickler.dumps(
+                (bundle.source, bundle.start_position, bundle.stop_position)),
+                                with_type=True)))
+    derived_source.source.spec.additionalProperties.append(
+        dataflow.Source.SpecValue.AdditionalProperty(key='@type',
+                                                     value=to_json_value(
+                                                         names.SOURCE_TYPE)))
+    derived_sources.append(derived_source)
+  split_response = dataflow.SourceSplitResponse()
+  split_response.bundles = derived_sources
+  split_response.outcome = (
+      dataflow.SourceSplitResponse.OutcomeValueValuesEnum
+  response = dataflow.SourceOperationResponse()
+  response.split = split_response
+  return response
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44a5210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Unit tests for the apiclient module."""
+import unittest
+from import apiclient
+from import iobase
+import as dataflow
+class UtilTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_reader_progress_to_cloud_progress_position(self):
+    reader_position = iobase.ReaderPosition(byte_offset=9999)
+    reader_progress = iobase.ReaderProgress(position=reader_position)
+    cloud_progress = apiclient.reader_progress_to_cloud_progress(
+        reader_progress)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(cloud_progress)
+    self.assertIsInstance(cloud_progress, dataflow.ApproximateProgress)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(cloud_progress.position)
+    self.assertIsInstance(cloud_progress.position, dataflow.Position)
+    self.assertEquals(9999, cloud_progress.position.byteOffset)
+  def test_reader_progress_to_cloud_progress_percent_complete(self):
+    reader_progress = iobase.ReaderProgress(percent_complete=0.123)
+    cloud_progress = apiclient.reader_progress_to_cloud_progress(
+        reader_progress)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(cloud_progress)
+    self.assertIsInstance(cloud_progress, dataflow.ApproximateProgress)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(cloud_progress.percentComplete)
+    self.assertEquals(0.123, cloud_progress.percentComplete)
+  def test_reader_position_to_cloud_position(self):
+    reader_position = iobase.ReaderPosition(byte_offset=9999)
+    cloud_position = apiclient.reader_position_to_cloud_position(
+        reader_position)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(cloud_position)
+  def test_dynamic_split_result_with_position_to_cloud_stop_position(self):
+    position = iobase.ReaderPosition(byte_offset=9999)
+    dynamic_split_result = iobase.DynamicSplitResultWithPosition(position)
+    approximate_position = (
+        apiclient.dynamic_split_result_with_position_to_cloud_stop_position(
+            dynamic_split_result))
+    self.assertIsNotNone(approximate_position)
+    self.assertIsInstance(approximate_position, dataflow.Position)
+    self.assertEqual(9999, approximate_position.byteOffset)
+  def test_cloud_progress_to_reader_progress_index_position(self):
+    cloud_progress = dataflow.ApproximateProgress()
+    cloud_progress.position = dataflow.Position()
+    cloud_progress.position.byteOffset = 9999
+    reader_progress = apiclient.cloud_progress_to_reader_progress(
+        cloud_progress)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(reader_progress.position)
+    self.assertIsInstance(reader_progress.position, iobase.ReaderPosition)
+    self.assertEqual(9999, reader_progress.position.byte_offset)
+  def test_cloud_progress_to_reader_progress_percent_complete(self):
+    cloud_progress = dataflow.ApproximateProgress()
+    cloud_progress.percentComplete = 0.123
+    reader_progress = apiclient.cloud_progress_to_reader_progress(
+        cloud_progress)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(reader_progress.percent_complete)
+    self.assertEqual(0.123, reader_progress.percent_complete)
+  def test_cloud_position_to_reader_position_byte_offset(self):
+    cloud_position = dataflow.Position()
+    cloud_position.byteOffset = 9999
+    reader_position = apiclient.cloud_position_to_reader_position(
+        cloud_position)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(reader_position)
+    self.assertIsInstance(reader_position, iobase.ReaderPosition)
+    self.assertEqual(9999, reader_position.byte_offset)
+  def test_approximate_progress_to_dynamic_split_request(self):
+    approximate_progress = dataflow.ApproximateProgress()
+    approximate_progress.percentComplete = 0.123
+    dynamic_split_request = (
+        apiclient.approximate_progress_to_dynamic_split_request(
+            approximate_progress))
+    self.assertIsNotNone(dynamic_split_request)
+    self.assertIsInstance(dynamic_split_request.progress, iobase.ReaderProgress)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(dynamic_split_request.progress.percent_complete)
+    self.assertEqual(dynamic_split_request.progress.percent_complete, 0.123)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db7f8aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Dataflow credentials and authentication."""
