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Posted to by on 2013/11/25 18:39:04 UTC

git commit: AMBARI-3874. Unittests for Resource Management content sources (Eugene Chekanskiy via dlysnichenko)

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk 1daa58e25 -> f80da0256

AMBARI-3874. Unittests for Resource Management content sources (Eugene Chekanskiy via dlysnichenko)


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: f80da0256d0d3851f222fb50b5dc92ddad5ac356
Parents: 1daa58e
Author: Lisnichenko Dmitro <>
Authored: Mon Nov 25 19:37:46 2013 +0200
Committer: Lisnichenko Dmitro <>
Committed: Mon Nov 25 19:37:46 2013 +0200

 ambari-agent/pom.xml                            |   2 +-
 .../resource_management/   | 343 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ambari-agent/pom.xml b/ambari-agent/pom.xml
index 51bda92..bbb00b1 100644
--- a/ambari-agent/pom.xml
+++ b/ambari-agent/pom.xml
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
-                <PYTHONPATH>${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/test/python:${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/main/python:${project.basedir}/src/main/python/ambari_agent:${project.basedir}/src/main/python/resource_management:${project.basedir}/src/test/python/ambari_agent:${project.basedir}/src/test/python/resource_management:${project.basedir}/src/main/python:${project.basedir}/../ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-hadoop/files:$PYTHONPATH</PYTHONPATH>
+                <PYTHONPATH>${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/main/python/jinja2:${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/test/python:${project.basedir}/../ambari-common/src/main/python:${project.basedir}/src/main/python/ambari_agent:${project.basedir}/src/main/python/resource_management:${project.basedir}/src/test/python/ambari_agent:${project.basedir}/src/test/python/resource_management:${project.basedir}/src/main/python:${project.basedir}/../ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-hadoop/files:$PYTHONPATH</PYTHONPATH>
diff --git a/ambari-agent/src/test/python/resource_management/ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/resource_management/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f206d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-agent/src/test/python/resource_management/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from unittest import TestCase
+from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock
+from resource_management.core import Environment
+from resource_management.core.system import System
+from resource_management.core.source import StaticFile
+from resource_management.core.source import DownloadSource
+from resource_management.core.source import Template
+from resource_management.core.source import InlineTemplate
+from jinja2 import UndefinedError, TemplateNotFound
+import urllib2
+import os
+@patch.object(System, "platform", new = 'redhat')
+class TestContentSources(TestCase):
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "join")
+  def test_static_file_absolute_path(self, join_mock, open_mock):
+    """
+    Testing StaticFile source with absolute path
+    """
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = 'content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      static_file = StaticFile("/absolute/path/file")
+      content = static_file.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual('content', content)
+    self.assertEqual(, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(join_mock.call_count, 0)
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "join")
+  def test_static_file_relative_path(self, join_mock, open_mock):
+    """
+    Testing StaticFile source with relative path
+    """
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = 'content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      static_file = StaticFile("relative/path/file")
+      content = static_file.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual('content', content)
+    self.assertEqual(, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(join_mock.call_count, 1)
+    join_mock.assert_called_with('/base', 'files', 'relative/path/file')
+    self.assertEqual(open_mock.call_count, 1)
+  @patch.object(os, "makedirs")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_download_source_init_existent_download_directory(self, exists_mock, makedirs_mock):
+    """
+    Testing DownloadSource without cache with existent download directory
+    """
+    exists_mock.return_value = True
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      static_file = DownloadSource("http://download/source")
+    self.assertEqual(makedirs_mock.call_count, 0)
+    self.assertEqual(exists_mock.call_count, 1)
+    pass
+  @patch.object(os, "makedirs")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_download_source_init_nonexistent_download_directory(self, exists_mock, makedirs_mock):
+    """
+    Testing DownloadSource without cache with non-existent download directory
+    """
+    exists_mock.return_value = False
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      static_file = DownloadSource("http://download/source")
+    self.assertEqual(makedirs_mock.call_count, 1)
+    makedirs_mock.assert_called_with("/var/tmp/downloads")
+    self.assertEqual(exists_mock.call_count, 1)
+    pass
+  @patch.object(urllib2, "urlopen")
+  @patch.object(os, "makedirs")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_download_source_get_content_nocache(self, exists_mock, makedirs_mock, urlopen_mock):
+    """
+    Testing DownloadSource.get_content without cache
+    """
+    exists_mock.return_value = True
+    web_file_mock = MagicMock()
+ = 'web_content'
+    urlopen_mock.return_value = web_file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      download_source = DownloadSource("http://download/source", cache=False)
+    content = download_source.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual('web_content', content)
+    self.assertEqual(urlopen_mock.call_count, 1)
+    urlopen_mock.assert_called_with('http://download/source')
+    self.assertEqual(, 1)
+  @patch.object(urllib2, "urlopen")
+  @patch.object(os, "makedirs")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_download_source_get_content_cache_new(self, exists_mock, makedirs_mock, urlopen_mock):
+    """
+    Testing DownloadSource.get_content with cache on non-cached resource
+    """
+    exists_mock.side_effect = [True, False]
+    web_file_mock = MagicMock()
+ = 'web_content'
+    urlopen_mock.return_value = web_file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      download_source = DownloadSource("http://download/source", cache=True)
+    content = download_source.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual('web_content', content)
+    self.assertEqual(urlopen_mock.call_count, 1)
+    urlopen_mock.assert_called_with('http://download/source')
+    self.assertEqual(, 1)
