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Posted to by Ryszard Szopa <> on 2008/06/12 15:28:51 UTC

new common lisp couchdb library


As I have said before, I've been working on a CouchDB library for
Common Lisp. It is not complete, but I think it has reached the point
I can show it to the world. I've named it cl-couchdb, and it should be
distinguished from the other couchdb client library, clouchdb. I would
be very happy if you guys could comment on it. (Even if you don't know
Lisp, you can still make valuable comments about the interface).

The project is very young, so it doesn't even have a webpage.

To get it, just type
    darcs get

To install it you have to put symlinks to the .asd files in some place
where ASDF can see them and configure CouchDB (see below).

It consists of three main components:

* a couchdb client
* a couchdb view server
* a simple object layer (in fact a thin wrapper over json
objects/association lists)


Allows to make requests to the running CouchDB server. The main entry
points are `r' and `r*'. `r' is a macro for doing comfortably requests
from the REPL, `r*' is the functional interface to `r'.

Some examples:

COUCHDB-CLIENT> (r :get (blog "150fedd5d14f0771eb5e44d071a1df5d")) ;a
GET request to http://localhost:5984/blog/150fedd5d14f0771eb5e44d071a1df5d

((:_ID . "150fedd5d14f0771eb5e44d071a1df5d") (:_REV . "253381451")
 (:AUTHOR . "foo") (:BODY . "Zażółć") (:POST . "third") (:TYPE . "comment")
 (:N . 66))

COUCHDB-CLIENT> (r :get (blog _all_docs :count 2)) ; GET

((:TOTAL-ROWS . 48) (:OFFSET . 0)
  ((:ID . "06672346ffc093ce68a07692a5f12db5")
   (:KEY . "06672346ffc093ce68a07692a5f12db5") (:VALUE (:REV . "3441371051")))
  ((:ID . "14328cab564dfec5eac0ff0a44d2083d")
   (:KEY . "14328cab564dfec5eac0ff0a44d2083d") (:VALUE (:REV . "1258191009")))))

As you can see, r (and r*) return lisp objects (alists) and take lisp
objects, which are translated to JSON without bothering the programmer
(of course, there's a lower level interface if you prefer to do the
json things yourself).

An important utility function is `@'. This allows you to access data
stored in alists (this is what json objects get translated into) in
the JavaScript dot style. For example,

(@ doc :friend :id) is equivalent to js "".


This is a view-server implementation. It supports mapreduce and should
be also able to deal with a rereduce.

As you may know, a lisp image is rather heavy, so you shouldn't be
starting every now and then. This means that I had to take a slightly
different approach to allow communicating CouchDB with lisp. A lisp
image that has started a view-server will be listening to port 5477.
So, you need to put something like "common-lisp=/usr/bin/socat -
TCP4:localhost:5477" to the "[Couch Query Servers]" section of your
couch.ini (you can substitute socat for any program that will allow a
socket open on port 5477 look like a program with standard input and
standard output).

This approach has some advantages, however. First of all, you can use
all the goodness a running lisp image provides, specially its loaded
libraries. This allows for example to have an SQLite db in memory and
use it in views to calculate stuff that otherwise would very difficult
to do in CouchDB. Second, views can make requests to the couchdb
server itself (though I am not sure this is always a good idea).
Finally, views are compiled (even ad hoc views) instead of being
interpreted, and for named views CouchDB sends just the symbols naming
the functions to call rather than the source.

COUCHDB-SERVER> (open-server ) ; we need to be able to speak with
couchdb through http

COUCHDB-SERVER> (start-view-server)
#<view-server :host "" :port 5477>

COUCHDB-SERVER> (defdesign test
		    ((by-author-type :map (doc)
				     (emit (list (@ doc :author) (@ doc :type)) doc)))
		  (:documentation "A test view.")
		  (:sync blog))
#<design-document :name TEST :revision NIL :views (#<view
:reduce NIL>)>

This creates a design document "test" with one view: by-author-type,
and saves it automatically to the database "blog" (it assumes that a
server is already running).