+import datetime
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib2
+from oauth2client.client import OAuth2Credentials
+from import processes
+from import retry
+from import GoogleCloudOptions
+from import PipelineOptions
+# When we are running in GCE, we can authenticate with VM credentials.
+is_running_in_gce = False
+# When we are running in GCE, this value is set based on worker startup
+# information.
+executing_project = None
+def set_running_in_gce(worker_executing_project):
+  """Informs the authentication library that we are running in GCE.
+  When we are running in GCE, we have the option of using the VM metadata
+  credentials for authentication to Google services.
+  Args:
+    worker_executing_project: The project running the workflow. This information
+      comes from worker startup information.
+  """
+  global is_running_in_gce
+  global executing_project
+  is_running_in_gce = True
+  executing_project = worker_executing_project
+class AuthenticationException(retry.PermanentException):
+  pass
+class GCEMetadataCredentials(OAuth2Credentials):
+  """Credential object initialized using access token from GCE VM metadata."""
+  def __init__(self, user_agent=None):
+    """Create an instance of GCEMetadataCredentials.
+    These credentials are generated by contacting the metadata server on a GCE
+    VM instance.
+    Args:
+      user_agent: string, The HTTP User-Agent to provide for this application.
+    """
+    super(GCEMetadataCredentials, self).__init__(
+        None,  # access_token
+        None,  # client_id
+        None,  # client_secret
+        None,  # refresh_token
+        datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1),  # token_expiry, set to time in past.
+        None,  # token_uri
+        user_agent)
+  def _refresh(self, http_request):
+    refresh_time =
+    req = urllib2.Request(''
+                          'instance/service-accounts/default/token',
+                          headers={'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'})
+    token_data = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
+    self.access_token = token_data['access_token']
+    self.token_expiry = (refresh_time +
+                         datetime.timedelta(seconds=token_data['expires_in']))
+class _GCloudWrapperCredentials(OAuth2Credentials):
+  """Credentials class wrapping gcloud credentials via shell."""
+  def __init__(self, user_agent, **kwds):
+    super(_GCloudWrapperCredentials, self).__init__(
+        None, None, None, None, None, None, user_agent, **kwds)
+  def _refresh(self, http_request):
+    """Gets an access token using the gcloud client."""
+    try:
+      gcloud_process = processes.Popen(
+          ['gcloud', 'auth', 'print-access-token'], stdout=processes.PIPE)
+    except OSError as exn:
+      logging.error('The gcloud tool was not found.', exc_info=True)
+      raise AuthenticationException('The gcloud tool was not found: %s' % exn)
+    output, _ = gcloud_process.communicate()
+    self.access_token = output.strip()
+def get_service_credentials():
+  """Get credentials to access Google services."""
+  user_agent = 'dataflow-python-sdk/1.0'
+  if is_running_in_gce:
+    # We are currently running as a GCE taskrunner worker.
+    #
+    # TODO(ccy): It's not entirely clear if these credentials are thread-safe.
+    # If so, we can cache these credentials to save the overhead of creating
+    # them again.
+    return GCEMetadataCredentials(user_agent=user_agent)
+  else:
+    # We are currently being run from the command line.
+    google_cloud_options = PipelineOptions(
+        sys.argv).view_as(GoogleCloudOptions)
+    if google_cloud_options.service_account_name:
+      if not google_cloud_options.service_account_key_file:
+        raise AuthenticationException(
+            'key file not provided for service account.')
+      if not os.path.exists(google_cloud_options.service_account_key_file):
+        raise AuthenticationException(
+            'Specified service account key file does not exist.')
+      client_scopes = [
+          '',
+          '',
+          '',
+          '',
+          ''
+      ]
+      # The following code uses oauth2client >=2.0.0 functionality and if this
+      # is not available due to import errors will use 1.5.2 functionality.