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os, "makedirs")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_download_source_get_content_cache_existent(self, exists_mock, makedirs_mock, open_mock):
+    """
+    Testing DownloadSource.get_content with cache on cached resource
+    """
+    exists_mock.side_effect = [True, True, False]
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = 'cached_content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      download_source = DownloadSource("http://download/source", cache=True)
+    content = download_source.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual('cached_content', content)
+    self.assertEqual(open_mock.call_count, 1)
+    open_mock.assert_called_with('/var/tmp/downloads/source')
+    self.assertEqual(, 1)
+  @patch.object(urllib2, "urlopen")
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os, "makedirs")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_download_source_get_content_cache_existent_md5_match(self, exists_mock, makedirs_mock, open_mock,
+                                                                urlopen_mock):
+    """
+    Testing DownloadSource.get_content with cache on cached resource with md5 check
+    """
+    exists_mock.side_effect = [True, True, False]
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = 'cached_content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      download_source = DownloadSource("http://download/source", cache=True)
+    content = download_source.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual('cached_content', content)
+    self.assertEqual(open_mock.call_count, 1)
+    open_mock.assert_called_with('/var/tmp/downloads/source')
+    self.assertEqual(, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(urlopen_mock.call_count, 0)
+  @patch.object(urllib2, "urlopen")
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os, "makedirs")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_download_source_get_content_cache_existent_md5_unmatch(self, exists_mock, makedirs_mock, open_mock,
+                                                                  urlopen_mock):
+    """
+    Testing DownloadSource.get_content with cache on cached resource with md5 check
+    """
+    exists_mock.side_effect = [True, True, False]
+    fake_md5 = "144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194"
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = 'cached_content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    web_file_mock = MagicMock()
+ = 'web_content'
+    urlopen_mock.return_value = web_file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      download_source = DownloadSource("http://download/source", cache=True, md5sum=fake_md5)
+    content = download_source.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual('web_content', content)
+    self.assertEqual(open_mock.call_count, 2)
+    open_mock.assert_once_called('/var/tmp/downloads/source', 'w')
+    open_mock.assert_once_called('/var/tmp/downloads/source')
+    self.assertEqual(, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(urlopen_mock.call_count, 1)
+    urlopen_mock.assert_called_with('http://download/source')
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "getmtime")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_template_loader(self, exists_mock, getmtime_mock, open_mock):
+    """
+    Testing template loader on existent file
+    """
+    exists_mock.return_value = True
+    getmtime_mock.return_value = 10
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = 'template content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      template = Template("test.j2")
+    self.assertEqual(open_mock.call_count, 1)
+    open_mock.assert_called_with('/base/templates/test.j2', 'rb')
+    self.assertEqual(getmtime_mock.call_count, 1)
+    getmtime_mock.assert_called_with('/base/templates/test.j2')
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_template_loader_fail(self, exists_mock):
+    """
+    Testing template loader on non-existent file
+    """
+    exists_mock.return_value = False
+    try:
+      with Environment("/base") as env:
+        template = Template("test.j2")
+"Template should fail with nonexistent template file")
+    except TemplateNotFound:
+      pass
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "getmtime")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_template_loader_absolute_path(self, exists_mock, getmtime_mock, open_mock):
+    """
+    Testing template loader with absolute file-path
+    """
+    exists_mock.return_value = True
+    getmtime_mock.return_value = 10
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = 'template content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      template = Template("/absolute/path/test.j2")
+    self.assertEqual(open_mock.call_count, 1)
+    open_mock.assert_called_with('/absolute/path/test.j2', 'rb')
+    self.assertEqual(getmtime_mock.call_count, 1)
+    getmtime_mock.assert_called_with('/absolute/path/test.j2')
+  @patch("")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "getmtime")
+  @patch.object(os.path, "exists")
+  def test_template_loader_arguments(self, exists_mock, getmtime_mock, open_mock):
+    """
+    Testing template loader additional arguments in template and absolute file-path
+    """
+    exists_mock.return_value = True
+    getmtime_mock.return_value = 10
+    file_mock = MagicMock(name = 'file_mock')
+    file_mock.__enter__.return_value = file_mock
+ = '{{test_arg1}} template content'
+    open_mock.return_value = file_mock
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      template = Template("/absolute/path/test.j2", [], test_arg1 = "test")
+      content = template.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual(open_mock.call_count, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(u'test template content\n', content)
+    open_mock.assert_called_with('/absolute/path/test.j2', 'rb')
+    self.assertEqual(getmtime_mock.call_count, 1)
+    getmtime_mock.assert_called_with('/absolute/path/test.j2')
+  def test_inline_template(self):
+    """
+    Testing InlineTemplate
+    """
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      template = InlineTemplate("{{test_arg1}} template content", [], test_arg1 = "test")
+      content = template.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual(u'test template content\n', content)
+  def test_template_imports(self):
+    """
+    Testing Template additional imports
+    """
+    try:
+      with Environment("/base") as env:
+        template = InlineTemplate("{{test_arg1}} template content {{os.path.join(path[0],path[1])}}", [], test_arg1 = "test", path = ["/one","two"])
+        content = template.get_content()
+"Template.get_content should fail when evaluating unknown import")
+    except UndefinedError:
+      pass
+    with Environment("/base") as env:
+      template = InlineTemplate("{{test_arg1}} template content {{os.path.join(path[0],path[1])}}", [os], test_arg1 = "test", path = ["/one","two"])
+      content = template.get_content()
+    self.assertEqual(u'test template content /one/two\n', content)