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Posted to by hezjing <> on 2008/11/07 17:14:12 UTC

Creating WAR by referring to pathelement?


I have defined the following paths,

  <path id="compile.class.path">
    <pathelement path="X.jar" />

  <path id="runtime.class.path">
    <pathelement path="Y.jar" />

Both of the above compile and runtime JARs are bundled in a WAR like this,

    <war destfile="my.war" webxml="web.xml">
      <lib file="X.jar" />
      <lib file="Y.jar" />

Do you have any idea of how should I simply this, so that the WAR task is
able to retrieve the files specified by compile.class.path and
Instead of me typing the same JARs in different places?



AW: Creating WAR by referring to pathelement?

Posted by
>  <path id="compile.class.path">
>    <pathelement path="X.jar" />
>  </path>
>  <path id="runtime.class.path">
>    <pathelement path="Y.jar" />
>  </path>
>    <war destfile="my.war" webxml="web.xml">
>      <lib file="X.jar" />
>      <lib file="Y.jar" />
>    </war>

<web><lib> is a <zipfileset> therefore referencing a <path> wouldnt work
I think.
	<war><lib refid="compile.classpath"/><lib

But referencing another <fileset> should work.
  <path id="compile.class.path">
    <fileset id="fs.compile.libs" dir="." includes="X.jar" />
  <path id="runtime.class.path">
    <fileset id="fs.rt.libs" dir="." includes="Y.jar" />
  <war destfile="my.war" webxml="web.xml">
      <lib refid="fs.compile.libs" />
      <lib refid="fs.rt.libs" />
But because of the use of fileset the referenced libraries have to have
the same base 
directory. (Or you must specify a fileset for each base directory.)


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