+      try:
+        from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
+        return ServiceAccountCredentials.from_p12_keyfile(
+            google_cloud_options.service_account_name,
+            google_cloud_options.service_account_key_file,
+            client_scopes,
+            user_agent=user_agent)
+      except ImportError:
+        with file(google_cloud_options.service_account_key_file) as f:
+          service_account_key =
+        from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
+        return SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(
+            google_cloud_options.service_account_name,
+            service_account_key,
+            client_scopes,
+            user_agent=user_agent)
+    else:
+      return _GCloudWrapperCredentials(user_agent)
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/bigquery/ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/bigquery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4780544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/bigquery/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+"""Common imports for generated bigquery client library."""
+# pylint:disable=wildcard-import
+import pkgutil
+from import *
+from import *
+from import *
+__path__ = pkgutil.extend_path(__path__, __name__)
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/bigquery/ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/bigquery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..674af7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/internal/clients/bigquery/
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+"""Generated client library for bigquery version v2."""
+# NOTE: This file is autogenerated and should not be edited by hand.
+from import base_api
+from import bigquery_v2_messages as messages
+class BigqueryV2(base_api.BaseApiClient):
+  """Generated client library for service bigquery version v2."""
+  MESSAGES_MODULE = messages
+  _PACKAGE = u'bigquery'
+  _SCOPES = [u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'']
+  _VERSION = u'v2'
+  _CLIENT_ID = ''
+  _CLIENT_SECRET = 'x_Tw5K8nnjoRAqULM9PFAC2b'
+  _USER_AGENT = 'x_Tw5K8nnjoRAqULM9PFAC2b'
+  _CLIENT_CLASS_NAME = u'BigqueryV2'
+  _URL_VERSION = u'v2'
+  _API_KEY = None
+  def __init__(self, url='', credentials=None,
+               get_credentials=True, http=None, model=None,
+               log_request=False, log_response=False,
+               credentials_args=None, default_global_params=None,
+               additional_http_headers=None):
+    """Create a new bigquery handle."""
+    url = url or u''
+    super(BigqueryV2, self).__init__(
+        url, credentials=credentials,
+        get_credentials=get_credentials, http=http, model=model,
+        log_request=log_request, log_response=log_response,
+        credentials_args=credentials_args,
+        default_global_params=default_global_params,
+        additional_http_headers=additional_http_headers)
+    self.datasets = self.DatasetsService(self)
+ = self.JobsService(self)
+    self.projects = self.ProjectsService(self)
+    self.tabledata = self.TabledataService(self)
+    self.tables = self.TablesService(self)
+  class DatasetsService(base_api.BaseApiService):
+    """Service class for the datasets resource."""
+    _NAME = u'datasets'
+    def __init__(self, client):
+      super(BigqueryV2.DatasetsService, self).__init__(client)
+      self._method_configs = {
+          'Delete': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'DELETE',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.datasets.delete',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[u'deleteContents'],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryDatasetsDeleteRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'BigqueryDatasetsDeleteResponse',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Get': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.datasets.get',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryDatasetsGetRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Dataset',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Insert': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'POST',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.datasets.insert',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId'],
+              path_params=[u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets',
+              request_field=u'dataset',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryDatasetsInsertRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Dataset',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'List': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.datasets.list',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId'],
+              path_params=[u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[u'all', u'maxResults', u'pageToken'],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryDatasetsListRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'DatasetList',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Patch': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'PATCH',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.datasets.patch',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}',
+              request_field=u'dataset',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryDatasetsPatchRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Dataset',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Update': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'PUT',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.datasets.update',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}',
+              request_field=u'dataset',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryDatasetsUpdateRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Dataset',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          }
+      self._upload_configs = {
+          }
+    def Delete(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Deletes the dataset specified by the datasetId value. Before you can delete a dataset, you must delete all its tables, either manually or by specifying deleteContents. Immediately after deletion, you can create another dataset with the same name.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryDatasetsDeleteRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (BigqueryDatasetsDeleteResponse) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Delete')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Get(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Returns the dataset specified by datasetID.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryDatasetsGetRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Dataset) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Get')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Insert(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Creates a new empty dataset.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryDatasetsInsertRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Dataset) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Insert')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def List(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Lists all datasets in the specified project to which you have been granted the READER dataset role.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryDatasetsListRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (DatasetList) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('List')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Patch(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Updates information in an existing dataset. The update method replaces the entire dataset resource, whereas the patch method only replaces fields that are provided in the submitted dataset resource. This method supports patch semantics.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryDatasetsPatchRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Dataset) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Patch')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Update(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Updates information in an existing dataset. The update method replaces the entire dataset resource, whereas the patch method only replaces fields that are provided in the submitted dataset resource.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryDatasetsUpdateRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Dataset) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Update')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+  class JobsService(base_api.BaseApiService):
+    """Service class for the jobs resource."""