Now, you can easily query this view:

COUCHDB-SERVER> (query-view 'by-author-type :startkey '("foobar")
:endkey '("foobar" #()))

(((:ID . "first") (:KEY "foobar" "blogPost")
  (:VALUE (:_ID . "first") (:_REV . "2718626630") (:AUTHOR . "foobar")
   (:BODY . "Zażółć gęślą jaźń") (:TYPE . "blogPost") (:N . 5)))
 ((:ID . "fourth") (:KEY "foobar" "blogPost")
  (:VALUE (:_ID . "fourth") (:_REV . "2695588251") (:AUTHOR . "foobar")
   (:BODY . "Zażółć gęślą jaźń") (:TYPE . "blogPost") (:N . 8)))
 ((:ID . "second") (:KEY "foobar" "blogPost")
  (:VALUE (:_ID . "second") (:_REV . "230136489") (:AUTHOR . "foobar")
   (:BODY . "Zażółć gęślą jaźń") (:TYPE . "blogPost") (:N . 6)))
 ((:ID . "third") (:KEY "foobar" "blogPost")
  (:VALUE (:_ID . "third") (:_REV . "2453743212") (:AUTHOR . "foobar")
   (:BODY . "Zażółć gęślą jaźń") (:TYPE . "blogPost") (:N . 7))))

It is also easy to query an ad-hoc view using `query':

COUCHDB-SERVER> (query 'blog '(lambda (doc) (emit (@ doc :author) (@
doc :body))) :count 2)
(((:ID . "06672346ffc093ce68a07692a5f12db5") (:KEY . "foo")
  (:VALUE . "Zażółć"))
 ((:ID . "146238e235f0cc36661ce82c909044be") (:KEY . "foo")
  (:VALUE . "Zażółć")))


The objects (which are called `docs') are in fact a thin layer over
alists. Specifically, you can call `@' on docs to get the value of an
attribute, exactly as you would do with an alist. CouchDB doesn't
check in any way how the documents we put in it look like, so it
seemed a good idea to have some way of checking a document is valid
before sending it to the database. This is why I introduced the
concept of validators.

To define a doc class, use defdoc (which is similar to defclass). For example:

COUCHDB-OBJECTS> (defdoc blog-post
		     ((:author :validator #'stringp)
		      (:title :validator #'stringp)
		      (:_id :initform (lambda (doc) (url-encode (@ doc :title))))
		      (:body :validator #'stringp))
		   (:default-db 'blog))


The validators are one argument functions taking the value of an
attribute (something like a slot, but identified by a keyword) and
returns true if it is valid. The initform may be either a normal lisp
value or a one argument function, which is called on the object itself
after setting other attributes.

COUCHDB-OBJECTS> (make 'blog-post :author "Kuba" :title "O czym dziś
napisać" :body "Foo")

#<doc(NIL) :_ID "o_czym_dzis_napisac" :BODY "Foo" :TITLE "O czym dziś
napisać" :AUTHOR "Kuba" :TYPE "BLOG-POST">

COUCHDB-OBJECTS> (let ((doc (make 'blog-post :author "Kuba" :title "O
czym dziś napisać" :body "Foo")))
		   (@ doc :title))

"O czym dziś napisać"

We can call make-and-save to create a document and save it in the database:

COUCHDB-OBJECTS> (make-and-save 'blog-post :author "Kuba" :title
"Zażółć gęślą jaźń" :body "foobar") ;we'll get the rev in return


Notice that if the object is invalid, it won't be saved:

COUCHDB-OBJECTS> (make-and-save 'blog-post :author "Kuba" :title
"Zażółć gęślą jaźń")
The document #<doc(NIL) :_ID "zazolc_gesla_jazn" :TITLE "Zażółć gęślą
jaźń" :AUTHOR "Kuba" :TYPE "BLOG-POST"> is invalid. Reason: attribute
		      :BODY with value NIL didn't validate using #<FUNCTION STRINGP>
   [Condition of type VALIDATOR-FAILED]


    -- Richard

Re: new common lisp couchdb library

Posted by Ryszard Szopa <>.
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Noah Slater <> wrote:

> This is great, and you have provided a fantastic amount of documentation!
> Could you be so kind as to add a new page to the CouchDB Wiki:

I've put it to I changed the
name to cl-couch from because I found that there existed yet another
couchdb Common Lisp library (just a client) which had already taken
the name cl-couchdb...


    -- Richard


Re: new common lisp couchdb library

Posted by Noah Slater <>.
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 03:28:51PM +0200, Ryszard Szopa wrote:
> As I have said before, I've been working on a CouchDB library for
> Common Lisp. It is not complete, but I think it has reached the point
> I can show it to the world.

This is great, and you have provided a fantastic amount of documentation!

Could you be so kind as to add a new page to the CouchDB Wiki:


Noah Slater - The Apache Software Foundation <>