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Posted to by Lawrence Mandel <> on 2006/08/01 18:32:25 UTC

Minutes of the Woden Status Telecon, 2006-08-01

Attendees: Lawrence Mandel, John Kaputin, Jeremy Hughes, Graham Turrell, 
Gilbert Pilz, Oshani Seneviratne


1. Open Action Items - Lawrence Mandel 

2006-07-18 - John will post to the dev list to solicit feedback from the 
Woden team about the M6 date.
John: I posted to the list [1]. There's quite a bit of content in the 
milestone plan plus Jiras and feedback from the interop event. I'd like to 
get a feel for what we can achieve and by when.


2. M6 Status - Lawrence Mandel

We discussed scheduling M6 for the Sept time frame. Will this work for the 
Woden team and adopters?

Some major work items for M6:
StAX parser
URI resolver

John: Is there an axis requirement to have a Woden release in Aug vs Sept?
Oshani: Not that I know of.
John: Sounds like Sept will work. I'll take the lead on putting the M6 
plan together.
[action] John will put together a tentative M6 plan.

3.Development Discussion - All

John: Lawrence, can you give us a bit of an overview of what the URI 
resolver and XML catalog should do?
Lawrence: The URI resolver should be a simple framework. Whenever a 
resource is needed by Woden it should be retrieved by requesting it from 
the URI resolution framework. The framework by default may just go to the 
internet. We should also create an XML catalog resolver that can be 
plugged into the framework. We will need to decide whether this should be 
the default or simply available for clients to use. The point of the 
framework is not that it is an XML catalog but that resolution can take 
place with an XML catalog. For the Ant task we will want to integrate the 
Ant XML catalog vs writing our own. 
Jeremy: Do we need to do anything special with caching?
Lawrence: No. Caching should be left up to individual resolvers to 
implement. For example, an XML catalog is simple a cache of schemas and 
other XML resources that are retrieved manually and placed locally. In 
Eclipse we have a separate URI resolution framework that implements its 
own caching strategy which we will want to plug into Woden.

Jeremy: I've noticed there's lots of common code between the DOM and StAX 
parser. Can we make any of it common?
Oshani: I haven't found a good way to refactor parseDescription. Any 
John: BaseWSDLReader doesn't have any parse methods yet. We may be able to 
refactor some of the code into this base class.

John: I opened Woden-47 for an usability issue that was raised at 
ApacheCon. Please comment.

Jeremy: I opened a Jira to move the Woden trunk from java to trunk/java. 
This was something we discussed before the interop event. We need to hold 
a vote so this can proceed.
[action] Jeremy will post a vote to the list about moving the trunk 

4. Other Business - Open 

John: The W3C WSDL 2.0 test suite needs to be completed. This will require 
contributions from Woden. I've posted to the mailing list with more 
Lawrence: Contributing can be a simple as donating WSDL docs you use for 
testing to the W3C WSDL 2.0 working group via their mailing list.
Jeremy: Is there test metadata that contains the files to validate and 
violated assertions?
Lawrence: Yes. That was recently added.
Jeremy: I recently worked on something similar for schema test suites. 
This may be useful for Woden as well.


Lawrence Mandel