+    _NAME = u'jobs'
+    def __init__(self, client):
+      super(BigqueryV2.JobsService, self).__init__(client)
+      self._method_configs = {
+          'Cancel': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'POST',
+              method_id=u'',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'jobId'],
+              path_params=[u'jobId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'project/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}/cancel',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryJobsCancelRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'JobCancelResponse',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Get': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'jobId'],
+              path_params=[u'jobId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryJobsGetRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Job',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'GetQueryResults': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'jobId'],
+              path_params=[u'jobId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[u'maxResults', u'pageToken', u'startIndex', u'timeoutMs'],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/queries/{jobId}',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryJobsGetQueryResultsRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'GetQueryResultsResponse',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Insert': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'POST',
+              method_id=u'',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId'],
+              path_params=[u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/jobs',
+              request_field=u'job',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryJobsInsertRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Job',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'List': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId'],
+              path_params=[u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[u'allUsers', u'maxResults', u'pageToken', u'projection', u'stateFilter'],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/jobs',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryJobsListRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'JobList',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Query': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'POST',
+              method_id=u'',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId'],
+              path_params=[u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/queries',
+              request_field=u'queryRequest',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryJobsQueryRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'QueryResponse',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          }
+      self._upload_configs = {
+          'Insert': base_api.ApiUploadInfo(
+              accept=['*/*'],
+              max_size=None,
+              resumable_multipart=True,
+              resumable_path=u'/resumable/upload/bigquery/v2/projects/{projectId}/jobs',
+              simple_multipart=True,
+              simple_path=u'/upload/bigquery/v2/projects/{projectId}/jobs',
+          ),
+          }
+    def Cancel(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Requests that a job be cancelled. This call will return immediately, and the client will need to poll for the job status to see if the cancel completed successfully. Cancelled jobs may still incur costs.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryJobsCancelRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (JobCancelResponse) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Cancel')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Get(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Returns information about a specific job. Job information is available for a six month period after creation. Requires that you're the person who ran the job, or have the Is Owner project role.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryJobsGetRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Job) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Get')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def GetQueryResults(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Retrieves the results of a query job.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryJobsGetQueryResultsRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (GetQueryResultsResponse) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('GetQueryResults')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Insert(self, request, global_params=None, upload=None):
+      """Starts a new asynchronous job. Requires the Can View project role.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryJobsInsertRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+        upload: (Upload, default: None) If present, upload
+            this stream with the request.
+      Returns:
+        (Job) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Insert')
+      upload_config = self.GetUploadConfig('Insert')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params,
+          upload=upload, upload_config=upload_config)
+    def List(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Lists all jobs that you started in the specified project. Job information is available for a six month period after creation. The job list is sorted in reverse chronological order, by job creation time. Requires the Can View project role, or the Is Owner project role if you set the allUsers property.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryJobsListRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (JobList) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('List')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Query(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Runs a BigQuery SQL query synchronously and returns query results if the query completes within a specified timeout.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryJobsQueryRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (QueryResponse) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Query')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+  class ProjectsService(base_api.BaseApiService):
+    """Service class for the projects resource."""
+    _NAME = u'projects'
+    def __init__(self, client):
+      super(BigqueryV2.ProjectsService, self).__init__(client)
+      self._method_configs = {
+          'List': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.projects.list',
+              ordered_params=[],
+              path_params=[],
+              query_params=[u'maxResults', u'pageToken'],
+              relative_path=u'projects',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryProjectsListRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'ProjectList',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          }
+      self._upload_configs = {
+          }
+    def List(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Lists all projects to which you have been granted any project role.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryProjectsListRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (ProjectList) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('List')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+  class TabledataService(base_api.BaseApiService):
+    """Service class for the tabledata resource."""
