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Posted to by James Mindrup <> on 2010/07/14 15:53:16 UTC


We've been successfully using ant scripts with svnAnt tasks to check out/compile code from a subversion repository in a windows xp environment.  We recently got new machines with windows 7 operating system and now when i try to run the ant build script I get the following error:  Cannot use javahl nor command line svn client...  
I think this error has something to do specifically with the usage of svnAnt task(s) within our ant scripts.  If I remove all svnAnt tasks from the ant script, the script runs fine.  Also, I can run svn commands (commit, for example) from command line and things work fine.
Does this have anything to do with windows 7 operating system?  My environment vars ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set and the following svnAnt .jars are in the lib directory of the ant installation:
Does anyone have any ideas as to why the ant script is failing when trying to execute an svn task such as checking out a project from the subversion repository?  The code from the ant script that is failing is:
<svn javahl="false">
                  <checkout url="${subversion.repository}/${}/${}/${}"     destpath="${checkout.home}"