+    _NAME = u'tabledata'
+    def __init__(self, client):
+      super(BigqueryV2.TabledataService, self).__init__(client)
+      self._method_configs = {
+          'InsertAll': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'POST',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tabledata.insertAll',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId', u'tableId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId', u'tableId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables/{tableId}/insertAll',
+              request_field=u'tableDataInsertAllRequest',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTabledataInsertAllRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'TableDataInsertAllResponse',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'List': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tabledata.list',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId', u'tableId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId', u'tableId'],
+              query_params=[u'maxResults', u'pageToken', u'startIndex'],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables/{tableId}/data',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTabledataListRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'TableDataList',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          }
+      self._upload_configs = {
+          }
+    def InsertAll(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Streams data into BigQuery one record at a time without needing to run a load job. Requires the WRITER dataset role.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTabledataInsertAllRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (TableDataInsertAllResponse) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('InsertAll')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def List(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Retrieves table data from a specified set of rows. Requires the READER dataset role.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTabledataListRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (TableDataList) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('List')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+  class TablesService(base_api.BaseApiService):
+    """Service class for the tables resource."""
+    _NAME = u'tables'
+    def __init__(self, client):
+      super(BigqueryV2.TablesService, self).__init__(client)
+      self._method_configs = {
+          'Delete': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'DELETE',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tables.delete',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId', u'tableId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId', u'tableId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables/{tableId}',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTablesDeleteRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'BigqueryTablesDeleteResponse',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Get': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tables.get',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId', u'tableId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId', u'tableId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables/{tableId}',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTablesGetRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Table',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Insert': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'POST',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tables.insert',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables',
+              request_field=u'table',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTablesInsertRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Table',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'List': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'GET',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tables.list',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId'],
+              query_params=[u'maxResults', u'pageToken'],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables',
+              request_field='',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTablesListRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'TableList',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Patch': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'PATCH',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tables.patch',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId', u'tableId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId', u'tableId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables/{tableId}',
+              request_field=u'table',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTablesPatchRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Table',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          'Update': base_api.ApiMethodInfo(
+              http_method=u'PUT',
+              method_id=u'bigquery.tables.update',
+              ordered_params=[u'projectId', u'datasetId', u'tableId'],
+              path_params=[u'datasetId', u'projectId', u'tableId'],
+              query_params=[],
+              relative_path=u'projects/{projectId}/datasets/{datasetId}/tables/{tableId}',
+              request_field=u'table',
+              request_type_name=u'BigqueryTablesUpdateRequest',
+              response_type_name=u'Table',
+              supports_download=False,
+          ),
+          }
+      self._upload_configs = {
+          }
+    def Delete(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Deletes the table specified by tableId from the dataset. If the table contains data, all the data will be deleted.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTablesDeleteRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (BigqueryTablesDeleteResponse) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Delete')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Get(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Gets the specified table resource by table ID. This method does not return the data in the table, it only returns the table resource, which describes the structure of this table.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTablesGetRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Table) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Get')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Insert(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Creates a new, empty table in the dataset.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTablesInsertRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Table) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Insert')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def List(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Lists all tables in the specified dataset. Requires the READER dataset role.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTablesListRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (TableList) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('List')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Patch(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Updates information in an existing table. The update method replaces the entire table resource, whereas the patch method only replaces fields that are provided in the submitted table resource. This method supports patch semantics.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTablesPatchRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Table) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Patch')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)
+    def Update(self, request, global_params=None):
+      """Updates information in an existing table. The update method replaces the entire table resource, whereas the patch method only replaces fields that are provided in the submitted table resource.
+      Args:
+        request: (BigqueryTablesUpdateRequest) input message
+        global_params: (StandardQueryParameters, default: None) global arguments
+      Returns:
+        (Table) The response message.
+      """
+      config = self.GetMethodConfig('Update')
+      return self._RunMethod(
+          config, request, global_params=global_params)